#Tammi Ferrara
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Faouzia – Irving Plaza – New York, NY – October 25, 2022
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2022
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Faouzia, Carmen DeLeon & Georgee – Irving Plaza – New York, NY – October 25, 2022
When you pull up to a venue and there’s a line of people wrapping around the busy streets of NYC, you know a POPSTAR is in town. Faouzia, with supporting artists Georgee and Carmen DeLeon, hit the stage at the Irving Plaza in New York City on October 25th. The beautiful venue welcomed over 1,000 smiles in their space, preparing for a night full of love and light. 
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Georgee Days was the first act of the night. As soon as the stage lights lit up, fans in the crowd were filled with excitement; the night had begun! His stage presence, with vocals that, quite literally, blew me away, was the best way the night could have started. Singing original songs, like “Sad,” “Split,” and “Baby4You,” his strong messages in his songs were very nice to sing along with.
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One more thing I’d like to mention, which is super important when at shows where the tickets are primarily (or simply have) general admission, is that Georgee stopped his performance due to a woman in the crowd not feeling well. This is the type of compassion an artist needs to have for people that are supporting them. Thank you to the Irving Plaza staff for helping that woman out!
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Carmen DeLeon was the next act, right before Faouzia. The Latina singer absolutely HIT the stage with a huge bundle of energy. Jumping, dancing, interacting with fans, and just moving along with her music, Carmen was absolutely LOVING the NYC crowd. Her strong vocals filled every crack in the venue, singing her songs “Bésame Bonito,” “BBB,” and “Mala Memoria.” 
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She kept a tone of satire, cracking some jokes with the crowd, and encouraging everyone to smile! I really enjoyed her performance. I grew up around Spanish music, so it was really nice being in that space. After her performance and getting ready for Faouzia, Carmen came to the side of the barricade in the crowd, talked to fans, took selfies and BeReal’s, and connected with her fans. Again, it is SO nice seeing artists being so appreciative of their fans. 
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The lights dimmed and screams started increasing; it was time for Faouzia to hit the stage. One thing I love about being able to review and photograph shows is see the fan’s reactions to having someone they admire in front of their eyes. As the lights came up, so did the many faces in the crowd. The lights hit her absolutely beautiful and brilliant outfit, bringing the attention to her, from the person at the very front to the person to the very back. 
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Opening up with “Puppet,” the space took their energy up by one hundred levels. The popstar kept a smile on for her entire performance, waving and interacting with fans. Being able to move in your performance and keeping your stamina to do your absolute best throughout the show is something hard to do, but she did THAT!
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Other songs she included in her set included “Born Without A Heart,” “HABIBI” and “I Know.” Her talents are very vividly present, and she put on such a striking performance. Her encore was fascinating, including her songs “Don’t Tell Me That I’m Pretty” and her 98(+) million streamed song, “Minefields.” She closed off the night with another one of her hottest and most loved songs, “Tears Of Gold.”
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I really enjoyed this show. Something you don’t see very often is three artists with different tones and approaches to their music coming together and hitting the same stage back-to-back on the same night. I felt like this kept a diverse unity among the crowd, and it was a beautiful thing to see. If Faouzia is coming near you, I highly recommend going to support her, along with Georgee Days and Carmen DeLeon. This was truly a night to remember! 
Tammi Ferrara
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 28, 2022.
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2022
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writingcold · 2 years
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📸 Tammi Ferrara
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ncisfranchise-source · 5 months
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@kennedycasting - Our 21st season finale is already here! Tonight is the NCIS episode you don’t want to miss! Join us for "Reef Madness," written by Scott Williams and directed by José Clemente Hernandez! A warm welcome back to Adam Ferrara and Kent Shocknek, who join the rest of our terrific guest cast, Bruce Nozick, Matthew Yang King, Michael Monks, Gabriella Piazza, Tammi Mac, Mackenzie Firgens, Milo Cragnotti, and Kensie Mills! Enjoy the show, and thanks for watching! See you again in the Fall! @mostxsw #JoséClementeHernandez @adamferrara #KentShocknek @brucenozickactor @matthewyangkingoffical @themichaelmonks @gabriellapiazza_ thetammimacshow @macstarr #MiloCragnotti #KensieMills #CastingBy @kennedycasting #KrystiBaxter #MeredithGoble @ncisverse @cbstv #ncis #ncisseason21 #casting #castingdirector
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brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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The Pretty Reckless, live in New York, USA (13/12/2022).
