rougerosei0 · 2 years
Iris Van Herpen, Fall 2022 coature
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Future oriented, inspired by post-humanism, metaverse, futurism and hyperreality.
Inspired also by Ovid's Metamorphoses, especially by the 3 poems of Daphne, Arachne and Narcissus.
Collection consists of 16 physical looks and 3 digital ones.
Made as mark for her 15th anniversary in the fashion industry. She considered doing a retrospective into her career but quickly threw the idea away as her whole thing is looking forward and not back.
All of the 3 poems come from Greek mythology
Daphne - nymph and daughter of god of rivers. Apollo and Eros got into fight, to spite Apollo Eros shot arrow which made Apollo fall in love with Daphne. Daphne tried to run away but Apollo was persistent. Daphne ended up begging the goddess Gaia to turn her into a laurel tree which which happened. In art Daphne is often shown transforming into the tree, through out the fashion show there's a sculpture of Daphne transforming.
Arachne - skilled weaver which challenged Athena. They had competition to weave a tapestry, Athena was angry at how good Arachne was and tore Arachne'a tapestry. Arachne, being disappointed, hanged herself. Athena felt sorry and loosened the loose thus making it look like a cobweb, Arachne changed herself into a spider.
A lot of the designs are cobweb-like and made out of some form of silk, thus taking inspiration from the myth.
Narcissus - young shy man, but very beautiful that even nymphs wanted him. But soon they got annoyed by his selfishness and asked the goddesses Aphrodite and Nemesis to punish him. The nymph Écho fell in love with him and tried to persue him but he was ignoring her as he was too obsessed with himself. That angered the gods and they punished him. One day Narcissus was looking at his reflection in the river, he fell into the river and drowned. At the place of his death a flower narcis bloomed, since then the flower has been associated with death.
Personally I don't see any relation with this myth. The only thing I can think of is that future = selfishness and narcissism, but I'm really not sure & it might be a reach.
I included my favorite pieces from the show but I recommend you look at the rest as they're amazing♡
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