#Ted lasso 3.10
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Absolute yes to Nate apologizing to Will first.
Will had the least power and Nate was the harshest to him. His apology to Will means more to me than the eventual apology he’ll make to Ted (which we all know is coming).
Also yes to the lavender.
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gnnosis · 1 year
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[ ted lasso 3x10 / east of eden, john steinbeck ]
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So many triangles this episode I'm going to try and list them but I'll probably forget some
Ted, Rebecca, and Trent doing girl talk
Rebecca pulling out both Ola's matchbook and Ted's army man making her the point of the triangle
Keeley building a card tower that was a triangle
Simi, Sam, and Edwin Akufo's assistant
I'm honestly shocked we didn't have a Roy, Keeley, Jamie triangle but I will admit it wouldn't have made much sense for the ep.
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faithinchances · 1 year
3.10 PSA
International break is a thing that the Prem (and just about every pro league in the world) goes on a couple times a season, during which time some players will be called-up to their national teams to play international matches (country vs country rather than club vs club). The players who are called up will travel “home” (ie, to their home country) to train with the national team and play the international matches (probably two, one at home and one away). Each break lasts about a week.
Not all of the characters will be called up, just the ones who are in the top handful of players of their position and nationality in the world.
Coaches aren’t involved in this, really. The national teams all have their own dedicated coaches, who are in charge of selecting the roster for this international break. Club coaches would remain behind and train the players who weren’t called up (or they might let everyone have the week off and go on vacation themselves). I can see Roy (who was an England international according to the Arlo White cheat sheet) checking in with Jamie a lot if he were called up, but it would be weird and inappropriate and happen via text/phone call. He would not be there in person.
Dani Rojas is a likely candidate (he’s listed as a Mexico international on the Arlo White cheat sheet), so is Thierry (since he’s in the Prem, he’s probably the best Canadian keeper). Maybe Sam, especially since Akufo features? Maybe Colin? If some time has passed and he’s continued to play so well, especially.
Unlikely candidates: the English, French, and Dutch (all these national teams are very good. They were all at the last World Cup; the Netherlands went out to Argentina who won, France were runners up, and England was who France beat in the round before on penalties). Unlikely candidates: anyone out of the starting 11.
If Jamie is called up, he wouldn’t go to Manchester. The England national team trains outside of Birmingham. 
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tobythewholetime · 1 year
someone explain to me this one thing from ted lasso 3x10
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“i knew this little boy. working class, from richmond. he loved football so much. he used to sneak into the matches because his family just couldn’t afford the tickets.” (the security guard throws him out, he never came back………..until he walked in 25 years later and bought the club.)
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“i was a young punk who snuck in every week…i sat there because she was there…(“my mother and my boyfriend were furious”)…she insisted that i should stay…and we fell in love.”
what are we to make of this?? like, are there conceivably multiple men of a similar age (both of whom inappropriately pursue taken women) who regularly snuck into richmond games as teens? definitely. i’m not saying rupert IS the romcom man; in fact i DON’T think he is. (for a variety of reasons — including rebecca would’ve been, uh, a child when rupert was sneaking into games. 🤮)
but it’s odd to have this parallel…particularly since the romcom couple has long been thought to mirror/symbolize/echo ted and rebecca……
my working theory is the parallel shows the difference between “romcom” fantasy and reality — the end of the romcom is “it all worked out, we fell in love” — the real life parallel is “i got kicked out, i became the worst possible version of myself and have hurt so many people in the process.”
……..but that feels like it’s not the whole thing. it’s so odd to have this subtlest of callbacks to a couple who withstood the test of time, the ultimate example of romcommunism, be echoed in rebecca’s story about younger rupert — the ultimate villain of the show.
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Your sister is fit.
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richmondtillidie · 1 year
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mexicangela · 1 year
theodore lasso really said “spit on me” and you know what i’m okay with that
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fangirl-corey · 1 year
A part of me was crawling into the TV in that scene because of overwhelming Hannah-hotness 😍🔥
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folie-lex · 1 year
Barbara ditching Jack’s VC and coming to work for Keeley full time was definitely on my bingo card from the moment that woman popped on my screen.
