#Tattoo Practice Skin Australia
genisynth · 2 years
Tattoo Travel Case Sydney
If you're a tattoo artist and need a Tattoo Travel Case Sydney, look no further. Start your exploration of town at Genisynth. We provide the widest collection of tattoo materials for tattoo artists worldwide, and we are one of the most well-known tattoo shops in the world. Our goods include no materials that might be construed as harmful to animals or the environment in any way. To learn more, please check out our website.
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parcfermekisses · 7 months
Daniel and Lando and nipple piercings – winter break 2023 (349 words)
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He gets his nipples pierced at the start of the winter break. Because he gets obsessed with things, you know? And it's stupid because they won't heal properly before next season and he'll have to take them out for racing – nobody's going to write him a medical certificate for being a horny little freak – but he does it all the same, because Lando. Without telling anyone.
So he's spent the first weeks of the break just, like, constantly half turned on, and he still hasn't told anyone because no-one can touch them so what's the point, although he kind of likes having a naughty secret.
All of it's making him ratty, though – he's fucking awful in wherever he is before Australia, pushing at everyone's boundaries, and Martin's threatened to leave. So he books them tickets to see Daniel because he's got tattoos and some batshit part of Lando's brain thinks that's roughly equivalent to piercings and he'll get it.
But he can't just be normal and tell him – "hey, Danny, I got my nipples pierced, wanna see?" – so he ends up on top of a hill on a dirt bike track, taking his shirt off, because all he wants is for someone other than himself to finally touch them.
In hindsight, it's exactly the sort of thing Daniel expects Lando would do – the piercings and the grand reveal – but that doesn't make it any easier to wrap his brain around right then.
They don't even fuck about it, not at first. Lando's disastrously turned on and practically vibrating by the time he's in Daniel's lap that night, Daniel mouthing at his chest; close enough to move the skin, but not actually touching his nipples. Lando thinks he might die of need, or impatience, or possibly over-anticipation if that's a thing. Really feels like it could be.
Then he sobs his way through an orgasm neither of them expect when Daniel eventually lets the metal catch on his teeth, and a minute later Daniel gets the sloppiest blowjob of his life in return.
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austeenbootler · 3 months
Love is the warmest color
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pairing: austin x oc (sienna)
wc: 3k
tw: hospital, broken bones, blood mention, argument?… i think that’s it 🙃
summary: austin falling in love with his new pa 🤭
It was easy to see that Austin was absolutely head over heels for his new pa. who wouldn’t though? Sienna was absolutely gorgeous. Hypnotizing light hazel doe eyes, gorgeous, long curly brown hair. The softest looking skin and the plumpest lips. And being from Australia she had the accent but on her it was beyond sexy.
Austin nearly collapsed seeing Sienna for the first time. But when he found out she was his pa he had to take a thirty minute break in his trailer. To make matters worse, when he woke up she was on his couch with water and a bagel, somehow just how he liked it, smothered in strawberry cream cheese and chocolate fudge.
When Sienna noticed he was awake she hopped up and brought the food over to him. A huge smile showing a perfect set of bright teeth and he nearly passed out again.
“how are you feeling mr. butler. You looked a little pale back there.” He groaned and blushed knowing she saw him like that. “I-im good n-now. tha-thank you.”
He internally sighed. He must sound so stupid stuttering so much. “Good. well after you eat and get your strength back up you’re due to a meeting at about 6:30.” He nodded and sat up. “A-alright. Thank you again sienna.”
She smiled softly. “No problem mr. Butler.” She got up to leave but stopped when he grabbed her wrist gently.
“Are you going to be at the meeting?” Part of him wants her but another part doesn’t, knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus on a damn thing if she was. “No. It's for the cast only. I’ll be with the other pa’s waiting for y’all to finish up.” He had to bite his lip to keep from frowning. He gave a small nod and let her go. When she left he quickly ate a bagel and went to the meeting. Though it was like she was there anyway… he couldn’t focus, his thoughts filled with her.
He'd have to get the notes from Olivia later. For now he just trudged out to his trailer. He had his headphones in and his head down as he walked. Not noticing his pa and ran right into her. She yelped softly but before she fell Austin caught her and got her steady again.
“Shit, sorry about that sienna.” She sighed and looked at the spilled coffee. “It's alright. I guess I have to get baz a new coffee.” He frowned, not hearing the sarcasm. “I thought ya were my PA?” She let out a breathy chuckle.
“I am … that was yours. I was joking.” Austin chuckled softly, cheeks red.
“Oh… well then it's alright, doll. I need to actually sleep. I'm off my game.” “Well… I mean filming doesn't start till next week. Just take some time to relax before being thrown into the fire yea?”
“hmm… How do you reckon I do that?” “Karate?” This has Austin bursting into laughter. “Well someones an Elvis fan.” “Just only my whole life.” She pulled down her shirt to expose a little tcb tattoo below her clavicle. “Woah holy shit!” She giggled and Austin felt his heart speed up.
“Yea i heard a mouthful from my mother.”
“Well if it’s any consolation I absolutely love it.” That had her blushing. “Well thank you mr butler.” “Listen. You don’t have to call me mr. butler. Austin is fine.” She nodded obediently. “Alright austin. Let me go get your coffee.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Doll… I told you I didn't want coffee. It's like seven pm.” She clapped her hands together. “Right! okay…”
She blushed as he took her hand. And if it was clammy and shaky, Austin was grateful she didn't point it out.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. "Well do you need anything?" "No doll. You get home and get some rest." She nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips.
"Goodnight mr-austin." He smirked. "Goodnight doll."
From that point on Austin practically started following her around like a lost puppy. And luckily for him she found it adorable. Though she would always tease him.
"You know, I'm the one supposed to be following you around."
She was the first pa there so she was getting everyone coffee and breakfast. And of course he had paid for hers.
"Y-yea I know b-but…” He scratched the back of his head and blushed, not knowing what else to say. She found his little nervous stutter quite adorable and found his new elvis accent even sexier.
About two weeks later they were getting serious with filming and Austin was getting serious with her. She was his girl and he made it known. Everywhere you found Austin, she was right by his side in his lap. They had to get him a new and sturdier chair since it snapped the first time she was on his lap. They were both found dying of laughter on the floor.
It was then that they both realized that they wanted to be together. But Austin being the old time gentleman he was, he wanted to be all romantic and classy.
So that night he planned everything out. Literally everything. He even had his sister help him with everything. He made dinner reservations at one of the most expensive restaurants he could find in memphis.
All night he panicked about what her reaction would be. Would she reject him? Although it was clear she liked him... What if she was just being nice? He did see her being nice to the others. Even hugging and holding hands... His thoughts ran rapidly with the negative thoughts and he wasn't able to get any sleep. And when his alarm went off he nearly cried. Now not only was he anxious. He was anxious and exhausted.
As he dragged himself out of bed and into fresh clothes his mind was filled with thoughts of her. It was really the only thing keeping him going. On the way to the set he stopped by the store and picked up some flowers and her favorite snacks.
Before he went to his trailer he dropped the items off at her little desk area. When he arrived at his trailer he saw his coffee and a small breakfast and he swore he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks. "What's wrong, Aus?"
He gasped loudly, whipping around to see her. He didn't even hear her enter. "Jesus Christ baby!"
She chuckled softly as she got closer. Though she frowned immediately seeing his appearance. "Austin, did you sleep at all?" He knew he couldn't lie to her. Not only that but she would know anyways. So he shook his head, leaning into her touch as she caressed his cheek.
"Why not love?" "Just a bit anxious." She sat him down on the couch, taking a seat next to him. She also grabbed his food and started feeding him little pieces. Smiling at his blush.
