#Tata fellows
wild-houseplant · 2 years
Hello my wonderful and lovely friend!!! I come, as I am wont to do, with questions for splendidissima Rhodri from the OC Codex prompts:
2. a letter written by your OC’s family member
3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor
4. a letter from your OC to their love interest
Now, I don't know if you will spend these days celebrating or not, but they seem to be busy days for anybody regardless. Please take as much time as you like and pick whichever tickle your fancy. And have some lovely, lovely days. Off I go!
OH HI HEY ! 8D 8D Good to see you and thank you for sending in the prompts!! I had such a great time with these, both of my braincells were working overtime and it was a joy!
Owing to spacing and the sheer volume of the answers I'm sticking all this under the cut. I'd apologise but we both know I don't mean it x) x) x)
so o o o 2. A letter written by your OC's family member Here's one from Rhod's younger brother, Owen. Heirs aren't allowed to have favourites, but suffice it to say she and Owen had easy and natural compatibility. He was nine-ish and Rhodri would've been twelve.
The paper is bleached, high-quality Tevinter vellum, bearing a template header in red ink, reading in Tevene rune script, EX SCRIBIO CALLISTANI SPIRI (“From the desk of Spiro Callistanus”). At the top right of the page, the date 13 Justinian, 9:22 Era Drakonis is added in the same wobbly runic script in the rest of the letter. The language of writing is Tevene.
I love you Sēvē,
My birthday was good but sad without you, and thank you for my greenhouse. Mazarin and Evander aren’t allowed inside because they break everything now. Bethann sits with me in there sometimes but not for long. 
School is hard but Tata says it gets easier with time. When you come back we can go together. I think that would make it better. Mazarin and Evander are too loud and they don’t sit with me any more. Do you know any plant spells? Please write all of them down so I can learn them when my magic comes. And please tell me your favourite three plants. Mine are ivy, snake kiss, and butterleaf.
Please write lots more soon.
And I love you, from Owen your brother.
Author's notes:
Callistanus- ‘of’ House Callistus, the name given to non-heir family members. An heir is the house, the non-heirs are the members of said house. ‘Callistani is Callistanus in genitive (possessive- I know you know this; clarifying for other potential readers) case. Owen's Tevene name is Spiro, Spiri in genitive form.
The Callistanus/Amell kids did not cope well with Rhodri being taken to the Circle. Not least because they were an arm’s length away when the Kirkwall Templars were beating her to a pulp.  Mazarin and Evander, who already tended to be loud and demanding, became destructive and disruptive, and both of them developed explosive tempers that proved hard to pacify.  Bethann, the youngest and most sensitive sibling, suffered frequent meltdowns that required many years to identify causes for and address.  Owen, the middle child, was always quiet and courteous. The adults in his life, amid attending to his louder, needier siblings, frequently ‘checked in’ on him, and they would have used all the resources they had to attend to any need he might have, but if he said he was doing fine (he always did), they left it at that and assumed he was content to keep to himself. Rhodri had always made a point of keeping him by her side and giving him plenty of one-on-one attention even if he was ‘fine,’ and he soaked that up like a sponge. After she was taken away, though, and the other siblings proved to be very squeaky wheels, there was nobody to fill the gap in those childhood to early teen years. Owen ended up rather neglected, and horribly lonely, and hid it, even lied about it, to everyone but Rhodri for years. Consequently, Owen tends to have a low opinion of himself, and is disinclined to seek out something, however badly he might want it. He does a lot better once Rhodri's back, and certainly once his folks found out (to their unrestricted horror) how neglected he had felt, they did their darnedest to make it up to him as well. But Rhod's return was really what cemented that improvement.
On to 3. a report written by your OC's teacher and mentor
I liked this question because I like the idea of there being a very specific, Chantry-determined format to a progress report, filled with formalities that ostensibly show some level of "civility" between the Templars and the mages. Plus, grading system? How do the mages measure success? So many questions!! Thank you for making me think of the answers!! -
The paper is bleached, blank vellum of middle to high quality, with the standard Circle progress report template already written in with black ink. Irving’s handwriting is a neat cursive that is no longer taught in the Circles. -
Date: 7 Eluviesta, 9:21 Dragon
Tutor name and rank: Irving, F.E.
Apprentice name; age; specialisation: Rhodri S. C. Amell// 10 y.o.// Arcane Magic
Progress report number, AYTD: 2
Presenting compliments to the Knight-Commander and having the honour to report:
Following the discovery of lyrium affliction in early Verimensis 9:22, Rhodri Amell has completed three months of compensatory meditation and distraction management training. Spellpower has improved significantly, as has spell duration (Max. 4; 10s per HS); mana inefficiency has also decreased (less est. 2.5, now 5.5). Continuation of the program recommended indefinitely.
Despite her progress, Rhodri’s temper outbursts are increasing in frequency during lessons proper. I reiterate to the Knight-Commander my suspicion that these arise from the elemental damage and consequent pain in her hands from unsafe proximity to trained mana, particularly as her affliction prevents her from wearing the requisite enchanted safety gloves. As per my last reports, I strongly recommend that my apprentice be permitted to use a sylvan branch staff to prevent more of the same; responding to outbursts with punishment has proved manifestly unhelpful and I continue to urge its cessation to the Knight-Commander with the greatest emphasis.
I note that Rhodri continues to tutor beginner students in her free time. E. Delilah has anecdotally mentioned better performance in this cohort in comparison to Delilah’s previous cohort, and has advised willingness to allow my apprentice to shadow her for some classes. With assistance in managing the change in schedule, I anticipate further progress for all concerned.
Reiterating assurances to the Knight-Commander of my highest consideration.
Irving, F.E. 
Author's notes on abbreviations and measurements - AYTD: Academic year to date - Spellpower scale is from 0 (not casting) to 10 (Destruction of a single room - HS- healing spell (in this case spell duration measures how long the intended effects persist until the spell is cut off or wears off on its own) - Mana inefficiency scale measures how much unformed mana escapes when a spell is cast, from 0 (no mana lost) to 10 (all, or almost all mana escaped). .
And 4: A letter from your OC to their love interest!
The author's notes are long so I'd better just get to it:
The paper is bleached, high-quality Tevinter vellum, bearing a template header in red ink, reading in Tevene rune script, EX SCRIBIO CALLISTI SEVERIN (“From the desk of Severin Callistus”). At the top right of the page, the date 11 Pluitanis, 9:35 Era Drakonis is written in sharp, austere letters, as is the rest of the content. The language of writing is Common, with the exception of the tercet, which is in Tevene.
I pen this letter to you with all my love and, in adherence to the conditions set by your challenge:
I admit that I stand corrected: pickpocketing is very difficult and is not “something I could do as easily as blinking.” (I will say, however, that hiding grapes in the pocket you were keeping the coins was entirely unnecessary. It feels like those bastard Void fruits are hiding everywhere, now.)
With great embarrassment, I enclose a reproduction of the tercetus I so foolishly admitted to writing and frankly, my love, I am starting to think you organised this whole bet so you could get your hands on it.  . In vitae finite stabit Formator ton, et querisit "A Incredule, quemisi exultum mihim offerti?" Et respondit humilite, "Ton Zevran, Sanctus amade" .
I must say, my love, I’m enjoying writing to you even though you’re right beside me. I think I’d like to do this more often– though hopefully with fewer tercetae. Maybe I could hang short missives off your Friday flowers. What do you think?
Also, please let me know if you would like to go to the Sidereal Telescopium tomorrow. Quirina is giving a speech on the upcoming New Constellations Room, and I have many questions for them.
My whole heart to you,
Severin (Rhodri). -
Author’s notes:
Tercetus- a traditional Tevene-style three-line rhyming poem.
