disneyfanatic1993 · 11 months
Alchemist Out Of Corona: Lost and Found, Part 4
All art from the chapter of my fanfic, “Lost and Found, Part 4/5.”
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
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Trope : Broken Angel
Fandom: Tangled the Series
AN: I will update card to be same as other x's later. This is set in the same universe withh one main difference, winged au. Basically, everyone has wings. But, those who have good intentions have angel like wings. Those who intend to hurt or try to get revenge will shed all their feathers without any control over themselves, leaving their beautiful feathered creations as bare bones. But, people can change. Until they are willing to change themselves, their wings will not grow more feathers. Once they change or try to change, their feathers will grow back. Let's hope Varian's wings will grow back their feathers soon. I know he can change and he will. I believe in him and I am sure many others do as well.
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tangledinart · 5 years
I need to rant... I'm so sick of this. I'm so sick of people attacking each other for the character they like, no matter what that character is.
Its fine to say your thoughts about a character, but when you involve and attack a FAN who is a real person concerning the character, that is different! I heard recently someone got attacked for liking Nigel, which made me so mad, and then me and a few of my friends feel attacked about Varian. I'm not trying to draw attention to Varian, I know people get irritated at that and sometimes I do too and the fandom has probably heard like 100 rants about this. But I am saying this whole thing as a HUGE New Dream fan who loves the entire show with or without Varian.
He isn't my favorite character in tangled, he is only a top 5 for me after Eugene Rapunzel Pascal and Maximus, but I still really like him, out of the new series characters he was my favorite cause idk I just love the complexity and depth of his character, it fascinates me and his character is written so well and I also find him really really relatable... But I'm sick of people and myself feeling attacked for liking Varian. VARIAN IS A CHARACTER. People all interpret their love for characters in different ways, same goes for hate. I love Eugene, he is my favorite in the show, and if you don't like Eugene... THATS FINE and I'm not gonna attack you for not liking Eugene and I'd hope you wouldn't attack me for liking Eugene. The same goes for every single character in the entire show.... including Varian he is not an exception cause he has such a big fanbase. And the fact what started as a debate about Varian with someone I know.... (I was asked why I liked Varian, and I said why I liked him and I defended why I liked him cause they kept questioning why I Iiked him, I did not defend him or his actions....) turned into an indirect post about me defending him for his actions which I NEVER DID! I said why I liked and related to the character... I would never say what happened to him was Rapunzel's fault... I don't blame her at all and it makes me mad someone said that about me cause I love and relate to Rapunzel way more than I do with Varian and I don't like that I was accused for attacking her cause I love her so much.... Back to what I was saying before just because Varian is a villian and hurt the other characters doesn't mean people can't like him. It doesn't mean people can't hate him. WE CAN ALL DO WHATEVER WE WANT! We are all different and should be able to interpret our love for any character differently WITHOUT attacking each other!!! Same goes for the part of the fandom who doesn't like Varian, respect they don't like him! We all should respect each other!!!
A few of my closest friends in this fandom are Varianfans, I went through a big time of loneliness and Tangled helped me a lot. I joined the Discord server several months ago cause I thought it would be the best way to find fans to talk to... it took me several weeks to get comfortable in the server cause I'm pretty shy and extremely socially awkward, but I made so many friends and a good bit of them are Varian fans. They still love the show and the other characters and completely understand why Varian has been absent because this show isn't about him, they know Varian's actions were his to blame, they are awesome people and I love talking to them, they are so much fun! And I hate when some people in the fandom label my friends as the group of Varian fans that attacked other fans over liking and defending Rapunzel, or the fans that are demanding for Varian to come back, or the very very few Varian fans who have sent other fans death threats! Cause a lot of my friends are extremely hurt cause they feel attacked and labeled as the fans that don't take the rest of the show seriously and only like Varian. I've had friends who said they considered leaving the fandom over it. THAT IS RIDICULOUS. Yes there are Varian fans who don't consider the rest of the show at all and only like Varian and they should be respected too cause that is their opinion.... but there are other fans who love Varian and he is their favorite character, and they still love the show and the other characters and completely understand he isn't relavant in the show right now and are being very patient for him to come back and they don't appreciate being labeled as the Varian fans who don't care about the show! And they hate that fans shout them down for liking Varian and theorizing about Varian cause he isn't relevant right now. If your favorite character wasn't relevant right now chances are you would feel the same way.
I've gotten used to the whole dissension over Varian as time gone by... I was sick of the same fight since Qfad and just have ignored it, he has been gone for a while and I've focused more on the other characters.... and the fight I had recently had doesn't matter to me much at all I'm used to it! I'm used to people questioning why I like tangled, or being questioned for liking characters like Varian, or Cassandra or Lance in some cases.... It hurts but I'm used to it. But when MY FRIENDS feel attacked I'm not tolerating it!!! Can't we all respect each other? PLEASE. If you don't like a character, don't attack someone who likes them! If you like a character, don't attack someone who doesn't like the character! You have no idea how much a certain character can mean to someone, how much they help them, you have no idea what anyone is going through.... and yes in a fandom we have to get used to people having different feelings about a character... we are all free to have our own opinions and if you want to talk about your feelings about a character publicly on the internet negative or positive, feel free to do so!... but leave fans out of it! I've seen both sides of this argument, I am general tangled fan who would still watch the show and love it just the same if Varian weren't in it, and I also really like Varian and Varian fans and I'm just not as loud as others cause he isn't my favorite character. No one is innocent here, there have been Varianfans who have hurt general fans and made them dislike Varian cause his hype and the fights it has caused, and there are also general fans who have hurt Varian fans. I've felt hurt from both sides and I doubt I'll stop feeling it cause this dissension has gone on since Qfad and I doubt it will stop because its gone on this long.... but please, whichever side you are on, consider the other fans please. I love this fandom so much, and I hate to see this toxicity that has affected so many fans.❤
I hope this post offened no one, if it did I apologize.
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ima-sagittarius · 3 years
Follow my main @varianfan
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randomcurse · 3 years
Please follow my other acount,
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
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Seemed appropriate. He is missing technically, in our hearts and in the show. My favorite part about this is the last known location. I like to make all kinds of little copy and paste stuff for my discord besties. I keep making missing posters for my friends on discord. So, might as well make one for my favorite boy! Hope you guys like!
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Uncle Hector teaches . . . Evil Laughter
Varian: Wohohohohoho!
Hector: No! No! Ho ho is what Santa says, not growing antagonists! Try again.
Varian: Tehehehehehehehe!
Hector: No! You sound like your almost laughing. Not what wanted again. Keep trying.
Varian: Mohahah!
Hector: Too short. Keep them coming.
Varian: Ah ha ha ha ha haaa MWAHAHA!
Hector: Now you really do sound like your laughing! And it was too long. Again!
Varian: Bwahahahaha! Mwahahahaha
Hector: You're getting closer! Come one! Once more!
Varian: Mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha!
Hector: By King Edmund's beard, I think he's got it! And now hear my own magnificent evil laughter!
Varian: *rolls eyes*
Hector: mmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMWHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Varian: Gee Uncle. I am so impressed!
Hector: Yes! Wait! Are you being sarcastic?
Varian distracts him: Uncle Hector, why I am learning how to laugh evily?
Hector: Because, dear nephew on mines, as the antagonist of the show or at least previous ones, we must keep ourselves up to date on all the latest trends in being antagonists. Which means you need to learn them all since you know none of these things.
