themoonshoes · 1 year
1-7 for dinjael :)
1. what, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
din: she’s got him pinned with her lightsaber to his neck while she’s trying to train him to fight with the darksaber, and there’s a moment a la princess mononoke when he’s like oh. hm. if he hadn’t been fearing for his life during their first encounter he probably would have noticed her appearance a little more, but at the time he uhhh was too worried about getting his head cut off  :)
jael: shootout on batuu. maybe it’s adrenaline, but she sees his like. over-competence and the way he handles a blaster and can only stand there like 🧍‍♂️ for a sec
2. does this change over time? what things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
din: her eyes make him feel like a prey animal (he’s called them jaig eyes before which makes her laugh) and he likes putting little braids in her hair (grogu picks up on this and tries doing it too. its cute) she’s also like Fit and built for fighting Creatures and the like so once he feels like he’s allowed to find her body Hot he super super Does
jael: once she sees his face she pretty much immediately finds that attractive (his eyes are special to her bc not many have gotten to see them the way she has), but she also likes the physicality of him, too. his back. his neck. girl get into it. 
3. by contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
din: he sees how she is with the people in her hive (lore stuff) on Ead, and how much she cares for them, and is kind of immediately drawn to that, but it’s during Batuu Shenanigans where they’re both very much out of their element and in close quarters and have to rely on each other that he sort of has that little mermaid kiss the girl moment and is like wait i think you’re really important to me now. and then she meets grogu and immediately clicks with him and that’s what makes din go wow i think i love her. 
jael: once she got to see a little more of his emotive side—they’re both reserved people outside of their circles, so she knew something had changed between them (again. on batuu) when he opened up to her and was willing to talk to her about his like.. crisis of identity/faith/purpose. she went oh. i think i care you. and when he takes her to tattooine and boba calls her ‘friend’ she goes. we are friends!!!
4. does this change over time? what will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
din: what can i say, he’s attracted to conviction in leadership, so idk if it’s attraction or a sense of pride when he sees her being a good leader to her people, but he never gets tired of seeing her be compassionate and competent. ALSO he thinks she’s so incredible bc of what she can do through the force too so like. all around he’s just a big fan LMAO he’s her biggest fan
jael: she is not immune to din with Baby. it’s sweet to her. and when he engages in her planet’s culture and comes alongside her to like give her support she remembers all over again why she fell in love with this dude in the first place. this includes when he tries to engage with force stuff, because she knows he doesn’t get it, but he’s willing to understand (for her, for grogu) and that’s SPECIAL to her bc she hasn’t had someone who wants to Get Her like that before. tee hee
5. how do they consciously realize that they like the other character? does it take them a while?
din: ok so for some story lore they have to act sort of undercover while Doing Stuff on batuu bc of their respective statuses, and they both kind of stick out like a sore thumb even on that planet, so people assume they’re a traveling couple bc why wouldn’t they? and he doesn’t realize how much he sort of enjoys that role until they go back to ead and don’t have to do that anymore. he does not want to confront that btw he has too much goin on!!!
jael: Face Reveal Time. mama it's the vulnerability.
6. how do they react to the realization that they like the other character? is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
din: he is definitely less willing than she is to admit that to himself, but there’s a situation right before they leave batuu for ead where he’s sort of forced to realize he can’t keep her out and still like. have her you know!!!!!
jael: it’s a very new feeling for her since she hasn’t had the.. like luxury, in a way? of a relationship like this before but she feels very strongly (in all aspects tbh) so once she has that little realization moment it’s definitely like a switch was flipped and she starts noticing every little thing he does or every little touch. yearn more, idiot
7. do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? do they tell the other character how they feel? try to earn their admiration? woo them with romantic gestures? flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
din: he’s blunt, so once he comes to his senses, yes he tells her (he tells her first!!!) but even before that he finds her a new kyber crystal to replace the one he evaporates :) he does flirt, in his awkward way, but only whenever it’s the two of them. i think there’s probably a part of him, too, that sees her ability as a leader and tries to live up to that, like he’d be a little less reckless because he knows it would upset her etc etc
jael: she likes to fluster him, but she’s also like not mean about it. oh she does clean his armor for him in the Before times which like. in his eyes was as much as a marriage proposal. and while she’s not doing it for din’s benefit, she does give grogu some force training (not jedi training. that was some guy named luke’s job and he fumbled the bag.) and is by extension another guardian figure for him, which does endear her to din in a big way!!!!
this was long winded i apologize!!!!!!
character development questions for couples
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themoonshoes · 2 years
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Scribbled in angular handwriting were the words: “Head north until you start to see houses. Ask to speak to the queen. She’ll be waiting.”
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