A rough translation: At the end of life I will stand before your Maker, and he will ask me "You, Unbeliever, tell me– what worship did you ever offer me?" And I will say, simply and earnestly, "Holy Immortal, I loved Your Zevran."
Rhod’s got a complicated religious life. She started okay; the family wasn’t especially pious but they did Chantry things at the frequency considered respectable. Once she landed in Kinloch Hold, though, her prevailing question, for which never received a satisfactory answer, was: “If the Maker can do anything, and He loves us, why does he let us suffer? I wouldn’t do that, and I’m a child, nto a god.” After Broken Circle, she refused to believe the Maker existed, as a consolation to herself, and to avoid the sort of vengeful blasphemy that gets you hung, drawn, and quartered. There’s something about Zevran’s patient faith, though, and his willingness to offer thanks that he has what he has, however miserable his life has been. It’s impressively staunch, and Rhodri admires that, and treasures the comfort it brings him, enough that she slowly comes around to her idea of a compromise. Said compromise is acknowledging that if the Maker exists, He is as capable at unleashing bitter cruelty as He is at creating boundless joy. Rhod’s not one to praise bad behaviour in anyone, let alone a god who should know better, but by golly He did everyone a good turn when He made Zevran. Maybe age will bring other wisdom, but for now, she lets her love for Zevran be her tentative worship, because it’s the only praise she can offer in earnest. Though idk, what better compliment is there for a creator than someone wholeheartedly adoring their creation?  I like to think it’s enough for the time being. A religious journey isn’t always straightforward but I always found that complications bring their own insights.
I have no idea why Rhodri signs off her letters to Zevvo as ‘Severin (Rhodri).’ They agreed early on never to use the Tevene name to avoid the ridiculousness that comes with similar-sounding names (it gets especially bad when the siblings give him the Tevene-ised nickname Zēvē when they’re already calling Rhodri Sēvē. Agony!) Same deal with Owen signing off letters to her as “Owen your brother”. Must be hereditary.
Also I'm not sure about how ok it is to use Artbreeder generated images what with the art theft things going around now (I'm not sure where it stands on that sort of thing) so I'll leave out the artbreeder portrait I have of Owen. For a face claim, though, this feller here is pretty close (though I grant you Simon Wood is unlikely to be 9yo in this gif). Token ginger of the Amell-Callistus brood, what's up!
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sweet-luv-club · 7 months
✎ breastfeeding m! Kylar like he deserves ♡
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. . . ˚✧.⊹ tags ⊹⁺. ೀ
2.5k words (wow im a horny bastard), informal writing, m! Kylar with cock, unprotected p in v sex, unrealistic sex, Kylar is a very submissive and pathetic (/affectionate) top, lactating pc from cow transformation, BIG GIANT TATAS and AFAB anatomy terms. u got coochie n it'll b called cunt and pussy but Kylar doesn't call u by either feminine terms or masculine terms so it's,,, gender-neutral reader-ish??
. . . ⋆ ꮺ˚⊹ notes ⊹ ༘˚
WHY BOTHER HAVING A BREAST MILK MECHANIC IF U CANT GIVE IT TO ANY OF THE LOVE INTERESTS... SMH VREL GET ON IT /LH also dis is a shoutout to da fellow transmascs like me that don't mind hvin big tatas 2 feed kylar <33 my first full fic i tink!! enjoy!!!
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♡ ┆ u 2 are on a date at the park as usual. when u casually suggest it, his brain just stops working. his mouth hangs open and u have to shake him to snap him out of it. 
"uhh, haha, sorry, darling... c-could you repeat that?"
with a smirk, you do. you lean in and suggest going somewhere private so he could enjoy your milk directly from the source. all the blood in his cheeks rush to his cock almost immediately. he is so down bad for u, he's fucking floored u even suggested it.
♡ ┆ he gets more cocky, confident, and possessive during sex, but at this point, he's only squeezed your chest so far, not sure how he could even begin to explain himself. he’s seen u lactate when u cum, he just didnt know if it was overstepping a boundary to just dive in. its early into the relationship so he doesnt know if youre comfortable with that part of your bovine biology. hes a perv but hes also a polite boy!!  well... most of the time ♡ he couldnt just walk up to u and say i want ur milk babe, you deserve better than that, he just didnt know how to ask... so ofc he's over the moon you're the one who brought it up
♡ ┆ absolutely solidifies in his mind that you're an angel sent from heaven to protect him and love him
♡ ┆ he's a stinky little anime nerd /pos. pre-relationship, after you saved him from bullies, he draws u and ur cute fluffy cow ears and massive anime-like tits in all sorts of erotic ways. does all the hentai tropes. fists his needy, leaky cock at night to the drawings he's made of u. when you start dating, it was like he was walking on cloud 9 when you wanted to recreate some of his erotic drawings (bc ofc u pushed to see his sketchbook when he mentioned it was full of only u lol)
♡ ┆ cant go to the manor, kylar isnt comfy w that yet. cant be in pc’s bedroom, kylar doesnt even want a single chance of someone who knows you and lives with you to see u giving him milk, it's his and only his in sight, sound,,, and ofc taste. hed get jealous if other orphans u live with saw yall doing it, bc if they see he thinks theyre never gonna forget the sight..... which could lead 2 all sorts of trouble since they live with u and he doesnt. he wants it to only be his even in memory. PATHETIC /POS so yalls only option is a cheap-ass love hotel. maybe someday youll fuck somewhere nicer but this’ll have to do… not to mention kylar is thrumming w/ excitement. he’s fucking trembling at the mere thought of getting to taste your sweet milk, directly from your heavy chest which was always tempting him… PATHETIC /POS (1)
♡ ┆ at first, kylar cant get his bearings. he sits next to u on the bed, hands politely on his lap while his cock strains against his pants. hes strangely silent until u snap him out of it with a kiss on the cheek. “ah… d-darling, you don’t know how much this means to me.” he says in a shaky voice. you chuckle and slowly begin to lift your shirt, making sure to give him a show. the way your heavy tits laden with the milk he craves always looked like they were spilling out, your bra barely being able to hold them back never failed to do a number on kylar’s psyche. 
♡ ┆ ”c’mon, you’ve already seen me lactate. get me wet first, babe, then it’ll come out.” you tease as you unclasp your bra effortlessly and toss it to the side, your tits swaying with every movement you make. kylar is hypnotized. just a lot of spacing out in general until you two really get into it.
♡ ┆ your back is laid on the bed, and Kylar moves to get your pants and panties off. the sight never fails to make him breathless. he figures the quickest way to taste your sweet milk is to eat you out, so he does, very diligently. he dives in and devours your pussy like a man starved, he does this every time. he just can’t believe someone as perfect as you would willingly give yourself to him, and he wants to show his gratitude properly, always…
♡ ┆ this mf latches onto your cunt with an intense need and desperation. not only is he making his beloved feel good, he’s working to get your milk flowing as well… it makes him especially ravenous. licking up and sucking on your sensitive folds, using his hands to part your lips and plunge his tongue into you deeper… when you pat his fluffy, unkempt hair and moan… “fuuuuck yes, that’s it, good boy…” he goes absolutely ballistic in his brain. it goes w/o saying that he has a praise kink, loves giving and receiving it. he’s especially emboldened when he feels his head sandwiched between the softness of your thighs, he’s going delirious with need at this point, eyes all half-lidded and bleary, focused on nothing but lapping up the fluids your cunt makes. he's fucking groaning against your folds, can't get enough of your sweet taste. his cock is straining to be free right now, but your pleasure takes precedence.
