schuhplus · 5 months
schuhplus erhält COMPUTER BILD Auszeichnung "TOP SHOP 2024"
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Auszeichnung "TOP SHOP 2024" für die schuhplus-Chefs Georg Mahn (li.) und Kay Zimmer (re.) "schuhplus zählt zu den besten Onlineshops des Landes" (Statista) (Hamburg/Dörverden) (26.04.2024) Europas größtes Versandhaus für Schuhe in Übergrößen (https://www.schuhplus.com), schuhplus aus Niedersachsen, wurde von COMPUTER BILD und Statista mit dem Award "TOP SHOP 2024" in der Kategorie Mode & Accessoires (Schuhe) ausgezeichnet. Der Nischenhändler steht für eine "herausragende Leistung und zählt damit zu den besten Onlineshops des Landes", so Key Account Manager Carlos von Steinkeller von Statista. COMPUTER BILD und Statista führten auch in diesem Jahr eine umfangreiche Analyse durch, um die besten Onlineshops des Landes zu identifizieren. Die Analyse erfolgte anhand von 79 Bewertungskriterien und wurde von unabhängigen Testern geprüft und beurteilt. "Ich bin überglücklich und dankbar, dass unser Produktspektrum, zugleich aber auch das Engagement des gesamten Teams mit dieser fantastischen Auszeichnung pure Anerkennung erfährt. Das erfüllt mich mit großem Stolz und echter Dankbarkeit", so Geschäftsführer Kay Zimmer. Mit der Spezialisierung auf Damenschuhe in Übergrößen (https://www.schuhplus.com/damenschuhe) sowie Herrenschuhe in Übergrößen (https://www.schuhplus.com/herrenschuhe) hat schuhplus seit der Gründung im Jahr 2002 nicht nur eine einzigartige Nischen-Strategie initiiert, sondern sich vielmehr einen festen Platz im Deutschen Schuheinzelhandel erarbeitet. Verbraucherstudie belegt: Bestnoten für SchuhXL-Händler schuhplus Es ist nahezu eine grundsätzliche Fragestellung beim Webshopping: "Wo lässt sich online am besten einkaufen? Welche der vielen angebotenen Seiten bietet den besten Service, den besten Preis, die einfachste und zugleich schnellste Abwicklung?" Antworten auf diese Fragen und Orientierung liefern COMPUTER BILD und das Marktforschungs-, Recherche- und Analyseinstitut Statista. Insgesamt 79 Merkmale standen in der Detailuntersuchung, vom strukturellen Aufbau des Anbieters, der Customer Journey bis hin zur Lieferdauer. Insgesamt ergab sich daraus ein Leistungskatalog von mehr als 130.000 Prüfpunkte. So überzeugte schuhplus beispielsweise mit einer "sehr hohen Benutzerfreundlichkeit"; im Segment "Technische Qualität" wurde der Übergrößen-Schuhhändler mit dem Prädikat "Exzellent" ausgezeichnet - ein Award, der die Seele des Unternehmens widerspiegelt. "Unsere Gedanken und Aktivitäten drehen sich rund um die Uhr um große Schuhe. Das ist unsere pure Leidenschaft, so dass wir aus völliger Grundüberzeugung jeden Tag aufs Neue daran arbeiten, unseren Kundinnen und Kunden das beste Einkaufserlebnis zu ermöglichen", so Co-Gründer Georg Mahn. Methodisches Vorgehen der Untersuchung Auch in diesem Jahr wurden die TOP SHOPS 2024 auf Basis einer ausführlichen Verbraucherstudie ermittelt. Die ursprüngliche Prüfliste umfasste mehr als 7000 Online-Shops. Aussortiert wurden dabei Marketplace-Anbieter, Stores für Geschäftskunden sowie Shops mit einem rein fremdsprachigen Auftritt. Auch Händler, die lediglich digitale Güter im Angebot haben oder den Fokus auf Abos und Verträge legen, fielen durch das Auswahlraster. Um sich für die detaillierte Analyse zu qualifizieren, mussten die verbliebenen Shops eine gewisse Mindestreichweite erzielen, ihre Kunden und Kundinnen größtenteils in Deutschland haben, zu den ausgezeichneten TOP SHOPS 2023 gehören oder sich zur Auswertung über computerbild.de angemeldet haben. Die Bildrechte liegen bei dem Verfasser der Mitteilung.
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styleovertrendanyday · 5 months
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Left: Kendall Jenner at the 2014 Met Gala in custom Topshop.
Right: Kylie Jenner at the 2024 Met Gala in Oscar de la Renta.