Varian looks at Rudiger and then back at Hector.
Varian: Can I at least take off the weird costume off of Rudiger? He's a raccoon, not a whatever those things are! And he never will be!
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Rapunzel: Varian, do you want to join us for tea?
Varian: No thanks, PRINCESS. There's only so much sneering I can do in one day.
Rapunzel: Varian, when did you get so petty?
Varian: When did you start breaking promises?
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Varian: Eugene, hand me a cup of coffee. Black. Please."
Eugene: Sure, kid. But, answer just one little itty bitty question first?
Varian: WHAT?
Eugene: You look really tired. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Varian: . . . 5 . . .
Eugene: 5 hours? Varian, you know that's not healthy!
Varian: Wait? What day is it?
Eugene: Tues-Wait?! Are you telling me you haven't slept for five days?! What have you been doing this whole time?
Varian: I've been working on . . . things.
Eugene: Okay, you don't have to tell me. No coffee for you. You are going straight to bed.
Varian: What?! I don't need to go to sleep right now. I have things to so!
Eugene: Those things can wait. Bed first, science later.
Varian: No thank you.
Eugene: Oh, dear! Do I need to call Rapunzel to come in here? She would be more than happy to rock you to sleep.
Varian: You wouldn't dare.
Eugene: Would I? Hmmmmmm.
Varian: Okay! I'll go to sleep.
Eugene: Good choice, kid.
Varian: Come on, Rudiger.
Eugene: Rudiger . . . I give you complete permission to do whatever it takes to keep Varian in bed.
Rudiger: (Nods head)
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
This is basically something I wrote a week ago for a Tangled Discord challenge. The challenge was to turn someone of Royalty from the show into a commoner or turn a commoner into Royalty. Of course, I don’t do anything easy or simple. So, I made some changes to the characters and the show itself. I will be a basic explanation for the characters below. Also, MirrorWorld represents this world is like a mirror to the original Tangled movie. My world is just a backwards version of reflection, so just think of this idea as being the opposite of Tangled.
Queen Gothel - Queen of Corona; Second wife to Quirin.
King Quirin - Father of Varian
Rapunzel - Made to believe she is a princess, but really not. But, she does not realize this. 
Eugene - Wandering Knight; Is is paid to protect his BFF Lance.
Rapunzel’s Parents - Carpenter’s build things, so basically her parents helped build Corona. 
Lance - Adopted son of the noble lady, “Oldie.”
The Captain - Retired Captain of the Guard
Maximus - Eugene’s horse from the start.
The Stabbington Brothers - Robin hood like; Helped Rapunzel escape, but got lost from her.
Cassandra - Raised by Captain of Guards.
“I am the Carpenters' lost daughter.”
Queen Gothel looked up from her paperwork scattered across her desk. She stood up to approach her daughter, pulling her lace bordered gloves on her delicate hands once more. She brushed away the non-existent dirt from her blood red dress as she looked up at her daughter.
“Oh, please speak up Rapunzel! You know how I hate the mumbling,” the Queen snapped impatiently, looking in the standing mirror fixing her string of pearls and crown were perfect.
“I am the Carpenters' lost daughter! Aren’t I? Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that anymore?”
The Queen looked up, shocked to hear her even say these words. She never thought this day would ever come. She never thought Rapunzel would ever find out the truth . . . and believe it. She should be trusting her and not the big world she rescued her from. She had to make sure she nipped these rebellious thoughts out of her head.
“Oh Rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such ridiculous questions!”
The Queen approached her daughter up on the stairs, trying to console her.
“Rapunzel, my dear. You know Mummy wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”
“It was you! You stole me away from my parents! You made me believe I was a princess and needed to stay locked up this tower for my own protection. But, I was never a princess. Because if I was really a princess, all those people in town would know about the ‘princess’ of Corona. I might have found out who I really was a long time ago and my parents wouldn’t have needed to suffer 16 years with their daughter! You took me away from your family just for my stupid hair!”
Gothel eyes narrowed as she looked at Rapunzel with distaste and scorn. Her gloved hand tightened on Rapunzel’s arm, making the girl wince as the grip on her arm became suffocating.
“Everything I ever did was all to protect . . . you.”
Rapunzel looked at her . . . ‘Mother’ and pushed her away to descend down the stairs. She couldn’t believe her whole life has been one big lie! She had actually loved this woman for taking the time out of her busy life as the Queen to love and protect her, but she was just acting this whole time? She briefly wondered if Varian was acting this whole times as well, but ignored that thought.
‘Varian will always be my little brother. That woman may not be either of our mothers, but he will always be my family. He would never fake the love and time he put into our relationship,’ the young woman reassured herself.
“I’ve spent my entire life hiding in this cold, lifeless tower, from people who would use me for my power…” she ranted as she walked down the large stairway, ignoring Gothel’s calls for her to come back.
“. . . but I should have been hiding . . . from you!” she finally spat out, as she turned to glare at the dark-haired women at the bottom of the stairs.
“Where will you go? He won’t be there for you,” the Queen declared. That man might have been a knight, but he was no knight of hers. Though his friend, the nobleman, is trying to defend him and support his claim of being a knight, it would be too late at that point. It was child’s play for her to blaming a fake crime of trying to steal from her on that worthless little knight. It is quite ironic that the only thing that was stolen from her recently was her daughter and now that man will die for stealing my most valuable ‘gem’ of all. This doesn’t mean she won’t have the guards stop looking for those troublesome twins either. After all, every dog will have its day.
“What did you do to him?” Rapunzel asked worriedly, wringing her hands together in anticipation. She might have only known Eugene for one day, but she felt like she has known him forever. If anything ever happened to him . . . she would never stop blaming herself for not realizing the truth sooner.
“Your too naive, my dear Rapunzel. That man was no knight. He was a thief that stole under the disguise of savior. As the Queen of Corona, it was only my duty to punish him. That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes,” Gothel heartlessly explained. She felt no need to sugar coat the consequences at all. After all, this wasn’t the first execution she had ordered.
Rapunzel gasped and softly whispered, “No,” as she realized what those words meant. She didn’t know what ‘being hanged’ entailed, but she had read a book that mentioned it before. She only knew that in those books, that being “hanged” meant death.
“Now, now. It’s all right. Listen to me. Everything is as it should be,” Gothel tried to reassure the girl, reaching out to brush her hand across her golden locks of hair. But, before her hand could even touch her, Rapunzel grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“No! You were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about me. And I will never let you use my hair again!”
The Queen was so surprised at the grip on her wrist was strong enough to hold her. When had that tiny little girl grew up into a . . . strong woman. She never thought the darling child would ever try to break out of her place, but now she had. When she finally broke out of her grip, she let out a growl as she fell back against her ornate mirror. As her favorite mirror shattered into pieces, her perfect world shattered as well. This child was not her daughter, not anymore at least. It was time she realized that . . . and treat her like she treats everyone else.
“You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I’m the bad guy…”
The Queen stood up tall as she whispered those words ominously. She knew what she had to do to pick up the pieces of her glass world.
Eugene never thought he would admit it, but he was downright scared. He did not even do anything to deserve being arrested, let alone steal the Queen’s crown. He didn’t mean to do anything that would be considered wrong. In fact, he didn’t think he did anything wrong in the first place. He was only helping a lost girl explore and see some floating lanterns on her birthday. He never expected to find out she was actually the Queen’s secret daughter, who wasn’t allowed out of her tower.
