dent-de-leon · 1 year
Molly telling Lucien if he kills the Mighty Nein then their blood will be on both their hands...my heart--
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saphirered · 3 years
The Lovers
Spoilers for Campaign 2 Ep141
Man oh man oh man. I've had this one written since the day after the last episode but I've been soooooo hesitant to post it at all 🙈. Anyway... I'm just gonna regardless because it's just sitting there staring at me to either delete or post it 🤭. I hope you enjoy because I'm still so conflicted about his piece of writing 😅. Unless people actually like it I might just end up deleting it after all.
Jester had asked you to come along on another journey of the Nein Heroez. She needed your expertise for something but couldn’t get across what for within the twenty-five word limit. Regardless, the opportunity to see and travel with your friends is not one you’re just going to pass on so of course you happily made your way to Nicodranas. Maybe the ocean would do you some good. It’s been a while after all.
In the first few days of your journey Jester had been keeping a close eye on you, watching your responses and reactions. Specifically your reactions to any and all interactions with a certain lavender tiefling. When she was certain your responses to the tiefling in question were not in any way negative and cordial if not friendly you found yourself being paired with him more often than not. Watch, hoisting the sails or dropping them, food shifts and even at the helm a few times.
You caught an argument between Fjord and Jester a few weeks later. Fjord was defending you and telling Jester she couldn’t just play matchmaker after everything that had happened between the previous inhabiter of Kingsley’s body and you and how it might still be a painful subject of not once but twice being faced with someone that’s not the person you loved and lost.
Jester seeing reason in Fjord’s arguments put aside the love story she’d been trying to unfold with you and the poor tiefling as her main characters. The shifts you shared with Kingsley came to a close and would be no more often than any shifts shared with anyone else on the crew.
One day the Nein Heroez made port to stock up on some supplies after being hit by a storm and running short on food. The crew was given some downtime to enjoy the many pleasures port has to offer but you decided to stay back at the ship. You asked Jester for the cards.
You’re sitting crosslegged on the docks watching the sunset as the crew leaves in groups bidding you goodbye while they go. Once the majority of them have left you take out the cards and begin laying them in certain patterns starting with simple ‘yes/no’s onto the past present future and more complicated readings. You’re not paying attention to any particular results but instead study the drawings fondly.
“You’d call me a sentimental fool.” You snicker as the fool card is revealed in front of you.
“Sentimental? Yes. A fool? I’ve yet to decide.” You turn around at the familiar voice seeing the tails of the black sleeveless coat you’ve grown accustomed to seeing around. You pick up the cards and put them back in their order stacking them.
“Oh really? You’d think a few weeks of being not so inconspicuously paired together on any task possible would give you enough time to form an opinion on that?” You tease beginning a new read.
“Maybe that makes me the fool then.” You can almost hear the smirk in his words.
“Care to find out?” You put down card by card face down. You know how to push for certain results. A trick you’d picked up from your former lover. It feels right to use it against him in a strange twisted way like this. Not really him but close enough.
Kingsley sits down to the side, not trusting you to not push him off the docks if he were to make an offensive (in jest of course) remark. Gathering the cards back up you start over. Time for a bit of fun. You push for the first card setting it down face up in front of him.
“The owl and the bear. Some might say the most deadly combination when put together. Be watchful of the owl’s words or you might find yourself at the ends of the bear’s claws.”
“So it was a good idea to sit on this side and avoid meeting my waterlogged demise.”
“Are you doubting my capabilities, Kingsley?” You smirk and watch the tiefling gulp. You move on to the next card making a show of pulling it from the deck and displaying it.
“Look at that! What did I say. The fool has appeared. The cards have spoken. my fool.” You take a bow as if addressing the most pretentious royalty around limited only by your crosslegged position on the docks. Kingsley can’t help but let out a chuckle at your theatrics.
“The cards have spoken indeed! A fool I must be.” He plays along. You begin picking up the two cards and restack the deck.
“Hey hey hey, isn’t there supposed to be three cards for this one? Not two?” You stop. He’s not wrong technically. You raise an eyebrow at him, fan out the cards and allow him to pull one from the deck as per the variant of this reading, putting the fate in the hands of the drawer. Not really of course. Usually you’d still be able to push for a card for them to draw but for this one you’d leave it up to the divines. You’ve had your fun.
And fun it was until Kingsley kept the card for himself, studying it closely. You were curious to see which one he pulled but you hadn’t exactly paid attention to that like you’d otherwise done. You wait for him to either give it back or tell you what it is but he takes a long time.
“So what is it?” You ask, your curiosity getting the better of you. It still takes a good few seconds before he lowers the card so you can see it too.
“Oh.” Is all you manage to vocalise upon seeing the card. The Lovers. The familiar drawing of a lavender tiefling looking at another figure arm outstretched and love in their eyes. The image of the tiefling reaches for the outstretched hand of the other figure; your figure. You’re staring back at your own face and the expression Mollymauk had claimed to have plenty of visual references for to know he could properly draw you but would always ask for one more just to remind him.
“I’m so sorry.” Kingsley hands the card back to you and you keep staring at it. He stays for a little bit to make sure you’re alright as you’re hit with a whirlwind of emotions. Once he’s sure you’re alright he begins to get up.
“I’ll leave you to the rest of your evening. Someone’s gotta make sure these fools drink just enough and start a brawl or two.” You snap out of it putting the card back into the deck.
“Kingsley. It’s alright. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” The whirlwind subsides and you return back to a peaceful state of mind. You offer the tiefling a kind smile and he halts himself sitting back down still somewhat tense. He opens his mouth to say something but is quick to close it again. There’s a moment of silence between the two of you as you shuffle the cards absentmindedly. You catch onto the conflict and hesitation in Kingsley’s features.
“If there’s something you wish to say please do say it.”
“When you said you loved him… I think it never registered it was anything other than the love the others held for him. Strongly yes but I always assumed it was akin to Yasha’s. Why didn’t you say anything?” Kingsley states piecing things together watching you closely.
“It’s not a burden for you to bear.” You pull the Lovers card back up to the top and study it closely.
“I might not know much but I don’t think being faced with your dead lover’s body inhabited by someone not him doesn’t bother anyone. That’s just cruel.”
“It doesn’t bother me. Not anymore. I’ve grieved Molly when he died. I grieved him again when Lucien returned. I’ve gone through it all and accepted he’s not coming back and that’s okay. Everything comes to an end at some point. I don’t think it’s cruelty. I think everything is as it should be.” You speak honestly stroking your thumb over the card.