“I'm not gonna have the big star sleepy and hungry. What type of pa would I be?" "You’d still be amazing in my eyes baby" She rolled her eyes jokingly and kissed his head. "Now wouldn't that be a bit biased Butler? So what happened last night?"
Austin sighed softly before cuddling into her lap. This was also a new thing. Since filming had been getting more serious and stressful, his breaks were either him taking short naps with her or her force feeding him when he hadn't all day. “I'll tell you later alright?"
She nodded and started playing with his hair. Her nails felt like heaven as she scratched his scalp lightly.
“I might fall'sleep if you keep doing that."
"Good. You have some time, Mr. I need to arrive an hour early.”
He chuckled sleepily and hummed. He was falling asleep and fast. And When he did actually fall asleep, she texted baz to hold off another thirty minutes so he could have all the rest possible. Luckily the director agreed.
Unfortunately that time seemed to go by way too quick and she hesitantly shook Austin awake. He sat up with a soft gasp. and when he saw the time he nearly fell off the little couch.
"Oh my god! Why'd you let me sleep so long?! I'm late!!"
"Relax baby. I got you extra time. You’re right on time. I promise. And at that he relaxed a little. "You... how?"
"It's hard to say no to me." Austin couldn’t agree more. "That is true." He then shoved some shoes on his feet and kissed the top of her head and nearly groaned.
"God, your hair smells so good." “Thank you, love. It's vanilla and coconut." He smiled and nodded, holding his hand out for her to take. She got up after putting her own shoes on and took his hand. They quickly made their way to costumes. she sat on the little couch as Austin, baz and costume talked.
Today they were filming a super cute scene at graceland. So they had Austin in a white polo, crème pants and some wool type jacket. He absolutely looked incredible. It was one of those moments where he really looked like elvis. She chuckled as he turned around all dramatically, like always. "What'd’ya think doll?" She smiled widely. "Gorgeous Mr. Presley" He absolutely beamed at that.
"Head to makeup aus." "Yes sir, thank you" The costume designer nodded and austin took siennas hand and they headed off to makeup. She took a seat there and watched Austin get his face beat to match Elvis'. Truthfully it didn't need much, maybe just some spray tan and he really looked like the king. "On set in ten minutes." Another crew member called out to everyone. Austin sighed before taking her hand and leading her out to set.
Since they were filming outside there was a huge tent for everyone who wasn't in the scene. It had fans and water since it was a bit warmer. As she sat in his chair she took in the set. Graceland of course, a long line of some of the prettiest cars she's ever seen and of course the rowdy boys... some friends, cousins and a few extras. This was one of the more chill laid back scenes. It was just Elvis being the little boy he was and playing football with his friends. The scene was Elvis and the boys hopping over the fence and grandma dodger throwing the football. It reminded her of her own brothers and how they'd roughhouse in their own front yard and she couldn't stop smiling.
Though they were on about take five when she became a bit uninterested and started playing with her phone. It seemed everyone else was doing other things too. That was until baz yelled out the loudest cut she's ever heard But what really got her attention was austin's pained cry. When she looked up, Austin was holding onto his leg, crying. She gasped softly and was up in seconds running to him, crouching next to him.
"Baby hey what happened?" "T-think i broke it. Fuck!"
She frowned as the tears fell down his cheeks. "Here, let go of it. let me see." When he slowly and hesitantly removed his hand everyone let out a loud gasp. His ankle was already swelling and bruised, but the worst part was his bone was nearly protruding. "Oh holy shit..." Austin started crying again. "Sienna!" She grimaced and held him, realizing she probably wasn’t helping his fears. "I'm sorry Aussie... I'm so sorry.”
She moved out the way as paramedics wheeled over a gurney. “Come on, let's get ya to the hospital." He nodded and let the paramedics help him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, one of them helping you in. Once he was strapped in you held his hand tight, kissing it every once in a while.
After the ride to the hospital which seemed like it took forever, they finally made it and Sienna was left in the waiting room as they took Austin back. She sighed softly and ran her hands through her hair. She knew this could be bad…not only for Austin outside of his career but the movie as well. But before her thoughts could spiral she felt hands on her shoulder and back and she sighed as she saw baz and olivia. Sienna smiled softly and wiped her eyes. “He's gonna be okay, love.” She could only nod, not really trusting her voice right now.
After a few long hours in the waiting room… waiting, worrying and more waiting Austin's name was called and she immediately jumped up. but she didn’t miss his judging eyes. “Is there any family here?” sienna scuffed and held up her hand showing off a ring. “Yes, I am his family. Now what’s going on with him, doctor?” His face turned to one of disgust and his eyes went to Baz and Olivia. “Well we took him for x- rays and unfortunately we found his ankle broken in three different places. Or trimalleolar fractures. We then went ahead with the surgery and he is now in a brace.” “Can we go see him?” “He's in room 240.”
When the three of them got to his room, Baz and Olivia let Sienna in first with the promise of coming back later. she nodded and thanked them before heading inside his room. she felt her lip wobble as she got a closer look. she slowly sat next to him and placed a hand on his thigh. “my baby…i’m so sorry.”
she startled a bit when she felt his hand squeeze hers. “It's not your fault, baby.” she smiled softly and got closer. “Hey baby. how are you feeling?” Austin gave her a soft smile. “I’m so doped up on pain killers I can't feel a damn thing.” Sienna chuckled and kissed his head. “Good for you baby.” “enna… how bad is it? Is the movie done for?” Sienna sighed as she squeezed his hand. “That's a baz question baby…”
Austin laid back on the pillows with a heavy sigh. From that answer he knew he was done for a good while… movie… career wise. They sat in silence for a while. Austin, staring at the blank wall, sienna laid her head on his thigh caressing his hand. “Sienna?” She sat up giving him her full attention. “When I get out, can I take you on a date? a proper date?” She chuckled. “baby you’re gonna be on bed rest for a while. I’m not sure you're gonna even want to go out.” He knew she was right as he was already getting sleepy. “Okay how about after I shower which is desperately needed, you come over to my apartment and we have dinner?” “I would love that baby. Now rest I can see how tired you are.” He nodded and held her hand as he slept.
The next morning Austin was finally discharged. A nurse helped him into a wheelchair and wheeled him out to Sienna's car who was waiting out front. She helped the nurse get Austin into the front seat, placing his crutches in the back. After thanking the nurse they left. “I never asked. Why choose pink for your cast?” Austin chuckled and scratched his neck nervously. “Because I know it’s your favorite color…” She gasped dramatically. “Austin, I despise pink.” His eyes widened and he turned to her. He honestly looked close to tears. Sienna cooed. “Baby hey relax I’m joking. I love pink.” Austin pouted, crossing his arms. “Not nice to tease the cripple.” Sienna chuckled and caressed his cheek. “I'm sorry, my love.”
About twenty minutes later they arrived at Austin's apartment. “Let me help you love.” She got out of the car and grabbed his crutches. “Alright nice and easy yea?” She slowly got him out of the car before handing him his crutches. As Austin hobbled up to his door he sighed as he heard the clicking of a camera. “mother fuckers…” Sienna just got him inside. “That’s gonna be every cover.” He carefully sat on his couch and stared up at her sadly. “I know honey… I know. I’m so sorry. Now are you okay to bathe on your own?” Austin nodded. “I’m not a child…” Sienna’s eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms. “Austin I just don’t want you to hurt yourself when I’m not here.” “I’m fine! It’s not like im paralyzed.” Sienna scuffed. “Fine Austin!” She grabbed her keys and stomped out and sped off to his trailer.
