#Tedd Budd
Mehdi Hasan at Zeteo News:
A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so.  In a terse, one-page letter obtained exclusively by Zeteo, and signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues to account for their actions in Gaza will be interpreted “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.”
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12 Republican Senators-- including Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, and Katie Britt-- have all signed onto a letter in support of Israel's war crimes threatening the ICC if they issue arrest warrants to Israel Apartheid State officials.
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politicsnc · 2 years
The GOP seems to be consolidating around Budd
The GOP seems to be consolidating around Budd
It appears that Republicans are closing ranks around Ted Budd in the US Senate primary. Earlier this week, Senate Presiden Pro Tem Phil Berger announced his endorsement and this morning, Budd is running ad with Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touting his support. I suspect some of the consolidation is an attempt to prevent a costly and divisive runoff, but it begs questions about where the GOP…
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kenni-woodard · 2 years
Is there any way to turn off these political advertisements? I know there are some right-wing people on this website but there is a large part of the Tumblr community that might be triggered by anything relating to Donald Trump showing up on their feed. And I have seen the damn tedd budd ad show up at least three times in the last 20 mins. Which is a huge problem for me.
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buddylistsocial · 4 years
House GOP Bill Would Hold Paychecks for Those Members Voting by Proxy
House GOP Bill Would Hold Paychecks for Those Members Voting by Proxy
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In their latest effort to end proxy voting a group of House Republicans on Thursday introduced a bill, “No Pay for Proxy Voting Act,” which would hold up pay for those members who choose to vote by proxy.
Led by Rep. Tedd Budd (R-N.C.) the legislation states (pdf) that for each day that a member elects to vote by proxy or have a proxy record their presence in the Chamber for a quorum call, the…
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click2watch · 5 years
Ripple Hires Legal Expert Behind Token Taxonomy Act
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Blockchain payments tech provider Ripple has hired a former political adviser to boost its advocacy efforts with lawmakers in Washington, D.C.
In a tweet reposted by Ripple on Tuesday, the new hire, Ron Hammond, announced that he has joined the firm as its new manager of government relations.
Hammond previously served as a legislative assistant for Rep. Warren Davidson (Republican), where he led the drafting of the “Token Taxonomy Act” – an attempt to bring in legislation giving cryptocurrencies clearer legal standing in the U.S.
The bill, first introduced last year by Reps. Davidson and Darren Soto and reintroduced in April 2019, seeks to exempt certain cryptocurrencies and other digital assets from federal securities laws.  Reps. Josh Gottheimer, Tedd Budd, Scott Perry and Tulsi Gabbard also cosponsored the 2019 version of the bill.
Michelle Bond, Ripple’s global head of government relations, welcomed Hammond to the firm on her LinkedIn account, saying:
“Thrilled to announce Ron William Hammond as Ripple’s Government Relations Manager! Ron brings a wealth of legislative and policy experience – excited to have him on board as we continue to work closely with lawmakers, regulators, and partners worldwide!”
Hammond’s knowledge of securities legislation may well come in handy for the firm. Ripple has notably been accused in lawsuits of selling unregistered securities via the XRP token that powers one of its banking payments products.
With the U.S. also possibly moving to take a tough stance on crypto regulation, Ripple has also appealed to lawmakers not to stifle innovation by lumping all cryptocurrencies together.
In a July blog post, the firm said in an open letter to Congress:
“We urge you to support regulation that does not disadvantage U.S. companies using these technologies to innovate responsibly, and classifies digital currencies in a way that recognizes their fundamental differences—not painting them with a broad brush.”
Capitol Hill image via Shutterstock
This news post is collected from CoinDesk
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Новая попытка законодателей придать криптовалютам более четкое правовое положение
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Представитель США Уоррен Дэвидсон (Warren Davidson) вновь представил Акт о таксономии токенов (Token Taxonomy Act, TTA), при этом заявив, что законопроект, если он будет одобрен Конгрессом и подписан в закон, «будет мощным сигналом» новаторам о том, что «США — лучшее направление для технологии блокчейн». Законопроект, впервые представленный в прошлом году представителями Дэвидсона и Даррена Сото (Darren Soto), призван освободить некоторые криптовалюты и другие цифровые активы от федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, позволяя людям более свободно торговать или совершать с ними сделки. Этот закон внесет изменения в Закон о ценных бумагах 1933 года и Закон о ценных бумагах 1940 года, предоставляя регулирующим органам, таким как Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC), ясность в отношении того, как они могут применять законы о ценных бумагах в криптовалютам. Недавно SEC выпустила руководство для своего персонала, чтобы они могли определять, являются ли продажи токенов предложениями ценных бумаг. Но пока остается неясным, как могут быть классифицированы криптовалюты, которые не используются для сбора средств. В дополнение к Дэвидсону и Сото, представители Джош Готтаймер (Josh Gottheimer), Тедд Бадд (Tedd Budd), Скотт Перри (Scott Perry) и Тулси Габбард (Tulsi Gabbard), который в настоящее время баллотируется на пост президента, являются соавторами версии законопроекта 2019 года. Пятеро из них, за исключением Перри, являются членами комитета Палаты по финансовым услугам.
