#Team Scrumtrulescent
teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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One does not simply work at a natural history museum without asking the collections manager for help with this item. - Jason
Gah, we're adorable! - Jez
33. [IMAGE] GRID ITEM. There are a multitude of species of life that exist only in the Amazon, and our wildlife biologists just found the rarest of all: your team! Show us an old-school natural history pinboard with your team as rare Amazonian insects. Every member of your team should be present and we must be able to clearly see your faces.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
No comment. The video speaks for itself. – Amanda
Please Gish, give Amanda weird movement items every year! Best. Ever. – Tiia
Amanda asked me if I’d have time to edit this and I was STOKED. My abs hurt from laughing by the time I was done. - Kaela
113. [VIDEO] (UP TO ONE MINUTE) It’s been 11 years since artist David Lewandowski's going to the store changed the face of… well… uh… until it decided to exist, anyway. And just like every other classic animated masterpiece, it’s time for a live-action reboot: Perform a shot-for-shot re-creation of this video using a real human performer to approximate the character’s joyful “dance” as closely as you can. (Your performer should not actually be fully naked.)
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Everyone on the team chose a small token to represent themselves, and each one is sewn into the button branch on our flag! There’s a few other fun details hidden throughout- can you spot them all? - Kaela
Ahoy! I love it when an idea from multiple people comes together. - Evie
49. [IMAGE] Our Flag Means Death To Normalcy. Collaborate with your team to design and sew a flag that best perfectly represents your bizarre, unique, wonderful crew. Post it to social media with “Our Flag Means _______!” (fill it in with whatever it means to your team), and tag #OurFlagMeansGISH, #GISH, @taikawaititi, @OurFlagHBOMax, and any other members of the cast or crew you wish.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Setting up my "shattering plates into a million pieces" station. These plates were second hand and in pretty rough condition. Most of them I painted to get the colors I wanted. Smashing was hard work, done in a old rag towel (to contain the shards) with a sledgehammer. I organized all the shards by color in preparation for the next step: mosaic.
The mosaic is starting to take shape! It was extremely persnickety work.
Once I started wprking on the background, things really started to pop.
Complete! I just about keeled over in excitement.
The final mosaic! It made me so sad that you couldn't clearly see it once it was installed into the car (apparently, taking a photo of something huge, in a car with roof constraints, is...difficult!?). But here it is! --Danalynn
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Finally, my neglectful gardening is good for something! I braved a garden that was probably filled with grasshoppers for this item. Because Deidra asked for literally anyone else to do it. <3 you, team - Jez 
 103. [IMAGE] Create a beautiful, directionally accurate compass rose using only elements from a rose bush: flowers, petals, stems, leaves and thorns. - Inspired by Misha’s Mom
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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We ended up getting permission to photograph on three different tall ships for item 77- so when this item was released, we knew it would be a great opportunity to use a different ship (on the other side of the world) from the one used for item 77! - Kaela
 Satu worked so hard on the hat! I helped by cutting off a sleeve of my faux leather jacket and donating it to our friends the cosplayers for further OFMD use.-Tiia
I don't think I ever want to see an orange ever again... :D - Satu
3. [IMAGE] ZOOM PANEL #2. SUNDAY, JULY 31 AT 11:00AM PT (Pacific Time): Vico Ortiz & Samba Schutte Watch the panel here! Zoom Challenge: To Be Announced Live! Maybe a 40-orange glaze cake is excessive, but what can you do with the peels of 40 oranges? Create an appealing tricorn hat out of citrus peel for your auxiliary wardrobe, and show us how you wear fine things well. Post your item on social media and tag @sambaschutte & @V_Vico_Ortiz (@puertoricaninja on Instagram) and #GISH.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
Did it in a few hours, which really surprised me. Evie dubbed the robots and I played with the sound in editing to make them sound more like robots. - Shaked
I love how cute this item turned out.  Shaked really is an animation wizard.  She made such adorable (but definitely evil) little bots. -Jez
5. [VIDEO] ZOOM PANEL #4 TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 AT 11:00AM PT (Pacific Time): Fraser Cain, Universe Today Watch the panel here! Zoom Challenge: To Be Announced Live! Fraser Cain from Universe Today described why space exploration is critical for the progress of humanity, but it’s a big universe and we’re going to need a lot of help, so it’s time to get machines in on the creativity. Build a Von Neumann probe: a self-replicating robot or device capable of making a new version of itself. Is a 3-D printerbot, printing a new 3-D printerbot? Is it a knitted knittingbot, knitting another knittingbot? A dancerbot that makes its own backup dancerbots? Show us your most creative Von Neumann probe. Be sure to show us that it can be turned off — we don’t want a Reaper situation on our hands! Post your videos on social media, tagging @fcain, @universetoday and #GISH.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Somewhere around 1am the first night of the hunt, I had the idea to add a small token representing each member of the team to our team flag-- which meant I then spent over an hour running around my house finding a selection of small trinkets I would be able to sew on to the flag. I ended up with 56 different options, and had every team member pick the ones they felt best represented them. Hidden among all the buttons on the final flag, you'll find all 15 of the tokens the team chose- plus a pride flag and a bonus sloth to represent our mascot Bernard! -Kaela