He sighed and just watched her speed off. Austin growled and angrily threw a pillow at the wall. “Always gotta fuck something up Butler!” After a few minutes of feeling sorry for himself, he slowly pulled himself up and hobbled to the tub running a bath. It was then that he understood Sienna's concern. Getting in proved to be a lot more difficult than he thought. He definitely regretted getting snappy at her and driving her away. As he slowly lowered himself in the tub he started planning their dinner. He just hoped she would still come. Even if she didn’t… He would understand.
As he looked at all the stuff he would need to cook he knew he couldn’t complete it. So instead he called Baz to bring some dinner. God bless him, he brought the most extravagant meal he could find. “Baz… you didn’t have to do this.” “Oh yes I did. Now you wanna tell me why I heard Sienna crying in your trailer?” Austin’s eyes widened. “You did?” Baz nodded and Austin sighed. “I may have snapped at her when she was just trying to help and care for me…” baz sighed. “Austin…” “I know I know… imma fix it.” Baz nodded and patted his shoulder before leaving.
After Austin got the food plated and the wine chilled he texted sienna.
aus: Hey… I’m sorry. Do you still want to come over for dinner?
After about thirty minutes without an answer. He sadly put the food in the fridge and hobbled off to his room.
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furmity · 2 years
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[George Hand Right, The Binding of Fenrir appeared in Hamilton Wright Mabie, Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas (Dodd Mead,1908).
Law degree part 3: Tyr  ᛏ
As a heathen with the ambition of earning a law degree, I am naturally a devotee of Tyr. I'd been aware of him before, but only started reading about his myths and worship while applying for university.
I was immensely drawn to the myth of his missing hand. The idea of self- sacrifice in lawgivers really left an impression on me. The resignation of “this has to be done and it must be me“. Honour and oath- making can be over- emphasised in heathenry, I don’t look on him as “the first oath- breaker” or any of that. This myth reminds us of the need for deception when we can protect ourselves and others. Honesty is akin to obeying the law: it’s the right thing until it’s the wrong thing, they have their reasons and limits. Tyr knows the difference.
So I introduced myself and volunteered to be a tool of his will. His shrine was on my desk. I prayed a novena in the lead up to my first semester, offering single malt whiskey. He was with me as I watched my first lecture. I’d give thanks for evidence that I was learning and laid good grades at his feet. His candle burned while I studied for exams. I dedicated last year’s Lent to him, but prayer cycles generally followed the academic calendar.
My UPG impressions are of a very serious individual who listens quietly and holds you accountable. I believe Tyr stands for democracy and local government. I'm all for strategic lawbreaking where obeying the law is wrong, and malicious compliance is a tool for change. Know the law to change the law. This stance feels right around Tyr, to me.
Tyr’s martial aspect is not something I really get into. I painted a Tiwaz icon on fabric patterned with medieval banners, saddled knights, and archers- but I’m a pacifist thank you so much. I’d like international law to really do something about keeping the peace and rounding up war criminals. Surely a lawgiving war god is the one to pray to for peace. He’s a war god who disabled himself! He nips problems in the bud. I should lean into that more: Please may diplomacy prevail, make Putin rot. Please may Australia always remain friendly with China, for the sake of Chinese- Australians above all.
At the beginning of last year I was absorbed by Lynne Kelly’s memory palace work (introduced by my dad, dammit, see part 2). I highly recommend her book Memory Craft and there are some good interviews with ABC. The various techniques are as useful for students as they are for remembering names and lists. My law notes were transformed into illuminated manuscripts on her instruction, and held up to Tyr. There’s so much law now that no one can remember it all, but I honour the oral lawgivers of old. I would really like to develop a devotional chaplet to him which works as a memory palace for law. Rosaries are mnemonic devices after all.
As a cultural Christian, my sky god of justice slots neatly into the mental space of a judging heavenly father. I recognise that may put certain people off. My moniker of “heretical heathen” has as much to do with being unbaptised in a Christian culture as it does with Norse gods. My pagan practice is synchretised with Christianity and I've noticed Tyr resists this. While I may dedicate a Christian period of sacrifice to him, divination tells me not to conflate him with Jehovah or Christ. The common law is very Christian and I don’t think that sits well with him. I respect that.
Just before my first year began, my sister stick- poked Tiwaz into my skin (I know, I know [1], I could well have chosen a hand), which I consecrated to my patron. Rather than waiting until I’d accomplished my goal, I did it to sort of bind myself to the path. I knew the degree was going to be difficult and unlike anything I’d done before... I didn’t want to drop out. Since I have dropped out and will not be studying this year, well, the tattoo seems to catch my eye a lot.
Of the many reasons I left, an important one was my ability to do the thing justice. It would surely not please my patron if I slid through like “Ps get degrees”. They do, but will you know your stuff? When I had to retake an exam I didn’t beg to get through, but asked for the opportunity to prove I know this. I didn’t pray to Tyr when I made my decision to leave (I didn’t pray to anything). I don’t seek his forgiveness, but I am sheepish about approaching him. I haven’t lit his candle in six months but his icon remains on the altar.
I have now decided to resume study next year... or part time second semester? I feel it is time to speak to the One- Handed and decide what I’m about. “I want a law degree”, I’d said. I got lost in the idea of prestige received for being a lawyer. I know I will be better placed with an ombudsman (one of few Scandinavian legal ideas we use here), a government department, or a union. I kind of toy with the idea of only doing pro bono legal work for activist groups. No small inspiration for studying law was hearing that organisations like the Satanic Temple (no, I’ don’t endorse) have in- house lawyers. There’s a niche somewhere for me, where I can be most useful and satisfied.
I want to read a couple of textbooks cover to cover this year, work on the manuscripts, get my base knowledge really solid. Program them into that chaplet.
Yes, it’s time for a blót.
[1] No frith with fascists! In re Tiwaz:
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As you can see, these abominations don’t understand runes much anyway.
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joanna-vane · 5 months
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And I’ve been making a list Of all your so called “big plans” And I'm really having trouble Cause it’s longer than the stretch of my attention span Wait, what were we talking about again?