“I have so many questions.” Kingsley states. You get it. He woke up one day, recovering from death not knowing who he is or was before that moment beyond emotions and flashes of a past that didn’t feel like his. That’s exactly why you wanted to spare him another previous relation to figure out. Yes it might make things slightly more difficult for you but that’s not his fault. That’s no one’s fault.
“And I believe Beau gave you her notebook so you can read back about your predecessors. But you’re not ready for that yet, are you? That’s okay. Don’t read it until you feel ready.” Kingsley’s head shoots up to look at you. Why do you understand him? Maybe you’re wiser than he gives you credit for but he thinks you’re already pretty wise.
��Expectations. Everyone expected something of me but I didn’t live up to it. I’m not who he used to be and that disappoints people. But from you, you never expected anything from me. Why?” He’s piecing it together bit by bit. You never slipped up. Never asked him to put on a coat that wasn’t his or asked him if he remembered something. You never even asked him if he recalled anything about you or sought to involve yourself in his life without his permission.
“It’s unfair to expect someone to be or become someone they’re not and never will be. You get to be your own person free of the constraints of the past.” The answer is simple. There’s no deceit or doubt. No hidden message or intent behind it.
“How is it you of all people can say that without pain or regret or wishing it were different?” You turn the card back around and put it back in the deck in its place and put the cards away. You take a second before answering trying to formulate a proper answer as Kingsley waits studying every micro expression.
“Bear with me for this one.” You start and he nods. “Lucien was born lonely forced to fend for himself and make friends out of the need to survive. Molly rose from a grave alone and scared. He was taken in by friends but he had to find a home his home with them. He found that home and got kindness and love. You awoke surrounded by friends, no family you didn’t even know but would still love you regardless. No matter what, you’d always have a home with them. You’d be neither alone nor lonely unless you choose to be.” You explain and take breath before you continue.
“You plant random seeds in the ground it’s very unlikely you’re going to receive the same flower twice. The only similarity they have is that they are seeds and will grow as long as they have the right foundations to do so. When I look upon you I see Kingsley Tealeaf, a man that became a sailor after we brought him back from the Astral Sea. There may be similarities, your roots may even be the same but you are not the same. You are separate.”
Kingsley takes in your words very carefully with a sense of understanding and something with in him he couldn't quite pinpoint until now. Acceptance and content. Whatever might have been holding him back before, he’ll have to come to terms with that. That’s the past and if the past comes searching for him one day, so be it. Until then, Kingsley Tealeaf has a life of his own to live and to enjoy. Enjoy all life has to offer, to its fullest and don’t hold back.
Let the sailor become captain of his own ship knowing he has a home and a family that will welcome him with open arms to return to. Let the eight be nine despite the expectations of others. Be free and be happy. Live content.
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everdreamart · 3 years
How I Gravitate Towards You
Rating: Teen and up
Relationship: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widowgast
The Mighty Nein return The Blooming Grove. Essek takes time to think about the events that happened and has a talk with Caleb. Things slowly escalate from there ;)
The grove was beautiful. Vines intertwined and tangled with the colorful blooms dotting the landscape. You would almost forget that this was, infact, a graveyard with the amount of life around it. Essek took a second to breathe in the nature around him. A very welcome change of environment compared to Cognoza.
Sighs and cheers of relief and triumph echoed around him as the Mighty Nein bathed in their newfound victory. The sight warmed his chest. His friends. Now there were actually nine of them.
How ironic. Essek thought to himself with a smile.
The Clays burst out of the moss covered temple and started to bombard the group with hugs. Caduceus was practically beaming with joy to see his family again. Jester rambled on about their adventure as the Clays eagerly rushed them inside. They gave curious glances to the two new members, but decided not to say anything about it at the moment.
Within moments food and tea were being prepared. Fjord asked to help with the cooking but was promptly shut down by Cornelius.
"Look at you all! It looks as if you have been through hell and back! Rest. We will take care of it," he said.
The food was delicious. Reminiscent of Caduceus' cooking from that one night in the Xhorhous. He smiled fondly at the memory. Essek's eyes drifted to each member of the Mighty Nein. How did this even happen?
His thoughts spiraled into an assortment of memories. Cold and alone in his study. Ambition gnawing at him as he struggles to progress in his research. Greed and selfish desire as he traded away his country's livelihood for knowledge. Fear as a bloodied human holds up one of the beacons he stole. Rage at the thought that his so very carefully planned espionage would be ruined by a bunch of sell-swords.
When had this ragtag group worn down his walls? Was it Jester's hugs? Or her consistently chaotic messages? Was it Yasha in her soft silence, or was it Beau in her harsh way of loving? Maybe Caduceus, with his gentle reassuring gestures. Or Veth, with her tough but kind way of showing care. Maybe it was Caleb. A mind that matches so perfectly to his own it was almost unsettling. Intellect sharp and piercing, with a gaze so intense he could melt under its warmth.
Essek found his eyes laid on Caleb. The strands of copper red hair falling partially over his eyes. A small part of him resists the urge to reach across the table and push the strands away. He studied his features, as if he hadn't already memorized them. The sharp curve of his jawline, his slightly tussled beard. Eyes so blue it almost felt like looking into the daytime sky. His mouth curved into a soft smile as he talked to Beauregard next to him. Essek lingered on that sight. The stress of these past weeks washed away as he focused on Caleb's smile. Then Caleb's eyes met his. Electricity jolted through him as the spark of whatever it was between them burned. Essek quickly looked away, a slight warmth building in his cheeks. He thanked the Luxon for drow skin coloration.
After food was had, the group gushed over their old (new..?) Friend. Poor man was probably so overwhelmed by the attention. Mollymauk - as Jester had told him - didn't say much at all in response to the Mighty Nein's questions.
"Empty… empty…" he trailed off.
As happy as they all were, exhaustion took over their senses. They were due for a much needed rest. Caleb did not have enough energy left to create the tower (Essek had quite a bit of thoughts he still needed to unpack about that place), so the group decided to sleep in the grove. Yasha lay with Beau snuggled up against her. They hugged and muttered sweet nothings to each other in low whispers. Molly was not too far from Yasha, and was quickly taken by peaceful sleep. Jester lay partially on Fjord's chest, talking about some new prank she wanted to try on her newly reunited parents. Caduceus lay back against the wall and was already passed out - his snore a rather loud one. Caleb lay next to veth, who was already out cold.