📸 Tammi Ferrara
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ambientalmercantil · 6 months
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blogtintonghop24h · 4 years
Phải nhận con đẻ là con nuôi vì mang thai hộ
Để chào đón cặp song sinh mới lọt lòng, vợ chồng Jordan và Tammy Myers đã trang hoàng căn phòng trẻ em bằng 3 màu xám, trắng, xanh dương. Corryn, cô con gái 8 tuổi, không ngừng huyên thuyên về việc sắp "lên chức" chị lớn trong nhà.
Thế nhưng, trước khi được tòa án bang Michigan công nhận là cha mẹ hợp pháp, gia đình Myers phải làm thủ tục nhận nuôi 2 đứa trẻ vì sinh con nhờ mang thai hộ.
Theo luật pháp bang Michigan, chỉ cha mẹ sinh học mới được coi là người giám hộ hợp pháp. Theo đó, trên giấy khai sinh của cặp sinh đôi Eames và Ellison ghi tên vợ chồng người mang thai hộ chứ không phải Jordan và Tammy Myers.
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Ngày 11/1, vợ chồng Myers vừa hạnh phúc chào đón cặp song sinh chào đời, vừa lo lắng khi không được không nhận là cha mẹ hợp pháp.
Dù được xác nhận bởi bác sĩ sản khoa và vợ chồng người đẻ thuê, thẩm phán bang Michigan đã 2 lần từ chối yêu cầu công nhận quyền làm cha mẹ của vợ chồng nhà Myers.
Vì thế, Jordan và Tammy buộc phải làm thủ tục nhận nuôi gồm các bước như để nhân viên xã hội tới thăm nhà, kiểm tra lý lịch và quan sát môi trường nuôi dạy trẻ. Ngoài ra, họ cũng cần có "sự cho phép tạm thời" từ người sinh hộ Lauren Vermilye để đón các con về nhà.
Chia sẻ với New York Times, Jordan Myers tỏ rõ bất lực khi phải trải qua quá trình phỏng vấn nhận nuôi con ruột mình. "Họ không hề quan tâm tới việc chúng tôi đã nuôi dưỡng một bé gái 8 tuổi".
Định kiến "đẻ thuê là bóc lột phụ nữ"
Richard Vaughn, đối tác sáng lập nhóm Luật Sinh sản Quốc tế ở Los Angeles, luật mang thai hộ thay đổi theo từng bang tại xứ cờ hoa.
Một số bang lập tức công nhận quyền làm cha mẹ của người nhờ đẻ thuê. Nhưng cũng có những bang như Michigan, nơi thuê người mang thai hộ là bất hợp pháp.
Đáng nói, mọi thỏa thuận giữa người mang thai hộ và cha mẹ đẻ đều "vô hiệu và không thể thực thi". Điều này có nghĩa bất kỳ cư dân bang Michigan nào có con nhờ đẻ thuê đều phải tới tòa án để được công nhận là cha mẹ hợp pháp hoặc làm thủ tục nhận nuôi.
Melissa Neckers, luật sư gia đình Myers, cho biết luật pháp bang Michigan quy định hành vi thuê người mang thai hộ có thể nhận mức phạt 5 năm tù giam và 50.000 USD.
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Luật sinh nở bang Michigan không công nhận nhà Myers là cha mẹ hợp pháp của 2 con.
Quyền công nhận cha mẹ hợp pháp được chính quyền bang Michigan quy định tại Đạo luật Nuôi dạy con thay thế năm 1988.
Trước đó, năm 1985, một vụ án tranh giành quyền nuôi con liên quan tới yếu tố mang thai hộ gây rúng động dư luận.
"Chính quyền bang Michigan không muốn thảm cảnh ấy tái diễn nên quyết định cấm hoàn toàn đẻ thuê, đẻ mướn", Vaughn nói với New York Times.
Victoria Ferrara, luật sư sáng lập Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists, khẳng định định kiến xung quanh phương pháp mang thai hộ vẫn còn tồn tại sâu sắc.
"Nhiều người vẫn tin rằng đẻ thuê là bóc lột phụ nữ. Họ cho rằng người không muốn và không thể sinh con chỉ nên nhận nuôi trẻ em", cô nói.
