#Taoyuan mystery
white-cat-of-doom · 9 months
What Macavity sees in his dreams after Old Deuteronomy mysteriously disappears in his possession.
Cian Hughes covering Mistoffelees and Taryn Donna as Cassandra; Asia Tour 2022-2023, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 1 year
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Li-min’s Embarrassing Surprise, Part 2
Several hours later, on Eva Air flight EV421 from Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei to Tokyo, stewardesses Hua-ying Lee and Meng-yao Yang are attracted by some mysterious tapping, scraping and groaning noises from the secondary baggage hold at the rear of the plane. The two flight attendants decide to investigate the sounds and hold hands nervously as they make their way down the semi lit aisle and into the metal and chrome surfaces of the hold area. “Gee, it sounds like a horror movie!” remarks an alarmed Hua-ying as the young women approach the forbidding metal door and the noises of choking distress continue from within. Her friend frowns and bends her head to press her ear against steel door of the container where the lighter luggage is stored. “There are voices!” Meng-yao whispers urgently. The stewardesses give each other a frightened look. The dreaded word Hijackers! goes through both their brains simultaneously. Meng-yao swallows, but these young flight attendants are professionals and know what they have to do.
The girl places her left hand on the door handle while pressing an entrance code onto the number pad with her right. The door suddenly springs open. Both women give an instinctive shriek and step back, clutching each other for protection, as a jumble of heads, arms and legs tumble out of the hold and onto the ground. The astounded stewardesses stare at what they soon realise are four bedraggled, freezing and exhausted men. “Stowaways!” exclaims Hua-ying. The two women are still holding each other, but as the skinny male intruders slowly get to their knees, they soon realise they have nothing to fear from them. In fact, the men either reach out their hands towards the uniformed women as supplicants, raise their arms in surrender or place their hands on their heads, also in submission. “Water!” one of them says pathetically in English.
Hua-ying looks at Meng-yao with a relieved smile on her face. This situation they can handle! “We’d better tie them up.” Hua-ying says to her friend who nods in agreement and adds: “And then let the boss know.”
Source: Pinterest
For Megacoppola
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A pair of peculiar incidents over the past few days saw airports in both Turkey and Taiwan shut down following sightings of a UFO in the vicinity. The weirdness reportedly began early Saturday morning at Gaziantep Airport in Turkey when the pilot of a passenger plane arriving at the facility alerted air traffic controllers to an unidentified flying object that had been picked up on their radar at an altitude of approximately 9,000 feet. The strange sighting proved to be so problematic that the airport actually shut down for a staggering 12 hours and cancelled a whopping 26 flights as authorities investigated the situation, though it would appear that the nature of the UFO remains a mystery.
Oddly enough, an eerily similar situation unfolded just a few hours later on Monday morning at the Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan. In this instance, a pilot reportedly spotted an unidentified flying object at an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet. The puzzling sighting also prompted airport officials to shut down the facility, however travelers in Taiwan fared considerably better than their counterparts in Turkey as the cessation of traffic only lasted a mere 40 minutes. Officials later suggested that the UFO could have been a drone, but conceded that this was merely speculation as, once again, they were unable to come to any exact determination as to what the pilot had seen.
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kyndaris · 4 years
Formosa, the Beautiful Island
Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is only recognised by a few countries as its own sovereign state. To most, it is seen as a rebellious territory of the People’s Republic of China. No wonder then that when I told my work colleagues, some were of the opinion that I was venturing into the very epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak. At the time of travel, Taiwan’s reported numbers were quite low. During the week I stayed, it reached to the mid-twenties. A far-cry to some of the more major outbreaks in countries such as South Korea.
Unlike Australia, though, the entire populace seemed incredibly paranoid about contracting the virus. The streets of Taipei had masks everywhere. People were encouraged to practice good hygiene. When entering hotels, thermometers were aimed at foreheads to ensure those staying were not sporting fevers. For this blogger, it felt both excessive and oppressive.
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But I’m getting ahead of myself. It was the 15th of February and our flight to Taiwan was slated to be one of the last few flying out for the day. My mother and I had spent much of the Saturday completing chores and packing the remaining items we needed for our trip.
It was seven when my cousin appeared at the door to take us to the international terminal of Sydney Airport. Checking in proved to be a simple affair, although I discovered that China Air was one of the only queues where a vast majority of individuals were sporting facial masks. I wanted to tell them to remove them as were departing Australia. At the time, there had only been about 15 reported cases across the nation and several had already recovered. According to the Department of Health, there was no need for the public to be donning anything. When my mother joked about it, I grumbled about the whole situation until we had passed through security.
As we waited for our flight, my mother decided thought to take advantage of her status as a holder of an American Express card. Despite the fact that the lounge was in the opposite direction of our gate, we made our way to the exclusive lounge. To my utter dismay, I was mistaken for the housekeeper by one of the other guests. I would not be lying to say that I felt a little outraged that such a mistake was made. Yes, I’m of Asian descent but that doesn’t mean I’m automatically the help. But who knows. Maybe the man would have asked the same question if I was of Caucasian appearance. Who knows. At the time, I was filled with indignant outrage at the thought that I had been racially profiled. Instead of challenging the man, however, I merely answered with a simple ‘no’ as I made my way to the restroom. 
On the plane, there was a sea of masks. Bowing to the pressure, my mother and I slid on our masks. I didn’t think it was very likely that we would be contracting COVID-19 but even the flight attendants were sporting protective facial masks.