♡ ┆ eventually, he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks hard, tongue swirling around it as he’s making you scream. “K-Kylar!!” it fills him with a sick thrill, like he’s letting all the strangers in this damn sleazy love hotel know that he’s the one making his darling cry out with pleasure. he pulls back for a moment, a string of saliva connecting between your cunt and his lips to smirk confidently at you. “that’s it, darling, let it all out.” he says, as he’s licking a broad stripe up your pussy, “let them all hear how much you love what i’m doing to you.”
♡ ┆ the moment he sees your tits drip with milk, he unlatches his mouth from your cunt with a soft pop, halting the intense suctions for now. his eyes sparkle with curiosity and hunger, seeing you laid out on the bed with your cheeks flushed, mouth hung agape from moaning so much just does something to his fucked up brain. he wastes no time capturing a nipple into his mouth and giving a hard suck, groaning when your milk hits his tastebuds. it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted…
♡ ┆ he kneads at your tit, trying to coax more and more milk out of you as your cow ears flicker atop your head. needless to say, he’s getting off on your moans, the taste of your creaminess, and the softness of your chest… he loves it. all of this, it’s only for him and him alone. he laminates your nipple with spit using his tongue, moaning as he drinks up every last drop. keeping a hand on your pussy, he gently bites down, making you yelp, yet he also felt your cunt twitch at the action… that gives him an idea for later. he shows love to your other breast, licking up all of the milk that had been dripping off to the side as his fingers rub at your pussy, the slick sounds making his head spin. his breaths are heavy and erratic as it fans over your exposed skin, adding a layer of eroticism from his desperation being conveyed this way. 
♡ ┆ finally… the moment he’d been waiting for. he releases his mouth and cups both of your heavy breasts, pressing them close together and sucking on both your nipples at the same time. wow… just like in his hentai mangas. the sensation makes you feel embarrassed, but you can’t deny how good it feels, either… as his fingers dig into your plush, large chest, he suckles, licks, and bites, doing anything to get more milk into his mouth again. some of it drips in between your chest, and it gives him a devious idea…
♡ ┆ he retreats for now, taking a finger to swipe up a drop of milk on his chin and lick it, a crazed hunger in his green eyes. he pulls down his pants and boxers… out comes his cock, blushed at the tip and leaky with pre-cum. “darling… would you be willing to hold up your chest for me, please?” he asks in a sweet voice, and you comply without question. you already knew what he was planning without him having to outright say it.
♡ ┆ he holds the sides of your breasts securely and moves up on the bed, positioning himself under your chest. you feel something hard underneath your boobs… and without further ado, Kylar thrusts his cock in. he moans so loud, breathing sooo heavily as he pistons his hips… he’s just in pure disbelief. the milk that had dripped between your chest earlier aids him in creating a slick passage between your pillowy tits. it takes him all his willpower to not immediately cum… which he inevitably fails. his cock splatters all over your chest, and a little bit gets on your face. “ah…!! i-oh no, i’m so sorry… i couldn’t help it, it just felt too good…” he pouts with a voice whinier than usual. you reassure him that it’s more than okay with a sultry smile, and you collect his cum with your fingers, licking it all up.
♡ ┆ the sight of you doing that of your own volition without him even asking to… grrr he’s going feral! and he realized you hadn’t cum once! that just won’t do. so while waiting for his cock to stiffen up again, he pulls out and lowers himself back down and thrusts a finger into your dripping entrance. he gets off on the sound of your moans, and he reaches down to take a nipple into his mouth again, the dual sensation of kylar’s suction and his finger curling inside you driving you mad. he establishes a rhythm with both actions, and it’s not long before he adds another finger into you, the squelching noises from your naughty pussy tempting him making his cock twitch back to life very quickly. as your inner walls tighten around his fingers, he searches desperately for your sweet spot while feverishly lapping up any milk from your breasts. and finally… he finds that one gummy mass inside you and just absolutely goes to town on it, making you cry out loudly. he reluctantly detached himself from your tit, and as his fingers were pressing down on your sweet spot, he held his hand firmly over your pubic mound, pressing down and quickening the pace of his fingers going in and out of you. it’s not long before you scream his name and cum on his fingers, soaking his hand in your precious nectar… not to mention your chest flowing with milk as well.
♡ ┆ he’s now hard again… and you take a moment to catch your breath. he’s too impatient this time, however, he wants to thrust into you now. you feel his cock press against your overly sensitive entrance but you manage to gently push him down onto the bed to take control of the situation. “ah ah ah. not so fast.  just came, ya horndog.” you tease lightly, while kylar groans and pouts. you reach down and press a kiss to his lips, your tongues meeting each other once again as they get entangled. you taste a hint of your own milk. kylar can feel your breasts pressing up against him, the weight making him get more needy and feverish with his kissing. his breath hitches when you start grinding your cunt onto him, tip of his cock leaking with cum onto his tummy as your pussy presses down on it. your hips buck back and forth on top of him as you take control, allowing yourself to rest while keeping kylar sated.
♡ ┆ when you’re finally ready to have sex, you teasingly bounce your cunt on the tip of his cock, and you see tears in his eyes. “pc- my love, come, on, let me in, pleasepleaseplease- ah!!” 
his babbling is interrupted by you finally giving him what he wants. as your velvety walls sink down onto him, threatening to overwhelm his senses, you press your breasts onto his face. “you know what to do.” you say with a flirtatious smirk. kylar immediately gets the memo, he’s been dying to do this since you first saved him. he latches onto your nipples and tugs down at your breasts while you start bouncing your pussy on his cock, the dual sensations driving you both mad.
♡ ┆ you’re expertly riding him as he whimpers helplessly beneath you, humping into him so hard the headboard slams into the wall from your passion. his mouth is overflowing with your milk like he wanted… his brain is just melting, much to your delight. your cow tail swishes behind you playfully as he grabs your plush hips and thrusts up into your movements, the sounds of your moans and wet slapping reverberating in the room. 
♡ ┆ the warmth and softness of your cunt makes him wanna cum again. poor boy… he was never good at lasting long. “kylar, hold yourself back right now or else i’m pulling myself off.” you tease, but he takes that to heart and whines in disappointment. “i’ll be good… i’ll be good, pc, i promise, just please dont, ah… leave me!” you smile at him. “i’m not leaving you dummy, ever.”
neuron activation time……. his eyes widen in disbelief as affection floods his heart. he grips your hips more firmly, thrusting up into you at such an animalistic pace that the poorly constructed bed almost sounds like it'll break. the plush of your ass bounces back on his lap, and it makes him grit his teeth trying to hold back. he has a fire in his eyes, as if his life’s whole purpose now was to make you cum on his cock. he bites down on a nipple like earlier and feels your cunt clench around him. he alternates between bites and hard sucks as his hips thrust desperately upward while you struggle to keep riding him. “that’s a promise, okay? dont! ever! leave! me!” he punctuates each word with a thrust deep into your womb, hell-bent on breeding you. 
♡ ┆ it’s not long before stars crowd around your eyes as you two climax together with your own loud moans, his semen flooding the depths of your warmth while your own cum coats his cock and drips down to his balls. your milk drips down your breasts again, and even though kylar is weak, he still manages to find it in himself to lick it up. as you catch your breaths, you two giggle conspiratorially, pressing your foreheads together and exchanging words of pure love and affection for one another… right before going back in for another round. you two rented out this room for an extended period of time, after all.
♡ ┆ now kylar takes whatever opportunity he can to bite and suck on your precious chest, pulling you in school closets or dark alleyways just so he can have a taste of your milk.
♡ ┆ ofc it’s not long until you both rent out a room at the hotel again, you going along with one of his crazy hentai recreations. it ends up with him on your lap and you, jerking off his sensitive cock, rubbing his pre-cum all over his shaft as he has his fill of your milk.
