pendwelling · 8 months
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save me from the fires of hell.
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parnelbedlam · 4 years
12th century England and the Wayhaven Chronicles
Let me preface this with I am not trying to bash Sera’s work in anyway. I am a fan of the Wayhaven chronicles and don’t want this post to be seen in the wrong light. I love seeing fanart and writings of the text and in no way mean to hurt anyone with this post, rather I’d like to help inform on this particular area.
I understand that this work is fiction, that it isn’t reality but does seem to reflect our world just with a hidden supernatural spin. As such it stands to reason that the 12th century in Wayhaven is the same as in the real world (or at least closely resembling). But because it is fiction it doesn’t have to conform to reality and thus this may all be moot.
If you’d like to learn a bit more about 12th century England please read on if not just ignore this post.
(any pictures used that are not credited are taken from the Historia Normannis re-enactment group)
So straight off the bat, regarding Adam/Ava and the 12th century there are some things about them that simply don’t fit the period.
Now to understand why I care about a few small details; I have been a 12th century re-enactor in England for the past 6 years (and a multi- period re-enactor for around 8) . As such while there is definitely much more I can learn I do have a fairly good grasp of the early Norman period (in England as least). My group aims to portray Norman life in England from peasants to Nobles and I’m heavily involved in the drapery.
1. Adam/Ava’s name is slightly off
So ‘du’ means ‘of’ in French but here’s where every English school lies to their students; The Normans aren’t French. Rather they’re Vikings who were given land by the French. Anyway with that bit of history out of the way the connective used for names by the Normans in England at this time isn’t Du but De so De Lacey, De La Ware ect.
Fun fact; Adam/Ava would have had several ways you could refer to them as last names weren’t what they are now as such they would have been refered to as Adam De Mortain, Adam Fitz[insert father’s name here] (Fitz mean son of) or Ava of (wherever they lived in England).
From what I understand Adam isn’t the most popular name in the 12th century, he’s much more likely to be named William, Stephen, Henry, Steven, Robert or Richard (note how many kings and royalty of the time have those names). Adam become more popular as a name around the 13th cen but this is something I would have to look more into to properly comment on so take it with a pinch of salt.
Ava is fine I think? Ada works as an alternative that’s the name I use on encampment. Some popular ones of the period are Matilda, Eleanor, Margaret, Isolda is another (Emperess Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine are some incredible women who do not get enough credit in history)
The doomsday book is an excellent source for understanding names in England at the time (it’s basically a survay of England and a portion of Wales ordered by William the Conqueror a couple of decades after he became king).
2. Gender Roles in Norman society
Norman society had gender roles, it just did. Less so for peasants (some crafts were seen as more a man’s domain or a woman’s but that’s about it, didn’t see many men embroidering and women doing blacksmithing) but very clear ones for nobles.
Noble women basically ran the estate, they had the keys for the coffers, the doors and handled the money. Their power and status was signified by a large ring of keys they would wear on their belt with the only other person having this being a steward. After all if you have lots of keys and those keys are made of say brass which is more expensive then cast iron you must have a pretty big estate and wealth.
Men in contrast showed this with a sword at their belt. Contrary to media swords were not something anyone had access to in the middle ages, they were expensive (think luxury sports car) and only really good for killing people. You can’t really use it to cut your bread or skin a rabbit, if you did have some extra money for wargear you would buy a helmet or some armour before you bought a sword. Even most mercenaries didn’t use swords, it was symbol of wealth.
Noble men were taught from an early age how to fight and were squired to knights to learn the ways of warfare (they didn’t just learn how to fight but it was a large part of their education).
Women didn’t fight on the battlefield at all, knight Ava would not have been a thing. Women did occassionally command armies such as if their castle was being besieged but they didn’t fight as knights. I know this was done so that there weren’t any differences between the characters of Adam or Ava but in reality it wouldn’t be a thing.
