#Taylor Swift x FOC
thewordworrier · 1 year
I Can Admit That I'm Just Too Soft
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Yes, I know this is a bit out of left field for me, and honestly I don't expect anyone to read this. Much like my first attempt at an xReader fic this was a lil difficult but, you know, you gotta try these things! Pretty sure it didn’t help that I started it with almost 0 clue. But, hey, I think it’s cute. So, um... 🌈 Happy Pride 🌈 - have some of Shelly being happily bisexual. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Word Count: 2,351 words. Notes: ~ Title from - “Sweet Nothing” by Taylor Swift. ~ Implied established relationship. ~ Mostly soft and fluffy, I think! ~ Though it is very mildly suggestive and flirty. ~ Song References, because I can. And because I like the cheese it creates!
~~~ [Backstage, after an obviously sold out show.] “Miss Swift, you have a visitor.” Taylor stopped pacing and spun on her heel to see a familiar, tiny blonde in the doorway. She nodded to the security guard who left, closing the door behind them, before turning her attention to the other woman. “Babe!” Shelly was soon being swept up into a tight hug by the gorgeous creature. “Hey!” She hugged her back just as tight. “I wasn’t sure if you were gonna make it.” Shelly tutted. “Of course I was gonna make it! When have I ever let you down?” Taylor smiled brightly at her and squeezed her tightly, giggling when she squeaked. “That’s true, you’re so very good to me.” She looked down at the t-shirt Shelly was wearing only to see her own face staring up at her. “Shell, darling, I love how supportive you are, but, off with that.” “You don’t wanna grope your own face?” Shelly giggled, grabbed her t-shirt at the waistline and wriggled as she pulled it up over her head, dropping it to the floor and running her hand through her hair. “Beautiful,” Taylor hummed softly, appreciatively as she looked Shelly over. “Although, I’m not sure what is more supportive here. You, or your bra.” Shelly giggled and purposely stretched, arching her back just a little bit. “My bras work very hard.” “Minx. You know what you’re doing don’t you?” “Mm hm.” “Of course you do, and I don’t even have it in me to be mad. You’re too cute to be mad at.” The singer locked the door behind them, grabbed Shelly’s hand in one of hers and dragged her over to the dressing table. “Up.” Shelly did as she was told and hopped to sit on the dressing table, but not without testing it carefully first. “Don’t worry babe, it’ll hold you. You’re not as big as you think you are.” “All my weight is in my boobs anyway,” Shelly grinned up at her. “Thank god for that,” Taylor gently rested her hands on Shelly’s knees for a moment. “They are glorious. I’m grateful you’re not also a part of the itty bitty titty committee.” “You are not! Yours are great!” Shelly protested with a pout. “Yours are perfect.” “Not quite as perfect as yours.” Shelly was about to reply when her knees were pushed apart so her girlfriend could stand between them. She squeaked softly in surprise but was soon shushed with a kiss which she returned eagerly, pulling Taylor closer by her clothing. “I have missed you,” Shelly whispered. “I’m so proud of you, but I’ve missed you.” “And I’ve missed you,” she tucked some stray hairs behind Shelly’s ear. “I really have.” “I don’t want to stand in the way of your world domination though,” Shelly grinned. “Although, if you were interested in another kind of domination -” “Miss Sketcher. Be good.” Shelly giggled and her eyes dropped to Taylor’s hands, watching her walk her fingers with her perfectly painted nails up Shelly’s legs until they hit the hem of her skirt. “I appreciate you being so enthusiastic about my lyrics, sweetheart, but I believe I sing about tight little skirts and not short, tiny ones.” Shelly giggled. “Mm well, if they were tight, you wouldn’t be able to push my knees apart like this, would you?” “Hmm. That is an excellent point.” She gently held Shelly’s chin between her thumb and forefinger. “We need to find you a red lipstick.” Shelly pouted. “But red is your colour, not mine. I wouldn’t want to take away from how good you look in it. You know pink is more my thing.” “I don’t know,” Taylor tilted her head and smiled, slipping her hand to cup Shelly’s cheek. “I quite like the way you look covered in my lipstick.” “Oh, well, in that case!” Shelly sat up a bit straighter and moved her hair back off of her shoulders and neck. “Maybe you should reapply some and go ahead and cover me.” Taylor chuckled and ran her fingertip over the curve of Shelly’s breast, gently caressing the skin. “I think we should save that.” Shelly pouted. “That’s no fun.” “Save that for later,” Taylor cupped Shelly’s cheek before kissing her pout. “Let me find you another shirt and then we should probably leave.” “Leave?” Taylor smiled at Shelly’s little head tilt. “Adorable. You didn’t think that I was just going to spend ten minutes with you and then send you home, did you?” “Um, well, no?” Shelly shook her head but then smiled. “But if you only had ten minutes, then I would take them.” “Oh, sweetheart,” she offered Shelly a different shirt and watched her put it on. “That colour is nice on you.” “You always like to dress me in pastels,” Shelly untucked her hair, hopped off of the dressing table and finished pulling the shirt down. “You’re almost Lover personified,” Taylor smiled warmly as she changed her shoes to a pair with much lower heels. “And I love that about you.” “Well, physically, outwardly, aesthetically at least,” Shelly smiled and trotted closer to Taylor. “I don’t think you could say my attitude is much like that.” “In public you are. In private,” Taylor wrapped an arm around Shelly’s waist, pulling her close to cuddle her. “In private you are very, hmmm, Reputation.” Shelly grinned and tilted her face up to nuzzle the taller woman, giggling when she got a forehead kiss instead. “Mm, I think I can deal with that. I think I like that comparison,” she frowned a little as Taylor wiped the remnants of lipstick off of her face. “Hey, I thought you liked it when I wore your lipstick?” “I’ve already said I’ll cover you in it later,”  she paused to put on a jacket and grab a bag, shoving the t-shirt that Shelly had previously been wearing inside it. “I’m assuming that you do want to come back to my room with me?” “Well, yeah, of course!” Shelly gulped quietly, almost embarrassed by her own eagerness. “I mean, yeah, if that’s an option.” Taylor giggled and linked arms with the shorter blonde. “I’ve got a gift for you, back in my room, actually…” “Oh?” Shelly let the singer lead her through the corridors. “Mm hm.” “Taylor,” Shelly sighed as they got into the cab. “I’m not here for you to buy me gifts. I’m not about that.” “I know that sweet,” Taylor settled beside her. “I know. But I wanted to. I always want to.” “Hmm,” Shelly smiled softly, looking down as Taylor hooked her pinky finger around hers. “I think I believe you.” “Good! You should!” They fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip. Once they arrived they thanked the driver and Taylor led the way up to her room, walking purposely. At first, Shelly took a moment to catch up - she was shorter after all, but when the singer realised that the other woman was struggling, she slowed her pace. “Sorry Shell.” “You’re forgiven.” Taylor giggled and locked the hotel room door behind them, lingering as Shelly took a few more steps further into the luxury room. She hummed, watching Shelly look around - it was definitely one of the best rooms Taylor had shown her. “You can sit down if you want to,” Taylor said softly, giggling when Shelly perched on the edge of the bed and squeaked in surprise as she sunk into the soft blankets. “Oh my sweet, your feet are so far away from the floor!” Shelly scowled at her and let out a “hnph!” before she flopped onto her back. “Oh, honey,” Taylor approached her and started taking her shoes off for her. “Let’s get rid of these, then you can rest a bit more without worrying about getting your shoes on the sheets.” Shelly went to protest but quietened after receiving a Look from Taylor. “And I know you’d worry about that, because I know you.” “You’re lucky that I care about you so much and that you’re so beautiful because you’re so annoying when you’re right,” Shelly grumbled. “Care about you too babe,” Taylor couldn’t help but grin. “But you’re the beautiful one.” Shelly grumbled a bit more and pushed herself to sit up to watch Taylor look through one of her bags. She tilted her head as the singer sat next to her, a box in her hand. Before handing it over, she leant in and pressed a soft kiss to Shelly’s lips, smiling when the other girl giggled afterwards. “Now, this is… Well, it’s kinda twofold. If you think it’s awesome, I’d like to go ahead and authorise a lesser version for merch?” “Oh?” Shelly tilted her head. “But,” Taylor opened the box to reveal a multi-stone bracelet. “Obviously these are real, and the merch ones would be, well… Fake stones.” “Babe, that’s beautiful,” Shelly looked up from the bracelet to the singer. “If I know you, then there’s a reason they’re all different colours?” Taylor nodded with a smile. “My different eras.” Shelly gently took the box from her to look closer. After a few minutes, she went through the stones, pairing them with Taylor’s albums. Taylor herself, listened before beaming with pride when Shelly got every match up right, but of course she did. She was a smart cookie. Taylor kissed Shelly’s cheek for that, actually, and told her why, giggling when Shelly went pink and even a little bit shy. “Cute, babe. Such a cutie,” she kissed Shelly’s cheek again, leaving another lipstick mark almost right next to the previous one. “What do you think?” “It’s beautiful, it’s absolutely stunning.” “And also,” Taylor turned over the tag. “On the merch, this’ll just be the block version of my initials, but on yours, you’ve got them in my handwriting and on the other side -” “From the moon and to Saturn,” Shelly finished, looking at the little stamped crescent moon with Saturn's ring around it. Taylor beamed at her again. “That’s my smart girl.” “It’s really beautiful,” Shelly continued. “And I like that it’ll blend in with the merch.” “That was the plan,” Taylor gently took the box from her and moved to put it on a side table before moving to stand in front of the still sitting blonde. “So it’s like a friendship bracelet?” Shelly asked with a slight grin. Taylor just gave her A Look. “Shelly, we’ve been doing this long enough for you to know that this isn’t just friendship.” “I know, I know, I promise. I’m just teasing.” “Hmm,” Taylor leant one knee on the mattress between Shelly’s legs before leaning down as if to kiss her - but she stopped millimetres away from Shelly’s mouth. “You do like to tease, don’t you?” “Yes ma’am,” Shelly almost whispered before she swallowed. “But, you’re just as bad, with those shorts you like to wear and - and all that.” “And the shiny costume?” Shelly nodded. “And the shiny costume.” “Little magpie,” she ran her fingers over Shelly’s hair, tucking some flyaway bits behind her ear. “Ma’am,” Shelly beamed up at her, leaning into her touch. “You know I always correct you when you call me something like that.” “You do,” Taylor cupped her palms around Shelly’s cheeks. “And you normally say something rude about it.” “About being more, ah, cat like?” She grinned almost wickedly. “Something something you are what you eat?” “Hm! Yes that!” She squeezed Shelly’s face gently. “You’re lucky I love you.” “I am! So lucky!” Shelly hummed happily as Taylor kissed her. “The cats love you,” she said between kisses. “I love them,” Shelly giggled. “Not as much as I love you, but it's pretty close.” Taylor laughed. “Well, I can’t say I blame you there. But really, I’m the lucky one.” “Nope, lies, that’s me.” “No,” Taylor tapped the tip of Shelly’s nose. “You’re sweet and kind, smart and funny and so supportive of me and my work.” “What kind of partner would I be if I wasn’t?” Shelly scrunched up her nose as it was tapped, before raising an eyebrow. “Even if we weren’t together, friends should still support friends.” “You’re so good Shell,” she leant down to give her another little kiss, feeling the shorter woman grin into it. “Not difficult to be supportive when your girlfriend is taking over the world with her kick-ass abilities,” Shelly couldn’t help but grin even wider. “Nor is it hard to be good for you either.” “Ma’am…” Shelly just giggled. “I couldn’t ask for anything more from you,” Taylor played with Shelly’s hair. “Ever.” “One of your biggest fans babe,” Shelly winked at her. “I’m always here to cheerlead for you. With or without the outfit.” She couldn’t help it; Taylor snorted. “Well, you do look pretty good in the outfits.” Shelly lightly clicked her tongue and shot her some finger guns and Taylor laughed, which just made Shelly laugh with her. “No, really,” she continued. “The support means everything to me.” “It’s the bare minimum honey,” Shelly murmured as Taylor kissed her forehead. “Bare minimum. I support those I love, fiercely.” “Fiercely support or fiercely love?” “Both.” Taylor beamed. “Please don’t ever change though, Shell. You’re just so…” “Don’t say perfect, because we both know I’m not.” “Soft,” Taylor continued. “You’re soft and sweet, kind and gentle and just so…” She cupped Shelly’s face gently and nuzzled the tip of her nose against her’s. “You’re so good. In all the best ways.” “And all the bad ways,” Shelly grinned before nuzzling Taylor back and giggling. “Anyway,” Taylor rolled her eyes. “Because you’re so good, I have another gift for you.” “Taylor,” Shelly sighed and watched her almost saunter over to the bathroom. “The bracelet and time with you is more than enough.” “Well, it’s kinda for both of us,” she said - inside the bathroom now. Although she’d left the door open a bit. “Oh?” Shelly looked up from her lap, shifting a bit in her spot on the end of the bed. “It’s something for me to wear and for you to take off.”