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areislol · 5 months
got me thinking, who out of the genshin men, are the most likely to let you touch their tatas?, man boobs? From most to least likely
most likely to allow you to touch them
itto - loves loves LOVES being skin to skin with you
childe - multitasker. talks with his fellow mates with you on his lap as you braid strands of his hair while also rubbing your back up and down!? loves skin to skin. sometimes wakes up next to you shirtless.
diluc - (acts like he doesn't like it but secretly does!!)
thoma - please he LOVES your touch so much. especially the small cute intimate touches during baking.
baizhu - uses any excuse to feel your skin... "oh, your face is red? are you sick?" then proceeds to place his hand on your forehead knowing damn well you're fine.
cyno - braid his hair, please.
tighnari - folds everytime you softly brush his ear or tail, very motherly of you.
dottore - a menace to everyone but to you? clingy and extremely loyal it's scary.
pierro (he's a big ol' man. squish onto his man boobs all you want he doesn't care as long as you're on his lap.)
capitano - give him a hug. probably needs it
dainsleif - touch-starved for you since thousands of years ago.
pantalone - keeps one arm around your neck when going out.
kaeya - hand on your waist, arm around your waist, face buried deep into your thighs or stomach. as you can see he loves the plush.
gorou - scratch his ears and play with his tail, pretty please!!!
heizou - same with kaeya, he thinks you're so adorable when you squirm and tell him to get his "heavy body" off of you.
venti - when he's drunk he's especially clingy, like too clingy. wriothesley and diluc had to yank him off of you.
wriothesley - please baby him.
least likely to allow you to touch them (don't get the wrong idea they LOVE you to bits but... maybe don't touch there a lot..?)
ayato - can get very overstimulated easily, if it's playful/flirtatious touch he doesn't mind.
kaveh - quite sensitive and doesn't mind if you play with his hair or anything but if you repeatedly touch one area on his skin he'll get overwhelmed
neuvillette - just don't grab onto his buttocks...
albedo - "why do you want to touch me..?"
al haitham - squish his man boobs too often and he'll grab onto your butt (or chest) out of the blue(after dating?!?!)
wanderer - ruffle his hair, poke his body or butt playfully sure but do NOT grab onto his waist.
lyney - sensitive as well!
kazuha - loves cuddling/touching you but when it comes to him... just don't squeeze him too tight.
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otmaaromanovas · 5 months
I've read every single book I can find on the Romanovs but would like some help finding more books. I just found your blog and I love it!
Hello, thanks for your question. Here are some of my favourite more obscure books for those of you who have read all you can find and raided the libraries!
The Romanovs Under House Arrest: From the 1917 Diary of a Palace Priest edited by Marilyn Pfeifer Swezey 
A short, but interesting and beautifully illustrated book that translated the diaries of Archpriest Afanasy Belyaev into English. It gives an insightful look into the last few months and weeks the Romanovs spent at the Alexander Palace and their faith.
LUNCH ON THE BALCONY: Recipes from the table of Russia’s last imperial family by Helen Azar
Can you tell I'm hungry right now? This book has some nice information about the Romanov's food, showing menus they used, letters and diary entries referencing food, and recipes used in the imperial kitchen that you can try at home.
Last Years of the Court at Tsarskoe Selo Volumes I and II by Count Alexander Spiridovich, edited and translated by Katherine Alexandra Hines
A lengthy look at the Count's role as a member of court and security duties. These volumes have some interesting passages about OTMA, though they focus more on the political activities of the Romanovs.
The Forgotten Tutor: John Epps and the Romanovs by John Epps and Dr. Gabriella Land
John Epps, an English tutor to the imperial children, remains a somewhat elusive figure in literature about the Romanovs, with very little information available about him in comparison to fellow tutors Gilliard and Gibbes. I have personally found it very difficult trying to track down this book as it was published a decade ago and seems to have only had one limited print run. The extracts that I have read have been very interesting. If you're interested in OTMA's childhood and education, this book is perfect for you - but good luck finding it! :(
A Few Years Before the Catastrophe: The memoirs of Sofia Ivanovna Tyutcheva edited and translated by George Hawkins
A very short but interesting read directly from the recollections of Sofia Ivanovna Tyutcheva who looked after the children. It gives a short but enlightening look at how things were run in the nursery.
When Miss Emmie Was in Russia: English Governesses Before, During and After the October Revolution by Harvey Pitcher
This book has a more sweeping view of Russian nannies in general, but has some nice tidbits of information about OTMA's nannies, such as Margaret Eagar (though she was Irish, not English!). If you enjoyed Charlotte Zeepvat's book on royal nannies that has some great info and sources on OTMA, this is a good follow up read.
Step-daughter of Imperial Russia by Natalia Mamontova Majolier
Recollections from Natalia "Tata", Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich's beloved stepdaughter. Lots of information about growing up with Mikhail and experiencing the Revolution.
Russia, My Native Land: A U.S. Engineer Reminisces and Looks at the Present by Gregory Tschebotarioff (Chebotaryov)
Written by the son of Grand Duchess Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna's fellow nurse and friend, Valentina Ivanovna Chebotaryova, this memoir gives a greater picture of Valentina's life by including extracts of her diary. It also has details about Gregory's experience serving in WWI.
Anastasia's Sisters: Their Diaries, Letters and Memories edited by Raegan Baker and translated by Catherine Hamel
A short book with extracts from Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, and Maria's writings. I always find it interesting to read different translations of the same sources and find various changes made my each translator. As always, translations rely on the translator's discretion and interpretations.
The Many Deaths of Tsar Nicholas II by Wendy Slater
This book is an academic, somewhat cold and clinical, look at the deaths of the Romanov family. The compilation of scientific analysis (though this was published in 2007, so not accurate to recent discoveries) during the middle sections is the best part of this book, as the fictionalised narrative at the start doesn't appeal to me and the analysis during the latter stages veers off focus.
The Jewel Album of Tsar Nicholas II and a Collection of Private Photographs of the Russian Imperial Family by Alexander von Solodkoff
A lovely illustrated book - if you can afford it!! This regularly sells for over $100, but is very detailed and beautiful, including high-quality full-colour copies of Nicholas' "Jewel Album" with his annotations and marvellous drawings.
My Father by Maria Rasputina
For fans of the infamous Rasputin, this glimpse into how daughter Maria perceived her father is an interesting read. Rasputin is one of the most contentious and well-researched figures in this area of history, and reading his daughter's experiences and how she viewed his healing of Tsarevich Alexei is a unique viewpoint.
The Emperor Nicholas II: As I Knew Him by John Hanbury-Williams
Major-General Sir John Hanbury-Williams provides an intimate look at life during WWI in Russia, from the perspective of his role as an English representative at Stavka. Some interesting observations about Nicholas and Alexei.
Lost Tales: Stories for the Tsar's Children by Gleb Botkin
Gleb Botkin, only seventeen, composed and illustrated this series of tales (collected here as one book) for the imperial children during their imprisonment at Tobolsk. A lovely look into Gleb's artistic skills, and the interesting parallels between his animal characters and the revolution. Not necessarily a history book, but an interesting insight into life at Tobolsk.
In case I missed any, if you search #q and #answered on my blog it will come up with a list of previous questions, a lot of which relate to reading recommendations, so you might find some more suggestions there.
For information of a compilation of primary source writings written by the Romanovs that have been translated into English, see here
Happy reading!
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Rosie, could I tell you a very much not real hypothetical story lol? A fan fiction if you will?