Some of the things both were taught though was horse riding and hunting, as well as poetry and music. There were pleanty of noble men who were troubadour and women who were trobairitz (travelling musicians/composers, not quite like how bards are portrayed as today).
3. Battlefield Etiquette and armour
Knights don’t kill other knights they took them hostage. This was because a dead knight was worth what he was wearing but an alive knight could be ransomed back to his family for much more. As such it was seen poorly if you did murder a knight when you could have taken them ransom (most knights would surrender if they felt they were in danger, people aren’t stupid).
Plate did not exist in the 12th century, what was worn was maille (or chain maille except maille means chain so it was just called maille). This is more so what Adam would be wearing;
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What he’s wearing is a badded gambison under the armour to protect against blunt blows (like from a mace) while on top of that he has maille to protect against slashes (he’s also got his cloth undergarments underneath is all). The cloth on top is a surcoat and would be of your heraldry or your lords heraldry and basically signified to everyone else that you were a knight (so difficult to kill and very good at killing).
Underneath the helmet the maille overs his head and neck (called a coif) and then under that he has a padded arming cap. As such it’s a little difficult to wip your helmet off movie style and you’re face would be covered in oil and sweat, hair sticking to your head. Maille is really good at pulling hair out so you would always have something underneath it (ealier periods, like the vikings, who didn’t wear gambisons wore their tunic underneath).
4. Fashion
This is more just to give an idea of what fashion in the 12th century was like. Media tends to portray the medieval period incorrectly, as dirty and dull and with random bits of fur and leather strapped to people (really Vikings tv show? fur on the outside of your cloak to get wet?)
Much to the opposite, people in the medieval period were clean (they washed) they didn’t just leave dirt on themselves and given peasants didn’t have too much money they kept very good care of their clothing as they couldn’t just get another one everytime they ripped their dress or tunic (or buy the fabric to make another).
Bright coloured clothing was also very popular, it’s harder to dye clothing a bright or deep colour and some colours (purple and black) could only be achieved through using rare dyes. So if you had a bright dress it showed you had more money. Norman’s weren’t so big on jewellry so they showed wealth through their clothing; the colour, the embroidery, the quality of fabric and if it had excess fabric.
So lets start with Ava.
I’m going to assume that Adam/Ava’s family were upper nobility so had a fair bit of wealth behind them.
Firstly woman’s heads were covered, it was seen as immodist for a woman of age to show her ears (only harlots do that). Mostly what was worn was a wimple which is basically a linen head scalf like so;
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But Ava is a noble so she has some other options open to her such as a veil (similar to wimple but flows down the back of the person) or the risque barbette which was very fashionable among the upper nobility.
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(maniacal medievalist - wordpress)
Dresses covered the body and just barely touch the floor, low neck lines aren’t in yet so the only skin a woman would be showing is her hands and face (and neck if veil or barbette). You wouldn’t really be able to see her collar bones as that is about where the neckline of the shift and dress are.
Dresses were tight fitting and were worn with a shift underneath (made of linen and basically under garments), Normans (with more money) would dye the shift either white or a contrasting colour. The neck hem and wrists of the dress were often embroidered (if you were very rich you could embroider it with prescious stones and metal thread)
Noble women would often have long impractical sleeves that were embroidered and had a contrasting colour inside to show off their wealth (less wealth smaller bell sleeves). (If say hunting, tight fitted sleeves were recommended, bell sleeves are really impractical for doing anything)
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Next we have Adam.
Men’s fashion in the 12th century was similar to women, they wore long tunics (longer the richer you were) with a linen shift underneath, they also wore linen braise (basically underwear) with tight fitting woolen hose (basically stocking). It was the fashion to show off your calves.
Men’s clothing was also embroidered and they wore hats or linen coifs on their heads (it’s only really recently in history where it has become the norm not to wear a hat). The neckline would also be about around the collar bones.