"Một quyết định không công bằng"
Với trường hợp Tammy Myers, cô luôn mong muốn tự mình sinh nở. Nhưng vào năm 2015, khi cố gắng có đứa con thứ 2, Tammy phát hiện mình mắc ung thư vú.
Cô lập tức đông lạnh trứng trước khi trải qua hàng loạt cuộc phẫu thuật cắt bỏ một phần tử cung và 2 bên vú.
Vợ chồng nhà Myers lường trước được những khó khăn khi lựa chọn mang thai hộ. Họ có thể tới các tiểu bang khác để thực hiện thủ pháp này, song khoảng cách địa lý ảnh hưởng lớn tới quá trình mang thai.
Chưa kể, chi phí điều trị ngất ngưởng khiến đôi vợ chồng vướng vào nợ nần, không đủ tiền chi hàng chục nghìn USD cho người mang thai hộ.
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Khao khát có thêm con nhưng vướng trở ngại bệnh tật, Tammy Myers buộc phải nhờ tới biện pháp mang thai hộ.
Mong muốn có thêm con, Tammy và Jordan quyết định chia sẻ câu chuyện lên mạng xã hội. Lauren Vermilye, một phụ nữ 35 tuổi sống gần đó, tình cờ đọc được bài đăng và quyết định giúp đỡ.
"Vợ chồng tôi rất may mắn vì mang thai và sinh nở dễ dàng. Thật bất công khi người khác lại không như vậy", Lauren nói. Cô và Jonathan, người chồng, đã có hai con.
Tháng 6/2020, phôi tạo từ trứng của Tammy và Jordan được cấy vào tử cung Lauren, bắt đầu quá trình mang thai hộ. Từ đó, gia đình Lauren cũng trở thành bạn thân với nhà Myers.
Giữa tháng 1/2021, Eames và Ellison chào đời, sớm hơn dự kiến 8 tuần song đến nay, vợ chồng Myers vẫn chưa thể đưa các con về nhà.
Trước phán quyết từ tòa án, Lauren cho rằng việc từ chối quyền làm cha mẹ của Tammy và Jordan là "không công bằng, không thấu cảm".
"Chúng tôi thực sự căng thẳng và áp lực. Đặc biệt là Jordan, tôi chưa bao giờ thấy anh ấy suy sụp tới vậy", Tammy giãi bày.
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italianaradio · 5 years
Piatek in Germania, Florenzi in Spagna: attenzione a Mertens. Petagna al Napoli
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/piatek-in-germania-florenzi-in-spagna-attenzione-a-mertens-petagna-al-napoli/
Piatek in Germania, Florenzi in Spagna: attenzione a Mertens. Petagna al Napoli
Piatek in Germania, Florenzi in Spagna: attenzione a Mertens. Petagna al Napoli
Dopo Suso, il Milan si prepara a salutare anche Piatek e Rodriguez proseguendo nella mini-rivoluzione, propiziata dall’arrivo di Ibrahimovic. Secondo quanto riportato da Sportmediaset, la società rossonera avrebbe trovato l’accordo con l’Hertha Berlino per la cessione a titolo definitivo dell’attaccante polacco per una cifra pari a 27 milioni di euro più bonus. Rodriguez invece si accosta al PSV, per lui si discute della formula. I rossoneri puntano Matías Viña del Nacional.
L’OK PER PIATEK- Dopo una prima offerta da 20 milioni di euro rispedita al mittente, nelle ultime ore si è registrata un’accelerata decisiva tra le due società, la quale ha portato alla cessione a titolo definitivo all’Hertha Berlino per 27 milioni di euro più bonus. Piatek è poi volato in Germania in serata per sbrigare gli ultimi dettagli del caso.
PETAGNA AL NAPOLI- Il Napoli chiude invece la trattativa con la Spal per Andrea Petagna, il quale però rimarrà a Ferrara fino a Giugno. Con l’inizio della prossima stagione il giocatore approderà a Napoli, affare chiuso per 20 milioni di euro complessivi: 17 milioni di parte fissa più 3 di bonus. Giovedì le visite mediche.
MERTENS POTREBBE PARTIRE- Il Chelsea cerca sul mercato una punta per completare l’attacco insieme a Tammy Abraham. Secondo ESPN, i Blues avrebbero bussato alla porta del Napoli per Dries Mertens, vecchio pallino del tecnico Frank Lampard. La richiesta del Napoli: 47 milioni di euro, una cifra che al momento frena la trattativa.
