#Team India Sandwiches
gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
India T20 World Cup: सैंडविच विवाद पर भारत ने प्रैक्टिस का किया बायकॉट? यहां जानिए पूरी सच्चाई
India T20 World Cup: सैंडविच विवाद पर भारत ने प्रैक्टिस का किया बायकॉट? यहां जानिए पूरी सच्चाई
सिडनी: कड़े अभ्यास सत्र के बाद ठंडे सैंडविच और फल भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के कुछ खिलाड़ियों के लिए पर्याप्त पोषण नहीं था और कई खिलाड़ियों ने इन्हें खाने के बजाय होटल लौटकर भोजन करने का विकल्प चुना। भारतीय खिलाड़ियों ने गर्म खाने को प्राथमिकता दी जिसे कड़े ट्रेनिंग सत्र के बाद अनिवार्य माना जाता है और मंगलवार को यह मेन्यु का हिस्सा नहीं था। इसकी जगह खिलाड़ियों को ठंडे सैंडविच, फल के अलावा फलाफेल (मसले…
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hakugreenfinch · 11 months
Iggy the Stray Dog - ch2 (1/2)
Author: Otsuichi
Original concept: Araki Hirohiko
Originally published: JOJO Magazine 2022 Spring
*** This is a fan translation made purely for entertainment. Please do not repost/reuse/etc without my permission and credit! ***
Note: Since the next three chapters are very long and I don't want to keep you waiting forever, I decided to split them up into 2-3 parts. Thank you for your patience, I'm super excited to deliver the rest of this short novel!
Manhattan Island is located at the mouth of the Hudson river. It is four kilometers in width, twenty kilometers in length, a sandbank elongated in a north-south direction. Navigator Henry Hudson discovered it in 1609 and it is said that the Dutch East India Company purchased it from Native Americans for 24 dollars in 1626. Its name Manhattan translates to „the island of many hills” in their language.
The morning after my arrival, the air was still clouded by yellow. White steam rose from the gutters all over. I bought a toasted sandwich at a corner store to eat. Crispy bacon and fresh lettuce was held between fragnant bread.
I took the subway on my way to the city center. To participate in the „stray dog hunt”. Passing ticket control and ascending the stairs, I found myself in a desolate place. It was a district with empty bear cans lying around and closed shutters of shops bearing graffiti. On one side, there stood a brick building, the ground floor offices of which belonged to a company specializing in pest extermination.
Its name was Reliable Pest Control Services, or RPCS for short. In addition to pest control, they undertook everything from vermin extermination and cleaning up buildings to waste management. At this time, the Speedwagon Foundation had contacted the manager, requesting their help capturing Iggy in exchange for financial support.
As I stated the purpose of my visit at the reception desk, a large, middle-aged Spaniard showed up. His stern face looked like it was carved from stone, and three vertical lines ran down across his right eye – they seemed to be claw marks.
„You’re Avdol, right? The chief told me about you. So you wanna catch that damn Boston Terrier?”
„My American friend has entrusted me with this request.”
„I’ll let you watch, just make sure you’re not bothering us!”
„All right. For now, I would like to study your work. I won’t intervene or disturb you, I’ll just watch from a distance.”
„Admirable attitude, Egyptian.”
The Spaniard led me inside the office. It was like a labyrinth of miscellaneous packages piled up on top of each other with desks, blackboards, a billiard table, a darts board and empty liquor bottles in the gaps between them. On an old sofa set, four men were gathered, exhaling cigarette smoke and playing poker.
„These guys are my team,” introduced them the Spaniard. The men put down their cards. turning their gazes to me, as if to observe me.  They all had vulgar faces. One of them clicked his tongue, putting out the cigarette he’s been smoking on an ashtray. He was a large, white man resembling a rugby player.
„So you’re the Foundation’s buddy? The chief told us if we keep an eye out for you the Speedwagon Foundation would pay us a nice sum. But y’know, this is a lot of extra work for us.”
„I will not bother you. All I wish is to stand by and watch your work from a distance, to see how the dog could be captured. I don’t believe that would increase your work at all.”
„You coming with us means you’ll be taking up a seat in the car. We’ll have to take less equipment like that!”
They were going to drive to Manhattan Island in two cars, one of them a van equipped with dog cages. The space in the vehicles was crammed with all sorts of nets and traps, tranquilizer guns and such. It appeared that with my participation, they could load a lot less into the cars. The Spaniard tried to calm down the man.
„Hey, don’t say that. It’s not like animal traps are any good against that Boston Terrier, we’d be bringing them for nothing.” He pulled me away from the men. „They’re just pissed because that shitty dog got the best of them.”
„What do you mean by animal traps?”
„Cages you can’t leave once you’re caught in them, like bear traps. You know bear traps, right? Like the Gustave Courbet painting, „Fox caught in a trap”? The iron trap that the fox’s leg is stuck in. But no such trap can catch that Boston Terrier, they were useless even with his favourite coffee chewing gum inside. I don’t know how but he just ran away with the chewing gum, without triggering the trap.”
A map hung on the wall, the places where Iggy had been spotted marked on it. He had been seen all over Manhattan. Wall Street, Times Square, he even seemed to be frequenting the ferry to Liberty Island with the Statue of Liberty.
„I made some posters with his image and put them up all over Manhattan. I wrote on it that we’ll reward anyone that has any news, so we got some information from the citizens.”
He showed me an actual poster. Drawn on it was a foolish image of a Boston Terrier, drool dripping from his mouth.
„The claw marks on your face, was that also him?”
„A while ago we tried strike him down when he was taking a nap. We got a report and when we rushed there, he was basking in the sun, snoring like hell. I decided to shoot him with a tranquilizer gun from a distance. As I pointed the gun at him and aimed, he woke up but didn’t try to run away. He saw us and yawned without a care in the world. I pulled the trigger and a tranquilizer dart shot out. My aim was sure, no doubt about it.”
However, the dart didn’t hit its target. It flipped midair in front of the Boston Terrier, just as if it was being blocked by something invisible.
„I dunno why. Maybe it was a faulty dart, it changed its direction in the middle of its track. We had to try and catch him with a net, but that damn dog jumped up and scratched my face. He tore out some of my hair and farted once before escaping us. It’s a mystery what he ate that made him fart like that but it was putrid.”
I was thinking about the invisible thing that was said to have deflected the tranquilizer dart. There was no way the dart was faulty. They couldn’t see it. Something invisible was present before Iggy and it protected him. I had a pretty good idea what that mysterious something could have been.
A bell’s sound echoed in the RPCS office. The staff member from the reception desk at the front entrance called out to us. The men playing poker stood, leaving the room running.
„Where are you going?”
„The locker room. We’re changing into work clothes and leaving. Tha bell only rings when we get news of someone seeing that damn Boston Terrier. If we don’t hurry, he’ll get away!”
In a matter of minutes, they all finished changing into grey work clothes, getting inside both cars in the garage. I myself accompanied them, getting inside the van carrying the cages. The van was driven by a slim, young Black man. The Spaniard sat in the passenger’s seat and I took my place behind them.
„The phone call came from someone living near the Harlem River, they saw that shitty Boston Terrier stealing chewing gum” said the Spaniard, folding out a map to check the route. The two cars took off, rushing towards the area facing Harlem River.
