prey-to-go · 2 years
This one-shot was inspired by this post because it just sounded so awesome so I decided to finally slip on my vore irondad writing mittens again and write it lol.
Tw, there is blood and gore mention + description. ALSO, ST*RKERS DNI.
Hunger. Hunger. Hunger.
It was rare where Tony's more deeper instincts took hold of him, drowning him under a thick haze for the thirst of blood and souls.
In fact, its been months, almost a full year since his last incident.
Today was different however. Today, those instincts reared their nasty twisted head from the deep dark hole they'd come from. They had come so strong and so unexpectedly that not even Pepper was able to snap him out of it.
Hunger. Hunger. Hunger. Hunger.
Tony snarled, his tail flickering as he hovered over his latest victim's now cooling body. He could feel warm blood dribbling down his chin, his stomach growling for more.
It wasn't enough. He needed more. There was only hunger, hunger and hunger –
"Mr. Stark?"
Tony didn't even register the terrified voice that called out to him as he whirled around to the sound from where it came from.
He was immediately met with a minuscule form, honestly, it barely reached his knee but it was enough for Tony to do a double-take.
They barely stared at each other for a second before whatever the small being was turned around and took off like the gates of hell had just been unleashed.
Tony's wings flared out and he let out a bellowing howl before giving chase. The scampering prey barely made it a few feet before it tripped and fell face down just a little ahead of him.
He lunged, pinning it under his hand and leaned forward, baring his fangs as he did and ignoring the fruitless struggles of the easy catch.
However, it wasn't until that he inhaled that he caught a strange scent from the prey. It ebbed away at the instincts that had been roaring at him all day, dulling it down and narrowing the world around him.
Sniffing again, he concentrated on the odd feeling of familiarity and happiness that slowly chipped away at the deep haze that had overtaken him.
The prey - was it prey? - let out a sound that even in his current state of mind, Tony knew was one of distress.
Before he could process what he was doing, Tony let out a soothing rumble. He wrapped his hand carefully around the small being, making sure to be extra careful as he did.
Something in him burned brighter than the current fire inside his stomach that wanted to lash out and consume everything in its path.
It screamed protect. Rather than hunger.
To keep safe at all costs and that's what Tony would do.
He let another rumble, cradling the being close to his chest and trying to not think of the way it trembled in his hands. Trying to not think about that he was the one that caused it.
Now, he could only bring comfort and a promise to protect. In the end, he could hope it would be enough.
I'm sorry, kid.
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