#THIS is so artsy because hanbin is ARTSY........and cute
warmau · 5 years
{Special} College!AU Hanbin
*this post was commissioned | find all my college aus here | commission info
major: electrical engineering 
minor: philosophy 
clubs: engineering association, secretly attends music club and says that he doesn’t even though junhoe has caught him multiple times
sports: LOL is being on his college’s esport team count? does asking jiwon about his gym routine count?
hanbin is definitely a notable character on campus
he isn’t insanely popular and social like jinhwan or donghyuk - boasting thousands of followers on instagram and being labeled the princes’ of their department
but he’s not a total tech nerd like chanwoo - who keeps crushing poor hanbin at every video game he gets into
but a lot of people do know him 
mostly because he’s got resting pissed off face
and nearly half the student body has gotten the wrong impression because of that
the amount of times jinhwan has had to explain to people that no hanbin isn’t glaring at you - he just can’t see very well
or in fact, he actually think you’re pretty cool it’s just,,,,,,,for some reason,,,hanbin never learned to express that very well
actually, hanbin isn’t good at expressing in general
he shifts from focused and hardworking when it comes to his studies, to tired and lazy when it comes to just about anything else
he can get loud when he thinks someone is cheating in overwatch or when someone bothers him in the middle of studying
but a genuine smile,,,,,,,,even after years of friendship jiwon admits he isn’t really sure he’s seen one from hanbin
but that’s not true, because hanbin does smile 
especially when he’s embarrassed
and what embarrasses him the most????? love
any mention of relationships, skinship, dates, marriage, lovers - all of it makes hanbin get all awkward and jittery
he once got asked out by a brave freshman in his elective arts class
and got so flustered and unable to answer that instead of answering them he excused himself from the classroom
and did THREE laps around the arts building
dripping paint everywhere because he’d forgotten to set down his brushes when he’d rushed out
whenever he’s asked who his ideal partner is, or who he has a crush on on campus
he always answers with an idol’s name or a video game character
people always lifting an eyebrow because isn’t that a little childish, or is he just avoiding the question?
but he honestly means it - the idea of dating,,,,,,he won’t admit it,,,,,,,but it’s a bit too much for hanbin to handle for some reason
that being said - hanbin, deep down past the sarcasm and high standards 
is a good person
he’d give up everything in the world for his sister, hanging photos of his family sentimentally in his dorm
even though he’d complain about it - he’d shrug off his jacket and drop it into the hands of someone whose cold
scolding them, telling them they’re dumb for not wearing layers but all the while knowing that he just doesn’t want them to get sick
yunhyeong gets teased by hanbin relentlessly everyday of his college life - but he never seems to hold a grudge
and when people ask him why,,,,,,,,yunhyeong just says 
“hanbin might say stupid things, but his actions always tell me that he values me as a friend.”
soooo why electrical engineering??? to be honest hanbin had wanted to pursue music but tinkering with the actual hardware of computers and circuits had also caught his interest
he always explains that he works better with his hands than his brain - which seems like it wouldn’t work for engineering 
but it does 
and the philosophy minor has more to do with the fact that no matter how dumb he tries to say he is 
hanbin has bigger ideas about the world, consistently questioning if people have purposes at all
much to jinhwan’s disappointment because 
“god hanbin we’re at a club! no one wants to hear about freud! i want to get DRUNK dude!”
hanbin looks cute walking around campus with his nose stuck in a ‘intro to hegel’ textbook, rocking a cute dva keychain on his backpack 
and hiding his face behind a white mask because he’s convinced jiwon is stealing his moisturizer and this weather isn’t good for his skin
you’re actually in the nursing program of the university with jinhwan
you hadn’t really meant to befriend the most popular senior in your major - but you’d been randomly assigned to complete a large scale research project with him on new tech influenced medical practices
and had somehow also found yourself agreeing to work on it,,,,,,,in his dorm
“i know the idea of three guys in one dorm is intimidating, but we have a lot of space considering it’s supposed to room up to six people. they’ll be more space for us to spread out!”
jinhwan insisted, unlocking the door to his dorm as you stood uncomfortably behind him
clutching the strap of your messenger bag for dear life
when you follow behind him, you notice both his roommates splayed out on a couch - game controllers in their hands
one of them pushes the other in the shoulder, and - oh my god he doesn’t have a shirt on!