Новое положение
TTA во многом похож на законопроект, введенный в 2018 году, но в новой версии будут внесены некоторые изменения, в том числе более четкое определение цифровых токенов, которое будет в большей степени включать изменение технологии. Существуют также положения, которые усиливают защиту потребителей и запрещают любые законы штатов, которые в противном случае могли бы совпадать с новым законом. Прошлогодняя сессия Конгресса завершилась до того, как Комитет по финансовым услугам Палаты представителей или Комитет Палаты представителей по путям и средствам могли проголосовать по вопросу о том, следует ли рассмотреть вопрос о полной ставке. В своем заявлении Кристин Смит (Kristin Smith), исполняющий обязанности главы Ассоциации Блокчейна, сообщила, что лоббистская группа «рада поддержать повторное предложение Акта о таксономии токенов». «В свете недавних руководящих указаний персонала SEC, отрасль открытых блокчейнов нуждается в нормативной ясности как никогда», — сказала она. «Мы считаем, что технология блокчейн обладает огромным потенциалом и что нам нужно умное, простое и располагающее законодательство, чтобы США продолжали оставаться лидером в этой экосистеме. Мы благодарны спонсорам законопроекта за их постоянную поддержку этой жизненно важной технологии». Полная версия Акта на Scribd Read the full article
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sophiefosterartist · 5 years
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03/04/19 - 02/06/19
IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM is an exhibition project by the MFA programme "Public Art and New Artistic Strategies" from the Bauhaus University Weimar in association with the Klassik Stiftung Weimar. In the Schiller Museum (April 3 - June 2) and in urban space (April-July 2019) international students and teachers explore the utopian possibilities of a Bauhaus collection of the future in performances and installations together with the audience.
With artists:
Minhee Ahn, Moawya Al Khadra, Elham Asadpour, Nathalia Azuero, Denise Rosero Bermúdez, Vanessa Brazeau, Vincent Brière, Nine Budde, Nicolas Buenaventura, Miguel Buenrostro, Antonije Burić, Suelen Calonga, María Constanza Carvajal, Ahram Chae, Vienne Chan, Julieta Ortiz de Latierro, Egemen Demirci, Lucía Diegó, Runze Feng, Adhika Ferdinand, Sophie Foster, Kathryn Gohmert, Pia Grüter, Devadeep Gupta, Katherin Gutiérrez, Anke Hannemann, Lucero Hernández, Sam Hopkins, Kavachi, Nikola Kekerović, Iva Kirova, Stefan Klein, Denise Lee, Asha Lester, Stefan Lesueur, Sujin Lim, Vasili Macharadze, María Paula Maldonado, Atsuko Mochida, Maayan Miriam Mozes, Hannes Neubauer, Matheus Opa, Mila Panic, Eleftheria Panousi, Yael Peri, Saman Pourisa, Iskin Yagmur Ruzgar, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia, Claire Seringhaus, Lena Skrabs, Nora Spiekermann, Natsumi Sugiyama, Saša Tatić, Edoardo Tedde, Cansu Naz Tekir, Daniel Theiler, Michael Usling, Farzane Vaziritabar, Ginna Alejandra Vélez Carrasco, Claire Waffel, Isaac Chong Wai, Maria Walcher, Ina Weise, Jakob Wirth, Sze Ting Joephy Wong
Exhibition opening: Wednesday 3rd April 18:00 - 20:00
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stopkingobama · 7 years
Coming to DC? This congressman wants to you to bring a gun.
Image Credit: Kelly McCarthy
More guns means less crime and when states adopt concealed carry, crime rates drop. That’s why Congressman Thomas Massie is filing legislation to bring concealed carry reciprocity to Washington, D.C.