There wasn't really a need to be so close - they weren't in the confinements of the dome. And yet, they choose to drift near each other. Comfortable in the proximity. Essek felt very out of place. In the nights prior he could always stay a fair distance away from the cuddle pile, for the sake of keeping watch. But now, with the group all clumped together in the mass of life that was the blooming grove, Essek didn't know quite where to go. He fidgeted in his space as he debated where to trance. He can't go too far, but he definitely can't intrude on this intimate bond they all share. Eventually, Essek sits down a few feet from Caleb. He always seemed to gravitate towards him. Perhaps it was the similarities between them that made Essek feel safer in his presence.
Essek starts to begin his trance, and it is only then that the weight of the day's events crash onto him. The horrors of Cognoza will never truly leave his mind, but it is nothing compared to the absolute terror he felt when they were in that final fight.
The watch of one of the Somnovem caught him early on. The guilt of his actions surged into him tenfold. The lives he took, the families he'd broken, all for the sake of his selfish thirst for knowledge. It was all his fault.
He didn't catch sight of the tower hurled at him until it was too late. Caleb grunted as the weight of the rock (..flesh? It was very confusing) trapped him beneath it. Essek felt a surge of fear as he pictured the worst. He quickly scrambled over to where Caleb laid and desperately tried to pull him out. To no avail, it would seem. Those of his craft were not quite suited for these feats. Essek summoned the bead of possibility he had placed in himself beforehand. With a surprising surge of strength, he got Caleb to his feet.
In a rush of adrenalin,Caleb pulled him close and touched their foreheads together. If this was a different circumstance, Essek would be soaring. A small part of him completely forgot about the raging battle around them. That part focused on the presence of the man next to him. The wood burning autumn scent now mixed with the iron-y tinge of blood. That part of him noticed how close they were. Faces mere inches apart. Essek felt his heart jump into his throat. Then Caleb pulls back, the moment ending as quick as it began.
The ferver gained from this interaction was short-lived as Jester fell. Her bloody and broken corse strewn to the side carelessly. It was then that things started to go so very wrong. Jester was back thanks to Caduceus, mere seconds after she fell, but Esseks attention immediately went elsewhere. Caleb clutched at his torso with a grunt of pain as he fell, unconsciousness taking his form. Essek didn't even know he was capable of the rage that followed. He screamed and tore the very fabric of gravity itself around Lucien.
Then the battle field changed. It was no longer the fleshy horror of a city, but now a calming forest surrounding him. He looked forward to see the Mighty Nein - happy and smiling - with a hand outstretched towards him. It was Caleb. Caleb was calling him over to join them. Excitement burbled into him as he rushed towards the sight. It was only when he reached his destination he realized he had made a grave mistake.
The image of Caleb's torn and sundered body is one that will never leave Essek's mind. The sound it made as his lifeless corpse fell to the ground. The look he gave as the light left his eyes. It haunts him. The amount of terror, rage, pain and guilt he felt in that moment was immesruable. The world faded around him. Only being able to see the bloody shell of what once burned so bright. He fell to his knees, not hearing the final cries of battle around him. Essek's hands shook with emotion as he reached out to grab one of Caleb's. Those bright blue eyes he once knew were replaced by the vacuous expanse of emptiness and cold. He didnt hear the clerics rushing over and saying their prayers. He didn't hear the rest of the group trying to stifle their tears. He only stared into those eyes. Essek didn't breathe until Caleb inhaled once more.
Thoughts swirled around his head like an ocean of violent emotion. He can't trance like this. Essek stood up - trying his best to not wake his sleeping friends - and walked outside.
The calming reverie of the grove helped clear his mind a bit from these nightmares. He wandered around the exapanse, his hand tracing the occasional gravestone as he went. Eventually he came to the edge of the perimeter. Tall crystalline tree-like growths sprouted forth infront of him. Glowing ever so faintly. It was beautiful, the garden around him. So Essek sat and let himself soak up the tranquility of the nature around him.
It wasn't until he heard the rustle of footsteps that he opened his eyes.
"Its a bit late to be wandering the grove by yourself," Caleb noted, taking a seat next to Essek.
"Just… needed to clear my mind a bit." He replied.
"Ja, I get it. That was… a lot." Caleb laughed softly, a small smile playing on his lips. Essek found himself enraptured in the sound.
Caleb looked down, his brow furrowing ever so slightly as if deep in thought. He turned to look at Essek with a burning intensity. "Thank you, Essek."
Essek was taken aback by this. "For what?"
"You didn't have to come with us. You didn't have to risk your life just because I asked. And yet, you came anyway. Thank you." Caleb spoke softly. Appreciative.
Essek's mind whirred with thoughts. He didn't know how to respond. "I…" he trailed off. "Of course I.." Of course I had to come. You asked me to. I would do anything you asked. He didn't say. Instead, settling upon, "Of course I came. I care for you all more than any Dynasty or Empire. And I owe you this much."
Caleb shifted a bit at that. His hands fidgeted for a moment as he looked away. He moved his hand to touch Essek's. The touch was minimal. Almost unoticable to anyone but himself. Essek nearly jumped at the contact. A familiar tingling setting into his stomach.
Caleb's hand slowly grabbed Essek's, calloused fingers meeting smooth ones. Essek tried to map every detail. Every little feeling of the other man's hand in his. Entirely focused on the heat covering his skin.
"What do you plan to do after this?" Caleb inquired.
That startled Essek out of his reverie. "I.. I honestly do not know." He mumbled out. He couldn't go back to the dynasty, not with his situation like this. Could he go back to the outpost? Would that be safer? He was still responsible for people up there. He hadn't noticed himself squeezing Caleb's hand. At least, until Caleb squeezed back.
"What about you?" Essek asked, trying to shift the focus. "What do you plan on doing now?"
Caleb pondered for a moment, before responding with "There is still a few issues I need to take care of. I still have to help fix my home. Remove a cancer before it can spread."
Then, silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, per say, but something hung in the air. After a few moment in this quiet, Caleb turned and placed Essek under the intensity of his gaze. Those blue eyes bore into him with such a warmth. And Essek craved it. He craved to feel those eyes wash over him. He needed to see those eyes, alive and burning with a fiery passion.
The immense gravity of what he almost lost crushes him. The man sitting next to him, tenitivly holding his hand, died. If things hadn't worked out so well, if something different happened, he wouldnt have Caleb here next to him. That thought broke him. His eyes dropped down to look at the ground. Apperently he wasnt doing a very good job at hiding his emotions at the moment, because Caleb's face fell. He frowned and scooted closer to cup Essek's cheek.
"What's wrong, Shaltz?" Caleb asks tenderly. His thumb rubbing Essek's Cheekbone.