you instantly look down and jinhwan clears his throat
“jiwon go put some cloths on - we have a guest!”
one of them, jiwon you presume, gets up to stroll out of the room 
but not before giving you a casual wave as you feel the tips of your ears burn in embarrassment
the remaining roommate gets up too - switching of the ps4 as he comes over to you and jinhwan
“this is hanbin, i know he looks like he wants to kill you, but that’s just because he’s ugly.”
jinhwan introduces
and hanbin rolls his eyes, mumbling about how if jinhwan wasn’t his senior - he’d really have something nasty to say
before looking at you
he’s handsome, you think, but jinhwan is right he does have kind of a cold expression in his eyes
but either way - you manage out a small introduction and hanbin returns with his own
it’s only maybe thirty seconds of interaction? it’s the first time you speak to hanbin and you never expect it to cross your mind ever again
you go by weeks, coming over to this dorm to work on this project with jinhwan
jiwon and hanbin never really bother you guys, only asking every now and then what jinhwan wants to order for dinner - inviting you to stay and pratake in late night pizza or home cooking from jiwon’s aunts
sometimes hanbin will help you guys, not that he knows much about nursing 
but he knows about researching and tech
you’ll sit with your laptop shared between you and him and jinhwan
and it used to be weird - being alone in this space of three friends, but before you knew it 
it was comfortable
and then,,,,,,,,,,,,something changed
it was a week before you and jinhwan would be presenting your project
it was nearly done and this was supposed to be a run through of what you’d both be saying
but since you had classes till 9 pm, you only managed to get to their dorm when it was already pretty dark
the door was open and you let yourself in, setting down the bag of canned coffee and candy you’d bought from a nearby grocery
assuming you and jinhwan would need major caffeine to go through this large presentation
but to your shock, jinhwan wasn’t home - nor was jiwon
it was only you and hanbin 
he’d shuffled out of his room, hair a mess and glasses perched on top of his head
“do you know where jinhwan is?”
hanbin had yawned and shook his head
“nope, probably got caught up hanging out with someone but he’ll be back soon”
he saunters over to you, rummaging through the bag you’d brought and pulling out a can of coffee
“can i have one? im going to be up for a final tonight too.”
you tell him to help himself, looking up to see hanbin’s eyes are tired - ringed with red like he hasn’t slept in days already
for a couple of minutes you guys make casual chit-chat
multiple times after finding out you’d been working with jinhwan at his dorms people have asked
is hanbin as scary as he seems? is he always mean to you? he seems like the type to nag or get angry over anything.......
but he’d never been even close to mean - he was always just,,,,,,normal
and even though he was less talkative and forthcoming than jiwon 
and never downright flirty like jinhwan
he was nice in his own way
hanbin excuses himself to get back to studying and you get comfortable on the couch 
opening up your notes as you wait for jinhwan
the time passes as you fall deeper into your notes
it reaches midnight and jinhwan doesn’t show any signs of coming back - neither does jiwon
you worry, maybe they’re both in trouble?
so you get up and make your way over to hanbin’s room, softly knocking on the door 
after a few seconds of shuffling, he opens it and you apologize to interrupt but isn’t he also worried where his two friends are?
hanbin sighs, but agrees with you 
“those idiots know the RA will lose it if we stay out past midnight. i should go and try to find them,,,,,,,,”
“ill help, if that’s ok?”
hanbin nods, taking his coat off his desk chair 
you and him make a couple of rounds around the campus hot spots 
there are tons of people still studying in the library and even a couple hanging around the gym
but not jinhwan and jiwon
hanbin tries calling them, then texting donghyuck who usually knows where to find at least one of them
but no luck
“im sure they’re just out partying. but what an idiot, im going to tell jinhwan off for forgetting he promised to study with you.”
you smile weakly
“it’s ok! im sure he didn’t mean to forget.”