He also never expected to fall in with her. He knew it might be too soon to say it was true love, but he knew that he would regret not trying to start some kind of relationship with her. He knew he was a bit older than her, but he hoped it would make no difference once he told her what his heart was telling him. But, before he could declare his love to her, he saw his friend Lance waving at him from the shore . . . or so he thought. He was expecting to quickly belate his friend for interrupting his before going back to Rapunzel. Instead, he was bashed on the head and the world went dark like a flame being extinguished. When he finally woke up a few minutes later, his sparse amount of armor, his sword, and his Knight’s medallion were all missing. Also, he was tied to the mast of a ship with a heavy crown on his head. Before he could escape his bounds, the guards saw him.
“Look! The Queen’s Crown!”
“Rapunzel! Rapunzel!”
“Get him!”
“No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, guys, guys!”
Eugene was so distraught with worry for the long-haired girl, that he didn’t even notice his horse Maximus on the other side of the lake.
As a Knight, he has never even thought this situation would ever happen. Sure, he didn’t dress like a knight every day. At least he kept his armor nearby, in his saddlebags, since it was too heavy to wear constantly. But, he almost always has his pauldron on his right shoulder, his crimson red cape pinned down by his Knight’s medallion, and his simple sword in his scabbard right by his side. Without them, Eugene felt vulnerable and weak inside the dirty little cell he was tossed in to. None of the guards believed his cries of being a knight, even when he tried to tell them to contact all the other kingdoms he’s helped out in. Eugene wasn’t sure why all the guards were ignoring him till . . . he saw him.
When he first started out as a knight, he and Lance stopped a group of bandits from robbing a small caravan when Eugene first saw him. It was a weasley looking man betraying his team by taking all the goods for himself and getting away. Eugene tried pursuing the men, letting Lance stay behind to help out the family. He tried his best, pushing Max to his limits to get the treacherous man, but he lost the other man in the endless forest. The only words he was able to hear before he disappeared were, “Baron’s orders.”
Eugene didn’t know who he was talking about, but he knew that man was probably part of some bigger plot than just a small-time bandit. As Eugene trudged back towards the path, he saw something glinting in the snow. When he picked the small item up, it was a cheap little ring with a painted sun in the middle. At the time he was so happy to at least have one thing to return to the victims of the robbery, but his excitement only lasted till he found Lance, all alone. Apparently, the family was safe and was thankful for being saved. But, they needed to get going just in case more bandits show up. Lance was kind enough to donate them some money since he had plenty to spare. He was Arnwaldo L. Schnitz, son of the generous noble lady nicknamed ‘Oldie.’ Eugene wished he knew which way they had gone so he could have return the ring. Since he couldn’t go around Corona looking for the mysterious family, he kept the ring safely hidden in his saddlebags, with the hope he would one day return it safely. He never saw that Weasel of a man, till now.
In front of him, in the golden armor of the guards was that same man he chased so long ago. The shining helmet’s red plume told Eugene he was standing in front of the Captain of the Guards. Though his eyes showed him that he was standing in front of a lying weasel.
“It’s been a long time since I last saw you, Flynn Rider.”
The man’s smug voice broke the knight out of his thoughts.
“Finn Rider? The names Eugene Fitzherbert! Now let me go, you dirty weasel you!”
Captain Anthony sighed and turned to talk to the other guards like he was trying to ignore Eugene even existed.
“See boys? I told you he would try to pull one right over our eyes. Acting like he doesn’t even know his own name. Trying to impersonate a well-known knight is almost as bad trying to steal the Queen’s prized crown.”
“I didn’t steal anything! And I am a knight. Just hear me out?!”
The man sighed, but Eugene saw him trying to cover up his dark smile under his hand. The devious man unlocked the cell’s door and opened it.
“Enough lying, you thieving criminal. Let’s get this over with, Rider.”
“Get what over with? Wait?! Where are we going?”
As Captain Anthony continued to lead the way, he only looked back once to give Eugene one last look.
“I think you should already know that answer to that question.”
With those words, Eugene’s heart sank. Everyone knew the Queen did not believe in second chances. Anyone who crossed her personally always faced their end . . . at the end of a rope. Eugene touched his neck in disbelief as he realized how little time he had left. How he would never get to tell Rapunzel how much he . . . loved her.
“Oh . . .”
Cassandra never thought her day would end up like this. For as long as she could remember, it had been just her and her father in a little tower in the forest. She didn't know why her father insisted on living so far away from civilization, but she assumed it was because of his dislike of the Queen.
But, she was thankful her father loved her enough to take her into his home and his heart. Her father never tried to hide her origins. He told her the truth the moment she was old enough to understand.
“Honey, I found you all alone wandering through the forest on my way back to Corona. You were only five years old and you didn’t remember anything, but your name,” her father had said
He always told her that he had found her alone and with only a tiny locket on her neck. She didn't have any key to open the locket and see what is inside. But, she always had high hopes that one day she would be able to find her family. Her other family. As for now, all she considered her family is her father and their horses.
Cassandra loved her father, but she was getting tired and sick of all his overprotectiveness. She wasn't even allowed to go into town alone or during busy festivals. All she wanted was a way to prove to her father she can be trusted to be herself and to be free.
'I know Dad loves me and wants to make sure I am never lost\again. But, he needs to let me grow up and be my own person,’ she thought to herself one day.  
That's when her opportunity to prove herself came to her. She was wandering the forests, the only place her father was okay with letting her explore. It was then she saw dozens of soldiers pass by on their horses. She brought Fidella to a stop and tried to listen to their words.
"Sir, we still can’t find them!"
"Well, find those thieving twins before they get away! Or else the Queen will have all of our heads instead of theirs! We can’t let some no good scum get away with her things! Now, I need to get back to the Castle for execution and I better get some going."
As the soldiers scrambled off to look for the thieves, Cassandra got an amazing idea. Her father used to the Captain of the Royal Guard. Though he would be worried once he finds out she put herself in danger, but he would still be somewhat impressed by her is she was able to catch those two troublemakers before any of those amateurs could.
So, Cassandra set to look for those rascals, with the hope she might be able to impress the current Captain of the Royal Guards and her father as well. 'Maybe, if I am good enough, they might let me join! I do have all the skills of a soldier, but I never thought of trying to be one. But, maybe I might be good at being a royal guard!' she thought to herself before she headed off towards the stream.
Like she had guessed, she had found the stream and some tracks as well. She followed the two sets of tracks till they finally stopped at the doorway of a certain establishment her father always warned her not to go near. 'The Snuggly Duckling. Well, Dad's not here to stop me  and who would I went in there in the first place.'
Cassandra slowly made her way her into the crowded pub. She was able to easily blend in with her dark clothes. She wasn't sure how the two criminals she was after looked like, but not everyone in this pub would have a twin. And just like she had thought, she saw a pair of twins sitting at the counter, both nursing their mugs of ale. She slowly approached them from behind, trying to hear their conversation. She was slightly intimidated by the large man behind the counter, but she was able to get over her fear as soon as she saw the tray of cupcakes in his mitten gloved hands. "Patches, I know we failed saving that girl. But, there is still a possibility that she was able to get away from the Queen." The twin with the eyepatch shook his head and made some hand gestures with his hands.