Birthday — 30 May 2004 Zodiac Sign — Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Leo Rising MBTI — ESFP Enneagram — Type 4 Primary Vice — impressionable Primary Virtue — talented  Element — Air
Mother — Unknown Father — Rodger Vane Mother’s Occupation — Unknown Father’s Occupation —Addict/Abuser Family Finances — lower class Birth Order — Only child Brothers —  N/A Sisters — N/A Other Close Family — unknown  Best Friend — Sutton; a girl from her school whos family was also very poor. Parents were both drug addicts and stole copper piping from the neighborhood to support their living. Joanna met her at school and spent most of her free time with her when allowed. A bad influence - would come up with the ideas and Joanna would act on them. Mercer; another girl from school who was in the system. Spent nearly all of her time with Joanna as an escape from her group home. A follower but was at least nice. Other Friends — Kids she knew from school. Kids she knew from going to local concerts. Girls from her dance school. Enemies —  her Father Pets — none yet Home Life During Childhood — treated like a burden her whole life. Severely abused her entire life by her father. Was always left hungry and dirty. Used to make money to fun her father addiction. Town or City Name(s) — Fitzroy, Australia What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — a small room with just a bed, a closet, and a desk. Not decorated and had two giant locks on the outside. Any Sports or Clubs — dance company Favorite Toy or Game —could never afford games; does enjoy skiball Schooling — went to public schooling in Australia and graduated as a senior. Currently on the run to attend PrideU Favorite Subject —Biology Popular or Loner — a loner due to being dity and poor all through primary school. Slowly became a bit popular as Joanna got older. Important Experiences or Events — shifting for the first time at the age of 5. Getting arressted for the first time. Stealing her first diamond ring. Nationality —Australian Culture — Australian Religion and beliefs — non practicing
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Maddie Ziegler Complexion — tanned freckled clean skin Hair Colour — light brown Eye Colour —light green Height — 5’5” Build — Tall, slim, toned Tattoos — none as of now Piercings — Double on her ears Common Hairstyle — Long, loose waves, either down or pulled up in a messy bun Clothing Style — alternative, punk, band tshirts, doc martens and converse Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — when she was little she was always sick Physical Ailments — nothing besides acne Neurological Conditions — none Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — she has a rigorous skin care routine and cannot go a day without showering Sleeping Habits — either too much or too little Eating Habits — very concious of what she eats - but does love to go get snacks from the store - has always had to worry about price of food or where she would get her next meal Exercise Habits —  she works out daily in any form of dance or a jog Emotional Stability — very short fuse and her emotions can range from rage to love - can get scared rather easily by reaction - flich for fear of physical abuse Sociability — Very outgoing and not afraid to talk to anyone just doesnt mean it will always be nice Addictions — Nah Drug Use — no thanks  Alcohol Use — steal beers from the corner store
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — impulsive, has a bit of a temper, reckless, tends to over romanticize situations, vile and viper tongued, willing to do as others say for praise or to be liked Good Habits — very determined, tenacious, head strong, very smart and very talented Best Characteristic — she really has the best intentions when she is trying, she is very smart intellectually and street smarts, she is tenacious and won’t give up until she has what she wants Worst Characteristic — vicious, kleptomaniac Worst Memory - turning into a lizard for the first time as a child; being kicked across the front lawn for it and locked in a cage until she turned back Best Memory — turning into a lizard for the first time ; have her freedom in her own way and a sense of purpose and a chance of history Proud of — magical ability, dance talent, and history Embarrassed by — her lack of money, he father, doing wrong Driving Style — wreckless at times Strong Points — talented and tenacious Attitude — unbothered, vile, goofy Weakness — money, stealing Fears — failure/displeasing someone she looks up to Phobias — nothing serious Secrets — she ran away from her abusive father   Regrets — getting caught/arrested Feels Vulnerable When - when someone truly sees her Pet Peeves — incompetence Conflicts — tbd  Motivation — to not end up like her father, to find out who her mother was and why she is a lizard shifter Short Term Goals and Hopes — to start college and make something of herself, find real friends, dance Long Term Goals and Hopes — to graduate college, either dance professionally or join RAS Sexuality — bisexual Day or Night Person — night Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert! Optimist or Pessimist — both  Greatest Want — acceptance Greatest Need — money
Likes and Styles:
Music — pop punk Books —fantasy Foods —  cereal, scrambled eggs, gas station snacks Drinks — iced coffee with splenda, diet coke, and iced water Animals — lizards Sports —  dance and surfing Social Issues — pro magik Favorite Saying —“yeah right” Color — black and any shade of green Clothing — trendy, grunge, punk, alternative Jewelry — wears a lot of rings and necklaces and earrings Games — hmmm TV Shows — RHONY, RHONJ, RHOM, RHOOC, RuPauls Drag Race, MTV The Challenge, and Gossip Girl  Movies — War Movies, Chick Flicks, and nostalgic animation
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — PrideU dorm Household furnishings — whatever the college provides Favorite Possession — her doc martens Most Cherished Possession — doesn’t have any Neighborhood — PrideU Town or City Name — Swynlake Married Before — No Significant Other Before — a few boyfriends but they were never anything real Children —  None!  Relationship with Family — zero connection with her mother and has run away from her father Car — n/s Career —  student / waitress and dancer at The Court of Miracles Dream Career —  RAS - Magical Historian Dream Life —  own a home, have a career, not fall subject to the life her father has Love Life —  single and ready to mingle  Talents or Skills — very personable when being her true self, and dance  Intelligence Level — very smart almost too smart Finances — has literally only $100,000 of stolen money to her name
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cosmeticinktattoo · 5 months
Mastering Eyebrow Tattoo Corrections: Rectifying Previous Mishaps with Precision
Eyebrow tattooing, also known as microblading, has become a sought-after cosmetic procedure for those seeking semi-permanent enhancement of their eyebrows.
This technique involves using fine needles to deposit ink into the skin's dermal layers, creating natural-looking eyebrows. While microblading can yield precise results, amateur execution can lead to undesirable outcomes.
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Poor placement or incorrect techniques during the eyebrow tattooing process can result in issues such as colour changes or unintended spreading over time. Correcting such mishaps can be challenging, costly, and painful if not addressed by a skilled technician.
It is crucial to choose an eyebrow tattoo technician with extensive experience to ensure precise and safe procedures, thereby avoiding potential complications.
Common Causes of Eyebrow Tattoo Mishaps:
The success of an eyebrow tattoo largely depends on the technician's expertise. Adequate training and experience are essential for achieving satisfactory results.
Poor Technique
Even experienced tattoo artists can make mistakes if they deviate from best practices. Common errors include using incorrect needle sizes or applying improper pressure during the procedure.
Incorrect Pigment
The quality and pigment of the ink used in eyebrow tattoos vary. Choosing the wrong dye can lead to dissatisfaction with the colour or premature fading.
Improper Aftercare 
Proper aftercare is crucial for the tattoo's healing process. Neglecting aftercare instructions can result in incorrect healing or premature fading.
Skin Conditions 
Certain skin conditions can make it challenging for the ink to adhere properly or hinder the skin's healing process post-procedure.
Allergic Reactions
Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the ink used in eyebrow tattoos, which can lead to discomfort and swelling.
Over time, eyebrow tattoos may undergo changes such as fading or blurring, necessitating touch-ups or corrective procedures.
Corrective Solutions for Eyebrow Tattoo Imperfections
Colour Adjustment
Corrective pigment colours can be implanted over faded makeup to neutralise undesirable shades and achieve a natural look.
Shape Adjustment 
Additional tattooing can enhance the overall shape, symmetry, or balance of existing eyebrow tattoos. However, caution is exercised to avoid unintentional thickness increase.
Removal Techniques 
Various methods, such as surgical excision, dermabrasion, laser technology, saline technique, and the Tattoo Vanish method, can be used for tattoo removal or lightening.
Proper aftercare is essential for successful eyebrow tattoo correction, and our technicians provide detailed instructions to ensure optimal healing and pigment retention.
Choose Cosmetic Tattoo Ink for Expert Eyebrow Tattoo Corrections:
Our skilled technicians specialise in correcting and enhancing eyebrow tattoos using advanced techniques and quality pigments. With a focus on client satisfaction and safety, we tailor each correction to complement your unique features.
Refine your Eyebrow Tattoo Corrections in Melbourne With Cosmetic Ink Tattoo. Trust our expertise to enhance your natural features.
Don't hesitate to contact us for more information! Our professional team is here to make your semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo look naturally amazing again!
Contact Details:
Address: 7A Goulburn St, Cheltenham VIC 3192, Australia 
Contact NO: 0413 646 534
Email ID : [email protected] ID: https://www.instagram.com/cosmeticinktattoo/
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vividinktattoosau · 1 year
Situated at the heart of the city’s southeastern suburbs, Vivid Ink Tattoos is one of the custom tattoo studios in Melbourne that you shouldn’t miss!
In our studio, you’ll find the best tattoo artists Melbourne has to offer. We have a crew of male and female tattoo artists practicing in various tattoo styles and designs. They have an unwavering dedication to precision and craftsmanship, unique and meaningful design, attention to detail, and excellence in execution.
We work closely with you and your vision to be able to successfully translate them into a tattoo that’s truly for you. Allow us to turn your ideas into art, and show the world who you are through your very own inked skin.
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Get Specialist Tattoo Removal Certification: Admission for Skin and Facial Aesthetics
Recognised global aesthetics training organisations provide the ultimate training programme for tattoo removal certification, skin rejuvenation, and aesthetics. No matter if anyone is a doctor, dentist, nurse, or skin therapist, their goal is to enable your success in aesthetics. 
