bushinto · 2 years
One in Four-Thousand Ninety-Six
For reasons unknown to anyone else, a mother wyvern has rejected her newborn wyvern and refuses to care for it. The task is now up to some brave volunteers to acquire a friend for life… or the scars. [Grants Flying +1]
Wyverns aren’t Ryoma’s specialty. Pegasi and kinshi are the beasts of flight native to his home, and as such, he’s had some experience interacting with them. Hell, he’s even come close enough to touch Hinoka’s! But when it comes to wyverns, the only ones he knows are the kind that ripped into his armies. Great big ones, with fearsome screams and razor-sharp talons. They flew the Nohrian standard, swooping in on countless soldiers to devastate them before his very eyes. So he would be lying to himself if he said they didn’t unsettle him somewhat. He approaches the runt with caution, wary of the fact that even if it is no match for him now, it may become a threat as it grows older.
The critter in question is, actually, quite special. A rare breed, with some kind of genetic anomaly. Instead of the typical black, white, or brown scales that Fodlanese wyverns are known for, this one is a shining teal. And, emphasis on shining. Its scales literally glisten in the light, flecks of gold luster emanating from its young body. But worry not, the Church has assured him that the condition is purely cosmetic, and has no bearing on the animal’s life expectancy or potential for growth. Like any other, it will grow up happy and healthy--as long as he puts enough love and care into it. Otherwise, the wyvern is male, the clear runt of the litter, and as will soon be revealed, has a temper to it. 
“Vanessa, was it?” Samurai asks, turning to his partner before testing his bond with the beast. As he is coming to find is typical of monastery missions, he’d been teamed up with another. Their names are all that had been revealed to each other, and though he’s confident Vanessa remembers his, he’s urged by his noble upbringing to introduce himself proper, “I am High Prince Ryoma, of Hoshido. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He bows, to show he means well, and shows to her his warmest smile. Respect is key when forming new relationships, but there’s no need for him to be so stiff about everything; a few friendly gestures can really go a long way.
“Though co-parenting a wyvern is certainly an odd way to meet someone, it is my sincerest hope that we become fast friends. If not for our sake, then for that of our little companion here...” With the pleasantries out of the way, now would be a good time to try embracing the little thing. Slowly, carefully, he extends his hand to it. Ryoma can’t afford to make any sudden movements, lest he anger it and cause a mess from the start. Things go well at first, with the reptile sitting still and merely looking up at his fingers as they loom closer. But just when they’re in range of petting him, CHOMP! Ryoma gets a nasty bite. 
In a flash, he pulls his arm back. He’s disappointed at the result--and the look on his face certainly says that--but he supposes things could’ve gone worse. The wyvern still hasn’t switched to the offensive yet, laying in its temporary nest and seemingly only biting as a defense mechanism. “...Ah. Speaking of, did you happen to have a name you wanted to give him? I’ve thought of a few good ones myself, but am open to hearing any suggestions.”
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