splinteredglass · 2 years
@irrfahrer      (x)
The Cantina was at this hour of the evening busy with life- people stood so close that it was almost impossible to move, stark wetness ran from the transperisteel-scuttles and the air was thick from the smoke of burned Marcan Herb whichs violet smoke hung in the air like veils.
Between the tall people Ziv had to stretch out her elbows to carry the drinks over to the table where she had parked Tamlen with his broken foot set up on a low stool. It was as if she was swimming through the thick air and between knees like through thick water, trying her best to not be pushed over. Almost she was back to her chair, when there suddenly landed a big hand on her head, making the Tynnan promptly tense as if she had been hit. The big fingers ran through her soft fur, completely ignoring how she started to growl and holding to the drinks in her paws as if they were anchors to keep her calm:  “What adorable little thing you are-”, the stranger ummed happily, openly very drunk and probably thinking the Tynnan was the cantinas pub-cat. Ziv always hated to be touched without her permission, even as a child she had started to hiss and bite when one of her clan members would pick her up to help her walk and even now, years later, there was a growl when she snapped around. The cups in her paws chinked miserably. Tamlen was faster. “Back off!”,Tamlen said loud, “Kriff off!”, Ziv growled even louder from between gritted teeth, pelt bristled and ears put flat against her head even though she was not only directing her words against the stranger but also against Tamlen. The air in the cantina was so thick it felt as if it was better drinkable than breathable. Flinching back the STranger looked from one to the other and then in a sudden enlightenment that was pure survival instinct, decided to step far enough away for the Tynnan to stop snarling and turn from the stranger back to the other man, her razorsharp teeth bared as if she was an animal ready to forget barking and already ready to start biting: “What the kriff- do you think I can not look after myself or what? News -flask, Kriffer, but I am not as adorable and helpless as this guy is thinking I am, in fact I am more than capable to bite off some Kriffers fingers if he touches me without me wanting to or only if he is annoying enough like you are at the moment, so there is nothing you need to kriffing do, can you kriffing imagine.”
Crowded indoor spaces always seemed to make Tamlen antsy— but it was only made worse since he was now out in the larger galaxy. The Dalish couldn't decide if it were due to the factor that he rarely ever was inside back in the Dales or if it stemmed from being out with people unknown to him. Either way, it had him tense— wired up as if ready to snap at the blink of an eye if something bad were to happen.
Again, he internally cursed Yvair for patting him on the head, offering to gift Ziv some of their own local plants not seen out in the larger galaxy (that was a fair trade off, Tamlen mused, but—) and then asking her to babysit Tamlen for the time being while Yvair hopped right back onto trying to find his sister's trail.
He was beginning to hate deciding to become a warrior. Maybe if he just stuck to a simple life of hunting, or took up Fejin's teachings better and made things—...
No, he wouldn't have been happy.
Tamlen's attention was quickly drawn back out when someone had decided to reach out and pet Ziv as if she were a cute baby nug instead of a sentient being. He figured well enough the Tynnan was capable of handling the situation on her own but between his training and his upbringing, Tamlen was quick to intervene before things could get ugly.
He was not expecting Ziv to turn around and snap at him, however. Blue hues blinking in momentary confusion before her words registered in his mind and he half bared his own fangs in annoyance.
"Just because you can defend yourself doesn't mean you should rely solely on yourself," Surprise flashed across the Dalish's face before Tamlen was glaring away from Ziv as a hand reaches up and rubs at his own face, "Fenedhis, now I sound like Fejin."
Silence floats for a moment, before Tamlen huffs out a sigh, eyes rolling more at himself than anything else. At least it meant he could figure where the woman was coming from with her snap, "Ir abelas..." Another pause, then a throat clear, "Sorry."
"I didn't intend to insult you."
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