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gamerwoo · 3 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader
genre/warnings: idol au, strangers to friends, fluff, really bad attempts at humor, tbh not much happens this is more of like an intro part and it’s more like reader & foc and then reader x hansol at the end lmao
word count: 863
summary: ‘cause all i know is we said ‘hello’; and your eyes look like coming home; all i know is a simple name; and everything has changed.
a/n: i try to keep most things about reader vague but this does mention that she’s from the u.s. and specifically from the east coast so if that bothers your ✨immersion✨ i’m sorry lmao
next song | back to playlist
‘All I knew this morning when I woke is I know something now, know something now I didn’t before.’
The soft noise of Taylor Swift filled the car as the other five girls scrolled on their phones or tried to catch some extra sleep. You, however, were too anxious to do any of that.
Being Hybe’s newest group to debut -- and a girl group, at that -- they wanted to promote you as much as they could. You figured that was why you were thrust into some project with Seventeen. You weren’t complaining since you’d been a fan of theirs for a few years now, but you still wondered what made that specific group be the one you were chosen to be put together with for the day. 
“You’re not gonna like, cry or anything, are you?” one of the girls in your group, Mira had asked. “I just wanna be prepared because I don’t do well with people crying.”
You were in the van on the way to where you were filming. The ten of you were doing your own thing, but you and Mira decided to just talk to pass time. Plus, she knew that you were getting anxious and she hoped maybe talking would calm your nerves. Despite being put in charge of the music in the car, that wasn’t even taking your mind off of anything. Taylor Swift was only background noise that was easily drowned out by your wandering mind.
“Wow, you wouldn’t even comfort me?” you asked, feigning shock. “What kind of friend are you?”
“If we ever get popular enough that people write fanfiction about us, I hope nobody thinks I’d comfort them when they cry and write about it,” she deadpanned, letting her head fall back against the seat. Mira was a girl you’d befriended in your early trainee days due to the fact that you hardly knew any Korean, and Mira was one of the only girls at the time able to speak to you since she was fluent in English. “I’d awkwardly leave them and probably go get tacos.”
“It’s called fanfiction for a reason,” you pointed out. “They could make up anything they want about you.”
“At least fictional me will always be a great person,” she gave a one-sided smile. “Real me will just disappoint them.”
The two of you went back and forth until you reached what looked to be a broadcasting building. All of you hopped out and went inside, but unfortunately, Mira’s distractions in the car only lasted until you got out. Again, your mind was buzzing with excitement and nervousness. So as you got your hair and makeup done, you hummed the last song you’d heard in the car.
Time was flying by and dragging on at the same time. It was a blur but in slow motion. And somehow, you were eventually being led out to where Seventeen already stood.
You knew your life would change when you became an idol, but you didn’t know just how much this exact moment was going to change you.
There were small and polite introductions, and you were doing your best to act normally. You weren’t sure if you wanted to squeal out of excitement or faint or just straight up leave and go back to the dressing room and probably throw up.
“Hello,” a voice that was so familiar yet so new to you spoke up.
You turned your head and locked eyes with Hansol, eyebrows raising as you managed out a, “Hello!”
‘How is he even more pretty in person?’ you asked yourself.
His smile was warm as he introduced himself and then asked, “You’re _____, right? We were briefly told about you guys. You’re from America, too, right? East coast?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” you nodded, matching his smile. And some part of you inside felt warm and fuzzy because he knew something about you.
“Finally I’ll have someone on my side to tell Josh that west coast sucks,” he chuckled.
“Yeah,” you laughed, dragging out the word. “What was that thing people used to say? ‘East coast, beast coast’ or something?”
“That’s what I’m sayin’!” he exclaimed before both of you were laughing with each other.
It died down quickly, but naturally. Nothing about the interaction with Hansol felt awkward or uncomfortable. In fact, he made you feel as comfortable as talking with your friends back home. You felt like you’d known him your whole life.
While filming, that connection stayed, and the two of you got along well. It was clear there was a budding friendship between the two of you. It was like you’d somehow rehearsed everything you said and did together.
Yes, your life would be permanently altered because you were an idol now. You’d just had your first debut performance, you were promoting your first single and mini album, and now you were promoting yourselves with Seventeen. But everything was going to change so much more than that, all because of the brown-eyed boy that kept giving you lopsided smiles like you were old friends.
Everything would change in ways you didn’t plan on or expect, all because of Hansol Chwe.
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thewordworrier · 11 months
A Shot In The Darkest Dark
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Word Count: 4,467 words. Notes: ~ Title is from - 'Say Don’t Go' (Taylor's Version) [From The Vault] - from 1989 [Taylor's Version].
It took a little longer, but here's the sort of 'tradition' piece inspired by Taylor's new music! And it so happens to involve her for once. [We'll be back to semi regular Gerard/Shelly content soon XD]
~#~#~#~ Shelly pulled up outside Taylor’s residence, killed the engine and leant back in her seat for a moment.
It wasn’t her first time here, so she wasn’t sure why she felt nervous. She was actually pretty good friends with the singer. All because she had been incredibly fortunate that an opportunity to work with Taylor had fallen into Shelly’s lap. It had been nothing short of a miracle really. And then, more to the point, Taylor had been impressed by her and kept in contact, choosing to use Shelly when she needed someone with her skill set as and when she could, instead of working with someone else. That kinda loyalty? That kinda… Almost endorsement? From someone of Taylor’s status and talent? That was worth its weight in platinum.
But that wasn’t all. The two had become pretty close friends pretty quickly. Which had been a little bizarre for Shelly but also incredibly welcome.