Essek looked up at him, and put his other hand on Caleb's as if to confirm that he was really here. "You… died Caleb… you died and I couldn't do anything. What if Caduceus and Jester didn't get there so quickly? What if something went wrong? What if-"
"I'm here. I'm ok. Everything is ok." Caleb cut him off. His voice gentle and soothing.
It was only then that Essek met his gaze. Caleb smiled softly, and Essek realized how close they were. Caleb's breath ghosting over Essek's lips. Essek forgot how to breathe. He could only focus on the feeling of Caleb so close to him. So close and yet not close enough. If he could just close the few inches… It took every ounce of self control that Essek had to steady himself. His pounding heart, the swarm of butterflies in his stomach. He knew he was staring. How could he not? Small freckles speckled across Caleb's face, framed by vibrant red hair.
The hand placed on Essek's cheek moved to the back of his neck, and Essek froze. Caleb painstakingly leaned in. So slow, so excruciatingly slow. As if to give Essek time to back away. To leave. But he didn't. And their lips met. The kiss was so soft, almost featherlight, and Essek's mind went blank. He could only focus on the sensation of Caleb's lips on his, how they were chapped and warm and perfect.
Caleb pulled back, a breaths distance between them. In all of his study of time, all Essek wanted to do now was stop it on that moment. It was over far too soon. Just the smallest brush of lips. He wanted it to last longer. He wanted more.
Essek leaned back in, crashing their lips together. This time the kiss was more desperate. As if scared that the other would pull away. Essek relished in the feeling. The heat of the man so close to him spreading to every inch of his body. Their lips fit together perfectly. Moving together and pressing into eachother. Essek moved his hand to Caleb's head. His fingers combing through the strands of coppery red. It was perfect. He wanted to remember every little sensation. He wanted to chart every little movement. His heart was beating so hard in his chest. He wants this to last forever.
They separate after what feels like a lifetime to catch their breath. Caleb's mouth is still parted as he gasps for breath. Essek savors the taste of Caleb on his lips as his breathing begins to steady. Part of him wants to reach out. To take Caleb's mouth once more. But Caleb speaks before this is possible.
"That was…."
He doesn't need to complete the sentence. Essek already knew.
And they gravitated towards each-other once more.
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spoiler1001 · 4 years
Heartbeats were a strange feeling, if one was aware of them. Lucien-no that wasn't right- felt his pulse from his scar. He opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by old friends. They looked at him with bright eyes, with Cree being the only exception. She looked at the tiefling with sharp eyes. It was dark, he couldn't tell the time. But as his eyes adjusted to the dark, nobody looked happy to see him. 
"You have a friend. Said this was his fault. What should we do with him?" Cree spoke in a low tone. There were quiet sounds of suppressed sobs and soft gasps. It sounded like-
The tiefling turned around and the pulse beating against his scar froze.
Caleb looked awful. His skin was pale, blue veins showing through and his lips blue. His hair was matted and muddy. He was shivering from the cold and shaking from hunger. His clothes were bloodied and he had bruises on his face. The bandages were dangling off of his arms, stained red. Lucien practically could sense the infection growing. He sat in front of the grave on his knees, clutching his clothes to his body. It was at this point that the rain and cold made itself known to the Nonagon, making his hair and red, torn clothes stickbto him like a second skin. Caleb was soaking wet, rain making his clothes even worse for the situation. A small puddle of reddish mud built beneath him.  
"What happened to him." The tone was harsh, maybe too much so but the wizard was important to him 
Caleb flinched at the sound of his voice. Yes, the voice was too harsh. The Nonagon kneeled next to him. Two fingers were placed under his chin and Caleb let his eyes meet- Molly? Mollymauk fit for the moment, right now. Caleb took a shaking breath. He looked even worse up close. There were dark bags under his eyes. Some of it bruising, some from exhaustion. Green stains colored his skin, matching the grass around the grave. 
"What happened to him?" Mollymauk repeated. "He travels in a group." Unease filled his mind. Were they-
"I left. Someone had to- after everyone was saved and Lorenzo killed- someone had to keep watch in case-" Caleb rocked back and forth. "It's just me." Ok so as far as he knew, they were alive. Maybe Cree can scry on them later, but that's not important right now. 
"And the bruises?" Molly let his hands grab Caleb's shoulders. There was dried- something- it was nearly impossible to see what it was without light,  but it ran down the part of his neck behind his ear, and onto his back.
"Someone tried to grab your coat." Caleb looked away, towards Cree. Lucien stood up. "Find us the nearest Inn with a hot bath. Take him with us." 
"As a prisoner?" Cree asked, almost happy at the thought. 
Molly hid his frown at the thought. "This man is loyal. He comes with us as a friend. I will make anyone answer for any injuries."
"As the Nonagon wishes." Cree sighed and roughly brought Caleb to his feet. Not healing him, Lucien noticed. He was tired. Coming back to life was...unpleasant. He was tired. His soul felt like it was floating through the air. He needed a nap- or a drink. Getting out of the rain would help. It was starting to sting. 
"Bring the coat." Molly added. Cree openly scowled. Caleb wobbled towards him. There was a horse and cart. Molly helped Caleb into the cart and climbed in. 
"Is it you?" Caleb whispered. The hope and wonder in his voice was heartbreaking. Molly wanted to bundle him up and tell him it was ok. 
"When it's just us? Yes I'm me. I'm Molly, otherwise I'm Lucien." Molly nodded. Caleb let tears fall from his cheeks, leaving streaks in the mud on his face. Molly opened his arms and Caleb buried his face into the crook of Molly's neck. Molly purred and hummed. 
"I'm sorry you died." Caleb whispered. 
"Just...there's time for that later." Molly promised. "Thank you for staying."
Caleb responded by whispering something into Molly's chest. Molly purred louder and Caleb drifted off to sleep.
Molly placed a hand on the back of Caleb's neck, feeling him breathe.  Caleb's hair had grown out well past his shoulders. It would look so nice washed and brushed out. 
"Nonagon, is it wise to bring along someone that claimed responsibility for-" Cree spoke up, climbing into the cart that was now moving. 
"I made my own choices, both when I died and now. The fact that he stayed says more about his character than me falling. I think such kindness should be returned." It felt weird to Molly, speaking so formally, but he had memories of Lucien again. Had the memories and habits. Even his accent was thicker. "I need to recover my strength in these coming days then we make our way north." 
"Finish what we started?" Cree asked hopefully.
Molly frowned. It would take a lot for that trip. "Yes." 
The Tombtakers found a nice inn rather easily. They rented three rooms to rest. 