"Okay, okay! Your right, Sideburns. I know the chances of how likely an innocent girl like that escape the Queen and her guards." This conversation made Cassandra realize that these two might not be the experienced criminals she thought she would be after. If they were trying to help a girl escape someone, then she shouldn't try to turn them in. Though their accusation of calling the Queen this girl's kidnapper, that was a little bit startling to hear. But, her fathers always told that he retired early on because he didn't trust the Queen. 'If Dad never trusted her, then maybe she might have something to do with this. If I can figure out these two's angle, I can help them,' she reassured herself before she took a seat by the pair. The two looked at her cautiously as she waved over the baker. "Hey, big guy! I'll take a cupcake!" "The names Attila," the man announced as he handed her over a pink frosted cupcake, taking the coin she handed to him in return. "My name's Cassandra." Attila froze as he heard her name, along with most of the pub. Those closest to the counter whispered her name till everyone in the building knew who she was. "You wouldn't happen to be the same Cassandra as in the Captain's daughter?" a deep voice asked from behind as he stepped forward. The balding man was large and had a hook for a hand. "Ex-captain," Cassandra replied, trying to stay calm.
“We know who he is and he will always be the Captain to us. Now, your father doesn’t want you here. You need to leave otherwise we’ll have to tell him you were here,” the man informed Cassandra, trying to intimidate her by raising his hooked hand in warning.
The girl ignored the man as she peeled back her cupcake’s liner. The men in the room started to get uncomfortable with the long silence while Cassandra took a bite of her frosted sweet.
“Well,” the hooked man prompted.
Thankfully, Cassandra finally looked up and locked her icy glare on the man.
“I can leave, but I don’t have too. I am 18 years old and that means I am allowed to enter this establishment . . .”
Attila raised his hand to say something, but Cassandra interrupted him.
“. . . as long as I do not consume alcohol. So, legally, you can not kick me out of this establishment unless I break that rule or any other. And you can talk to my dad all you want, but the moment I tell him my version of how the ‘big scary hooked man’ threatened me with his hook, he’ll surely believe me over you.”
Cassandra crossed her arms and smirked. She knew how to get people to let her do what she wants.
“Alright, you can stay. You’re a pretty sharp lady. No wonder your father didn’t want us to meet you. The names Hookhand,” the man held out his non-hooked hand. Cassandra shook his hand briefly.
“My name is Big Nose. Might I ask you what are you doing here?” A large nosed man asked the girl.
Cassandra thought about the situation and decided it would be best to be upfront about this now that all the attention was on her.
“I was planning on trying to turn these two thieves in,” she pointed to the twins, who looked ready to run. “But, when I overheard their conversation about some missing girl and the Queen, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and hear their side of the story before I do anything else.”
Everyone turned their heads towards the two young men. Cassandra knew there was no way for them to escape, especially now that she was able to get the thugs interested.
“Well, boys. Might as well talk,” Tor encouraged from where he was rearranging some plants around.
The two men sighed before the man with the eye patch started to make hand motions and gestures. His brother clearly understood him and a few seconds later, turned to talk to them all.
“You can call me Sideburns and this is Patches. He can’t speak, but I can understand him. You might know us for being . . . the Stabbington brothers.”
All the men tensed up and started to reach for their weapons.
“And before you attack us, Stabbington is just our family name. The guards have told crazy stories about us just to make us look bad. In reality, we only steal things to give to the poor.”
Cassandra had never heard of thieves stealing things to give to the people who need help, but it sounded like a generous deed to do.
"We broke into the eastern tower of the castle, which was supposed to be abandoned. We were hoping to score some forgotten valuables to pawn off, but we found someone more valuable instead. We were able to figure out that the Queen's been keeping a young girl, around your age actually, captive in there. The poor girl actually thinks she is a princess and that the Queen is her mother. We were able to convince her to leave, mostly so she can see something she's never seen before. But, as we were leaving . . . the Queen caught us. She sent the guards after us and the girl, Rapunzel, didn't realize what was going on. She thought it was some game, so we convinced her to hide until we come back. By the time we were able to get back, she wasn't there anymore." "She might have . . . wandered off," Bruiser offered, his knitting put aside. "Yeah, who's to say she's back with the Queen, anyway?" Killer tried to convince them, but even he knew that would be unlikely. Sideburns turned to his brother when his flailing arms caught his attention. *Tell them about the knight!* Patched signed to his brother. "Patches wants me to let you guys know that there has been some talk about a weird girl and a knight visiting the town. We couldn't go check that rumor out because the guards have been posting our faces all over town." Cassandra knew she had to make her decision. Her dad would most likely be upset with how she would be siding with this so-called 'bad' guys over the law, but she knew he would get over it. These criminals were people as well and she learned they were much nicer than how people see them. She wanted to be a person her father was proud of and that person would protect others. "Well, boys? What are we waiting for? Let's go check out these rumors and rescue this girl!" "HORRAH!!!!!" cheered the men, as she got ready to set out when suddenly someone had an important thought. "Wait just one itty bitty moment!" the drowsy voice called out. All eyes turned to the short bearded man falling over himself. "I'm not quite sure what's going on, but . . . where are we going to find a knight? I mean the sun’s up in the sky, so it won’t be nighttime till . . . tonight," he drawled out before falling out cold. Cassandra knew that was an important point. She can't go into town with a bunch of armed men to ask around for some knight guy and the mysterious girl he's with. Before she could ponder on this thought any longer, the door slammed open. A smartly dressed man walked in and sat down at a table, ignoring all the dangerous looking thugs around him. He looked tired and his clothes were all mussed up. His tired brown eyes looked up and raised his hand. "Bartender, give me the strongest ale you got," his voice crooked out. "You sure about that, buddy. You don't look like you are in any condition to be drinking," Hookfang asked. "What’d ya mean?! I’m fine! Maybe you’re the one that’s not fine!” he defended himself, hugging himself as if it would help him calm down.
“Woah, woah! Calm down, man! I know we all have bad days, but you don’t have to take it out on strangers!” Big Nose tried to calm the stranger down before a fight broke out.
“You don't know anything about what I am going through right now. My best friend got arrested, his girlfriend is missing, and none of the guards are even telling me what's going on!" he cried out before breaking down in sobs. Vladimir tried comforting him by patting him on the shoulder and offering him his ceramic unicorn. "There, there. No more tears." The man took the delicate figurine in his hand, but continued to wail loudly.
“For the first time in forever, I can’t even do anything to help him. All the money I have, but not one piece of it can do a single thing to save my best friend. Mama doesn’t even know what’s going on since she’s all the way in Vardaros! And Eugene didn’t even do anything! He was just trying to help a girl see her dream come true! He was just too good-hearted of a knight!”
Cassandra and the other thugs all realized who he was talking about.
“Wait! What knight are you talking about?!” the girl questioned, but the man was too distraught to listen to her. So, she grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him vigorously.
“Quit your blubbering! We need to know what you’re talking about if you want us to help you out!”
The other man finally calmed down enough to explain.
“My name is Lance. My friend, Eugene, is a knight. My mom hired him so he could protect me on my travels. We had barely arrived in Corona when we met this girl, Rapunzel. For some crazy reason, she was hiding in a tree. She kept claiming that she was the Queen’s daughter, but I never heard of a princess of Corona. Well, at least one that is still alive.”
Cassandra wondered what he meant by that comment. She didn’t know much about the royal family of Corona since her father only taught her the necessities of education, like history, math, and sword fighting.
“But, we ignored her more . . . outlandish ideas. She wanted to go see the lanterns light up the sky because that was her dream or something since she never stepped out of her home till then. Eugene was falling in love with her, so I gave the two some privacy. But, then . . .”