Inside the hurling car, I was debating whether I should tell the man with the strict face sitting before me that the Boston Terrier actually has a name. In the end, I decided not to do so. They wouldn’t have cared too much for what the dog’s name was anyway.
The north-eastern parts of Manhattan were mostly inhabited by immigrants. Most of the people passing us by were Puerto Rican or Mexican, the majority of the conversations I overheard were in Spanish. Many brown mansions stood by the riverside. The city of New York built these for low income citizens and they referred to them as a „project”. There were nearly 2900 of these „projects” in New York City, with roughly 420,000 people inhabiting them. Some apartments were used for drug trafficking, they were a hotbed for crime.
The stray dog hunting team got out of the vehicles parking on the roadside and set out looking around the neighborhood. I decided to stick with the Spaniard. First of all, he wanted to meet and talk to the person reporting the dog.
The Spaniard approached a young man of Latin American descent standing by a payphone on a street corner. He smelled like marijuana.
„You’re the guys looking for the Boston Terrier, right?”
„Yeah. Can you tell us what you saw?”
„It was just now, like thirty minutes ago. A weird dog came out of that supermarket over there, it was eating something. The store clerk ran after it but it got away. It was black and white. I thought it was a French Bulldog but it had a slim body so I figured it was a Boston Terrier. I called the number from a poster when I saw that.”
The young man rubbed his index finger and thumb together in a gesture of requesting his reward. The Spaniard handed him a couple of bank notes but he didn’t seem impressed.
„Hey, this isn’t even enough for a beer!”
„If you have more info, I’ll give you more.”
The Spaniard sent the young man away and set off in the direction of said supermarket. It was a small store standing in a dirty, graffiti-covered alleyway.      I call it a supermarket but it was nothing more than a private business, with colourful vegetables on its racks that looked fresh and delicious. The store clerk, a fat Black woman, was standing there with a troubled look on her face. The Spaniard called out to her.
„We heard a Boston Terrier stole some of your merchandise, is that true?”
„Yeah, just look at this!” she beckoned. The Spaniard’s work clothes had the logo of his company embroidered, she must have known he was an expert of vermin extermination. Right as we stepped inside the supermarket we found a candy shelf. The goods had been stolen from it and the empty shelf was sticky with a clear liquid dripping off of it. „It’s just like ’Alien’, isn’t it? The movie. Have you seen it? The monster was drooling just like this.”
The store clerk furrowed her brows. The Spaniard took out a ballpoint pen from his chest pocket, picking up some of the liquid with its end and examining its viscosity and smell.
„It’s drool. Those shelves had coffee flavour chewing gum on them, am I right?”
„Exactly! A small black and white dog devoured it right here. I tried to catch it but it picked up the entire box and ran off. I reported it to the police as well, just in case, but I’m surprised to see that you guys showed up! Then again, there’s so much crime on these streets, the police must be very busy.”
Leaving the store, the Spaniard got in touch with his men. Each of them carried a transceiver, making it possible to exchange information between each other so long as they were within a couple kilometers radius.
I decided to investigate our surroundings as well. I moved through dirty alleyways scattered with trash, looking for a Boston Terrier.
The wind carried the stench of alcohol and urine. It was probably drunks standing in the alleys and taking a piss. A row of cars stood parking on the roadside. It was a lonely street with no people or cars passing by.
Someone from our team was questioning a vagrant, holding the handle of a large net. It was the white man that complained to me in the office and reminded me of a rugby player. It seemed like his work clothes were about to burst with his muscles.
„Didn’t you see a dog around here? A small, black and white one. It has a short snout and it farts a lot.”
The vagrant our rugby player was looking down to was an elderly man, leaning back onto a building’s wall as he was sitting on the ground. He had put down a piece of cardboard to make his sitting place more comfortable. His mouth seemed to be mumbling something in response to the rugby player’s question, however he couldn’t form his words properly, having lost all his teeth.
„There... right there...” The vagrant’s words came in fragments. He pointed a finger at the wall right across the street. I turned to the rugby player.
„I believe this old man is pointing us to around there.”
The rugby player glanced at me, turning his gaze to where the vagrant was pointing.
„There’s nothin’ there. Nothin’ strange. Not a Boston Terrier, not a place where a small dog could hide.”
„But this old man is trying to bring our attention to something.”
On the other side of the line of parking cars was nothing but old brick buildings, lined up without so much as a crevice between them. The vagrant was pointing at one of those walls.
The rugby player shook his head.
„That’s just a wall. We asked the wrong guy. Maybe he’s hallucinating!”
The vagrant, however, kept on murmuring.
„...weird... how...? It’s gone... I don’t...”
I decided to walk across to the other side of the road.
„Hey, Egyptian! Don’t just do whatever you like! Come back here!” I heard the rugby player’s voice but I ignored him.
I approached the wall the vagrant was pointing to, and trailed  finger along it. Its surface was just slightly damp, but also coarse. It was probably the speckles of sand dancing in the wind that stuck to it.
„Hey! Egyptian!”
An odd sense of discomfort came over me. My finger tracing the wall got caught in the corner of a brick, which then quickly crumbled. As I tried to apply some force, my hand sank into the brick wall.
„H-hey... what’s that?!”
What we had thought to be a brick wall crumbled into sand. It collected into large heaps under my feet and a small alleyway appeared on its other side. It looked like there wasn’t a crevice between the buildings but in reality, they weren’t stuck together at all. It simply appeared so because the sand’s fine imitation made it look like they were lined up continuously. The vagrant likely found it odd that the alleyway that was supposed to be there disappeared, and tried to bring it to our attention.
Sand speckles danced around me from the collapse. When my vision cleared, I realized something was hiding in the dim depths of the alleyway. It was small, small enough for me told hold in my hands.
He was chewing on something very, very loudly. He must have been hiding himself right here all along, creating a fake wall with sand.
„Is that you, Iggy?”
The moment I called his name, the chewing noises stopped.
A pair of eyes appeared in the dim light. I saw the whites of them clearly. Apparently he still remembered his name being ’Iggy’. His self-awareness had him reacting to me calling his name.
Someone grabbed my shoulder from behind with great force. It was the rugby player.
„Hey, hey, hey! There he is! I thought it was sand dancing, but there’s a street there now?  Looks like a dead end, so I guess he’s got no choice but to come over here, huh?” He fixed the net in his hands and took off in the alley’s direction.
„Hey, wait!”
In response to the rugby player approaching him, he got up on his four legs in the dark. His form was that of a small dog’s, but something was manifesting behind him.
The speckles of sand in the alley rose up, defying gravity, gathering in one place, taking shape seemingly too big to even fit the narrow alleyway behind the dog.
However, the rugby player didn’t see it. It was a projection of life energy that regular people were unable to detect. Before his eyes, there was nothing but a single small dog.
He charged towards Iggy with his net. The giant behind Iggy moved, picking him up and jumping, scattering sand as it trampled the rugby player. The moment he hit the ground, it rushed out of the narrow alley. Its large body leapt over the line of parking cars with ease.
As it appeared in a vast and well-lit place, I could take a good look at it in its entirety. The giant holding Iggy had the appearance of a dog with wheels. Its two front legs were dog-like, but its hind legs were missing, sporting car wheels in their place. On its head it wore feathers resembling Native American ornaments. It was a form blending machinery and organic life, scattering speckles of sand from its entire body.