A long eight to nine hours had us finally land in Taoyuan Airport at four in the morning. Mask still in place, we disembarked and made our way through Taiwan quarantine and customs. Just like Australia, Taiwan also had several restrictions on individuals carrying passports from the People’s Republic of China. We were also made to complete and sign a declaration in relation to COVID-19 that threatened a hefty fine if it was discovered that we had lied.
Luggage in hand, it was a long wait for our ride to the Orchard Hotel that we would be staying in for the night. Unable to check in, however, due to the fact that it was not even noon, my mother thought it best to take advantage of the day and squeeze in a little sight-seeing despite the inclement weather.
With the aid of our driver, we arrived in Taipei City at eleven. With our trusty map in hand, we wandered the streets - taking in the sights and sounds of the west side of the city. From Ximending, we stopped first at the Red House as well as a small temple that we could enter via the street. After stopping for lunch, with my mum purchasing a set of beauty masks for the area around the eyes, we visited the back entrance of the Presidential Office.
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All in all, it was a fairly quick tour of the immediate area where we had been dropped off. As it was also a Sunday, not many stores were open. And still exhausted by our early start, I was able to quite easily persuade my mother that it was best to head back to our hotel. After all, it was three in the afternoon. Surely, we could check in now?
An express Taipei Main Station had us return to the airport. It was followed by a short taxi ride. Within the hour, we were safely ensconced in our rooms and finally able to rest.
The 17th of February started early as well. With a proper breakfast in our stomachs, our tour began in earnest in Jiufen. It was with mild surprise that I greeted the massive coach that had been prepared. Considering the threat of COVID-19, what had once been a group of roughly thirty had swindled down to seven. Unfortunately, three Canadians had not been able to make their flight. Beyond my mother and I, only another mother-daughter duo joined us. Yes. That’s right. We had a tour group of FOUR. That’s right. You read it correctly. Four. F-O-U-R. 
How they were expected to make any profit was a mystery to me. But I’m glad that they decided to continue, even with such small numbers.
A few hasty introductions later, our tour guide going by the name of Jason, provided us an overview of Taiwan and its rich history. Jiufen, the place that he was taking us, was one such place that exemplified its complicated history as a territory that had once belonged to Japan before it was ceded back to China after the Second World War. Located quite close to Taipei, Jiufen is situated atop a winding mountain path that makes it very difficult to navigate with a huge coach. Taiwan, in general, uses scooters more than cars for transportation and it was clear from the narrow alleyways that it is almost a necessity. Just before we reached the car park that was next to the cemetery, our tour guide also provided us with some additional history about the place: from how it got its name to why so many Japanese tourists visited it. 
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After an extensive shopping trip in Jiufen that had my mother and I nearly frozen in place, our little group headed to the Grand Hotel of Taipei. Embodying Eastern aesthetics, it was a grant palatial building that I had first seen in an episode of Fresh off the Boat. My mother and I spent our allotted time inspecting all that we could of the first two floors. Though there were cafes and stores aplenty, we kept our wallets firmly closed until we finally returned to our bus.
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Our next stop was a garden in Shilin. After taking a gander at the myriad tulips on display, my mother and I retreated to a local cafe for something to warm us up. Though not as frothy as the hot chocolates in Australia, I very much enjoyed regaining feeling in my extremities as the beverage heated up my cold freezing body.
Back on the bus, we headed to the next city on our itinerary. Several hours on the road, where I slipped into a micro-sleep and learned a little more of the Canadian duo, we arrived at Nantou where we checked in to our hotel and enjoyed a fairly simple dinner before retiring for the night.
This first glimpse of Taiwan was an enlightening one and filled with a hefty number of surprises. The facial masks were a bit of a nuisance, but to the people living on the island, prevention is probably much better than the lack of a cure. Risking one’s health, along with others is a pretty steep price for purely selfish desires.
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The cosmic oddity known as the Cow may have been a dying star that shed its skin like a snake before it exploded.
Newly released observations support the idea that the burst occurred in a dense environment with strong magnetic fields, astronomer Kuiyun Huang and colleagues report in The Astrophysical Journal Letters June 12.
These new measurements “for the mysterious transient … provide one of the strong hints of its nature,” says Huang, of the Chung Yuan Christian University in Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Since the Cow appeared in June 2018 as a brief burst of light in a galaxy about 200 million light-years away, astronomers haven’t been sure what to think of it. The initial glow flared more quickly and seemed 10 times brighter than an ordinary supernova, the violent explosion that marks the death of a massive star (SN: 2/18/17, p. 20).
Follow-up observations of the Cow — which got its nickname from the randomly assigned name “AT2018cow” — left two main theories for what it could be: a strange sort of supernova, or an exotic star being shredded by a black hole (SN: 2/2/19, p. 13). But neither theory alone could explain all the Cow’s weird features.
Astronomer Anna Ho of Caltech and colleagues published work in April at arXiv.org that analyzed light from the Cow in a range of wavelengths, from short gamma rays to long radio waves. That work suggested that the light was getting distorted on its journey. So if the Cow is a supernova, it must have exploded in a very dense environment that squashed some of the light emerging from the dying star. But to come to that conclusion, the team had to simplify assumptions about how the explosion’s energy was released.
Now, Huang and colleagues have released new radio wave observations that back up the findings by Ho’s team, without relying on those assumptions. In June and July 2018, Huang’s group used the Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array in Chile to look at the way the Cow’s light was polarized, a measurement of the light’s preferred direction. Imagine holding a jump rope: If you swing your arm up and down, the jump rope will take on an up-down wave pattern. Swinging left to right gives the rope a side-to-side wave.
The radio waves emitted in the wreckage of a supernova should do the same thing, Ho explains. But if the waves travel through an environment filled with gas, charged particles and magnetic fields, the waves’ preferred direction can get rotated or smeared out. “By the time it all gets out at the end, it can look like a blurred mess,” Ho says.