In order to help trainees become competent practitioners in cosmetic injectables, threading, lasers, skin therapy, and much more, they provide well-organised step-by-step online courses, hands-on training, and certificate programmes.
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What is the Significance of Skin and Facial Aesthetic Courses?
This organization has a skilled team of educators, led by experienced and expert Doctors. Dedicated businesses in Australia are now instructing and expanding the boundaries of aesthetic medicine to teach their aesthetic courses.
These organizations deliver a wide range of skin and dermal injectables as well as lip injection classes to train their aspirants as experts in facial aesthetics to set the competition aside. After finishing this lip aesthetic module, trainees ought to be able to know the differences between the "Russian lips" procedure and basic lip filler techniques. They also learn how to use this approach to improve vertical height without using too much volume or anterior projection and understand the Russian Lip Technique securely. Through a detailed process of theoretical lectures, practical work on lips, and evolution, they provide certificates to qualified candidates only. 
How do They Train for Laser Tattoo Removal?
They explain the whole topic of pigment and tattoo laser removal in detail cover understanding the skin types, tattoo types, and safety measures, and explain how to correctly evaluate pigmented skin disorders and choose the best medical laser to treat them. 
Additionally, this is one of the advanced levels of their course and many of their trainees now successfully stand out from other practitioners with their proficiency in tattoo removal abilities. 
To get the most out of the skin and facial aesthetic study, they do advise you to finish the courses in the skin foundations bundle before starting this module. 
However, if anyone needs to clarify their scope of practice, should take consultation with them to get thorough details that are specific to the learners' circumstances. They also advise them to contact the local regulating agency before admission.
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Bloodline Tattoo, regarded as one of Bali’s top tattoo parlors, has swiftly made a name for itself as the only location providing top-notch tattoos by hand-picked and award-winning Australian owned tattoo studio in Bali artists in each of the several tattoo styles. Our brilliant painters have the capacity to bring your ideas to life in a variety of styles, including Mandala, Portrait, Chicano, and Color.
Additionally, the diversity of our work is what places us at the pinnacle of the sector. With a clear industry profile and a talent pool of several award winners in all categories, on both the domestic and international scene, Bloodline Tattoo Bali is committed to Chicano Tattoos Bali showcasing the highest possible level of tattoo quality.At Tattoo Studio Bali, our first priority is making sure that every one of our clients has a fantastic, safe experience. We are dedicated to provide the very best service and goods now that we have made a name for ourselves as Indonesia’s premier tattoo provider.
We set our standards to be in line with the exact same compliance requirements enforced at home in Australia, operating under the strongest safety guidelines. Because of this, we have made sure that our management has a tertiary degree in Australian Work Health and Safety. Our hygiene practices strictly abide by the latest guidelines established by Australia’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).The best disposable tattoo equipment is used by our artists. Our commitment to providing top-notch tattoos utilizing the best ink and tools available is unwavering. To guarantee that we continue to Bali Tattoo Studio lead the industry in establishing the best standards possible, we regularly engage with international brands and do product research. We promise the highest level of quality in every area of our operations and will never cut corners. We take pride in our dedication to keeping our hygiene at the same level as our tattoos — world class — and in accepting the responsibility that comes with being the industry leader. We consider tattoo aftercare just as seriously as any other aspect of the tattooing process.
Making sure the permanent feature on your body maintains the highest quality is a crucial part of the trip because coming to Bloodline Tattoo Bali implies you have made the decision to have state-of-the-art work completed.Our employees are experienced in the high-quality maintenance required to ensure that your own work of art lasts a lifetime. Although clients frequently have questions throughout the way, as part of our service process, our artists set aside time after the last session to provide clients clear, concise instructions on how to take care of their new tattoos. We are aware that the tattoo owner will ultimately be responsible for the tattoo’s level of upkeep. However, we are committed to offering the highest caliber recommendations, guidelines, and aftercare items to guarantee a seamless conclusion to a delightful encounter.
Applying a quality moisturizing cream multiple times each day might help the healing process a lot. By encouraging blood flow Tattoo Inspiration to the tattooed skin area, moisturizing aids in the tattooed area’s subsequent improvement, rejuvenation, and healing.
On the other hand, if too much moisturizer is used on a new tattoo, it could clog and restrict the skin’s pores, which would be harmful. This may cause the tattooed region to sweat excessively and prevent the wound from healing, which may result in an infection.
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holoacademyau · 2 years
Exploring the World of Cosmetics: Guide to Microblading & Eyebrow Tattoo Course
Eyebrow tattooing, microblading, and facial treatments are becoming increasingly popular in the modern-day beauty industry. The eyebrow tattoo course enables one to learn about all the technicalities and essentials for doing the job perfectly. The course also teaches drawing skills to the candidates so that they are able to deliver the best results to the clients. Also, the courses on cosmetic tattoos are designed in such a way that the students are taught about the impact of skin disorders in the procedure of cosmetic tattoos.
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If one wants to learn microblading then an online microblading course in Australia is the best choice. The health and safety standards, skin biology and assessment of skin morphology are some of the key aspects of the course and one can start their career with these courses. One can also take advanced coursed in microblading and these courses are generally of very short durations.
Let’s Learn a Bit More About Courses in Cosmetics for a Better Understanding
Electrolysis: It is a permanent hair removal method that is completely safe for the human body and hence is widely popular. The leading institutes offer the programme in such a way that the theory can be done online while practical classes are done by the training institute. The course starts with the introduction and history to electro epilation to finally marketing and business aspects.
Cosmetic Tattoo Course: When it comes to this course there are two categories i.e., for beginners and artists. In the course, for beginners, there are courses for cosmetic tattoos, bow architecture, mesoliftsoft, etc. The advanced course on the other hand requires the certification of the beginner course and teaches about advanced eyeliner, advanced lips, advanced eyebrows, etc.
By learning the proper techniques and methods for eyebrow tattooing and microblading, you can help clients achieve the perfect. Enrol in a course today for building a rewarding and lucrative career in the beauty industry.
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numbastayco · 2 years
A Brief Chronicle of Tattoo Numbing cream
According to history, tattoos have been in vogue since ancient times. The evidence that has been found confirms that the Egyptians practiced the art of tattooing at that time. Primitive tribes that are still around today tattoo for their tribal customs, using natural agents as the best tattoo numbing cream.
Tattooing is simply done by making deep holes in the skin and loading these holes with pigment. Modern-day tattoo artists are using tattoo guns, which are equipped with fast-moving needles that apply ink to these piercings, while the artist moves over the designed image on your body.
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History of permanent tattoo
Always remember that tattoos are permanent, once you get them, they last a lifetime. So before going to the tattoo parlour make sure you are really ready for it. You also need to decide the design you want before inking.
If you are really sure that you want a tattoo, you need to choose the right tattoo parlour where you want to get it done by using the best tattoo numbing cream Australia. Make sure they are licensed by the state and that they maintain their hygiene standards. Better to keep the design plain and simple, three colours safe, which can be easily removed if in time, you dislike that particular tattoo.
You have to think twice about where you want to get your tattoo done, preferably somewhere that will heal faster. Also, choose a place where you can hide it if needed, such as at work. If you think you have an infection, you should consult your doctor immediately before it gets worse.
For example, if you already have a tattoo and in time, you change your mind and decide that you want to get rid of it, the doctor will definitely refer you to a skin surgeon for the procedure.
Tattoo removal process
The type of removal procedure will of course depend on how big the tattoo is, the location of the tattoo and how long you've had it. The way your body heals is another factor you should consider. Most likely, any tattoo removal method will leave some marks on your skin. The success of the procedure will largely depend on the size, location and uniformity of the ink and how long you have had it.