Hookhand put his hand on his shoulder, silently trying to help Lance get the courage to continue.
“ . . . then this morning, I find out that Eugene’s been arrested for stealing the Queen’s crown. I tried talking to the guards, but they just keep saying that ‘Flynn Rider’ is not a knight. All I could get from the Captain was that as his only known acquaintance, I would be allowed to . . . collect his b-body soon.”
Before Lance could break out into more tears, Sideburns quickly distracted him.
“And the girl! What did she look like? And where is she?”
Lance sniffled and wiped his eyes, trying to answer the question as clearly as he could.
“S-he had really long hair and green eyes. And I couldn’t find her at the lake where I last saw her and Eugene together.”
Cassandra never ventured too far out of the forests because of her father. But, now she had a reason too and it was much more important than her own safety. She knew her purpose in life now. Cassandra, adopted daughter of the previous Captain of the Royal Guards, was born to help others in need.
“Alright, men. We have to do something to stop the Queen.”
“But, what can we do? We’re just of group of scary creeps. People are scared of us! How can we stand up to the Queen?” Hookhand questioned.
Cassandra closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she knew it in her heart it was time for her to be a leader.
“Now it's time to rise up. Or it's time to stand down. And the answer is easy to see. And I swear by the sword. If you're in, get on board. Are you ready?” she sang with vigor. She raised her sword, hoping to the others would join in.
Lance whispered, “I'm ready.” Hook Hand looked at the girl with shock, before a big smile appeared on his face as he raised his hooked hand into the air.
“We’re ready!”
The rest of the pub thugs voices roared through the building, their weapons held high above their heads.
“WE’RE READY!!!” Cassandra lowered her sword, looking at her reflection in her blade. She thought of her father and how mad he would be when he finds out what she’s been up to. But, she didn’t care. She had a feeling he would also be very proud of her.
“Ready as I'll ever be . . .”
Eugene never thought he would be afraid of death. Lance always claimed that he was playing some kind of game with how often he puts his life on the line for others. But, he never thought he would die like this. Like . . . a criminal. When he became a knight, he knew he might die and he believed it would be worth dying if he was able to save others doing so. But, in this case, he hated the fact that he would die and . . . Rapunzel would never be saved from her endless prison.
“Thinking about your girl?” a soft whisper by his ear caught Eugene’s attention. He turned his head to look at the so-called ‘Captain’ as he was lead down the hallway.
“Well, don’t you worry about her. She’s in safe hands,” he murmured.
Eugene gritted his teeth together. ‘Of course, he knows about Rapunzel! He’s probably was the one who framed me! But, wait! He knows where she is? He knows who she is with?!”
“How did you know about her? Tell me, now!” Eugene tried to stay calm as he spat out those words at the other man.
“Of course I know about her. Her mother hired me to keep her safe, but putting away the likes of you,” Anthony grinned viciously.
The other guards, behind and ahead of the two held Eugene back when he tried to attack the Captain.
“Her mother . . .  agh! Wait! No! Wait! You don’t understand, she’s in trouble! Wait!”
Eugene’s cries echoed down the dungeons, but there was no one else to hear them. Because Corona has not had any prisoners every since Queen Gothel came into power.
Varian always knew his sister, Rapunzel, was a secret. He didn’t remember exactly when, but sometime after his father and his other sister died at sea, his step-mother introduced him to Rapunzel. She explained that Rapunzel is adopted and her hair is much too special to reveal to the world. So, he had to keep his sister a secret.
He hated the fact that he had to lie to her every day. Especially about being a real princess, since no one but their family knew. But, he tried to be happy and appreciative for the fact that he had at least someone in his life who cares about him.
Varian doesn’t remember much of his real mother, but he hoped that she would have been much more loving than his current mother was. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him. His step-mother was just too busy being a Queen to a mother.
“It’s okay, Rudiger. I’m probably going to be really busy when I become King as well.”
“Chrrep, kreee, sceak!”
“Okay, okay! I’ll always make time for you, little buddy!”
Rudiger and Rapunzel. They were his two best friends and the best family as well. He didn’t know why they would love him so much, but they did. Even when his projects explode or he kept skipped his royal etiquette classes, there would be someone to hold and comfort him. He didn’t need a mother, not while he has those two.
Varian was worried about Rapunzel since he wasn’t allowed to see her for the last day or so. His step-mother told him that she was too sick to visit, so Varian tried to reassure himself that nothing was wrong. Eventually, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to sneak a quick visit to her . . . when Varian saw it. He saw the study���s door was open.
The royal study has always been a place to wonder about for the young prince. He had been told explicitly to never enter that room at all. But, Varian just knew there had to be something really amazing that it had to be hidden in that room. And this was his only chance since he never seen the door left unlocked like this before.
“Come on, Rudiger! Let’s check out the study while mom’s not here!”
As Varian entered the room, he noticed it was much larger than he thought it would be. It was almost like a never-ending cavern full of treasures. There was all sort of trinkets and antiques scattered through the room. He even saw some of his chemical compounds that were taken away, so he quickly pocketed those ones.
As he explored the room, he accidentally pressed a button that opened up a strange door. He approached the door and cautiously opened it. He discovers a small library that looked untouched for years. The old strange item in the room was a huge . . . thing? It was covered in by a large blanket.
Varian came closer and reached out to see what is underneath the sheet. He was only planning on lifting it a bit to see the item, but Rudiger jumped off his shoulder. That startled Varian enough that his hand slipped and the whole cloth came off.
A man, encased in amber like liquid, was before him. The fiery orange did not hide who he was looking at all.
“D-dad!” the teen cried as he fell down to his knees. Rudiger tried to comfort his human, but Varian was frozen in shock to notice.
Varian didn’t know how long he sat there. It seemed like forever when really, he was only there for an hour or so. At one point, he even heard glass breaking and yelling, but he ignored it all. His mind was still trying to process everything until . . . finally, he was able to make a distinct connection.
‘Mom said Dad and Sis died on their trip. But, if Dad’s here . . . in that thing, that must mean . . . Mom did this? Is she even my mom anymore?’
Varian didn’t know what to think anymore. But, all he knew was that his so-called ‘mother’ was not at all who she seemed to be. The boy finally got up from the floor and was about to go confront his moth- no - Gothel when he heard yelling from behind a door near him. He recognized Rapunzel’s voice and barged into the chaos head-on.
Eugene did not want to die, but he had no choice in the matter as he stepped closer to his doom. He was trying to stay calm and collected, but he wasn’t quite there yet. Then something caught his eye as they turned into another hallway. A tiny little unicorn was on a small window sill.
Before he could mull over that thought, all the doors around them slammed shut.
“What’s this? Open up!” Anthony growled as he slammed his hand on the wooden door.
Shorty popped into the small window of the door.
“What’s the password?” he questioned before disappeared out of sight.
“Nope,” the short man responded, leaving once more. “Open this door!” Anthony was starting to lose his patience at this imbecile hiding behind the door. “Not even close!” “You have three seconds,” Captain Anthony finally gave his last choice for the drunk jokester. “One!”
Eugene’s eyes widened in surprise as one guard was whisked away by a hook.
“Two . . . “
The knight’s eyes went towards his others side as the other guard was taken away through a side door. Eugene’s gasp caught the Captain’s attention, making him turn around just as he got to the number three.
“Three . . .”