That’s what Huang and colleagues saw from the Cow: The radio waves essentially had no polarization by the time they reached Earth, suggesting the waves had been tossed about in a dense and turbulent environment.
That environment probably came from the Cow itself, Ho says. Toward the end of the star’s life, it started shedding outer layers of gas, similar to a snake shedding its skin. Those discarded layers were still nearby when the star finally ran out of fuel and exploded, so the light and material from the explosion plowed through the debris from the star’s death throes.
“That might actually be a common thing that stars do,” Ho says. She and her colleagues observed another stellar explosion in September, SN2018gep, that first appeared to be a Cow-like event. It ended up looking more like a straightforward supernova, with ordinary speed and brightness — but one that was also surrounded by the dense layers the star tossed off before it died.
The new polarization observations by Huang’s team aren’t the final word on the Cow’s identity, though, says astronomer Daniel Perley of Liverpool John Moores University in England. “It supports one argument,” he says, “but doesn’t overall change the balance of the somewhat contradictory evidence pointing in different directions for this event.” More work on the shredded star theory could help break the tie, he says.
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huang0415 · 6 years
桃園親子景點-復興鄉小烏來風景秘境【宇內溪戲水區】 整個宇內溪都是我的玩水場,冰涼又乾淨的天然SPA,桃園市內唯一核定公告水域開放區,有救生員駐守喔!這麼安全的戲水場地怎能錯過!
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organicblog421 · 3 years
Aria Guitars Serial Numbers
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Aria Guitars Serial Numbers For Sale
In the mid 70's, serial numbers began to be used. At least for Aria guitars, made by Matsumoku, the serial number contains the year of manufacture in the first 2 digits, thus a guitar from 1979 would have a serial number, such as 79####. The manufacturing of Aria guitars were subcontracted out to Matsumoku from 1964 to 1986. If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this advertisement is for you. 1982, serial number 2080692 Aria Pro II PE60 Black n Gold. Face swap app.
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The neck block is a part that was already made in Japan, so this is not the correct serial number for the guitar. Yamaha serial numbers are recycled every ten years, 29 formats are supported here based on research available on the yamaha website. Production YMMI (Yamaha Music Manufacturing Indonesia), Indonesia In the period of 1990-1996 an eight-digit serial number was used in this factory. If you want to know the production year of your Squier guitar,you can decipher it with the serial number decoder, or find it in explanation about the dating system below. Little black lines that grow on the guitar, and under the finish, little parts will fall off. The Korean Fender Squiers were produced from 1988, but there were no serial numbers until mid-1993 The 5 digit numbers are the same as the 8 digit numbers but don’t have the 3 unit numbers on the end. All Black label Taiwan models have the headstock logo with the 3 tuning forks inside a circle with “YAMAHA… Yamaha occupies a surprisingly unusual niche in the guitar industry. The first step is to find the serial number—a combination of letters and/or numbers— and the 'Made in..' label (Japan, Taiwan, or Indonesia) on the guitar. G-50A label – note no Nippon Gakki on the label – from 1970-1972. RSS. YouTube. Simply enter your Yamaha piano serial number to find out when and where the Yamaha piano was made or look at the full listings of piano serial numbers. Your guitar's serial number is found inside the sound hole and up sharply towards the neck block (see example on the right). May 13, 2017 - The most common Yamaha serial numbers follow a system that uses 2 letters, followed by 5 numbers. 'MADE IN INDIA' on the headstock. My concern..the guitar is made in China. Facebook. Yamaha Piano Serial Numbers (how old / what age is your Yamaha piano) The majority of Japanese Yamaha pianos currently in the UK have a 7 digit (sometimes only 6) serial number which can be found to the top right area of the iron frame (you’ll need to lift the top lid of the piano to see it). Images Custom instruments and wiring diagram courtesy of Ben van Dyk Jan 2015. Korean made guitars (just like American or any other country) depend on who, what when and why they where produced. The first two digits represent the week of the year it was made. The information contained in this guide was culled from our archives of Fender price lists and catalogs, beginning with 1968. You should be Aria guitars manufactured in the 1970s typically feature a serial number … First generation 03 Series serial numbers may also be ink stamped on a white label. documented. The Squier IIs made in India seem to follow the numbering scheme in the USA. Note serial numbers recycle every 10 years. Solid top guitar. However, despite this huge stride forward in the company’s history, these guitars would continue to be available for a Japanese audience only throughout the 1950s and much of the 1960s. It was during this era of Yamaha’s acoustic guitar history that the company proceeded with founding a factory in Hamamatsu, Japan. The plant are so dirty rats can't can't live there. It covers any Yamaha piano made between 1917 and 2012 in all 6 factories. That 'Made in China' sticker is always going to … Although the tables below are as accurate as possible, serial numbers of these acoustic guitars have never been archived and are of no assistance when attempting to date these instruments. SoundCloud. If you get unexpected results please double check that any letters at the start of the piano's serial number aren't actually the end of the Yamaha model number or relate to characteristics of the piano such as scale or finish. I believe it to be mid 60’s. I would appreciate any information on possible year of manufacture. See another guide “Yamaha FG Serial Numbers, Interior Markings, and Labels” for more info. Almost all white oval labels are made in Taiwan. According to YamahaAustralia all G-50A were made in Japan. These run new around $1200 and I've seen them cheaper in some places. The signature bass of the singular Billy Sheehan, the Attitude was one of the first production instruments developed by YGD. For instance, a '12' means it was made in the twelfth week of the year. Where to find the serial number Yamaha's guitars serial numbers repeat every 10 years, so additional research may be needed to find the exact year your guitar was made. A great example of the fantastic build quality of the Yamaha Taiwan factories in the late 70’ies and early 80’ies. Guitars since 1966.eval(ez_write_tag(((300,250),'jedistar_com-box-3','ezslot_0',116,'0','0'))); Serial numbers for acoustic and classical guitars, Serial numbers for electric and bass guitars. Serial Number Chart for Acoustic and Classical Guitars In the following charts, you can determine the year of manufacture for a Yamaha acoustic or classical guitar. Items made in China are bad. The serial number is generally stamped on the front or back of the headstock,or in some cases on the neck plate. Hangzhou, China; Taoyuan, Taiwan; As a result, there are six different serial number ranges for Yamaha pianos. I have a Yamaha Nippon Gakki Co.Ltd vintage