(From the office of Congressman Thomas Massie):Congressman Thomas Massie, Chairman of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus, introduced Jun. 15 H.R 2909, the D.C Personal Protection Reciprocity Act. This legislation would allow individuals with a valid concealed carry permit issued from their home state to carry their firearms in the District of Columbia.
“After the horrific shooting at the Republican Congressional Baseball practice, there will likely be calls for special privileges to protect politicians,” Congressman Massie explained. “Our reaction should instead be to protect the right of all citizens guaranteed in the Constitution: the right to self-defense. I do not want to extend a special privilege to politicians, because the right to keep and bear arms is not a privilege, it is a God-given right protected by our Constitution.”
“If not for the heroic efforts of the United States Capitol Police at the ball field yesterday, things could have been much worse. What’s always evident in these situations is this: the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
“To ensure public safety, we need to repeal laws that keep good guys from carrying guns, since not everyone has a personal police detail,” stated Congressman Massie. “The right to keep and bear arms is the common person’s first line of defense in these situations, and it should never be denied.”
Congress has the authority to legislate in this area pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to “exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever over such District as may become the Seat of the Government of the United States.”
Although Virginia extends reciprocity to concealed carry permit holders in many states, the members of Congress and accompanying staff traveled directly from D.C., and were traveling back to D.C after the practice was over. It was D.C.’s harsh gun control laws that prevented these law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.
Original Cosponsors include Reps Trent Franks (R-AZ), Scott Perry (R-PA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Ted Budd (R-NC), Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jody Hice (R-GA), Justin Amash (R-MI), Mo Brooks (R- AL), Alex Mooney (R-WV), Rod Blum (R-IA), Ken Buck (R-CO), Todd Rokita (R-IN), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Keith Rothfus (R-PA) David Schweikert (R-AZ), Rick Allen (R-GA), Tedd Yoho (R-FL), Randy Weber (R-TX), and Bill Posey (R-FL).
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lewisgabriel84z31 · 6 years
Crypto Terrorism: Stopping Cryptocurrency for Terrorist Groups
Crypto Terrorism: Stopping Cryptocurrency for Terrorist Groups
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One of the biggest threats of our time is terrorism. This plague upon the modern world comes in many shapes and forms. Crypto terrorism is something relatively new and it’s something which should be looked at very seriously.
Some people believe that governments and government agencies are funding terrorist organizations around the globe. Whether or not you share these believes is not important. These organizations are enemies of humanity and whatever a person’s views on the government are, the main priority should be wiping them off the face of the Earth. Stopping them from acquiring funds is something, which any anti or pro government citizen should focus on.
According to the official press release of the United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee on September 7th, the United States Congress Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance has discussed terrorism funding via cryptocurrencies.
The hearing considered major means of fund transfers by terrorists, including traditional financial institutions. This also included semi-formal methods like the hawala exchange system and crypto terrorism.
Crypto terrorism is highly valued, but fortunately not successful in terrorist organizations
The meeting concluded that ISIS and Al-Qaeda in particular had major aspirations towards fundraising via crypto. Their attempts however, were largely unsuccessful.
According to Yaya Fanusie, the director of analysis for the Foundation for Defense of Demcracies (FDD), jihadists don’t have access to crypto. The majority of ISIS fighters live on battlefields, which offer no real chance to use cryptocurrencies and fiat is largely preferred. He also pointed out that anonymity is highly valued when it comes to funding terrorism. This is why fiat is the most popular and anonymous means of funding.
Fanusie also mentioned that there have been multiple examples of crypto funding campaigns to no avail. He emphasized on the importance of United States government bodies, which are responsible for finance investigation to be better prepared when it comes to crypto transactions. This will further eliminate the potential success of terrorist crypto funding campaigns.
This is not the first bill this year, which was aimed at crypto terrorism. On January 10th, Rep. Tedd Budd (R-NC) of the House Financial Services Committee introduced a bill aiming to fight terrorism via rewards. The bill proposed that any information, which will lead to convictions of crypto or crypto-supported terrorism, should be rewarded.
You can also check out:
The Federal Reserve on Cryptocurrency
The Future of Financial Crime and Money Laundering
India Blockchain Platform to Help Establish India’s First Blockchain District
These Crypto Giants Chose Progress Over Profit
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xrpvibe · 5 years
US Lawmaker Warns That Bitcoin, Ethereum, And XRP Are Real Digital Assets Unlike Facebook's Libra
US Lawmaker Warns That Bitcoin, Ethereum, And XRP Are Real Digital Assets Unlike Facebook’s Libra
It’s been reported that a US lawmaker just drew a line between real digital assets and Facebook’s Libra project.