A Stand. That was what I and my American friend referred as to such entities. Something standing by one’s side like a guardian. This must have been the reason behind the odd sand related episodes happening around Iggy.
Stands do not possess a physical body. It was more like Iggy’s guardian. Some would call it a visualization of his psychic powers, others might even claim it as an evil spirit.
Iggy exchanged a glance with me, carried by his own Stand, then turned away as if he’s lost interest in me already. His Stand that leapt over cars so easily rotated its wheels, dashing away on the streets.
The rugby player stood up from where he fell on the ground and called for assistance with his transceiver.
„He-he’s here! The Boston Terrier! Come right away!” He tried to chase after Iggy instantly, but he failed. The huge mass of sand that until just now had been forming a wall was covering the ground. Before I could have noticed, it all centered on me. The sand swallowed me up to the knee and firmly hardened. Without a doubt this was Iggy’s doing. Pulling as hard as I could, I freed my legs but he had already disappeared behind a corner.
„Shit... don’t let him get away!”
The rugby player ran off, and I followed him.
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mufasabiltong · 2 years
5 Different Types of Biltong Meat
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The art of drying meat for storage and future use is as old as humanity itself. Particularly in South Africa, where the Khoikhoi, a tribe of the Khoisan ethnic group, exists along with the San or Bushmen.
They used to slice the meat into strips and air-dry it after salting it with vinegar and spices imported by the East India Company, including pepper, coriander, and cloves. Saltpetre was later introduced by the settlers to improve both its quality and safety for human consumption.
The literal meaning of Biltong is "meat strips or tongues", and it is derived from the combination of two nouns originating from Middle Dutch. They are “bille", which indicates a hind quarter cut of beef corresponding to the rump and "tonghe", which stands for "tongue" in the sense of "strip".
Beef has always been used to make biltong. The taste and texture it delivers play a key role in creating this delicacy. While the texture of the beef can either be tender and juicy or tough and crumbly, biltong is both sweet and spicy with hints of rich spices. In addition, beef is inexpensive and frequently available.
Origin of Biltong
Coriander is one of the primary spices in even the most basic biltong recipes. In January 2017, a research team at the University of Beira Interior in Portugal published a study on the antimicrobial properties of coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains. 
They discovered that 10 of the 12 bacterial strains were killed with a relatively mild concentration of coriander oil. The coriander oil considerably inhibited the growth of the two organisms, Bacillus cereus and Enterococcus faecalis, that were not completely destroyed.
Southern Africa had a critical need for food preservation. It took a long time to establish cattle herds since iceboxes and refrigerators were not yet created. But because there was so much wildlife in Southern Africa, it was necessary to use conventional tactics.
Different Types of Biltong Meat
The five different types of biltong are as follows:
Fatty biltong meat
The most popular and loved item is fatty biltong! The Mufasa Grade Beef's fat content creates a buttery, savoury flavour that keeps the flesh juicy and moist. The softest item we provide is biltong. The biltong is dried as a piece of beef topside after being marinated in our special spice for 24 hours. This is also considered to be the most famous biltong in Perth.
Lean biltong meat
This is an air-dried delicacy made from top-quality Topside beef that is marinated with Mufasa’s own tested and proven spice formula. This comes best as spicy biltong.
Biltong Leaves
Biltong Leaves are slices of beef silverside cut into leaf-thin bits and cured in our original biltong spice then dried to perfection. They can have more or less fat according to their perfection. This comes best as smoked biltong.
Chilli Bites Biltong Stick
In South Africa, people frequently eat biltong chilli bites at sporting events since they are so delicious and handy as quick snacks.
Garlic Bites Biltong Sticks
Thin slices of lean and prime Topside beef spiced with South Africa’s own biltong recipe with a predominant taste of garlic.
Eating Styles of Biltong
There are several ways of enjoying biltong. A few hundred years ago, biltongs were the perfect on-the-go snack for South African people. This would provide them with the much-needed energy and protein while travelling in the most delicious way. 
Along with being eaten as a snack, biltong can also be incorporated into stews, muffins, or pot bread. Additionally, biltong-flavoured cheese spreads are readily accessible, as have potato chips with a biltong flavour. Finely chopped biltong is eaten on pieces of bread and in sandwiches. Many like throwing it on top of salads to add that extra punch of protein to the dish. Adding protein will also help in feeling fuller for longer. Biltong has stood the test of time and has remained one of the most delicious protein-rich meat snacks.  
Benefits of Savouring Biltong
The market is saturated with processed foods and snacks. However, people are becoming more mindful while consuming such foods and looking for healthier alternatives. To meet the need of modern people wanting less processed and more wholesome food, biltong is perfect. It can be a great healthy snack option for meat lovers. Biltong is made with natural ingredients making it a way healthier option than other meaty snacks like beef jerky. It is needless to mention how beef scores over other meats in nutrient factors. It serves more zinc, iron, B12, B6 and selenium on consumption than any other meat. 
Biltong can also help babies who are teething, and it is reputedly one of the protein-rich foods. The majority of the protein content in biltong is protected during production, and typically 200 g of beef is required to produce 100 g of biltong. Proteins can make up as much as 67% of some biltong's constituents.
How Popular is Biltong?
In several other nations with sizable South African populations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the United States, and India, biltong has gained appeal. Additionally, biltong is made by South African expatriate populations all over the world, including in Germany, Ireland, and even South Korea.
According to regulations established by HM Customs and Excise and its successor, HM Revenue and Customs, biltong made in South Africa cannot be imported into Britain; as a result, the product is made in the UK.
Biltong is very uncommon in the United States since beef jerky has historically been the more often consumed dry meat snack. Biltong has started to make a minor comeback in the United States over the past five years, thanks largely to South African immigrants who brought their native cuisine and culture with them.
The United States Department of Agriculture needs a meat inspection certificate issued by a South African government entity to accompany imports of biltong due to worries about the existence of the foot-and-mouth disease in South Africa.
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railrecipee · 22 days
Enjoy Delicious Meals on the Go with RailRecipe Food in Train Service
Traveling by train is an adventure that brings with it the joy of new destinations and the thrill of the journey itself. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of train travel, ensuring a satisfying meal can often be a challenge. RailRecipe understands this need perfectly, offering a delightful solution with their food delivery service tailored specifically for train passengers.
The Convenience of Ordering Food in Train
RailRecipe simplifies the dining experience on trains by providing a seamless platform to order food online. Whether you're traveling short distances or embarking on a long journey across India, their user-friendly website and mobile app make it easy to browse through a wide array of culinary options. From traditional Indian cuisines to continental delights, there's something to suit every palate and dietary preference.
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How It Works: Ordering Your Meal
Ordering food through RailRecipe is as effortless as it gets. Passengers can follow these simple steps:
Visit the RailRecipe Website or App: Accessible via both desktop and mobile devices, RailRecipe's platform allows travelers to browse menus and place orders conveniently.
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abuildtech · 1 month
Your Guide to PUF Panel Portable Cabin and Their Advantages 
If you work in construction or any other profession where you need temporary office space on a building site, you understand how important it is to have a workspace that is both practical and comfortable. A movable cabin is among the greatest options for a site office. Numerous advantages that these cabins provide might improve the effectiveness and productivity of your work location.  