electric guitar seriel No 12320. cream in color. Twitter. First two numbers in the sequence will tell you when your guitar was produced, while the following numbers represent the serial number of the instrument itself. Some more recent Squiers, including the Vintage Modified series (the serial numbers start here with SH), were in Introduced in 2007. The serial number registration of these countries also leaves sometimes to be desired. The company, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its presence on the American market and export to other countries beyond Japan, has consistently produced guitars that have sold in impressive numbers and attracted a notable following of celebrity players and esteemed pros. Guitar made in China are in the worst place you could make a guitar. Example: A serial number starting with W17 indicates the guitar was built in Korea, in 2017. The serial number is on a sticker on the back of the neck, close to the attachment point with the body. Your guitar was made onOctober 24th, 1987, 1997or 2007Production Number: 338 Yamaha … The letters H to Q each represent the number that the year the guitar was built in ends in. In a three-digit serial … GAX70; GRG170DX; GRG270; GSA60; SA120; GRX40; GRG121DX; AS73; All items (668) Based on the serial number, your Dean was built in 2000 (the first two numbers are the year manufactured). If your grand piano is a GH1G, GH1FP, GC1G, or GC1FP, your piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. Once located, the serial number offers clues as to when the guitar was manufactured, and the first few digits are especially important, as the numbers changed over a few decades. 2020 marks two related anniversaries for Yamaha Guitars: the 30th anniversary of Yamaha Guitar Development - our Los Angeles custom shop - and the 30th anniversary of the Attitude series. China Yamaha Guitar wholesale - Select 2020 high quality Yamaha Guitar products in best price from certified Chinese Guitar manufacturers, Custom Guitar suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China… From about 1971 Yamaha also had a special line of handbuild FG’s of outstanding quality. Instagram. The Yamaha Corporation has grown to become the world’s largest manufacturer of a full line of musical instruments. YouTube. The first letter indicates the location where the instrument was made, and subsequent digits indicate the year the instrument was made. If the serial number begins with a 'T', the piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. China Guitar wholesale - Select 2020 high quality Guitar products in best price from certified Chinese Musical Instruments manufacturers, Electric Guitar suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China… Most serial numbers on Danelectro guitars have either three or four digits. Facebook. I believe it to be mid 60’s. (Source: Nigel Barker, Sydney Feb 2015, Hi. For example, if the guitar's serial number starts 'Z0411,' then you know that the guitar was made in China, in 2004 and the month code '11' refers to November. This website possesses NO DATABASE of guitars made by manufactures, instead simple serial code patterns that are available on this site and in the wider guitar community are used. See below for location initials. This place leads to later problems,The China Flu! I would appreciate any information on possible year of manufacture. SoundCloud. L Series High end line of Yamaha acoustic guitars which features the traditional vibe and superb acoustic sound by A.R.E. This orange label says made in Japan. The letter 'H' is … Acoustic catalogs 70,72,78 and more t-shiga.com/sub7-5-1.htm, 2006 Acoustic, Electric and Bass guitar catalog | 2006 Guitar and Bass, 2012 Guitar catalog | 2012 Acoustic guitar catalog | 2012 Classical guitar catalog. Look for the two-digit codes to determine the month in which your guitar was made. The first letter represents the year that the guitar was built. The models included in this category were/are produced in China. Decode your serial number. Yamaha serial number 71024338 can you tell me when this guitar was made? This is because it doesn’t have the popularity of a Gibson or Fender nor the resale value. H = 1 I = 2 J = 3 K = 4 L = 5 M = 6 N = 7 O = 8 P = 9 Q = 0 But it gives no clue as to the decade so for each letter it could represent the following years. Twitter. Other low-budget countries followed, like China, Indonesia and India. The Yamaha Guitar Archive data says these models started in 1974 but so far I’ve found Tan label serial numbers as late as August 1975, and I haven’t found a Black label earlier than June 1975. Details. CSF series guitars combine the portability of a travel guitar with the focused tone and easy playability of a parlor guitar, while producing a surprisingly full and resonant sound. Generally a Yamaha isn’t a guitar that is often faked like a Gibson or Fender. technology. Thank you, Copyright 2007-19 P Carroll Jedistar | All Rights Reserved | GAS: Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, 2006 Acoustic, Electric and Bass guitar catalog. Instagram. If your serial number has 2 lines of numbers please enter only the bottom row to the lookup form below. These had a leather label including signature: If the guitar has a nine-digit code, the two numbers following the year code identify the month. From 1982 Fender Squiers are also produced outside the USA, in that year the production startedin Japan. RSS. If the serial number begins with a 'U', the piano was manufactured in South Haven, Michigan. Trending pages. Look at the first letter of the serial number, which indicates which year the instrument was made. Serial Number Chart for Electric, Archtop, and Bass Guitars In the following charts, you can determine the year of manufacture for a Yamaha electric, archtop, or bass guitar. Some rare white oval labels are Nippon Gakki made in Japan: There’s one big exception concerning early FG’s. https://organicblog421.tumblr.com/post/657479049456844801/black-keys-el-camino-rar. CJ 838S, 1980, serial 00827125, made in Taiwan. I have a Yamaha Nippon Gakki Co.Ltd vintage electric guitar seriel No 12320. cream in color. Every Dean guitar made in United States comes with a seven digit serial number that is printed on the back of the headstock. I was a jumbo guitar and the sweetness of solid rosewood back and sides has always appealed to me. Let's look at an example of what this might look like - MM12022. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Fender was faced with competition from cheaper Japanese guitars. From this we can tell that this is the 22nd guitar built on June 12 of either 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 or 2006. If the serial number begins with a 'T', the piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. Very cold and very hot. First Letter Years H 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 I 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 J 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 K 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, … As a result, there are four different serial number ranges for Yamaha pianos. In 1975 most of the existing models numbers had -1 added to them, on a black rectangular label. Typically, yes. In 1887, Yamaha (then Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd.) began producing reed organs in Japan. I junked one and traded two.