“still, he’s older than both of us - he should really be more responsible.”
hanbin checks the time on his phone again
“c’mon ill walk you back to your dorm.”
you thank him, searching for your keys in your pockets when you realize you left your bag back at their place
you embarrassingly admit it, but hanbin tells you that it’s fine - you guys can go get it and then he’ll walk you home either way
“being out late like this is dangerous”
you two return and you pick up your bag, but before you go hanbin offers to go through your presentation with you if you want
at least that way you haven’t completely wasted your time
even though the clock ticks past one in the morning - hanbin watches you present from your note cards
clicking through the slides on your laptop
he even helps with some of the formatting and suggests helpful changes 
the time escapes you at some point, and when the presentation is over you just end up on the couch beside hanbin
as you two just talk
as hanbin reveals to you his interests in philosophy - in the big questions of the world
and as you let him know that a lot of the same questions are the reason why you got into nursing
“i want a purpose in life - i want to help people.”
“see, i think even though purposes can vary - that’s one that never changes.”
you take a moment, thinking it over and finding that it’s true - no matter where your life goes, your profession would mean you cared for people 
“do you think just having a good career where you help others is worth living?”
hanbin looks down at his hands and shrugs
“maybe, some people tell me the purpose of life is to fall in love and start a family. some tell me it’s about making money. but our connections to others - isn’t that what matters? isn’t that how we’re defined?”
the conversation spans on and on, you both lose yourselves
and hanbin doesn’t think he’s ever really talked to someone like this before
and you don’t think you’ve ever felt so ,,,,, open with someone you might not even call a friend yet
and who knows why or how you two got here
what chain of events lead you up to being in hanbin’s dorm on a thursday night past midnight
and why when you should have left hours ago and he should have returned to his books
you’d ended up moving closer and closer
till the only light in the room, the one from your laptop screen dulls
and you lean forward, one hand on hanbin’s thigh
lips brushing his 
your memory flashes to the first time you met -  how cold his eyes had seemed, but how it didn’t take away from how handsome you thought he was
and hanbin - who’d spent most of his time avoiding these situation, not involving himself romantically with anyone
was letting you do this
and maybe he doesn’t say it to anyone 
especially not to himself 
that he’s always found himself drawn to you
the image of you sitting cross legged on the floor with jinhwan, debating resources for your project
how you’d come over sometimes after class, with a thousand different papers in your hands
a pencil tucked cutely behind your ear
the way you’d laughed, filling the dorm with a musical soft sound when jiwon showed you a video of jinhwan pouring drinks all over himself on a dare one time
how he’d be playing video games with jiwon, pulling jinhwan’s attention away
and you never got angry
instead hanbin would put down his controller and catch you on your phone, lower lip between your teeth
and now
when you’d chosen to let him help you, had chosen to talk with him through the night
and you’d chosen to kiss him 
and for a moment he’d chosen to kiss you back
but then 
you both were pulling away - as if simultaneously realizing how this situation was just 
too sudden 
too abrupt
so you collect your things, hanbin gets up to walk you to the door, but it’s shutting in his face before he can even blink
“tell jinhwan to call me when he’s back”
is the last thing you say 
and after that everything in hanbin’s world falls out of sync
like the planets have all aligned but it’s wrong - his center of gravity just doesn’t exist 
jinhwan turns up in the morning, profusely apologizing to you on the phone as hanbin listens quietly
“it totally slipped my mind that we said we’d study again - i’ll buy you lunch as an apology - no no don’t even think about saying no, i was such a dumbass!”
hanbin clutches his fist, some weird feeling of uneasiness piling up in the pit of his gut
when jinhwan hangs up, hanbin gets up with such a loud sound it startles his roommate
“dude, what’s wrong?”
hanbin doesn’t meet jinhwan’s gaze
“you are a dumbass, i don’t care if you’re older than me - you deserve to be called that.”
jinhwan sort of goes speechless as he watches hanbin disappear down the hall
you and jinhwan give your presentation, it goes great, you get an A
and after that
you never come around anymore
and hanbin hates that your absence weighs on him
why aren’t they sitting on the couch? why aren’t they laughing at something stupid one of us did? why aren’t they here - why can’t i see them?
hanbin finds himself  walking past flower stands, seeing bouquets of roses or tulips and for some reason he hovers 
what kind of flowers do they like? do they even like flowers in the first place? and why do i care - why do i want to know so badly?
