xxhappy-chickenxx · 8 months
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darknessawaitsyou · 3 years
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a couple of days so I figured that I should get rid of it. Besides the Razor x Bennett brain rot is really getting to me. I hope you enjoy this!! (I also have a Ganyu x Keqing story coming maybe tomorrow or the day after so stay in tune for that too! only if you want ofc)
A/N: this turned out long. I just love themmmm <3 i put it under the cut <33333
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Summary: Razor misses his family. Bennett conveniently finds a way to cheer him up. Nothing could go wrong... could it?
“razor, wake up..!” the young wolf-raised boy stirred from his slumber, squinting his eyes as they slowly opened to see the bright moon through the tent that was somehow not destroyed. the shadow of his best friend and adventure companion lingered over him, the expression on his face mixed with a slight worrisome look.
“what wrong? .. are monsters nearby? razor fight!” the other immediately sat up, sniffing the air to see if there was any scent of the hilichurls that liked to linger around after dark - but strangely there was nothing. nothing but the sweet smell of flowers and the chilly winds.
“no, no. nothing like that, razor. we’re completely fine. you fell asleep a couple of minutes ago, remember?” razor cocked his head - if there were no monsters, then what was the point of waking him up? “..was bennett .. lonely? is that why you wake me up?”
bennett chuckled, shaking his head. “you .. seemed like you were having a nightmare. you were kicking in your sleep, and your eyes starting watering a little bit.. is there something bothering you?” the wolvendom resident shifted slightly, his eyes narrowing before returning to their normal shape.
“..well, if razor honest, yes. i.. never been away from family so long. i miss family. i sometimes have nightmare..” razor turned his head toward the ground, his mouth a straight line. “b-but lupical keep me company! you.. are only family i need. so nightmare not that bad!” bennett’s face shined, a small smile growing on his face. but there had to be something that he could do to help him with this problem.
then bennett got an idea: since razor was raised by wolves, then he must be sort of like a dog! .. the idea was a little far fetched, admittedly, but since it was in his head, he couldn’t exactly not do it. “i have an idea on how to get rid of your nightmares. lay down in my lap, okay?”
razor cocked his head - how was sitting in his lap going to help him with his problem? of course, he was a little curious. and most importantly, he trusted him. he was his lupical. his family, his best friend. so he plopped down in the unlucky boy’s lap, feeling a little relaxed.
“tell me if this makes you uncomfortable, okay?” bennett said, removing the hood of his cloak and setting it down beside of them. razor nodded, a small grunt escaping his lips. his hair was a complete mess but bennett never minded the little stuff. the other started softly rubbing the top of his head, using his fingers to lightly massage through his hair.
razor melted in his touches. the feeling of someone’s fingers in his hair has always been something that he’s liked, although it never usually happened that often. it felt like absolute heaven. but then came another sensation that he didn’t know about. bennett’s fingers drifted behind his ears, giving him a sort of ... shocking sensation.
he choked out a squeak, scrunching up his shoulders. the adventurer’s eyes widened, pulling away immediately. “did i... hurt you? i’m s-so sorry!” the other shook his head, doing his best to reassure him.
“no.. it .. felt tingly. .. can you.. do it.. again?” the gleam in his eye almost looked like a curious child. it was.. amusing to bennett, to say the least. he repeated the same action, just ever so gently brushing behind the boy’s ears - and the reaction that he got from it was absolutely priceless.
razor snorted, shutting his eyes as low giggles threaten to pour out of his mouth. the adventure couldn’t believe his ears. ..it was just.. way too cute to handle. with a bright red face, the other added his other hand, lightly tapping behind his other ear as he watched the wolf boy dissolve into a puddle of laughter.
“whahahat ihihihis.. thihhis?” razor said through high-pitched laughter, falling backwards into bennett. god, he was so lucky that he couldn’t see his face. that would be a situation for another time. he only chuckled, watching the boy squirm in his lap.
“you’re ticklish, razor. you may have been raised by wolves but you are still technically human, so it’s natural that you’d be a little ticklish.”
“t-ti.. c-cklish? thahahahat whahaht mahahake rahahzor lahahugh?” razor understood a little bit. when he touched his ears, he would laugh. but how did that work? and how didn’t he know about it? “mhmm. it works on most people, but sometimes it doesn’t work.”
“hahaha.. huh.. ihihis rahahazor.. tihihi-cklish.. anywhehehere ehehelse?” bennett was somewhat taken back by his question. he never really got to tickle other people since his bad luck always seemed to get him into positions where he was the one getting tickled.