SO happy for this!
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I love that Sam went in for the handshake even though he knew what was going to happen.
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modern-day-classic · 1 year
What if Rupert made sure Rebecca was at the meeting cause he knew she would push back.....
Bare with me....
Edwin Akufo is pulling together the owners of all these big, rich and powerful football clubs across the globe. If Richmond and by extension Rebecca was sought as a member of this 'exclusive' club Akufo would have had her invited personally.
Rupert is the one who request's her presence, no mention of Akufo or his team wanting her there.
When Rupert does make the initial request after sneaking into her office, he says "I wanted to extend an Olive branch. And I think it's important you're a part of this". At this point he still thinks she's very much operating under the guise of her hatred towards him and the immense hurt she's been carrying since the divorce.
Then when we get to the actual meeting
Yes, you could argue he's wanting her there due to the West Ham whispers. But at his core, Rupert is someone who uses and manipulates those around him for his own gain.
We see all the other owners haven't paid a single piece of attention to Rebecca past her initial entrance to the room. These men are all blinded by the numbers, the projected earnings they'll rake in under this new 'superior' product.
They're just seeing the dollar signs at this stage.They haven't seen her visible disdain and disbelief when Akufo is attempting to sell his pitch.
We see the scepticism across her face the entire time Akufo was attempting to sell his pitch and Rupert has already planted the seed. Back in her office when he mentions in passing the memory of the first game he saw at Nelson Road. They were married for 12 years. He would know she already knows the whole story. He would also know about Paul's thoughts on the game.
By seeding this little story he's pushing her to remember that while he can't admit it himself he's still, at his core, the little boy who just really loves this silly game. Just like her dad. A sentiment very much coursing through the veins of Nelson Road and AFC Richmond thanks to Ted.
So when he asks her specifically for her thoughts he's attempting to bring all of this to the surface, which it does in SPECTACULAR fashion. The look on his face when she's tearing into them all is laced with pride of succeeding, of pushing her to buck against knowing she could potentially lose her David of a team in the process if this new league was to exist.
It's his final act of manipulation in their relationship.
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
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Chapter 10 - coda to episode 3.10, in which Ted and Trent have a talk about Roy... and Jamie.  
Read on A03 here; read from the beginning here.
“So, I wanted to run something by you,” Ted says, as he examines a head of lettuce.  They’re in the market, picking up food in a valiant attempt to actually cook for a change.  Trent’s game, although he’s also famished, which is not a great combination.
“Rethinking the menu already?” Trent asks.  “What happened to ‘let’s go wild, Julia Child?’”
Ted smiles and hip checks him.  “I love hearing you quote my words back at me.  But no, this is a non-gustatory non sequitur, nothing to do with dinner.  It’s about Roy.”
“Apparently it’s Uncle’s Day soon, and Phoebe needs my advice.”
Trent stops in front of the display of canned tomato products and waits until Ted puts down the marinara sauce and looks at him.  “I didn’t understand any of that.  What is Uncle’s Day, and who is Phoebe?”
Ted holds out the jar of sauce for Trent’s approval – Trent doesn’t care much one way or the other about which one they get as long as he doesn’t have to chop any tomatoes himself– and nods.  “That’s fair,” Ted says.  “I’ll start from the beginning.”
“Good idea.”
Ted frowns at him.  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?   You get grouchy when you’re hungry.  I shoulda waited until after we ate to talk to you about this.”  
“Too late for that.  But I wouldn’t object if we moved this process along.  I’ll get the pasta and some bread, you get the chicken, and I’ll meet you up front.”
They part to finish their shopping, and Trent forgets completely about Ted’s question until they are walking back to Ted’s place.
“So you know Roy has a niece,” Ted says, pulling Trent away from thoughts of the delicious garlic bread he’s planning on making to go with their chicken cacciatore.
“Would that be Phoebe?”
“The only and only.  And Phoebe and her family have some very, well, <i>unique</i> holidays that they celebrate.”
