#TVD 309
hergifs · 2 years
Elena: Getting a head start, huh? Rebekah: Embarrassing truth? This is my first high school dance. Elena: Ever? Rebekah: I never really had time for high school before. Nik and I were always moving around, running. Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Have you heard anymore from him? Elena: No. But I'm sure that when he does return he'll do it with flair. Rebekah: And Damon and my father are all set with their plan? Elena: Yes. Rebekah: Don't tell me. I don't want to know, I just – I want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael. Elena: I know it's really hard. So thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town. Rebekah: Just be careful. I've been running for a thousand years for a reason. Mikael is not a good person and he definitely can't be trusted. No one in my family can. [Rebekah has tears in her eyes.] Elena: Are you okay? Rebekah: I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I'd be the one to help drive a stake through his heart. No tears: I don't want to ruin my makeup. [She turns her back to Elena and looks in the mirror again.] Rebekah: How do I look? Elena: You look amazing! But you're missing one thing. [Elena takes the necklace out of her pocket.] Rebekah: My mother's necklace. Elena: You should wear it tonight. May I? [Rebekah turns and looks in the mirror, and nods; Elena puts the necklace around her neck.] Rebekah: Thank you. [Elena drives the dagger through her back into her heart.] Elena: I'm so sorry. I can't leave anything to chance either.
[Elena sits on Stefan's bed. Damon covers Rebekah's body with a blanket.] Damon: In the back! Harsh! Elena: It had to be done. Rebekah was never gonna be completely on our side. Damon: Hey, I'm not judging you. It's very “Katherine” of you. Elena: Not the way to make me feel better about myself, Damon. Damon: It was a compliment. Sort of... Elena: Stefan's right. Someone's gonna let their humanity get in the way and screw this whole thing up. It's probably gonna be me. Damon: Elena, you just daggered somebody. You will be fine. Elena: Yeah, but I feel bad about it. I care too much, that's the problem, Damon. I'm the weak link. Damon: If it makes you feel any better, she's not really dead. Elena: Do you trust him? Mikael? Damon: No. Elena: What about Stefan? Damon: No. Not as long as he is under Klaus's control. Elena: Then we need a better plan. Damon: I know what to do. You’re just not gonna like it. Elena: Why not? Damon: Because when this all goes down, I don't want you having any part of it. Elena: What does that mean? Damon: Do you trust me? Elena: Yes. Damon: Then you have nothing to worry about.
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michaeltrevino · 7 years
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textsfrommyfandoms · 7 years
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ladyculebras · 8 years
icebluecyanide replied to your post “icebluecyanide replied to your post “icebluecyanide replied to your...”
I guess for me since I only really started watching after 309 I tend to pinpoint that or 310 as where it got bad, if only bc I started noticing storylines not really working out/plot holes. it was more obvious for me then as I wasn't binge watching. the back half of s3 had some really messy stuff but I'd get people to watch for the originals + gilbert family. s4 had good moments but large parts left me hating the show so mixed feelings
I feel like if you started watching then, the you are definitely getting a different experience than people who were watching from the beginning, which isn’t like a bad thing at all, you just have a different perspective, and I imagine it the show drew you in BECAUSE of the Originals? assafsfda see I’m glad you starting watching then because idk what tvd/to fandom would have been without you. I just didn’t like them until their own show?
It’s rly funny I used to loathe Klaus whit every fiber of my being (mainly because he stole Elena’s boyfriend) and then on TO he’s one of my faves.
I do think S3 is good, like, I’ve bought it for myself on DVD, I think it’s worth having and worth watching, there’s a lot I like about it, but like you said, it was easier to see a whole lot plot holes not working in that season. For example, I was really excited for Stefan’s ripper arc but I felt that didn’t really have as much consequences as it should have so I stayed in perpetual disappointment. S3′s backhalf definitely had messy stuff but like....I still kept watching because they gave me vampire Elena lmao. It was all I ever wanted at the time.