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Also quick side notes; cloaks don’t have hoods, hoods are a separate piece of clothing that cover the shoulders
Rings aren’t popular yet, you’ll see much more metal studs on belts or precious stones on clock pins then you’ll see rings. Cross necklaces for men are common, rosaries on the belt for women (richer women would have precious stones on the rosary).
If you’ve gotten this far thank you for reading this, I do appriciate it. This post was made because while I love Adam/Ava and seeing fanart of Ava as a knight, but as a 12th century re-enactor the inaccuracies grated on me (something that plagues many re-enactors who care about authenticity in media, aka the Vikings and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are horrible representation of what the vikings looked like please stop media).
I hope this post has been informative of the 12th century, it’s one of the lesser known periods of the medieval age and there’s a lot of misinformation about it. As stated at the top this post is purely to help inform about the period and is in now way meant as an attack on the work, Sera or others.
I hope you have a good day.
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hurlumerlu · 4 years
sending you some affectionate asks before going to bed: washing each other's hair, sharing food, offering little trinkets
washing each other’s hair :
Hair care really is a Vax thing for me, his habit of playing hairdresser for the party is maybe the thing I like most about him because it’s such a natural, unguarded thing for him ? (and also, yes, because it is traditionnally seen as feminine but at no point is it highlighted as “oh look he’s a MAN who’s not AFRAID of his FEMININE SIDE”, it’s just about physical connection and taking care of people and I love it). So just. Vax having a habit of helping people wash their hair after gory battles and one day Keyleth just say “I’ll do it for you” and he leans against her, bracketed by her legs, and closes his eyes. (but also he loves washing her hair, he does it all the time)
Sharing food :
Sharing food isn’t a super romantic thing for me, it’s more of, idk, a pack thing ? Etymology only go so far but, really, I think about breaking bread, and then I think “copain” and of all the people I shared my food with in my life and those who shared it with me and it really isn’t about romantic love and more about how we are social beings, all of us ? So all this to say I thought about the Mighty Nein welcoming Vilya at their table, and Vox Machina’s breakfasts in Scanlan’s mansion and all the feasts in the Redwall books, but I was having a hard time thinking about a pairing. And when I finally thought of a ship it was of Esca/Marcus/Cottia from The Eagle of the Ninth sharing a handfull of wild berries Esca and Cottia picked in the woods, running around with Cub, or them all sharing the evening meal at their farm, and it’s less about love and more about your relationship to the land and the reminder that Marcus was part of a colonizing army and how the four of them are together now, for better or for worse, and the fragile equilibrium of that.
Offering little trinkets :
During one DA2 playthrough I equiped Merrill with a Rivaini Seer Brand and Izzy with the Carved Ring of the Vhenadahl and I was suddendly striked with the certainty that they had exchanged rings and that’s how my “Merrill and Isabela are constantly offering each other little trinkets” headcanon was born. Merrill’s gifts are less costly, rocks with funny shapes, pressed flowers, lots of driftwood, seashells and shards of glass polished by the sea, but she does carve jewellry too. It’s not really Isabela’s style, but she loves it. Isabela’s gifts are often rather precious things (not that she pays for them) : it’s a good thing that everyone in the alienage knows that the exiled Dalish is Not To Be Robbed, and that everyone else in Kirkwall mostly doesn’t know she exists. Merrill is amazed that someone could think she deserves those pricy, fandcy things that were obviously made with a confident woman with an air of authority in mind. Isabela just. Cannot deal with the idea that someone took the time to make things for her ? They’re both immensly pleased. But also offering trinkets is just really a DA2 thing for me because of Izzy and Fenris wearing Hawke’s favor if romanced which ! ngl ! kinda kills me ! and you know Hawke just like to give gifts, even if they’re often clueless in their choices.