the shopkeepers always try to ask if he needs help, he has been standing staring at them for twenty minutes
but hanbin never buys them - just apologizes and runs off 
but it’s not just flowers, this happens with everything 
and he doesn’t get it - it doesn’t make sense 
when he catches you coming out of from class, chatting with some of your friends
an unstoppable urge pushes him toward you - but he takes every ounce to fight it back
yes you two kissed - but it was spur of the moment - and you had run away
why would he approach you now, wouldn’t that just seem desperate?
but in reality, you’re just like hanbin
you’re much more versed in these feelings so you realize you have a crush on him, one that had harbored itself over those late night study sessions with jinhwan
where you’d be working on your project, but be acutely aware of hanbin’s presence
the little noises he made when he lost to jiwon in games, how he looked good even in sweatpants and a t-shirt
you don’t really know why you pushed away from him in that moment you had with him
it was just weird
 he had sort of kissed you back? but there seemed to be this air of hesitance so you ran away
you wish you could talk to him, figure it out 
but you also come to the same conclusion
i don’t want to seem desperate
about a good two weeks passes before suddenly jinhwan is standing in front of you outside of the nursing building with his hands on his hips
“hey, we need to talk”
“but the project is over-”
“no, we have another problem. a problem that i have to live with until i graduate so i want to sort it out now.”
at first you’re utterly confused 
how are you at all involved with any problems of jinhwans - but then jinhwan sighs and goes
“hanbin, im talking about hanbin.”
did he tell jinhwan about what happened!?!?
you feel a rush of embarrassment, not sure how to explain to the senior of yours that it was a mistake, really just a mistake
but then you see something change in jinhwan’s expression
“i think he likes you.”
backtracking for a second you kind of just stare at jinhwan in disbelief 
“h-he likes me? and he told you to tell me?”
jinhwan shakes his head and you two sit down on the steps of the building
“no, he didn’t. actually, i don’t think he himself realizes what his feelings are. hanbin is kind of ,,,,,,,,,,,, bad in the relationships department.”
you look down, remembering something hanbin had said to you the last night you saw each other
our connections with people is what matters 
“oh,,,,but - how do you know that he feels that way if he hasn’t even said it?”
jinhwan gives a weak smile 
“because i saw him toss chocolates into the garbage, make a playlist full of love songs before deleting it angrily off his laptop, and the guy ive known since we were in highschool suddenly didn’t look like someone i knew at all. he’s struggling and only one thing makes hanbin like that.”
jinhwan touches your hand gently
“and it’s love.”
to be honest, you don’t know what to do with this information 
that night on the couch, you felt a strong connection with hanbin. so strong that it lead you to do something drastic and out of character, but looking back on it
the feeling was blissful 
and if you could build on that,,,,with hanbin,,,,,,you really wouldn’t mind at all
but how can i just approach him now? it’s been some time, what if he just flat our rejects me?
you sigh, lost in your thoughts as the bustle of university life surrounds you 
couples pass you by, laughing and talking 
holding hands and kissing 
and then the crowd parts and for a split second across them all you see a figure all alone
it’s hanbin
he has a book in one hand, coffee in the other - his backpack at his feet with the corner of his engineering textbook sticking out
he briefly looks up, meeting your gaze
and then the sea of people returns and you feel something in your heart tug
you go forward, confident that you can push through the bustle of people who are running around campus all the time
classes just let out so there’s a swarm but you walk right into the middle
i should go talk to hanbin! if jinhwan is right,,,,,,,i want to make sure of it myself!
but you don’t even have to make it to the end of the people because hanbin meets you halfway
and you both look at each other, wide eyed and shocked
“did you-”
“i wanted to talk-”
you feel your shoulder get brushed past by students, hanbin clutching his bag closer not to be in anyone’s way 
and then without really thinking about it you put a hand on his wrist and you two join the moving flow
you sit down with him somewhere more secluded, neither of you is sure what to stay or how to start this 
until hanbin mumbles
“let’s just do this all over again?”
you nod and before you know it he’s set down his book and coffee and leans in 
cold fingertips on your cheeks as he asks you to close your eyes and this time
he’s the one that kisses you
and there are no intentions of pulling away 
“why did you start liking me?”
