tallstars-rewrite · 6 years
HEATHERSTAR—long-legged gray-brown pointed molly with stormy blue-gray eyes.
REEDFEATHER—long haired brown tabby tom with dark golden eyes
HAWKHEART—big, mottled gray-brown tom with piercing dark yellow eyes
LILYWHISKER—light brown-and-white pointed molly with sky blue eyes and a damaged hind leg.
Moor Runners  HAREFLIGHT—gray-brown spotted tabby tom with copper eyes
LARKFLOWER (Larksplash)—torbie molly with amber eyes
CLOUDRUNNER—sleek gray-and-white pointed tabby tom with bright blue eyes
REDCLAW—light reddish-brown tabby tom with orange eyes
MEADOWBREEZE (Meadowslip)—gray torbie molly with golden-brown eyes
DAWNSTRIPE—pale golden tabby molly with light amber eyes
APPLEDAWN—small rosey-cream tabby molly with amber eyes
Tunnelers  WOOLLYCLOUD (Woollytail)—stocky gray-and-white tom with dark orange eyes and thick bushy fur
SANDSTONE (Sandgorse)—sandy-ginger tabby tom with dark amber eyes
CROWFUR—black and gray tom with pale yellow eyes
HAZELNOSE (Hickorynose)—brown tabby tom with hazel eyes
PLUMCLAW—sturdy dark gray molly with dark amber eyes
QUEENS  MISTMOUSE—small dusty-gray tabby molly with light yellow-green eyes
BRACKENWING—brown tabby molly with bright yellow eyes
PALEBIRD—small black-and-white patched molly with very pale amber eyes
KITS  FALLOWKIT (Doekit)—brown spotted tabby molly with yellow-green eyes
FAWNKIT (Stagkit)—brown spotted tabby tom with copper eyes
RYEKIT—sandy-gray tabby molly with copper eyes
SHREWKIT—small dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
BRIARKIT (Barkkit)—reddish-brown tabby tom with golden eyes and a short tail
TALLKIT—lanky black-and-white tom with orange eyes and a very long tail
ELDERS  FLINTFOOT (Flailfoot)—dark gray tom with clouded yellow eyes
WHITETOOTH (Whiteberry)—thin silver-and-white tom with blue-gray eyes and long front teeth
FENNELPELT (Flamepelt)—pale ginger-and-white tabby tom with golden-brown eyes
CEDARSTAR—very dark gray-brown tom with a white belly and yellow-green eyes
STONETOOTH—gray tabby tom with long teeth and icy yellow eyes
SAGEWHISKER—white molly with long whiskers and soft blue eyes
RATFANG (Yellowfang)—ragged-furred dark gray molly with fierce orange eyes
DEERSTEP (Deerleap)—gray-brown tabby molly with green eyes
CROWTAIL—black tabby molly with dark green eyes
MINKSTORM (Featherstorm)—long haired dark brown torbie molly with amber eyes
BRACKENFOOT—reddish-brown tabby tom with light orange eyes
ADDEREYE (Archeye)—gray-brown tabby tom with striking black stripes and yellow eyes
HOLLYFLOWER—dark red-and-white tortie molly with green eyes
ASHFUR—smoky gray flecked tom with yellow-green eyes
BRIGHTFLOWER—pale tortoiseshell molly with orange eyes
BLIZZARDTUFT (Blizzardwing)—mottled white-and-gray tom with blue-green eyes
NETTLESPOTS (Nettlespot)—pale calico molly with light green eyes
MUDCLAW—gray-brown tom with amber eyes
RAINMIST (Poolcloud)—dark gray dappled molly with copper eyes
TOADFALL (Toadskip)—dark red-brown patched tabby tom with light green eyes
MOUSESHADE (Mousewing)—thick-furred dark gray-brown tom with green eyes
FINCHFLIGHT—dark brown-and-white tabby tom with yellow eyes
ROWANFLOWER (Rowanberry)—dark red-and-cream tabby molly with amber eyes
ACORNWHISKER (Nutwhisker)—red-brown tom with amber eyes 
RAGGEDPELT— dark reddish-brown tabby tom with orange eyes and thick messy fur crossed with deep scars
SCORCHSTORM (Scorchwind)—ruddy brown tom with orange eyes
NIGHTPAW—small black tom with pale green eyes Mentor: Ashfur
BUZZARDPAW (Clawpaw)—dark brown tom with pale orange eyes and deep scars across his face Mentor: Raggedpelt
AMBERTHORN (Amberleaf)—dark tortoiseshell molly with dark green eyes. Mother of: Newtkit, Ashkit, and Frogkit
LIZARDSTRIPE—pale brown tabby molly with dark stripes and dark green eyes To-be Mother of: Tanglekit, Duskkit (Deerkit), Foggykit (Runningkit) To-be Foster Mother of: Darkkit (Brokenkit)
ASHKIT—Pale gray molly with yellow eyes
NEWTKIT—Tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
