tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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Coming Out On Top
Bayverse Leo x reader
This story is 18+ Adults Only
“Stop,” she admonished and tapped the turtle lightly on the nose with one finger. “You growly, prickly, cranky pants.”
The turtle growls stopped, but Leonardo's face was still a dark cloud of displeasure. He couldn't refute the accusations. He was definitely being all those things. He wasn't shy about hiding it either. His wrists were tied above his head to the headboard and both of them knew he could easily snap it like so many match sticks and free himself whenever he wanted. To his credit, he at least remained as he was as he had promised.
His partner took this moment of silence to finish her task of tugging off his pants, leaving him without any clothes, save his mask. Once his beautiful thighs were free to be viewed, she ran her hands up and down the smooth skin, admiring the subtle dappling of darker green spots.
The rumble in his chest changed from a full growl to a mixture between a growl and a churr. He still looked thoroughly irritated with his situation.
“You haven't even tried it before,” she reasoned. “How do you know you won't like it?”
Full story found here
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @hotredphoenix @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops
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androidships007 · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day @sivy-chan-blog 💙🐢
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mermmarie · 2 years
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Thought I’d do a little redraw of the Bond ship for Valentine’s Day. Donatello has a type, and boy does Bonnie fit it. :3c Also, a debut for my Future!Donnie (Canon Universe, Age 22) design. Hehe!~ 💜💙
2018 version under the cut!!
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redstringraven · 2 years
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thought i'd participate in tmntvday since i've done some art of these two but haven't properly introduced them yet or whatever. OTP questions/prompts for week 1 under the cut!
[ID: a digital drawing of raph and a taller, purple-haired girl (gwyn, an oc). they're sitting on the ground in 'opposite' directions, raph reclined so his back and head are resting in her lap and he's looking up at her, smiling. she's smiling back down at him, and they both appear relaxed and at ease with each other. /END ID]
1) in which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 iteration because that's the only sandbox i play in.
2) introduce us to your OTP.
the idiot turtle is raphael and the lady-himbo is gwyneth. raph is from 3rd earth, and gwyn is from liáfsini, which is a world of my own making/kind of a world-between-worlds or nexus situation.
3) how did they meet?
in the most blunt, nutshell and to-the-point way possible: gwyn and her twin-sister-trapped-in-a-weapon are on the run from this druid (darach) from liáfsini, and she happened to cross onto earth. one of darach's hench-critters mistook casey for gwyn, the boys got wrapped up in a fight, gwyn intervened because she was like hey i probably shouldn't let these guys get wasted, they beat the hench-critter and got a chance to talk after.
they didn't really get along at first on account of raph being protective of his family and suspicious, so he was asking questions, and gwyn being paranoid about their intentions and not liking that she was being asked so many questions. terrible job everyone. ...again, this is an extremely condensed version of events.
4) how is the relationship now?
again, i feel like i have to give a very condensed version because there are a lot of moving parts, here. but essentially they're doing great. gwyn and raph develop a high level of trust and respect for each other, which then leads into a slow-burn/careful cultivation of more romantic-leaning feelings. they don't have much of a 'pining period', it's much more small 'pebbles' being thrown at each other's windows.
eventually one night at the farmhouse they catch themselves staring at the other a bit too long and both them realize kind of at the same time "...--oh fuck", awkwardly go their separate ways for the evening, but in the morning when neither of them act differently around each other they silently agree "...okay, let's try this" and step into a relationship. how long it takes everyone around them to notice the shift is anyone's guess because neither of them are much for PDA.
5) what is each other's love language?
raph's love languages for 'giving' are acts of service and quality time. gwyn's for 'giving' are physical touch and acts of service.
raph's love languages for 'receiving' are words of affirmation and physical touch. gwyn's are words of affirmation and quality time.
quality time and acts of service are the two that tend to be the most prevalent in their relationship, giving or receiving.
their own, personal, 'love language' is taking naps together. neither of them are people who trust easy or like appearing 'vulnerable’, so the act of sleeping in the same space as one another is a big gesture for both of them. and raph’s snoring doesn’t bother gwyn that much; it actually almost tethers her to the present and makes it harder for her to slip into a night terror or experience sleep paralysis.
6) do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. i don't think the concept of marriage is important to either of them, even if they could probably do it in liáfsini. i can see them doing something to symbolize that they're together--like, the concept of rings but something different and tied to liáfsian culture--but actually going through with legal/official marriage or a ceremony? nah.
as for having kids, they can't biologically have kids of their own, and i don't see them actively looking to adopt, either. best chance of them having a kid is "what's with this sassy, lost child?" and accidentally wind up found-family adopting some snarky orphan on a mission or something idk.
7) what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
*just kind of stands here with my microphone* ... disaster bis on the ace spectrum. goongala. *the crowd goes wild*
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
More Jasonnie for valentine’s, the prompt was firsts so, First Kiss, why not.
It started out like a typical late night hang out, at least the typical for them at this point in their friendship. After being friends for six months, it became pretty normal for Donnie to slip into Jase’s room on the nights his dad worked late. They’d waste time either talking about projects, watching shows, or working together to build a new model Jase managed to get a hold of.
Tonight was one of those movie watching nights. The pair of them sat on the bed along with Jase’s laptop and a bunch of empty snack containers. The only thing that remained were the gummi rings that Jase had been carefully munching on in order to save all the purple ones for last.
“Hmm.” Donnie hummed as he peeked into the package. “Only purple ones left it seems.”
“You better not eat them all.” Jase had his gaze fixed on the screen.
“Uh huh.” Donnie smirked and made sure to crinkle the plastic as he slowly tilted the whole thing back, keeping his mouth open.
“Hey!” Jase practically tackled him as he aimed for the bag. The gummis almost went flying everywhere from the impact.
Donnie snickered as he kept the snacks far out of Jase’s reach.
“Donnie.” Jase kept trying to climb over him. “I just said--”
“Too bad. I think I’ll eat all the purple ones since you ate most of the BBQ chips.”
“You know purple is my favorite.”
Does that mean I’m your favorite. The thought would always cross his mind when he heard that, but he was never bold enough to verbalize it. Even after sorting through the realization he had a crush on Jase, he had no idea how to approach the subject.
Jase kept leaning on him, kept reaching. Donnie tried to move further and further away. His snickering melted into a suprised shout when the surface of the bed ran out.
Donatello fell back, his shoulders and head hitting the floor before something heavy landed right on his chest. He opened his eyes to discover that it was Jase. His friend groaned as he pushed himself up.
Oh, he was close, very close. Donnie’s brain stalled, not giving him the space to remember where the bag of gummis were before Jase snatched them out of his grip.
“Hah.” Jase smirked, still hovering only a few inches over him. “Looks like I win this round, Von Ryan.”
God, Donnie wanted to kiss that smirk off his--
He slapped that thought away as he grabbed Jase’s arms and rolled them both over. He reached to snatch the gummis, but Jase not only tugged them away, he managed to dump them all in his mouth before clamping it shut.
“Hey.” Donnie poked his cheek. “You better be sharing.”
Jase said something, though it was impossible to make out with the amount of candy in his mouth.
Donnie leaned over him. “Sorry, what was that?”
Jase took a second to reposition the gummis. “You can try to take them.” His voice was still muffled, but at least understandable this time.
Donnie glared, then smirked. He leaned closer and closer, to the point their noses brushed together. “Sure you want me to try?”
Jase’s eyes suddenly went wide, the same moment his face lit up red. His friend shoved him off, hard enough that Donnie’s shell hit the bed. Jase scrambled back a couple of feet, hands covering his face.
“Sorry.” Donnie said right off the bat, mentally kicking himself for doing something so stupid. “Sorry I um... didn’t mean to upset you.”
Stupid. Stupid. Why did he even say something like that? Even if he wanted to kiss Jase, saying something like that out of the blue was way out of line.
His friend finally groaned, running his hands up and through his hair. “You shouldn’t make jokes like that, Donnie.” His voice was much clearer now. Must have swallowed the gummis.
Donnie opened his mouth to give another apology.