You see, I’m an OT7 BT21 fan who ships Chimmy and Cooky and I was happy to find a bunch of like-minded people on Weverse that also shipped ChimCooky but loved all the other BT21 characters. There is another group of shippers who ship Tata and Cooky together and that is all good and dandy, except for the fact that they take any opportunity to put Chimmy down. The group of ChimCookies that I rolled with always hated the way that Chimmy was made the villain of the TataCooky ship and once they sense ANY type of negative Chimmy talk from someone, they blocked/reported/disengaged with that person. As of late, the TataCooky pairing has been seen hanging out more and the ChimCook pairing hasn’t been seen together as much which is understandable as Chimmy is preparing for a comeback. Unfortunately the cool group of ChimCookies that I rolled with started turning bitter towards Tata because of the TataCooky shippers gloating. Like I said before, these ChimCookies were a cool group of people I followed on Weverse and they presented themselves as OT7 and wouldn’t stand for a word of hate against ANY BT21 characters. Now there’s this big account on Weverse that loves Chimmy and Cooky as friends but thinks Tata is a dick and they don’t mince their words when they speak of their dislike for Tata. Tell me why all my former cool ChimCookies jumped off the OT7 ship and are now buddy buddy with this Weverse account who strongly dislikes Tata when they NEVER used to tolerate anyone who would say these same words against Chimmy? When I confronted my fellow ChimCooky friends about this, they say “we’re not hating on Tata but we have eyes to see that Tata is doing things for his personal gain.” Most of them still consider themselves OT7 even though they don’t think Tata is being 100% genuine in his friendship with Cooky. I vaguely remember these same people preaching that Chimmy is 100% genuine with his friendship to Cooky when the TataCookies came for him. Now I am left behind watching as my former ChimCookies take subtle digs at Tata and TataCookies friendship, wondering what went wrong. But like I said I’m the beginning, this all just a hypothetical story, it isn’t real or anything. Thanks for coming to my hypothetical BT21 Ted Talk.
This is the best analogy… I mean hypothetical story I have read in a long time. Is really sad that your former ChimCookies friends are acting like that and what is worse, that they don’t accept that they are being unfair and mean too. At least they should stop pretending they are OT7. This is a sad story, Anon but thank you for sharing it with me.
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ocd-swag-tournament · 2 years
Hello dears and darlings, you may wonder why this post was made, well it was made to be Propaganda for yours truly, so that i may win both @ultimate-poll-tournament and @thecompetitionshowdowntournament
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i do believe that i deserve to win truly, ive been a rather good poll runner, and i have a few more reasons
if i win, i shall draw me slam dunking on everyone else! /hj
Im simply just a classy fellow
im about to release the bracket and third round soon!
vote mod rarity and the ocd-swag-tournament!! tata darlings!
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thegothicviking · 2 years
Saying I am looking forward to a new year is a huge understatement.
The last 6-7 months have been nothing but bad luck and heartache. The dude who I saw as a BROTHER and who I had known nearly half of my life, decided to ghost me for this entire year without as much as an explanation. 10 months later I had to drag/haul out what I secretly suspected since about last year; that the one girl who I dedicated my passion..my time..so much money...so much enthusiasm....That girl that I dedicated an entire written universe to...told me what I already knew all along.. that she had lead me on. Lied about why I couldn't call her. And slowly, bit by bit ghosting/ignoring me too. Like my filipino "brother" did all year.
I had to make her admit that our friendship was dead because "she wasn't the same. She had a different way of life now".
What she actually meant was;
"I am such a grown up now and you are still so childish! We can't be friends!" Or
"We've grown apart. Sorry."
Well here is a great tip to all my FELLOW grown up mutuals and followers (who also find themselves at the end/edge of a relationship/friendship they don't want to be in anymore) ;
Be more like a child! (Yup you read that right!) Children are direct! They are blunt af! If they don't like someone anymore at least they tell them this! "I don't like you anymore. We can no longer be friends."
I would have actually prefered that direct/blunt approach from the getgo than for her to LIE and be falsely polite and try to save a friendship she knew all along was dying. NO! I say to hell with that shit!
WHEN you feel a relationship/friendship is dying..you TELL the other person/s! You have the testies/tatas to say;
"We don't have the same interests anymore. I don't feel like this relationship/friendship is going forward. It seems we have grown apart. Sorry!"
And then say bye bye.
And y'all will TELL them this AS SOON as they are wanting to keep contact and YOU want out of the relationship/friendship and can't stand their nagging/constant reach out for contact.
So yeah to all my fellow grown ups here is a new years resolution that I think you should follow; be more direct like children and tell people (if) you don't like them anymore/want them in your life anymore! Don't play the guessing game with them and/or slowly ghost them/keep leading them on just for the sake of "politeness". The other person WONT benefit from this as it will only leave them confused, angry and hurt about why the hell you are distancing from them!?!?
Ya'll know what? I dare you to be more direct and honest (Like a child) with the people in your life (instead of leading them on/slowly ghost them!) If you are saying goodbye to the relationship/friendship let it be a two-way goodbye and give them a reason for it. Even if its only that "you have grown apart". You don't want someone in yout life anymore? Tell them!
For 2023; I dare you to do this!
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newstv90 · 4 days
The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) has announced its recruitment drive for 2024, offering a range of exciting career opportunities for medical professionals and researchers. This esteemed institution, renowned for its contributions to cancer care and research, is inviting applications for various positions across its facilities.
The recruitment process for TMC 2024 aims to fill multiple roles, including scientific and medical staff, administrative positions, and research associates. Candidates interested in applying should carefully review the detailed job descriptions and eligibility criteria provided in the official recruitment notification.
For those seeking roles in the medical and scientific fields, TMC is looking for highly qualified individuals with expertise in oncology, radiology, and related disciplines. Positions available include senior residents, research scientists, and clinical fellows. These roles require a strong background in medical science, relevant clinical experience, and a commitment to advancing cancer treatment and research.
Administrative roles are also part of this recruitment drive, offering opportunities in various departments such as finance, human resources, and project management. These positions are crucial for supporting the operational efficiency of TMC and ensuring smooth functioning of its various initiatives.
In addition to the specific job requirements, candidates should possess excellent communication skills, a collaborative attitude, and a passion for contributing to the field of cancer research and treatment. The selection process typically involves a combination of written tests, interviews, and practical assessments to ensure candidates meet the high standards of excellence expected at TMC.
Overall, TMC recruitment for 2024 represents a significant opportunity for professionals aiming to make a meaningful impact in the field of cancer care and research. Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the TMC official website for detailed information on application procedures, deadlines, and further instructions.
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XLRI Jamshedpur: Courses, Fees Structure, Placements, Scholarships, and Selection Criteria
XLRI Jamshedpur is one of India’s premier business schools, renowned for its management education and outstanding placement record. In this article, we’ll cover XLRI Jamshedpur fees, courses offered, placement statistics, top recruiters, scholarships, and the selection criteria.
Courses Offered at XLRI Jamshedpur
XLRI Jamshedpur offers various management programs, the most notable being:
PGDM in Business Management (BM)
PGDM in Human Resource Management (HRM)
Executive PGDM
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)
These programs are designed to shape future leaders in the business world. Each course equips students with the skills needed to excel in corporate environments.
XLRI Jamshedpur Fees Structure
The XLRI Jamshedpur fees vary based on the program. The tuition fees for the flagship PGDM programs (BM and HRM) are approximately ₹25-27 lakhs for the entire course. Here's a breakdown of the fees structure:
Tuition Fees: ₹22-24 lakhs
Hostel and Accommodation Fees: ₹2-3 lakhs
Miscellaneous Fees (library, exams, etc.): ₹1-2 lakhs
These fees cover the duration of the 2-year program, including facilities such as the library, IT resources, and more.
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Placement & Recruiters
XLRI Jamshedpur has a stellar placement record, consistently delivering high placement rates. The average salary package for the PGDM program in 2023 was around ₹32-35 lakhs per annum, with the highest package going up to ₹60 lakhs per annum for international offers.