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hunzabazar · 4 years
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The Use Of Malachite In Jewelry
Malachite is a semi-precious stone that is primarily sourced from copper ore deposits. Though softer than most gemstones, it is often set in jewelry due to its attractive green hue and striking vein patterns. Malachite was first used by the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks to adorn the body. It was believed to protect wearers from the dangers of the evil eye. Evidence exists of its usage as far back as 4000 BC.
Malachite has become quite rare, with new stocks not entering the market so often. The primary deposits were believed to be in the Ural Mountains in Russia, but these have now been seriously depleted. The most famous specimens are perhaps those found in the Winter Palace of the old Russian Tzars. This magnificent building features a room which has been entirely decorated with malachite, including columns, vases, trimming, and pilasters.
Today, most malachite is sourced from Australia, Chile, and Zaire, with smaller deposits found in Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Israel, France, the US, and the UK. As with all gemstones, quality does vary, those specimens with the most color variations usually command the highest price. When buying malachite, or jewelry that features this stone, it is important to be aware of current market rates. The country of origin does impact on price.
The most beautiful and expensive examples of this mineral are typically those that feature combinations with other gemstones. For example, there are deposits of malachite that are embedded with azurite, chrysocolla, and cuprite. The finishing is also a factor which impacts on the beauty and price, as does size and shape.
Due to its softness, malachite is more fragile than other gemstones. When buying pendants and necklaces that feature this stone, it is important to protect from sharp blows and scratches. A resin can be applied to minimize the risk of damage. To preserve the stone's luster, large temperature ranges should be avoided. What's more, chemical based cleaners should be avoided. When setting or repairing malachite jewelry, be wary of using excessive heat as this can also result in damage.
If planning to purchase wholesale jewelry that features malachite, it is important to know that the stones are authentic. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to identify the real stones from cheap imitations. Malachite remains popular today with people from all walks of life. It's relatively low price and innate beauty make it one of the most interesting gemstones that is used in jewelry.
If You Interested to Read More Benefits of Malachite Stone or You want to Buy Online Malachite Stone, Please Visit Hunza Bazar Online Shopping Store. Hunza Bazar sells all the traditional products of Hunza Valley, Gilgit Pakistan Like Dry Fruits, Hunza Handmade Products, Gilgit Salajeet, Gemstones, and Much More at very Cheap Prices with FREE Home Delivery.
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ornatejewelsin-blog · 5 years
Traditional & Fashion Earrings Trend For 2020 #The_Fusion
In Today’s time, the Jewellery industries are more accomodating of fashionable and unique styles. Its because the jewellery designers love to do experimentation and that people love to wear these modern traditional fusion jewellery. A perfect designed jewellry not only compliments your dressing but also compliments your overall look. That’s why the jewels creators love to create fusion jewellery which comprises of fashion and traditional jewellery.
India is the best example where you will find various designs and style of ornaments. The people from India have a diverse style and type of jewellery which they wore in various occasion and events. And if we talk about the earrings, well there is no end! From traditional silver Jhumkas to modern or contemporary American diamond earrings you will find every time something new in the earrings store!
For the jewellery fashion industry, 2020 is the year of edgy and flawless ornaments that make a statement. Talking about contemporary jewellery undoubtedly they rule the market from the last few years. But in the current year, the fashion industry is more focused on modern and traditional Indian jewellery. In this article, we are suggesting the top four traditional and fashion evergreen earrings which will never go out of fashion. So let’s take a look over these suggested earrings:-
Silver Jhumkas -
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The Jhumkas are the traditional ornament which is also known as the “jhumkis”. These are in vogue since 100 of years. These jhumkas comes up with different settings and patterns. From round shaped minakari worked jhumkas to a straight pattern silk thread worked jhumka or even a rectangular-shaped dangling pearl earring, you will find varieties of pattern and design in it. The best part about these is that you will find these silver jhumkas in different elements so that you can style them with any colour dress.  
Hoops -
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Hoops are the evergreen earrings which will never go out of fashion. From the late 80s to this period hoops have made their statement. These hoops have come up- in different designs and patterns as well as the metals. From gemstone studded hoop earrings to bamboo pattern hoop earrings you will find varieties in it.
