#TTTE OC Zephyr
hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Day 19-The Chocolate Zephyr
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 19-Revolutionary
The Chocolate Zephyr
Duck had seen many strange engines during his time on the North Western. The engine standing at the head of the Noon Express had a tender and a 4-6-0 wheel arrangement, but it was shaped like a diesel and rumbled like one. Duck had heard the NWR would be trialing a new experimental express engine, but he had no clue what this engine was.
He rolled smoothly up alongside, "Hello, you must be the new engine."
She jumped, "Oh yes, sorry. I was lost in thought. Montague was it?"
Duck chuckled, "Yes, but I usually go by Duck. It rolls off the tongue much easier and sounds less pretentious. What is your name may I ask?"
"GT3 is all I've even been called officially." She said ruefully, "But my Drivers call me Zephyr."
"A pleasure to meet you Zephyr. Does GT3 stand for anything?"
"You mean what am I?" Zephyr asked amused.
"Gas Turbine 3." She replied. "When they designed me they hadn't quite figured out transmissions, so they built my frames like a steam engine's."
 'Gas turbine…,' Duck mused. Why did that sound familiar...
"What region are you from he asked."
"I was built for the Western Region."
Duck beamed, "Another Great Western! Wonderful!"
"I was built by British Rails." She winced, "at Vulcan Foundry."
"For the Western region," Duck said firmly.
"As long as you wish to be, you're as Great Western as I am."
Zephyr smiled shyly, "Thank. You, Montague. That means a lot."
"How are you enjoying your time on Sodor?"
"It's been amazing." She sighed, "I just wish it was longer."
"What do you mean?" Duck asked, puzzled.
"This is my last test." She said sadly. "While I perform well, they've already decided to build diesels instead. When I return I'll be put into storage until they find time to cut me up."
The guard's whistle blew. "It was good to meet you Duck." She called as she pulled off, "I hope I see you again before it's time for me to leave."
Duck reflexively wished back, sitting in place for a long moment.
"Like hell they will." He puffed.
"Gordon!" He yelled,
setting off towards where He knew the No.4 was resting while Zephyr took his train.
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greatwesternway · 2 months
I have an question NOW
How do what have you engines happily employed to just sit around feel about random people climbing on them?
Most of them, I think, would not mind this. Steam engines especially were designed to enable climbing all over.
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See, here, 2903 has rails to hold on to, running boards to stand on all the way down his boiler, and steps down from his smokebox.
Gettin' climbed all over is part of the job. Obviously we don't have any examples of our engines acting as jungle gyms so here's some from TTTE:
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Edward's fireman hanging off his railings to lasso James.
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Edward's fireman hanging off his railings again to pour sand under his wheels.
And my favorite example of this:
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Sir Topham Hatt and his guards using Duck (whose top is notably flat, rather than rounded like most everyone else's) as a podium on which to announce the trip to Big City to all the engines.
2903'd not mind really if letting people climb on him were still part of the job. He's strong and his parts are made for it. Some engines weren't designed for this - certain streamliners for instance - and would be less happy with it, if indeed they had any grabholds to facilitate it. But some engines are also too afflicted with Midwestern politeness or survivor's gratitude to complain if they did.
As it is, 2903's cab is plexi-glassed off, preventing anyone from touching his empty SunKist and Dr. Pepper cans. He is also quite rusty these days. You practically need a tetanus shot just lookin' at him, let alone climbing about.
My impression from what Ray's written in Pilot's letters is that the IRM did permit visitors to climb on the engines quite a bit more in the past than they do now. Largely, I'd expect this changed as a precaution because we've become a much more litigious society than we were in the 60's and 70's. If you fell off a stationary train in 1974, everyone would probably have a good laugh. If you did it now, that might be a multi-million dollar lawsuit for negligence.
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jordyporgie · 3 years
Zephyr and one of his good friends Lion (originally D0260)
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