Top recruiters include:
McKinsey & Company
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Hindustan Unilever
The diverse range of recruiters ensures that students from every specialization have excellent opportunities to kickstart their careers in top industries.
XLRI Jamshedpur provides several scholarship opportunities for students to ease their financial burden:
Aditya Birla Scholarship: Awarded based on merit, covering part or full tuition fees.
OP Jindal Engineering & Management Scholarship: Offered to meritorious students.
Tata Trusts Scholarships: Financial aid for students from economically weaker backgrounds.
Need-Based Scholarships: Offered to students based on their family income.
These scholarships ensure that talented students, irrespective of their financial background, can pursue their education at XLRI.
Selection Criteria
The selection process for admission to XLRI Jamshedpur’s PGDM programs involves multiple stages:
XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test): Candidates must appear for the XAT exam conducted by XLRI itself. A high percentile, typically above 95%, is required to get a call for the next stage.
Group Discussion (GD): Shortlisted candidates participate in group discussions to showcase their communication and analytical skills.
Personal Interview (PI): The final selection is based on personal interviews where candidates' managerial aptitude, leadership qualities, and overall personality are assessed.
Academic Performance & Work Experience: Candidates' past academic achievements and work experience, if any, are also considered.
With its world-class faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, excellent placement record, and a comprehensive fee structure, XLRI Jamshedpur continues to be a top choice for MBA aspirants. The institution offers numerous scholarships to deserving students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder quality education. The rigorous selection criteria ensure that only the brightest candidates become part of XLRI’s legacy.
If you are looking for a holistic MBA experience that paves the way to top corporate careers, XLRI Jamshedpur is undoubtedly one of the best choices.
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alexlacquemanne · 2 months
Juillet MMXXIV
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (2024) d'Alexandre de La Patellière et Matthieu Delaporte avec Pierre Niney, Bastien Bouillon, Anaïs Demoustier, Anamaria Vartolomei, Laurent Lafitte, Pierfrancesco Favino, Patrick Mille, Vassili Schneider, Julien de Saint Jean et Julie de Bona
La Jalousie (1976) de Raymond Rouleau avec Daniel Gélin, Nicole Calfan, Jacques Toja, Annick Alane, Marc Eyraud, Anna Gaylor, Françoise Pages et Francis Lemaire
Maestro(s) (2022) de Bruno Chiche avec Yvan Attal, Pierre Arditi, Miou-Miou, Pascale Arbillot, Caroline Anglade, Nils Othenin-Girard et Caterina Murino
The Truman Show (1998) de Peter Weir avec Jim Carrey, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone et Holland Taylor
Un crime dans la tête (The Manchurian Candidate) (1962) de John Frankenheimer avec Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Janet Leigh, Angela Lansbury, James Gregory, Lloyd Corrigan et Leslie Parrish
French Connection (The French Connection) (1971) de William Friedkin avec Gene Hackman, Fernando Rey, Roy Scheider, Tony Lo Bianco, Marcel Bozzuffi et Frédéric de Pasquale
To The Moon (Fly Me to the Moon) (2024) de Greg Berlanti avec Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Nick Dillenburg, Anna Garcia, Jim Rash, Noah Robbins, Colin Woodell et Christian Zuber
Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez (1964) de Jean Girault avec Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Jean Lefebvre, Christian Marin, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, Geneviève Grad, France Rumilly, Nicole Vervil et Claude Piéplu
La Marseillaise (1938) de Jean Renoir avec Pierre Renoir, Louis Jouvet, Lise Delamare, Andrex, Edmond Ardisson, Nadia Sibirskaïa, Jenny Hélia, Gaston Modot et Julien Carette
Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (1976) de Yves Robert avec Jean Rochefort, Claude Brasseur, Guy Bedos, Victor Lanoux, Danièle Delorme, Anny Duperey, Martine Sarcey et Marthe Villalonga
Le Gendarme à New York (1965) de Jean Girault avec Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Jean Lefebvre, Christian Marin, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, Geneviève Grad et Alan Scott
Le Secret de Green Knowe (From Time to Time) (2009) de Julian Fellowes avec Alex Etel, Timothy Spall, Maggie Smith, Christopher Villiers, Pauline Collins, Eliza Bennett, Rachel Bell, Dominic West et Carice van Houten
Raoul Taburin (2018) de Pierre Godeau avec Benoît Poelvoorde, Édouard Baer, Suzanne Clément, Vincent Desagnat, Grégory Gadebois, Victor Assié et Timi-Joy Marbot
Nous irons tous au paradis (1977) de Yves Robert avec Jean Rochefort, Claude Brasseur, Guy Bedos, Victor Lanoux, Danièle Delorme, Marthe Villalonga, Jenny Arasse, Christophe Bourseiller et Josiane Balasko
Drôle de drame (1937) de Marcel Carné avec Françoise Rosay, Michel Simon, Louis Jouvet, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Nadine Vogel, Pierre Alcover et Jean-Louis Barrault
French Connection 2 (1975) de John Frankenheimer avec Gene Hackman, Fernando Rey, Bernard Fresson, Philippe Léotard, Ed Lauter, Charles Millot, Jean-Pierre Castaldi et Cathleen Nesbitt
Le Gendarme se marie (1968) de Jean Girault avec Louis de Funès, Michel Galabru, Jean Lefebvre, Christian Marin, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, Geneviève Grad, Claude Gensac et Mario David
Totally Spies! le film (2009) de Pascal Jardin avec Claire Guyot, Fily Keita, Céline Mauge, Jean-Claude Donda, Karl Lagerfeld et Emmanuel Garijo
Maguy Saison 6
Quitte ou rouble - Séparation de survie - L'injuste prix - Une nièce rapportée - Une occase en moins - Météo et bas - Une Maude passagère - Bénévole d'essai - Tata poule - Des routes en déroute - Débat des eaux - L'ami gratteur - Pinceaux périlleux - Termite errant - Troubles de la télévision - Étrennes à la traîne - Mégarde à vue - Golf: heurts - Mépris de Rome - Le rappeur sur la ville - Jaloux y es-tu ? - Clochard abstrait - Affreux d'emploi - Un clown chasse l'autre - Adamo.. tus et bouche cousue - Passe-moi le recel - Fissures la corde raide - Écoutes que coûte - Le carton de la plaisanterie - Un fils à la patte - Mur… aïe ! - Désaccords de guitares - Une mage d'histoire - Compagnons d'alarmes - Despote au feu - Dernière cartouche au tableau - Des pots en dépôt
Affaires sensibles
17 et 18 septembre 1981 : dernière cigarette pour la guillotine - 1er février 2003, l’accident de la navette spatiale Columbia - Les Dix d’Hollywood, ou quand l’Amérique voyait rouge - Challenger 1986 : une catastrophe en plein ciel pour la fin d’un rêve "étoilé" - La tornade Michel Polac - John Lennon, mort d'un enfant du siècle - “Nous irons les buter jusque dans les chiottes” Russie, 1999, les attentats, la Tchétchénie et Poutine - Essais nucléaires dans le pacifique, un mensonge français - Péchiney : délit d'amitié, délit d'initiés
Le Coffre à Catch
#174 : William Regal champion en Angleterre? - #175 : CM Punk de retour à la ECW ! - #176 : Shelton vs Christian : un banger en préparation ! - #177 : Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft : les vrais Best Friends ! - #178 : TLC 2009 : Un Show Stealer ?