“Shouldn’t joke about kissing me when you don’t really want to.” Jase mumbled.
His mouth hung open for a few more seconds before he finally replied. “What?”
“Y-you know.” Jase began to stutter, fiddling with his glasses. “You shouldn’t... I know you wouldn’t...”
Donnie started piecing the fragmented sentences together. He knew he could argue, but that would require a confession, and did he dare go that far? Did Jase feel the same way? Some people would suggest the stuttering and the blushing was a clear indicator, but he’d been bad at reading people before.
His heart pounded in his chest. He tapped his knees together and forced himself to breath. “But I would.” He finally managed to say.
Jase looked confused. “You’d what?”
“I would want to kiss you.” No, no, that didn’t sound right in past tense. “I do want to kiss you.”
Jase finally looked him in the eye, though he looked terrified apart from the blush that spread all the way to his ears. “Wh... why?”
Donnie blinked. “What? What do you mean why?”
“Why would you want to do that?”
“Why...” The confusion and nerves got so jumbled up in his chest, all Donnie could manage to do was burst out laughing.
His friend glared at him. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Donnie waved his hands as he forced himself to calm down. “I just... what a foolish question.”
“It’s not foolish!”
“Why would I want to kiss you? Isn’t that obvious?” He gestured to Jase. “I like you. I really really like you. Two reallys.”
“But... Why?” Jase returned to mumbling. His palms covered his jaw, just below his ears.
Donnie sighed, just a bit of frustration curling in his chest. “Do you want the answer to that in essay format? Perhaps a power point? I could also create an alphabetized list or--”
He let out a huff, daring to scoot closer to his friend as he spoke. “You are incredibly brilliant, despite how often you try to down talk your work. You always praise my concepts, but without your eye for fine detail it would take me so much longer to get them off the ground. You’re quick witted. You’re funny.”
“Not that funny.” Jase mumbled.
Donnie sat in front of him now, and reached out to move Jase’s hands away from his face. “You’re also adorable, in more ways than one.”
“Now you’re definitely making things up.”
“I am not.” Donnie narrowed his eyes. “Truly tragic that you cannot fathom all of your stunning features.”
“Is that enough reasoning? Should I go on?”
Jase didn’t reply to that. He stared at his hands, that Donnie was still holding onto, as if he wanted to pull them away but couldn’t quite manage it.
“Well, perhaps there is little point in going over the top if the feeling isn’t mutual.” Donnie’s smile started to fade. “Apologies, again, this is all probably rather overwhelming.”
Jase turned his hands over and grabbed Donnie’s wrists just as he was about to pull away. “Do you still want to kiss me?”
Donnie blinked as he met his gaze, heart starting to race again. “Yes.”
“Th-then do it.”
He couldn’t help but smirk as he leaned forward, once again brushing their noses together. “Do you want to kiss me?”
“I... yes.” The word practically came out as a squeak.
Donnie forced back his laugh. “Why?”
Jase leaned his head back when he groaned. “Oh, just get over here.” With that, he reached up to grab Donnie’s face and tugged him into a kiss.
Donnie rarely liked to admit when he had no idea what he was doing but, well, he had no idea what he was doing. Kissing was one of those things that sounded so easy as a concept but once you were actually doing it... How was he supposed to move his mouth? Tilt his head?
Thankfully, Jase seemed to have some kind of idea, and Donnie did his best to follow his lead for the whole two seconds the kiss lasted.
Jase pulled away, but didn’t go very far.
“So...” Donnie began, still trying to wrangle his nerves under control. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Jase glared at him. “Stop acting like it’s not obvious.”
���Oh, so in my case it’s obvious but in yours it isn’t?”
“Want me to kiss you again to shut you up?”
“Maybe I do.”
The screeching sound of laser fire came from Jase’s laptop which still sat up on the bed. They both glanced at it.
“We left the movie running.” Donnie said.
“We left the movie running.” Jase repeated.
They both looked back at each other, but the serious stares only lasted for a second. Jase cracked a smile and started to laugh, Donnie following suit. Their foreheads bumped together as they both tried to curl over.
“So.” Donnie tried another question. “Does this make us boyfriends now?”
Jase barely managed to stifle his laughter. “Do you want to be?”
“Yeah.” Donnie nuzzled his forehead. “I do.”
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plantdonutwrites · 2 years
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💙 tmnt vday prompts · week 01 · leomin (leo x min-ji)
hello! it’s me again and i am PARTICIPATING and talking about ocs and ships and things I seldom ever talk about in public. WELL. here goes nothing.
1. in which tmnt universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 animated series, also known as the series that has my entire heart.
2. introduce us to your otp.
well, you guys already know leo, of course. but this young lady here is min-ji seong! she’s a korean-american high school student who lives in new york city. she’s a pianist, but she also writes songs and plays the acoustic guitar. when she was eleven, she was in the subway when a bombing ‘incident’ happened and lost half of her left arm; she now has a cybernetic prosthetic. she’s a warm and empathetic person with a dash of trauma and skittishness.
3. how did they meet?
it’s a whole... thing, but they meet when leo and his brothers investigate the foot going into a building one night that ended up being min-ji’s aunt’s boutique, and she was working the closing shift when she was attacked and was either going to be abducted or murdered by the foot soldiers. you know the drill, though: our boys show up, take some names and beat up the bad guys, and the day is saved. for the moment, anyway. min-ji ended up being in the foot’s and the purple dragon’s cross hairs by no fault of her own... but that’s a story for another time.
4. how is the relationship now?
after upwards of two years of being friends (and pining), they eventually start dating and for the most part is great and wholesome and cute and very healthy. they’re very insightful and attentive to one another and feel safe in each other’s company. they both have their traumas and shortcomings, but fortunately are pretty good communicators, so any bigger issues between them are often immediately addressed and short lived.
5. what is each other’s love language?
words of affirmation and quality time are very big for the both of them, in both receiving and giving. acts of service is also present in the two of them, but not as prominent.
6. do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. the future is pretty uncertain, especially since min-ji has ambitions of becoming a professional musician of some kind, and who knows where that will take her. but for now they have each other and are fully committed to that, and that’s enough.
7. what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
oh, THIS is going under a cut.
leo got to be a first person witness in min-ji's growth and healing with her low self esteem, self worth, and also her traumas. and he is so, so proud of her and genuinely feels honored that he's gotten to be a part of her life and see her overcome obstacles of all kinds. he admires her inner strength and how all of her experiences haven't left her cold (like it had once done to him). She is continuously recovering from past experiences, learning how to defend herself and stand up for herself, and shows kindness to people even when they don't deserve it. not to mention she bonds significantly with his family--becoming close friends with raph, being a beam of support for don, and being silly with mikey and occasionally indulging in his mischief and playfulness. he appreciates that she cares deeply for his family and he wishes he could get to know her family in the same way.
on min-ji's part: when they first met and during the period of time where they were still getting to know one another, leo (intentionally or unintentionally) offered min-ji a lot of stability and a sense of safety that she didn't have in her life for a while, and she clutched onto it for dear life. she has always found him to be a calming, but strong presence, who was always gentle and hyper aware of her mood and her verbal and physical expressions of emotions and thoughts, which was like a breath of fresh air for her. min-ji finds leo easy to talk to and express herself with, even with difficult or embarrassing topics. learning more about his and his family’s past (especially with what happened at the end of season 3 and throughout the first half of season 4) made her even more sympathetic to them, and she admires how he was able to heal from those events as well. all in all, they’ve had intense roads to individual recovery and they found one another along the way, which is beautiful.
thanks for reading! 💙
· tmnt vday prompts
· tmnt otp meme
· art by @redstringraven​ (used with permission, thankie muchly)
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usikuagani · 2 years
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Week 2 Theme Song: Say Yes by Floetry
When they finally confessed
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
This is for @tmnt-tychou Valentine’s Day prompt.
Immogene and Raphael
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Bayverse, but years later. The turtles are now a Spec Ops unit of the NYPD. They are in they early 40’s and late 30’s. Mutants are more common but tend to keep a very low profile.