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What materials make up the PUF Panel Portable Cabin?
The polyurethane PUF Panel is a sandwiched panel. It is two metal sheets layered on top of a polyurethane sheet. They come in a range of sizes and can be utilized in industrial environments. They are incredibly adaptable and may be tailored to the needs of the client. Additionally, PUF panels are perfect for cold storage and banana ripening because of their excellent insulating qualities.
Benefits Of A PUF Panel Portable Cabin
Follow are the top benefits of PUF Panel Portable Cabin:
Diminished expense
A less expensive option to a permanent building is a prefabricated site office. Because they use the same production line for multiple projects, vendors typically offer lower prices. Bulk purchases of materials also result in lower costs.
Thermal efficiency and energy conservation
A layer of polyurethane foam is present in PUF panels, and it acts as an insulator between the metal. Additionally, the low heat conductivity of PUF panels might help you save up to 50% on energy costs a year.
https://www.abuildtech.com/porta-cabin.aspx PUF panels are long-lasting, incredibly strong, and durable. Because of this, it is resistant to corrosion and able to withstand harsh weather.
Simple setup
Because PUF panels are quick and easy to install, remove, and reinstall, they are an excellent choice for foundations, roofs, external walls, warehouses, storage units, cubicles, food processing units, and other constructions.
Command over the safety
For on-site work, security is an additional benefit of employing porta cabins. Project holders gain greater control over the project's security with a swiftly constructed on-site office. You receive room for document storage, CCTV footage monitoring, maintaining security personnel, and much more.
Best Portable Cabin Manufacturer in India
Abuild Tech is the best option for you if you're searching for a reputable Portable Cabin Manufacturer in India. Being a top producer of portable cabin offices, they are dedicated to providing specialized solutions that satisfy your unique needs.
Using the newest materials and technologies, their team of knowledgeable and experienced specialists creates a variety of structures, including labor colonies, farmhouses, servant rooms, site offices, and porta cabin homes. PUF panel porta cabins, Everest panel porta cabins, G+1 porta cabins, PVC porta cabin site offices, and Aerocon panel porta cabins are among their specialties.
Abuild Tech takes great satisfaction in their affordable pricing and timely delivery and installation of porta cabins. Being among the leading Portable Cabin Manufacturer in India, they are aware of the value of dependability and quality. They are committed to giving our consumers the best goods and services they can because of this.
Original Source: https://penzu.com/p/20eb3faeb6a229c7
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pacehospitalshyd · 1 month
Find an Experienced Oncologist at PACE Hospitals
PACE Hospitals is a leading multi-specialty Hospital in Hyderabad, India, offering comprehensive cancer care. Their oncology department boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced oncologists who provide personalized treatment plans for various cancers.
Department of Medical and Surgical Oncology :
Dr. Ramesh Parimi :
Surgical Oncologist
Dr. Ramesh Parimi's interest are surgical operations for cancer cervix, uterus and endometrium, sandwich surgery for cancer ovary. He also operates on patients with Breast Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Lung cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Bone Cancer, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Oral Cancer and Intraoral. He has worked in a comprehensive cancer center with a tumor board present all the time to tailor the protocols to suit the particular patient depending on the stage of the disease.
Dr. Govind Verma:
MD, DM (Gastroenterology)
Interventional Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endosonologist
Dr. Govind Verma, is a senior Interventional Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endosonologist, having 21 years of experience. He has a special interest in the treatment of Liver disorders: like Hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis of liver, Liver cancer (HCC); Pancreatic disorders: Pancreatitis, Pancreatic tumour (Cancer); Inflammatory bowel disease: like ulcerative colitis and crohns disease; Oesophageal and anorectal motility diseases: Like Achalasia cardia, Diffuse oesophageal spasm, Hirschsprungs; Functional bowel diseases, Gallbladder Cancer, Colorectal Cancer.
Dr. Phani Krishna Ravula:
MS, MRCS (Edin), M.Ch (SGPGI), HPB Oncology Fellowship (Japan), Liver Transplant Fellowship (Leeds UK)
Surgical Gastroenterologist, GI Oncologist and Liver Transplant Surgeon
Dr. Ravula Phani Krishna has over 16 years experience in surgical gastroenterology & worked 6 years as surgical gastroenterology and liver transplant surgeon at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. Fellowships in the UK ( 2 years ), Japan( Kurume University ) and South Korea ( Asan Hospital ) in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders and liver transplantation. Also was the lead transplant surgeon establishing and running an active live donor and cadaveric transplant program? Presently working as consultant surgical gastroenterologist with special interests in HPB, minimally invasive surgery and liver transplant.
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vendekin11 · 2 months
Unveiling Vendekin's Convenient Machines: From Coffee to Ice Cream, We Vend It All!
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Are you tired of outdated vending machines that only offer limited options and require constant maintenance? Say hello to Vendekin's state-of-the-art vending machines, revolutionizing the vending industry in India. 
From sizzling cups of coffee to indulgent deliciousness of ice cream, Vendekin's Automatic Vending Machines cater to every craving, in every location imaginable. Whether you're highlighting your products at the airport, providing a quick bite at an office, or trying to satisfy your customer’s sweet tooth at the mall, our vending solutions are there to serve you.
With these awesome 10 reasons get ready to revolutionize your business with Vendekin's innovative vending solutions. 
Versatility: Whether you're in need of a snack vending machine for your office or a beverage vending machine for your supermarket, Vendekin has a solution for every business need. Our vending machines cater to a wide range of industries, including airports, railway stations, malls, and more.
Cashless Convenience: With the rise of digital payments, Vendekin's vending machines offer cashless options for a seamless and hassle-free experience. Say goodbye to fumbling for loose change and hello to quick and secure transactions.
Coffee Lover's Dream: Fuel your employees or customers with Vendekin's cashless coffee vending machines. Whether it's a piping hot cappuccino or a refreshing iced latte, our machines deliver premium quality coffee at the touch of a button.
Beverage Variety: Quench your thirst with Vendekin's beverage vending machines, offering a wide selection of drinks including sodas, juices, and energy drinks. Perfect for supermarkets, petrol stations, and snack shops, our machines keep customers coming back for more, giving your brand that extra edge over the market.
Automatic Ice Cream Delights: Indulge your sweet tooth with Vendekin's automatic ice cream vending machines. Whether it's a single serving cup or a decadent family pack, our machines serve up frozen treats in seconds, making them a hit at malls and amusement parks.
Hot Food on Demand: Craving a quick and satisfying meal? Look no further than Vendekin's hot food vending machines. From piping hot pizzas to savory sandwiches, our machines offer a convenient solution for busy office workers and on-the-go shoppers.
Smart Technology: With Vendekin's smart and automated vending machine management software, you can now easily monitor and manage your machines remotely, ensuring optimal performance and minimal downtime. Our best vending machine software provides real-time data analytics and inventory tracking for maximum efficiency.
Affordable Pricing: Worried about the cost of purchasing a vending machine? Vendekin offers competitive pricing options to fit your budget. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, we have flexible payment plans to suit your needs.
Reliable Supplier: As one of the leading vending machine companies in India, Vendekin prides itself on quality products and exceptional customer service. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best vending machine experience possible.