FROGKIT—Dark gray-brown spotted tom with amber eyes
LITTLEBIRD—small pale ginger tabby molly
DUSTFANG (Lizardfang)—light brown tabby tom with green eyes
SILVERFLAME—pale tortoiseshell molly with orange eyes
PINESTAR—red-brown tom with green eyes
OTTERFOOT (Mumblefoot)—big brown tabby tom with amber eyes
GOOSEFEATHER—ragged speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes
FEATHERPAW—silver-and-white tom with bright amber eyes and long whiskers
STONEPELT—large gray tabby tom with green eyes
ADDERFANG—mottled red-brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
CLOUDFLIGHT (Windflight)—gray tabby tom with pale green eyes
RAINFUR—pale tortoiseshell with amber eyes
SWIFTBREEZE—pale calico molly with yellow eyes
WHITE-EYE—pale gray-and-white molly with one cloudy, sightless eye
SPARROWPELT—big dark brown tabby tom with  yellow eyes 
ROBINWING—small  brown molly with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyes 
SOOTPELT (Fuzzypelt)—rusted black tom with long spiky fur and yellow eyes
SMALLEAR—gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes
LEOPARDFOOT—spotted black tabby molly with green eyes
PATCHPELT—black-and-white patched tom with amber eyes
STORMTAIL—blue-gray tom with stormy blue eyes
POPPYDAWN—long-haired dark red tabby molly with amber eyes
DUSKFLOWER (Moonflower)—silvery gray-and-white molly with pale yellow eyes
BRIGHTFALL (Sunfall)—big, bright ginger tom with yellow eyes
TAWNYPAW—golden brown spotted tabby tom with lighter dappled legs and belly Mentor: Sparrowpelt
DAPPLEPAW—tortoiseshell molly with hazel eyes Mentor: White-eye
LARCHWHISKER (Weedwhisker)—pale orange tom with yellow eyes
LARKSONG—tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
HAILSTAR—thick-pelted gray spotted tabby tom with blue-green eyes
SHELLHEART—light gray-brown spotted tabby tom with amber eyes
MILKFUR—soft white molly with light gray patches and pale brown eyes
BRAMBLEPAW—white molly with dark brown tabby patches fur and blue eyes
CYPRESSFUR (Timberfur)—big brown tabby tom with amber eyes
OTTERSPLASH—pale ginger-and-white molly with yellow eyes
MUDTHORN—brown tabby tom with black ears and orange eyes
BLUEMIST (Echomist)—long-haired light blue-gray molly with green eyes
RAINFLOWER—pale gray molly with yellow eyes
BRIGHTSKY—ginger-and-white molly with blue eyes
OWLFUR—brown-and-white tabby tom with yellow eyes
MUDFUR—long-haired light brown spotted tabby tom with golden eyes
STREAMSHINE (Lakeshine)—long-haired gray-and-white molly with blue eyes
PIKETOOTH—skinny brown tabby tom with long front teeth and yellow eyes
RIPPLECLAW—black-and-silver tabby tom with blue-green eyes
CEDARPELT—stout mottled brown tabby tom with a short tail
FALLOWTAIL—light brown molly with blue eyes 
MARSHCLOUD—stout brown tabby tom with a short tail
SHIMMERPAW—night-black molly with glossy pelt and light green-blue eyes Mentor: Cedarpelt
LILYSONG (Lilystem)—pale brown-and-white molly with amber eyes
WHITEKIT—big white tom with small black tabby patches and golden eyes
COTTONKIT (Softkit)—soft furred white molly with small brown tabby patches and golden eyes
TROUTCLAW—golden-brown tabby tom with green eyes
DUSKSTREAM (Duskwater)—Dark blue-gray molly with a white flash on her belly and dark green eyes
TANGLEWHISKER—long-haired dark brown tabby with thick knotted pelt and pale amber eyes
QUAILSONG (Birdsong)—gray flecked brown tabby-and-white molly with amber eyes
JAKE—stocky bright ginger tabby tom with vibrant emerald-green eyes
QUINCE—pretty gray molly with clear blue eyes
NUTMEG—brown tortoiseshell-and-white molly with amber eyes
TYR—burmese tom with light hazel eyes  
BESS—dark brown-and-white molly with light green eyes
ALGERNON—fawn tabby tom with pale green eyes
REENA—reddish-brown mottled torbie molly with light green eyes
MOLE—skinny gray-brown tom with pale gold eyes and a stubby tail
HEN—frail white molly with golden eyes and a fluffy plumed tail
SPARROW—very small very dark brown tom with one yellow eye and one blue
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