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outfitsinspiration · 2 months
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Who: Tessa Van Montfoort
What: Topshop crochet one shoulder ruched side midi dress in multi stripe (Sold Out) When: Instagram - June 14, 2024
Worn with: Stine Goya flats, Loewe bag, Saint Laurent sunglasses
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stylestream · 4 months
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Francisca Gomes & Pierre Gasly | Topshop gown & Dior Men suit | Cannes Film Festival | 2024
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taylorswiftstyle · 7 months
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Out and about | Sydney, Australia | February 20, 2024
Tilly Sveaas 'Gold T-Bar Curb Link Necklace' - $385.00 (starting)
Statement gold jewelry like the iconic T-bar (Taylor bar, perhaps) by U.K. brand Tilly Sveaas (I wonder if Taylor was amused by sharing the same initials as the brand?) feel very in line with Taylor's latest love of gold jewelry stacking.
Worn with: House of CB top and Miu Miu skirt
Get the look: Topshop, $35.00
Illustration by Amelia Noyes
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Women's Blue Great Britain Slim Fit Tee - Royal Blue - S.
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yangwangtiantang · 3 months
诗篇 77:10-20,使徒行传 15:22-41,列王纪上 11:14-12:24 本计划取自YouVersion圣经软件的《圣经日日行2024》 英国零售业巨头Topshop聘用一组心理学家来研究他们的主要客户群 —— Y时代(即出生在1980年至2000年之间的人)。心理学家们访问了800多人,调查结果令人震惊,甚至让人难以置信;于是,他们又调查了另外800多人,但结果完全一样。 调查结果显示,Y时代是日益孤独、日益迷失的一代人。大多数Y时代人都独自居住,单身比例创下了有数据统计以来英国的历史之最。Y时代人使用Facebook的平均时间是每天6.5个小时。很多受访者承认,工作只是上网聊天和吃午饭之间的一个插曲!调查者还发现,Y时代人群虽然“朋友”遍天下,但却比任何时代的人都更孤独。…
View On WordPress
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apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Vivy Yusof: Blend of Culture and Apparel with dUCk
The fashion and apparel industry has always been in the boom and has a large market size based on the sectors of fashion. We can see lots of variations in the sense of fashion from clothing to makeup all over the world.  People like to dress in that relate to their customs and traditions, hence in recent years modest fashion has gained popularity. The place you live will also influence the way you dress and adore fashion. Nowadays dressing is not just normal it represents the personality of the person and hence will also levels-up our confidence.
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In a multicultural country like Malaysia where fashion gets mixed in with culture – the tradition and history of the people will always remain important within the community. It is influenced by the fusion of different cultures of Malay, Indian, and others. It has been estimated that the fashion market of Malaysia will reach US$2.30 billion in 2024. The fashion market is very broad and vast compressing clothes, cosmetics, footwear, jewellery, and many more. In this article, we will discuss the women entrepreneur of Malaysia, Vivy Yusof, who is the pioneer of multiple fashion brands. But here is detailed information about here new and cultural brand called dUCk. 
Vivy Yusof: Co-founder of dUCk
Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof is the co-founder of the e-commerce lifestyle brand for women called dUCk. It was founded in the year 2014 to message people about celebrating the wearing of scarves as the pride of women.  She is one among the list of people who achieved success at a young age. She studied law at the London School of Economics where she also started her business of scrapbooking.
Vivy Yusof is a charming person who likes to shop from brands like Zara, Louis Vuitton, Topshop, etc. With her increased interest in the fashion field, she started her own lifestyle business Fashion Valet which was launched in the year 2010. Fashion Valet provides various varieties of apparel that are designed by local fashionists and it also has sales in other countries like Indonesia, Australia, Brunei, etc. For multiple reasons, she had to shut down her company fashion Valet in 2022.
She is a successful entrepreneur who started her journey with personal blogs and Proudduck. It was started by her in university and offered the idea of fashion and lifestyle. Vivy Yusof with the success of Fashion Valvet also entered into a clothing brand named “dUCk”
More about “dUCk”
The dUCk is a premium brand that is well-known for its headscarves and has been very popular in Malaysia. The “dUCk” is an e-commerce online shopping app that delivers its products through a mobile app and website. Initially, it started with the selling of scarves but now has become a global brand and sells accessories, handbags, beauty care, ready-to-wear clothes, and all your daily use products.
The vision of Duck is to be a top brand and globally named in the field of fashion and apparel sector with its immense aim to produce quality products for its customers. She wants to make it in all the related fields like spas, gaming, cosmetics, hotels, and entertainment. She talks about the importance of hijabs and expresses that when you wear hijabs you become conscious of the way you walk, talk, and dress hence it is a big change in the life of a girl. To celebrate this and women’s she founded dUCk.
With the vision to make it a global brand, she even focused on the packaging which makes you feel the sense of gifting yourself. The packing box is purple which is inspired by Hermes’s orange box to give you the feel of premium brands. Through dUCk, she wants to celebrate women and blend apparel with culture.
Vivy Yusof was recognized as the most influential MY of Asia in 2023. She was also awarded Entrepreneur Par Excellence by Malaysia Tatler in the year 2019. In the year 2017, she grabbed the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Asean@50 Achievements Award. Vivy Yusof was also awarded the Young Entrepreneur Award in the year 2016 by Tribute to Women Malaysia. 