Molly settled into a lush room with the mattress being a giant pillow. There the actual pillows were wonderful for heads with horns while the mattress enveloped him. The blankets were silk and felt wonderful against his skin. The walls had beautiful murals of the gods that was allowed in the kitchen. The platinum dragon danced on the ceiling, seeming to sparkle against the candle lights.
There was a door to the side, a bath that could fit five. The wash room was just as painted but with murals of the moonweaver and wildmother hidden in a mural of fields lit by a full moon. Molly stretched out on the bed. Caleb laid next to him, absolutely filthy but solid enough to make Molly want to grab onto him and never let go. His eyes were moving quickly under his eyelids.
Molly let his hand rise, becoming even with Caleb's cheek, but pulled away at the last second, letting it come to rest in the area between them. Caleb didn't let his face change but raised his hand, resting it over Molly's. 
Molly hummed and let sleep overtake him. 
Molly woke up to an empty bed. He lifted his head to look around. Cree sat in a nearby chair, crossleged. There was a familiar orange cat sleeping by his head.
"Your companion is washing. It would be unsightly for one to travel with you to be so…" Cree let her words die out. "How are you feeling?" 
Molly felt worse than before but he felt more alive than how he felt when he immediately woke up. Mud was still all over him but he could wait for his turn. 
"And the coat?" 
"We have it, but you don't expect to wear it." Cree huffed. 
"It would be nice to keep for sentimental value." Molly smiled, not mentioning that if someone were to peak in from his old friends, they have something to look on from. 
Took a step out into the main room, dressed in nice looking travel clothes. His hair was tied back and brushed while still looking a bit damp. 
He wore an off-white shirt, the sleeve pulled up to see dark gray cloth wrappings around his forearms. And black pants. Only the shoes were the same, but they were made for travel. Molly took a moment before looking up at Caleb's face. Oh. He was shaved. Molly had to pull his eyes away. "I need to sleep for one more day, but afterwards we can move out." Molly stood up. 
"If that is what you want." Cree sighed and walked out of the room. Molly looked at Caleb. After she left he physically relaxed. 
"You look better." Molly hummed. 
"Lucien, I do not think she likes me." Caleb spoke carefully. 
Molly frowned. "So what? I do. And you are clever." 
"She's worried about me outranking her." Caleb raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't exactly at my best last night."
"You were more composed than most would be. We'll see how traveling together goes." Molly hummed, patting Caleb on the chest. Caleb took a step back, letting Molly into the bath. 
The door remained open as Molly took his bath. 
"Talk to me. I need….I don't know. Just-" Molly sighed. 
"What do you wish to discuss?" Caleb's voice was even. 
"What happened after-" 
"I killed Lorenzo. We saved the others, we came here, dealt with the gentleman. Someone in the group told Cree, but I couldn't be with them anymore. There's a new cleric with them." 
Molly sighed. "Did you leave because of the new cleric."
"No. Caduceus is wonderful. Good for them. It's just that, years ago, I had a teacher that said I was not good enough to be a leader and had to be built up. He...asked a lot of me. When you died…" Caleb let out a self loathing laugh, the sound raspy. "I do not handle death well."
"I made a choice to use too much magic. Not you, not anyone else." Molly countered. "And Yasha?" 
"She left after mourning at your grave." Caleb shrugged. 
"Maybe she'll find us on our way." Molly smiled. 
The water was warm. Like flames reheated it before he went into it. It helped with the stiffness of his joints. His muscles relaxed as it became easier to wash the caked mud off of himself. "I know Cree did something to you." Molly said quietly. 
"Do not fault her for it. She and I had a disagreement about the people who had the privilege to see you awaking." Caleb froze. 
"How bad was the disagreement?" Molly sat up. 
"Nothing but a few scrapes and bruises." Caleb shrugged nonchalantly. 
"I don't like that. She has no right to say anything given how they abandoned my grave but you returned." Molly stood up and looked around, seeing fresh clothes waiting for him, with a deep red coat. 
"I'll be sure to pass along your discontent." Caleb said, almost to himself. 
"I can tell her myself but- Caleb…." Molly took a look at Caleb. There was a small trail of blood from the back of his head, behind his ear. Molly grabbed a bit of his red coat and held it to the wound. "Let me guess- Cree?" 
Caleb's silence said everything.
"You shouldn't let her walk over you. This can't continue." Molly sighed. 
"There were more pressing concerns." Caleb whispered. "I'll get food." He stood up, leaving his notebook open to show about a dozen different spells. Molly recognized a couple of them but they were personalized. None of these spells were anywhere else. Clever wizard. Molly's Lucien instincts told him to protect him because of the advantage he brought. Molly's Mollymauk instinct told him to protect him because of friendship and- nope not going there. 
"He's an assassin, you know. Those scars on his arms are the same as Volstruckers." Cree whispered. Slipping through the door as Molly closed the book. 
"The what?" Molly didn't care about what she was saying. 
"Cerberus Assembly assassins. They hunt traitors. Will kill even their own family. The Gentleman deals with the Assembly from time to time." Cree shrugged. 
"That's none of my business." Molly shrugged. Mentally he was trying to will her out of the room. 
"It should be. What if he's with the woman who-" 
"I doubt that very much." Molly hissed, shutting her up. "Thank you for your concern but issues regarding Caleb are mine and mine alone." So fuck off. Molly added mentally.
"If that's what you want." Cree sighed with exacerbation. 
"Yes it is. Leave him be unless I say otherwise." Molly swallowed his anger. He knew that Caleb had a past but he didn't want to know. It didn't affect him. Cree just shook her head and stepped out of the room. 
Caleb came back with a plate full of meat and potatoes. Molly perked up a bit and noticed that Caleb had Molly's coat in his arms. The necklace he always wore showed through his shirt. Caleb handed the plate over to Molly. Caleb sat on the bed and looked at the coat.
"The walls are rather thin here. One could hear a lot of conversations." Caleb hummed. 
"You heard Cree." Molly facepalmed. "I'm sorry-"
"She's right. I was trained for that line of work, but...I dropped out of school." Caleb took a deep breath. "'Caleb Widogast' isn't even my birth name." 
"What do you want me to call you?" 
Molly gave him a smile. "Then Caleb is all that matters. Now eat, we need to gain our strength again." 
Caleb wore the coat. It was colorfully loud and sparkled delightfully, and Caleb wore it, matching it with the necklace he never took off.  Molly loved it. Magic morphed around Caleb. Caleb had written a few spells of his own. There was a tent, a giant cat's claw, a tower. The tower was his favorite. It was warm, colorful.
There were separate rooms for the Tombtakers. 
There were intended separate rooms for each of the Tombtakers. 