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Immogene (pronounced Imogen) or Gen Waters - She is 42 years old (in this universe), although her age varies depending on the RP or story I have her in. 5’11” and curvy (Ashley Graham is who I use for her body type). Long wavy curly red mahogany hair, tattoos that cover more than half of the left hand side of her body disguise the scarring she has. Her eyes are emerald green and she has fair skin. Within her genes is the blood of an ancient race, known as the Amazons.
Immogene is known for her wit and sometimes sharp tongue. Her skill with a bow and arrow is unparalleled. She is an artist and likes to work on her motorcycle. Kind and softhearted, though she guards her heart fiercely, Immogene has few that are close. Her personality is a mix of class and sass. Some nick names that she’s earned over the years (from various Raphael’s) are: Firecracker, Tiger, Princess (Raphael is the only one to call her that), Iron Butterfly and Candy Apple Vixen. She can be fierce when pushed or when needed. She’s not necessarily empathetic but she picks up on feelings easily. Immogene is often referred to as a badass, feisty and a sweetheart.
*Side Note - I have been often asked if I created an OC that would match Raphael. This question, rather than irritate me, makes me smile. Immogene is me, with very few differences. I choose to have her as an OC to keep my fantasies separate from my reality. In truth, when I first wrote my story, I was attracted to both Leo’s and Raph’s personalities. But, the more I played with them, the more I started leaning towards Raphael. I’ve RP’d with many ‘Raph’s’ over the years and I honestly feel the greatest connection with the Brute. So, rather than me ‘creating’ someone for him, he is actually…the perfect match for me (I’d like to add I support all ships). When this question pops up…I honestly take it as the highest compliment.
Raphael Hamato - He is 40 years old. 6’9, extremely muscular and large with it. His left arm is covered in a sleeve which depicts traditional Japanese imagery. Although he still has his famous temper, he’s learned to use it and fine tuned himself. Raphael is the rogue of the four. He occasionally takes missions with his brothers, but often seeks the ones that no one else wants to do. His brothers never know when he’ll show up for family dinners. He was the last of his brothers to take a mate.
3. How did they meet?
Oruko Saki in this universe is a billionaire tycoon. His alter ego (The Shredder), reigns in terror over the citizens of NYC. He is a collector of fine arts and priceless artifacts.
Seeing the art of Immogene Waters, he decided he had to have it…and the artist herself. Saki arranged to be an anonymous benefactor of her art to get her to NYC.
On the night of the attempted kidnapping Raphael happened to be in the neighbourhood and rescued her. At the time he had been impressed with the fight the woman had put up against the fiend. Although, she hadn’t left the scene unscathed.
Raphael made the decision to bring her back to the ‘lair’, which was now an entire apartment building complex where all the brothers lived. His decision had surprised everyone, including himself. There was something about those green eyes of hers.
Of course, the first time she saw him she startled, but reasoning took over and she realized this behemoth had rescued her.
Through happenstance and an unusual like for each others company, they got to know each other. Raphael discovered she somehow had a calming influence on him. All she had to do was walk into the room and his shoulders would visibly relax. She also had a tendency to challenge him with that tongue of hers. There was also the no end to his amusement with how she stood up to him.
Immogene found someone who accepted her. Who naturally understood her. His actions speaking louder than words. Underneath this brutish figure was a large heart. She, bit by bit softened towards him, letting him past the protection she had around her heart.
4. How is the relationship now?
Immogene and Raphael have an unbreakable bond. They banter together and get so much enjoyment out of it. She’s soft where he’s hard. They have similar dispositions but in ways that balance each other. Nothing soothes him like the way she says his name or when she caresses his jaw.
She’s never felt as safe as she does in his arms. A look from across the room between them speaks volumes. Raphael has always teetered on the edge of going one step too far. It’s what makes him so effective. Immogene keeps him on the side of good. With him, she has found her home. He his her home for a piece of her heart lives within his and vice versa for him. It’s the reason why I chose the image I did. Water and fire. When they meet it’s a blending of the two elements, unless it’s in the bedroom. Then the reaction more…explosive.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
For the first part of the question, yes, they do eventually get married. It’s a private ceremony between the two of them. For the second part, I will say no, but will not reveal the reason why. There is the chance that this answer could come out in an RP I have, and I’m saving it for that.
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? Gush as much as you want!!!
Oh boy. Gushing. Here it comes. I love every single damn thing about this pairing. The way they fit together, the love they have for each other. How they crave each others touch. The way each says the others name. The passion they share. Good grief. *fans self*
The way they tease each other *grins*. They both get so much enjoyment out of it. In a way…it’s a subtle, or not so subtle (depending on who else is in the room), of flirting or even foreplay.
The both of them are unabashedly themselves, with each other they’ve found that one that gets and accepts them exactly the way they are. To this day, it still surprises Raphael that no matter what level of rage he’s in, a look, a touch or her even just softly saying his name can remove that red haze.
Raphael removed the shadows from her eyes. And the thing was, he did without really trying. He was being himself. It just happened to be everything she needed, Brute and all.
Raphael and Immogene. Two souls collided and did not become one, but a blend of the two. Although they are separate…it can be seen that they are intertwined so thoroughly, it would be impossible to untangle them.
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takingovermidnight · 2 years
Sliding into a new hyper fixation, here we go. I need to build my confidence in posting and I love @tmnt-tychou 's work, so when they came out with this idea I wanted to join the fun! Without further ado, self-indulgence!
1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Beatrice exists across the turtle-verse in different forms. She might stay close friends with the brothers in one world, have a polyamorous relationship with two of them in another, and get together with April in the one over yonder! Infinite possibilities. But no matter where she is, the turtles are a HUGE, beloved part of her family, and they feel the same about her. For this version of the meme, however, I am focusing on our beautiful Bayverse boys. <3
DISCLAIMER: Beatrice is autistic and has fibromyalgia. Each exists on a spectrum and a lot of her experiences reflect my own: the good, the bad, and the complicated. 
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Leotrice. Beanardo. Tol and smol. Bumblebee and bonsai tree. Certified goofy goobers. 
Grgikau’s picrew can be found here! https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/426722 
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Missing details: proper body type, braces
This is the closest I could find in a world with a frustrating lack of plus-size options in picrews, so this is not entirely accurate. I would love to see this pair come to life, and these gremlin hands do not belong to an artist, so if anyone is doing commissions and would be interested, please let me know! I have been looking around!
3. How did they meet? 
Almost a year has passed since they gave Krang the New York Goodbye and with their 18th birthday approaching, the brothers have a lot on their minds. Working alongside the NYPD means more missions and higher stakes. Stress is running high. With both Shredder and Stockman still at large, the Foot lying in wait (with others anxious to take their place on the ladder), and the lingering threat of interdimensional warfare, Leo is especially pissed off that crooked cops harassing a homeless encampment are on his radar this evening. That anger quickly stutters into intrigue when a five-foot-nothing young woman bares her braces at the officers and refuses them free food. 
It does not take Donnie long to collect evidence of their harassment and send it to the desk of Chief Vincent. And the brothers come to realize it is not a new encampment at all, but a gathering around a Little Turtle food cart, their favorite Japanese restaurant. Run by the Murakami family, they make an effort to set up every weekend possible. It is quite the complex operation of serving food and putting together bags of donations, from canned goods to toiletries to books for children to read. They are all a bit overwhelmed by the brothers at first, maybe even a little afraid. But they are also grateful, and Mikey approaches first, appreciative of their honesty. He would rather someone be open to getting to know him and asking questions out of genuine curiosity than let fear or assumptions guide their judgment. And Leo feels something clench in his chest when the young woman from before offers his baby brother a silver-studded smile and a hand, asking if he is hungry. 
She introduces herself as 18-year-old Beatrice, a high school student and family friend who babysits for the Murakamis and helps out on such weekends. When the brothers have a night off, you can often find them helping prep and serve, hidden within a tent to protect them from the cold and prying eyes. They get to know a lot of the locals (sworn to secrecy), including Beatrice, and even play with some kids that show up for a hot meal (Raph and Donnie get the jungle gym treatment). 