Vivy Yusof With her love for fashion has made a premium brand that celebrates women and upholds the culture and fashion to match the ongoing trends to be a successful woman entrepreneur.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/vivy-yusof-blend-of-culture-and-apparel-with-duck/
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Unveiling the Legal Battle: Celebrity Lawsuits That Made Headlines
By Jesse Schwartz, Binghamton University Class of 2024
July 16, 2023
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Celebrities often find themselves entangled in legal disputes that captivate the public's attention. From high-profile divorces to trademark infringement cases, the world of celebrity law is both intriguing and complex. In this article, we will delve into some of the most fascinating celebrity lawsuits that have made headlines, providing a legal perspective that goes beyond ordinary reporting. So, let's dive into the glamorous yet intricate world of celebrity legal battles.
Image Rights and Trademark Disputes: Protecting the Brand
For celebrities, their public image is a valuable asset that requires protection. In this section, we'll explore cases where celebrities have fiercely safeguarded their brand and image through legal means. One notable example is the trademark infringement dispute between pop star Taylor Swift and apparel companies that attempted to use her lyrics on their merchandise without permission [1]. The case highlighted the need for celebrities to proactively protect their brand by registering trademarks and copyrights.
Other notable cases related to image rights and trademark disputes include:
Rihanna and Topshop: Singer Rihanna successfully sued UK retailer Topshop for using her image on a T-shirt without her consent [2]. The case emphasized the importance of obtaining proper licensing and permission when using a celebrity's likeness for commercial purposes.
Michael Jordan and Qiaodan Sports: Basketball legend Michael Jordan engaged in a lengthy legal battle with Chinese sportswear company Qiaodan Sports over the unauthorized use of his name and likeness [3]. The case highlighted the challenges of protecting image rights in international contexts.
Privacy Battles: Paparazzi, Tabloids, and Invasion of Privacy
Celebrities often face relentless media attention, but where do we draw the line between public interest and invasion of privacy? This section will examine famous cases that revolve around paparazzi intrusion and invasion of privacy. A prominent example is the legal battle between Princess Diana and the paparazzi, which tragically ended in her untimely death [4]. The case led to reforms in privacy legislation and a heightened awareness of the negative impact that invasive media practices can have on public figures.
Other notable cases related to privacy battles include:
Jennifer Aniston and Celebrity Gossip Magazines: Actress Jennifer Aniston has been involved in numerous legal battles against celebrity gossip magazines for invading her privacy and publishing false information about her personal life [5]. These cases underscored the legal protections available to celebrities in safeguarding their privacy rights.
Erin Andrews and Marriott International: Sports journalist Erin Andrews sued Marriott International for invasion of privacy after a stalker secretly recorded her in a hotel room and the video was subsequently leaked online [6]. The case shed light on the responsibility of hotel establishments to ensure guest safety and privacy.
Intellectual Property Wars: Copyright, Plagiarism, and Songwriting Credits
The entertainment industry is rife with legal disputes, particularly in the realm of intellectual property. This section will explore notable cases involving copyright infringement, plagiarism accusations, and disputes over songwriting credits. One iconic case in this domain is the legal battle between Marvin Gaye's estate and Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams over the hit song "Blurred Lines" [7]. The lawsuit raised questions about the limits of inspiration and the fine line between homage and copyright infringement.
Other notable cases related to intellectual property wars include:
Led Zeppelin and "Stairway to Heaven": The rock band Led Zeppelin faced a copyright infringement lawsuit over their iconic song "Stairway to Heaven." The case alleged similarities to the instrumental track "Taurus" by the band Spirit [8]. The trial raised complex legal issues regarding the scope of copyright protection and the substantial similarity required to establish infringement.
Lana Del Rey and Radiohead: Singer Lana Del Rey was involved in a copyright dispute with the band Radiohead over alleged similarities between her song "Get Free" and Radiohead's hit "Creep" [9]. The case explored the nuances of music composition and the potential overlap between originality and infringement.
Social Media and Defamation: The Power and Pitfalls
Social media platforms have opened up new avenues for celebrities to interact with their fans, but they have also created potential legal pitfalls. This section will delve into cases where celebrities became embroiled in defamation claims due to their posts or public statements on social media. One notable example is the defamation lawsuit brought against actor Johnny Depp by his ex-wife Amber Heard [10]. The highly publicized case brought attention to the legal complexities of defamation law and the challenges of proving falsity, harm, and the intent to defame.
Other notable cases related to social media and defamation include:
Elon Musk and Vernon Unsworth: Tesla CEO Elon Musk faced a defamation lawsuit brought by Vernon Unsworth, a British cave explorer, over Musk's tweets referring to Unsworth as a "pedo guy" [11]. The case explored the legal implications of defamatory statements made on social media and the potential impact on an individual's reputation.
Courtney Love and Twitter: Singer Courtney Love faced a defamation lawsuit for her tweets accusing a fashion designer of theft [12]. The case examined the legal responsibilities of individuals when making defamatory statements on social media platforms.