If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this advertisement is for you. 1982, serial number 2080692 Aria Pro II PE60 Black n Gold.
First recorded serial numbers for guitars and bass by year: YEAR / GUITAR / BASS 1980 G000530 B0 G003122 B0 G009886 B0 G011654 B0 G013273 B0 G014690 B0 G017325 B0 G020241 B0 G023725 B0 G006 1990 G026344 B0 G027163 B0 G029962 B024288.
JET-B'tone - Baritone Guitar; JET-B - Bass; ARIA-101UP -Urban Player-ARIA-131UP -Urban Player-MSG-02CE; 615-GH -Nashville-615-WJ -Nashville-714-JH -Fullerton-PE-350PG; Product Categories.
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Aria Guitars Serial Numbers For Sale
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baltimorerpbr · 7 years
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Conheçam a mais nova cidadã de Baltimore: @BM97WY. Nascida em 27 de outubro de 1997, em Taoyuan, Taiwan, Wu “Eve” Yilin é uma senior e é uma parte fundamental do clã Mortiferum. Se não estiver no salão de seu clã, ela pode ser facilmente encontrada no clube de Aprendizado sobre Animais Mágicos ou praticando Natação. Não deixe de conhecê-la melhor, seguindo-a em seu twitter e tumblr.
· She's sharp: Palavra usada metaforicamente para expressar agressão verbal, respostas rápidas ou grosseiras. Pessoa grossa, rude. Sincera. Desde que Yilin chegou a adolescência e passou por algumas poucas e boas, as respostas ríspidas passaram a fazer parte de sua personalidade, sendo assim um escape para não ser manipulada ou machucada - Por pessoas vivas, ao menos. Se importar se estava sendo grossa ou não havia saído de seu estilo de vida, apenas queria deixar claro o que pensava.
· She's talkative: Que ou aquele que fala. Que ou aquele que fala copiosamente e com desembaraço. Ela gosta de falar, de opinar, de brincar. Botar a boca no trombone é quase uma especialidade, mesmo que as vezes não seja exatamente ela propriamente falando. Yilin pode passar o dia todo falando as maiores besteiras sozinha ou debatendo o quanto gostava de rosa com alguém. Era só dar uma brecha que ouviria a voz da taiwanesa por horas.
· She's mysterious - or not: Em que há mistério. Que tem modos enigmáticos. Hora ela pode esconder o que pensa, o que sente e o que já passou. Hora ela pode externar tudo que se passa na sua cabeça, ou as dificuldades as quais tem que suportar todo dia. Tudo dependia do seu humor, da pessoa ou do assunto. Ela poderia parecer um livro aberto, extremamente previsível, mas só quem a conhecia tão bem quanto ela mesma sabia que era o contrário.
· She's brave: Quem não tem medo; quem expressa coragem, bravura, valentia; destemido. Medo não entrava no seu dicionário. Pensava que se fosse para tudo dar errado, que desse errado tentando. Poderiam pedir para que encarasse seus piores medos, a desafiassem em uma guerra, e ela usaria tudo de si para provar a si mesma do quanto era capaz.
· She's kind: Demonstra cortesia, é educada; atenciosa. Apesar de ser direta demais as vezes, Yilin ainda levava a educação dos pais com ela. Ela ainda tinha aquela simpatia nela, a vontade de cuidar dos mais necessitados, de ajuda-los. Ela gosta de mostrar seu carinho, acima de tudo aos animais e aos que ela considerava dignos.
· She's confuse: Pessoa que está em estado de confusão, que não sabe o que fazer. Sua cabeça é uma confusão. Mais especificamente, uma confusão entre o mundo real e o que ela ainda não pertencia. Frequentemente se via perdida entre ser ela mesma e ser uma das almas que queriam ter uma segunda chance no mundo; Manipulada, não sabia dizer, mas tentava aprender a controlar e viver com aquela bagunça dentro dela.
Os Wu, uma família de três formada por uma humana, um bruxo Mortiferum e um furão viveu em paz no distrito de Taoyuan District, em Taiwan por exatos cinco anos antes da gravidez do casal. Não foi um parto fácil; Dos trigêmeos que deveriam vir ao mundo, apenas as garotas sobreviveram, uma delas com aquele brilho único de magia nos olhos. Yilin trazia a morte com ela, mas seus pais não poderiam culpar a criança recém nascida por isso.