“i guess i always thought you were cute, ever since you started coming around for your project with jinhwan. but after talking to you,,,”
hanbin looks for the right word
“it just clicked. you’re the kind of person that i want.”
jinhwan calls it when you come back hand in hand with hanbin to the dorms
like legit he gets his tiny body onto the couch, pointing at you two triumphantly like I KNEW IT
while jiwon is just flabbergasted
because quote on quote “you like hanbin back? but he has no redeeming qualities,,,,,,”
hanbin: “jiwon the only thing smaller than a pea is your brain”
but they both are just joking, they are actually super happy to see that hanbin has gotten a partner 
because honestly there were bets going around in the group that he’d end up a hermit or something
yunhyeong, chanwoo, junhoe, and donghyuk all meet you a couple of days later when jinhwan insists they go out for drinks to celebrate
‘hanbin becoming a man’
yunhyeong and donghyuk immediately give you their contacts - just in case hanbin tries anything funny
while junhoe and chanwoo just clap hanbin on the back because - wow never thought you had it in you!
to be honest it’s a little bit embarrassing to be surrounded by hanbin’s friend group, they’re all such strong personalities, but they accept you just fine
dating hanbin means putting up with his roommates shenanigans
which are harmless toward you, just a lot of watching hanbin get teased for being bad at overwatch and jinhwan telling you that hanbin fell asleep in jeans three times this week
and the rest of his friends are just as fun, telling you joke stories about hanbin
but also RELENTLESSLY bringing up every gushy thing he’s said or done for you
“did you know hanbin put your picture on his phone case?”
“did you know hanbin spent hours googling ‘date ideas’ last night?”
“did you know hanbin almost broke chanwoo’s headset when chanwoo suggested that he’d invite you over to get coffee with him sometime?”
like it’s amazing how close they all are,,,,but now you’re in the cross fire of it all too
hanbin teaches you that the easiest thing is to ignore them - even though you know that he doesn’t
like you’re giving him a hug goodbye after you all went to the movies and you just know junhoe is wiggling his eyebrows and hanbin is flipping him off 
but speaking of dates - hanbin is surprisingly good at picking romantic spots even though he admits that he’s never really been a romantic person
you guys go to a lot of live music shows, especially r&b soloist and jazz 
hanbin reveals to you that he’s always had an interest in writing and producing music
and when you ask him excitedly to sing for you 
he just goes “ah- what? no way!” but at some point you pester him just enough for him to sing a line from a song you like
and your jaw just drops because his voice is unique and can go pretty deep 
and now every time you stay over, dozing off on hanbin’s chest you can hear him mumble the lyrics of some song against your hair
but other dates include; exploring wine bars, hanbin taking blurry photographs of you when you’re out in the park, and of course helping each other study
even though opening an engineering textbook scares the living daylights out of you
and hanbin will be the first to admit that he has no clue about any of the bones in his body
“but if you want to give me a full body exam, feel free?”
“hanbin,,,,,,,,,,did you just use a pick up line on me?”
“hanbin,,,,,,,,,,,we’re dating.”
his clumsiness does show itself when he’s trying to be a good boyfriend
because sometimes he can’t think of the right things to say and he needs to ask jinhwan for tips on how to deal with arguments
but he’s trying 
no matter what - he’s trying to be the kind of boyfriend you dream about 
and just seeing the effort makes you fall more in love
will hand write apology letters even if he just showed up late to pick you up from class LOL
he is pretty good at motivating you though
sometimes you’ll actually ask him to critique your work or tell you how you can do this or that better
and he’s shocked because his opinions usually just get taken the wrong way by people
but you know hanbin can really help you so you’re like give me your worst critique ever!!! i can handle it!!!!
he thinks it’s cute how you sometimes want him to tell you what’s wrong even though he’s told you ten times nothing is wrong 
and he’ll be like “ok fine, ummm i don’t like the font you used”
“hanbin please take this more seriously”
“ok i don’t like that you indented twice here - im sorry don’t throw that pillow at me!”