The world of celebrity law is a captivating realm that intersects with various legal disciplines. This article has touched upon some of the most intriguing celebrity lawsuits, shedding light on the legal complexities and considerations that arise in these high-profile cases. By providing a legal perspective that goes beyond ordinary reporting, we have offered readers a glimpse into the fascinating world of celebrity legal battles.
[1] Forbes: "Taylor Swift Wins Big Victory In Trademark Lawsuit"
[2] BBC: "Rihanna wins Topshop T-shirt legal battle"
[3] South China Morning Post: "Why Michael Jordan's Chinese name case is a landmark for trademark rights"
[4] BBC: "In pictures: Princess Diana's funeral"
[5] E! Online: "Jennifer Aniston: 12 Times She Fought Back Against Tabloid Rumors"
[6] The Hollywood Reporter: "Erin Andrews Wins $55M in Stalker Lawsuit, Jury Finds Marriott Partially Liable"
[7] Rolling Stone: "Inside the 'Blurred Lines' Appeal and What It Means for the Music Industry"
[7] The Guardian: "Led Zeppelin did not steal Stairway to Heaven riff, jury finds"
[9] The New York Times: "Lana Del Rey Says Radiohead Is Suing Her for Copyright Infringement"
[10] The Hollywood Reporter: "Johnny Depp Ordered to Hand Over Medical Records to Amber Heard"
[11] BBC: "Elon Musk 'pedo guy' tweet not defamation, jury finds"
[12] The Guardian: "Courtney Love settles Twitter libel case"
WH Ross. Should human resource managers use social media to screen job applicants? Managerial and legal issues in the USA https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/14636691211196941/full/html
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blogwiseguy123world · 4 years
Global Thermal Power Plant Market Outlook, Prospect and Future 2020-2025
Summary – A new market study, titled "Report keyword" has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
This report studies the Denim Jeans market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top manufacturers in global and major regions, and splits the Denim Jeans market by product type and applications/end industries.
Also read – https://news.watercloudsolutions.com/news/311062/best-denim-jeans-market-trends-and-forecast-to-2025/
The Denim Jeans market was valued at USD xx Million in 2018. It is projected to reach USD xx Million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx% from 2018. Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific are still the main markets of Denim Jeans. Denim Jeans has low penetration in India, the Middle East and Africa, which makes these markets have great market potential. Market players are responding to new opportunities by expanding their global presence and product offerings. On the one hand, Denim Jeans manufacturers are dedicated to lowering their manufacturing cost; on the other hand, they try to provide more qualified products to customers. Besides, they are trying to broaden the applications of Denim Jeans.
This report includes estimations of the market size in terms of value (USD million). Both, top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to estimate and validate the size of the Denim Jeans market and to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. This research study involved the extensive usage of both primary and secondary data sources.
The research process involved the study of various factors affecting the industry, including the government policy, market environment, competitive landscape, historical data, present trends in the market, technological innovation, upcoming technologies and the technical progress in related industry, and market risks, opportunities, market barriers and challenges.
Main content of the study are:
To define, segment, and forecast the size of the Denim Jeans market with respect to type, application and region
To understand market conditions, company ranking, market structure, growth drivers by report
To historical and forecast the data of the market segments with respect to United States, EU, CIS, China, India, Japan, SEA, South America, Middle East, Oceania and the Rest of the World
To provide detailed information about the crucial factors that are influencing the growth of the market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges)
To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders and provide details of the competitive landscape for market leaders
The major players in global market include
PVH Corporation
Citizen of Humanity
VF Corp.
AG Jeans
American Apparel
American Eagle Outfitters
Calvin Klein
True Religion
Diesel S.p.A.
DL1961 Premium Denim
Dolce & Gabbana Srl
Paper Denim & Cloth
Esprit Holdings Ltd
Fidelity Denim
Goldsign Jeans
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Denim Jeans in these regions, from 2013 to 2024 (forecast), covering
North America
South America
Middle East
On the basis of product, the Denim Jeans market is primarily split into
Regular Fit
Slim Fit
Loose Fit
On the basis on the end users/applications, this report covers
Chapter 1, to describe Denim Jeans Introduction, product types, technology, industrial chain, market risk, industry policy;
Chapter 2, to analyze of Denim Jeans industry raw material and manufacturing cost;
Chapter 3, to analyze the major manufacturers of Denim Jeans, with capacity, production, revenue, and price of Denim Jeans, from 2014 to 2019;
Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with capacity, production, revenue and market share of Denim Jeans, for each region, from 2014 to 2019;
Chapter 5, to show the global market by regions, with sales, import, export and market share of Denim Jeans, for each region, from 2014 to 2019;
Chapter 6 and 7, to analyze the market by countries, by type and by application with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;
Chapter 8, to analyze the major manufacturers of Denim Jeans, with basic information, and data of Denim Jeans, from 2014 to 2019;
Chapter 9 and 10, to describe Denim Jeans sales channel, distributors and competitive products
Chapter 11, to analyze new project investment feasibility
Chapter 12, Denim Jeans market forecast, by regions, type and application, with production, sales and revenue, from 2020 to 2025;
For more details - https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/4826927-global-denim-jeans-sale-insights-market-research-report-2019-2025
About Us:
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.              