Before Anthony could react, his head was smacked from behind with a heavy piece of metal.
Eugene looked at the helmeted man and the cast iron frying pan in his hand.
“Woah! Frying pans?! Who knew?”
In a rush of events, which included a rushed meeting of all his saviors in question. He was rushed off by a dark-haired girl and two twins towards a wheelbarrow in the middle of the courtyard. He wasn’t even sure how it was possible, but he was catapulted into the air and landed exactly on Max’s back!
With a quick reunion with his steed, the two rushed off towards the part of the castle the brothers pointed him to. He saw a tower, disconnected from the rest of the castle and stood down at the bottom of it. He called out her name anxiously.
“Rapunzel? Rapunzel, let down your hair!”
Eugene tried to climb up on his own when suddenly a long mane of golden hair rushed down to meet him. He climbed up the hair till he reached the window at the top. He climbed inside in a rush. “Rapunzel, I thought I’d never see you again. Huh?”
“Mm-mm, mm-m!” the girl tried to warn him.
Eugene’s reaction at seeing Rapunzel, chained and gagged, was too slow. He was stabbed in the side and was on the ground before he could do anything. “Mm-mm! Mm,” the girl pulled on her chains, but it was no use. She wasn’t getting any closer to the fallen man. “Now look what you’ve done, Rapunzel,” the Queen scolded the girl as she wiped the blood off her knife with a handkerchief before putting it away.
“Mm…” “Oh, don’t worry, dear. Our secret will die with him,” she tried to reassure the girl. Eugene struggled on the ground, wincing in pain. “Mm-mm, mm…” “And as for us, hmm! You and your brother are going to join me on a small little vacation while this part of the castle gets . . . renovated. We’ll make sure no one will ever find you again! “Mm-mm!” Rapunzel tried to protest, but it was to no use as the other woman picked her chains to drag her away.
Pascal tried to stop the Queen, but he was quickly shaken off.
“Rapunzel really! Enough already! Stop fighting me!”
The girl’s gag came loose, allowing her to speak once more.
“No! I won’t stop. For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight! I will never stop trying to get away from you!” she cried out breathlessly. “But, if you let me save him, I will go with you,” she compromised, knowing it would be worth it for him. “No! No, Rapunzel!” Eugene tried stopping her, but the unbearable pain stopped him from continuing. The little chameleon awoke from his unintended nap and watched this scene sadly.
“I’ll never run, I’ll never try to escape. Just let me heal him, and you and I will be together. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just let me heal him,” the girl begged desperately.
“Alright, but that is it then! The knight will be shipped off to some other Kingdom to deal with and you will be coming with me.” The Queen unchained Rapunzel and chained Eugene instead, making sure that would stop him from following them once they left. “In case you get any ideas about following us.” “Eu–Eugene!” Eugene coughed softly as the bleeding on his side continued. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Everything is gonna be okay–” she tried to reassure the injured knight. “No, Rapunzel–” “I promise you. You have to trust me–” “No–” “Come on. Just breathe–” “I can’t let you do this.” “But I can’t let you die.” Eugene coughed once more, but he did not let that stop him.
“But if you do this, …” “Shh, shh, shh…” the girl tried to comfort him gently. “… then you…” “… shh, shh…” “… will die,” Eugene finished his sentence. “Hey. It’s gonna be alright,” Rapunzel responded.
Eugene gave her a small smile before interrupting Rapunzel once last time. “Rapunzel, wait…” Eugene brushed his hand against the side of her hair before leaning forward to slice off her hair with a broken shard of glass, before falling back on the wooden floor, the jagged piece of glass falling out of his hand.
Rapunzel's fallen hair gripped in her hands, started to turn brown all the way to the ends of the long length.
“Eugene, what-” “No!” the Queen’s yell interrupted Rapunzel’s question. She tried to cover herself with the hair as the color changed, but it did not change anything. She rushed to the broken mirror lying on the ground and screamed in despair as she saw her reflection age before her eyes.
“No, no, no . . . ! I didn’t kill that lovesick King for everything to fall apart!” the woman cried as she slowly started to grow older and older.
“What?” Varian’s voice was heard from across the room. He stared into the room, his face pale white and his eyes wide with tears. He walked closer to Gothel, his steps slow and consistent.
“W-what did you say?” he asked with a small stutter.
“Varian, you must help me!” the woman reached out towards him, but the boy stopped her with his arms.
“No! I just heard you admit that you . . . killed my dad. You killed my father! I would never help you!” the teen pushed the crazy woman away from him, running back into the room where his father was. A small vile from his pocket fell out and Rudiger caught it. He shared a look with Pascal before running up to the crazed lady and dropping it by her feet. Steaming purple air burst out of the vile, surprising Gothel and causing her to fall back.
“No! You ungrateful brats will pay for this! You hear!” she yelled out as she fell back. Pascal tripped her, letting her fall out the window.
Rapunzel reached out as if she could save her, but it was no use.
By time Gothel and her heavy dress hit the ground, she was no more than mere dust on the wind.
“No, no, no, no, no, Eugene,” Rapunzel cried out as she saw the love of her life slip through her fingers. “Oh. Look at me, look at me. I’m right here, don’t go, stay with me. Eugene–flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine–” the teen tried to make the incantation work once more, but nothing was happening. “–Rapunzel.” “What?” she asked, turning her full attention to him now. “You were my new dream,” he whispered. “And you were mine,” she responded, trying to hold back her tears.
Eugene takes his last breath and his body fell still. Tears welled up in Rapunzel’s eyes as she sang her song one last time.
“Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate’s design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.”
Rapunzel fell down, leaning over Eugene’s body, sobbing. A stray tear slid down her face and fell on to Eugene’s. Suddenly, the room filled up with light, brushed over Eugene till he absorbed it all.
Rapunzel gasped as she looked down on Eugene, alive. “Eugene.” “Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for brunettes?” “Eugene!” Rapunzel embraced Eugene before they shared a kiss.
After they calmed Varian down, the trio left the tower and met up with the others. In the main courtyard, they found some of the guards unconscious and others happily talking with a man standing near Cassandra.
“Patches! Sideburns! You guys are okay!” Rapunzel cried out as she saw the two men who helped her escape the first time.
“Thanks for the concern, Rapunzel. We’re just relieved to know your okay.”
Cassandra led the new man over to them.
“Hey, guys. I know in the rush, we didn’t have time for a proper introduction. My name is Cassandra and this is my father. He used to be the Captain of the Guards before that other jerk, so once he found out I was involved in a fight, he came over and was able to calm most of the soldiers down before someone was seriously hurt.”
“Nice to meet you all. Now, what happened to the Queen?” he asked.
“We’ll tell you all the full story later, once we figure out some things. But, she basically fell off the tower and died. I tried to catch her . . .” Rapunzel trialed off, starting to feel guilty for the fact that she could not save Gothel.
“Rapunzel, it was not your fault. She was too far away from us and she was hysterically enough to fall out of a tower, so her death is her own fault,” Eugene reassured his love.
“So, what should we do now? Don’t we need a new leader?” Hookhand asked.
“Why don’t you two become our King and Queen?” Big Nose asked the couple.
The two quickly shook their head.
“No way! I’m just a knight! I help kingdoms, not rule them!”
“I just spent my whole life in a castle and I will not be doing that again! Besides, Varian should be the rightful ruler.”
Varian looked at Rapunzel with tears in his eyes.
