#Tel Mahariel
retrowondergirl · 1 year
I woke to some lovely art done by @ariarihocksnfree from ArtFight! I love how Tel looks in this! 🥰🥰 He looks so amazing!
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red-wardens · 6 years
Red Warden Squad - Superhero AU
Decided to turn it into a meme in case anyone else wanted to try it.
Tagging: @dickeybbqpit @chillyrose @ironbullsmissingeye @heraldofwho @mightofthedalish @deadlymaelstrom @space-vashoth @biserker-kadan @mocha-writes and @hoehoehoelt (you, lol cuz you sent the ask)
Rules: No rules, just get creative. Give them a costume or backstory or nemesis, a superhero name, whatever you want just go wild my dudes 
So, my OC’s with Superpowers:
Blue Surana: More of a rarely spotted vigilante than a hero, not much is known about “Phantom”. She (presumed to be a she, but who knows) only appears at night and, completely coincidentally, never during midterms or finals week of Tel Aviv’s medical school. Dressed in an all white hooded cloak with a conservative and gender-ambiguous outfit, a white mask covering the top half of her face, and a white scarf covering the lower half. Phantom has been spotted phasing through walls, floors, and actual people, leaving them hypothermic and incapacitated in a temporary state of absolute terror. She will do this through criminals trying to rob or attack citizens and, while they're cowering and shivering on the ground, will tie them up for the Israeli police to collect. She has never been known to speak a single word to anyone ever and some believe she is only a myth.
Isseya Mahariel: Olympic Gold medalist in Archery (think Green Arrow, Hawkeye, Artemis, etc) and former police candidate from Kenya, “The Blight Wolf” is known for her unmatched skill with her bow, swift and agile acrobatic skills, and.. for the pack of terrifying shadow wolves that she can summon to fight alongside her. She is also known for her ever-changing and highly fashionable black outfits. 10 years ago, young Isseya Mahariel approached the United Nations with a proposal. Since then, the UN has established a team of well-paid super heroes known as Grey Wardens (as in neutral enforcers of the law) to help take care of world problems. While details about their terms and conditions are classified, leaked information include that the UN can be selective about the countries and private businesses they send the heroes out to help, heroes in the Grey Wardens may not use their powers for their own crime fighting agenda, and that The Blight Wolf demanded to be leader of this team.
Alyss Amell: Under the alias “Chell", referencing an underappreciated 2007 video game, a young French woman joined the UN’s Grey Wardens in their non-combatants division. Her skills of opening portals (think Dr. Strange, kind of) to places near and far have dramatically increased crisis response times. She’s also involved in civilian evacuation. 
Kieran Tabris: Blessed with super speed (The Flash, Quicksilver, etc) yet still always late for everything, “빨리이” (translated into “Quick Lee”) is the first superhero from South Korea to rise to world wide prominence. Highly skilled in taekwondo and mixed martial arts, “빨리이” has a very hands on approach to beating bad guys. When asked why he will not join the Grey Wardens, his answer was translated to: “My mom said no,”.
Ronan Aeducan: “King Midas" is neither a hero nor villain, but a wealthy information broker that officially ‘doesn't exist’. That certainly doesn't stop him from selectively selling information to heroes, villains, the UN, and occasionally governments, companies, and world leaders. Known: King Midas has never been seen in person, has proved to be impossible to track, and is despicably wealthy. Items confiscated from black markets in the form of mundane objects made out of solid gold are rumored to have come from him. No further information available.
Nora Brosca: “Nova Riche” is an energetic and destructive redhead thief known to steal from the very rich. Her somewhat unstable nuclear-electricity powers (which can cause radiant bodily harm, act as EMP rendering electrical equipment useless, and be used to perform impressive light shows) and her M.O. of shrouding herself in impossibly perceptible bright light (staring at her for more than a few seconds has been known to cause substantial eye damage and even blindness) has made her very difficult to take into custody. Many poor families and homeless in slums all over the world have been known to come into a generous amount of money shortly after each heist. This has made the “villain” impossible to hunt down due to worldwide sympathetic supporters of her “Robin Hood” cause. She originates from Germany, owns a tumblr with an impressive follower count, and has been rumored to occasionally work with King Midas.