This year they have one more invitation to their birthday party, and Beatrice would not miss it for the world. The rest is history…
4. How is the relationship now?
You gave me permission to gush. BIG mistake. <3
After their birthday, someone is always asking her down to the lair to hang out, so much so that after graduation, they invite her to move in with them to save money and have an easier commute to college. 
April and Casey, still barely a couple at this point (they are both disasters that cannot get their shit together and I love them for it), come together as well-meaning, but weird surrogate parents for Beatrice. April loves taking her out for gut-busting ice cream sundaes and go-carts and the boys laugh until they cry as Casey recalls, with much higher blood pressure, his attempts to teach Beatrice how to drive. Though they can be awkward and dysfunctional and she values her independence, she appreciates their love and support, both of them equally hyping her up and being phenomenally embarrassing. 
Beatrice and Splinter? These two were made for each other. She is a little shit and he loves her dearly, thrilled to have another daughter around to keep his sons on their toes. At first, Beatrice was not sure what to make of him, or Casey for that matter, as positive male role models after not having one before. But she comes to see him as someone she can lean on, and look to for advice and strength. She loves him very much, and she treasures the time they spend together watching Will and Grace, playing pranks on the boys, helping each other cheat at Game Night, and him teaching her self-defense.  
Now for her beloved “big” brothers! Short jokes aplenty. They call her “Squirtle” and there is joking that Donnie needs to make a booster seat for the garbage truck. And honestly? She kinda digs it. Being an only child your whole life is often very lonely and exhausting in its own way, and having somebody to look out for you and give you that unique brand of protective sibling love? Yes please, she is overwhelmed but in a good way, and needs a minute. They are a LOT to love, but she loves them just as much, and it all works out. 
Donnie: She has different interests in common with all the brothers, and they are all good listeners, but it is really nice being able to talk about your special interests and know that the other person not only understands it but is just as passionate as you are. Beatrice loves marine biology (there are many benefits, I hear), and she could talk about hermit crab migration patterns and which species of sea snails are venomous for hours if you let her. She knows enough about chemistry and physics to try to keep up with Donnie, or at least ask him questions. And he is HILARIOUS. Mikey would be devastated to know that Beatrice thinks Donnie is the funniest dude alive. Upon learning more about fibromyalgia and autism and her life with them, he installs different accommodations around the lair and even tricks out her emergency portable cane with a few defense mechanisms for when she goes out. He loves helping her with homework, especially when he gets the textbooks after, and she tries her best to keep an eye on him and make sure he eats something besides stale Poptarts and sleeps more than two hours a night. Each of the turtles has their own way of asking for cuddles or comfort, and with Donnie, she usually ends up on his lap while he sits in his computer chair, playing on her Switch or watching him type soothing lines of code.
Mikey: Most days you cannot go five minutes without these two parroting Tiktoks at each other or making a mess of the kitchen table cooking or doing crafts. It is with his encouragement that Beatrice picks up her sketchbook again, and she finds plenty of inspiration in his antics alone. They rope Raphael in a third of the time and inevitably the kitchen gets messier when the boys start throwing glitter and peppering shells with googly eyes. On those days even Beatrice ends up in the Hashi. What they get up to depends on the day. Monday through Wednesday they could be bouncing all over the place, pelting each other with Nerf darts, swimming in the pool, and dying all the underwear in the wash pink. On Thursday Mikey might be feeling a bit down and she ends up in his bed with his head on her stomach. Friday Beatrice might be sore and tired from work or school and they find themselves on the couch in the middle of a video game marathon with the rest of the family. Beatrice grows protective of Mikey, forever grateful to bask in his radiant warmth, but also that he trusts her with his cloudy days too. 
Raph: Beatrice is close with all of them, but her best friend, aside from Leo, of course, is Raphael. Neither of them ever really says it out loud. It becomes this unspoken thing that they are a safe space for one another, a place to let it out and wind down after. No judgment, no rules. They share a lot of the same insecurities, even though they express them differently. She likes that with Raph sometimes the world just sucks, and they can leave it at that. The others are a bit mystified by the vibes these two cook up. Beatrice is so relaxed around him that she often just falls asleep on his chest or against his side if they are both reading or knitting or playing cards or watching trashy reality TV. Not out of boredom, but trust. Raph appreciates that he can vent to her, even about her boyfriend, and that she never hesitates to go to town for him and his brothers. They have a deep bond that is very special, and it is this closeness that inspires Splinter to choose Raphael to be the first to take over her martial arts training. 
Leo: Amazing how this is an OTP meme and it takes me five pages to mention the OTP. When you date one turtle, your experiences with the other three are an important part of developing that relationship, none more so than for Leo. These two do not have much of an opportunity to get to know each other until she moves in. Even then, initially, he is still the most reserved. It is not personal and she knows. He just has so much on his shoulders already, it can be hard to stay in the moment, and he wants his brothers to be able to spend time with her. They all want her attention and affection, and Beatrice is at a loss on how to get to know someone with such a full plate. Speaking of plates…she finds a solution in cooking lessons! She has no Michelin stars, for sure, but she likes cooking and baking, it is one of the ways she shows her love. And it is unacceptable that Leo is banned from even using the toaster. Leo hesitates and grumbles a bit, but a nudge from Splinter sends him in her direction, and he is surprised at the amount of pride and warmth he feels when one of his better attempts not only draws all three brothers to the table, but makes them smile and ask for seconds. They talk a lot around that beat-up old stove, and both find their walls crumbling. Feelings quietly start to grow. Life does what life does and gets in the way, and so do his own insecurities and worries, but finally, after three years of pining, the pot boils over, and he confesses. And now? They are closer than ever. Both are young and inexperienced and stubborn; every couple has their squabbles, especially when you also have four other roommates to consider and their dimension might even be at stake. The world throws a lot of curveballs, but loving one another makes it easier to step up to the plate.
5. What is each other's love language?
Leo’s Receiving: Words of affirmation go a long way with Leo. Not just praise and appreciation for what he does, but the reassurance that he is more than enough as he is, and that one argument or mistake is not going to ruin what they have. He is not a mind reader and feels deeply insecure over his compulsion to be perfect. The boy in blue puts a lot of pressure on himself and at this point, Beatrice can feel him ruminating across the room. Communication becomes very important, and she is patient while he tries to put his thoughts together, whether it be about their relationship or the tremendously heavy weight on his young shoulders. And we know all of these boys have to be touch starved. While he is not the type to makeout on the living room couch, once he becomes comfortable with the fact that he can ask for what he needs, more subtle PDA like cuddles, nuzzles, and gentle kisses and touches are definitely on the table, especially if he can gross his brothers out like “Really? In front of my pizza?” 
Leo’s Giving: If Leo loves you, he wants to help you in any way he can. Prove his usefulness. Be of service. Fix the problem. And it confuses and distresses him at first when Beatrice gets upset. It takes time to wrap his head around the fact that there are no “solutions” to chronic pain. You can do things to help manage it, but it is something you have to learn to live with, adapt to, and sometimes concede to. Beatrice has a lot of good days. She enjoys being active with him. But she has flares, and they can be bad. Frustrating for her. There are things she cannot do anymore or should limit in the future, days when her body just crashes. And she understands why he has that mindset in the beginning. It is how we are socialized to see disability: something to overcome, something that can be improved with better choices, and something he has little to no frame of reference for as a mutant turtle. No one wants to see someone they love in pain and not be able to help or protect them from it. So he works to change that mindset and adapts with her. Finds ways that he can show his love in this manner that also make her happy. Sometimes she has brain fog or gets distracted and forgets things, so with her permission he checks her bag for her pain meds, noise-canceling headphones, and other important doodads before they head out. He learns how to do special massages that help with nerve pain. He knows what her safe foods and textures are, and how to help her ground herself. Seemingly little things that actually mean so much to her. 
