brxken-arrxw · 5 years
revclverheld replied to your post “What's with your sideburns, ey? It's very Victorian mad...”
"They ain't sideburns - they're wings."
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There he goes!!
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acceptedmyself · 5 years
"Tasted it for ya, friend. it's quite good."
“Now you’re just trying to make me jealous.” A brief laugh.
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Hanzo hunkered down in his coat a bit more, trying in vain to keep some of the wind off his ears and the buzzed sides of his haircut. The damn thing hadn’t come with a hood, but he didn’t have the spare funds to get a new coat. He was just lucky it hadn’t started snowing...yet.
Returning to the bench where they’d stopped to admire the lighting displays, he sat with a short sigh, the cloud it left behind wisping away in the chilly air. Hanzo held out one of the large, warm coffee cups from the nearby cafe. “As requested.”  There was a lightly teasing tone in those words.  “And yes, it was crowded - but you could have come with me. To get out of the cold, if nothing else.”  His gaze flicked briefly to Jesse’s covered mechanical arm, then back up to say instead with a quiet chuckle, “Your nose is so red, all you need is a pair of antlers.” The other was a grown man, Hanzo knew he didn’t need to be nagged about the effects of cold on prosthetics.
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mobstxr · 5 years
revclverheld replied to your post: i know it’s pretty soon but i’m thinking on...
|| i like both names tbh i wouldnt be able to pick a favorite lol
Mood honestly
mobstxr still holds a special place though so i’m like hhh
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ceocu · 5 years
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( @revclverheld liked for a surprise doodle!
I did Mojave rattlesnake Jesse. I did a post before talking about what rattlesnake species would apply to Jesse, which I did Mojave rattlesnake, one of the big factors being the two types of venom one snake can have.
Based on this snake!
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flowlikewxter-blog · 5 years
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     Soft steps left nothing in their wake. No echo, not even noise. Chocolate hues eyed the doors they passed along with their numbers. Making mental note the whereabouts of this base. He was in FOREIGN territory. A place he was YET to be use to. He kept his senses on high alert. His hands at the ready to take his bow from his back in seconds time. Even IF the man he once called BROTHER escorted him to the next room. Genji walked a few inches ahead of him. Trying here and there to make any kind of conversations. Hanzo hardly spoke. 
     It was only when Genji stopped at the lounge doors did Hanzo halt and focus full attention on what was in front of him. The cyborg tapping in the code and sliding a keycard, the doors to suddenly open with a hiss. 
     Genji offered a nod to the cowboy before leaving Hanzo in his hands. The archer only raised an eyebrow. CAUTIOUSLY entering the room to accompany the man he was advised to follow next. BRIEF introduction was made by Genji. Causing Hanzos eyes to ROLL in response. 
     The man his eyes locked onto was.. lazily slumped against the wall. Legs crosses as well as arms. Cigar held between perfect teeth. A hat whos brim almost covered his eyes from the archers angle. His eyebrow raises and his nose comes to TWITCH. 
     “ Genjis introductions is as faulty as ever, I see. ”
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primedspecimen · 5 years
@revclverheld replied to your post: “Fine. If no one’s gonna help me with me phantom...
“Phantom pains come an’ go whenever they want. There’s nothin’ you can do ‘bout them besides… dunno, do somethin’ that’s distractin’ ya.” he knows what he’s talking about, obviously.
“That’s a load. Can’t focus with this.” He ruffled up his own hair with a loud, frustrated screech. “There’s gotta be somethin’... Figured the civvies would know what they were. You withholdin’ information from me, cowboy?”
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xmilitisx · 5 years
revclverheld replied to your post: are you fucking serious, tumblr? My tags are...
|| also my tumblr doesnt like it when i replly to asks. my reply is just gone when it posts, and i cannot even edit them.
It’s been fucked up since yesterday, but was kinda hoping it was a fluke.
Guess it isn’t. Fuck me. 
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v--iper · 5 years
revclverheld replied to your post: Maybe mccree was jealous the melon stems were...
“Ah yes, the attacking-me-personally stuff once again. I love this shit.”
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“Yer dumb enough to mine diamonds over lava.”
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hzoshimoda-blog · 6 years
text thread
to the cowboy: I heard a bad joke at work. Which countries capital has the fastest growing population?
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brxken-arrxw · 4 years
revclverheld replied to your post “//How am I just now discovering Xkit???”
|| how can you even survive tumblr for more than 10 minutes without using xkit are you a fan of pain or
//I must be, which is rather disturbing...lol! Is it sad that I just discovered how to actually make a post like this one??? Omg... I think I have seen the light. 0_0
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uilechumhachtach · 5 years
{ @revclverheld​ liked for a starter }
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“You’re too brash for your own good. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got you killed one day.”
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revclverheld replied to your post: (( aaaaaaaaaaaa my mccree nendo came today!  :D ...
|| I AM STILL WAITING FOR HIM TO GET HERE DSFGHJ i hate europe bc of that
(( augh, yeah that sucks  >_<
i hope he arrives soon for you, friend!! ))
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mobstxr · 5 years
"Dunno if I can handle two Ashe's. You're already quite a handful..."
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“What an awfully twisted way to say I’m special, Jesse.”
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ceocu · 5 years
@revclverheld  said: “…Oysters?”
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「 ❝A natural aphrodisiac full of zinc and good at increasing fertility on both ends. I can grab Chile peppers and avocado instead.❞ 」
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txelonedragon · 6 years
It was close to midnight so the streets were empty for the most part. Only a few couples walked by now and then, but Hanzo didn’t pay any attention to them. His expression apathetic, cold, yet determined. This was going to be the last day of his miserable life. He had spent years thinking about this day, and now it was here, now he had had enough. With the help from a bit of alcohol, he had decided to not wait any longer. His family wanted nothing to do with him, he was close to homeless, and one horrible event after the other had caused his life to turn into a living hell. Add his alcohol problem on top of that, and that fact that he probably should have been given help due to psychological issues, and it was just one horrible mix.
His legs were carrying him towards the bridge where it was to happen, his mind empty and he barely paid attention to where he currently was. That was when he found himself pausing, something at the corner of his eyes caused him to return to the here and now and he turned. It was as though everything around him froze, like someone had decided to pause reality. In front of him was someone he had never seen before, or at least he was sure he had never seen them before, and yet... they appeared so familiar. His heart skipped a beat, and for the first time in a very, very long time he felt something, something that wasn’t pain or anger. So he just stood there... staring at this stranger.
“Have we met before?” he found himself asking.
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