Contact Us:
NORAH TRENT                                                      
Ph: +162-825-80070 (US)                        
Ph: +44 2035002763 (UK)      
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outfitsinspiration · 4 months
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Who: Alice Minns from oliviaandalice
What: Topshop Leopard Print Baker Newspaper Boy Hat Cap (Sold Out) When: Instagram - May 16, 2024
Worn with: Agolde jacket, Dawn & Dare vest, Damson Madder. shorts, Ganni bag, River Island pumps, Woodys Eyewear sunglasses
0 notes
nickyshukla1 · 4 years
Global Denim Jeans Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast –2025
Summary - A new market study, titled “ Global Denim Jeans Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast –2025” has been featured on WiseGuyReports
 According to this study, over the next five years the Denim Jeans market will register a 3.6% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach $ 58390 million by 2025, from $ 50620 million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global market share (sales and revenue) of key companies in Denim Jeans business, shared in Chapter 3.
This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares, and growth opportunities of Denim Jeans market by type, application, key manufacturers and key regions and countries.
This study considers the Denim Jeans value and volume generated from the sales of the following segments:
Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2025 in section 11.7. Regular Fit Slim Fit Loose Fit
Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2024 in section 11.8. Women Men Children
  ALSO READ: https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/global-denim-jeans-market-2020-sales-price-revenue-gross-margin-market-share-and-forecast-to-2025_473185.html
 This report also splits the market by region: Breakdown data in Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Americas United States Canada Mexico Brazil APAC China Japan Korea Southeast Asia India Australia Europe Germany France UK Italy Russia Spain Middle East & Africa Egypt South Africa Israel Turkey GCC Countries
The report also presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/manufacturers in the market. The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in in Chapter 3. PVH Corporation TopShop Inditex Replay Mango H&M Denham Frame Pull&Bear Citizen of Humanity Parasuco True Religion Calvin Klein VF Corp. American Eagle Outfitters American Apparel DL1961 Premium Denim Uniqlo AG Jeans Diesel S.p.A. Gap Fidelity Denim Goldsign Jeans Paper Denim & Cloth Edwin Dolce & Gabbana Srl Esprit Holdings Ltd
 FOR MORE DETAILS: https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5066145-global-Denim Jeans-market-growth-2020-2025
 About Us:
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.
Contact Us:
NORAH TRENT                                                      
[email protected]       
Ph: +162-825-80070 (US)                          
Ph: +44 203 500 2763 (UK)      
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snehajamadade · 4 years
Denim Jeans Market 2020- Global Industry Analysis, By Key Players, Segmentation, Trends and Forecast By 2025
A new market study, titled “Discover Global Denim Jeans Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Denim Jeans Market
This report studies the Denim Jeans market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top manufacturers in global and major regions, and splits the Denim Jeans market by product type and applications/end industries.
 @Get Free Sample Report at https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/4826927-global-denim-jeans-sale-insights-market-research-report-2019-2025
 The Denim Jeans market was valued at USD xx Million in 2018. It is projected to reach USD xx Million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx% from 2018. Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific are still the main markets of Denim Jeans. Denim Jeans has low penetration in India, the Middle East and Africa, which makes these markets have great market potential. Market players are responding to new opportunities by expanding their global presence and product offerings. On the one hand, Denim Jeans manufacturers are dedicated to lowering their manufacturing cost; on the other hand, they try to provide more qualified products to customers. Besides, they are trying to broaden the applications of Denim Jeans.
This report includes estimations of the market size in terms of value (USD million). Both, top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to estimate and validate the size of the Denim Jeans market and to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. This research study involved the extensive usage of both primary and secondary data sources.
The research process involved the study of various factors affecting the industry, including the government policy, market environment, competitive landscape, historical data, present trends in the market, technological innovation, upcoming technologies and the technical progress in related industry, and market risks, opportunities, market barriers and challenges.
 Main content of the study are:
To define, segment, and forecast the size of the Denim Jeans market with respect to type, application and region
To understand market conditions, company ranking, market structure, growth drivers by report
To historical and forecast the data of the market segments with respect to United States, EU, CIS, China, India, Japan, SEA, South America, Middle East, Oceania and the Rest of the World
To provide detailed information about the crucial factors that are influencing the growth of the market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges)
To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders and provide details of the competitive landscape for market leaders
 Key Players of Global Denim Jeans Market =>
·         PVH Corporation
·         Inditex
·         H&M
·         Replay
·         Mango
·         Frame
·         Citizen of Humanity
·         Denham
·         Pull&Bear
·         TopShop
·         VF Corp.
·         AG Jeans
·         American Apparel
·         American Eagle Outfitters
·         Uniqlo
·         Parasuco
·         Calvin Klein
·         True Religion
·         Diesel S.p.A.