During a recent hearing on the future of Libra, lawmakers have grilled Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.
There must be drawn a line between real crypto and Libra
According to the latest data coming from the Daily Hodl, Republican Rep. Tedd Budd of North Carolina separated Libra…
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currencyspeaks · 5 years
Ripple在Token Taxonomy Act背后雇用法律专家
哈蒙德此前担任众议员沃伦戴维森(共和党人)的立法助理,他领导起草了“令牌分类法” – 试图引入立法,使加密货币在美国具有更明确的法律地位
法案去年由Reps.Davidson和Darren Soto首次引入,于2019年4月重新引入,旨在豁免某些加密货币和其他数字资产免受联邦证券法的约束。 Reps.Josh Gottheimer,Tedd Budd,Scott Perry和Tulsi Gabbard也共同赞助了该法案的2019年版本。
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86xsite · 6 years
Investing.com – Cryptocurrencies slumped on Friday, with nearly all major digital coins down at least 90% from their all-time highs.
Bitcoin fell nearly 9% to $3,424.0 on the Investing.com Index, as of 8:46 AM ET (13:46 GMT).
Digital coins have fallen dramatically in recent weeks, with Bitcoin trading at 90% less than its value a year ago as traders worry about increased regulatory scrutiny and volatility.
Cryptocurrencies overall were lower, with the total coin market capitalization at $107 billion at the time of writing, compared to $120 billion on Thursday.
Ethereum,or Ether, decreased 13% to $86.58 and Litecoin was at $25.065, down almost 13%, while XRP slumped 10% to $0.3024.
Meanwhile the creation of a Bitcoin exchange traded fund is unlikely anytime soon, said SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, who dissented with the authority’s decision to reject a Bitcoin ETF.
“Don’t hold your breath. The SEC took a long time to [establish] Finhub. It might take even longer to approve an exchange traded product,” she said.
In other news, two Congressman have introduced bipartisan bills that ask financial regulators to better oversee digital coins in order to product investors and businesses.
The two bills introduced by Rep. Darren Soto (Fl.-D.) and Rep. Tedd Budd (N.C.- R.) are aimed at helping make the U.S. a leader in the industry, the two said.
“Virtual currencies and the underlying blockchain technology has a profound potential to be a driver of economic growth,” Soto and Budd said in a joint statement.
The first bill seeks to require research on how crypto price manipulation takes place and its impact on investors. The second bill asks regulators to research regulations of digital coins around the globe.
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roizcriteriodigital · 6 years
Congresistas de EEUU presionan por más sanciones Magnitsky
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Encabeza tercera carta bipartidista y bicameral Instando a la Administración a apoyar al pueblo nicaragüense
Washington, DC
La Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) continuó ayer impulsando un proyecto bipartidista que busca aplicar nuevas sanciones contra altos cargos del gobierno de Daniel Ortega, incluyendo miembros de su familia.
El proyecto es apoyado por los senadores Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Bill Nelson (D-FL) en el Senado y los Congresistas Eliot Engel (D-NY), Paul Cook (R-CA), Albio Sires (D-NJ), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Ann Wagner (R-MO), Robin Kelly (D-IL), Michael Conaway (R-TX), Steve Chabot (R-OH) y Tedd Budd (R-NC) en la Cámara baja.LEER MAS http://www.trincheraonline.com/2018/09/06/congresistas-de-eeuu-presionan-por-mas-sanciones-magnitsky/
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populistmedia · 6 years
Blue Wave crashing: Dems in NC to Dems in NC:
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A group of Democrats in North Carolina voted to distance themselves from the unpopular Progressive Movement that has taken over their party.  Tried of the negative consequences of Communist Organizing by Democrat funded groups in the 13th District, not even the Democrat party can face the humiliation any longer. The party's two Democrat opponents face a Primary May 8th.  Voters will determine who will face popular  House  Freedom Caucus member , business man and incumbent Rep.  Ted Paul Budd  (R-NC). According to the NC Triad: Democratic Party delegates for North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District passed a resolution today requesting that the DCCC, the House Democrats’ fundraising arm, stay out of the primary election as voters select a nominee to challenge Republican incumbent Ted Budd in the state’s most heavily contested congressional race. The resolution approved today by the NC 13th District Democrats during their annual convention at GTCC’s Jamestown campus called support by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee “a disruptive and undemocratic force,” while calling on the state party to “demand that the DCCC support of candidates during  the primary election process be forbidden.” READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://triad-city-beat.com/local-democrats-tell-dccc-butt-13th-congressional-primary/ THE DCCC.  