Cassian Cousland: Force field generator and gunslinger, “El Doggo”, was named by a teen who saw him save a dog from being hit by a car using a force field that caused several non-fatal  car accidents, made him into a meme on tumblr.  After which El Doggo apologized for the cars and laughed about the name in a press conference before, in a good-humored fashion, accepting his moniker. He is known all over Mexico for fighting crime, saving people from crumbling/fiery buildings and assisting local police in crime busts with gangs and drug cartels. In recent years he's been repeatedly offered a position by the UN’s Grey Wardens but has refused to be paid for his service or be told who he can and cannot help. He continues traveling and protecting people in low income cities throughout Mexico and is their national hero. 
Claira Hawke: “Red Running Hood", once believed to be a speedster like “ 빨리이”, was later confirmed by English investigators to be a time manipulator. Her ability to slow time was first noticed during a terrorist shoot out where London police noticed a woman in a red hood running towards them. In a later interview, an officer stated that they blinked and suddenly all the terrorists were disarmed, their guns on the floor by the cop cars. On security footage, M16 later discovered she had frozen both police and terrorists briefly in a sort of time stasis before running to take away the guns and then fleeing the scene. On a tumblr blog, presumed to be Red Running Hood’s, she states that she mostly just uses her powers to “get more sleep”, “give herself more time to procrastinate studying", and “prevent being late to dates with her boyfriend". She has also insisted she “really doesn't want to be a hero", “just helps out if she's passing by", and begs “please stop calling me Red Running Hood, it is not even clever!”. She follows Nova Riche on tumblr but awkwardly never got a follow back.
Helios Adaar: Celebrity hero “Icarus" is the most prominent solo hero in the United States of America (though he is also known in many other countries though he has aided). Known for his large angel-like wings, near invulnerability (bulletproof, fireproof), and the ability to shoot fire from his hands, he is a fearsome foe for many super-villains. He is also known to be incredibly charming and often does press interviews after saving the day. Icarus has refused offers from the UN saying he does not like having other people restricting his personal freedom to “do whatever he wants”. The USA approves and supports his stance on this.
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amercsmemoirs · 7 years
ZevWarden Week, Day 7: Commitment
OKAY this is quite late;;; my apologies. 
For Commitment Day, I’m posting Bésame! 
Allura Mahariel looked up at Zevran Arainai, someone she was currently not on speaking terms with, and noted his surprised, awed expression. He looked the beautiful, charming, mystery woman up and down, and the woman returned his call with a warm smile. "Zevran! How long has it been?" Zevran sauntered up to this Isabela, standing annoyingly close to her as they laughed and talked. "Time has been kind to you, my friend," Zevran complimented her. "Such a shame I can't say the same for you!" Isabela laughed. Even her laugh sounded pretty, Creators. "Come to think of it," Zevran began thoughtfully, "the last time I saw you, you were -" "Don't bring up old memories, sweet thing," Isabela interrupted. "I prefer my imagination to what really happened." Leliana gasped behind Allura and muttered "Scandalous!" under her breath. Even Wynne tutted disapprovingly. That part didn't bother Allura; she was fully aware of Zevran's colorful sexual history before they met. It was what’s happening right now in front of her eyes that was agitating her. Zevran was flirting with Isabela, right in front of her! Like she wasn't even there! Why did he volunteer to come with them if he was still annoyed about yesterday? Come to think of it, why did he also sleep in her tent if he was so... disgruntled? That word gave Allura pause; she couldn't help but think about how furrowed his brow got when he thought she wasn't looking, or the slight pout when she didn't make eye contact. She grinned despite herself. Adorable, she thought. "Oh? Are we quite amusing, my dear Warden?" That was the second thing he'd said to her all day. She wanted to tell him she was thinking about how cute he looked when he was pouting, how she hated that they weren't talking. But with Leliana glaring daggers into the back of his skull (which he tactfully ignored), Wynne showing off her best "I told you so" face, and Zevran openly flirting with another woman, Allura decided against being overly sentimental. "Not at all," Allura responded nonchalantly. The easy way they flirted, the lack of distance between them as they stood side by side... she put a frustrated hand on her hip, despite herself. "Do you know each other?" "Indeed; this is Isabela," Zevran answered with a coy smirk. There was something about the way he said her name that made Allura uneasy. "Queen of the Eastern Seas, and the sharpest blade in Neverra. And Isabela," he turned to his friend, "you will no doubt be amused to discover that I am traveling with a Grey Warden." "A Grey Warden?" Isabela repeated, impressed. "Charmed." 