Quite early on in their… Relationship, so to speak. Work relationship and early friendship. Taylor had been the one to notice how ‘un Shelly-like’ she was acting during a job once, had immediately called for a break and pulled Shelly aside to check in on her. Shelly had not been okay that day. Not in the slightest. But she’d been attempting to put on a brave face to get through her work. She thought she’d been doing alright, and for the most part she had been! But she’d accidentally discounted the perceptiveness of Taylor Swift.
Taylor had pulled her aside to somewhere a little more out of the way of everyone else there that day. Once she was sure they were a little more alone, or it was a little more quiet, she’d gently squeezed Shelly’s shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
Shelly glanced at the hand on her shoulder, at the top of her arm, only able to see the perfectly manicured thumbnail. The polish had been a metallic colour that day. Copper maybe? Or some kinda rose gold. Shelly couldn’t really remember that bit; all she could remember was that it was shiny and pretty. Shelly remembered that it wasn’t red, not even a metallic red.
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
Taylor had just given her A Look. “Shelly. You’re not being your usual sunshine self. What’s wrong?” She paused and looked worried for a moment, nibbling her bottom lip. “Have I done something to upset you?”
“You?” Shelly shook her head. “No, god no.”
“That’s good,” she squeezed Shelly’s shoulder again. “If you tell me you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll drop it. I’ll worry, but I’ll drop it. But don’t tell me that you’re okay, because I really don’t believe that you are.”
“No,” Shelly swallowed. “No, I’m not okay. I'm actually really not okay.”
“And that’s okay. You wanna tell me about it?”
She’d be allowed to cry against the singer, leaving dark, bruise-like make-up smudges on Taylor’s collarbones. Not on her shirt - Shelly couldn’t remember at that moment what Taylor had been wearing that day, but she did remember that she didn’t get make-up on it. What she remembered more was the feeling of Taylor hugging her, stroking her hair a little bit and humming soothingly to her.
Shelly sighed and shook her head, still sitting in her car in the driveway. That had been a difficult day. But Taylor had seen that she’d been hiding something and coaxed it right out of her. She’d comforted and looked after her for the rest of the day like a true friend would, not just a… Client? Even though they were a little friendlier than that at the time. But that moment had… Unlocked something. A deeper level of closeness between the two women. It had been a long time since that day and their relationships - business and personal - had just gone from strength to strength.
Her cellphone chimed, making her jump before she rummaged through her purse on the passenger seat to find it. On the screen was a text message alert:
From: 💜 Taylor 💜 Hey, you are still coming today, right? x
Shelly hummed a little and checked her face in the rearview mirror. She frowned, dug around in her bag again before re-applying some lip gloss; pink because red was Taylor’s colour, not hers, no matter how many times Taylor kept telling her that there was a red for everyone. Shelly wasn’t entirely convinced about that, but if one day Taylor sat her down with a stack of red lipsticks and made her try them all - she didn’t think she’d be entirely mad about it. Of course she wouldn’t be mad about it. She was never mad when she was on the receiving end of high levels of personal attention from the singer. Shelly kinda loved all the personal attention, but that was because she had a massive crush on the vocalist, and had done for some time. She just had to keep it very, very quiet because it just wasn’t… It wasn’t professional in one aspect, and she didn’t want to ruin this friendship.
Once she decided that she looked presentable enough (even though she could turn up in loungewear or her pyjamas and Taylor wouldn’t care AND still say that she looked pretty), Shelly grabbed her bag and got out of her car, locking it and walking up the driveway.
The door opened before Shelly even finished making her way up the front steps and she was greeted with the warmest, tightest of hugs.
“Sorry I didn’t reply to your text,” Shelly followed her inside, stepping out of her shoes as she normally did. “I was outside when I got it so I didn’t see the point.”
“That’s okay, I’ll forgive you,” Taylor smiled at her. “But just because you’re so pretty though.”
Shelly chuckled and followed her through the home, quickly being ushered into the cosy main room.
“I figured that I could show you those videos we were talking about and I could paint your nails later?”
Shelly took a second to bite her tongue before deciding ‘screw it.’
“Any excuse to hold my hand Taylor.”
Taylor hoped that Shelly couldn’t see the slight blush that she knew had raced to her cheeks. She cleared her throat. “Go and sit down, I’ll get you something to drink.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Taylor tutted at her playfully before grinning and heading off to the kitchen. Shelly went and settled in her spot on the sofa. Before she had even settled comfortably, she was being investigated by the cats.
“Hey guys,” Shelly hummed at them.
When Taylor returned from gathering drinks and snacks, Shelly was surrounded by her cats. Meredith was settled on the back of the couch near Shelly’s shoulders - ever the aloof loaf but still wanting to be close to the girl. Olivia was resting up against Shelly’s legs and Benjamin was curled up in Shelly’s lap.
“I see you’re trying to steal my cats from me again,” she put the tray down on the table before taking a seat on the other half of the couch Shelly was on.
Olivia looked up at the sound of Taylor’s voice before slowly standing, stretching and padding across the cushions to her. Taylor smiled and fussed the feline.
“It’s not intentional,” Shelly beamed down at the ragdoll in her lap who was purring like a jet engine as he was scratched behind the ears. “Though I might very well run away with this snuggly baby if you’re not careful.”
“He’s a charmer,” Taylor noticed Meredith watching her. “Even Meredith wants to be close to you when you come around Shell. That’s pretty special.”
Shelly looked up from fussing Benjamin, first at Taylor, then over her shoulder slightly to the cat on the back of the sofa. She hummed at Meredith whose ears relaxed at the noise.
“I think it’s because you don’t force her to do anything,” Taylor continued. “You don’t force her to accept affection or anything, you just let her be, so she’s quite happy to just be around you.”
“Cats are so independent,” Shelly said softly. “It’s wrong to treat them like dogs - they’re two completely different species even if humans have domesticated these versions of them.”
“You’re just so pleasant to be around Shell, but I tell you this all of the time.”
“You do,” Shelly almost melted as Benjamin looked up at her with his big blue eyes and mewed. “Oh little man, you can have my whole heart.”
Taylor giggled. “Well, you know he’ll look after it.”
“Mm,” Shelly let the cat in her lap curl his paw around her fingers to drag them back to him - clearly not happy with the fact that she’d stopped petting him. “He doesn’t even use his claws when he does that. He’s such a little gentleman.”