Danglers -
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From the 17th century to 21st-century danglers have made their existence among the jewellery word. In beginning these are made long and heavy in shape but as time passes designers have made these earrings lighter in weight and longer in length. You will find these earrings in different elements and patterns so that you can style them anytime with any dress.  
American Diamond Earrings -
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We all know the worth of a diamond ring or an earring. As diamond is one of the most precious gemstones of all and they are costly too. But if your pocket doesn’t allow you to buy this precious gemstone made earrings then you can go for the American diamond earrings. The American diamonds are the best alternate of the real diamonds. You can find various these earrings in different metals and different designs and patterns too.
So, we hope you will find our article helpful and if you are planning to buy these jewellery pieces then you can rely on “Ornatejewels”.
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renatarenata-blog1 · 7 years
Each season new beads
The money necessary for the bracelets and the charms varies pandora bracelets clearance greatly, and depends a lot on the type of material the bracelet or charm created from from. The main materials used are Sterling silver, Oxidised Sterling Silver or 14ct Gold. Beads are designed from sterling silver; Murano magnifying glaas beads, or a mix of Silver with gold. Some drops also include precious jewels. Whatever the choice, there is something suitable for everyone's pocket--again, something that makes them quite a popular gift. Each season new beads are released on the market, while older beads are 'retired' and shall no longer be made. The design in the beads is unlimited, there is just about everything you can think of starting from designs taken from dynamics, to household appliances, consumer electronics, baby buggies, happy fronts, cell-phones. You name the idea, there is most probably a bead, or at least something close to what you're thinking of. The spring and coil 2009 release of Pandora expensive jewelry, due pandora charms sale clearance to be released in the near future, include silver purses, pets and decorative beads. Another possibility is a new release of colorful Murano glass in conjunction with four new styles regarding gold beads. Tips on The right way to Keep your Pandora Charms Clean Use a polishing cloth that's made for polishing silver. It's best to unclutter your bracelet before a person put it on, when you take it down. Liquid jewelry cleaner is known to damage many of the Pandora beads, so it's best not to use it. The best place that will store your Pandora bracelets come in a plastic bag. Spot ? tell if your Pandora necklaces are real? Most Pandora Charms are marked with all the letters ALE and possibly 925ss for silver, as well as 585 for gold objects. This jeweler's hallmark is normally placed on the charm itself, or marked for a small attachment to the bracelet. To be sure you're investing in a genuine Pandora charm, its best to obtain from authorised dealers. Susan Westingham regularly reviews fashion and jewellry styles, pandora charm birthstones and provides up-to-date insight on market issues. Please read more that she's written on the theme of Pandora charms troll beads, and the history involving charm bracelets. If you're at all enthusiastic about Pandora Charm jewelry you will be aware that the charms themselves fit into different categories. The classes include animal charms; drink and food related charms; alphabet bracelets; they have a complete couple of birthstone charms; over 55 different flower charms; holiday charms and love charms to call but a few. A number of the charms actually fit straight into two categories and there exists some overlapping. For illustration, the birthday cake charm could go with the holiday subset and the food and drink subset. Within each set you will find charms made from a pandora clearance sale variety of material. Common metals as used by Pandora are Sterling Silver, and 14 carat gold. They also use teeth enamel and murano glass for their beads. Both precious and semi-precious stones can also be used. The more expensive charms naturally are the gold charms with stone set jewels. An example of this type of charm is the antique watches "Puffy Heart Charm" inset using a diamond. They also make exactly the same bead available, for some sort of cheaper price, with inset Dark red or Sapphire, and a straight cheaper version made from Sterling silver inlaid with a Zirconia. That way, if you like an individual charm but can't afford the best expensive version of it, there's always something else to select from that is within your own budget. The Pandora holiday charms will also be very popular at provide.
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