"An-" Allira cut herself off and frowned. She wanted to say "Aneth ara," but remembered her fight with Zevran. "It's good to meet you, Isabela," Allura greeted her, ignoring Zevran's quirked eyebrow. "You don't see many elven Grey Wardens," Isabela began, a sly look in her eye. "Is it true what about a Grey Warden's ... endurance?" Allura's heart skipped a beat. Not because of Isabela's obvious charm or her seductive gaze as she closed the distance between them; no, it was because Zevran’s voice echoed in her mind; it was a few weeks ago by now, true, but she couldn’t forget his low voice in her ear, the morning after, whispering his own opinions about her “Grey Warden endurance.” Allura closed her eyes and took a deep breath; when she opened them, Isabela was so close, Allura could practically see her... heartbeat pulsing over her armor. Creators, Allura swore inwardly, and forced herself to maintain eye contact. "I have met... few Grey Wardens in the short time I've been one; I do not have many acquaintances to compare myself to." Allura's face felt like it was boiling, and Isabela's confident smirk meant she could also tell. Allura frowned, embarrassed, and took a deep breath and a step back. "We should get going, Isabela. It was great meeting you." Allura turned towards the door, catching Zevran's annoyed face as he followed behind her. "Zevran, you're leaving already?" Allura could hear the whine in Isabela's voice behind her. "What about sex?" Allura's blood ran cold. Her heart seemed to stop and speed up at the same time. Despite her panic, she refused to look at him. She turned away to leave, but she could still hear his response: "Would if I could, my dear, but I have a... previous engagement." As Zevran and Isabela said their goodbyes, Allura held back rolling her eyes and strolled out of the Pearl. ~~~~~~~~~~ Back at camp, Allura didn't say more than a few greetings before she returned to her tent. He didn't want to admit it, but Zevran was... concerned. He'd never seen Allura flustered over anyone but him before. Of course, they hadn't known each other long, but he liked to think he knew her better than the rest of the team. Zevran let out a breath. He should make sure her meeting Isabela didn’t have any… lingering effects. As he stood, he noticed Leliana staring at him from in front of her tent while whispering furiously to Alistair. Probably about his flirting with Isabela in front of Allura. 'There was no harm in it, dear Leliana' he wanted to say. 'Neither of us want to tie the other down; she's also free to flirt with whomever she pleases.' At that, he frowned. He felt some... pressure? in his stomach. Curious... He instead flashed a smile at Leliana, which made her flush angrily and whisper at Alistair faster. Zevran held back a laugh and continued towards Allura's tent. The tent flap pulled back, and Allura looked up at him, surprised. "Oh Zevran," she said, throwing one hand behind her back. "An- ... Did you need anything?" He raised an eyebrow, curious. That’s twice she’s avoided speaking Dalish in front of him. She couldn’t be that annoyed with yesterday, could she? "Do I need a reason to check on my favorite Grey Warden?" He smirked. Disbelief covered her face, and his heart sank, for some reason. But then she grinned. "Of course not," she replied, somewhat tersely, as she pushed past him. He caught the distinct clink of coins bouncing in time with her steps. "Unless you were worried about something?" "Do I have something to be concerned about? For instance, where you're going with a small satchel of sovereigns?," he added, a smile plastered in his face. She didn't seem surprised he knew, though she'd made an effort to hide it. "I'm going to a bar for a drink," she answered curtly. "You're welcome to join me, not follow, although I would prefer to go alone." Zevran's jaw clenched. If Allura noticed, she didn't react. What was it that he thought earlier? She's allowed to flirt with whomever she likes? "Of course," he muttered after a pause. "Enjoy yourself." Allura smiled, unamused, and called for her mabari Fen'or as she walked out of the camp.