FUNDRAISING, A PRIMER ON COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: Democrats are Organizing under the name #BlueWave,  funding local Democrat groups through large financial bodies run by Former President Obama and his associates George Soros and David Brock. In targeted states, such as North Carolina, these larger groups are providing activists with expensive platforms, materials and resources on how to disrupt their communities. Community/ Communist Organizing is a tactic that is employed by Democrats with the purpose of overthrowing the American Representative Republic and installing a "Democracy", using identity politics and agitation.  The movement grew to popularity in the late 1950's with leader Saul Alinsky, who applied branding, messaging and PR to it's anti-American values. American citizens, bored with security and peace, disgruntled by a lack of easy success they believe the Government gives others, find Community Organizing groups a place of excitement, revenge and power. Alinsky was instrumental in disrupting sleepy, peaceful suburban areas with hateful rhetoric, such as found in his book, Rules For Radicals.  The book attacked American concepts that produced the American Middle Class.  Alinsky hated a peaceful and quiet America.  He was thrilled with setting opponents against each other and watching them fight. With the availability of easy drugs in the 1960's, Alinsky was successful as the father of drug-fueled rage- a-holics who started a seductive movement in American churches and schools, and that attracted the likes of Democrats John  F. Kerry, Hillary R. Clinton and Barack H. Obama. Community Organizing roots are in Chinese Communist ideas of  propaganda, and in infiltrating institutions to bring cultural change - while simultaneously going into the streets and spreading propaganda which they hope brings about fear and discourse. The current day Democrat Party is almost completely taken over by the people who are attracted to Chinese Communist-Communist Organizing. READ FULL TEXT OF RULES FOR RADICALS HERE Tale of two Disrupters United by Progressive Community Organizing, with March For Our Lives: https://twitter.com/AdamFromNC/status/964239914459172868 AND the Leader of 13th district March for Our Lives works on both Democrat Campaigns. https://twitter.com/dominicpatafie/status/990330275421933571 TROUBLE WITH THE  ORGANIZED #BLUEWAVE  PROGRESSIVES IN NORTH CAROLINA: PopWire Covered the Resister's  March against Tedd Budd, sponsored by Gabby Gifford's Super Pac HERE and HERE. We exposed the March for Our lives for tactics HERE  And we covered a head of the NC Democrat Party, Community Organizer Ellison  HERE Ted Budd visiting a school in NC:
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COULD IT BE BECAUSE THE LEFT'S ACTIONS ARE SEEN AS HARASSMENT? March for Our Lives-Gabby Giffords Super Pac, Swing Left and Guildford County Indivisible are all arms of the Communist Organizing movement funded thru David Brock/Obama/Soros. Remember, their missions is to agitate and stir up interest in voters, with local community organizing to bring about a Progressive Communist agenda of Centralized Power and Government Dependency. Is that popular in Rural North Carolina? https://twitter.com/march4livesgso/status/991391263223177216 Could it be because they don't represent the district? According to Swing Left, they have been doing this for an entire year and this is interest they have, 10 people.  29 views in 17 days is not a strong movement. WATCH: https://twitter.com/SwingLeftNC13/status/987739940803952640 FRAMING A FALSE NARRATIVE, CREATING A STRAWMAN: The Democrat's groups post Fake News about Budd saying he refuses to address the concerns about Gun Violence in the 13th district, yet Budd has meet with district professionals, on the topics of gun violence numerous times: https://twitter.com/adaure/status/981908416745693185 His political opponents use childish optics and Community Organizing tactics to frame a false narrative.  And then they keep repeating it: https://twitter.com/AdamFromNC/status/982792428087373824 So it looks like even the Democrat Party in the 13th district has had enough.  Budd is up for re-election.  Coker and Manning have a Democratic primary May 8th. Budd doesn't have a primary challenger. PopulistWire did reach out and ask for a statement, we will update if we receive anything: https://twitter.com/march4livesgso/status/991391263223177216 https://twitter.com/happit1776/status/992003385187618816 BUDD'S CAMPAIGN SITE HERE Read the full article
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click2watch · 5 years
Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Exempt Tokens from US Securities Laws
Lawmakers are making a fresh attempt to give cryptocurrencies a clearer legal standing in the U.S.