Dias difíceis seguiram para a família que lamentava a perda de um dos bebês. Um erro de sua mãe ao deixar escapar algumas evidências quando saiu para passear com as filhas trouxe de volta a guerra que o marido havia fugido a alguns anos. As notícias espalharam pela cidade, e não demorou muito tempo para que as pessoas começassem a desconfiar da bruxaria na família. As ameaças hostis constantes vinda de antigos amigos e vizinhos resultou na difícil decisão de se mudarem o mais rápido possível. Precisavam criar suas pequenas em segurança, por isso antes mesmo que elas aprendessem a falar, começaram uma nova vida em Plymouth, Inglaterra.
Uma casa mais afastada e algumas lições foram o bastante para que os Wu vivessem normalmente pelos anos que passavam. Quanto mais as gêmeas cresciam, mais era possível ver o quão diferente eram. A mais velha das duas era como sua mãe, enquanto Yilin - Que adotou o nome de Eve - mostrava cada vez mais o quão poderosa era como uma pequena bruxinha. Suas habilidades no entanto eram limitadas para dentro de casa, e fora cresceu em meio aos humanos, aprendendo fácil como esconder sua verdadeira identidade.
Foi quando chegou a adolescência que a garota falante começou a ter problemas na escola e com qualquer um azarado que trombasse por ela. As confissões bizarras sobre cada detalhe da morte e dos segredos podres que rondavam as almas vinha de forma aleatória. Podia ser seu professor, uma amiga ou até o velhinho que comprasse pão no mesmo lugar que ela, eles recebiam um diagnóstico detalhado sobre o fim de suas vidas. Por mais que tentasse controlar, não podia, e com isso a garota passou um bom tempo sendo taxada de louca pela vizinhança. Apesar da solidão tomar conta do seu dia a dia, tudo o que importava era que não ligassem os eventos a bruxaria.
Quando ela atingiu seus 15 anos, os pais decidiram que a melhor escolha seria mandá-la para um lugar onde pudesse controlar o aparentemente incontrolável poder dela sob o mundo dos mortos. Com isso foi mandada sozinha para a Coreia do Sul, onde poderia aprender como sobreviver e principalmente viver como quem nasceu para ser.
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NEWS - April 27 2017
South Korean actor Gong Yoo visits Taiwan
Taipei, April 27 (CNA) South Korean actor Gong Yoo, who starred in the Korean hit film “Train to Busan” last year, arrived Thursday on his first visit to Taiwan and is scheduled to meet with fans Saturday.
Gong, 37, was all smiles on arrival at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, where a group of fans showed up to greet him.
He is expected to hold a news conference Friday and meet with fans at Xinzhuang Gymnasium in New Taipei on Saturday.
Both events will be hosted by Mickey Huang (黃子佼), one of the most popular TV presenters in Taiwan.
The 5,500 tickets for Saturday’s event were sold out within 10 minutes, the organizers said.
The breakout role of the model-turned-actor was in The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (2007), a South Korean TV drama that became a hit.
Gong’s rise to international stardom accelerated when he starred in the 2016 horror-thriller “Train to Busan,” which tells the story of a group of terrified passengers on a suspicion-filled, blood-drenched train ride during a nationwide outbreak of a mysterious virus.
Gong plays a fund manager who sacrifices his life to save his daughter and other passengers on the train.
He also starred in the Korean TV drama series “Guardian: The Lonely and Great God” which became a mega hit in 2016, gaining massive popularity across Asia.
Gong will wrap up his visit to Taiwan on Sunday. 
Credit : focus news Taiwan
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Day 15: at Taoyuan
Todo list: be precise in my writing: show more, don’t tell too much. There needs to be a balance.
I’m now in Taoyuan airport. The resources here are awesome. I do not know who is the director of all these central places in this airport. The design is great. Everything looks so beautiful. It’s so different from 2 years from now. I was here and everything looked so ugly. Now the transformation. Everything changes over time.
I do not know why now I can even write straight like this. Though there is no logical structure, I can write with the flow. Before there was just thoughts and thoughts and I can never escape from these thought patterns I established. I’m not an owner at all, but the mind dictates my writing. Therefore I was needing Trello for this method.
Now I have established the discipline to write, and I no longer need that Trello. It feels increasingly natural for me to write now.
In the morning yesterday, I was imagining a more intimate way to connect with people when saying goodbye. It was just my idea to hold my friends’ hand in the wish of sharing energy. I experimented it with Akasha today and it feels great. I think it’s a great way to say goodbye because sometimes hugging is still not intimate. Holding hands are much more close and I can feel their energy more.
How do I feel coming back to Taiwan again? No feeling, I’m just amazed by its beauty. There is no remembrance. Because this place is so new, and I have none memory here. But I feel happy because I’m going back home after 8 months. It’s great going back and forth over time and not sticking to any one place in particular. Because I just want to explore different things and different experiences. But for me, I have different priorities so right now I cannot just stay here and work for a restaurant. That’s not my priority because my main purpose is to learn to program and experiment with different things to have good technical skills preparing for my Keystone next year.