FLORENZI A VALENCIA- La Roma e il suo capitano si salutano almeno fino a fine stagione: Alessandro Florenzi è praticamente un nuovo giocatore del Valencia. Il terzino destro, insieme alla società, avrebbe deciso di accettare l’offerta degli spagnoli, a causa del  poco spazio concessogli da Fonseca. L’esterno si trasferisce in Liga in prestito fino a giugno con l’obiettivo di trovare continuità e convincere il ct Mancini a puntare su di lui per l’Europeo. Momento decisamente complicato: “Messaggio ai tifosi? Vorrei dire tante cose, ma non sono emotivamente pronto”.
        Dopo Suso, il Milan si prepara a salutare anche Piatek e Rodriguez proseguendo nella mini-rivoluzione, propiziata dall’arrivo di Ibrahimovic. Secondo quanto riportato da Sportmediaset, la società rossonera avrebbe trovato l’accordo con l’Hertha Berlino per la cessione a titolo defi…
Alessandro Sgamma
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paintingarta · 5 years
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Carook – Bowery Ballroom – New York, NY – September 14, 2023
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2023
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cathrynstreich · 6 years
LeadingRE Graduates Latest Class From MAESTRO Leadership Program
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE) has announced its latest class from the MAESTRO Leadership program, graduating 47 sales managers and brokers from across the U.S. and Canada. The graduates are:
Al Beahn, Advantage Realty, a Real Estate One Company Cindy Fowler and Angela Standish, Allen Tate Company Bill White, Baird & Warner Hollie Billero, Buldo Billero & Billero Properties Mary Kapches and Johanna Pigeon, Bosley Real Estate Tiffany Ahrens and Chelsea Block, Chase International Deborah Beene, Cloud Real Estate Larry Heidler, Comey & Shepherd Jeanette Schlapfer, Crossroads Realty Diane Fisher, Dennis Realty & Investment Ginger Gill and Carolyn Rosson, Ebby Halliday, Realtors® Jennifer Wocelka, Molly Goenner and Tony Haider, Edina Realty Angel Dean, Craig Fletchall and Jeff Miles, F.C. Tucker Company John Martin, Fletcher Bright, Tammy Felenstein and Trish Martin, Halstead Real Estate Peter Haring, Haring Realty, Inc. Amanda Briggs, Brendon DeSimone and Janet Kovacs, Houlihan Lawrence Chad Greenlee and Tammy Sparks, Iowa Realty Sherrell Prefontaine, Jack Conway Co., Inc. Michael McGrory, Lamacchia Realty, Inc. Howard Lorey, Nourmand & Associates Realtors® Kristen Lenzner, Randall Realtors® Tom Long and Richard Rubba, Real Estate One Jolene Weinstein, Realty Austin Alex Carney, Jeff Frish, James Hiles and Lydia Laikos Melik, Russell Real Estate Services Bonnie Josefski, The Keyes Company Michael Eaglin, The Litchfield Company Dane Leslie, Reginald Robinson and Guy Sanchez, Watson Realty Corp.
“We are pleased to recognize this highly talented group of real estate leaders for their commitment to enhancing their leadership skills in ways that will have an immediate impact on the success of their agents and their respective offices,” says Paul Boomsma,  CEO/president of LeadingRE.
MAESTRO focuses on developing talented and highly effective real estate leaders for the future. Only select applicants from LeadingRE member companies are accepted into the program. Based on proprietary and validated research conducted by LeadingRE with 300 sales managers, the rigorous MAESTRO program encompasses three pillars of great office leadership. According to LeadingRE, it is the only program of its kind in the industry, using science and art to establish and practice leadership mastery.
LeadingRE’s Chief Learning Officer Mike Staver is the lead instructor, with additional faculty including Dean of Innovation Matthew Ferrara and Dean of Professional Skill and Technique Dan Elzer. Additional instructors included REAL Trends President Steve Murray, Long Realty CEO Rosey Koberlein, Halstead Real Estate Executive Director of Sales Property Sara Rotter and United Teletech Financial President/CEO and Founder of Wisdom Leadership Group Leo Ardine, as well as Boomsma and LeadingRE Vice President of Talent Development Dan Nelson.
Participants attended three live sessions held at LeadingRE’s Chicago headquarters that included lectures and interactive workshops incorporating real-life exercises, case studies and group activities. Ongoing support from staff and fellow participants ensures continued engagement and measurable results from the program.