Beatrice’s Giving/Receiving: That sweet, sweet quality time, baby. When she and her favorite turtle man can just be and be together. She encourages Leo to be open about and share his interests with her, to indulge in his non-duty-based hobbies, and it makes her so happy to see that boyish, bashful grin light up his whole face. She reads the books and mangas he recommends to her, helps him tend to his bonsai trees and meditates beside him, and listens to him geek out about his sword collection and favorite TV shows he has not allowed himself to watch lately. And he does the same for her when he can. Arts and crafts, sports (when they play basketball he lifts her up so she can dunk and he thinks she is the cutest thing in the world; playful sparring in the dojo usually leads to something more amorous; not necessarily a sport but they explore the sewers and rooftops together, etc), their cooking lessons, etc. Donnie shuts down the security at the local aquarium and it becomes one of their special spots. Even if they are each doing their own thing in the same room, or she needs to rest, she loves when he has the opportunity to be beside her. On that same note, each has to learn the boundaries of the other. For him, she likes to be touched, but it needs to be on her terms. No ambushes and he usually asks if he can come in for a landing (cue her smile and grabby hands). For her, it means understanding and respecting when he needs alone time. 
Beatrice’s Giving: “Hey Bea, could you do a few loads of laundry tonight, please? I can help you fold it when we get back from patrol.” “Hell yeah, I call the socks!” His brothers tease that it is very old-married-couple-y of Leo and Beatrice to LIKE cleaning and doing chores together, but she genuinely enjoys some of the tasks and finds them calming. She is an acts of service gal and will happily help lighten your burden if she feels capable. Her other favorites are helping Donnie hose down the garbage truck (SO satisfying, and Mikey and Raph laugh their asses off seeing her completely sopping wet and covered in mud from their water fight) and going grocery shopping with one of the boys decked out in the most ridiculous amalgamation of trench coats you have ever seen. She also likes giving gifts. Not expensive, fancy, Christmas-list sort of things necessarily, but if she sees something and thinks of you, it is going in her bag. It might be a cool rock or a wrench set she found on sale and remembered that Donnie lost his on the highway the other day when they were being chased by the Foot. 
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Beatrice and Leo are together for about three years when she hears crying one night on her way to where the boys will be picking her up from work. Tiptoeing into the alley, she moves aside some garbage and is shocked to find a baby mutant turtle chirping weakly at her. With no sign of a nest or other presence, Beatrice rushes the baby to the truck to get them out of the weather. After some Donnie-patented TLC, little Rain settles into their new home. While trying to solve the mystery of their origins, the whole family pitches in to care for them, but it is not long before they have imprinted on Bea and Leo and chosen them as their parents. Kids are complicated; they are not biologically compatible, and even if they were, Beatrice finds just the idea of pregnancy horrifying. Both of them accept that adoption is also impossible, and feel more than content just being together and enjoying their youth in a life where danger and uncertainty lurk in the shadows. But they fall hard for the little red-eared slider. And a year later they are so proud to include them in their special ceremony, making a promise to one another as partners, and to Rain as their parents. 
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
I must have put you all to sleep by now, but this pairing is very therapeutic for me, and I’m happy I got all my word vomit out, even if this is as far as it goes. This isn’t a self-ship, but I have a lot in common with Beatrice. I don’t see a lot of positive or realistic representations of women that look like me or have lived my experiences in media. Fatphobia and ableism, as we all know, continue to suffocate the world. And I’m new to fibromyalgia and unmasking my neurodivergence, which comes with a lot of complicated feelings I’m trying to understand and process. So seeing someone like Leo fall in love with someone like me for who I am and everything I have going on feels nice. Plus found family is my favorite trope and you can pry it from my cold little hands. 
I also really wanted to see more of Bayverse Leo being an absolute dork. The goofy, sweet, insecure, and emotionally exhausted teenager he is underneath all the weight he carries. Push him away from the window and onto the couch where he can be cherished as he deserves. Beatrice is locked and loaded, ready to love him. 
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TMNTVDAY (Week 2) - Music
Leonardo x Ginny:
She's Like The Wind, Patrick Swayze ft. Wendy Fraser
Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler
Pretending, Lea Michele and Cory Monteith
Only Us, Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Platt
When You Say Nothing At All, Ronan Keating Donatello x Harper:
Beautiful Soul, Jesse McCartney
Arms, Christina Perri
They Don't Know, Ariana Grande
Us Against The World, Westlife
You Found Me, The Fray
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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For the #TMNTVDAY Firsts Prompt.
I keep forgetting how much I love 03 RaMona. It took them a long, long time to get here. He had to wait until she was ready. Until she understood how to love and be loved. Until they had all seen the edge of the universe and come out the other side. Then she could finally say the words for the first time:
“I adore you.”
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androidships007 · 2 years
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🐢🧡 Happy Valentine's Day 🧡🐢 @turtlebros4u
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mermmarie · 2 years
I have a thousand other things to do this month, but I just found this event and I REEEEALLLY wanna participate!! 😭 Even if it’ll just be something small. Thanks to @tmnt-tychou​ for creating this event! You can find the prompts list here!
Without further ado…
~ * BOND * ~
(Bonnie and Donatello)
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Rise!! (Although, Bonnie and Donnie are a thing in the Bayverse universe as well. 😋💜)
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
(Sometimes) Mad Genius Ninja Turtle meets Bunny Themed Human Thief!
3. How did they meet?
Oh, in the good ol' 'boys on patrol fashion' except Bonnie is the perpetrator Donatello and his brothers are after instead of a victim.
She's pulling a heist and gets caught by one of Donatello's handy inventions, but he gets careless and she magically escapes somehow, thus starting a mildly infuriating (for Donatello) game of cat and mouse..... er-- bunny and turtle??? Lol.
4. How is the relationship now?
Less.... infuriating. Lol, no, it's actually very good.
It takes a long while to get there however. What with Bonnie being a criminal and all. Kind of hard for them to be a thing when Donatello is supposed to be a hero to New York.
Donatello also has trust issue (outside of the fact that Bonnie is a thief) due to a past relationship with a girl that reminds him of Bonnie... However, when he finally gets past that, there is an obstacle from Bonnie's side that still diverts him from pursuing her fully. It's a complex situation for the both of them, but it helps that Bonnie is stubborn and Donatello can't turn down a challenge.
5. What is each other’s love language?
You would think being a thief, Bonnie's would be "gift giving' but no. Lol. It's touch. Upon first meeting someone she presents herself as reserved. But after becoming comfortable with the person (and or turtle) she is very hands-on. Be it affectionately-annoying pokes and prods, or lovingly-tender touches and caresses. And though it takes a lot of time and trust for Donatello to allow her to touch him, he yearns for it once they are in a stable relationship.
I feel like Donatello's is pretty obvious but... Gift giving / Acts of Service. (C'mon. He's just that guy.) It actually plays a big part into their whole story. To make things short however, Bonnie is kind of used to having to provide for herself and has a hard time believing anyone is genuine with their gifts towards her until she meets Donatello. He's the first being to give and assist her without requiring anything in return and that makes her heart go Doki-Doki.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Yes to both!!
They get married in their late 20s! It's an impromptu thing on Donatello's part, but of course, Bonnie's more than thrilled to take his hand in marriage.
They have two girls in their early to mid 30's!!
Jessie Aurum Hamato
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Jamie Argenti Hamato
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They are five years apart (so 15 and 10 in these respective pictures) and are named after the famous outlaw, Jesse James/Team Rocket by Bonnie. (Their middle names are by Donatello based off elements of the periodic table and of course they are part of the Hamato clan ^^)
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
Probably their ship name "Bond," LMAO!! (Listen, you don't know how many ships I've had that just didn't have compatible names!! 😭) But also their complex build up. I know I was vague about it here (I didn't want to overload) but they go through a lot of shit together and learn how to be vulnerable with one another. I hope to share more of it soon cause I think it's quite a fun story.
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Anywhoo!! I don't think there's any requirements on tagging, but I'm going to encourage some peeps to participate!! @seafoamtaffy @usikuagani
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redstringraven · 2 years
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#tmntvday - music & firsts
“Could I kiss you?”
Raph stiffened.