Zevran bit the inside of his cheek; he was sure he’d earned his place in the group at this point. Alistair and Morrigan have even let him cook dinner unsupervised by now, so he was sure he could stay even if he and Allura were no longer …. Well, “involved”. And she was stubborn and immovable but she was also kind at heart; she wouldn’t make him leave. But would he want to stay? If every time someone glanced at him, with every interaction, their eyes were filled with pity?
Zevran was many things, but pitiable was not one of them.
He’d promised Allura when she spared his life that he would be at her disposal until the day she no longer needed him; he would keep that promise. Even if she told him when she returned that she didn’t want him, he’d already decided that he would stay with her until the Archdemon was killed. But afterwards….
Allura had already given him many gold and silver bars during their travels; he’d be set for a few months after everything is finished. Zevran wasn’t sure how this would end, but it may be time to start committing to his contingency plan. ~~~~~~~~ Allura sighed and rested her forehead on the bar counter. Fen'or sat in the foyer, eating the steak she’d bought for him. She'd already had 2 and a half cups of ale - the cups were almost as big as her head - and Creators, did she feel it. But she needed to get the sight of Zevran flirting with Isabela -- She lifted her head and - ignoring the vertigo - finished the rest of her cup. She groaned and held her forehead in her hands. Big mistake. She could feel her brain floating around in her skull. The slightest movement made her head and eyes scream in pain; when was the last time she felt this bad - " .... you alright, sweetheart? I .... had enough...." The barkeep's voice faded in and out, but Allura got the gist; she was cutting her off. "Tel.... telsila... ar'm...." Allura struggled to think an appropriate lie, but the words escaped her - there's was too much noise, too many people laughing and talking for her to think straight - "Don't ... I've got her." Allura recognized the voice next to her - it wasn't that familiar but she knew it, who - ? She turned her head - and did her best to suppress the wince - Isabela smirked down at her and winked, drinking her own cup of ale. Creators. "And put my drink on her tab!" she called out to the barkeep. Then to Allura, "Consider it payment for saving you from the hovering vultures." The exact person she did not want to see, sitting next to her as if they were old friends, why is this happening? "Fenedhis -" The room swirled and suddenly Allura was doubled over, emptying the contents of her stomach onto the floor under her and Isabela’s feet. ~~~~~~~~~ An hour later, Isabela had rented a room and brought Allura copious amounts of water and bread, for which the elf was more grateful than she cared to admit. Allura sat on the couch without much fuss; she'd caused the poor woman enough trouble already. Allura squeezed her eyes shut in a futile attempt to stop the room the spinning. When that didn't work, she held her head in her hands and groaned lowly. "You know, letting your hair down would help with the headache," Isabela advised from behind her. Allura grunted in acknowledgement, but remained still. It probably would help - her bun was always tight - but the movement seemed so extraneous. Allura heard a light chuckle behind her as her hair came undone and her dark brown hair fell around her neck and shoulders. Her head felt cool and light, the pressure falling away. "Ma serannas,” Allura mumbled into her hands. "Ir abelas..." "You speak a lot of Dalish when you're drunk, don't you?" With a short laugh, Allura lifted her head. "Thank you, Isabela. I'm sorry to put you through this." "No worries." Allura could hear the smirk in her voice. "Now you owe me for the save and the room." The elf grunted again, thankful she hadn't spent many of the sovereigns yet. They sat together in silence for a time. Allura wouldn't describe it as comforting, but it was welcome. Allura wasn't even alarmed when Isabela quietly moved from behind the couch to the coffee table in front of it. But then she spoke. "So is there a reason you were getting hammered in a brothel alone?" Allura never understood why it was called a brothel. It's where people go to pay for sex, not eat soup. Although, soup could be served here... "I was not alone," Allura refuted, head back in her hands. "Fen'or is with me." Fen'or, who had been brought in after Isabela reserved for the room, perked up and barked once happily. "You know what I mean." Allura sighed and lifted her head. "Creators, I needed to get the image of Zevran flirting with you out of my head." Isabela's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. It was worth the discomfort moving caused to see this gorgeous, confident woman so off guard. "You and Zevran? You're... together?" "Yes." "Like... together together?" "Yes." She made her annoyance clear with that one syllable. "Wow. I've never took him for a 'settle down' type." Allura had to agree. She'd heard his stories; she's always wondered why such a worldly, charming, deadly elf would be interested in being with her. She couldn't think of anything remotely interesting about herself.