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Recently, someone asked if they could buy this dress. They were horrified when I stated I had literally torn it apart and recycled it. - Rachel 
 85. [IMAGE] Misha wasn’t invited to the Met Gala this year and, by pure coincidence, the whole event stirs in him a sort of populist indignation. The Met Gala unfairly favors the wealthy and elite, and we’ve got the paper trail to prove it. It’s time for a party for the rest of us! Create a stunning Debt Gala outfit, made entirely out of bills, receipts, and coupons (with personal information redacted). Post it on social media and tag #GISH and #DebtGala and #The99Percent.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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I decided that the trunk of my minivan would be perfect for a huge mosaic, and that tragic decision led to the most ridiculous (but most awesome) gish item yet. I didn’t want to buy actual mosaic tiles (they’re expensive!), so I got a bunch of plates that were chipped and breaking, painted those that needed painting, and then broke all of them into tiny (sharp) pieces. Then I assembled those together, following the design I had made of Poison Ivy (in the traditional style of the Basilica di San Vitale). It was basically the world’s most challenging jigsaw puzzle…where if a puzzle piece doesn’t fit, you hit it with a hammer until it does! This item took over 20 hours (not including prep) and was so challenging. So happy with how it turned out though! - Danalynn 
 95. [IMAGE] I’m sick of having to vacuum out my car. Show me a car with beautiful, hand-laid mosaic tile floors depicting a DC character in the style of the Basilica of San Vitale.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Ugh, location items. Only my sister-from-another-mother Nargiza (and her patient and sunny attitude) made this a fun one! - Tiia 
Nargza is the most adorable person in all of Paris. Now you all have photographic proof! - Jez
42. [IMAGE] CHALLENGE RÉGIONALE. Dans le passé, nous avons réussi à faire en sorte que la NASA donne notre nom à une montagne sur Mars et nous avons eu une photo de groupe du Flash au CERN. Cette année, GISH* débarque à Paris: Gustave Eiffel et Thomas Edison sont dans son bureau au sommet de la Tour Eiffel, écoutant la nouvelle invention d'Edison, le “gramophone” - et vous êtes là avec eux, portant vos Airpods ou Beats, écoutant.) * (alias “GCTI, La grande chasse au trésor internationale)
Translation: REGIONAL CHALLENGE. In the past, we managed to get NASA to name a mountain on Mars after us, and we had a group photo of the Flash at CERN. This year, GISH* lands in Paris: Gustave Eiffel and Thomas Edison are in his office atop the Eiffel Tower, listening to Edison’s new invention, the “gramophone” - and you’re there with them, carrying your Airpods or Beats , listening.) * (aka “GCTI, The Great International Treasure Hunt)
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Curse you, Eiffel Tower item! Lots of stress all week waiting for it to happen, but Nargiza came through! She was a rockstar proxy- this is just a small sampling of all the options she sent us!
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
134. [VIDEO] A firefighter, in full turnout gear, doing a pole dance on a fire station pole.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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My knees are getting too old to be a Viking raider anymore. Can you all just pillage yourselves while I have a nice cup of tea?  - Jez
193. [IMAGE] Avast! August 2022 will be the 60th anniversary of the "Henley-On-Todd” regatta. Held in Alice Springs, Australia, which is conveniently over 900 miles from the nearest large body of water, this is the only dry-river sailing regatta in the world. Build your own cardboard ship worthy of this regatta and show us you “sailing” on dry land.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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Thank you to the random lady who asked “Are you a model?” and then took a photo with me. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the pirate costume, cake, and photographer friend. - Jason
77. [IMAGE] Dressed as a pirate, eat a scurvy-preventing “40 orange cake” on a real tall ship (sailing vessel)… and use the snail fork. Save the orange peels! You’ll need them for Item #3. Post your image to social media and tag #GISH, @sambaschutte and @OurFlagHBOMax.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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I have had poetry published a few times but that's not my primary art.  This is why I'm a poet and I didn't know it. - Deidra
52. [IMAGE] Everyone needs a driver’s license to drive, and obviously there are lots of different kinds of licenses, but there is one that people often seem shy to share. Take a photo of a published poet showing us their Poetic License.
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