“He’s a good boy. I think his sisters have taught him well.”
“His mom has too I think,” Shelly glanced up at Taylor and flashed her a smile.
“Now who’s the charming one?”
Shelly giggled and the women settled to watch something that Taylor had been saving to show her. She wasn’t sure, but, to Shelly, it felt like Taylor kept getting closer, even with the cats in the way.
Eventually, Taylor got up to either feed the cats or top up their water or… Something. Shelly wasn’t sure - she only half heard the explanation before Taylor stood up and was quite promptly followed by the three felines. The sight of that made Shelly giggle a little bit.
It didn’t take Taylor long to deal with the cats, and Shelly could hear her talking to them before she started to make her way back to where the singer had left her guest, but she made a quick stop first, having had a thought.
Shelly looked up from sipping her drink and tilted her head as Taylor sat back on the sofa - just closer to Shelly than before.
“I also wanted to show you these,” Taylor said, offering Shelly some papers. “I trust you, and I wanted to get your opinion?”
The fact that that last bit actually sounded more like a question, wasn’t lost on Shelly because it was unusual for Taylor to sound that uncertain. In Shelly’s opinion anyway. She gave the singer a small, hopefully reassuring smile before carefully taking the papers from her.
“Sure, I can look these over for you.”
Taylor tried not to watch Shelly as she read the sheets, really she did, but… It was just so difficult. Shelly was so pretty, so sweet, so kind, so genuine. So honest. She genuinely believed that the Brit didn’t give a damn about her fame and fortune. Sure, her fame had caused them to meet, and that was great, but apart from that, Shelly didn’t seem to care? She treated Taylor like a regular, normal, girl next door type. And for that, Taylor was thankful.
Shelly flicked through the papers, holding each one so carefully. And Taylor noticed that. She noticed so much about the way Shelly did things. She used to think that she was just good at observing people but she didn’t think that she’d ever observed anyone to this extent. It was almost like she was obsessed with the blonde. Although that word made it sound almost creepy. Infatuated? Enchanted. Yes. Of course, one of her own titles was perfect for this.
She was just so enchanted with the girl. Shelly was just so, so down to earth, so open and friendly. It was impossible not to like her - Taylor had immediately felt at ease when they’d been introduced the first time. Shelly radiated this aura of… Trust. Of safety. Security. And god, wasn’t that something that Taylor wanted in her life. She had been such an incredible friend to her since they met; she was Taylor’s favourite person to spend time with because Taylor felt like… She didn’t have to hide, she didn’t have to pretend to be someone or something she wasn’t. She didn’t have to live up to whatever reputation the press was giving her that day. She could open the door to Shelly dressed in sweatpants and a huge cardigan with minimal make-up on (because Taylor would always put something on if Shelly was coming over), and Shelly just wouldn’t mind.
Actually, last time she’d done that, Shelly had been so enamoured with the cardigan Taylor’d been wearing, Taylor had tried to take it off to give it to her. But Shelly, bless her, hadn’t taken it. She’d just taken the details so she could look up where to maybe get her own. Though, Taylor had suspected that Shelly would never buy her own, as it had been a little expensive and Shelly would never spend that kind of money on one item like that. She was... Practical? That way. Which is why Taylor had purchased one for her, in a different colour to her own that she knew Shelly would like. She had been thoroughly scolded for that though; you don’t need to buy me things Taylor. You know I’m not like that. But, ultimately, she’d taken the gift with some gentle coaxing; unfolding it carefully and stroking the material as she’d done so before trying it on. And the colour had looked better on her than Taylor had imagined.
“That looks great on you Shell,” Taylor had taken her hand and pulled her over to a full length mirror, standing next to her so they could look at themselves in their almost matching cardigans. “Lavender is perfect on you.”
Shelly had gone a pretty shade of pink, turned away from the mirror and hugged Taylor quite tightly.
“You’re terrible,” she’d said, affectionately. “But thank you.”
She couldn’t help but want to buy her things - she wanted to look after the shorter woman, she wanted to treat her right. Even if Shelly was a little bit against Taylor spending her money on her. But, again, that was such a point in Shelly’s favour - she really wasn’t in this relationship for the financial benefits. She wasn’t even in it for a link for fame - she was quite shy, even in a professional capacity. Taylor remembered when they’d been introduced. Shelly had been so, so shy then. She’d been introduced with a compliment about her work and she’d said; “oh, I’m not sure about that personally, but thank you,” before extending her hand for a handshake. Sweet, shy, humble and professional.
Taylor had been smitten from the start.
She looked up to see Taylor looking at her, pretty intently, which was a little strange. It took another moment for Shelly to notice that Taylor had moved closer. “Mm?”
“I…” She paused and then sighed. “I want to say something, and I hope it doesn’t make you hate me.”
Shelly frowned and when she spoke, her voice was soft and gentle. “I doubt there’s anything you could do that would cause me to hate you, Taylor.”
“Oh my god,” it was more a soft whisper than an angry exclamation or anything. “Why are you…” Taylor shook her head. “Why is this so hard? I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to say this for… I think weeks.”
“Weeks?” Shelly’s eyebrows rose, she moved the papers to the coffee table, and she leant forward to rest her hands over Taylor’s. “Is everything alright? Whatever it is, you can tell me, you know. You don’t have to use a metaphor or anything. Sometimes plain and simple is best in the moment.”
Taylor looked up at her and Shelly grinned.
“We can always workshop it later into something more elaborate,” Shelly said.
Taylor giggled and shook her head slowly with a smile. “Are you ever just… Not amazing?”
“All the time,” Shelly squeezed Taylor's hand and sat up properly.
“I don’t believe that.”
“You should.”
They fell quiet for a moment.
“Do you ever just…”
Shelly tilted her head as Taylor started speaking and then trailed off. She waited, choosing not to push the other woman.
“You know that you should do - or say - something because it’ll probably be good for you, but it’s a brand new thing and you’re just really nervous about it?” Taylor continued. “Like, you know it might not end well, but you know it won’t be too terrible but you’re still…”
“Scared?” Shelly offered, watching Taylor nod. “Yeah, all the time. That’s pretty normal.”
“Mm,” Taylor nodded again, slowly before swallowing.