Trent is beginning to catch on.  “One of which is, apparently, Uncle’s Day?”
“Yes!  So Dr. O’Sullivan called me-”
“Wait, who is Dr. O’Sullivan, and why did he call you?”
“Dr. Marina O’Sullivan is Phoebe’s mom, and <i>she</i> called me about Uncle’s Day.”  Ted swings a plastic bag of groceries at Trent.  “Wait one gosh darn second, are you pulling my leg?  You’re the journalist here, are you’re telling me you don’t know every family member of every Richmond player and coach?  I would have thought you’d have us all charted out, name, rank and serial number.  Maybe a pie graph.”
“Never put it past a journalist to ask a question they already know the answer to.  Sometimes you get the best information that way.”
“Although I am still wondering how you know Phoebe’s mom.”
“Oh, Marina and I are old pals.  Ever since she patched up Dr. Sharon after her bicycle accident.  She actually thought we were together – wooo - hooo, that did not amuse Dr. Sharon, no it did not.  You’d love Marina – she’s got the best costume closet this side of the West End, great for role play of all sorts.”  Ted waggles his eyebrows at Trent and Trent can’t help but snort out a laugh.
“Do I need to be worried?”  Trent asks, and it’s Ted’s turn to laugh.
“Oh no, she’s not my type.  And I think Roy would have a conniption if I was interested in his sister <i>that</i> way.  Not that it’s any of his business who his sister dates…”
“No, of course not.”  Trent nods in agreement.  They’ve arrived at Ted’s flat, and he takes some of the bags out of Ted’s hands so Ted can open the door.  They go upstairs and set the groceries down, both of them ignoring the dinner making process in favor of pouring themselves some wine and making themselves comfortable on the couch.  It turns out that Trent isn’t so hungry that he’s going to turn down a chance for some gossip and getting tipsy with Ted.
“So, you were saying about Roy?” Trent prompts.
“Right!  Anyway, Marina called, and she said that Phoebe wants to invite Roy’s best friend to Roy’s Uncle’s Day party.  As a surprise.”
“Okay, that’s sweet.  So why did she call you?”
Ted smirks.  “Because Phoebe is convinced that Roy’s best friend is none other than he with the talented foot, our golden boy Jamie Tartt, and Marina needed his contact info.”
Trent nods solemnly.  “That sounds about right.”
“Trent, come on.  I know you were on the outside – still independent, as it were – back when I first joined the team, but Jamie and Roy were famous foes.  Arch enemies.  They hated each other.  Things have improved, sure, but I wouldn’t call them best friends.”
Trent finishes his glass of wine, and pours himself another, topping up Ted’s as well.  He brushes a kiss across Ted’s lips as he leans close, which earns him an eyelash flutter.  “Regardless, I’ve had a front row seat to their interactions this season, and I don’t think there’s anyone on the team Roy is closer to than Jamie.”
Ted studies him, and Trent warms under his gaze.  “You really think so?  I mean, I’ve been tickled pinker than Keeley’s favorite pom pom pen about how much our Jamie has come out of his shell lately.  He’s kinda awesome these days.  But Roy’s best friend?”
Trent clears his throat and begins to list off all of the evidence, starting with the one-on-one personal coaching Roy and Jamie have been doing for months.  By the time he gets to the pair’s overnight cycling adventure and windmill viewing in Amsterdam, Ted’s mouth is hanging open.
“All night??  They spent the whole night together, touring a romantic foreign city until the sun came up like characters in a rom-com?”
“Jamie even taught Roy how to ride a bike in the process.”  Trent waves his glass to emphasize his point.  “Surely, you believe me now.”
“Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”
Trent bites down on a grin, but he can’t help it.  “I thought you said the uncle party was for Roy.”
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billy-crudup · 1 year
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TED LASSO 3.10 | International Break
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terresdebrume · 1 year
Well, it's unsurprising and it's cute and it also makes sense
But my shippy heart still has a little tear to shed xD
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loveexpelrevolt · 1 year
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#girl talk with rebecca and trent (ft. ted)
TED LASSO 3.10 | International Break
+ bonus:
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