If the tattoos are small, the excision method is often used. In this method the area is anesthetized, once it takes effect, the tattoo will be cauterized or cut out. After cutting, the edges of the incision will be brought together and sutured. If the surgeon uses this method for larger tattoos, a skin graft will be required.
The dermabrasion procedure is done by spraying a solution on the area which will allow it to firm up. Once it hardens, the area will be sanded away using some rotary abrasive tool that will peel it off. Once finished, a bandage will be applied to the area to stop the bleeding.
Of all the different methods of tattoo removal, laser is considered one of the best methods and according to most doctors it is. Before the laser procedure, a special cream will be applied to the area to numb the skin, and then, beams of laser light will be applied to break up the pigment
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washlascl · 2 years
Tribal body paint patterns
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He entered the underworld and after many trials and challenges reached his wife’s father. Fraught with grief and regret at the loss of his wife, Mataoroa decided to follow her. Mataoroa mistreated his new wife, though, and she returned to her father in the underworld. The couple got married and Niwareka departed the underworld to be with Mataoroa on earth. The high significance of tattoos in the Maori culture is probably best proven though the fact that there is a whole legend dedicated to how ta moko came about.Īccording to Maori mythology, there was once a young man, Mataoroa, who fell in love with a princess of the underworld, Niwareka. The practice of traditional ta moko hasn’t died out entirely, though, as there are some reports of some groups still engaging in tattooing using the chisel method. Nowadays, some Maori people continue the tradition of wearing facial tattoos, although these are more often done using modern tattoo guns.
Rather than being smooth like after a modern tattoo, therefore, the skin would be textured, as well as dyed, in accordance with the pattern. Naturally, this process was incredibly painful and was therefore often done in stages, allowing the skin to heal in between ‘sessions’.ĭue to the use of chisels rather than needles, the Maori tattoo method results in grooves in the surface of the skin, where the cuts have healed. Lighter colors were achieved through the use of burnt kauri gum and from caterpillars and other insects. Black pigments were derived from burnt wood. Pigments were mixed with animal fat to achieve a smooth, liquid consistency. The punctures and cuts to the skin were then dyed with a variety of inks crafted from natural materials. Tattooists used both smooth and serrated chisels and blades, depending on the pattern and the effect they were aiming to achieve. The chisels would be struck with a mallet to puncture the skin, and knives would be used to create longer cuts. Rather than using needles, the Maori used chisels and knives, usually made out of shark teeth, sharpened albatross bones, stones, and according to some sources, iron. Traditional Maori tattoos were performed using a different – and much more painful – technique than that we adopt today. Women usually have tattoos on their chin and lips. Either the pattern itself is tattooed, or the design blacks out the background to create a negative-space pattern.Īpart from tattooing the face, men also often wear tattoos on their thighs, arms, and buttocks. These traditional facial tattoos involve the use of curved shapes and spiraling patterns. Since the head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body by the Maori, ta moko was most often done on the face. The traditional Maori tattoo practice is known as ta moko.
The process of a person receiving a tattoo involved a series of rituals – particularly prior to the arrival and interference of Europeans. Tattooing is an integral part of the Maori culture. Still, the Maori and their culture have survived the many changes, and today there around 730,000 Maori people in New Zealand, and over 150,000 elsewhere in the world, primarily in Australia. This resulted in a dramatic fall in the Maori population. Initially the two cultures co-existed peacefully, and the Maori adopted many elements of Western society.Īs is usually the way, though, conflict happened eventually, mostly over land ownership disputes – leading to land confiscations, social upheaval, and a number of epidemics. The Maori’s life in New Zealand changed with the arrival of Europeans in the 17 th century. This means that the mythology, language, practices, and art is distinctly different from those of other Polynesian peoples. The Maori originated from eastern Polynesia and arrived in New Zealand in the first half of the 14 th century, sometime between 13.īecause the Maori have spent their first few centuries in New Zealand in isolation from other Polynesian tribes, their culture has developed independently. The area is often referred to as the Polynesian Triangle – marked on a map by connecting Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Polynesia, meanwhile, is the collection of over a thousand islands spread over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. The Maori people are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at Maori tattoos – everything from the significance of body markings for the Maori people to the designs inspired by Maori tattoo art. The complex patterns and meanings behind Maori tattoos have been a source of inspiration for tattoo artists the world over. Like most of the indigenous people of Oceania, the Maori consider tattoos to be an important part of their cultural identity and practice.
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genisynth · 2 years
Tattoo Practice Skin Australia
Genisynth is your one-stop shop in Australia for tattoo practice skin to help you develop your ideas in the field of tattooing. It drives us to get artists and tattooists of all skill levels excited and give them power. Join us on this adventure, use your creativity, and let ideas come to you while you're doing something you enjoy. Visit our website to find out more!
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lilyrizzy · 3 years
silly little writing practice
cw alpha/omega dynamics
“I’ve got something to show you.”
It’s Saturday night and they're in Max’s apartment when Max says it. Their apartment now, Daniel supposes, since he can’t remember the last time he spent a night in his own.
Max had picked Daniel up from the airport smelling sickly sweet with excitement, like over-ripe fruit. It was all Daniel could do not to shove his face in Max’s neck right there in the arrivals terminal. He hoped that what he could smell wasn’t slick, didn’t know if he could make it to the car without touching Max if he knew he was leaking into his underwear for Daniel.
Daniel had placed a hand on Max’s bouncing leg as soon as they had the doors to Max’s Aston Martin shut. He rubbed a thumb along the inside of Max’s thigh, getting high off the shivers running through Max. He always was so responsive for Daniel.
“How was Australia?” Max had asked, voice trembling.
“Good,” Daniel said, hand climbing higher, “but I don’t want to talk about my trip.”
“Oh,” Max’s mouth had dropped open, a sweet little O.
“I want to talk about how good I’m going to make you feel when we get home.”
Daniel had reached then for the button of Max’s jeans, but Max moved his hand from where it had been white knuckling the steering wheel to stop him.
“Not until we are home, please,” and Daniel had grinned and thought, sure, what’s a little more waiting?
But now they’re home, and they’ve only just started kissing, Daniel pushing Max up against the front door as soon as it closed behind them. He knows what he can smell is slick now, syrup sweet in the air between them, knows Max is making a mess of himself already.
He wants to see, to taste that mess, but Max is stopping him.
“What do you want to show me, baby,” he asks between pressing kisses along Max’s throat. He won’t be able to do another long trip away from him, not with the ache he’s felt since he left only now easing when he’s got his mouth on him.
Max pushes Daniel’s chest and he steps away easy, though it feels anything but. This is Max’s show, always has been, and Daniel will let him show him what he wants so Daniel can give it to him.
“You might not like it but-“ Max’s eyes are searching Daniel’s face, “it’s something for you.”
“Baby,” Daniel soothes, “I’m sure I’ll love it. Why don’t you show me, yeah?” He slips his thumb into Max’s mouth to give him an excuse not to answer with words. Max nods around his fingers, sucking softly.
Then he’s reaching for his jeans, unbuttoning and pushing them down his thighs. They’re so shiny already, Max so wet and Daniels mouth waters. His t-shirt was the first thing Daniel got rid off so now he’s stood in front of Daniel, naked.
Daniel doesn’t notice it first. Then he does and he has to pull his wet thumb from Max’s mouth, trace it across the dark ink on Max’s hipbone.
He’s got a tattoo of Daniel’s bite.
“Maxy,” Daniel groans, stomach hot and low. His eyes flick frantically between Max’s face and the tattoo.
Mating bites don’t last forever. You don’t even need them to bond, Max and Daniel hadn’t. But the moment Max learnt about them, from fucking Charles Leclerc, he’d begged Daniel to give him one, and then again each time it faded.
