honeyxmonkey · 4 years
That's fine I can wait as long as Varian looks donkeyfied cute! Donkey ears, tail and brays? So cute!!
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FINALLY GOT IT DONE! Man, this took awhile.
As you can see, I'm bad at drawing animals and this was my first time drawing Red and Angry.
I actually really like this and I might do more with it.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Hide and Go Varian
Rapunzel: Varian! Where are you?
Eugene: Come out, come out where ever you are!
Cassandra: Kid, in the interest of your safety, I would recommend you to come out before my father finds out.
Captain: Before I find out what?
Cassandra: Dad! What . . . are you doing here?
Captain: Well, when I got back to the castle after picking some things in town, I was surprised to see almost all my men looking for something when they should have been working.
Eugene: Really! Why those slackers must have misplaced something!
Rapunzel: Yes! I lose . . . Pascal all the time.
Captain: When I asked what they were looking for, they had no answer for me. All I could tell was that they were more scared of their temporary Captain than me at the moment.
Cassandra: Really! I have no idea why they would be scared of me.
Captain: Honey . . . what's going on.
Cassandra: Well, you know how Varian isn't allowed out of his room without supervision.
Captain: Yes.
Eugene: Angry and Red were visiting him when they snuck him out to Rapunzel's room to play with Pascal.
Rapunzel: And I was okay with Varian without supervision because I was supervising, which is okay, right?
Captain: Sigh. Yes, that is okay if someone else was there with you. Then what happened.
Rapunzel: Angry and Red wanted to play hide and go seek, so I counted to 100 while they hid. I found the girls easily, but . . . we still can't find Varian.
Captain: You mean to tell me Varian is potentially loose in the castle and probably ran away by this time?!
Eugene: Yes. You know, Captain, red really isn't your color. Maybe you should try thinking of calm thoughts. Your complexion would be less like tomato like then.
Captain: Fitzherbert! Please shut your mouth before I get . . . even more tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Don't worry, Dad! We have all the guards, the Snuggly Duckling Pub thugs, Lance, and a lot of kids looking for him all throughout town.
Rapunzel: Yeah! We'll find him in no time! We got some of the best seekers in town looking for him.
Eugene: That list probably has me on top as #1 Seeker of all Time!
Captain: Well . . . then why aren't you out looking for him!
Eugene: On my way, right now!
Cassandra: Don't worry, dad. We'll make sure he's back in his room soon.
Captain: He better be or else the King will not be happy him if he finds out.
Thirty more minutes later . . .
Eugene: Where can that boy be?!
Lance: Well, now we know never to let Varian play hide 'n go seek ever again. We'll just have to stick to tag.
Eugene: Lance!
Lance: Okay, okay! Freeze tag.
Eugene: Lance! Please stop talking before I'm tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Wow. Your starting to sound like my dad, Eugene.
Eugene: Your right! Wow! Responsibly sure changed me. I used to be a carefree thief and now . . . I teach the guards how to be sneaky and try to be a good role model for three kids.
Rapunzel: And I love you even more for those reasons. The newer you is just like the old you, but more . . . mature.
Eugene: Well, then I like the new you just as well. You're even more beautiful as you care for your people as their princess.
Rapunzel: Oh, Eugene . . .
Eugene: Rapunzel . . .
Cassandra: Oh, Lance . . . my love!
Lance: Yes, Cassandra, my dearest!
Eugene: Shut up, guys. Your embarrassing Rapunzel.
Lance: Well, then you should have thought of that before you two starting romancing it up in front of us!
Eugene: Lance!
Cassandra: Well, when he's right, he's right.
Rapunzel: Cass!
Lance: Now that we have all expressed our feelings, we can concentrate on finding our little boy!
Eugene: Ah, Lance? You know Varian's not a little kid. And you’re not the best choice to be a parental figure for him.
Lance: So? I can be his big brother! I mean, we're basically already Angry and Red's big brothers, so why not Varian's as well
Eugene: Well, um, . . . then sure. That actually makes some sense, so might as well embrace it.
Lance: Yes! It's official. I'm a big brother. Now, I can officially do brother stuff like give Varian candy and not make him brush his teeth.
Eugene: Um, buddy. I don't think that's how being a big brother works.