playing video games with hanbin and beating him at them and then having to kiss his face all over because nooooo you didn’t mean tooooo
kissing hanbin is always a thrill 
he’s a good kisser, but sometimes he can knock you off your feet a little and you have to stop him before he goes too far in public
like his need for affection is pretty high 
which is a shocker considering he avoided relationships for so long
but now he’s just like kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss 
starts working out so he looks better taking his shirt off and you never notice because like hello he’s hot already
but he’s just like gonna flex and turn my partner on but it’s like whatever you’re already turned on 
the tattoo?? the broad shoulders?? the darkness that overcasts his eyes when he gets ontop of you?? LIKE,,,,,,,,
you come out of his room one day wearing just his shirt and jiwon drops his poptart because he’s surprised
and in an instant hanbin is in front of you blocking you off like “jiwon close your eyes you sinner”
and jiwon is like i just want to eat my poptart bro please put some pants on you’re more naked than your significant other
hanbin also surprises you because he gets pretty artsy, like he likes old movies and roll films
and you get him a polaroid on his birthday and he makes one of those cute hanging decorations with photos of you to hang above his desk
donghyuk is like that’s so diy hanbin how cute
and hanbin is like if you call me cute ill kill you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but also it is cute isn’t it?
finally hanbin learns what your favorite flowers are and he gets them for you randomly and you’re like oooo so pretty
and the way your face lights up everytime just. kills. him 
you’re the cutest person to have ever lived
late night conversations about life, sipping milk tea on the roof of the nursing building while sharing kissing every now and then, watching ghilbi movies under the covers together
dating hanbin is such an experience and it’s one that reminds you why you started feeling something for him in the first place
and it’s because past the surface, there’s a whole world inside of him 
and although people get too frightened to befriend or get close to him, the truth is he’s never wished ill on anybody
in fact - he means to help even if it comes out kinda rough
but you appreciate all of that about him
and hanbin finally feels like someone on this planet really is his soulmate
he might have not believed it before
but looking up at you
as you comb your hands through his hair with his head in your lap
watching the tv screen idly after a tough day of classes
and smiling shyly when the male lead on the screen grabs the other lead and kisses them with everything
putting your gaze down to travel over hanbin’s own lips
he thinks 
soulmates are real
and he motions for you to lean down and let him kiss you with just as much passion 
jinhwan walking in, unfazed by this pda: hanbin look how far you’ve come, from not being able to touch another persons shoulder to making out on MY couch 
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Astrology Tag Game
Placements from each sign that I love/would love to date.
Tagged by @namjoonchronicles who knows my astro past and wants to keep my crush anons on their toes — I shortened the format a bit as well & sorted after the essential planets instead of signs.
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Solar Aquarius >> What awesome people. Icons. Has always been a staple in my romantic life, always will be. First choice to trine us into paradise. What Bobby is to Hanbin, Aquarius is to my Libran ass. It is you I love, water bearer. Be my babe. We can talk and bang forever. Cue Sucker by the Jonas brothers. 
Lunar Libra >> Kissy face for you. Gorgeous, polite beings. I call this placement ‘beautiful emotions’. There’s innocence & romance to Moon in Libra. Will have an easy time keeping up with my talkative Gemmo Moon, I need someone to entertain with my thought shenanigans and analyses. Keeping it light and airy here, flexible, artsy. Your mom gets on well with me
Crab Merc >> It’s a shame few see the beauty of this placement. Moody communication is familiar to me as a fic writer so I’m interested in what the Cancer side of Mercury has to say. I myself don a Virgo Mercury to sextile this. Some water into that earthy mix can build us a sand castle. (Ikr, childish metaphor, but the beach is a nice symbol for relationships)
Martial Libra >> These people have a sense of diplomacy and team spirit. The power of Mars is subdued here in either case, makes for a good subby placement. V cute. I have too much turmoil and general Cap-inspired drive in my chart so it’s good to find a soothing counterpart who tips the scales into harmony again. Mars in Libra is very good at that. I bring a rather volcanic Leo Mars to the table so we fuck good and look good. Blep. We’ll also be proud of each other. It’s that Leo appreciation component.
Sadge Venus >> Spiritual amour, lovely. Maybe with influence from a stable Taurean placement. The sapiosexuals. A bit of wham bam carnal ideal there as well but just subliminal enough because it’s still Venus and not Mars. I am a Venusian feline (yes, Leo Venus) so it trines. Sadge energy is very flighty, however my intellectual Gem tendencies assist without bonding pressure and my chart has enough compatible fire, we have each other’s back. Sadge Venus also loves travel which I enjoy as well, win.
Ram Rises >> The primordial chart. And! Places my sun squarely (literally because of my Cap Jupiter lol) into their 7th house of partnership. Aries ASCs are easy to spot which helps my gaze into existential oblivion a lot. Also: Rising Ram looks pretty fit and fashion forward. 