“You don’t need to be scared of me, or around me Taylor,” Shelly almost whispered. “I’m not gonna judge you for anything - you know that. And I’m not gonna tell anyone. I’ll take it to my grave if you need me to.”
“Oh, I know!” She said hurriedly. “I just…”
Shelly looked up at her with those big, blue eyes and she smiled - though Taylor swore there was a hint of shyness in it this time. Her eyes sparkled, they always sparkled like she knew more than she was letting on and most of the time Taylor believed that really was true. She also hoped that this was a similar case - she hoped that Shelly knew what she was trying to say. Maybe if Taylor willed it hard enough, Shelly could just… Finished the sentence for her?
That didn’t happen, much to Taylor’s disappointment. Though, Taylor was never that disappointed wherever Shelly was involved.
“No pressure,” Shelly said softly, reaching over to pat Taylor’s knee affectionately and encouragingly. “If you can’t find the words now, that’s okay too. Just blurt it out whenever you can, yeah?”
Taylor just nodded, almost dumbly, getting another of Shelly’s cute smiles in response before the other woman turned back to the papers, reaching for them to start flicking through them again.
“Taylor,” Shelly started quietly as she continued looking through everything. “These are so…”
Taylor nibbled her bottom lip, curious about what she was going to say.
“You’re so talented,” Shelly finished, just as quietly, letting out a soft sigh. “These are so beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you are.”
Shelly blinked rapidly at her before giggling. She felt a little nervous for some reason, and she was sure that she was blushing. And if she wasn’t blushing then she was starting to; she could feel it.
Taylor could see it - a delightful dusting of pink was now covering the blonde’s face.
“Seriously,” Taylor continued. “You are so beautiful. You’re just so cute.”
Shelly ducked her head a little bit and shook it. “Nuh.”
“Mm hm!”
“I disagree, quite a lot,” Shelly mumbled, shuffling the papers again, attempting to go back to those.
“And you’re allowed to disagree with me,” Taylor said. “But, that would also mean that you’re gonna be wrong. And that’s okay! We’re all wrong at some point.”
Shelly glanced up at the singer, raising an eyebrow slightly. “Oh, really?”
Taylor just smiled at Shelly. “I mean, you’re not wrong a lot, really. So that makes it extra okay if you’re wrong about this.”
“Taylor,” Shelly sighed. “I say this with all the affection, but, you’re a dork.”
Taylor laughed and shuffled closer, leaning her chin against Shelly’s shoulder, wrapping her arms around the other woman. “Maybe I am!”
“Hey, I never said that I’d change you,” Shelly gently (oh so gently!) hit her forehead against Taylor’s and smiled as she felt the singer squeeze her. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Taylor squeezed her again and sat up straighter. “Are you sure about that? You don’t think I’m problematic?”
Shelly snorted and shook her head. “No, you’re not problematic. We both know the media loves to drag women for doing the same shit men do.”
“Double standards,” Taylor agreed with a nod and a roll of her eyes.
“But I don’t think you’re problematic. And I definitely wouldn’t change a thing.”
Taylor felt herself melt. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you, either. Shell, you’re perfect.”
Shelly went from pink to red and shook her head slowly. “I really don’t agree with you, but…”
She paused and Taylor tilted her head as she waited.
“But,” Shelly whispered. “It really is a massive honour that you think that.”
“Oh Shelly… My opinion isn’t that special.”
“It is!” Shelly started, a little louder than normal. She winced a little at that volume and cleared her throat softly before she continued but much more quietly. “Um. At least, it is to me.”
“And you’re that special. To me.”
Shelly blinked rapidly for a second and tilted her head in that cute way she did. She reminded Taylor very much of one of her cats. Which was also quite fitting, as Taylor knew that Shelly was a Leo. And god, she really looked like one.
Well, she didn’t look… Horrified or anything. She looked more curious than anything. That was… Good.
“You are,” Taylor continued, swallowing quickly. “You really are. You are so special, and I hate that you can’t see how wonderful you are.”
Shelly’s expression softened and she looked away shyly.
“I mean,” Taylor moved closer; their thighs were touching now. “Of course you are. All of my cats like you! Meredith always ends up sitting near you and pretty much always has done. It didn’t take her long to warm up to being around you. You just have that kinda effect on people Shell. It’s like magic.”
Something about that, about all of Taylor’s words, really softened Shelly. Maybe it wasn’t the words, per say, maybe it was more to do with who was saying them. It was pretty much impossible to feel bad about yourself when Taylor was in your circle of friends. Hell, it was pretty much impossible to feel bad about yourself when Taylor was around - she didn’t even have to be your friend.
Taylor watched Shelly avoid making eye contact at that - she had never been good at taking compliments, but at least nowadays she rebutted them less. She just stayed quiet instead, which was a step. And, most of the time, Taylor had noticed that when she was the one giving out the compliment, Shelly would go a little bit shy and end up with a small, sweet smile on her pretty face. That was an expression Taylor wanted to see much more often.
“I have feelings for you, Shelly.”
That made the shorter woman sit up a bit straighter and when she looked at the singer, it was with wide eyes. It took her a little longer than she would’ve liked to remember that there were more feelings in the world than romantic ones. She needed to not read too much into this.
“Well,” Shelly said, her tone clearly cautious. “We’re good friends. There’s gonna be those kinda feelings there.”
“That’s… Not quite what I meant,” Taylor smiled kindly at her. She could almost see her brain working, actually.
“Um…” Shelly nipped her bottom lip. “I… I don’t…”
Taylor almost held her breath.
“I don’t want to assume,” Shelly finished, noticing the singer’s shoulders relax. “I don’t want to put words in your mouth.”
“Shelly…” Taylor sighed softly and shook her head. “C’mere.”
She gently grasped Shelly’s chin just to hold her still for a moment before she leant forward and pressed her red lipstick covered lips against Shelly’s pink lipgloss covered ones. It was just one kiss, just to get her point across. When Taylor moved back Shelly looked quite surprised.
“I… Oh!”
Taylor giggled and hummed for a moment. “I mean, if I’ve read you wrong, then we can pretend that this never happened.”
“No!” Shelly answered before going pink at the speed of her reply. “Um. I mean… Are you sure?”
This time it was Taylor’s turn to tilt her head in question.