Easy Installation: Ready to upgrade your business with Vendekin's vending machines? Our team will handle the installation process from start to finish, ensuring a seamless transition and minimal disruption to your operations.
In conclusion, Vendekin's vending machines offer a convenient and efficient solution for businesses of all sizes. With cashless options, versatile offerings, and smart technology, Vendekin is revolutionizing the vending industry in India. Moreover, with our cutting-edge Vending Machine Management Software at the helm, we at Vendekin ensure seamless operation and optimal performance, making us one of the best vending machine companies in India.Therefore, don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your business with Vendekin's state-of-the-art machines. Contact us today to learn more about our vending machine options and pricing.
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loftmogensen61 · 2 months
National Parks And Wildlife Safety Tips
Presently, there are about 70,000 tourists come to visit the park from through India along with other countries. A type of flowering plant considered endangered will be the Karvi. Townsend, Tennessee is the quiet side of the Smokies. C.Leave an email at the trail head with your name and your departure efforts. You can hand write and write it in a sealed sandwich bag to face up to the weather conditions. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh One consideration is long. There are nearly 400 nature and historic sites regarding United States - just about every state is proud of some. Whether a budget is tight, you are able to want to look at what is closest to home. In some states, you're able get a "two-fer" - that is, two as well as more parks located near one one particular more. There are really a couple of main national car rental firms provide a professional office based inside the terminal working. They are called Hertz and Europcar. The opening hours could be eight in the morning until before ten in the evening. The times of day vary through which day's the helpless. Please check before booking a motor vehicle.
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View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh While most travelers associate Halong Bay with water activities, there are various experiences that can be enjoyed during go to on the salty. Not only will visitors be which can swim, canoe and kayak in the water, but they'll also be rrn a position to hike, walk and tour different small islands. Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of one's hiking expeditions. Colter Bay on Jackson Lake could be one of the most picturesque bays in America, having the magnificent Teton Mountain Range as its Bac Kan in Viet Nam. Tempted marina offers boating, canoeing, camping, fishing, hiking even more. The marine park also provides a rich marine life, with 1300 species to date identified, including 342 kind of hard coral formations. The best diving and snorkelling is there are many coast of Hon Ba Island, while you can dive around Bay Canh advertising want to combine diving with turtle browsing. Top Bắc Kạn AZ 24h Visibility is most out of March to May. There are few sights in nature as spectacular as Acadia National Park's autumn leaves: a fiery combination of burnt orange, fire engine red and blazing yellow. Fall is a favorite time of the season for fall foliage aficionados - in order to as "leaf peepers" - to flock to Acadia to photograph and bask involving blaze of color that carpets the park. Let you choose said that for this year, you have a limit on a number of snow machines allowed into Yellowstone National Park per day (I sense that is 325 per wedding day.) The snow machines do also possess a speed limit that is strictly imposed. G.If you encounter a bear, do not approach and never run; slowly back to your hearts content. If it is a mother with cubs near by you, do not want to engage in social activity or scare her. In case you run, may possibly trigger a bear's predatory instinct arrive after anybody. First rule is to stay alert. If the bear attacks, survival experts say to attend the ground in a ball, leaving as little of you exposed as it can be. The bear probably will lose interest and entirely. A bear encounter is a host of additional fun to brag about when you're uninjured or in one portion. In Periyaar National Park, birds like Kingfishers, racket-tailed Drongoes, cormorants, hornbills etc are have discovered. Python and a King Cobra are frequently spotted from visitors while trekking inside the Periyar National Park. If in order to spending a good Zealand Gap Year, this place should be included inside your tour schedule. Many travel insurance covers tours to Arthur's Pass National Park.
Maggie Valley is located at the southeastern fringe of the Great Smoky Mountains National Keep. This park features many different attractions ranging from hundreds of miles of hiking trails to heaps of different different animals and facilities. This is an amazing place to visit when previously Maggie Valley area.
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Thy National Park covers some proof remnants out of the Bronze Birthday age. The German bunkers along the coast undoubtedly reminder of Denmark's WW II heritage. Top Bắc Kạn AZ The long-ago farmlands have been replaced by dune heaths and dune plantations all due to your harsh wind and sand drift towards the land. Other sights in the park are classified as the historic monument where ivory has been burned in protest of your ongoing poaching of wild elephants and rhinos. There are also trails that let you walk by the hippopotamus warm. Visit the animal orphanage notice some of this younger animals up close. The Impala Observation Tower supply you with a bird's eye view of the park for the latest perspective. There are benefits to self exploring and receiving a tour details. With the self guided option you can your own tour and a own pace. If you choose to go having a safari park tour, the tour guide will handle everything an Bac Kan in Viet Nam all you must do is occur with yes, that's right! Finding the right African photo safari tour will must surf the web and away different sites to see which one sparks your interest. The variations several tours to Kruger National Park can vast, so there is an excellent chance you'll find what to find out. Also some safari tours have the choice that means you can create individual safari! All types wildlife are in the park too. Black bears are specifically notable animals that call the park home. It is believed that more than fifteen hundred bears reside in the woodland. Deer and elk are offered also in the park as well. It is always exciting to look at and see these animals in their natural environments. However, park rules state that people cannot get within fifty yards of any animals and feeding or disturbing them is blocked. A bus tour is best than driving your car to nationwide Park. Tour motor coaches are manufactured for comfort and sightseeing and tour. You'll be able to sit back and enjoy the ride as opposed to watching for highway signage. Plus, the National Park's proximity to Las Vegas means you will find that a Grand Canyon bus trip to almost any travel itinerary. Colter Bay on Jackson Lake may be one quite picturesque bays in America, having the magnificent Teton Mountain Range as its backdrop. Tempted marina offers boating, canoeing, camping, fishing, hiking plus more !. Well Hopefully I have given that you simply thorough description of much of the beauty & wonder how the CVNP & surrounding area has obtainable. This is such a superb place to go to for couples & or families alike. I have included photos of CVNP inside addition to some photos of when i went during the "Grape Escape" wine concert tours. If you make your way or have visited CVNP please share your comments and/or feedback of as a precaution thought. Anyways please round the clock . share this info with family members members & friends, and as usual Happy Moves!!! There were open grasslands along with trees experience poor included perfect for the control Baobab spec. Tin tuc Top Bac Kan AZ It is a hollow broad trunk tree with small branches and few leaves. Jokingly it additionally termed as if the tree has been planted ugly with its roots visible instead on the actual companies. This tree has natural holes within it's trunk deal for poachers to disguise and animals to place. The first animal visible was a giraffe has been silently grazing on yellow bark acacia which is an extremely long thorny tree and an additional favorite for giraffe. The tongue twists in a direction to prevent any pricks from tree and then swallowed from your animal. Female giraffe could be identified by having visible hair on the horn at its go. Male species do never any hair exposing the bare horns. Day Eight is wished to New The kingdom. New Belgium places third in 2009 for top craft breweries in the. Tin tong hop Top Bac Kan AZ Located in Fort Collins, Co. are generally producing great Belgian style beers. Developing at several different beer bars and restaurants out New Belgium will showcase their entire Lips of Faith Television series. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: CHU THỊ SAO MAI - Chu Thi Sao Mai Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: HÀ DIỆU LINH - Ha Dieu Linh
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wikiuntamed · 2 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from a year ago: Saturday, 1st April 2023
Welcome, welcome, ongi etorri, välkommen 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (1st April 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Indian Premier League "The Indian Premier League (IPL), also known as the TATA IPL for sponsorship reasons, is a men's Twenty20 (T20) cricket league held annually in India. Founded by the BCCI in 2007, the league features ten city-based franchise teams. The IPL usually takes place during the summer, between March and May..."