"Wait." Isabela's confused voice broke Allura from her reverie. "Why would you come here if you're trying to forget what I looked like?" "Fenedhis, I spent the whole day killing gang members in every other bar in Denerim. I couldn't risk going to a bar in their territory and running into them alone." Allura sighed. "I may be strong, but I am one elf." She never felt like that before meeting Zevran, or anyone else in the group. She never felt so insignificant before. But as much as she could do on her own, what she can do now, with the people she calls friends, is so much more. There was no comparison. "Not that any of it will matter soon," Allura sighed, returning her head to her forehead. "I'm sure we'll both be single in no time. I guess we're... fighting." "You're fighting?," Isabela asked with the same incredulous tone of voice. "Yes." Allura let out another sigh. "What did you do when you and Zevran fought...?" "Us? Sweet thing, Zevran and I were never together-together. Actually, I've never known him to be serious with anyone - almost anyone." While she didn't like how Isabela said "almost anyone," the confirmation was much appreciated. Allura lifted her head and grinned. "Good to know." Isabela smirked. "Alright, I'll help you out. What's going on?"
Allura had no idea why such a woman would be interested in helping her with her relationship problems, but she was grateful for the offer. So grateful, in fact, she decided not to question it.
"I'm not very... interesting, Isabela. Not like Zevran. But I am Dalish, which may be vaguely interesting to other people." Allura was rambling, which was new to her. She could always blame the ale if Isabela ever spoke about this. "And I wanted to teach him Dalish, even if it's the little bit that I know. But he wouldn't learn it." Isabela tilted her head curiously. "Isn't Dalish dying even among the Dalish already? No one really uses it outside your clan, right?" There it was. The same thing Zevran said. Her heart clenched and she sighed. "Oh... I see. Zevran said that too." Allura was glad her new friend didn’t make her say it. Isabela crossed her legs on the table. "But it wasn't about learning Dalish to use it, was it?" "... No," Allura answered quietly. "I miss my people. The Keeper, my friends, the Halla. Merrill, and," she took a deep breath, "Tamlen." She breathed out, ignoring how shaky her voice was going to be. "I miss them, and if I could share it with Zevran, I would miss them less, and we could talk in secret. We could be closer." The silence this time was a little deafening. Allura peeked at Isabela and saw she was looking at her thoughtfully. The elf raised a curious eyebrow. "What is it?" "What is it that you care about more," Isabela started carefully, "Zevran speaking Dalish, or the both of you speaking the same thing?" Zevran speaking Dalish, Allura thought immediately. But of course that was her answer; she was stubborn and hard headed, and pushed too much. Zevran was the opposite; despite the way he acted, he cared so much, but never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to. She wanted him to be more open with her, but she needed to give a little too. "I just want us to be closer." Her voice was lower, smaller than it'd ever been before, but she could still hear it echo around the room. It was somehow terrifying and humbling to realize that she just wanted to be with him more when they weren't in combat. "Fine." Isabela's voice cut through the echo in Allura's head. "I'll help you." Allura looked up curiously, and saw Isabela looking smug and confident, but just a little bit softer than earlier that day. "I don't know much Antivan," Isabela began. "But I know enough to fix this." "Really, Isabela? Ma serannas -" "- For a price." Allura deflated just a bit, but there was no way she was going to turn her down. "Five sovereigns a night," Allura offered. "Nine." "Six, and I buy you dinner every night." "Deal! My, Allura. You sure know how to sweet talk a gal." Isabela fanned herself with a grin. "Thank you, Isabela. This means a -" "Yes, yes, you're grateful, have no idea how to thank me, blah, blah." Isabela got off the table and walked to the door, waving off Allura's heartfelt exclamations of gratitude. She stopped briefly to pet Fen'or. "Meet here an hour after sunset for dinner. You're paying for the room too." Then Isabela winked and she was gone. ~~~~~~ Allura made it back to the camp much later than Zevran expected her. Alistair, who was on watch, greeted her as she walked past the fire and entered her tent. She paused at the entrance - maybe surprised to see Zevran curled in the bedroll next to hers? - and she let out a sigh. Disappointment? Annoyance? He should just confront her now - but what would she say? Zevran remained still. Allura disrobed and slipped into her bed roll. She hesitated before laying down. He heard some shuffling, and felt her hand against his back. It was brief but warm, and he could feel each finger pressed against his shoulder blade. He ignored the chill the absence of her hand created. ----- The next morning, Zevran was awakened by the sound of metal against metal and light footsteps. He turned to see Allura was already dressing. "Going somewhere so early?," he asked.