TAGGING @seesaws-wife @pinkypie-sadness @kookiecharm  @sugandcream @weishenbwi @tmakkimak @vio-haze  
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noona-clock · 6 years
Please Subscribe - Part 4
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Hanbin x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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Hanbin spent the next week trying to decide what kind of video he wanted to film with you for his own channel. Yes, it took him the whole week because he overanalyzed, and he just wanted to come up with something you would actually like.
But you were a beauty YouTuber. He was a musically inclined vlogger. The only videos he actually sat down and filmed were music video reactions. And there wasn’t a music video releasing during the week of VidCon, so...
As he arrived in his hotel room for the biggest content creator convention of the year, he finally decided to just include you in one of his vlogs.
A lame decision, yes, but... That also meant you would kind of be forced to hang out with him for at least a day.
Hopefully more than one.
Hanbin was nervous to meet you for many reasons. The first being he kind of had a major crush on you? Or as much of a major crush you could have on someone you’d known for three weeks. But he’d watched almost every video on your channel, so he felt like he already knew you. You did a particularly good job of making your viewers feel more like friends with whom you were simply having a conversation rather than an audience who was only there to listen to you.
You were funny in a bit of a weird way, but it was a good weird. You made fun of yourself a lot, and you weren’t afraid to show yourself being dorky or goofy or weird. He appreciated the fact you didn’t seem fake or like you were trying too hard to be someone you weren’t. You weren’t trying at all to be someone you weren’t, actually.
So, yes, he was nervous because he had a crush on you. But he was also nervous because there was a possibility you might think he was only using you to gain more subscribers. Which was far from the truth. He was fine having just over 100 thousand (because your mentions of him on social media pushed him over that milestone a few days ago). He knew having as many subscribers as you meant more revenue... but it also meant more pressure. He didn’t make music for the purposes of popularity. He made music because he loved it. And if other people happened to love it, too, then great! He just never wanted to get to a point where he worried too much about what his subscribers thought, you know?
Oh, and he was also nervous to meet you because he was just shy and awkward around people at first. He tended to act kind of... weird. And dumb.
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Hopefully, he wouldn’t scare you away.
You had messaged him on Instagram earlier in the day, letting him know a brief summary of your schedule for the week. Unsurprisingly, you were a lot busier than he was, so he had assured you he would be the flexible one. Whenever you had time to film would be when you guys would film.
Hanbin slid his phone out of his back pocket and looked at the message one more time, wanting to make sure he didn’t show up in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was already the second day of the convention (he had arrived later than you, but he was paying for everything himself), and you had a meet and greet scheduled in the main lobby of the convention center.
His plan was to go down there and meet you. Plain and simple.
He would join the line with the rest of your fans and meet you the way everyone else was. But he would film the entire thing, of course.
After checking the time, he gathered up his vlogging gear, ran a hand through his hair, and headed downstairs. His heartbeat quickened as he pressed the ‘down’ button for the elevator, and when the doors opened, he let out a huge sigh of relief. The elevator was empty so he could start his vlog on the ride down.
Once the doors closed behind him, he turned on his camera and held it out in front of him.
“VidCon, day one,” he began, holding up his index finger. “I’m in the elevator right now, on my way down to the lobby. There’s this popular YouTuber down there doing some sort of meet and greet, so I thought ‘why not?’ I guess it would be kinda cool to meet someone famous, so...”
He shrugged, trying his hardest not to smirk. But he knew he was failing. Oh well.
When the doors opened again, he turned the camera around and filmed the lobby as he walked toward the area set up for your meet and greet. There was already a pretty long line of people, but he wasn’t going to abandon his plan. He took his place at the end of the queue, letting out a nervous sigh as he turned the camera back around to face him.
“Okay, guys. I’ll see you at the front of the line.” He made a thumbs up, smiling slightly before ending the recording. Okay, now it was time for the artsy shots. He held the camera high up above his head, showing just how long the line was. He filmed the people walking by, and he even hopped out of line and set the camera down on a nearby bench to film the line slowly moving forward. He was already thinking about the music he would use during this montage.