U.S. Representative Warren Davidson reintroduced the Token Taxonomy Act on Tuesday, saying in a statement that the bill, if approved by Congress and signed into law, would “send a powerful message” to innovators that “the U.S. is the best destination for blockchain technology.”
The bill, first introduced last year by Reps. Davidson and Darren Soto, seeks to exempt certain cryptocurrencies and other digital assets from federal securities laws, allowing individuals to more easily trade or transact with select coins.
The act would amend the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1940, granting regulators such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) clarity on how they may enforce securities laws surrounding cryptocurrencies.
While the SEC has released staff-level guidance explaining how it might verify whether token sales are securities offerings, it remains unclear how cryptocurrencies that are not being used for fundraising might be classified.
In addition to Davidson and Soto, Reps. Josh Gottheimer, Tedd Budd, Scott Perry and Tulsi Gabbard – who is currently running for president – are cosponsoring the 2019 version of the bill.
New provisions
The TTA is largely similar to the bill introduced in 2018, but the new version will feature some changes, including a clearer definition of digital tokens that will be more inclusive of changing technology, according to the bill.
There are also provisions which strengthen consumer protection and preempt any state laws which would otherwise overlap with the act.
Last year’s Congressional session ended before the House Financial Services Committee or House Ways and Means Committee could vote on whether the full House should consider the proposal.
In a statement, Kristin Smith, acting head of Blockchain Association, told CoinDesk that the lobbying group is “pleased to support the re-introduction of the Token Taxonomy Act.”
“In light of the recent SEC staff guidance, the open blockchain industry needs regulatory clarity more than ever,” she said. “We believe that blockchain technology has tremendous potential and that we need smart, simple, and supportive legislation to make sure that the United States continues to be a leader in this ecosystem. We are grateful for the bill’s sponsors for their continued support for this vital technology.”
Read the full bill here:
2019 Version of the Token Taxonomy Act by CoinDesk on Scribd
Warren Davidson image courtesy Warren Davidson’s Office
This news post is collected from CoinDesk
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The post Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Exempt Tokens from US Securities Laws appeared first on Click 2 Watch.
More Details Here → https://click2.watch/lawmakers-reintroduce-bill-to-exempt-tokens-from-us-securities-laws
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americanlibertypac · 7 years
Coming to DC? This congressman wants to you to bring a gun.
Image Credit: Kelly McCarthy
More guns means less crime and when states adopt concealed carry, crime rates drop. That’s why Congressman Thomas Massie is filing legislation to bring concealed carry reciprocity to Washington, D.C.
(From the office of Congressman Thomas Massie):Congressman Thomas Massie, Chairman of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus, introduced Jun. 15 H.R 2909, the D.C Personal Protection Reciprocity Act. This legislation would allow individuals with a valid concealed carry permit issued from their home state to carry their firearms in the District of Columbia.
“After the horrific shooting at the Republican Congressional Baseball practice, there will likely be calls for special privileges to protect politicians,” Congressman Massie explained. “Our reaction should instead be to protect the right of all citizens guaranteed in the Constitution: the right to self-defense. I do not want to extend a special privilege to politicians, because the right to keep and bear arms is not a privilege, it is a God-given right protected by our Constitution.”
“If not for the heroic efforts of the United States Capitol Police at the ball field yesterday, things could have been much worse. What’s always evident in these situations is this: the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
“To ensure public safety, we need to repeal laws that keep good guys from carrying guns, since not everyone has a personal police detail,” stated Congressman Massie. “The right to keep and bear arms is the common person’s first line of defense in these situations, and it should never be denied.”
Congress has the authority to legislate in this area pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to “exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever over such District as may become the Seat of the Government of the United States.”
Although Virginia extends reciprocity to concealed carry permit holders in many states, the members of Congress and accompanying staff traveled directly from D.C., and were traveling back to D.C after the practice was over. It was D.C.’s harsh gun control laws that prevented these law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.
Original Cosponsors include Reps Trent Franks (R-AZ), Scott Perry (R-PA), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Ted Budd (R-NC), Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jody Hice (R-GA), Justin Amash (R-MI), Mo Brooks (R- AL), Alex Mooney (R-WV), Rod Blum (R-IA), Ken Buck (R-CO), Todd Rokita (R-IN), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Keith Rothfus (R-PA) David Schweikert (R-AZ), Rick Allen (R-GA), Tedd Yoho (R-FL), Randy Weber (R-TX), and Bill Posey (R-FL).
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