Cassandra: Can we concentrate back on finding Varian? Who knows where he is at this point? He's probably escaped.
Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass! Varian hasn't tried to escape ever since he was put on castle arrest.
Cassandra: He hasn't tried to escape because Old Corona was full of guards at the time. Now, most of the damage has been fixed. He might have decided to try escaping now.
Eugene: Well, let's get on with finding him before he runs away.
Lance: Yeah! I can't have my new baby brother running away so soon. People will think I scared him off or something.
Cassandra: Are you sure you haven't already scared him off?
Lance: Did you say something, Cass?
Cassandra: Nothing really. Um . . . just talking to myself.
Lance: You should consider not doing that around other people. They'll start thinking you’re crazy.
Cassandra: Thank you for the advice, Lance. By the way, have I ever given you a closer look at my sword?
Eugene: Um, why don't we concentrate on finding Varian before Lance takes a . . . closer look at your very sharp blade.
Cassandra: Sure, if Lance can keep his mouth closed that long.
Rapunzel: Oh! I have an idea! Let's check out the garden! Maybe he's there!
Cassandra: Good idea, Raps. He might try escaping that way.
Rapunzel: Cass! He wouldn't try escaping at all!
An hour later . . .
Eugene: Raps, remind me again why the royal garden is so BIG.
Rapunzel: Eugene, my mom loves plants. You remember how we had breakfast in the garden on her birthday, right?
Eugene: Rrrriiiggghhttt. Of course, I do, dear!
Cassandra: He sure does.
Lance: That long 'right' wasn't because he forgot an important memory.
Eugene: Shut up, you two!
Rapunzel: Did you guys say something?
Eugene: Nope! Pretty sure those were some little birds tweeting and chirping about.
Lance: Yes, two very truthful birdies.
Eugene: Lance!
Rapunzel: Wait, everyone! Be quiet!
Eugene: For what-
Cassandra: Shut up, Eugene!
. . .
Rapunzel: I hear something. Quick! Follow me!
Eugene: Why are we going into my room?!
Lance: You mean our room. Remember? The King didn't trust me . . .
Eugene: I know, Lance!
Lance: . . . so he paired us up and gave us a bigger room to share.
Cassandra: Yeah, why are we in these two idiots’ room.
Rapunzel: Shhhhh! Because of those two.
Eugene: Varian! Oh, thank goodness we found him!
Lance: Awwwwww! He missed us so he went to hide in our room while waiting for us to find him.
Rapunzel: He and Rudiger look so cute like this!
Cassandra: Even I think so.
Eugene: That's great and all, but let's get this kid back to the Captain before he has a stroke, or worse, blames me for this.
Rapunzel: Eugene, why don't we let Varian sleep a bit longer?
Cassandra: Yeah. I'll talk to my father right now.
Lance: And I will cuddle up with Var while you guys do that.
Rapunzel: Aww! No fair! I want to join the cuddlefest as well.
Eugene: If Blondie's joining in, I might as well too.
Cassandra: I'll be back and then I might decide to sit on the bed next to you guys.
Lance: I will go get Angry and Red. They will be so upset if I didn't invite them.
And so, Varian's impromptu game of Hide and Go Seek led them all into having a relaxing after spending the day looking for the wayward alchemist. Maybe next time they can play a nice game of tag instead! Good idea, right? :)
AN: I wrote this in one of my various notebooks a long time ago during work. But, I lost in the chaos of my room. I recently found it and typed up how much I had written. I just got back from work, where I basically worked on another Tangled AU for most of my day, to a home with a pizza party is going on. My dad is horrible drunk, breaking his New Year's revolution like 5+ times already in 2019. He now wants our whole family to go out to Reno, Nevada for his wedding anniversary, but are not considerate about the fact I have work and no one cover me since my co-worker Adrien is leaving the country the day before and my other co-worker Kim is going to be the receptionist that day. Everyone always pressures me to put my on-call job at risk making up reasons to try to get the day off, but no one can cover for me since my two other co-workers work 5 days and week and can not work more than 5 days in a row. Right now, I'm stuck with the family. My back, eyes, and head hurt because of all the loud music playing. I can't go to sleep even if I wanted to since my room is right next to the living room. I feel so stressed all the time, but hopefully posting this chat will make me feel better. Hope you guys like it!
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