S4 is def what made the vast majority of my friends quit the show in disgust. The sirebond was a turning point for people, including me, I think I realized the show was NEVER going to improve it’s sexual assault/rape problem (it’s been a theme from the beginning but I naively thought the show would get better about it and Damon raping Caroline and Andie would be addressed and important eventually, but...no. The show never cared). I almost quit because the whole was triggering to me but I really loved most of Elena’s arc that season, sot here’s no way I can actually hate it. I think it was the last time I had hope for Bonnie’s storyline ;___; I kept thinking BONNIE IS FINALLY GONNA GET A MEATY STORY ARC and it ended with her dying :|
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icebluecyanide · 8 years
Jenna Sommers
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: I loved when she disapproved of Damon hanging out around Elena and told him to go away. She doesn’t think she’s up for the parenting task but she steps up all the same and she cares a lot about Elena and Jeremy.worst quality: bad taste in guys??? idk it’s been too longship them with: Alaric, John, Mason??brotp them with: Elena, Jeremy, Elijah, Camineeds to stay away from: Klaus??, that Logan guy when he was a vampire and also probably Elijah if we’re being entirely honest (HE WAS GOING TO SACRIFICE HER NIECE)misc. thoughts: I’d love to read fic about Cami and Jenna becoming research buddies in an academic setting tbh. Probable Klaus awkwardness aside, they might get along well.
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
WIP ask game
Tagged by @livlepretre, thanks!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Gonna divide this by fandom and it’s a lot because I keep starting things and not finishing them lol
Regulus lives AU OWL Slug Club Christmas party theatre fic Orion Sirius chess Orion missing toad fic Orion babysits Sirius HP sirius escapes fic Sirius and Orion Christmas shopping Sirius & Regulus drabble Regulus lives post GOF Orion takes Sirius shopping in Knockturn alley Orion comes to guest lecture MWPP last day at Hogwarts Marius fic HP Sirius gets his wand Black summer Arcturus getting Sirius out of Azkaban notes 5 things MWP learn about Sirius’s family
Trans Hope Klelijah french romance Klebekah prisoner AU Klaus adopts Hayley AU Klamille 309 dream fic Elijah and the Penguins Cami wakes up post 322 TVD for a lifetime of lifetimes TVD Elijah/Luka chess TVD communication problems trinity fic shards of memory TO: klebekah - World Without End TO Tristan/Aya fic TO Kol (/Kolvina) fic TO klebekah train fleeing nola 1919 TO klamile fic: against the dying of the light TO Elijah/Rebekah 3x22 TO beach episode Russian Elijah fic Relijah s4 AU Rebekol fic Originals kid fic Original ot3 return to mystic falls 11th century Marcel/Hope fic Marcel languages fic Marcel elijah fic Lucien/Aurora paris fic Klelijah war AU Klelijah telepathy Klelijah shipwrecked Klelijah prompt - Have you come to hate me Klelijah kids klaus gets lost Klelijah body jumping crack fic Klelijah 1x22 missing scene klaus returns Klefan sharing a bath Klefan early morning Klebekah smartphone Klebekah romance klebekah fic The Decency Of Merciful Lies Klebekah 102 Klayley, park Klayley 2x02 coda Klaus/Marcel/Davina: bedside/family Klaus dies and everything hurts fic Klamille future AU Katherine meeting the trinity HP au originals Hope gets a pet crow AU Hayley/Jackson, Happy anniversary Freya/Rebekah - having their hair washed by the other Finn fic Elijah/Tristan fic tvd s2 elijah/marcel drabble Elijah wakes up his siblings in 3x13 Elijah meets a dinosaur Elijah elena AU 208 Elijah and Stefan, reading a book together Drunk!Elijah fic
Feel free to ask me about any of these haha
EDIT: italics indicate fics someone has already asked about!
Tagging @mariekavanagh and @ywhiterain and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Consider yourself tagged :)
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