“H-how can I be King? If I never realized how evil that woman was, how can I realize what I am doing is right at all? If my other sister was still alive, she could have been a way better queen than me. My dad’s frozen body is in that tower over there and my sister was probably killed by that witch! And all I have to remember her is this stupid key,” Varian spoke, pulling out a necklace from underneath his shirt, holding up the tiny little key hanging on it.
Cassandra looked at the small golden key and made the connection. Suddenly, everything made sense. Lance’s words about the Princess of Corona suddenly came back to her. She could see small flashes of memories come to her mind. Drinking tea with her mother. Watching her father talk to the townsfolk. Holding Varian for the first time. She remembered who she used . . . who she is supposed to be.
“Wait!” she pulled out her own locket from her neck and leaned down towards Varian.
“Try opening this, please.”
Varian looked at her in surprise before listening to her. The tiny key unlocked the locket with a small ‘click.’ Inside, there was a tiny picture of a little girl holding a small baby.
“T-that’s me! I have that same picture. That means . . . you’re my sister!”
Cassandra and Varian held each other in a tight clasp. Two siblings lost from one another were finally reunited. Things were finally falling into place.
Which Cassandra and Varian tried to reunite while also trying to bring some kind of structure back to the castle, Eugene led Rapunzel through the town. She recognized some people and waved to them, promising to tell them about her . . . the recent change in hair soon.
“You remember when we were dancing in town and how everyone kept mentioning you look a lot like the Carpenter’s wife, right?” Eugene asked as they got closer to their destination.
“Yeah. You bought me that little wooden trinket while I was painting that mural. It is actually the reason why I was able to remember who I really was,” Rapunzel explained.
“Well, I didn’t get a chance to tell you this. But, those people were right. You do look exactly like your mother.”
“Do you think we’re right? I mean, I just remembered this information out of nowhere. We don’t know for sure! We can turn back right now!”
“No, we’re going to meet your parents. You don’t want to miss this chance while you still have it.”
Eventually, they reached a modest looking home. Rapunzel took a huge breath before approaching the door with Eugene. She knocked on the door and waited. She kept waiting and waiting, till she was worried that no one was home when the door opened.
A green-eyed brunette stared back at Rapunzel’s face. Her eyes got all glossy as she realized who she was standing in front of. A taller man approached her from behind, opening his mouth to ask her what was wrong when he realized who she was as well. The three embraced each other, falling to their knees. Rapunzel’s mother looked up and shared a smile with Eugene, giving him her hand. Once his hand was in hers, she pulled him into the large hug. Another family was reunited after eighteen long years of separation.
Soon after that day, it was decided Varian would the next king as soon as he was of age. In the meanwhile, Cassandra would be the Queen Regent. That means she would be Queen in Varian’s place until he was of age to accept the position. She wasn’t planning on being the Queen forever, but knew she would okay with being the Queen of Corona as long as he needs her to be.
Varian was happy he did not have to be King right away. He still wanted some time to adjust to all these new people in his life, but he was happy with his newly found sister, her father, his adopted sister, her boyfriend, Rudiger, and all their friends.
Lance had finally decided to settle down . . . to open his own orphanage. His adopted mother, Oldie, was quite happy to hear that, especially when he adopted his own pair of kids. Red and Angry were quite handful, but Lance loved them nevertheless.
Eugene was still a knight, but now he was a Stay-In-Corona kind of Knight. Though he and Rapunzel were planning on a trip, to find an antidote for King Quirin, outside of Corona. But for the next few months, they were content with getting to know Rapunzel’s parents. She and Eugene were warmly welcomed into their home. Eugene was also so happy to find out the family he saved from Antony so many years ago was Rapunzel’s family. He was able to return the key and he felt more relaxed with that off his chest. Everyone was happy now that Queen Gothel was no longer in control of the kingdom.
Everything was right in Corona . . . or was it?
The End.
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Tangled Bingo Card
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Thank you @pennumbra once again for this awesome opportunity to make my own bingo prediction card for the finale “Destinies Collide” for RDA this Sunday. Though I won’t be able to watch it till I get home on Sunday. It’s a cultural day for me and like every year, there is a big parade and festival event held by one of the local Gurdwara’s where I love. I go every year and can not even skip one day. I might have someone else hold the stream for me, if you guys want it earlier that day. But, either way, I will still be posting the link to the episode anyways. Besides, who knows if I can find the episode. We’ll see.
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
Hide and Go Varian
Rapunzel: Varian! Where are you?
Eugene: Come out, come out where ever you are!
Cassandra: Kid, in the interest of your safety, I would recommend you to come out before my father finds out.
Captain: Before I find out what?
Cassandra: Dad! What . . . are you doing here?
Captain: Well, when I got back to the castle after picking some things in town, I was surprised to see almost all my men looking for something when they should have been working.
Eugene: Really! Why those slackers must have misplaced something!
Rapunzel: Yes! I lose . . . Pascal all the time.
Captain: When I asked what they were looking for, they had no answer for me. All I could tell was that they were more scared of their temporary Captain than me at the moment.
Cassandra: Really! I have no idea why they would be scared of me.
Captain: Honey . . . what's going on.
Cassandra: Well, you know how Varian isn't allowed out of his room without supervision.
Captain: Yes.
Eugene: Angry and Red were visiting him when they snuck him out to Rapunzel's room to play with Pascal.
Rapunzel: And I was okay with Varian without supervision because I was supervising, which is okay, right?
Captain: Sigh. Yes, that is okay if someone else was there with you. Then what happened.
Rapunzel: Angry and Red wanted to play hide and go seek, so I counted to 100 while they hid. I found the girls easily, but . . . we still can't find Varian.
Captain: You mean to tell me Varian is potentially loose in the castle and probably ran away by this time?!
Eugene: Yes. You know, Captain, red really isn't your color. Maybe you should try thinking of calm thoughts. Your complexion would be less like tomato like then.
Captain: Fitzherbert! Please shut your mouth before I get . . . even more tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Don't worry, Dad! We have all the guards, the Snuggly Duckling Pub thugs, Lance, and a lot of kids looking for him all throughout town.
Rapunzel: Yeah! We'll find him in no time! We got some of the best seekers in town looking for him.
Eugene: That list probably has me on top as #1 Seeker of all Time!
Captain: Well . . . then why aren't you out looking for him!
Eugene: On my way, right now!
Cassandra: Don't worry, dad. We'll make sure he's back in his room soon.
Captain: He better be or else the King will not be happy him if he finds out.
Thirty more minutes later . . .
Eugene: Where can that boy be?!
Lance: Well, now we know never to let Varian play hide 'n go seek ever again. We'll just have to stick to tag.
Eugene: Lance!
Lance: Okay, okay! Freeze tag.
Eugene: Lance! Please stop talking before I'm tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Wow. Your starting to sound like my dad, Eugene.
Eugene: Your right! Wow! Responsibly sure changed me. I used to be a carefree thief and now . . . I teach the guards how to be sneaky and try to be a good role model for three kids.
Rapunzel: And I love you even more for those reasons. The newer you is just like the old you, but more . . . mature.
Eugene: Well, then I like the new you just as well. You're even more beautiful as you care for your people as their princess.
Rapunzel: Oh, Eugene . . .
Eugene: Rapunzel . . .
Cassandra: Oh, Lance . . . my love!
Lance: Yes, Cassandra, my dearest!
Eugene: Shut up, guys. Your embarrassing Rapunzel.