In August, the first 2018 class graduated 37 participants: Joseph Cutrufelli and Joanne Zavlaris, Alain Pinel Realtors®; Wendi Hensel and Robert C. Smith, Allen Tate Company; Steve Engel, Rebecca McDermott and Michael Simpson, Baird & Warner; Patrick Burgan and Sue Filipovich, Burgan Real Estate; John Grisillo, Carolina One Real Estate; Eric Crosby and Cindy Ranne, Chase International; Sara Levy, Classic Properties; Sara Bizzaro, Cressy and Everett; Sue Stinson-Turner, Crye-Leike, Inc.; Eric Carlson, Stephen Haley and Laura Murray, Lyon Real Estate; Ben Balsbaugh, PMZ Real Estate; Bruce Drake, Randall Realtors®; Loren Hotchkiss, Mary Matthews and Clinton Wheeler, Real Estate One; Jennifer Korba and Marc Warshawsky, Realty Austin; Jan Camp and Erle Morring, RealtySouth; David Amarante, Mary Kandell and Tammy Smith, Russell Real Estate Services; Kimberly Curtis and Ellen Ostermann, Shorewest Realtors®; Kellie Barter, Sibcy Cline; Mike Matthews, David Mutters and Ann Shahin, Watson Realty Corp.; Amie Henry, Westmark, REALTORS®; and Michael Barnacle, Zephyr Real Estate.
For more information, please visit www.leadingre.com.
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aanpnews · 7 years
Spotlight on NPs highlights exciting achievements and activities of American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) members.
In a statement last week, AANP President Dr. Joyce Knestrick addressed actions recently taken by the AMA and said, “The American Medical Association has asserted, once again, its commitment to put the profit of its physician membership ahead of patients and their access to high-quality healthcare.” AANP’s press release was reported on by Fierce Healthcare, HealthcareDive, and others.
AANP Immediate Past President Dr. Cindy Cooke wrote an article about diabetes awareness that appeared in the Huffington Post. Cooke also wrote an article about why busy moms need nurse practitioners to survive parenting sick kids, which was published by SheKnows. Finally, Cooke published a blog about diabetes symptoms on 30 Seconds.
AANP Region 2 Director Dr. Stephen Ferrara wrote an article about ways that nurse practitioners help combat opioid use disorder was published by Medpage Today. Ferrara wrote, “Last year, the opioid epidemic claimed 64,000 American lives. Today, there are more than two hundred thousand nurse practitioners in the country who are prepared to help. Perhaps, this is one of our greatest assets. We offer access to quality and patient-centric care, especially in underserved and underinsured communities across the United States. As we recognize Nurse Practitioner Week, November 12-18, it is important to remember our role in combating this escalating health crisis.”
An AARP article about ways nurse practitioners increase access to care featured AANP Utah State Representative Dr. Danielle Pendergrass. Although NPs do far more than fill gaps, the article points to NPs as a solution for patients who live in areas where access to care is limited. “Patients and families won’t get the care they need if we don’t take steps to maximize the use of all qualified health care providers,” said Susan Reinhard, senior vice president of the AARP Public Policy Institute. Pendergrass was also featured in an article about the fifth anniversary of her clinic, which was the “first woman owned and operated women’s health care practice” in her area.
AANP South Dakota State Representative Robin Arends was featured in a local news article about ways nurse practitioners expand access to health care using telehealth technology. Regarding benefits seen by seniors, Arends said, “They could be fairly healthy with maybe just a urinary tract infection, but they go to the ER and they get exposed to pneumonia. They get exposed to the flu now that it’s winter. They get exposed to a lot of things that when they come back to the facility that they have more opportunity for illness.”
In his latest article for the Black Voices column in the Huffington Post, AANP Fellow Capt. James LaVelle Dickens shared four reasons why diabetes rates are on the rise for African Americans. According to Dickens, “One third of Americans are on their way to developing diabetes. Ironically, lifestyle choices are by far the biggest risk factor or prevention tactic.”
Congratulations to AANP Fellow Dr. Mary Lee Barron, who was among the recipients of the March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award. Honored in the advanced practice category, a press release indicated that Barron’s clinical areas of expertise include obstetrics and gynecology, natural family planning and fertility health.