Reading here at Panasonic library and seeing the lights they design is awesome. It changes the light whenever I feel something and they make it natural and intuitive. I believe’s the progress of technology and I feel grateful for that. Just before I landed here in Taiwan I and Akasha had dinner at the Japanese restaurant and we ate tofu and some tempura. It’s delicious. But the important point is our discussion. She talks about how she thinks about Suzuki and his idea about education people in the natural environment. In the beginning, I thought we have opposite thoughts. And I was so in the mood of arguing and disagreeing all the time. But we don’t take it and none of us becomes so emotional because of this discussion because it’s based based on understanding. Then what happened was we are just different in terms of our priority. I think technology is the short term approach and we need to create good technology appealing to the environment and reduce waste. And I think’s the potential future. Akasha thinks the opposite because she thinks of the long-term: which is to educate a new generation of students and individuals close to nature and they might be friendly to the environment. Yeah, that can happen. We can create that generation, but it will be a lot of years from now to execute it and spread it to reach millions of people. Technology is great because it is sympathetic to humans. It does not blame humans. Instead, technology tries to improve humanity by making green technologies more accessible to people, more reachable, and more friendly to people. That’s the job of designers and creators, and I think it can create a great future where a lot of useless waste will be reduced. Okay, so the detail of the discussion is not my purpose, but it’s from the discussion I found that thought the argument seems different, it’s only the matter of priority. And I feel like there is no one right or wrong in this case. It’s just the diversity that happens and it created a diversity of opinions and we go to different paths because of our different values. And so, no one is right and no one is wrong at all. Once the ideal is imposed, then we danger will become more prominent. That’s what I feel afraid and I don’t want this to happen. Even at the class discussions, I can barely see the resolve and I feel like two half pies have not been united and I cannot see the whole picture. But what should be my attitude? seeking opponents that can challenge my ideas? As Akasha has shown, she felt uncomfortable listening to the debate because it’s against her values. And that’s common to us. But if we do not come out of our comfort zone then we will realize over time we did not change very much. After 4 years, do you feel anything different? Do you feel you have changed at some points? If not, then the education fails you.
I think speeches, at least at a graduation speech. one should talk about something that is provoking and worth thinking about. If they talk about cliche then it’s not worth it.
I might sit here forever provided that this place is a great office place and I can enjoy studying here very much. They also have a library with a lot of books from different languages. This is just like utopia even.
There is an internship position that VP Bank is hiring. But I know it will not be me because I’m not interested in doing these kinds of data analysis that just pull data out and analyze it until it’s clean. I want to have my own problems, not financial data I found no interest it. I can have a good internship position and can potentially become a person at a potential bank with a great salary, but that’s not my point at all. That’s not my purpose. So I will not do that. My point is to do human-centric design. And I feel like it’s a new field. Like a light right here. I can customly choose the light I want to have and it’s based on my mood.
Design just makes everything prettier and more beautiful and it’s the meaning and the purpose of itself. That’s why I love the Taoyuan Airport so much. And I have a special love for Taiwan.
As I reflected more this year, I feel like this year is great. I have a lot of inner challenges, but I also progressed and learned new skills. Compared to the time in Taiwan, I learned the basic stuff and most of the time I spent on eating and playing different random things with no purpose. It seems like wasting time but now I learned that I need a better research skill and it has been important for me.
It’s interesting. My hands look whiter than a few years ago. I remember it used to look like an African, a person said so. My high school friend, Ha Trang, if I remember. There are special occasions just pop up my mind when the triggers come: like this when I remember a moment in high school. Or like when Akasha remember I mentioned to her the term GTS: sounds professional, but it means Google that Shit. It’s funny and that’s why people remember it. I should create or search for more memes on the internet or from people, I guess?
And when at Starbucks, Akasha said she could not write diary because she could not think of anything to write. It’s funny. I have found so many things to write and I don’t even have enough time to write it all. Traveling time has always been great moments for me. Because it’s time to reflect on the last journey. I wrote it somewhere but I think I have forgotten it somewhere that I do not even remember where did I write it. I hope it’s still on some apps like Note, or OneDay. But I guess I might have lost it. That’s a pity, for the sake of writing just for itself, then when I’m done writing this I could save nothing and it’s lost. I’m a painful experience.
Yeah, but maybe she has not recognized that there are so many ideas to write about. If she could find nothing to write, she could use a prompt. But she said writing in class has been enough for her. No, in-class writing does not count at all. One way to relive today or any other days is to write. Like Tarkovsky, like a lot of great intellectuals have tried to write their diaries every day. It sounds trivial, but I think it’s one of the most worthy of mediums that one can explore others’ minds.
I have realized that to be a person who is mature is a person who has disciplines. I mean, not external disciplines like a robot in the military, but an inner moral person who is not curious about other people’s lives and respect their privacy I think is one criterion that needs to be established. One likes to talk about others, while they might not know how flawed they are.
But how can I develop an inner discipline? Does that need to come from an understanding!? I know that I’m developing one. And I feel happy about it.
I forgot to say one more thing. I feel like, if I met C as a passenger like a person who goes to the airport, I would never be close to her like I was in Taiwan. Life is strange. Relationships are based on contexts. And it’s a mystery I would never dare to say I can understand it.
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jasonhaw · 7 years
5 Must-Try Food Places in Taipei
Some proficiency in Chinese may be required, but let me help you with that.
Most of you know that I visit Taiwan at least twice a year because my family lives there. My friends always ask me what to do, where to go, and what to eat. I share with them this jaw-droppingly, beautiful itinerary guide that still secretly makes me want to quit public health and just put up a travel agency (The rave reviews are from my friends, not mine).
I think of Taiwan as the affordable Japan. Its proximity to the Philippines means that flights are cheaper. Food is insanely affordable here, even though overall standard of living has increased over the past few years. Interesting fact: it was also colonized by Japan in 1895 up until the end of the Second World War.
Because of the recent relaxation of visa rules for Filipinos, more Filipino tourists have been visiting Taiwan, including my friends. So instead of having to repeat myself again and again and again, I will be writing about my top recommendations for Taiwan. Think of#TheKrisList, but with more substance.