"Oh! Good morning, Zevran." Allura turned and smiled. Her armor - from her helm to her boots - was already on and she was gathering her satchel from the floor. He noticed that it was much lighter than when she left. She couldn't have drunk that much, could she? "How was the bar?" Her eyes widened and darted to the side briefly. "It was... fine. I ran into Isabela. We - had a drink." Zevran's heart clenched - why? He’d asked Isabela to keep an eye on her, why bother getting upset that they had a drink? Because Allura wasn’t telling the whole truth. He forced a smile. "That's great. I'm... pleased you get along." "She's much more agreeable than I thought she was," Allura admitted with a laugh. "We're going out for drinks again tonight." His blood ran cold; he couldn't - no wouldn't - point out why. He sat up, ignoring the dread he felt. "That's... great. I'm - " "Sorry, vhenan, I need to make some money before tonight. I'll see you afterwards." With a smile and a small wave, she slipped out of the tent and was off. She didn't sound angry; she even referred to him by her Elven pet name for him.
Perhaps… she was over the fight. Maybe drinking with Isabela did truly help, and when she returned tonight, everything will go back to normal. ------ Things did not go back to normal. The pattern continued for another three days; Allura would wake up early every morning, leave early, come back to complete group missions to earn money for the night, go for "drinks with Isabela," come back very late, and sleep. She stayed up for her shifts for the night watch and kept up with her responsibilities. But he hadn't seen her eat in days. She had to though; her satchel was full every day before group missions and considerably lighter when she returned at night. If he asked her about her disappearances, or why she needed so much money every day, or why she was drinking with Isabela so often, she would give him a flimsy excuse and wave it off. “I’m allowed time to myself, correct?” “Bars are so much more expensive in human port towns than the forest ones.” “She’s such an interesting person!” It wasn’t in his nature to push and make someone do something. But he would get an answer tonight. ~~~~~~~~ Allura strolled back into camp, late as usual, with a bit more of a skip in her step. Isabela’s lessons were almost over! She’d be able to talk to Zevran privately, even around the group. Sure, her accent still needed work, and she never emphasized the right syllable, but it was something. There was progress.
She was in such high spirits she didn’t notice Zevran perched in the tree above her until he dropped down in front of her. His brow was furrowed, he looked as if he’d been up there all night, and she’d never wanted to hold him more than at that moment.
Zevran did not look like he felt the same, despite the smile he plastered onto his face. “How was ‘drinks with Isabela’?”
Allura’s brows furrowed in confusion. Why was he so obsessed with knowing that answer? What would it matter to him anyway? She’s been in a much better mood since going out for drinks, all to surprise him, and she never lied about where she was or who she was with. What could be the problem?
“I don’t understand why you’re upset…”
Then the reason dawned on her. To him, they were still “in a fight.” She resolved the issue she’d had without telling her partner about it. So, now she’s in a better mood, but she’s not spending any time with him; instead, she’s with someone else every chance she gets. She covered her face, ashamed. This entire plan happened because she wanted to get closer to him, and she forgot to talk to him about it.