Molly liked to sleep in Caleb's room. Molly was on his way to bed when he heard a conversation. 
Caleb had braided his hair as he was ready for bed. Cree was sitting on the couch in his room. She was not invited into the room but she was there. Practically purring. 
"I'm just saying that the rest of us have a bond. The Nonagon can use us whenever he needs. The rest of us are able to be communication tools for him. It's wonderful. It's like never being alone. It's like letting something devine overtake you." 
That made his stomach drop. 
"That sounds wonderful to those that enjoy it, but I will have to refuse." Caleb smiled politely, but opened the door for her. 
"It is what it is, Bren." Cree shrugged. Caleb froze, causing the lights to flicker in the tower for a moment before his smile dropped. 
"I don't know what your deal is Cree, but stop. I'm not stealing your precious Nonagon from you. I am his friend." Caleb glared. "I have no intentions of betraying him." 
"I know. I just like knowing who I travel with." Cree smiled and went on her merry way.
Caleb just shook his head.
"She still bothering you?" Molly asked, slipping into the room. 
"She's just showing that she's watching me. It's nothing." Caleb shrugged. 
"She said a name that bothered you." Molly pointed out. "I'm assuming it is your birth name." 
"Title, really. It is no matter. How close are we to Aeor?" Caleb smiled. 
"A few days' travel, normally. We do have to stop. I have to go...even a score. A Cerberus Assembly member, she hallowed me out for my magic. She has to die." Molly hugged himself. 
"Any way I can help?" Caleb looked Molly in the eyes. 
"Stay safe. Stay here in the tower. She's hired some old friends." Molly sat on the bed. 
"The Mighty Nein." 
Caleb raised an eyebrow. 
"They don't look happy about it either." Molly laughed. "Yasha is with them. They look good." 
"Do you want me to prepare warm beds?" Caleb rubbed his hands together. 
"You are a genius." Molly laughed. 
"It will be nice to see them again." Caleb sat down next to him. 
"When this is over, do you think that they'd let me back in?" Caleb asked. 
"You want to leave?" Molly asked.
"I'm worried about...Cree is worried that I might prove a distraction to you in regards to this team. I might agree, so after this, I might return to them." Caleb shrugged. 
"If you go, I'm going. Fuck the Tombtakers." Molly bumped his forehead against Caleb's arm. "They don't get me. You do." 
"I've always seen kinship with you, Mollymauk. I was always worried that you didn't see me as such an equal." Caleb ran his thumb over the decorated horns. 
"I've always saw you as an equal. I am lucky to have met you." Molly slowly giving Caleb time to back out, let his tail wrap around Caleb's leg, right above the knee. Caleb took a deep breath, let his lips turn up, and those smirking lips pressed against Molly's. 
Molly let out a chirp, followed by a high pitched ecstatic noise. Molly pulled Caleb closer and only let him go when he needed to breathe.
"Charmer." Molly smirked. 
"Rest, Mollymauk. We have a big day tomorrow."
The next day was hard. Killing Vess was easy. Too easy. Maybe the Mighty Nein wanted her dead. Molly danced in the cold, waiting for the Mighty Nein to greet them, his black swords stood out against the snow.
"We never did go waltzing." Molly mused. Caleb, still wearing the large colorful coat, but this time layered with cotton to keep warm. He smiled warmly. 
"I can work on adding a ballroom to the tower." Caleb promised. "We can talk about it later." 
"Promises, Promises." Molly giggled. 
"You two are worse than Yasha and Beau." A familiarly friendly voice rang out. 
Caleb and Molly smiled at Jester. There was a big hug with tears in everyone's eyes. Yasha pulled Mollymauk into a bone crushing hug. Caleb watched the hug as a small green goblin jumped into Caleb's arms.
"Caleb! We thought you were dead." Nott yelled.
"I'm alright. Let me set up camp and we can talk." Caleb smiled. 
"Just like that?" Fjord asked in disbelief. Both Caleb and Molly blinked in surprise. That voice was new. Neither Molly nor Caleb had any ground to comment, but it was new.
"We are not enemies." Caleb promised. "I missed all of you."
"We missed you too." Jester smiled. "You look good." 
"So do all of you." Caleb grinned and summoned the door to the towers. "Welcome to my tower. I hope it is to your liking." 
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johnandrasjaqobis · 6 years
My very spontaneous zero-plans fic turned into 3k words so uh It doesn’t go much of anywhere but I got some lines I’m real proud of out of it. I haven’t decided whether or not it’s AO3 worthy but anyway enough rambling have some very self-indulgent almost Widomauk set immediately after Molly’s fun backstory reveal
There wasn't really a tactful way to approach this.
But then again, Molly had never been known for his tact.
"Y'know," he said by way of greeting, sinking unceremoniously into the opposite chair, "after all that I'm pretty sure I’m supposed to be the one moping alone in the bar."
Caleb didn't seem to register him for a second. Then another. And another. The question of whether he was currently looking through his cat was just about to rise when the wizard blinked hard.
His chuckle was humorless.
"Probably," Caleb agreed, "but I have never seen you mope, and it seems one of us should."
That almost sounded like a joke.
It really must be bad.
Molly leaned back, hands behind his head, tone as casual as ever. "So what's your moping for?"
Another few seconds of silence. Then a quiet sigh.
"Buy me a drink some day and I'll tell you all about it."
Maybe he should have sent Nott down. It had been surprising already to find Caleb downstairs without her -- those two were practically fused together most of the time -- and even more so when Caleb’s mood could almost be felt across the room.
Nott would be much better at this than Molly ever could be. She knew Caleb well enough to cheer him up, or at least get those lines creasing his forehead to loosen a little. Molly wasn’t the one people came to for any kind of emotional turmoil, and for very good reason.
But for some reason he didn’t move. Just caught the eye of the bartender with a quick wave and ordered two drinks, turning back to meet Caleb’s baffled stare with a wide grin.
“I’ve got all night,” Molly told him, leaning both arms on the small table.
Caleb’s mouth opened for a moment, shut as his eyes narrowed, and then he shook his head quickly.
“That’s not -- nein, that’s just something you say, and then none of us ever take you up on it.”
Well, that wasn’t Molly’s fault, now was it?
He glanced up as two glasses were set on the table, giving the bartender a grin along with a gold piece and a quiet, “Long night, keep them coming, eh?” The vague shrug in response was good enough for the moment, and Molly turned back to push one of the glasses towards Caleb’s hands. “Too late, drinks are here,” he said. “It’s good to be a man of your word, Caleb.”
“Maybe so,” Caleb agreed, “but I do not recall ever claiming to be.”