I will begin this week with food, because if there is one thing that you should do in Taiwan, it is to eat your heart out. If you want the best Chinese food experience, then Taiwan is the place to be (and trust me, there won’t be any mystery meat). I will exclude the night markets in this post, as I believe it deserves an entirely separate entry. Also, ote that this list is limited to Taipei.
1. Have a traditional Chinese breakfast at Fu Hang Dou Jiang (阜杭豆漿)
While walking distance from Taipei Main Station, it is on the second floor of an inconspicuous building, so you will only find it when you are looking for it. Your landmark is a long line that bleeds through the street. The line moves fast, so know what to order.
When in doubt, just point to the food on display.
Unfortunately, the menu is in Chinese, but the only thing worth trying is the soy milk, or dou jiang (pronounced toe-tsiang) (豆漿). Order hot if you want it like a soup, and cold if you want it like a drink. If you were not a fan of soy milk before, you will be once you try theirs. Pair it up with the fried dough, or youtiao (油条).
2. Have beef noodle soup at Taoyuan Street Beef Noodle (桃源街牛肉麵)
You can also walk to this from Taipei Main Station, but it’s nearer to Ximen Station (Blue/Green MRT line). The beef noodle is NTD 180 (around PHP 300). This place is also in the second floor of a pretty inconspicuous building, so you might not find it immediately. The menu is also in Chinese, but last time I was there, there was at least one server who could understand some English. If you make hand gestures of a big bowl, they will probably understand it as you wanting their beef noodle soup. They will also ask for the spice or la (辣) level, so just say yi dian dian (pronounced ee tien tien) (一點點) if you do not want to blow your ears off. Or just make that gesture with your index finger and thumb.
Alternative: In case you cannot find that place, the one across is more accessible and also very tasty: 老王記桃源街牛肉麵 (there is no English translation, unfortunately). You will recognize it by the long line outside the restaurant in a hidden alley. The line moves fast, and don’t be alarmed if there are strangers suddenly seated beside you if your table is not full. Fast-paced Asian restaurants maximize space and time, so once you are done eating, pay. Photo taking is also not allowed there. Don’t try because my friends and I did and we were reprimanded immediately by a shouting Chinese uncle.
3. Treat yo self at the “birthplace” of boba / milk tea, Chun Shui Tang (春水堂)
They have a ton of branches all over Taiwan, the original being in Taichung City in central Taiwan, but an accessible branch that they have is the one in Hsin Yi Mitsukoshi Mall. Imagine Chun Shui Tang in the same market segment as Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐), which has since expanded to Asia and America. 
For me, Din Tai Fung tastes the same everywhere, so if you already have had it in the Philippines, don’t bother going there and instead try this. The dimsum here is pretty good too, and definitely buy any of their boba / milk tea. Their menu is also available in English and they accept credit cards here.
Side note: boba / milk tea is everywhere (I cannot stress this enough). My personal favorite brand is 50 lan (50嵐) but there’s also Coco and Chatime if you want more familiar international brands. When ordering, they always ask for the sweetness and ice levels. I recommend a 50% sweetness level or ban tang (pronounced pan thang) (半糖), and less ice or shao bing (pronounced shao ping) (少冰).
4. Have the best hotpot experience at Mala Yuanyang Hotpot (馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋)
They have a ton of branches all over Taipei, but note that not every branch is the same. The best one is in Ximen District. If you can speak Chinese, it is best to call them for a reservation beforehand. This branch has unlimited booze, Movenpick and Haagen Dazs on top of the unlimited everything else - all for the amazingly low, low price of NTD699 (around PHP1200).
Writing this blog post is making me hungry.
5. Have a do-it-yourself legitimate tea ceremony at Yao Yue Tea Restaurant (邀月茶坊)
This requires a bit of travelling up the mountains of Taipei, at Maokong village. Maokong has one of the biggest tea plantations in Taiwan. The air is not only fresh here, but it also smells like tea because of the tea leaves being planted on the side of the road and walking trails.
You take the Maokong Gondola (pro tip: get the crystal cable car, or the one with glass floors) from Taipei Zoo station (end of the Brown MRT line) up to Maokong (NTD120 one way) and you will be greeted by small night market. 
This is a tourist trap for those lazy to take the road ahead (Photo courtesy: Gian Abaya).
Make your way down the trail and you will see many tea houses. Do not be tempted by any of them and walk down for 20 to 25 minutes. At one point, you might be asking yourself or your companions, “Are we there yet?” but trust me it is worth it.
What did I say? (Photo courtesy: Gian Abaya)
The tea house is open 24/7 (awesome, right?!). You buy the entire tea packet (ranges from NTD300-400) and each person is charged a water fee (at dinnertime, this is NTD90 or around PHP150 per person). They give you a tea set and instructions (there’s an English version) how to make your own tea. Recommended teas: Tieguanyin (鐵觀音) and Paozhong (文山包種). You can stay there as long as you want and enjoy the view of the mountainside. Another pro tip: Watch the sunset from here - it’s breathtaking.
Do you not see how legit this is? (Photo courtesy: Elly Reserva)
Finally, some pro tips on ordering at restaurants:
Most restaurants only accept cash, so make sure you have enough.
Most restaurants give you a piece of paper where you check the items you want to order, and usually you either pay before eating or after.
Tipping is not customary, and restaurants usually outright refuse the tip.
In fast food chains and some restaurants, it’s clean as you go.
Water may not be available in many restaurants, but sweet or cold tea is available.
Chopsticks and soup spoons are usually the only utensils available, so learn how to use them before coming to Taiwan
Most people do not understand English but they are used to tourists so they will be able to speak some English words.
You will not regret trying any of these places. If you can try all five, then you will definitely make your Instagram followers drool over jealousy.
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