Now it never would.
“Do you like it?” Max asks, voice uncertain.
Daniel likes it. He feels insane, feels the simmer of possession, the desire to own Max, that he tries so hard to keep inside bubbling dangerously close to the surface.
“Maxy,” he says again, dropping to his knees. He presses his face to Max, nuzzling, then presses his tongue against the mark. Leaves wet trails on the freshly healed skin, fingers reaching to push inside his soaking hole.
Max threads a hand in his curls, throws his head back against the door and groans.
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officialgritty · 4 years
How I Would Humble NHL Players
An essay written by bigboigritty. 
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I would humble hockey players the only way I know how to, by sending them to Australia. Let’s suppose that they have decided to hold the All Star game over here (forget about it’s usual date) (forget that some players I have listed below might not be invited) (and while you're at it, please forget that Australia’s rinks are Not Good).
I think that they would suffer but in an entertaining way so it’s fine. 
First of all, their biggest concern is getting sunburnt. It would effect all of their dumb asses but I’m particularly worried about Pierre-Luc Dubois and Mitch Marner. Boys are practically translucent. Vince Dunn would be fine, he’d probably wear a shirt most of the time which is a very smart decision. 
You may wonder why I didn’t mention Nolan Patrick because I am a certified slut for him, well I don't think he would have a problem. He would spend most of the time inside and when he joins the others, I think his Virgo ass would reapply sunscreen. Maybe he would burn slightly but I don't think it'd be enough to make him uncomfortable. 
Another thing that I think they will gain from this experience is a higher pain tolerance. Now you’re probably thinking, “Zoe they are NHL players so they can handle pain.” Wrong.
Real pain is running barefoot on cement at theme parks while you race to get to the next ride. Also getting into the car and having to avoid touching every piece of metal to not get branded like a cow. Or better yet, when the heat gets so bad that there’s a black out because everyone has their air conditioning turned on.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that other countries have scary animals but I would pay to see them panic over ours. Crocodiles here can grow up to 5.2 metres / 17 feet. We have a box jellyfish season where it’s advised to avoid swimming or wear wetsuits for coverage. Funnel web spiders can survive underwater for hours by trapping air bubbles around their skin. We have several of the worlds deadliest snakes present across the country. 
Listen, I don't want anyone to get injured but the constant fear that they would have when doing anything would be enough to make me happy.
My biggest question is who would survive in the shady areas, who would survive the eshays?
Under no circumstances can you look them in the eyes or cross their path. They are not to be feared individually but in groups caution is advised. I think the players would attempt to assert dominance and that is simply not an option. You are better off to ignore the eshay.
Nolan would have no issues here if im being honest. He is big and I don't think they’d find it worth it to fuck with him. But you know who they would target? Matthew Tkachuk. “Where are you going pretty boy?” “Oi braa did we hurt your feelings ya pussy cunt?” They would make fun of his hair in particular. 
Travis Konecny would be an eshay. I don't think I need to make further comment. (So would Louis Tomlinson but I am not a 1D account and I will continue to repeat that until it’s true.)
I would also give them a few iconic tasks to get the true Australian experience. Activities for the ‘vacation’ include triathlon events, beach flags, bush walking and climbing the harbour bridge. They could attend a cricket match but they tend to like golf so unfortunately they would probably enjoy this :(
AFL is an extremely popular sport here and I think they would loose their shit when they learn the rules of this game. No protective equipment is used other than mouthguards, that's it. That’s all you get. And jumping onto other players for leverage is encouraged. I would thoroughly enjoy the fights that would break out because of this.
Another task would be to use a map to make their way to a servo for a slurpee. The catch is that they will be required to pass through multiple alleyways. Also, the season is Spring, it’s swooping season mother fuckers. Let’s see how brave you are when birds chase you down the block. Personally I don’t think any of them would pass this test, maybe McDavid because the birds may not be able to detect a heartbeat.
Australian food would disgust them, I just know it. Things that they would need to try are a Bunnings sausage sanga, fairy bread, lamingtons, baked beans on toast, Milo and Vegemite. Because I’m me I would give them no butter with their Vegemite. 
An after thought I had was money so I’m editing this to include it. Everything here is EXPENSIVE so they would need to learn how to budget. Upon doing research, Canadians would be fine but the Americans will be mad.
1000 CAD = 1019 AUD
1000 USD = 1297 AUD
Another after thought was the fact that they won’t be able to drive (or at least drive well) here. We drive on the left and not the right, same goes for walking paths too. I can sense a lot of them bumping into people.
Where I think players would live based on vibes alone:
Carter Hart and Vince Dunn: North Shore Beaches, NSW. Daddy’s money. Carter probably did Nippers whereas Vince was a skater boy. 
Travis Konecny: Darwin, NT. Would 100% live there and enjoy it. He would try to conduct crocodile tours but gets assigned to feeding the baby crocs and doing shows for little kids. 
Tyson Barrie: Perisher, NSW. One of the only ski resorts we have to offer, major friendly mountain man energy.
Nolan Patrick: Byron Bay, NSW. @antoineroussel enlightened me, steering away from my original thought of Katoomba, NSW. Byron Bay is a magnet for hippies and links rainforest to the ocean. Chris Hemsworth and his family also live there.
William Nylander: Perth, WA. I don’t know much about Perth other than they wouldn’t shut up about partying while the other states had to quarantine. For some reason, I also associate Perth with Tik Tok. 
Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid: Melbourne CBD, VIC. These two would live in the same apartment building in the city, Connor one level above Sidney. It’s the most boring looking block of them all and Crosby would send in complaints to the landlord about McDavid pacing during the night.
Tyler Seguin: Surfers Paradise, QLD. Party central, not many people are actually from this area and he would be sure to tell absolutely everyone that he was. I also think he would get a Meter Maid tattoo, specifically on his leg. Has definitely slept on the beach before because he couldn’t find his way home.
Jamie Benn: Hobart, TAS. Tasmania is usually forgotten about. Another one with mountain man energy except he is more creepy than friendly.
Mitch Marner: Fitzroy, VIC. @antoineroussel is responsible for this one too. Hipster central, makes you question how the hell someone so young can have so much money. Would chug $45 wine and not blink an eye.
(honourable mentions include = Sammy Blais: Hobart, Tas. Once again no comment on Tasmania. TJ Oshie: Cairns, QLD. Would do reef tours. Haydn Fleury: Western Sydney, NSW. Haydn would 100% own a ute or a white holden commodore and you can’t tell me otherwise. Roman Josi: Adelaide, SA. Small town history teacher vibes.)
I have attached a handy map for those who may need it.
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In conclusion, the NHL should send their players over here to teach them some manners and while they’re at it, management should bring themselves too. Nolan Patrick could pass as an Australian if he built up a tan. (So does Nylander in this picture but we won’t talk about that.) Come over anytime baby, I’m free. 
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Servo - A service station, also known as a petrol or gas station. Example: 7/11
Theme park - An amusement park. Can be said in reference to both normal parks and water parks and usually means those in QLD. Example: Six Flags
Swooping season - August to October in Australia. When birds attack and chase humans and / or pets for getting close to their babies. Magpies are notoriously bad for this. 
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Bunnings sausage sanga - A cheap feed / meal found at the front of a hardware and gardening store called Bunnings. Made up of white bread, sausage, onion and your choice of sauce.
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Fairy bread - White bread with margarine and topped with 100s and 1000s / sprinkles. 
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Meter Maids - Women who work along the beach dressed in gold bikinis. They top up parking meters to save tourists from getting fined and will often stop for photos. 
Nippers - Surf lifesaving programs carried out for children between 5 and 14. 
Ute - A pick up truck.