2️⃣: 2023 Indian Premier League "The 2023 Indian Premier League (also known as Tata IPL 2023 for sponsorship reasons and sometimes referred to as IPL 2023 or IPL 16) was the 16th season of the Indian Premier League, a franchise Twenty20 cricket league in India. It is organised by the Board of Control for Cricket in India.In the..."
3️⃣: Caitlin Clark "Caitlin Clark (born January 22, 2002) is an American college basketball player for the Iowa Hawkeyes of the Big Ten Conference. She is the NCAA Division I all-time leading scorer and is regarded as one of the greatest players in women's college basketball history. Clark attended Dowling Catholic..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by John Mac
4️⃣: Fool's Gold Loaf "Fool's Gold Loaf is a sandwich made by the Colorado Mine Company, a restaurant in Denver, Colorado. It consists of a single warmed, hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with the contents of one jar of creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and one pound (450 g) of bacon. The sandwich's..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Food Stories from UK - www.helengraves.co.uk
5️⃣: April Fools' Day "April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day is an annual custom on 1 April consisting of practical jokes and hoaxes. Jokesters often expose their actions by shouting "April Fools!" at the recipient. Mass media can be involved with these pranks, which may be revealed as such the following day. The custom of..."
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Image by Lars Andersen
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ezcater · 3 months
The Way of the Peanut: 3 Caterable Dishes That Feature the Peanut
Goober, pindar, groundnut, monkey nut—the peanut has many names and a unique flavor with a wide variety of uses. Interestingly, because of its high oil content, the peanut is classified as both a grain legume and an oil crop.
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Of course, many of us in the United States first think of peanut butter when we think of peanuts. It’s true, the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich remains undefeated, but there are many other cuisines featuring peanuts that are worth exploring during National Peanut Month this March. As long as there are no peanut allergies in your office, this month is a fantastic time to order corporate catering so your team can try out a variety of peanut-forward dishes. If you’re inspired to celebrate National Peanut Month, check out these three caterable dishes featuring peanuts. Mirchi Ka Salan Mirchi ka salan hails from India and contains flavorful ingredients such as green chili peppers, tamarind juice, and, of course, peanuts. It’s a traditional dish often prepared for special occasions such as weddings and served with rice or chapati. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy mirchi ka salan with your office team. For example, if you’re located in The Biggest Small Town in America, you can find the finest catering Columbus Ohio has to offer when you explore Indian restaurants such as New India Restaurant, Awadh India Restaurant, or Spice9. Vegetable Stir Fry This is a fairly broad category that could include dishes from all over East Asia and beyond. From Japanese recipes to Chinese cuisines, Thai food, and much more, there are many versions of stir fry that use peanuts to achieve a rich, robust flavor. Fortunately, no matter where you’re located in the US, there’s likely a restaurant serving stir fry dishes near you. For example, in Music City USA, your office team can enjoy the top stir fry catering Nashville has to offer when you order from Thai Satay, Lucky Bamboo Restaurant, and Hawkers Asian Street Food. Peanut Butter Cookies Of course, savory dishes aren’t the first thing that comes to mind for many when they think about food featuring peanuts. Peanuts are often front-and-center in sweet treats as well, from peanut brittle to peanut butter cookies. The great thing about ordering peanut butter cookies to celebrate National Peanut Month? It’s easy to add some peanut-free cookies to your order to ensure that none of your team members with peanut allergies are accidentally left out of the fun. No matter where your office is located, there are plenty of places nearby to order delicious cookies. For example, if your team works in Oklahoma City, you’ll find the best dessert catering OKC has to offer when you check out The Barlor, Dirty Dough Cookies, and other local favorites. About ezCater There’s nothing quite like having a freshly prepared lunch delivered directly to your office in the middle of the workweek. With ezCater, you can order a delicious lunch without missing a beat. ezCater is the online catering platform businesses rely on to deliver food for work. Order individual boxed lunch catering or a full catered buffet for a corporate event—ezCater scales to your needs! They’re also partnered with over 100,000 restaurants and caterers in every state, coast to coast. No matter where your business is located, you’re just a few quick clicks from delectable, freshly prepared food. You can explore the top-rated catering Portland has to offer, or you can see what kind of Cincinnati catering options are available near you. It’s that easy! Celebrate National Peanut Month with corporate catering from ezCater at https://www.ezcater.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3wQCazR
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scarletunit6 · 4 months
Afternoon Tea
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Afternoon tea, a very English custom! Read the history behind this most English tradition; china tea cups, scones, jam and clotted cream…
Afternoon tea, that most quintessential of English customs is, perhaps surprisingly, a relatively new tradition. Whilst the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China and was popularised in England during the 1660s by King Charles II and his wife the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza, it was not until the mid 19th century that the concept of ‘afternoon tea’ first appeared.
Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o’clock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter (some time earlier, the Earl of Sandwich had had the idea of putting a filling between two slices of bread) and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.
This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880’s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o’clock.
Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches (including of course thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches), scones served with clotted cream and preserves. Cakes and pastries are also served. Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups.
Nowadays however, in the average suburban home, afternoon tea is likely to be just a biscuit or small cake and a mug of tea, usually produced using a teabag. Sacrilege!
To experience the best of the afternoon tea tradition, indulge yourself with a trip to one of London’s finest hotels or visit a quaint tearoom in the west country. The Devonshire Cream Tea is famous world wide and consists of scones, strawberry jam and the vital ingredient, Devon clotted cream, as well as cups of hot sweet tea served in china teacups. Many of the other counties in England’s west country also claim the best cream teas: Dorset, Cornwall and Somerset.
Of course, of all the regional variations of how a cream tea should be served the titans in this battle always boil down to just two… The Devonshire Cream Tea versus the Cornish Cream Tea. In terms of this, once the warm scone has been split in two the all-important question is in what order should the clotted cream and strawberry jam be added? Of course the Team at Historic UK must be seen to be completely unbiased in their views on this issue, however as we are based in Devon it is always… Cream First!