“I mean, this might blow up in your incredibly pretty face when the press gets a hold of it?” Shelly bit her bottom lip. “I don’t want to cause problems for you.”
“I mean…” Shelly shifted a little in her spot. “When it gets out, because it will, it’ll not only be a case of ‘oh look another relationship’ but also a sort of ‘oh she plays for both teams’ kinda thing?”
“I’m not… I’m not worried about that,” Taylor shook her head. “Unless… Would it bother you, being in the press like that?”
Shelly waved that off. “I don’t mind. I really am more worried about you.”
“You’re so good Shell,” Taylor tucked some of Shelly’s hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. “You’re so considerate.”
Shelly’s eyes flickered down to the slightly less perfect lipstick. “I try to be.”
“And I’d really like to try… Well, us? If that’s okay with you. If I have been reading you right, I don’t think you’re totally against the idea.”
“If that’s -?” Shelly giggled. “Yes, yes that’s very okay with me. I’m not against the idea in the slightest.”
Taylor let out the biggest sigh of relief ever, which found itself accompanied by a soft laugh. That little noise made Shelly smile and sort of nestle against the hand still cupping her cheek. A moment of braveness overtook her and she hooked her finger in the neckline of Taylor’s t-shirt, gently pulling her forward so Shelly could kiss her this time.
That took Taylor a little by surprise, but she leant into it very quickly, sliding her hand around to tangle her fingers in Shelly’s hair, while Shelly’s fingers gripped the front of her t-shirt, having unhooked from the neckline as soon as their lips had touched. And as soon as that happened, as soon as their lips touched, Taylor sighed happily and slid her other arm around Shelly’s waist so she could pull her closer. Not that pulling her closer took much effort because Shelly more than happily shuffled as close to Taylor as she could. She let go of Taylor’s t-shirt and wrapped both of her arms around the singer instead.
Every time one of them tried to pull away for a moment, the other would stop them, either by gently tugging on their clothes to bring them back closer, or by ‘chasing’ after them. It was after Taylor had done this, again, that Shelly giggled softly against Taylor’s lips, making the singer smile. She pulled away as Shelly’s giggling got a little louder and just beamed at the shorter blonde.
“Now, what’s got you making such a pretty noise?”
Shelly nibbled her bottom lip, trying not to grin too widely. “No, I can’t, you’ll hate me.”
Taylor snorted. “Hate you? Never.”
“It’s awful.”
“I doubt it,” she took Shelly’s hands and squeezed them. “Go on.”
Shelly hesitated for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. “Okay, okay.”
Taylor tilted her head, waiting.
“My brain just said,” Shelly paused again. “Well, I guess... That’s how you get the girl.”
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thewordworrier · 3 years
Writing MasterList
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First and foremost: don’t repost my stuff anywhere. I don’t give permission for that to happen. Please and thank you.
I chose Tumblr for a reason, okay? I’ll decide if I want to share my work anywhere else.
You may also find my stuff on an AO3 account under the same name. BUT THAT’S IT. If it’s anywhere else, it shouldn’t be! So please let me know!
Basically - I write a lot of Gerard Way x OFC. And I write a lot of AUs because those things are my lifeblood.
I’m aware that a lot of people are weird with RPF, so if you don’t like it, hit the back button or X out of the window. Same for if you’re not a fan of OCs.  Each post will have a section at the top for warnings and notes and ratings and all of that fun stuff. You’ll have plenty of chances to back off if it’s not something you’re going to like. I’m not going to tolerate ‘hate’ when you’ve already been warned. Although, please let me know if I need to retag something in regards to trigger warnings or things of the ilk - and that goes for anything I write - I promise I won’t be mad, I’ll just want to know! I’m never sure if I’ve tagged anything properly, or even if I’ve missed a tag. What I consider... Not enough of a mention to warn for, might be different to someone else. Does that make sense? I think these are linked in the order they were written/published. Don’t quote me on that, but that seems about right - the further down the list you go, the newer the work is.
Your Heart Can’t Take This [Complete] Masterpost - contains links to all parts, the extra part and a post on the music. [Band!Fic] A bit... Gloomy, at least to start.
It’s a Compliment, I Swear [On-Going] - [On Hiatus] Masterpost - contains a link to all parts as they’re written. [College AU] Friends to lovers, soft and kinda fluffy, confident!FOC, Shy!Gerard. She’s Got Something Else In Mind [Band!Fic] Slightly established relationship? Flirty little fluff piece. You Belong to Me, I Believe [Band!Fic] A smutty Desolation Row Era fic. Ergo, NSFW / 18+ The World Is Ugly + (But You’re Beautiful To Me) [Complete] [Late High School AU] Soft, friends to lovers, protective!female!friend and Shy!Gerard
🎂  This Is Getting Good Now Masterpost - A smutty birthday fic in 3 parts. Really Rather NSFW, so 18+
Say You're Just a Friend; I'm a Little Liar [College AU] - Flirty, a little Spicy but not too much.
Born Bob Dylan [Complete] Masterpost - This is a big one and my (first) baby. After the break up of both his band and his marriage, despite his best efforts, Gerard couldn’t stay away from music. Even a solo artist needs a tour manager - and being introduced to his made Gerard feel like the past was definitely not through with him. The question remained - was there anything else? [Post-MCR fic.]
You Should’ve Raised a Baby Girl [Parent fic? Is that a catergory?] Small, domestic slice of life kinda thing. Imaginary Wedding Gown [Band!Fic] Close conversation, friends to lovers kinda deal. Just Sleep [Band!Fic] Sleepy, snuggly, comfort fic. 🎵 A Better Man [Regular People Fic?] Loosely based on/inspired by the Taylor Swift song of the same name. Possibly fluffy friendship fic? Ho Ho - Oh! [Band!Fic] Flirty, innuendo filled Christmas fic. It Seems Like One Of Those Nights [Band!Fic] Friendshippy, maybe-there’s-something-more, deepish conversation, soft fic. You Are My Favourite 'What If?' [Time-Travelling Nonsense with No Explanation] 'Cause I Am The Opposite Of Amnesia (More) [Time-Travelling Nonsense with No Explanation] - not necessarily linked to the one above, but certainly could be. The Lights And Boys Are Blinding [Band!Fic] Soft, friendshippy, maybe-there’s-something-more.