November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and AANP Fellow Dr. Margaret “Peg” O’Donnell was quoted in an article about free programs, including a music class, to help caregivers and community members understand Alzheimer’s disease. O’Donnell said, “Your music memory is one of your last memories to leave you. Engaging with familiar music can help people retain other memories.” O’Donnell stressed the importance of early detection and intervention, since there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and medication only helps manage symptoms.
Congratulations to AANP Fellow Dr. Tammy Austin Ketch, who was recently named Dean of the College of Nursing at SUNY Upstate Medical University. According to a press release, “Dr. Austin-Ketch has been a member of the nursing faculty at the University of Buffalo (UB) for nearly 20 years, where her work—supported by a $1.7 million Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) grant—has been focused on preparing Family Nurse Practitioners for work in Native American, underserved and rural settings. Additionally, she served as co-investigator on a HRSA grant to increase the number of advanced practice nurses trained to meet the unique needs of veterans.”
AANP Fellow Dr. Susan Van Cleve was quoted in a local news article about a program that brings nursing and theater students together to simulate clinical office visits.
Congratulations to AANP Nurse Practitioner Education Specialist Cindy Harris, who contributed to Prevention Magazine‘s December 2017 issue. Harris shared information about the importance of reading labels carefully when caring for the common cold. Pictures are below.
A Wall Street Journal article described the health care challenges Puerto Rico faces two months after Hurricane Maria hit. The storm caused significant damage and power outages that have yet to be resolved. AANP member Catherine Trossello spent two weeks volunteering in Puerto Rico, working with a local health care provider who was attempting to locate patients he had not seen since the storm. Trossello set up a walk-in clinic to help patients who had difficulty accessing care.  “People are on foot, going door to door, doing the best they can, but the whole network is so disrupted,” Trossello said.  “Everybody’s trying so hard.  But you can only walk so many miles in a day and knock on so many doors at a time.”
A Freakonomics podcast titled “Nurses to the Rescue” featured AANP members Alexandra Hobson and Surani Hayre-Kwan. The piece considered practice restrictions in California and challenges to modernizing regulations.
Congratulations to AANP member Eileen Flaherty, who received the Stanley J. Brasher Legacy Award from the Community Health Association of the Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS.)  According to a press release, the award recognizes individuals “who have dedicated their careers to solving the problems of health, poverty and human rights and who have contributed toward the mission and recognition of community and migrant health centers in the Mountain/Plains States.”
AANP member Lynne Kline is setting a healthy example for her patients by competing in her first JFK 50 Mile run. Kline tells her patients that “an active, healthy lifestyle can help them as they age.” Read an article about her decision to participate, and another congratulating her for completing the ultra marathon.
Congratulations to AANP member Cassie Banks, who recently received the American Health Council’s “Best in Nursing” award. According to a press release, “the award program honors individuals and institutions that have contributed significantly to medicine and nursing, as well as the training and education of physicians and nurses. Ms. Banks has used her 13 years of health care experience to better the lives of rural and underserved populations in Nebraska and southwestern South Dakota. Her passion for increasing access to quality health care is rooted in a strong work ethic and a commitment to equitable healthcare, seeking to guarantee the struggles of vulnerable individuals are not overlooked.”
Jessica Divanno, an AANP member, was mentioned in an article about a house call service where she serves as clinical manager. The business connects patients in need of preventive or urgent care with its network of nurse practitioners who work as independent contractors.
How did you celebrate National Nurse Practitioner Week? Watch this fun clip of the Maryland Nurse Practitioner Association (MNPA) singing on their local news network’s Manic Monday segment during NP Week. MNPA is an AANP NP Organization member.
AANP member Sean L’Huillier wrote an article about treatment of hepatitis C in primary care that appeared in The Clinical Advisor. He discussed how telemedicine has helped increase access to care for patients in rural areas.
Congratulations to AANP member Crystal Moore, who was appointed by Governor Roy Cooper to serve on the North Carolina Council for Women Advisory Board.  “I am honored to have been appointed to serve on such an important council,” Moore said in a press release. “Success of women is integral to a healthy society, and I look forward to engaging and supporting community partners on behalf of women and families.”
November is also National Diabetes Month. AANP member Debbie Pacheco was quoted in an article that offered quick tips for managing diabetes during the holiday season. She encouraged readers to be vigilant, and she offered tips to help people with diabetes make healthy dietary choices.
