#Tasha and Bryan 06
tashamadams · 7 months
Who: @bryanxlawrence and Tasha Where: The Fun Spot When: Friday Evening, March 8, 2024
One thing Tasha and Bryan planned on doing when getting back to Merrock was to go on an honest to goodness date. She wasn't the type that needed to be wined and dined nor did she have to go to a fancy restaurant for it to be called a date. In fact, she figured just hanging out with the other person and being on the same page could be considered a date. So going to the Fun Spot together to play some arcade games and hang out was something right up her alley. "You know I haven't been to an arcade since I was little," she said to Bryan as they walked from their car to the entrance, "but I'm excited to be back at one. Especially with you."
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msb-lair · 5 years
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Clutches 1801-1900:
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Moppet/Tuffet [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-14, hatched on 2019-06-19
Limlothel/Tinnumor [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-15, hatched on 2019-06-20
Juniper/Alder [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-16, hatched on 2019-06-21
Bleak/Barren [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-17, hatched on 2019-06-22
Kara/Arak [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-18, hatched on 2019-06-23
Jaguarundi/Dophis [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-19, hatched on 2019-06-24
Caicos/Turks [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-20, hatched on 2019-06-25
Sundapple/Moonshadow [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-21, hatched on 2019-06-26
Banshee/Haunt [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-06-22, hatched on 2019-06-27
Bryn/Bryan [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-23, hatched on 2019-06-28
Vala/Vale [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-24, hatched on 2019-06-29
Tasha/Tasman [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-25, hatched on 2019-06-30
Belique/Belize [Test] - two eggs laid in 2019-06-26, hatched on 2019-07-01
Sythlin/Sythlar [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-27, hatched on 2019-07-02
Tindome/Oronte [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-06-28, hatched on 2019-07-03
Sumac/Hemlock [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-06-29, hatched on 2019-07-04
Molly/Relic [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-06-30, hatched on 2019-07-05
Mwyaren/Metelau [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-01, hatched on 2019-07-06
Mystic/Mystify [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-02, hatched on 2019-07-07
Moski/Masti [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-03, hatched on 2019-07-08
Dager/Daget [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-07-04, hatched on 2019-07-09
Anisette/Ararath [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-05, hatched on 2019-07-10
Cattail/Bullrush [Test] - five eggs laid on 2019-07-06, hatched on 2019-07-11
Teyla/Bantos [Test] - three eggs laud on 2019-07-07, hatched on 2019-07-12
Moppet/Tuffet [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-08, hatched on 2019-07-13
Lamellar/Ossifer [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-09, hatched on 2019-07-14
Juniper/Alder [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-10, hatched on 2019-07-15
Zera/Xeno [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-11, hatched on 2019-07-16
Sundew/Moonshadow [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-12, hatched on 2019-07-17
Coa/Laodamia [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-13, hatched on 2019-07-18
Banshee/Haunt [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-14, hatched on 2019-07-19
Zingiber/Tamarack [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-15, hatched on 2019-07-20
Hrava/Rhovan [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-07-16, hatched on 2019-07-21
Tabbie/Tortie [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-17, hatched on 2019-07-22
Nummus/Moneypit [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-18, hatched on 2019-07-23
Kara/Arak [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-19, hatched on 2019-07-24
Permin/Petri [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-20, hatched on 2019-07-25
Humus/Hummock [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-21, hatched on 2019-07-26
Tympa/Tybau [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-07-22, hatched on 2019-07-27
Molly/Relic [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-23, hatched on 2019-07-28
Anjou/FiveOh [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-24, hatched on 2019-07-29
Mystic/Mystify [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-07-25, hatched on 2019-07-30
Tsamma/Oronte [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-26, hatched on 2019-07-31
Seedling/Sapling [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-07-27, hatched on 2019-08-01
Bleak/Barren [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-28, hatched on 2019-08-02
Peridot/Palladot [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-29, hatched on 2019-08-03
Flurry/Flux [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-30, hatched on 2019-08-04
Dager/Daget [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-07-31, hatched on 2019-08-05
Starburst/Stardust [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-01, hatched on 2019-08-06
Cattail/Bullrush [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-02, hatched on 2019-08-07
Anisette/Scorpio [Test] -  three eggs laid on 2019-08-03, hatched on 2019-08-08
Tasha/Tasman [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-08-04, hatched on 2019-08-09