You Are My Best ‘I’ll Never Know’ (Yet More) [Time-Travelling Nonsense with No Explanation] It’s Not Love If It’s Just Fucking [College AU] Pre-Established Friendship, Everyone Is Bi, NSFW / 18+
Call Me Babe For The Weekend [Complete] Masterpost - If Born Bob Dylan is my first baby, this is my second. An AU in which Gerard is a rich businessman in need of a favour. Shelly is his tailor’s granddaughter whose mistake weaves her into his seemingly selfish fabrications. [AU] [Fake Dating] Something to... Can you call them friends? To...?
Said "I'm Fine" But It Wasn't True [Regular People Fic - ie; not band!fic] Um, hurt/comfort, established relationship. You'd Get Your Knuckles Bloody For Me [Late High School AU] Soft, gentler hurt/comfort than previous work. Close friends. I Can See You Starin’ Honey [Band!Fic] A kinda spicy, but not overly so, soft, little bit of reassurance? Not sure how to label this one. Once, Twice, Three Times… [Regular People Fic] Could very well be in the same Universe as my other two but doesn’t have to be. Established relationship, decently domestic, pre-pregnancy. Revenge Looks Good On You [Band!Fic] Kinda cute, appreciation type thing. Live Forever In The Lights You Make [Family!Fic] Current Era, horribly sweet. If We Can Find Where We Belong [Family!Fic] Current Era, fluff. General happy couple/family times. Set after “Live Forever In The Lights You Make.” 🎂 She’s Somebody’s Daughter [Family!Fic] Pregnancy fic, birth day fic [space intentional], it’s more feelings than physical (description) so hopefully won’t make people feel gross.  An Attempt Was Made [Band!Fic] - an non romantic, but affectionate conversation between the Tour Manager and the Drummer of MyChem. I Mean This - I’m Okay [Band!Fic] - non-romantic Fan!Reader fic. It’s Not The Way I’m Picturing [College!AU] A little mutual pining, friends to lovers. Established friendship. Fluffy stuff. I am a ho for these kinda things. 🎵 You Knew The Entire Time [Regular People Fic] A sequel to A Better Man.
OTPtober Masterlist A small set of 10 prompts as an excuse to write about your OTP. Summaries for the individual fics on the mini masterlist, but they’re all pretty cute, I promise.
She's The Lady Of Our House [Band!Fic/Normal AU technically] - A piece about how Shelly celebrates Mother’s Day.
It Started With An Alright Scene Masterpost - This is what I’ve been calling “The Origin Story” or at least, specifically Shelly’s. [Band!Fic - though it’s technically a slightly altered timeline.]
You Conjure Up A Fiction [Band!Fic/Normal AU] - Shelly falls down an online rabbithole while passing the time on the tourbus. 🌈 I Can Admit That I'm Just Too Soft [Not MCR] - f/f - Shelly/Taylor Swift written for Pride 2023 [Hopefully] Soft & fluffy (and flirty) conversation between happy lovers. 🌈 Oh, I Thought, This Is Gonna Be One Of Those Things [Original Fiction!] - f/f - Shelly x Female!Reader written for Pride 2023 Soft, flirty, happy, experimental piece. 🎵  A Cardboard Box Of Photos Of The Life We Made [Band!Fic/Normal AU] The Black Parade Era, Established relationship, slight domesticity. Another of my ‘written inspired by Taylor’s New Music’ pieces, though not connected to the others. 🎂  I Gotta Shout This Out So Everybody Knows [Band!Fic/NormalAU] Shelly’s first birthday while working with MyChem. Vampires Will Never Hurt You [Vampire AU] In which Gerard is newly turned, looking for food. 🎵 🌈  A Shot In The Darkest Dark [Not MCR] f/f - Shelly/Taylor Swift Soft, friends to lovers, feelings confession. If You Look In The Mirror And Don’t Like What You See [Band!Fic/Normal AU - that is, the band exists here.] Family Fluff, Established Relationship, Body Image Issues (for both, bless them). In which an innocent comment from their daughter leaves both parents second guessing themselves a little bit. This Place Is Too Crowded - Too Many Cool Kids [Band!Fic] Soft, Friendshippy piece. A little, soft insight into the relationship between the guitarist and the tour manager.
If You Marry Me Masterpost - [Band!Fic] A ‘What If?’ so to speak. An AU of an AU, almost. A problem arises during the Revenge Tour and the quickest solution is... Kinda awkward, actually.
🎵 Gazing At Me Starry Eyed [Band!Fic/NormalAU - though is post-break up/band hiatus] Family Fluff, Established Relationship, Dad!Gerard and Mama!Shelly, Domestic. A soft, slice of life in the Sketcher/Way household (as opposed to the Smith/Way ;) household) in which Gerard is very, very much in love with his family. 🎵 Like A Tattooed Golden Retriever [Band!Fic/NormalAU] Established Friendship, Slightly SickFic (though not graphically described), Comfort, Fluff, Friendshippy. After falling sick during the ProRev tour, Shelly keeps more of an eye on Frank than normal, and he's not totally mad about it. 🎵 'Til You Sometimes Come And Tug My Sweater [Band!Fic/NormalAU] Reflection piece, character commentary? Fluff. Shelly's not the only one who thinks she suits a sweater. 🎂 Are You Thinking Of Me, Like I'm Thinking Of You? Masterpost - [Band!Fic/Normal AU] Established Friendships, Everyone Else Knows, Hot Weather Hormones (though it’s flirty not smutty), Feelings Confession Despite being Stateside for several consecutive summers, Shelly is still not used to the high temperatures; nor the hot tempers or the clingy clothing that comes with it. This year, however, skin is not the only thing that’s going to be exposed. Heaven Ain't Got A Vacancy [Danger Days AU] Implied character suffering, though it’s not described. Near death experience, I think. Siren gets herself in a spot of bother and contemplates her life choices.
You Kiss Me In A Way That's Gonna Screw Me Up Forever [Band!Fic/NormaAU] Reflection piece, character commentary, fluff, established relationship, reminiscing. Shelly muses about one of her favourite forms of affection. I've Been Having A Hard Time Adjusting [Band!Fic/Normal AU] Reassurance, Fluff, Comfort. Things are changing within the band and Shelly and Lux have a little bit of a heart to heart about it.
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