honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“i am not the man you think i am.” it’s hard for him to admit; it’s hard for him to even admit it to himself. his hand tightens around sojiro’s sword (sojiro’s, you remind yourself; it can never be yours.) he’s unsure of how to react around genji, the memories that are his but aren’t really swirling in his mind. “i apologize if that’s... disappointing.”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“i trust no one has gotten into too much trouble during my absence.” there’s a pointed look at the cowboy, and then past him, to where genji had disappeared to. he sighs, quiet and soft, before continuing, “i trust i have not missed much. how have... you and everyone else gotten along during the past few months?”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“i trust you haven’t gotten into too much trouble during my absence.” he’s grinning behind his mask, dark eyes twinkling, just enough to show the warmth coloring his words. “of course, knowing you, i doubt that’s likely.” 
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“whatever happens, i will be here. hanzo and genji may go their own way, but i have found my home amongst your ranks; i will not abandon this place.”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“forgive my interruption, dr. zigler.” ikiryo glances one way and then another, frowning behind his mask. “i didn’t realize anyone else was in the lab this late. are you-- are you quite all right?”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@stcrmcallcr sc
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the council had all retired to their rooms, but hanzo had not yet left. in the center of the room, he knelt, hands resting in his lap. behind him, his father’s sword seemed to call out for him, but he ignored it; just as he always did. the council had come to their decision already, and he would have no choice but to carry out their wishes. 
an entire village, all because one family refused to bow to their clan. he was to show them no mercy and leave a trail of bodies in his wake. it would have to be done, but not immediately. not now. his immediate orders were to go out to the city, and find the man who dared impersonate him.
after another moment, hanzo finally pushed himself to his feet. he took his father’s sword, sheathing it, and left hanamura castle. he didn’t stop until he reached his brother’s favorite ramen shop, where he and genji had spent many afternoons together. 
“put him down.”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
@wintermae // random sc
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“a cup of tea for a wayward soul?”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“master, do you--” a pause, dark eyes shifting from zenyatta to the wall just above the omnic’s shoulder. the tip of ikiryo’s tongue flicked out, to moisten his lips, though the movement remained hidden behind his mask. there was so much to do, so much to say. he didn’t know how to word it all. “do you think genji and hanzo will ever accept my place in their family?”
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“you really should be more careful.” dark eyes shift to the younger man, and his lips press together, forming a tight line. metal fingers brush over the other’s bandaged wounds. “you are a leader, lucio; you cannot ask your soldiers to risk their lives for your own. not because of CARELESSNESS. we could have lost you and ms. song today.”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@stcrmcallcr​ // sc
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“i am my father’s son!” 
the words are snarled, biting. he hasn’t forgiven the other for his transgressions, perhaps never would. hanzo was not the family he asked for, and yet here they both stood, stuck with each other. at least ikiryo still had genji. 
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honorstripped-blog · 6 years
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“pardon my intrusion.” the clone bowed his head briefly in apology, gaze once more turning to the doctor before him. a gentle soul, a kind woman adorned in pink with a halo of gold around her crown. the sight alone was enough to cause ikiryo hesitation. “i-- did not wish to bother you. i didn’t know anyone was in here.”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@stcrmcallcr replied to your post:
[txt] ������
[sms ; hanzo] angela says my phone does not receive emojis.  [sms ; hanzo] i hope you are doing well. [sms ; hanzo] bring me back some sake, please.
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@infiltrationiisms ★
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his nostrils twitched. something was different; he wasn’t sure if it was a change in the air, a new agent, or if something had happened, but there was something hanging in the air. the heaviness of the clouds before a storm, thick and rich with a tinge of electricity. 
he whirled, sword lifted. the tip pressed against something; something that could not be seen, but was mere feet from his person. someone, perhaps.
“reveal yourself.”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@torove​ ★
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he doesn’t acknowledge genji as he enters, choosing instead to keep his eyes closed. meditation is the only time he feels comfortable being alone. others gave him his distance, but it wasn’t the same. they didn’t sidestep him to give him his space, but because they didn’t feel safe in his presence. 
the not-hanzo murdered a quiet prayer to the spirits around them. only then did he finally lift his head, focus on genji. it was still startling to see him, standing there. he had spent the last decade thinking his brother (his not-brother; he was not hanzo) lay dead by his hands.
clearing his throat, the clone pushed himself to his feet, asking, “is there something i can help you with?”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@hcilstrahl sc
though his strength was well-known, no one yet trusted him to leave the base. both winston and the soldier did not yet trust him, and He could not blame them. contrary to what He had been told, He was but a clone; an artificial creation meant to satisfied the council’s need for a prince. 
he needed daily monitoring, weekly checkups to assure he was still stable, both physically and mentally. it wasn’t much, but it gave him something to do. it also meant he would have at least daily company, in the form of the watchpoint’s head doctor and cmo.
when she entered her office, He was already sitting on the medical berth. his hands rested in his lap, fingers curled loosely. dark eyes turned to her, brightened. to many, she may have appeared disheveled; bits of blonde curls out of place, slight bags under her eyes. but to him, she looked absolutely gorgeous.
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“your hair...” He couldn’t stop the words from escaping, and immediately backpedaled, as though finally realizing just how his words may have come across. the clone quickly added, “the way it frames your face, you look-- you look like you have a halo.”
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honorstripped-blog · 7 years
@gigabombed ★
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it had been two weeks, and still the clone refused to spend much time out of his room. two weeks since he’d met hanzo-- the real hanzo. two weeks since he’d discovered his entire life was a lie, and his existence was nothing but an abomination against god and man.
but even someone as solitary as he was could not spend his entire life tucked away. he chose to leave at night, when most of the base slept. his form sneaking through the base, down the halls, and into the kitchens. all he needed was a quick meal, and then he would return. 
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