WWE : les rivalités de légende Saison 2
Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper - The Rock vs. John Cena - Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels - Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns - The Undertaker vs. Mankind - Trish Stratus vs. Lita
The Durrells : une famille anglaise à Corfou Saison 1, 2
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6 - Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Totally Spies Saison 7
Attention : ceci n'est pas un test - Espionnes à l'ancienne - Alerte chat-pardeurs
Patate (1982) de Marcel Achard avec Pierre Mondy, Michel Duchaussoy, Marie Dubois, Pascale Audret, Clémentine Amouroux et Philippe Dehesdin
Imagine Dragons Chambord Live (2023)
Elvis: The Comeback Special (1968)
Nirvana: MTV Unplugged in New York (1993)
Les Pigeons (2022) de et avec Michel Leeb, et aussi Francis Huster, Chloé Lambert, Philippe Vieux
Batman : The Killing Joke d'Alan Moore et Brian Bolland
Red Skin, tome 1 : Welcome to America de Xavier Dorison et Terry Dodson
Red Skin, tome 2 : Jacky de Xavier Dorison et Terry Dodson
Le coureur et son ombre d'Olivier Haralambon
Détective Conan, tome 23 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan, tome 24 de Gôshô Aoyama
Conversations avec A d'Alex Lacquemanne
Kaamelott, tome 7 : Contre-attaque en Carmélide d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Picksel
0 notes
cattutorialsblogs · 3 months
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a highly aggressive exam this is carried out yearly through the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) for admission . The CAT score is also normal by means of other pinnacle business colleges in India. Join CAT Online Coaching Classes to prepare for CAT Exam. In this article, we will speak the pinnacle faculties that accept the CAT rating for admission into their control applications.
Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs): 
The IIMs are the gold standard enterprise faculties in India and are known for his or her rigorous instructional programs and outstanding placements. There are 20 IIMs in India that offer postgraduate management programs inclusive of the Post Graduate Program in Management (PGP), Executive Post Graduate Program in Management (EPGP), and Fellow Program in Management (FPM). The admission to those applications is primarily based at the CAT rating, accompanied with the aid of Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD), and Personal Interview (PI) rounds.
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi:
FMS Delhi is a most advantageous management institute this is a part of the University of Delhi. The institute offers a complete-time MBA software this is incredibly seemed in the industry. The admission to the MBA software is primarily based at the CAT score, followed through Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur: 
XLRI is a most reliable business faculty that gives postgraduate control packages including the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and Executive PGDM. The admission to these programs is primarily based at the CAT rating, followed by using Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Looking for a CAT Best Online Coaching, Choose Percentilers for Your CAT Preparation.
Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon: 
MDI is a pinnacle-ranked enterprise college that offers postgraduate management packages which include PGPM, PGPHRM, and PGPIM. The admission to those packages is based totally at the CAT score, accompanied through Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai:
 SPJIMR is a main business faculty that offers postgraduate management packages including PGDM, PGPM, and Executive PGDM. The admission to those programs is based totally on the CAT rating, followed by means of Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad: 
ISB is a most appropriate business faculty that gives postgraduate control packages which include the Post Graduate Program in Management (PGP) and Executive PGP. The admission to these applications is based at the CAT rating (for Indian college students), GMAT rating (for worldwide college students), followed by way of Written Ability Test and Personal Interview rounds.
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai: 
NITIE is a most reliable institute that offers postgraduate management packages together with PGDIM, PGDISEM, and PGDMM. The admission to these packages is based totally on the CAT score, observed with the aid of Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai: 
TISS is a main institute that offers postgraduate control applications which includes the Master of Arts in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations (MAHRM&LR) and Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship (MASE). The admission to these packages is primarily based on the CAT rating, accompanied by means of Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad: 
IMT is a top-ranked commercial enterprise school that gives postgraduate management programs including PGDM, PGDM (Dual Country Program), and Executive PGDM. The admission to these packages is based on the CAT rating, observed by using Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune: SIBM is a famous business faculty that gives postgraduate management programs along with MBA and Executive MBA.
Also Read:
Top 7 Tips for Managing CAT Exam Preparation Stress
Top five pointers on time control to help you succeed in entrance assessments
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drrajinderkaursaggu · 4 months
Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in Delhi - Dr. R K Saggu
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Dr. Rajinder Kaur Saggu is a renowned oncoplastic breast surgeon in Delhi, with a rich experience of 18 years as a surgeon and 13 years as a surgical oncologist. Her expertise lies in breast cancer and non-cancerous conditions of the breast, and she has performed various types of breast surgeries throughout her career.
Why Choose Dr. R K Saggu?
Dr. R K Saggu's approach to breast cancer treatment is centered around personalized attention, the best diagnostic and treatment options, and follow-up care to improve the quality of life after treatment. Her extensive experience and expertise make her the best oncoplastic breast surgeon in Delhi.
Specialization in Breast Oncology
To pursue her passion, Dr. R K Saggu joined Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, as a Senior Research Fellow in Breast Oncology in 2008. Under the guidance of Dr. Rajendra Badwe, she learned the latest technology and reconstructive techniques for multimodality treatment of breast cancer.
Global Training
Dr. Saggu further enhanced her capabilities by moving to M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre Houston, Texas, as a Trainee in Breast Oncology under the guidance of Dr. Kelly Hunt. This international training helped her stay updated with the latest advancements in breast oncology.
Current Practice
Since 2010, Dr. R K Saggu has been associated with Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. She continues to follow her passion and beliefs, actively promoting breast health awareness and a healthy lifestyle.
Breast Cancer Treatment Options
Dr. R K Saggu offers a range of breast cancer treatment options, including:
Surgical Options
Mastectomy: Removal of the breast tissue.
Lumpectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue.
Breast Reconstruction: A surgical procedure to reconstruct the breast after mastectomy.
Non-Surgical Options
Hormone Therapy: Hormones used to slow the growth of cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: A treatment that uses medication to kill cancer cells.
Radiation Therapy: A treatment that uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.
Why Breast Cancer Awareness is Important
Dr. R K Saggu emphasizes the importance of regular breast self-examinations, mammograms, and clinical breast exams to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages.
How to Stay Healthy
Dr. R K Saggu recommends the following tips for maintaining breast health:
Screening and Early Detection
Regular Mammograms: Regular mammograms can detect breast cancer at its earliest stages.
Breast Self-Examination: Regular breast self-examinations can help detect breast cancer early.
Clinical Breast Exams: Regular clinical breast exams can help detect breast cancer early.
Dr. Rajinder Kaur Saggu is a highly experienced oncoplastic breast surgeon in Delhi, dedicated to providing personalized attention and the best treatment options for breast cancer patients. To book an appointment with Dr. R K Saggu call now at +91-9871056323.
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divyaramu874 · 4 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Advanced Python Programming
As a Python Developer at Tata Consultancy Services, I understand the importance of advancing your Python skills to tackle more complex challenges. Mastering advanced Python requires a strategic approach that combines core principles, exploration of advanced topics, practical projects, and community engagement. If you're ready to take your Python expertise to the next level, enrolling in a Python Course in Hyderabad can provide the guidance and resources you need to succeed. Here's a detailed roadmap to help you embark on this enriching journey.
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1. Master Core Concepts: Build a solid foundation by reinforcing your understanding of Python basics, including variables, data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming (OOP). A strong grasp of these fundamentals is essential for tackling advanced topics effectively.
2. Explore Advanced Topics: Dive deeper into complex Python features such as decorators, generators, context managers, and metaclasses. These advanced concepts offer powerful ways to enhance the functionality and flexibility of your Python code.
3. Data Structures and Algorithms: Delve into the realm of data structures (heaps, graphs, trees) and algorithms (sorting, searching, dynamic programming) to write efficient and optimized code. Understanding these principles is crucial for solving complex problems with elegance and precision.
4. Third-Party Libraries: Familiarize yourself with popular Python libraries like NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Django, and Flask. These libraries empower you to perform advanced tasks in areas such as data analysis, visualization, web development, and more.