Moonlight bathed the lake’s surface in a thin silver sheet. A pair of loons drifted along the opposite side of the water, their presence so gentle that they left no more than one or two ripples in their wake. Light from the farmhouse bloomed through the far trees like the glow of a fire. Here and there, lazy fireflies would wander out of the glow; tiny, living sparks from a flame. Summer wind whispered through the trees, its voice audible during pauses from croaking frogs and crickets.
A shivering sensation crept through Raph's forearms and into his shoulders. He couldn't tell if the wind had carried it in, or if Gwyn's question had drawn it out of him. He turned his head and caught her eyes: bright, teal crescents glowing against an oddly soothing black.
Gwyn smiled, her palmed cheek causing one eye to squint.
Raph realized she was waiting for an answer, and he inhaled. "...huh?"
Her smile widened.
“Could I kiss you?” She repeated, a ghost of a laugh coloring her tone.
Raph’s eyes darted around, searched the lakeside, the treeline, the bushes and dock for any peeping eyes. He found none. “I… uh…”
“It’s okay if you say no.” Her voice came quieter, like a firm, grounded hand on the shoulder. Assuring.
They’d been doing 'this' a few months, now. This… careful, cautious cultivation of trust and love.
It’d started, here, at this very lake. Restless despite the day's activities and eager for fresh air, they'd slipped out of the farmhouse while the others watched a movie. A walk down the forest path later, they'd arrived at the water's edge. They'd talked. About their siblings, the challenges ahead... somehow, they stumbled onto the topic of Liáfsini. Gwyn's life there before everything went to hell.
A wall had come down, and something had shown through; something that’d been there for a long time, leaking through the cracks whenever they allowed themselves breaths of vulnerability. Conversation went quiet, and they’d caught each other’s eyes. A tight jolt in the throat--a sudden breathlessness--and the shared realization that they’d been staring for just a little too long. Just a little too openly. Just a little too tender.
Quick sputtering, tongue-tied with excuses, they’d retreated to the farmhouse and gone their separate ways, unable to fall asleep once in the safety of their beds. But the following morning they talked as though nothing had happened. While traces of awkward moments came and went, there'd never been a cloud of discomfort. They hadn’t needed to say it to each other. It’d been a quiet, unspoken agreement to give ‘this’ a try.
Again, Raph searched the shadows of the woods. Another slow breeze trickled through the leaves, but, aside from their swaying shapes, the forest remained still. A loon’s call rose on the other side of the lake. Energy balled in his stomach, and his heart shivered behind his ribs. The lake's chill prickled his skin despite how warm he suddenly felt. He could almost taste the wet earth on the air.
Raph realized he was smiling, and he exhaled a faint laugh. “...yeah.”
He pulled his arms off his knees and pressed his hands into the dirt and grass, rotating himself to face her. Gwyn scooted closer to face him in full. Their knees bumped, and his breath caught.
A rush of panic hit him like a cold bucket of water. He tried to remember every single movie he’d ever watched where the leads wound up kissing but couldn’t pull a single damn scene out of his brain. --which. Was probably good. It was acting, after all--fake and played up. ...His mouth felt dry. His stomach fluttered and knotted.
“--do,” he blurted, and he flinched at the volume in his own voice, “--do I need t’do anything?”
Gwyn’s smile softened. “Not if you don’t want to.”
...He’d kind of been hoping for some hint at direction.
Raph's eyes darted to her lips and back up again. “Okay.”
“Do you remember the deò?” Gwyn asked.
A Liáfsian gesture; when two people touched foreheads and shared the same breath. That, on its own, was a humble sign of gratitude or regard. But Ash had alluded to there being a more intimate version of it. Like the difference in a greeting kiss on the cheek verses a kiss on the lips. Raph nodded.
“Okay,” Gwyn said. She lifted a hand toward his face, but she paused. Her smile faltered. “You’re so tense.”
Raph twitched, realizing the muscles in his neck and shoulders had tightened. He willed them to relax again, exhaled through his nose, and shook himself out. “--I’m fine.”
“We don’t have to--”
“--’m fine.”
Gwyn tilted her head, her brows raised in question.
Raph rolled his lips together. He forced himself to hold her gaze even as his face and neck began to feel impossibly hot. She began to withdraw her hand, and he huffed.
“I just,” he stuttered. “I don’t. I dunno what I’m doin’." Then quieter. "…--I don’t wanna fuck it up.”
“You don't have to do anything,” Gwyn said gently.
Raph chewed his inner cheek. “Yeah. But…”
“Hey.” Gwyn smirked, tapping the underside of his chin with the side of her finger. “You’re not gonna believe this? But you’re overthinking it.”
Raph snorted, chuckling despite himself. “Nah, I’d never.”
“Mn, but you are.”
“I don’t think, Gwyn, that's Don's wheelhouse. I just do.”
Gwyn’s smile widened. “Exactly.”
“...heh.” Raph ducked his head and shook it. “...fer pete’s sake.”
Another serene wail of a loon drifted across the lake. Like a hand on the shoulder, it soothed and cooled the burning nerves under his skin. His heartbeat hadn’t slowed, but he looked up anyway. “I’m fine.”
He must have sounded or looked a little more convincing, because Gwyn’s smile warmed. She nodded, and, again, she reached toward his face.
Gwyn's thumb ghosted over his lips, and she molded her hand to curve of his jaw. Her thumb caressed his cheek as her hand slid around to cradle the back of his head. She waited, and, when he didn’t pull away, a tender pressure on his neck guided him forward. Raph let his eyes close as their foreheads touched, and he let go of the breath he’d been holding. Gwyn’s exhale brushed against his chin, but he remained still.
For a moment, his nerves settled. Then Gwyn’s forehead shifted against his, and his stomach jumped. A wave of jitters flew up his spine and spread through his shoulders. Again, she paused, and again, he remained still.
The touch of her lips against his was warm. It sent a new surge of energy through his chest, overwhelming and vibrant. He’d felt similar rushes--a weightlessness in his stomach during bullheaded stunts, the swell when he gunned the shell-cycle and tore through the streets--but nothing quite like this. It was unnerving how something so small and soft drew the same intensity to the surface. The risk, while not cold cement three stories down nor an oblivious vehicle on the road, was still present.
And, just like all the risks before? He couldn’t have cared less.
Gwyn pulled away. He opened his eyes to see her studying his face. She was smiling.
“You okay?” She murmured.
Raph blinked. He smiled and ducked his head with a breathy chuckle. His hands flexed open and shut as the nerves in his fingertips buzzed. “Yeah.”
His chest felt overtaken by his own heartbeat. The warmth that’d been pooled in his face and neck had spread to every inch of him. He couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t want to, either.
“...I, uh…” He’d never been at a loss for words in a good way. “...I…”
Raph looked up. He rolled his lips together and searched her face. Despite the blackened ‘whites’ of her eyes, they were shining. Glossed over and soft. Her smile, which had started small and cautious, now blossomed, its warmth emphasized by the glow of her hair and bioluminescence trailing through her skin. Raph knew, in that moment, that this wasn’t one of her masks. The adoration in her stare was genuine. The curve in her smile, sincere. And all at once, the rush hit him again--somehow crisper, more focused than before.
Raph’s eyes dropped to her lips. He met her gaze, and her expression melted. She nodded her head.
He hesitated. Then, he lifted a hand.
Just as Gwyn had before, Raph touched his thumb to her lips. It caught as he brushed it to the corner of her mouth, wrinkling the soft skin, and his chest flinched. Raph huffed--worried that his hand might start twitching or shaking as it slid to cradle her jaw. But Gwyn’s smile never faltered. It didn’t curl into something more mischievous or teasing. It grew fonder, and she nodded as his hand found nape of her neck.
Again, he caught himself hesitating. Gwyn hummed under her breath. “...forehead to forehead.”
She leaned just enough to cue him, and he guided her head to his. Their foreheads bumped. He closed his eyes, letting out the shaken breath he’d been holding. Gwyn’s exhale brushed against his chin, just as before.
He let everything else sink away. The lake, the soft loon-song, the hum of the crickets, even an awareness of passing time. Focused only on the slow rhythm of his breath and hers. The warmth of her head against his. The tension in his shoulders sank away.