Agate/Jasper [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-05, hatched on 2019-08-10
Calina/Agarwaen [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-06, hatched on 2019-08-11
Cesium/Cessnock [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-07, hatched on 2019-08-12
Starmap/Idol [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-08, hatched on 2019-08-13
Beauty/Prince [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-09, hatched on 2019-08-14
Moski/Masti  [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-10, hatched on 2019-08-15
Tarazed/Altair [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-11, hatched on 2019-08-16
Coa/Laodamia [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-12, hatched on 2019-08-17
Moppet/Tuffet [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-13, hatched on 2019-08-18
Spectre/Ghast [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-14, hatched on 2019-08-19
Juniper/Alder [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-15, hatched on 2019-08-20
Zera/Xeno [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-16, hatched on 2019-08-21
Lamellar/Ossifer [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-08-17, hatched on 2019-08-22
Roxbury/Egremont [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-18, hatched on 2019-08-23
Sundapple/Moonshadow [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-19, hatched on 2019-08-24
Ezili/Neriya [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-20, hatched on 2019-08-25
Pennyroyal/Laurel [Test] - five eggs laid on 2019-08-21, hatched on 2019-08-26
MrsMiniver/ColonelBlimp [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-22, hatched on 2019-08-28 (a day late because I missed an incubation)
Siowyn/Sionyn [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-23, hatched on 2019-08-28
Misty/Mellow [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-24, hatched on 2019-08-29
Kara/Arak [Test] - three eggs lais on 2019-08-25, hatched on 2019-08-30
Tindome/Oronte [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-26, hatched on 2019-08-31
Staghorn/Vinca [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-28, hatched on 2019-09-02
Telmarines/Telchines [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-08-29, hatched on 2019-09-03
Cypress/Aspen [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-30, hatched on 2019-09-04,
Bleak/Barren [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-08-31, hatched on 2019-09-05
Banshee/Haunt [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-01, hatched on 2019-09-06
Nixie/Nickar [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-02, hatched on 2019-09-07
Tabbie/Tortie [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-03, hatched on 2019-09-08
Lilyanna/Leon [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-04, hatched on 2019-09-09
Meander/Rambler [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-05, hatched on 2019-09-10
Tympa/Tybau [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-06, hatched on 2019-09-11
Permin/Petri [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-07, hatched on 2019-09-12
Lemondrop/Gummy [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-09-08, hatched on 2019-09-13
Pokolbin/Cessnock [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-09, hatched on 2019-09-14
Mossflower/Goldcap [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-10, hatched on 2019-09-15
Momae/Momoe [Test] - four eggs laid on 2019-09-11, hatched on 2019-09-16
Siowyn/Sionyn [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-12, hatched on 2019-09-17
Hrava/Rhovan [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-13, hatched on 2019-09-18
Snowdrop/Edelweiss [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-09-14, hatched on 2019-09-19
Enid/Enes [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-15, hatched on 2019-09-20
MrsMiniver/ColonelBlimp [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-09-16, hatched on 2019-09-21
Medeni/Vesper [Test] - one egg laid on 2019-09-17, hatched on 2019-09-22
Staghorn/Vinca [Test] - five eggs laid on 2019-09-18, hatched on 2019-09-23
Brie/Brioche [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-19, hatched on 2019-09-24
Flurry/Flux [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-20, hatched on 2019-09-25
Anisette/Scorpio [Test] - three eggs laid on 2019-09-21, hatched on 2019-09-26
Tsamma/Oronte [Test] - two eggs laid on 2019-09-22, hatched on 2019-09-27
0 notes
trekfm · 4 years
333: I Will Feel It For the Both of Us
Memorable Goodbyes.   Star Trek has had some very memorable goodbyes from main and secondary characters to series finales. Specifically speaking of The Next Generation, Tasha Yar, Data, and Wesley Crusher have very distinct and unique goodbyes within the series. In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Joe Keegan, Amy Nelson, Ria Papageorgiou, Kevin Scharf, and Pierre LaRocco discuss some of their favorite characters saying goodbye. We also say our own goodbyes to the listeners as we take our leave of hosting duties on Earl Grey. Chapters Intro (00:01:14) Feedback (00:03:28) Goodbyes (00:07:47) Round 1 (00:15:40) Round 2 (00:40:06) Speed Round (00:58:03)  Final Thoughts (01:01:39)  Closing (01:04:02) Hosts Joe Keegan, Amy Nelson, Kevin Scharf, Ria Papageorgiou, Pierre LaRocco Guests [Names] Production Amy Nelson (Editor and Producer) Joe Keegan (Producer) Kevin Scharf (Producer) Ria Papageorgiou (Producer) Pierre LaRocco (Producer) Tony Robinson (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Michael E Hueter (Associate Producer) Thomas Appel (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate Producer) Chris Tribuzio (Associate Producer) Joe Keegan (Associate Producer) Jim McMahon (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Tony Robinson (Show Art)
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