·         DL1961 Premium Denim
·         Dolce & Gabbana Srl
·         Paper Denim & Cloth
·         Edwin
·         Esprit Holdings Ltd
·         Fidelity Denim
·         Gap
·         Goldsign Jeans
 Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Denim Jeans in these regions, from 2013 to 2024 (forecast), covering
North America
South America
Middle East
 On the basis of product, the Denim Jeans market is primarily split into
Regular Fit
Slim Fit
Loose Fit
On the basis on the end users/applications, this report covers
 @Enquiry Before Buying https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/4826927-global-denim-jeans-sale-insights-market-research-report-2019-2025
 Major Key Players of Global Denim Jeans Market
 Chapter 1, to describe Denim Jeans Introduction, product types, technology, industrial chain, market risk, industry policy;
 Chapter 2, to analyze of Denim Jeans industry raw material and manufacturing cost;
 Chapter 3, to analyze the major manufacturers of Denim Jeans, with capacity, production, revenue, and price of Denim Jeans, from 2014 to 2019;
 Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with capacity, production, revenue and market share of Denim Jeans, for each region, from 2014 to 2019;
 Chapter 5, to show the global market by regions, with sales, import, export and market share of Denim Jeans, for each region, from 2014 to 2019;
 Chapter 6 and 7, to analyze the market by countries, by type and by application with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;
 Chapter 8, to analyze the major manufacturers of Denim Jeans, with basic information, and data of Denim Jeans, from 2014 to 2019;
 Chapter 9 and 10, to describe Denim Jeans sales channel, distributors and competitive products
 Chapter 11, to analyze new project investment feasibility
 Chapter 12, Denim Jeans market forecast, by regions, type and application, with production, sales and revenue, from 2020 to 2025;
  About Us:
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.    
Contact Us:
NORAH TRENT                                                      
[email protected]       
Ph: +1-646-845-9349 (US)                          
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zmithpuri · 5 years
Global Ankle Boots Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Ankle Boots Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
The worldwide market for Ankle Boots is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly xx% over the next five years, will reach xx million US$ in 2024, from xx million US$ in 2019.
This report focuses on the Ankle Boots in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/44648-ankle-boots-industry-analysis-report
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers
 Cat Footwear
 Aldo Group Inc
 Dr. Martens
 Ralph Lauren Corporation
 Sam Edelman
 Marc Jacobs
 Cole Haan
 Stacy Adams
 Nine West
 Steven Madden
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
 North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
 South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
 Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
 Lace Ups Boots
 Zipper Boots
 Buckle or Strap Boots
 Chelsea Boots
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
Download Free Sample Report of Global Ankle Boots Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-44648
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Ankle Boots product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Ankle Boots, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Ankle Boots in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Ankle Boots competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Ankle Boots breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Ankle Boots market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Ankle Boots sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Ankle Boots Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-44648
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Thương hiệu online nào đang hủy diệt các đại gia thời trang bán lẻ
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://cuocsongso24h.com/thuong-hieu-online-nao-dang-huy-diet-cac-dai-gia-thoi-trang-ban-le/
Thương hiệu online nào đang hủy diệt các đại gia thời trang bán lẻ
Boohoo ra đời từ sự hợp tác của 2 doanh nhân Mahmud Kamani và Carol Kane năm 2006. Sớm bắt kịp xu hướng thời trang online, họ đã biến Boohoo thành một thương hiệu trị giá hàng tỷ bảng Anh chỉ sau hơn một thập kỷ.
Từ khi niêm yết trên sàn chứng khoán năm 2014, Boohoo đã mua lại một số thương hiệu khác bao gồm PrettyLittleThing (PLT), Nasty Gal và MissPap.
The Guardian đánh giá trong khi những thương hiệu thời trang bình dân trên các con phố lớn như Topshop, New Look và Monsoon đang dần thoái trào thì Boohoo lại có một năm bùng nổ.
Sự tăng trưởng vượt bậc của hãng này đến từ việc xác định đúng đối tượng mục tiêu là những người trẻ thích mua sắm online và tin tưởng gợi ý thời trang từ những người có sức ảnh hưởng trên mạng xã hội hơn là các tờ tạp chí như Vogue hay Grazia.
Boohoo đã trở thành một thương hiệu trị giá hàng tỷ bảng Anh chỉ sau hơn một thập kỷ hoạt động.
Với ngân sách quảng cáo khoảng 90 triệu euro vào năm ngoái, Boohoo tận dụng sức ảnh hưởng của những người nổi tiếng như diễn viên, ca sỹ Jennifer Lopez, người mẫu Ashley Graham và cầu thủ Dele Alli.
Không chỉ vậy, nét khác biệt của Boohoo và PLT còn là định nghĩa “thời trang cho tất cả mọi người”. “Chúng tôi lấy những chiếc váy ôm sát cơ thể cho người mẫu size 10 và size 20 mặc đứng cạnh nhau để mọi người thấy rõ dù hình dáng cơ thể khác nhau như thế nào, các bạn vẫn có thể mặc cùng một mẫu váy”, bà Carol Kane giải thích.