Johnson, B. (2015). The history of afternoon tea - a great British tradition. [online] Historic UK. Available at: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Afternoon-Tea/. ‌
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lalsingh228-blog · 4 months
Aircraft Mounts Market to See Major Growth by 2030
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Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on "Aircraft Mounts Market Insights, to 2028" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Aircraft Mounts market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/118883-global-aircraft-mounts-market The Aircraft Mounts Market report covers extensive analysis of the key market players, along with their business overview, expansion plans, and strategies. The key players studied in the report include: LORD Corporation (United States), GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd. (United Kingdom), Trelleborg AB (Sweden), Cadence Aerospace (United States), MAYDAY Manufacturing (United States), Hutchinson Aerospace GmbH (Germany), Butser Rubber (United Kingdom), Shock Tech, Inc. (United States), AirLoc Ltd. (United States), VMC Group (United States). Definition: The global aircraft mounts market is estimated to witness significant growth during the forecast period owing to the upsurge in the manufacturing of commercial and military aviation fleets and increasing emphasis on enhancing safety and comfort in aircraft. No aircraft is similar to another and every type of engine develops heat differently. As a significance, each new engine mount is also unique. However, the volatility in material cost of mounts is restraining the global aircraft mounts market. The following fragment talks about the Aircraft Mounts market types, applications, End-Users, Deployment model etc. A thorough analysis of Aircraft Mounts Market Segmentation: by Type (Interior Mounts, Exterior Mounts (Multiplane Mounts, Pedestal Mounts, Platform Mounts, Sandwich Mounts, Shock Mounts)), Application (Vibration/Shock Isolation, Suspension, Engine Mounts, Others), Aircraft Type (Commercial Aircraft, General Aviation Aircraft, Military Aircraft), Sales Channel (OEMs, Replacement), Material (Nickel-Based Alloys, Aluminum Alloys, Steel Alloys, Rubber, Polyamide, Others) Aircraft Mounts Market Drivers:
Stringent Government Regulations Pertaining to Noise Pollution
An Upsurge in Manufacturing of Commercial and Military Aviation Fleets
Aircraft Mounts Market Trends:
Increasing Emphasis on Enhancing Safety and Comfort in Aircraft
The Advance of Aircraft Mounts with 3D Printing Technology
Aircraft Mounts Market Growth Opportunities:
Rising Demand for Aircraft Mount from Developing Countries Such as India and China
As the Aircraft Mounts market is becoming increasingly competitive, it has become imperative for businesses to keep a constant watch on their competitor strategies and other changing trends in the Aircraft Mounts market. Scope of Aircraft Mounts market intelligence has proliferated to include comprehensive analysis and analytics that can help revamp business models and projections to suit current business requirements. We help our customers settle on more intelligent choices to accomplish quick business development. Our strength lies in the unbeaten diversity of our global market research teams, innovative research methodologies, and unique perspective that merge seamlessly to offer customized solutions for your every business requirement. Have Any Questions Regarding Global Aircraft Mounts Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/118883-global-aircraft-mounts-market Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Aircraft Mounts Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aircraft Mounts market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary and the basic information of the Aircraft Mounts Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Aircraft Mounts
Chapter 4: Presenting the Aircraft Mounts Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2018-2022
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Aircraft Mounts market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2023-2028)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Aircraft Mounts Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/118883-global-aircraft-mounts-market What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide?
Latest industry influencing trends and development scenario
Open up New Markets
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Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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dynemechantivibration · 6 months
Dynemech Vibration Control  Manufacturing
DYNEMECH SYSTEMS was founded in the year 2000 with the aim of manufacturing superior quality vibration damping solutions for all modern machinery. Dynemech Systems today is one of the leading manufacturers of Anti-Vibration Mounts. We provide complete vibration damping solutions for machinery ranging from CNC machines, Power Presses, Lathe Machines, Textile Machines, Generators, Compressors, Tool Room Machines, Forging Hammers and all other kinds of heavy industrial machinery. We have established ourselves as leading manufacturers, exporters and OEM suppliers of anti vibration pads / mountings.
We provide complete vibration damping solutions ranging from screw support mounts, wedge mounts, vibration insulation plates, compac machinery mounts, spring isolators, rubber air springs, machinery raiser damping blocks, rubber sheet/pads, levelling mount, anti vibration rubber parts, rubber and rubber metal bonded vibration isolator, spring vibration isolators, anti vibration foundation pads, levelling mounts, cup mount, sandwich pad, all type of machine mounts, cushyfoot mountings, shock and vibration isolators, to foundation isolation/ insulation for all types of industrial machine tools.
Dynemech Systems Pvt. Ltd., with high emphasis on quality, innovation and customer satisfaction, we come first in this line of business. Products manufactured by us are used by a host of industries with much satisfaction and their demand is ever increasing. They conform to international quality standards and their demand is high in the global market.
Aiming to establish long term stable business relationship with our valued customers, we believe in offering the latest, timely and effective solutions to our customers, not only in terms of cost and quality, but also applications support, product advice and full technical back-up to match the development goals of our valued clientele.
We also provide tailor made solutions to meet the specific customer’s requirement besides providing wide product range and quick installation service through our dedicated team of technical personnel.
The company has extensive plans to set up a network of dealers and strategically located marketing offices throughout India to service our customers. We wish to promote “DYNEMECH” as a brand name – a measure of innovation in indigenously developed vibration damping solutions.
Products / Services we offer : Anti Vibration Mounts / Mountings and Pads, Screw Support Mounts, Wedge Mounts, Vibration Insulation Plates, Spring Isolators, Rubber Air Springs, Machinery Raiser Damping Blocks, Rubber Sheet/Pads, Anti Vibration Pads, Anti Vibration Rubber Parts, Rubber And Rubber Metal Bonded Vibration Isolator, Spring Vibration Isolators, Anti Vibration Foundation Pads, Levelling Mounts, Cup Mount, Sandwich Pad, Machine Mounts, Cushyfoot Mountings, Shock And Vibration Isolators, To Foundation Isolation / Insulation.
Anti Vibration Pad – Dynemech Systems offers Anti Vibration Pad for reducing the vibration and sound in all industrial vibrating machinery. We are specializing in the area of anti vibration pads. Dynemech Systems is the best source for finding anti vibration pads. We provide one stop solution for all your vibration control needs. Dynemech Systems has designed, engineered and developed the most extensive line of anti vibration Pads, silent blocks, shock and noise control products. We are also specializing in manufacturing of anti-vibration controlling pad, machinery mounts, spring mounts, and variety of anti-vibration pads. Dynemech Systems manufactures world-renowned anti-vibration pads. Dynemech Systems offers an ideal solution in Anti Vibration Pad. Made from a combination of high quality rubber polymers and cork, this ideal combination ends up to make up a product that has excellent resistance to ageing, compression set, water and oil. Dynemech’s Anti Vibration Pads are widely used in: Refrigeration Plants, Compressors, Conveyors , Air Conditioning Plants, Diesel Generators, Business Machines, Fans, Motors, Power / Impact Presses , Pumps, CNC Machines etc. Our range of silent block are ideal for controlling machine vibration. Our rubber based products are ideal in controlling both active and passive vibrations coming from various industrial machines.
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ainews · 7 months
Curry has become a staple food for archaeologists all over the world. This may come as a surprise to some, considering the dish's historical roots stem from India, but curry's versatility and portability has certainly made it an obvious choice when archaeological teams are packing their lunch boxes. Curries have the unique ability to adapt to a variety of different ingredients, meaning they remain both delicious and nourishing whatever the location or season.
The connection between curry and amoebas goes well beyond mere convenience, however. Archaeologists see mushy, earth-colored curries as a metaphor for an amoeba – the single-celled organism renowned for its ability to survive in a variety of different environments. Similarly, curries can be adapted to any type of need or taste from spicy to mild, and dense to saucy. This versatility makes the dish a great “go-to” item, no matter where archaeologists may end up.
So, why are curries winning out over other sandwich or salad options? After all, archaeologists go through a rigorously intense lifestyle that requires a huge supply of energy and nutrition during a day’s adventures. Additionally, most archaeological teams do not travel with a certified chef or have a kitchen at their disposal. This is where curries come in – providing a healthy, comforting and delicious meal perfectly suited to the archaeological lifestyle.