Eshay - A person who partakes in drug use, graffiti, listens to EDM and targets victims in groups. Below is the typical style of an eshay. 
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Tagging a few friends so this doesn’t completely flop but feel free to ignore if it isn't your thing. I won’t be offended lmao
@scheifefe @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @d00dlebob @bowenbyram @kempe @prettyboyroope @quintonsbyfield @travisgermy @pitoftrash @kspitehockey @ballsakic @canadianheaters @bricksatlandyswindow @powerblais @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @jamiedrysdales
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wastelandcth · 4 years
5 Years - cth
part of love songs for calum, a love series.
summary: calum finds himself imagining what the next five years hold for you two. based off the song 5 years - noah and the whales. 
author’s notes: welcome to my february series! where i’m writing blurbs based around love songs with calum! i hope you enjoy! 
warnings: mentions of implied smut. 
masterlist || request
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Calum's life had never been predictable. Ever since he was a child he was never able to predict what he'd be doing a year from now. But when Calum met you, he started imagining what his life could be like if things worked out between the two of you. Whenever he was bored on a tour bus or when the nights alone on tour kept his brain awake, he'd imagine what life with you could be like in the next couple of years.
One day, when the February sun had shone high above in the sky and both you and Calum had enough time away from the busy lives to spend more than just the night together, you found yourselves at the zoo. The weather had been perfect and the zoo itself wasn't too busy, which meant that strolling through the empty walkways and stopping to watch the animals graze around their exhibits was the perfect way to spend the day.
"Did you know elephants have the biggest brain of any of the mammals?" Calum mumbled happily, looking over at you as you both stopped to watch one of the baby elephants trot after it's sibling, making little trumpet noises.
"Really? They must be very smart then," you mumbled, a smile on your face as you watched the little one jump into the puddle.
Before you knew it, your vision was black and you felt the warmth from Calum's hands on your skin. Laughing softly and trying to pry his hands from your eyes, you couldn't help but whine quietly as you heard the trumpeting from the elephants.
"Calum! Let me see!" you whined and managed to peek through in between his fingers just in time to see the baby elephant stumble into the puddle, both you and Calum chuckling as you leaned into one another.
Calum had a memory in his head of when you two went to the beach in Sydney. How the sun was so warm and the sand was soft against his skin. He remembered how excited you had been to see the famous beaches of Australia and you'd practically begged him to take you as soon as you'd settled into the hotel room. He remembers how quiet you'd gotten when you arrived at the beach and you'd finally got your first taste of the ocean breeze, how your eyes were trained on the waves and the horizon.
Calum took many pictures on that trip, pictures of the view from the ocean so he could show you whenever you felt down. He took pictures of the food you both ate, of the good plates, and the more questionable midnight snacks you'd find yourself eating. But Calum's favorite picture was one of you laying on the Sydney beach, the sun shining down on you while your head was in his lap. He'd kept that picture close to his heart, making sure he reminded you that you could always go visit the beach and stare at the ocean whenever you wanted to.
The first time you and Calum got drunk together, it had been an accident. A night out to dinner with the band had led to both of you drinking way too many glasses of wine from the Italian restaurant that Ashton had raved about for more than a month before the guys all decided to make a night out of it. The pasta had been very cheesy and the wine had been strong, which had led to both of you leaning into the other as you walked down the cobblestone streets of the little plaza.
You were leaning against the wall, watching as Calum took a pull of the cigarette he had lit a few minutes ago. His head was tilted back as he let the puff of smoke leave his lips.
"I'm drunk." he mumbled quietly, his words slurred and his chest rumbling with laughter, "Don't think I've ever gotten this drunk this fast, Whatever they put in that wine, oof." he chuckled and nodded, holding out the cigarette to her.
"Mm, it was definitely a strong one." you chuckled, taking the cigarette from his hands and taking a pull, feeling the burn in your lungs as you exhaled.
"I think I love you," he whispered as you both stood next to each other in silence. "I have for a while."
"I think I love you too."
Calum always felt happy when he was around you. He could be himself, not the Calum Hood that was known for being a musician and a heartbreaker. He could be the Calum he always was when he was by himself. That night, after he'd told you that he loved you and you’d said it back, things had changed. Calum wasn't afraid to be that person he had been hiding away for so long. He wasn't afraid to just show up in the same hoodie he'd worn for three days in a row because he knew you'd still love him.
He'd mentioned it to you, on a day where you were both tangled in the bedsheets and his curls were stuck to his forehead while your hair was sprawled out over his chest. How happy he felt with you, that he'd never been as happy before then he was with you. You had smiled up at him, pressing a kiss on to his collarbone tattoo. "Yeah? Well, I'm always pretty happy when I'm just here with you."
Calum loved making love to you. He loved how he felt close to you whenever he had you under him or on top of him. He loved how you squirmed under his touch while his hands held your waist tight to the end of the bed. Making love to you was different than the casual sex you two were usually having. It was soft kisses and hips meeting in the bed that you both had shared many times before. It was soft grunts and whines that left both of you as you chased a high. He loved the little noises you would make as their hips met. Calum loved how at the end of every night he would end up tangled in your arms, chest heaving, and kisses being left on his skin.
"Do you think this feeling will ever go away?" you asked him one night, your hands running through the curls that you had been pulling not too long ago.
"Hmm?" he asked softly, "I hope so. I love being in love with you." he chuckled, his lips leaving a trail of kisses from your shoulder until they met yours, your legs pulling him closer for the long night you had both been craving.
Sometimes when Calum got lost in his head, with thoughts of what his future would look like, he realized just how easy it would be to lose you. All the moments he'd come up with, a house with a big yard for dogs, a car big enough to hold a stroller and car seats, and even just two rocking chairs on a porch where you could both sit and enjoy the Australian summer. Those could easily be lost, with mistakes and fights where Calum's emotions got the best of him, gone and never to become a reality.
He was lying in bed one night, far away from the home and from you, when his thoughts caused his heart to race. When he realized just how easily he could lose you and everything you two had built.
"I just don't understand how you could be so selfish, Calum?!" you groaned, your hands running through your hair for the tenth time in a matter of seconds, "How could you think you could make all these big decisions without thinking of me?"
"You're just being dramatic. It's part of my job, you knew this would be the case. You signed up for this!" Calum threw back, his own eyes rolling as he finished packing up his suitcase.
"You’re leaving for almost two years, Calum!" you shouted, tears pricking your eyes, "Did you even think about how that would affect me?" you asked and scoffed, "Of course you didn't, all you do is think about yourself."
Calum didn't know when things had gotten this bad, when the small little arguments turned into fights where he would end up at Ashton's house, trying his best to fall asleep on the leather couch. But he was tired of all the fighting, tired of all the insults thrown between the two of you. He thought that maybe if he just broke things off, that things would get better. But then there he was, watching you grab our bag and walk out the door and he never felt so scared in his life.
"Cal?" your voice whispered, bringing Calum back to reality one day, "Are you there, sweet boy?"
"Hmm? Yeah, sorry, just got lost in thought." Calum mumbled and chuckled quietly, "What were you saying again?"
"That's okay," you laughed and shook your head, "I was saying we should stop by that gelato place near our Airbnb, they had a lot of cool flavors."
Calum nodded, smiling as he watched you take a sip of the Italian wine you'd been nursing. The sun was setting behind you, making the perfect background of reds and oranges. The small getaway that Calum had planned for you both had been the perfect way to get some time together afterlife became too much and schedule conflicts meant you two hadn't seen much of the other person in a few weeks. It had also been your six-year anniversary, which meant each day of your trip was filled with little surprises from one another. Little moments where the love you had proved every bad thought Calum had wrong.
taglist:  @hoodhoran @finelliine @moonlightcriess @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop
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