AANP member Dr. Barbara Shaw wrote an article published by The Lily about the need to protect elders from sexual abuse. Shaw shared her mother’s experience as a survivor of rape in an independent living facility and asked readers, “Do you have a mother?”
Congratulations to AANP member Chantel Collier, who was featured in an NP Week article about recognition she received from her employer for her “hard work and dedication to care for patients.”
We were inspired by all the nurse practitioners recognized during NP Week. AANP member Heather Bowen was among those recognized for their work as psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners. Learn more.
AANP member Christian Tanner was featured in an article that encouraged men to be screened for cancer. According to the article, “Cancer screenings for men aren’t as invasive as many think.” Tanner said, “The earlier you catch it the higher your likelihood of having a successful outcome. A lot of these cancers are very easily treated, and so the sooner we know about them, the sooner we can get you to the right specialist, the sooner they can start a treatment plan for you and the better outcome you’re going to have.”
Ruthie Morrow, an AANP member, was pictured in an article about a church-based volunteer clinic that offers health care, counseling and prayer to uninsured people in Virginia. The report indicated that “More than three-fourths of Virginia’s uninsured adults are part of working families, according to the foundation. Without health insurance, they have lower five-year survival rates, higher likelihoods of being diagnosed with late-stage cancers and far lower rates of receiving important screening tests, the foundation states.”
Spotlight on NPs Spotlight on NPs highlights exciting achievements and activities of American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) members.
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parsippanyfocus · 7 years
PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS — Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayoral Candidate Michael Soriano held a fundraiser on Monday, September 18 at Embassy Suites. Tammy Murphy, wife of Governor Candidate Phil Murphy and Governor Dick Codey attended and endorsed Soriano to the standing room only crowd.
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Soriano is challenging Mayor Barberio in the upcoming Primary Election on November 7. Emily Peterson and Janice McCarthy are part of Michael’s team and are seeking a seat on the Township Council, running against current Council President Louis Valori and returning candidate Vincent Ferrara.
Michael Soriano was born on a military base in Augusta, Georgia on May 12, 1967.  Growing up in Queens, New York, he learned the value of hard work from his father, Ramon, a proud electrician and brother of IBEW Local 3.
Michael moved to an apartment in Parsippany in January of 2002, proposing to his wife, Jennifer, within hours of moving in.  Like many renters in our township, Michael and Jennifer fell in love with Parsippany and its community, and chose to remain here to raise their family. A few years later, they moved to a home in Lake Hiawatha, where they raise their 11 year old daughter.
Throughout his career as a second-generation electrician, Michael has served as both a foreman and superintendent on dozens of projects throughout New York City.  He brings a wealth of essential management experience to the table in Parsippany, which he will use to carry out the functions of our municipal government in the affordable and efficient way that the township deserves.
It is through this profound love for his community that drives him to do all that he can to help it prosper. From that lucky day he moved to Parsippany he has held close the words of Martin Luther King Jr, who once said “life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “what are you doing for others.”
Janice McCarthy spent a career in private sector finance working for Fortune 500 companies, including ADP as Director of Finance and Ingersoll Rand as Director of Budget and Planning. She also served in managing the budget operation at Montclair State University. Her many years of private and public sector budgeting experience will be an asset to the township’s fiscal processes. Running to bring back bi-partisan government, McCarthy believes Parsippany deserves a Mayor and Township Council working effectively together to maintain our infrastructure, deliver quality services, preserve our environment, control development, and do it in a fiscally responsible manner.
Emily Peterson is a small business owner and adjunct professor at New York University who knows what it’s like to meet deadlines and balance a tight budget every day. She understands what it will take to develop Parsippany’s economy and build a base of small businesses to increase ratables. Standing firm on the belief that taxpayers’ money should be put to better use in providing for the people of Parsippany, she recognizes that controlling spending is one of the most important responsibilities the Township Council and administration have.
  Michael Soriano holds successful fundraiser PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS — Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayoral Candidate Michael Soriano held a fundraiser on Monday, September 18 at Embassy Suites.
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Faouzia, Carmen DeLeon & Georgee – Irving Plaza – New York, NY – October 25, 2022
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2022
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Carmen DeLeon – Irving Plaza – New York, NY – October 25, 2022
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2022
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Georgee – Irving Plaza – New York, NY – October 25, 2022
Photos by Tammi Ferrara © 2022
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