Molly gave a conceding nod. None of them ever really had -- or, well, maybe Molly himself had said something like that once or twice, but you could always trust the liar to lie.
“Well, the best habits are picked up while drinking,” he noted, raising his glass a little. “Along with some of the better conversations. Unless you’d rather discuss this sort of thing in a bathhouse, of course.”
That chipped a small crack in Caleb’s very stubborn armor, just as Molly’d hoped. There was a minute twitch at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flickered down to the table for a second. Molly kept his own glass raised, his grin both bright and stubborn, until Caleb sighed again, this time more in resignation.
The sound of the glasses touching in their strange toast was far louder than it seemed like it should be. Caleb downed half of his drink in one go.
“I am not moping,” he muttered after a moment, a dirt-streaked hand running through equally dirt-streaked hair. “Just...thinking. And I happen to be alone. In a morosely lit bar.”
Molly shrugged one shoulder, leaning back a little in his chair. “That’s fair enough. But you can do plenty of thinking in your room, not alone, so that much seems something like a conscious choice to me.” When that didn’t get a response, he set his glass down and folded his hands again. “So whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Caleb’s hesitation was significant. For being such an introspective type, he was not that good at hiding his reactions, and even in the dim light Molly could see the color rise above Caleb’s collar and on the tips of his ears.
Yeah. That’s what he’d thought.
“Just -- what we’d discussed earlier,” Caleb said.
Molly. They had discussed Molly.
He could understand the reluctance to word it that way.
“Decent amount to think about there,” Molly admitted. “Anything specific? Any plans to grab that beacon and bolt?”
Caleb was already shaking his head, his eyes on his drink. “We’re not leaving.”
Molly nodded briskly. “Good to hear it. So what is capturing this much of your attention? I know I’m fascinating, but…”
“It is --” Caleb shook his head again, a little sharper this time. “It is complicated, Mollymauk. As most things are.”
“Most things are. But considering I seem to be involved with these complications…” Molly shrugged again. “Might help to make things a little less complicated, getting the subject matter involved.”
“Somehow, I doubt that.”
Molly’s grin widened. “I could charm you very easily, you know.”
Not that he would.
Caleb met his eyes for a moment, surprisingly firmly. “I’d like to see you try.”
Oh, but now it was tempting.
Was his magic more powerful than that of the scruffy, dirt-streaked wizard across from him?
Odds were, no. Definitely not.
But that might be an experiment for another day.
“Well,” Molly said, “how about you pretend I have? Makes it easier on both of us.”
Caleb paused. He stared at his drink for a few seconds more before finishing the rest of it off and pushing the glass to the edge of the table. “There isn’t much discussion to be had,” he said. “It was just...an interesting idea, I suppose.”
“What was?”
Another sigh. That seemed to be a favorite response.
“If I go back to my room,” Caleb said, “will this questioning pick up again tomorrow?”
Probably not. As much as Molly liked to push at limits, he also knew where to stop.
“It’s a distinct possibility.” He reached for his drink, swirling it around in the glass idly a few times. “Suppose you’d just have to find out.”
This time the silence was just a little less strained as the bartender swapped out Caleb’s empty glass for a full one. Molly shot him a grateful look, but the dragonborn barely seemed to notice, looking like he was running on muscle memory alone.
Night shifts must be fun.
“You really have no memories -- no trace at all -- of Lucien?” Caleb asked abruptly, and Molly blinked.
“No,” he said after a moment. “Maybe the occasional...feeling, or flashes of what are trying to be memories.” He resisted the urge to watch his drink, keeping a careful eye on Caleb. “But nothing that could count.”
Caleb nodded just a little and seemed to chew on his lip for a moment before he looked up.
“But you believe he was involved in some...less than savory dealings.”
That was more of a statement than a question, but Molly nodded anyway.
“If what Kree said was anything to go by,” he said, “it sure seems that way. And considering the state I found myself in…”
“What do you think that means?” Caleb cut in.
Molly hesitated, catching himself beginning to frown before he pushed it away.
“How do you mean?”
“Just that…” Another pause, another huffed sigh, and Caleb busied himself with his drink for a moment before he locked his eyes on a spot just above Molly’s horns. “Does not knowing anything of it -- does that absolve you from whatever he might have done?”
That was the question, wasn’t it?
“I suppose that depends on who you ask,” Molly said. At least his voice was still light. “Some might disagree, but…” Well, he had already said as much while under that spell, and Caleb knew it. This just felt like the lead-up to something else. “I’d like to think it does. I am not that guy, I don’t know him, and I have absolutely no desire to.”
Caleb nodded just a little, almost thoughtfully. Molly could practically see the words attempting to form, the back-and-forth Caleb was having with himself as he tried to find the right phrasing.
“There isn’t a way that it doesn’t sound terrible,” he said eventually, “but I suppose I’m...slightly jealous of that.”
Molly raised an eyebrow. “I must say, that is a very odd thing to be jealous of.”
“It’s complicated,” Caleb repeated. He’d leaned forward, one hand tangling in his hair and the other drumming out an odd rhythm on his glass. “Just that, uh...forgetting feels like this unattainable dream sometimes.”
The eyebrow stayed up. Molly leaned forward himself, scruitizing Caleb with narrowed eyes. “Were you drinking before I got down here?”
That got a rather unimpressed glance which, honestly, did nothing to answer the question.
Molly nodded a little anyway, propping his chin up on the backs of his hands. Just because Caleb wouldn’t meet his eyes didn’t mean he’d look away.
“So what are you so keen to forget, Caleb Widogast?”
There was something like the attempt at a smile, but even the attempt was strained and Caleb just shook his head.
“That would require many more drinks than either of us could afford,” he said simply.
“I’ve got more to offer than gold.”
“Not enough.”
That felt fair. It didn’t seem worth pushing, especially with the shadow Molly could see coming across Caleb’s expression at the thought.
He wondered if it had anything to do with that little...episode in the mines. If there were flames behind this thousand-yard-stare like there had been behind that one.
“We’ve all got skeletons.” Molly leaned just a little closer, his eyes still just as unblinking. “You looking for some kind of atonement for yours?”
Caleb’s quick breath was almost a laugh. “Not sure there is any.”
“Except maybe forgetting it entirely.”
He pulled a face. “See, still sounds terrible.”
Molly nodded just a little. “I think there’s something of a difference here,” he said. “Right now, you are Caleb Widogast. A slightly obsessive reader, an exemplary wizard, and a lover of cats. The question is, do you like this man?”
Caleb met his eyes for a moment, just a very brief moment, before he looked away again. There was something in that look, something Molly couldn’t quite identify.