5. Concurrency: Learn about concurrency mechanisms such as threading, multiprocessing, and asynchronous programming (asyncio) to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and optimize performance in Python applications.
6. Design Patterns: Study common design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Observer, and Strategy to architect scalable and maintainable Python code. These patterns provide proven solutions to recurring design challenges in software development.
7. Project Work: Apply your knowledge by undertaking challenging projects that push the boundaries of your skills. Whether it's building web applications, data analysis pipelines, machine learning models, or automation scripts, hands-on projects provide invaluable real-world experience.
8. Source Code Review: Analyze Python code from open-source projects on platforms like GitHub to gain insights into different coding styles and best practices. Contributing to open-source projects also allows you to collaborate with other developers and contribute to the Python community.
9. Advanced Tutorials and Courses: Enroll in specialized Python online course and tutorials that focus on advanced topics. Platforms like ACTE Technologies offer comprehensive courses designed to deepen your expertise and broaden your skill set.
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10. Community Engagement: Join Python communities, participate in webinars, and engage with forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit's r/learnpython. Interacting with fellow developers allows you to seek guidance, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the Python ecosystem.
By following this roadmap, you can progressively enhance your proficiency in advanced Python programming, equipping yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle complex challenges with confidence and creativity.
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starfriday · 5 months
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Joining Starbucks India’s biggest summer party across 27 stores, actor Siddhant and 26 other content creators craft the all-new Starbucks Refreshers for customers PAN-India
Mumbai, 6th May 2024: Starbucks India marked the arrival of summer with a splash at the Infiniti Mall Andheri store in Mumbai, featuring none other than Bollywood sensation Siddhant Chaturvedi. The event saw Siddhant donning a Starbucks apron and cap, stepping behind the counter and calling out drink names of his fans and customers, the traditional Starbucks way.
A Celebration of Coffee and Community
Sporting the iconic green apron and cup, Siddhant enthralled the eager crowd, collaborating with store partners to concoct the all-new Starbucks Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher, a delightful antidote to Mumbai's scorching heat.
In a heartwarming gesture, Siddhant's first pour went to Nirbhay, a differently-abled signing store partner, adding an extra layer of warmth to the occasion.
A Fan Extravaganza
What began as a summer celebration blossomed into an unforgettable fan affair, offering customers the rare opportunity to interact with the powerhouse actor and make their Starbucks experience truly memorable. A fortunate few even had their cups personalized by the star, infusing an extra touch of magic to their summer sips.
Speaking about his experience, Siddhant expressed, "I had an absolute blast at TATA Starbucks, getting hands-on behind the bar and making their newly launched Refreshers for my fans. As a long-time Starbucks loyalist getting behind the bar and immersing myself in re-creating the vibrant Starbucks Refreshers was an absolute joyride! I have a very fond connection with Starbucks, taking me back to the days when I wasn’t an actor. Everytime I was at the airport, I’d drop by a Starbucks store to get my coffee fix. Today, even when I have lounge access, I still only want to be at a Starbucks in every airport I go to. Today, what truly lit up my day was connecting with and serving my fellow fans at the store. I'm incredibly excited about the launch of the new beverages - whether it's the revitalizing Refreshers drink or the indulgent Cold Brew Tiramisu, these are set to be my ultimate summer cooldown companions!"
Starbucks biggest summer soirée also featured 27 stores across 20 cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and Chennai and more! India's leading creators, including Tarini Shah, Radhika Bangia, Shivesh Bhatia, Akshara Gowda, Govind Kaushal and more transformed into baristas behind the Starbucks coffee bar. They took up shifts, serving eager customers with flair and charm.
About TATA Starbucks Private Limited
Starbucks entered the Indian market in October 2012 through a 50/50 Joint Venture with Tata Consumer Products Limited and currently operates more than 424 stores in India across 62 cities, Agra, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Alibaug, Amritsar, Anand, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Bhatinda, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Faridabad, Gandhinagar, Ghaziabad, Goa, Guntur, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Gwalior, Haridwar, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Jalandhar, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kochi, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Lonavala, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Mussoorie, Mysore, Nagpur, Nashik, New Delhi, Noida, Pathankot, Patiala, Pondicherry, Pune, Raipur, Siliguri, Sonipat, Surat, Thrissur, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Vadodara, Vapi, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Varanasi and Vizag are cities in India. through a network of over 4,200 passionate partners (employees). Starbucks stores are operated by the joint venture, Tata Starbucks Private Limited, and branded as Starbucks Coffee - A TATA Alliance.
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anvisgranny · 6 months
Crafting Cuteness: Exploring BT21 Amigurumi Free Patterns
In the vibrant world of crafting, there's a delightful fusion of pop culture and creativity that brings beloved characters to life in the form of adorable handmade creations. Enter the realm of BT21 amigurumi free patterns, where fans of the globally renowned character brand, created by LINE FRIENDS in collaboration with BTS, can craft their own cuddly versions of Tata, Chimmy, Cooky, and more. Let's explore how these free patterns allow crafters to infuse their love for BT21 into charming handmade creations.
Unveiling the BT21 Universe
BT21 is a character brand that originated from the imaginative minds of BTS, the South Korean boy band sensation. Each BT21 character is uniquely designed and inspired by the members of BTS, representing their personalities and quirks in adorable and relatable ways. From Tata's space adventures to Chimmy's playful antics, each character has captured the hearts of fans worldwide.
Crafting the Cuties: BT21 Amigurumi Free Patterns
The bt21 amigurumi free patterns provide fans with the opportunity to create their own handmade versions of their favorite characters. These patterns can be found online through various crafting communities, blogs, and social media platforms, where fellow fans generously share their designs and tutorials for free.
Choosing Your Character: Whether you're drawn to the mischievous Cooky or the lovable Shooky, there's a BT21 character for everyone. Browse through available patterns to find the one that resonates with you the most.
Gathering Materials: Once you've selected your desired pattern, gather the necessary materials, including yarn in the appropriate colors, crochet hooks or knitting needles, stuffing material, and any embellishments you may want to add to personalize your creation.
Following the Instructions: bt21 amigurumi free patterns typically include detailed instructions, stitch guides, and sometimes even video tutorials to help crafters recreate the iconic characters with ease. Follow along step by step to bring your chosen character to life stitch by stitch.
Personalizing Your Creations
One of the joys of crafting BT21 amigurumi is the opportunity for personalization. Experiment with different yarn colors, textures, and embellishments to add your own unique touch to your creations. Whether it's adding a sparkly bow to Tata's head or embroidering a playful expression onto Chimmy's face, the possibilities for customization are endless.
Spreading Joy Through Handmade Creations
Crafting BT21 amigurumi free patterns isn't just about creating cute stuffed toys; it's also about spreading joy and connecting with fellow fans. Share your creations with the online community, join crafting groups or forums dedicated to BTS and BT21, and celebrate your love for these adorable characters together.
As fans around the world continue to express their admiration for BTS and the BT21 characters, bt21 amigurumi free patterns offer a creative outlet for fans to channel their passion into handmade works of art. From beginners to experienced crafters, everyone can enjoy the process of bringing their favorite characters to life through yarn and needles. So, grab your materials, choose your pattern, and let the crafting adventure begin as you embark on a journey to create your very own BT21 amigurumi masterpieces.
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networkthoughts · 7 months
Weekend Musings: The gap between the CXOs words and crews actions
Edition 36 Since the time the Tata group has announced plans for Air India, fellow Star Alliance carriers as well as non Star Alliance partners have made a regular beeline to India. This is partly to guard the market against what will be a resurgent Air India in the years to come and in parts to get some business from Air India, be it on the codeshare or interline front or the engineering…
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