Hiện tại, tập đoàn bán lẻ thời trang online này bán cả những mẫu váy, chân váy ngắn và đồ bơi ôm sát cơ thể với kích cỡ lên tới 26 (size UK). Chiến lược này cũng tương tự Aerie, ThirdLove hay Lively trong phân khúc đồ lót.
Với việc đi ngược lại chuẩn mực số đo của các “thiên thần” Victoria's Secret. Các thương hiệu đồ lót “yêu cơ thể” (body-positive) này đã bắt đầu chiếm lĩnh thị phần của Victoria’s Secret từ năm 2015.
Sự kết hợp cùng người mẫu Ashley Graham tạo nên điểm khác biệt cho PrettyLittleThing với định nghĩa "thời trang cho tất cả mọi người". Ảnh: Boohoo.
Thực tế, cuối tháng 5, báo cáo tài chính năm 2019 của Boohoo cho thấy doanh thu toàn tập đoàn đạt 856,9 triệu euro, lợi nhuận trước thuế 59,9 triệu euro. Những chỉ số này đều lần lượt tăng trưởng 48% và 38% so với cùng kỳ năm trước.
Đặc biệt, Boohoo là một trong số ít thương hiệu thời trang đạt tăng trưởng doanh thu trong giai đoạn cuối năm 2018, thời kỳ khủng hoảng của toàn ngành công nghiệp thời trang nhanh.
Tuy nhiên, hiện Boohoo chỉ chiếm chưa tới 1% thị phần tại Mỹ và châu Âu. Đây là 2 thị trường có tổng giá trị 500 tỷ euro/năm. Do đó hãng đang cố gắng đẩy mạnh kinh doanh tại những khu vực này.
CEO mới bổ nhiệm của Boohoo và cũng là cựu giám đốc điều hành hãng thời trang Primark – ông John Lyttle – được hứa hẹn sẽ nhận được 50 triệu euro cổ phiếu và tiền thưởng nếu giá cổ phiếu của công ty tăng 180% trong 5 năm tới.
Thương hiệu thời trang trực tuyến Zalando được thành lập năm 2008 tại Berlin (Đức), hiện có mặt tại 17 thị trường châu Âu. Ban đầu hãng này chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm giày, dép.
Chỉ sau một năm hoạt động, Zalando đã bắt đầu mở rộng thị trường ra ngoài lãnh thổ Đức. Đến năm 2010, danh mục sản phẩm của hãng có thêm các trang phục quần áo.
Từ năm 2013, Zalando đẩy mạnh hợp tác với các nhà mốt và thương hiệu thời trang khác nhằm đa dạng hóa sản phẩm trên trang. Đến nay, Zalando là một trong những kênh bán lẻ thời trang online lớn nhất châu Âu.
Một trong những điểm thu hút của trang web bán lẻ này là tính năng “Get the Look”, nơi người mua hàng có thể tìm kiếm các sản phẩm gần tương tự với bộ trang phục có trong hình ảnh do chính họ hoặc những người dùng khác đăng tải lên.
Theo đó, người mua hàng vừa tìm kiếm tiện lợi vừa biết thêm nhiều cách phối đồ mới mẻ hơn.
Một trong những điểm thu hút của Zalando là tính năng “Get the Look”.
Năm 2018, Zalando thu về 5,39 tỷ euro, lợi nhuận đạt 173,4 triệu euro. Doanh thu của hãng tăng 20% so với năm 2017 nhưng lợi nhuận lại giảm 36,5%.
Tuy vậy, Zalando vẫn là một trong những thương hiệu thống trị thị trường thời trang thế giới với 26,4 triệu khách hàng thân thiết năm 2018, gấp hơn 1,5 lần tên tuổi lớn thứ hai ASOS và vượt hẳn Inditex, H&M.
Quý 4/2018, trang web của Zalando đón gần 1 tỷ lượt truy cập và thu hút 1,3 triệu khách hàng thân thiết mới, con số lớn nhất trong 5 năm qua. Kết hợp nền tảng trực tuyến với 500.000 điểm bán lẻ cố định ở châu Âu rộng hơn 100 triệu m2, Zalando đang cung cấp cho khách hàng nhiều lựa chọn mua sắm tiện lợi.
Ông Carsten Keller – Phó chủ tịch Tiếp thị trực tiếp của Zalando – cho biết: “Một mặt chúng tôi nâng mức độ sẵn có của hàng hóa cho khách hàng, mặt khác cũng gia tăng đáng kể tốc độ giao hàng. Điều này giúp khách hàng có được trải nghiệm mua sắm thỏa mãn hơn, hoạt động bán lẻ của chúng tôi cũng được củng cố”.
Zalando có 500.000 điểm bán lẻ cố định ở châu Âu rộng hơn 100 triệu m2, nâng mức độ sẵn có của hàng hóa và đẩy nhanh đáng kể tốc độ giao hàng. Ảnh: Zalando.