Lance: Well, then you should have thought of that before you two starting romancing it up in front of us!
Eugene: Lance!
Cassandra: Well, when he's right, he's right.
Rapunzel: Cass!
Lance: Now that we have all expressed our feelings, we can concentrate on finding our little boy!
Eugene: Ah, Lance? You know Varian's not a little kid. And you’re not the best choice to be a parental figure for him.
Lance: So? I can be his big brother! I mean, we're basically already Angry and Red's big brothers, so why not Varian's as well
Eugene: Well, um, . . . then sure. That actually makes some sense, so might as well embrace it.
Lance: Yes! It's official. I'm a big brother. Now, I can officially do brother stuff like give Varian candy and not make him brush his teeth.
Eugene: Um, buddy. I don't think that's how being a big brother works.
Cassandra: Can we concentrate back on finding Varian? Who knows where he is at this point? He's probably escaped.
Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass! Varian hasn't tried to escape ever since he was put on castle arrest.
Cassandra: He hasn't tried to escape because Old Corona was full of guards at the time. Now, most of the damage has been fixed. He might have decided to try escaping now.
Eugene: Well, let's get on with finding him before he runs away.
Lance: Yeah! I can't have my new baby brother running away so soon. People will think I scared him off or something.
Cassandra: Are you sure you haven't already scared him off?
Lance: Did you say something, Cass?
Cassandra: Nothing really. Um . . . just talking to myself.
Lance: You should consider not doing that around other people. They'll start thinking you’re crazy.
Cassandra: Thank you for the advice, Lance. By the way, have I ever given you a closer look at my sword?
Eugene: Um, why don't we concentrate on finding Varian before Lance takes a . . . closer look at your very sharp blade.
Cassandra: Sure, if Lance can keep his mouth closed that long.
Rapunzel: Oh! I have an idea! Let's check out the garden! Maybe he's there!
Cassandra: Good idea, Raps. He might try escaping that way.
Rapunzel: Cass! He wouldn't try escaping at all!
An hour later . . .
Eugene: Raps, remind me again why the royal garden is so BIG.
Rapunzel: Eugene, my mom loves plants. You remember how we had breakfast in the garden on her birthday, right?
Eugene: Rrrriiiggghhttt. Of course, I do, dear!
Cassandra: He sure does.
Lance: That long 'right' wasn't because he forgot an important memory.
Eugene: Shut up, you two!
Rapunzel: Did you guys say something?
Eugene: Nope! Pretty sure those were some little birds tweeting and chirping about.
Lance: Yes, two very truthful birdies.
Eugene: Lance!
Rapunzel: Wait, everyone! Be quiet!
Eugene: For what-
Cassandra: Shut up, Eugene!
. . .
Rapunzel: I hear something. Quick! Follow me!
Eugene: Why are we going into my room?!
Lance: You mean our room. Remember? The King didn't trust me . . .
Eugene: I know, Lance!
Lance: . . . so he paired us up and gave us a bigger room to share.
Cassandra: Yeah, why are we in these two idiots’ room.
Rapunzel: Shhhhh! Because of those two.
Eugene: Varian! Oh, thank goodness we found him!
Lance: Awwwwww! He missed us so he went to hide in our room while waiting for us to find him.
Rapunzel: He and Rudiger look so cute like this!
Cassandra: Even I think so.
Eugene: That's great and all, but let's get this kid back to the Captain before he has a stroke, or worse, blames me for this.
Rapunzel: Eugene, why don't we let Varian sleep a bit longer?
Cassandra: Yeah. I'll talk to my father right now.
Lance: And I will cuddle up with Var while you guys do that.
Rapunzel: Aww! No fair! I want to join the cuddlefest as well.
Eugene: If Blondie's joining in, I might as well too.
Cassandra: I'll be back and then I might decide to sit on the bed next to you guys.
Lance: I will go get Angry and Red. They will be so upset if I didn't invite them.
And so, Varian's impromptu game of Hide and Go Seek led them all into having a relaxing after spending the day looking for the wayward alchemist. Maybe next time they can play a nice game of tag instead! Good idea, right? :)
AN: I wrote this in one of my various notebooks a long time ago during work. But, I lost in the chaos of my room. I recently found it and typed up how much I had written. I just got back from work, where I basically worked on another Tangled AU for most of my day, to a home with a pizza party is going on. My dad is horrible drunk, breaking his New Year's revolution like 5+ times already in 2019. He now wants our whole family to go out to Reno, Nevada for his wedding anniversary, but are not considerate about the fact I have work and no one cover me since my co-worker Adrien is leaving the country the day before and my other co-worker Kim is going to be the receptionist that day. Everyone always pressures me to put my on-call job at risk making up reasons to try to get the day off, but no one can cover for me since my two other co-workers work 5 days and week and can not work more than 5 days in a row. Right now, I'm stuck with the family. My back, eyes, and head hurt because of all the loud music playing. I can't go to sleep even if I wanted to since my room is right next to the living room. I feel so stressed all the time, but hopefully posting this chat will make me feel better. Hope you guys like it!
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
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I’ve been in love with Be More Chill lately. I’m working on a opposite Tangled AU lately (You’ll understand when I post it in a few days), but after I finish up some of my other pieces, I want to work on a Tangled AU version of Be More Chill. That would be fun to write! What do you guys think of this idea? Tell me if you think I should do that idea or not.
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
TTS Stream in 2 hrs
Hello, Everyone!
This is Aki here! Just like last week, I will be streaming the latest episodes of Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, “Mirror, Mirror” and “You’re Kidding Me!“
I will be using Rabbit, an online streaming platform. 
I will be streaming in exactly two hours. This should give everyone enough time to set up an account if you have not already.
I will be posting the link to the stream here on Tumblr in an hour like I said before. Here is the link to rabbit below. You can make an account if you are interested in joining. When I post the link to the stream in an hour, just click on the link to join. I’ll see those of you interesting in an hour!
 Anyone is welcome to join at any time.
Your welcome to join my Rabbit group, VarianFanClub with this link: https://www.rabb.it/s/07wdce 
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
I working on a fun post involving definitions, again, and I found out something terrible horrible . . . our baby Varian does not have a definition on Urban Dictionary. I know, I know. It’s just a website where anyone can make a word and it shouldn’t matter much. But, the other tangled characters have such fun definitions, except poor Eugene. I want Varian to be the same. 
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The post above was accepted, but my main one was not accepted, probably because it was too long and confusing. So, I am posting a simpler definition right now. Please vote for it. And make your Urban Dictionary definitions for Varian. Share them with me! I would love to see them! Remember, if Trump is ‘important’ enough to have so many Urban Dictionary definitions, then Varian is way more special and dear to our hearts to many as well. Please somehow vote, I really do not under how the voting system on the website works, since I’ve only made my first definition a day ago. 
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
by CookieHusky799
                                  So I've been on Tumblr lately and I have seen so many post analysts of Varian, his actions or the moon theory. But I came across some post saying that Rapunzel should have helped Varian when she has helped Ruthless Ruth and apologized to Pascal. I'm going to share my thought on this. This is my first time doing one of these so bear with me.
In Pascal's Story, Pascal thought that Rapunzel had forgotten about him when she was busy with princess duties. He overhears Rapunzel talking to Eugene, thinking that her "best friend" is Eugene, when really it was him. He was hurt and he went back to the tower.
This happens
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All Credit for this goes to CookieHusky799 on DeviantArt.
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