cinnamoncat23 2 years
Ah so it only took three times of getting locked out of work for management to discuss giving me a fucking key
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hobichulo 5 years
Why does this good for nothing app keep on crashing
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eeshlyye 6 years
letting people into your house to use your kitchen is always a gamble. are they gonna leave broken glass around for you to step in after they're gone? who knows! that's why it's a gamble ;)
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snoopyrps 6 years
a bitch (britney) rly over here getting off on posting then taking down then posting then taking down then posting the same video for two hours asdfghjkl
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jessicajones616 6 years
2018 is all about self love and calling out people who take up two parking spaces with one car
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theclaravoyant 8 years
I watched the entirety of Brooklyn 99 three times before I realised that the reason Jake got so excited Holt鈥檚 middle name was Jacob, was because that鈥檚 his name.
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operaphantoms 9 years
I鈥檝e had to email this professor about inaccuracies in my grade three times so far this semester smh
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