Năm 2019, Zalando đưa ra mục tiêu tăng trưởng tổng giá trị giao dịch (GMV) lên 20-25% và lợi nhuận điều chỉnh đạt 225 triệu euro.
Trong tương lai, hãng này sẽ mở rộng chương trình đối tác, thu phí hoa hồng từ các thương hiệu bán hàng trực tiếp tới người tiêu dùng thông qua trang web Zalando và cung cấp cho họ các dịch vụ vận chuyển và quảng cáo, tương tự mô hình kinh doanh đang phát triển của Amazon.
Khi đó, Zalando kỳ vọng tăng gấp 3 lần chỉ số GMV hiện tại (6,6 tỷ euro) lên 20 tỷ euro vào năm tài chính 2023-2024. Giám đốc Zalando David Schneider khẳng định: “Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là trở thành điểm đến nơi khách hàng có thể thỏa mãn mọi nhu cầu thời trang của họ”.
Asos được Elle đánh giá là một trong những thương hiệu tiên phong trong lĩnh vực thời trang online. Được thành lập năm 2000 bởi Nick Robertson với tên gọi As Seen on Screen, trang web này chuyên bán số lượng lớn các sản phẩm thời trang mà người nổi tiếng từng mặc trên TV.
Vài năm sau, bằng việc tập trung vào phân khúc quần áo, Asos đã trở thành đại gia thời trang toàn cầu với hơn 18 triệu khách hàng tại 238 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ. Năm 2004, thương hiệu thời trang nữ đầu tiên của Asos ra mắt, và hãng cũng thu về khoản lợi nhuận đầu tiên 120.000 bảng Anh.
Tuy nhiên, khi đang phát triển nhanh chóng, Asos liền bị giáng một đòn mạnh bạo khi kho Buncefield (Anh) bị thiêu rụi cùng vụ nổ kho chứa dầu gần đó. Giá cổ phiếu của hãng sụt giảm mạnh.
Asos được Elle đánh giá là một trong những thương hiệu tiên phong trong lĩnh vực thời trang online.
Tuy nhiên, The Guardian nhận định Asos đã thực sự vươn lên từ tro tàn để mở rộng thị trường ra nước ngoài, xây dựng một thương hiệu thời trang nam và mang đến sự bùng nổ cho toàn ngành thời trang trực tuyến. Cổ phiếu của doanh nghiệp này bắt đầu lưu thông từ năm 2001 đã đạt 70 bảng Anh vào năm 2014.
Những cải tiến của Asos bao gồm tận dụng mạng xã hội như Instagram để tương tác với khách hàng, tìm kiếm sản phẩm bằng hình ảnh hay việc mở rộng danh mục sản phẩm thuộc các thương hiệu riêng đã thúc đẩy sự tăng trưởng của hãng những năm qua.
Năm ngoái, Asos đã vượt mặt Marks & Spencer, được định giá 6,4 tỷ bảng Anh. Nhưng sau 20 năm hoạt động, Asos cũng không nằm ngoài vòng xoáy suy thoái của ngành công nghiệp thời trang nhanh những năm gần đây, đặc biệt là tại Anh.
Tháng 11/2018, cổ phiếu Asos liên tục rớt giá tới 51%, công ty giảm dự báo doanh thu và lợi nhuận.
Taylor Swift thường xuyên mặc trang phục của Asos. Ảnh: Asos.
Sau những nỗ lực cải cách và giảm mạnh giá thành sản phẩm, báo cáo tài chính 6 tháng đến ngày 28/2/2019 của Asos cho thấy doanh thu bán lẻ 1,28 tỷ euro, tăng 13% so với cùng kỳ năm 2018.
Mặc dù vậy, lợi nhuận trước thuế chỉ đạt 4 triệu euro, giảm 87% so với cùng kỳ năm 2018. Tuy nhiên, những con số này vẫn chưa thể đánh bật ông lớn thời trang trực tuyến với 22,7 triệu lượt tương tác mỗi ngày trên các phương tiện truyền thông.
Các nhà đầu tư vẫn tiếp tục đặt cược niềm tin vào cổ phiếu Asos. “Asos vẫn đang phát triển tốt và tỏ ra vượt trội trên thị trường, chẳng qua trước đây nó đã quá thành công”, ông Neil Wilson – chuyên gia phân tích thị trường tại Markets.com – nhận định.
Cùng chung quan điểm đó, Giám đốc đầu tư AJ Bell Russ Mould cũng cho biết: “Áp lực nặng nề đang đặt lên Asos khi phải duy trì danh tiếng tăng trưởng nhanh”.
Bên cạnh Boohoo, Zalando và ASOS, rất nhiều thương hiệu thời trang online khác cũng đang nỗ lực phát triển và chiều lòng khách hàng, đặc biệt là giới trẻ. Chính vì thế, nếu Topshop, Forever 21 hay Gap không có hướng đi đúng đắn thì sẽ rất khó trụ vững trong cuộc cạnh tranh khắc nghiệt này.
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