Carefully, he tilted his head. He twitched as his beak bumped her nose. She laughed, but not cruelly; a warm and airy sound that soothed the momentary flash of panic into excitement. Her laugh trailed off as his lips found hers, replaced with a sigh. A ripple of light-headedness swept over him; the energy and heat and excitement coursing through him become overwhelming. Euphoric.
Their lips parted. Raph inhaled, his fingers curling in her hair against the slope of her neck. He opened his eyes to find hers still closed, and a wide, lovely smile spread over her lips.
She chuckled and raised her brows without opening her eyes.
“See?” She breathed. “Don’t think.”
Raph laughed despite himself. He closed his eyes again and let himself drift forward until their foreheads touched again. One of her hands found the hand still resting in his lap, and their fingers linked. Raph gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and he nodded once.
“...just do.”
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i was mostly going for week 3's prompt "firsts", but i might as well also mention/link the music i listened to obsessively while writing/drawing for this.
so, for week 2's prompt "music", here are the tracks: • labyrinth, taylor swift • sinking friendships, jónsi • a trial of crows and blood, dead melodies • navigating, auralen (feat. slyleaf & WYDNR)
this is also over on ao3 if you wanna throw me a kudos, but i'm not your mom ✌🌷
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
Decided all the Jasonnie I write for the valentine’s event is gonna take place in Future Donnie’s timeline from my fic Not Part of the Plan (yeah that means he’s doomed by the narrative but don’t worry about that I won’t be writing sad shit (I already did all that oopsie))
Anyway first week prompt is Music based, so I’m writing this scene loosely inspired by Wow I’m Not Crazy by AJR (because that song is very jasonnie vibes in my brain)
Donatello wasn’t sure this was a good idea.
Then again, he hadn’t been sure it’d be a good idea to approach Jase at the junkyard where he happened to find the dragon digging through some junked computers, interestingly without his usual purple jacket.
Donatello approached, after a lot of thinking, because part of him was in fact worried. Their last encounter ended when the mech the dragons were building exploded due to power overload. Jase almost got caught in the blast, only saved by deciding to jump into Donatello’s arms, allowing the turtle to shield them both.
Donatello tried not to overthink the situation. It’d just be terrible of him to let the guy die, even if they were enemies. The only part that started eating at his mind was the fact he’d been so relieved.
So, he approached. Of course the encounter started messy, Jase spitting out empty threats that Donatello easily countered, but when it was clear a fight wouldn’t break out the dragon relaxed, mostly.
Somehow, it ended with Donatello inviting Jase to chat with him over pizza.
Somehow, Jase agreed to it.
Could be a trap. An attempt to win back Donatello’s trust just to sneak around him and steal his tech. But he braced himself for that, wouldn’t be bringing a lot of tech to these meetings and definitely wouldn’t take any home with him.
Regardless, far too late to take any of it back now. After Jase gave him a confused look when the brick wall twisted open, the pair of them stepped into Hueso’s restaurant.
“Should have guessed this wouldn’t be a normal pizza place.” Jase sighed, hands tucked into the pockets of his not purple jacket.
“Sorry, but we’d have a much more difficult time going anywhere else.” Donatello gestured to his own face. “Relax, I bring April in here all the time so they’re used to seeing humans by now.”
Jase mumbled, glancing around the crowded dining room. “Hope they won’t be upset if I end up staring.”
“Just don’t stare then.” Donatello gave him a smirk before turning back to the host desk.
It took a minute from Hueso to return to it, adjusting his hat. He greeted Donatello with a smile, but raised an eyebrow at Jase.
“Oh?” The skeleton asked, grabbing the menus. “A new guest for today?”
“Yes, this is Jase. He’s my--” His brain stumbled over what word to use for a second. “Friend.”
Hueso continued to stare, as if he was trying to read Donatello’s mind, but finally lead them to a table.
Jase at least seemed to settle in, mostly. He did flinch a couple of times when a yokai or mutant would wander past the table. Though whether he was surprised by their size or their shape, Donatello couldn’t say.
“Huh, surprised the pizza here is normal.” Jase glanced over the menu, then squinted. “Or not.”
“The slugs are good, I promise.”
“You would think so.”
Donatello glared. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Well you’re a turtle, right?” Jase raised an eyebrow at him. “I bet you guys would eat like, spiders.”
“Scoff, I do not eat spiders.” Donatello crossed his arms. “They’re far too valuable for pest control. Crickets on the other hand.”
“You eat shrimp don’t you? How is it any different?”
“There’s no way they taste the same.”
Donatello knew that they, in fact, did not taste the same, but that wasn’t the point. “Shrimp are just bigger and slightly different bugs.”
“I can’t peel a cricket.” Jase scoffed, but was starting to smile.
“You could if you were careful enough.”
That actually got him to snort in amusement. He sat up, smiling even wider now. “Yeah, okay, having fun trying to picture that. How would that even work?”
“Well,” Donatello held up a finger. “If you don’t want to go through the trouble of using some precision knives, you could always pop off the head and squeeze it like toothpaste.” 
Jase gagged, sticking his tongue out. “Ew, no. No thank you.”
“Same thing as shrimp.”
“No it is not!” Jase shouted, but smiled even wider.
Donatello smiled back, glad the tension in the air was finally gone. He began to wonder, back in the junkyard, that if they weren’t being pitted against each other they might get along. Maybe that hypothesis was accurate.
They had another brief, playful argument about what kind of pizza to get. Donatello kept calling him a coward for avoiding any of the stranger options, but finally gave up. They just ordered two mediums, save the trouble of taking thirty minutes to decide what to eat.
“So.” Donatello tried to pick a topic when they got their food. “How much information about yourself are you willing to share?”
Jase’s expression shifted back to that half glare, showing he had his guard up. “Depends what you’re asking.”
“Well, as a starting question.” Donatello plucked one of the slugs off his pizza and chewed on it. “Why do you hang around Kendra?”
Jase’s glare sharped for a second, but then relax as he picked a slice up off his own plate. “I don’t. Not anymore.”
Donatello almost dropped his food. “Huh?”
“What, was the lack of a jacket not enough of a hint?” Jase rolled his eyes and started to chew.
“She kicked you out?”
“I left.” Jase let out a long sigh and drank some water. “After the whole explosion incident that almost killed me--”
“You’re welcome.” Donatello clicked his teeth and kept eating.
“Shut it, you’re the reason I got trapped up there in the first place. Anyway, after that mess it was kind of the final straw. I’d been trying to get away from her since...”
Jase suddenly got very quiet, eyes focused on something in the dining room. Donatello followed his gaze, but couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. Did one of the other patrons catch his eye? No. His gaze looked far too distant for that.
Jase suddenly chugged some more water, long enough that he gasped for air when he stopped. He put his pizza down, fingers digging into the table as he took a few deep breaths.
“Since,” He suddenly continued, “Something else happened. But it’s not that simple, you know, her being my step-sister and being under the same roof for a while. I moved in with my dad, changed colleges, this whole mess was just what I needed to finally put my foot down.”
Geez, it took an explosion for that? Why didn’t Jase just leave sooner? Donatello didn’t verbalize that question.
Instead he’d try something else. Seemed like a good time for a subject change. “So... with her not around... we really don’t have to keep being enemies.”
“We might, if you try and get in my way.” Jase returned to eating, but he was going so much slower than Donatello who was already on his third slice.
“Okay, but why would I?” Donatello waved a hand. “Planning to make a giant mech to wreck the city again?”
“While making a mech sounds nice, I don’t have the resources, and it’s not my main priority.”
“So what is?”
Jase studied him, suspicious as ever. Donatello tried to keep his expression neutral, or at the very least not smug.
“Prescription drugs.” Jase shoved the last of the slice in his mouth.
“The cost of a lot of prescription drugs is insane. Do you want to just look up the cost of insulin? It’s insane, for something people need to survive. I want those hacking resources to bug the systems so they cost less.”
Donatello tilted his head. “That’s uh... surprisingly noble?”