As he waited, he did actually meet a few subscribers. A guy walking by recognized him, giving him a handshake and a bro hug after exclaiming over his music.
This interaction prompted the girl in front of him in line to turn around, her eyes widening when she realized who it was.
“Oh my god, you’re Hanbin!” she said softly but excitedly.
“The one and only,” he replied with a slight blush.
“I love your vlogs,” she told him, turning around fully to face him. “I started watching you because of Y/N -- wait, you’re in line to meet her?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I thought it would be kinda fun to meet her this way?” But now he was saying it out loud, it seemed more stupid than anything.
The girl put her hands over her mouth, letting out a delighted squeal. “That is so cute! She’s going to freak! She talks about you so much!”
Hanbin was going to retort that you really didn’t, but... Now he thought about it... You had mentioned him on Twitter pretty often, and you always tweeted out whenever he posted a new video. You had also tagged him in your Instagram story a few times when you posted videos with his songs or those templates that had a question about who your favorite YouTubers were.
So... yeah. You did kind of talk about him a lot.
Hanbin chatted with the girl for the rest of their wait time, and he even recorded a little segment with her for the vlog.
Right before she stepped up to meet you, she whispered a ‘Good luck!’ and gave a thumbs up to Hanbin. His heart was pounding, and he was seriously doubting this plan now he was so close to actually meeting you.
This was weird. Him going to your meet and greet was weird! You would be creeped out, and you would avoid him for the rest of the week, and you would never watch his videos or speak to him again.
In fact, he almost stepped out of line, but his turn arrived before he could chicken out.
He made sure his camera was filming before stepping toward you, an awkward smile on his lips.
The second he saw your face, though, he felt so much better.
You gasped, a huge grin overtaking your lips immediately. “No way!” you laughed.
Hanbin chuckled, filming you as he walked up to you.
“Oh my god, hi!” you squealed as you instinctively pulled him into a hug. He figured it was how you were greeting everyone else, so he tried not to read into it too much. He slid his free arm around your waist, and when you pulled away, you kept one arm around his neck as he turned the camera around to face the both of you.
“Hi, Hanbin’s channel!” you smiled, waving to the camera as you stayed close to him.
“Mission accomplished,” Hanbin said with a nod.
Part 5
@cramelot, @sun-shinee-world, @daelicious-jongbulge, @yoyoyeola, @ankle-sockss ! Part 4 is up! Any other readers, let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next update!
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ygboysygbby · 7 years
iKON & WINNER as Superheroes!
Request : can i request winner & ikon as superheroes? like marvel/dc thingy idk this may sound weird ^^" thank u in adv love your blog!
this is the first time i receive something like this and i’m very excited! 💖
plus i totally love marvel & DC so you came to the right place lmao
B.I/Hanbin - Iron Man
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A leader
You can’t really change his mind
Creates his own thing (aka songs)
the only difference is that B.I isn’t quite the ladies man lol
Bobby/Jiwon - Quicksilver
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Dorky af
Goofy af
Lowkey knows he’s the shit
Chanwoo/Chan - Spider Man
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The kid in the group
Tries his best to be funny
Overal adorable tho
Yunhyeong/Song - Flash 
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Both are such a sweetheart really <3
Kinda awkward
Kinda the odd one in the group
Jinhwan/Jay - Hawkeye
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The dad in the group
Donghyuk/DK -  Mr. Fantastic
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The smart one in the group
Has that nerdy-ish but cute look
FLEXIBLE (if you know what I mean)
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A sassy QUEEN
Will occasionally tell you to kneel
Honestly there’s no way I am wrong about this.
Seungyoon/Yoon - Beast/Hank
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Also the smart one in the group
Very very kind
Mino/Minho - Star Lord
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An artsy guy
An absolute dork
Loves his friends so much
Seunghoon/Hoony - Human Torch
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This guy knows he’s the shit. OH HE KNOWS.
HOT ;)
Has the tendency to spill stories here and there that could ruin the group’s rep
Jinwoo/Jinu - Groot/Baby Groot
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Doesn’t know what’s going on 80% of the time
Is the best and purest boy, please protect him.
YOU GUYS it took me 3 hours (crazy, ik) to make this but that’s because I had too much fun making it and I wanna make sure they really match 😂 I hope you all like it tho! (bc that’s all that matters :*)
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