“i don’t know razor. do you.. want to find out?” the other halted his attack on his ears, pursing his lips when the other turned around to look at him. with a bright red face and heavy breaths, the other nodded. “i... like feeling. so.. lupical can ti-ckle razor if he want.” the pronunciation was still a bit off when he said it. had he never even heard of the word, benny wondered to himself.
“okay, only if you want to. lay down for me, alright?” the other nodded, finding himself laying on the ground in a somewhat tense matter. “you don’t have to be so tense. just lay down. and if you want me to stop at anytime, just tell me, alright?”
“mm. razor tell you if it too much.” he said softly, his mouth forming a small smile. honestly, the young adventurer could barely take this situation. he quickly straddled his hips, looking down at the innocent one underneath him. his heart couldn’t take too much more of this.
“here, let’s start with the most basic spots.” the adventure’s fingers found their way around his neck, ever so gently tapping it with the tip of his nails. razor immediately broke, soft little giggles echoing through the area. though he was pinned down, the other could tell that he was trying to limit how much he was moving to make it easier.
“ahaha-! s-sohoho rahahazor.. tihihi-cklihihish hehere too?” razor asked softly, trying to hold back his giggles so that he could ask the question without any interruptions. bennett nodded softly. “yeah, seems you’re pretty ticklish here, ehe. but don’t worry, a lot of people are.”
“ehehehe..!” razor opened his mouth to say something once more but that was the time that the one on top of him decided to switch spots. moving down to his sides, he vibrated his fingers into the soft squishy skin underneath his clothing. since razor wore practically no shirt, tickling him was actually easier than expected.
“bEHEHENETT! hAHAH!” razor jerked up, arching his back as he shut his eyes. benny couldn’t stop from smiling the entire time, occasionally letting out a few cute chuckles. “looks like you’re extremely ticklish here. do you want me to switch places?”
the wolf boy nodded, balling his fists together to keep himself under control. “let’s try your legs. i’m sure since you run all over the place that they’re pretty sensitive too.” the white haired boy turned around, with his back facing the one on the ground. “just tell me if you wanna stop, okay?”
and soon the tickling began again. the adventurer immediately went for his thighs, pinching the skin with two of his fingers. razor’s legs buckled inwards, twitching and kicking with every touch bennett gave. “mmm- mhmhmhm.. ehehehehe..!” the blush on his face grew tenfolds due to how much he was actually laughing.
“this is the most you’ve ever laughed, huh? i’ve only heard slight chuckles out of you. your laugh is cute.” bennett’s face lit up like a tomato after he realized what he said, but he was sure that razor didn’t mind. after all, they were best friends. right?
“behehenett thihihihink rahahazor cuhuhute?” the other asked, cocking his head once more as he leaned upwards to try and take a look at his bright red face.
“shush.” was all he replied, scribbling his fingers gently on the back of his knees. razor kicked his leg out, snorting loudly and falling backwards on to the ground. due to the weight of the unlucky boy, he was unable to twist and turn his lower half as much as he was able to his upper half, and somehow that just made it even worse.
now laughing hysterically, the one on top turned around to see what he looked like. flushed face, sweating profusely, with tears pricking at the corner of his eyes - god, he was so cute. the smile that was stuck on his face could light up the entire city of mondstadt if he wanted to. “hmm.. if your legs are this sensitive, then how are your feet?” he wondered aloud, taking off one of his dark boots and setting it to the side.
it didn’t take long for him to find the answer to that question. the minute he slid his fingers down the sole of his foot, razor shrieked and curled his toes, trying desperately to keep himself from possibly hurting the other. he shook his head frantically, watching his silver hair fly everywhere.
“BEHEHENETT!! TOHOHOO MUHUHUCH!” with those words, bennett stopped his brutal attack on his best friend. the wolf boy huffed, panting heavily from the amount of laughter that just came out from his body. his best friend chuckled as he got off of him, sitting down beside him.
“so, are you feeling okay now?”
razor nodded, grabbing at bennett’s hand and grasping it softly. “yes. razor feels.. happy. thank you... for ti-ckle ..” the wolf boy’s red eyes drooped, noticing how heavy his body felt. so this is what tickling did to him.
“you know, i don’t often get to do that since my luck is so bad. so... i’d like to, uhm, thank you.. for being the first person to let me. you’re really cute when you smile, you know. you should do it more often.” bennett was about to continue on but stopped when he looked over to his best friend.
razor was asleep, still holding on to his hand and smiling softly. “is today my lucky day?” he asked himself aloud, sighing. of course, when he said those words, the power of meteorology that he held came into play. rain started dripping from the sky, but even so, it was okay.
bennett laid beside him, a smile plastered on his face. pressing his forehead up to razor’s, he whispered a few words only he could hear.
“you are my lupical, razor.”
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