grace-nakimura · 8 months
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This is what it's like to be Anakin Skywalker forever.
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rahxe-things · 8 months
Yo KHR fandom!
So quick question, has anyone ever actually looked up the real people Tsuna and his shit dad are named after? Cause holy crap, that is a rabbit hole!
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jade-kyo · 11 months
Alright theory time!
My brain can finally compute something other than shitposting so here’s a still slightly incoherent collection of theories I’ve seen/come up with and my personal thoughts on them. I literally just woke up so expect this to be all over the place.
Shinki theory-
Hiyori becomes Yato’s shinki… personally I do not like this idea. There’s too many dangers with the gods secret. Too many people from the far shore know her living name and it would bring up too many thoughts amongst the other shinki about how they died. For me it just doesn’t make sense and feels like the worst case scenario
Soul call theory-
This is actually my own personal theory that I’ve had for months cause I suspected something like this might happen. Like Trashdad Hiyoris soul ends up in Yomi and she has to be soul called out. Trashdad returned to his physical body the first time he was soul called out of Yomi so we know it’s possible.
Down sides of this is 1. Only a human with ties can perform a soul call 2. Amaterasu would not approve
First ones pretty easy to fix, Yuka now has ties to Hiyori so she would probably be the closest person that could do it or if they wanted someone already aware of the far shore there’s Masaomi
As for Amaterasu the only way I see her being dealt with is with the trial by pledge which frankly I kinda see that being brought up again regardless of what happens with Hiyori. For me soul call theory is the second best case scenario.
Illusion theory-
This is the theory that I am choosing to believe and is the best case scenario for me. First pointed out by some folks over on discord and I’ve seen a few people in the tag’s talking about it.
It’s all part of Trashdads illusion. The same way Yato being a child and Yukine being a dog is an illusion. Trashdad just manifested an illusion of her dying to try and break Yato’s spirit.
Hiyori seemed way too helpless and damsel in distress like. She’s a fighter through and through and yeah I know she’s worn down and tired but it just didn’t feel like her. Plus she didn’t even question that Yato was a child. The vibes were off.
I also saw pointed out that when Trashdad grabbed Hiyoris tail it wasn’t torn until he ripped it
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It’s possible he just grabbed it higher up than where the original tear was but it’s still worth noting. Also her tail was standing up on its own instead of hanging limp like it was before.
Once Yato kills Trashdad the illusion will be broken and Hiyori will be fine and they all will go and live happily ever after together forever and nothing bad will ever happen again :) :) :)
Anyway these are my vibing in denial theories cause I refuse to believe Adachitoka would do my girl dirty like that :)
Fr tho despite all my shitposting and memes I actually have full faith in Adachitoka to make whatever they’re planning work and I know that it’ll be a beautiful story.
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swatato · 8 months
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Here’s a preview of my piece for Night Divining, Noragami Tarot Zine @noragamitarotzine to honour the ending of the manga! I had such a great time working on trash father, and the rest of the zine (plus card deck!!) looks so so beautiful! Pre-orders are now LIVE here :D
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skyflyinginaction · 7 months
There was something about how father controls the narrative and the framing of father's narrative 
there was something about how Father framed the narrative, he portrays himself as a victim who suffered from heaven but when you look closely he was also the perpetrator. when he speaks he portrays himself as a victim of heaven we see him crying over Kaya's body but when we get the father's flashback we get the truth.
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this panel demonstrated father's main flaw in how his own actions drove Kaya away which led to her death something he had a part in but doesn’t admit. He shifts the blame on the gods for killing her when he himself shares the same blame as driving her away. As someone once pointed out he's unrepentant of his own actions and that is what pushed Kaya away.
we get to know just how messy father's narrative he only thinks positively of someone if things favor his own narrative. there are cracks in father's narrative seen when others don’t do what he wants. This can be seen in his want for approval of Kaya
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spookikookiboo · 1 year
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Shit Dads Club
Doodled some trash dads this evening.
Shinyo Takami belongs to:
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thedeliverygod · 8 months
so I saw this on twitter but I wanted to make a post about it
people who are saying it was dumb/not well written/etc that trash dad died off 'so quickly'
did we read the same manga???
Yato has only been fighting him for the past how many chapters??? and how many pages???? this arc has literally been almost ENTIRELY a physical battle against him
like what the fuck else do you want
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muffindounat · 8 months
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trash dad, staying that way till his last breath. what a jerk
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lumiccu · 10 months
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Mom, would you wash my back?
This once, and then we can forget
And I'll leave what I'm chasing
For the other girls to pursue
Happy Yato day ft this Ryan Reynolds birthday post inspired piece! (you know the one)
(Click for better quality)
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greedgirl99 · 1 year
Noragami new chapter :
There are two wolfs inside of you, they are both Yukine.
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We aren’t talking about this panel, right?
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My reaction:
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manikas-whims · 1 year
Y'all just when i thought Trash Dad couldn't any more trash..
this panel:
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me @ trashdad:
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wynnundead · 2 years
What about yato?
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jade-kyo · 11 months
Pictures taken seconds before disaster
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isotones · 1 year
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trash daddy 🚮🌟
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skyflyinginaction · 7 months
On Father's “death"
I want to talk about father's death and why it's actually pretty fitting for him since we haven’t talked about his father's so-called death in the fandom and how fitting of a death it is to him.  
someone said that his death was "poorly written", it was "lame" or that "Yato shouldn’t have finished him off".  
The first one is that his death was lame but that is the point, Father builds himself off as this badass necessary evil harboring delusions of grandeur of taking down heaven but Despite his gloating of being the necessary evil he, in reality, he is nothing more than an overgrown brat who enjoys causing trouble for others and has a fit when nothing goes his way he doesn’t reflect his own actions and lashes out on others he is someone who uses the power of others for his own revenge such as Nora and yato and the yomi brush in whitch he stole from the underworld his power came from someone else but not his own. 
the manga showing Father struggling while calling out Yato's name demonstrates how he cannot accomplish anything without having others do it for him this shows just how pathetic he really is and his death destroys the image that Father cultivated for himself. His death further denied the delusions he built up for himself it was anti-climatic and kinda pathetic.
Yato should've finished him off, no it wouldn’t. Yato would not get any closure finishing off his abuser and this is true for people who would still not find closure after killing their abuser so Yato finishing him off would solidify Father's delusions of grandeur.
lastly, there is this talk that his death was poorly written, but actually, it is better written. the manga illustrated Father's last moments perfectly with Father trying to say Hiyori's name showing that he is still assisting in causing trouble and not reflecting his own actions he is throwing a temper tantrum and still insists on causing trouble this shows that Father hasn’t learned. Father looking for lifelines shows just how desperate he is in wanting to escape his own actions unaware of the people that he is using he doesn't notice that one of the lifelines is dead and another is cut off This demonstrates that he only sees himself, not other people as his reality pointed out.
father was written as an abuser in the manga, father being ignored by the two people he abused, killed, and hurt was the ultimate blow for him to put the icing on top of father calling out Yato's name but Yato helping Hiyori and not paying attention to father who was struggling and dying was the biggest blow to father. 
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