In the end, it only makes sense that archaeologists turn to curries to provide the fortitude and sustenance required in their expeditions. Not only do curries have strong ties to the amoeba, but it’s the necessary adaptability of this versatile dish that really satisfies the ever-changing needs of those who study the past.
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railrecipee · 7 months
A Gastronomic Journey: Get 100% Pure and Delicious Food on Train with RailRecipe
Embarking on a train journey is an exciting adventure, but what makes the experience truly delightful is the prospect of savoring delicious food on the go. RailRecipe, your companion in culinary excellence, ensures that your train ride is not just a commute but a gastronomic journey filled with delectable treats.
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Picture this: You're comfortably settled in your train compartment, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels creating a soothing background melody. As the scenery unfolds outside your window, the aroma of freshly prepared meals wafts through the air. That's the magic of RailRecipe food on train service.
RailRecipe understands that every traveler has unique tastes and preferences. To cater to this diversity, they offer an extensive menu that spans across regional cuisines, ensuring there's something for everyone. From North Indian delights like butter chicken and biryani to South Indian favorites like dosa and idli, the menu is a culinary celebration that captures the essence of India's rich food heritage.
Ordering food on the train with RailRecipe is as easy as a breeze. Simply visit their user-friendly website or download the mobile app, enter your PNR number and train details, and voila! You're presented with a plethora of options to tantalize your taste buds. The interface is designed to be intuitive, making the entire process seamless and hassle-free.
One of the standout features of RailRecipe is its commitment to quality and hygiene. The food is prepared in state-of-the-art kitchens using the finest ingredients, ensuring that each bite is a burst of flavors. The packaging is not only eco-friendly but also designed to retain the freshness and warmth of the meals, transforming your train compartment into a mini-dining car.
For those who love a hearty breakfast, RailRecipe has an array of options that include piping hot parathas, sandwiches, and traditional Indian breakfast items. A cup of hot tea or coffee complements the breakfast menu, making the morning journey a delightful experience.
Traveling with family or friends? RailRecipe offers group meal options, making it convenient to enjoy a communal feast right in your compartment. Whether it's a birthday celebration or a casual get-together, the food on train service adds a touch of festivity to your journey.
Health-conscious travelers need not worry, as RailRecipe also offers a range of nutritious and wholesome choices. Fresh salads, fruit bowls, and protein-rich dishes are crafted to cater to those looking for a healthier dining option while on the move. It's a perfect balance of taste and wellness.
What sets RailRecipe apart is its dedication to customer satisfaction. The user reviews speak volumes about the prompt and efficient service, ensuring that your meal is delivered right on time, even in the midst of a bustling train journey. The customer support team is just a call away, ready to assist with any queries or special requests.
In conclusion, RailRecipe elevates the concept of food on train to a whole new level. It transforms your journey into a culinary escapade, where every meal is a celebration of flavors and every bite is a reminder of the diverse and rich tapestry of Indian cuisine. So, the next time you embark on a train adventure, let RailRecipe be your gastronomic companion, ensuring that your travel memories are not just about the destination but also about the delightful meals enjoyed along the way.
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fudiess · 8 months
Taste the Difference: Unraveling Jajpur's Best Restaurants at Fudies Restaurants
Greetings, dear food enthusiasts! Welcome to the ultimate culinary journey through Jajpur. Here at Fudies Restaurants, we are delighted to take you on a delectable adventure where you can taste the difference and explore the best restaurants in this charming town.
At Fudies Restaurants, our passion for food goes beyond just serving meals. We believe in creating an experience, one that connects you to the heart and soul of Jajpur. Let us be your culinary guide as we uncover the hidden gems and renowned establishments that define Jajpur's vibrant food scene.
Jajpur Kitchen Delights
Our journey begins with Jajpur Kitchen Delights, a culinary haven for those seeking an authentic taste of Odisha. As the staff at Fudies Restaurants, we can vouch for the rich and varied flavors of Odia cuisine that you'll find here. From the delectable Dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew, to the mouthwatering Machha Besara, a spicy fish curry, your taste buds will embark on a delightful adventure.
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This restaurant exudes a welcoming ambiance, reminiscent of a home-cooked meal, making it the perfect place to start your culinary exploration of Jajpur. The friendly staff is always ready to assist you in navigating the menu, ensuring you have an unforgettable dining experience.
Spice Route Fusion
If you're in the mood for a fusion of flavors, look no further than Spice Route Fusion. At Fudies Restaurants, we admire the restaurant's dedication to crafting a diverse menu that caters to a wide range of tastes. Whether you're in the mood for Indian, Chinese, or Continental dishes, Spice Route Fusion has something to satisfy every palate.
One of our personal favorites is the Manchurian noodles, a delightful blend of spicy and tangy flavors that will leave you craving for more. And if you're a fan of tandoori delicacies, you're in for a treat here. The variety and quality of dishes at Spice Route Fusion truly set it apart.
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The Riverside Bistro
For a dining experience that combines delectable cuisine with breathtaking views, The Riverside Bistro is an absolute must-visit. Our team at Fudies Restaurants recognizes the allure of this riverside gem. Situated by the picturesque banks of the Kharasrota River, it offers an exquisite ambiance that enhances your dining experience.
As you indulge in an array of seafood delicacies and continental fare, you can revel in the serene atmosphere and enjoy the soothing sights of the river. Whether it's a romantic sunset dinner or a leisurely brunch, The Riverside Bistro promises a memorable meal in an idyllic setting.
Golden Spice Garden
Golden Spice Garden, a local gem, shines bright on Jajpur's culinary landscape. As dedicated staff at Fudies Restaurants, we appreciate the restaurant's expertise in North Indian and Mughlai dishes. If you're longing for succulent kebabs or rich, aromatic curries, this is the place to be.
The cozy ambiance and attentive service at Golden Spice Garden create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a taste of North India in Jajpur. The menu here is a treasure trove of spices and flavors that transport your taste buds to the heart of India.
Orchid Café
When you're in search of a cozy coffee shop and bakery in Jajpur, look no further than Orchid Café. As part of the Fudies Restaurants team, we understand the allure of this charming little café. Orchid Café is the perfect spot for those who want to unwind with a cup of coffee and indulge in freshly baked pastries, sandwiches, and delectable desserts.
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This quaint café provides a tranquil break from your explorations, or a delightful spot to satisfy your sweet tooth. Whether you're stopping by for a quick coffee or a leisurely afternoon tea, Orchid Café's welcoming atmosphere is sure to make you feel at home.
At Fudies Restaurants, we take great pride in showcasing the culinary treasures that Jajpur has to offer. Each of the restaurants mentioned above provides a unique and unforgettable dining experience, and we encourage you to embark on a culinary journey to taste the difference in Jajpur.
Whether you're a resident or a traveler passing through, Jajpur's diverse food scene is sure to leave a lasting impression. Let the flavors and ambiance of these remarkable establishments speak for themselves, and allow your taste buds to savor the culinary delights of this charming town. So, why wait? Begin your culinary adventure and discover the best restaurants in Jajpur with Fudies Restaurants as your guide. Your taste buds will thank you!
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