“My dad’s a pharmacist, I grew up hearing about it a lot.” Jase grabbed a new slice. “I didn’t mind doing whatever Kendra suggested for a while if it meant I had the resources but now, well, I’ll just have to figure it out myself.”
Donatello rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean... I could help?”
Jase stared at him, through him. “Uh huh, what’s the catch?”
He smirked. “Don’t betray me and steal my tech?”
“Come on, Von Ryan, you don’t expect me to fall for that, do you?”
“What motive could I have at this point to trick you? Is it so hard to believe that I--”
A soft buzzing interrupt them. Jase pulled out his phone, tapping it to cut off whatever caused the noise. Then he pulled a small bottle out of his other pocket. Pills? He popped one out and downed it with some water before putting it away again.
“Fine.” Jase continued the conversation. “It’s not impossible to believe that you might--”
“What was that?”
“What did you just take?”
Jase stared at him like he was stupid. “My anti-anxiety meds?”
“Oh.” Donatello suddenly wondered if he’d put his foot in his mouth. “Uh, why do you need--”
“None of your business.” Jase’s voice took on a dangerous edge that he hadn’t used before.
Right. “Topic completely forgotten about.” Doantello waved both hands in front of him. “Anyway, I find that when we aren’t fighting on opposite sides, J-son, you’re rather easy to talk to. I theorized back in the junk yard we might be able to become friends, and so far you’re only proving my theory.”
“I could leave.”
“But you haven’t yet.”
Jase pouted at that, almost crossing his arms before he decided to finish off his water. Hopefully the waiter would come by soon with a refill. “Well, the pizza is good. And... talking to you wouldn’t be terrible if you stopped asking such personal questions.”
Yeah, that was fair. “Well, in that case, I’ll allow you to ask me one in return, or let you pick an entirely new topic.”
Jase hummed, fingers resting on his chin as he sat there considering his options. “That shield you summoned, that wasn’t a piece of tech, was it?”
“Yes, and no.” Donatello twirled his hand, summoning a small spy drone to rest on his palm. “It’s a special ability I have that allows me to construct tech using... magical energy, in simple terms.”
“What, are you serious?” Jase rested his chin on his hand. “That’s just busted.”
Donatello laughed. “Indeed, it can be. It is, however, limited to things I know how to actually build piece by piece.”
“Oh, such a limitation for someone like you.” The sarcasm in his friend’s voice couldn’t be more obvious. “But does that mean you could like... make a giant mech?”
“Why, do you want to parade one around town again?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” Jase cracked a smile.
“Too bad, I haven’t worked on the schematics for something of that scale.”
“Well I have.” He sat up straight again and held out his up as the water approached with the jug. “We’ll just have to compare notes.”
“Does that mean you want to hang out again?”
“To build a giant mech? Of course. Just when are you free again?”
Donatello grinned, not quite able to figure out the light feeling in his chest. His legs swung back and forth under the table, trying to get some of the giddy feelings out of his system. “I have plenty of free time, just name a time and place. Oh, oh, what kind of equipment do you want it to have?”
“Laser guns might be a bit much for a joy ride.” Jase snickered. “But oh, this one should have some audio systems. We could have it belt out dramatic lines, or hit the block with some music.”
“Dramatic lines? I bet I could pull some out of the dozens of Jupiter Jim movies we have at home.”
Jase actually snorted when he laughed, covering his nose. “Jupiter Jim? You’re into corny, old sci-fi?”
“Excuse you, but Jupiter Jim is a classic.” Donatello pointed at him. “Just what kind of shows are you into?”
“Well, not to drop the big plot twist, but it’s robots. Transformers and Gundam in particular are...”
The conversation continued, for an amount of time that Donatello didn’t even keep track of. It didn’t feel like a long time, not in the slightest, but the evidence was stacked against him when he finally looked back at the restaurant to see it mostly empty.
“Hueso.” Donatello hissed as he paid his tab while Jase went to the bathroom. “You should have told me it was getting so late.”
“Nonsense.” Hueso took the cash with a smile. “I did not want to interrupt your date.”
Donatello’s eyes went wide and his hands froze in midair as Hueso walked off to the register.
Then finally, his brain caught up.
“My WHAT?”
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plantdonutwrites · 2 years
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💛💜 tmnt vday prompts · week 01 · breenie (bree x donnie)
hello! it’s me again and i am PARTICIPATING and talking about ocs and ships and things I seldom ever talk about in public. WELL. here goes nothing.
1. in which tmnt universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 animated series, also known as the series that has my entire heart.
2. introduce us to your otp.
you all know don already. donatello, donnie-bear. but this cutie right here is breanne o’neil--bree for short! she’s the niece of april o’neil and the daughter of june o’neil (her name is canonically robyn, but i changed it to june for funsies--and she was originally going to be named june, apparently). she was born in los angeles, california, moved to portland, oregan later in her childhood, and now she lives in new york city. she is an artist whose primary focus is painting, but she dabbles in a little bit of everything. she’s extremely creative and resourceful and carries a sunny disposition and tends to get along well with most people despite that social cues and understanding subtext is not her strong suit. but she’s always doing her best and is earnest in those efforts.
3. how did they meet?
a little canon divergence here--we first meet bree’s mom in the ‘trouble with augie’ episode for a brief moment, when she’s visiting april unexpectedly. in my ‘verse, june is april’s older sister by a significant number of years, but has always been the more ‘carefree’ of the two--but anyway. back to the canon divergence: similar to how casey’s mother somehow discovered leo and splinter’s existence in the episode ‘h.a.t.e.’, june caught a brief glimpse of don and asked april about it. the cat was out of the bag, and april introduced her sister to don and the rest of his family. and then eventually, at a later point, june brought bree with her to new york, and bree met the boys through her. one of their more mundane first encounters with a new friend, really.
4. how is the relationship now?
they are thriving. both of them have a long list of projects that they are constantly working on--not together usually, but they are both content with spending time away from each other to focus on their work, and then meet up later and gush to each other about what they’ve been working on. bree has learned a lot from don when it comes to being more patient, and don has been becoming progressively more open with expressing his feelings and what troubles him.
a crucial note that i heartily agree with, in hannah’s words: “i think they're both learning how to take better care of themselves together/learn how to be kinder to themselves together, as well as learning it's okay to be someone who needs kindness or help. since don tends to smother his troubles and bree tends to sweep hers under a rug. through supporting each other, they're also learning to be kinder to themselves and it's very warm and supportive and sweet and gentle."
help i’m emotional.
5. what is each other’s love language?
gift giving and acts of service for both of them, for sure. though as with most things, bree is pretty eclectic in how she expresses affection, and dabbles in many different forms of love language, but the previously mentioned two are the most prominent.
6. do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. similar to leomin, they have each other, their own ambitions and engagements that take up most of their focus, and are fully committed to that and each other, and that’s more than enough.
7. what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
silly gushing under the cut.
i love how well that complement one another, despite what one would think when they see the surface of their relationship: bree comes off as very energetic, a people-pleaser, perhaps a bit of an airhead, and don can come off as the shy nerdy boyfriend who doesn’t say much, mostly keeps to himself, but is nice enough. but looks and first impressions can be deceiving: don truly sees that bree is in fact a very sincere, loving person who is far from lacking in intelligence, and he always takes her seriously. and bree knows that don may come off like he’s putting people at arm’s length, but he just needs time to warm up to you and when he does, he’s the sweetest person in the room (perhaps even the world?). but i digress, back to being complementary. don’s a worrier, and bree can pull him out of that headspace from time to time. bree can be impatient and a bit impulsive, and don is an extremely patient person who is able to address her in a way that’s constructive and kind. i love how they are both highly creative and inventive, and that their primary purpose for creating the things they do is to make others happy (and it doesn’t hurt that it makes themselves happy also).
don appreciates how bree is always true to herself and passionate, and how she sees the world and notices the little things with enthusiasm... and bree sees the same in him and feels understood.
💜 thanks for reading! 💛
· tmnt vday prompts
· tmnt otp meme
· art by @redstringraven​ (used with permission, thankie muchly)
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