“That depends on the day.”
Well, honesty was always good, at least.
“I’m not asking if you like what he did,” Molly amended. “I’m asking if you like what he’s doing. Today, right now. Taking down corrupt government officials, making a frankly ridiculous amount of coin killing a spider in some rank sewers, whatever the fuck it was we tried to pull off in that infirmary --”
That got the hint of an actual grin. Only a split second of one, but Molly would take what victories he could right now.
“Today isn’t yesterday,” he continued, making sure his tone was both firm and some kind of understanding. “Do you like what you’re doing right now?”
The silence was long. Caleb glanced once, almost imperceptibly, toward the staircase that led to the inn’s rooms.
Toward, Molly would place a large amount of gold on, the room where Nott was sleeping.
“With the exceptions of all the times I’ve been shot at lately?” He met Molly’s eyes again, a little longer this time. “Most days.”
Molly nodded and sat back, his arms folding. Caleb’s drink was refilled. Molly’s first glass remained over half full. He wondered how long that would continue to go unnoticed.
“And therein lies the problem, my friend,” he said. “Whatever hells you got dragged through back then, however indirectly or however negatively, it played some part in getting you here. Now. I’m right here because I don’t know a damn thing about what happened before. You’re here because you do.”
The silence then was expected. Caleb stared across the room -- at the low-burning fire, if Molly remembered the layout correctly -- and his fingers rubbed absently at the wraps around his arm.
There had to be some reason behind those wraps. Molly was certain he’d never seen them taken off, and that sort of thing didn’t happen unless it was intentional.
Some kind of scars seemed the most likely bet. That was understandable. Molly never bothered trying to hide the marks from his blades, but he’d gone to great pains to cover the red spots.
He was still curious -- he was always curious.
Maybe a little more than average when it came to Caleb.
It was tempting to pry, but if Molly had been good at one thing in the carnival, it was reading people. Some got frustrated enough to start spilling secrets. Some shut down completely and set back every ounce of progress that might have come before that.
Caleb was very certainly the latter.
Hell, maybe they should have one of those truth-spell boosted conversations before bed every night. Felt like it would be fair play after everything Molly had unraveled for them.
A lot more than he had ever intended to.
He remembered Jester’s sudden interjected question, her “Do you think anyone in this group is super attractive?”
And sure, maybe it hadn’t been meant for him. Maybe he’d just heard a question and answered without thinking, because that’s apparently what most of that conversation had been. But next to everything else that was being revealed, it had been so very unimportant anyway, lost in the whole mess of unmarked graves and blood magic (and poor Yasha, answering just as instinctively, seemingly not aware of the spell’s limitations).
Jester had her answer. Didn’t mean he was about to expand on it.
But it had been true -- it had to have been true -- and sitting here now, in the low light of the dimmed lanterns and the fire that was barely being kept, Molly felt it had been entirely justified.
Having watched the casual, almost instinctive way Caleb wove his magic, having seen his face bathed in the bright, dancing, refracted lights from his diamond as he prepared it --
Having seen the little frown of concentration he got when he was pouring over his books or surrounded by whatever loot they’d come back with, the way he’d sometimes end up mirroring the cat draped around his shoulders with his tongue poking between his teeth --
Hell, even now, when Caleb looked like he was two seconds from falling asleep at the table, the remnants of mud still clinging to his hairline, ginger scruff starting stray more toward the shaggy end of things --
As much as Molly was certain Caleb would not like the idea, firelight was a very good look on him.
He remembered Jester’s question and still felt his answer had been entirely justified, because gods,
gods, how could he not?
“Some things are still better left forgotten,” Caleb said.
Molly didn’t jump, but he felt his hard blink was more obvious than he wanted it to be. Luckily, Caleb still seemed to be somewhere else entirely.
“I’m no judge of that.” Molly paused, giving in after a moment and downing the rest of his drink quickly. “I’m fine the way things are right now. I like this life. I like this lot. But this --” He tapped a sharp fingernail against his temple twice. “I wouldn’t wish this mess on anyone.”
Caleb let out a slow breath. He was leaning most of his weight on his arms, eyes fixed on the table.
He looked exhausted.
Molly wanted to fix that somehow. Get those tense lines to loosen a little, at the very least.
Under these circumstances, he had no idea how to manage that.
“You’re a very…” Caleb glanced up, and then to the side again quickly. “Very considerate person, Mollymauk.”
Maybe a little too considerate sometimes.
“Making up for lost time,” Molly said with a grin. He hesitated, licking his lips quickly, made a point of actually thinking through his next words. “Maybe for both of us. Seems like you haven’t had many of them.”
Caleb looked over, a little surprised. The touch of color was creeping up his neck again, but his quick laugh didn’t seem too forced.
“Nott already lectures me enough.”
Molly shrugged. “I’ve never been too good at the lectures anyway.”
“That spiel you gave to those bandits says otherwise.”
“Well,” he spread his hands to both sides a little, “extenuating circumstances and all that.”
Caleb came close to a grin. It was faint, and it didn’t last too long, but it did get rid of a few of those lines across his forehead. That made Molly’s grin grow.
Some day he’d coax an actual, honest-to-God full smile out of this ridiculous wizard.
“I suppose that’s for the best.” Caleb leaned back, his arms dropping to his sides as he sighed heavily. This one, at least, sounded more like a physical weariness than an emotional one. “And I’m sure there will be four other lectures if I stay out here all night before...whatever new shit we’re getting into tomorrow.”
“Seems likely,” Molly agreed. “And I’m not too keen on incurring Nott’s wrath for letting you.”
A short scoff. Caleb pushed his chair back, and there was an immediate feeling of...something unfinished.
Molly had reached his hand across the small table before he’d thought any of it out. He wasn’t surprised by the slightly odd look that got.
He was definitely surprised when Caleb only hesitated a few seconds, his fingers twitching once uncertainly, before he leaned forward again to take it.
“I’m glad I’m here,” Molly said firmly, giving his hand a quick squeeze, “and for what it’s worth, I’m glad you are, too.”
There wasn’t a response to that. Molly hadn’t expected there to be.
He flashed a bright grin, dropped a very quick kiss onto the back of Caleb’s hand, and then immediately stood and headed for the stairs with a cheery, “See you at breakfast!” tossed over his shoulder.
Probably a hell of a lot more that ought to be said, but he also wanted Caleb to look him in the eye tomorrow. Wouldn’t do to be too distracted -- or, well, more distracted than usual -- when doing work for someone like the Gentleman.
Anyway...there’d be time for all that later.
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