“Zevran, I’m sorry - ”
“We began this agreeing not to tie each other down, no? I just imagined we would be adults and talk to each other about this.” He gestured between the two of them. “If you prefer Isabela’s company, then I will not stand in your way -”
“Zevran, no, that is not what’s happening - ”
“Then why else have you spent every night this week with her?”
“Because she has been teaching me how to speak Antivan.” For a second, she was surprised at how quickly she confessed the truth to him. But the frustration on his face fell away to reveal the confusion and loneliness he must have been feeling for days; she needed to fix this as soon as possible.
“But why… would you want that? Why would she agree?” The confusion and disbelief in his voice hurt her for some reason, but she couldn’t act on it.
“I… I wanted her to teach me Antivan so I could spend more time with you. I wanted to do more than train to fight Darkspawn with you when we weren’t actually fighting Darkspawn. Fenedhis, I got caught up in the excitement and didn’t realize I wasn’t spending any time with you at all. I am sorry to have worried you so much.”
She was! She couldn’t express that enough. But she wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t believe her now.
“... What did she teach you?”
Allura flushed; she wasn’t confident enough to actually say it yet.
Her silence must have annoyed him, because the next thing he said was an ultimatum: “If you can’t tell me yourself, perhaps I should ask Isabela personally.”
Allura reached out for his hand. Her fingertips brushed past the back of his hand, and she hesitated before grabbing him. She took a deep breath before latching onto his hand.
Her lover turned, disbelief plain on his face. No, she was still saying it wrong. And it's a song, she has to sing it.
“Bésame mucho. Que tengo miedo perderte, perderte después.”
Zevran shook his hand from hers and she wanted to cry. Of course she took too long to realize what she'd done, and he's moved on. She heard him sigh and braced herself for the sound of his footsteps away from her.
Instead, he walked towards her and before she could react his lips were on hers. She froze. His lips were warm and soft and urgent and it pained her when he broke away.
“Your accent is terrible.”
He kissed her again.
“You don't put enough emphasis on the accents.”
He kissed her again. This time, she kissed back.
“You aren't singing in tune with the song.”
Another kiss.
“Your lessons could use some improvement.”
Flushed and breathless, Allura secretly hoped he'd kiss her again. It’d been so long since she’d even held him, his kisses almost overwhelmed her --
“Can you teach me?”
He smirked and held her face in his calloused hands.
“Of course, mi amor.” Zevran rested his forehead on his, and she caught his scent: leather and herbs and sandalwood. She took a deep breath and sighed.
Her lover raised his chin and kissed her again, slowly this time, more deliberately than before. She shuddered, just a little, and pulled him closer to her. She rested her head against his shoulder; she’d forgotten how comfortable the fit was.
“Vhenan?” Allura murmured into his chest.
“Hmm?” Zevran hummed.
“Would you…” She paused. “Would you sing it for me?”
“Ah. But of course,” he began. “If you could do something for me.”
Anything, she thought. “Depends on what it is,” was what she said.
He chuckled. “Would you tell me what ‘vhenan’ means?”
Allura broke away, alarmed. Why would he want to know now? Was he pitying her?
“But you said…,” she trailed off, not wanting to say it.
“I did,” he finished. “I told you Dalish was a dying language. So,” he continued, grabbing both of her hands. “Teach me what you know.”
He waited patiently, holding eye contact, while she pieced this together. What could he gain from learning a dying language? Nothing tangible for sure -
But he could gain her. Assuming she was what he wanted.
She let out a breathy chuckle. She could hope.
“Vhenan is short for ma’vhenan,” she began. “‘My heart.’” Without missing a beat, she asked, “What does ‘amor’ mean?”
She held back a frown when she said it. When he calls her ‘amor,’ the word is light, airy, somehow musical. It sounded flat and dull in her own voice.
Zevran smiled and broke eye contact, briefly. If she didn’t know any better, Allura would swear he was embarrassed.
“‘Mi amor,” he corrected her. “‘My love.’”
So she should hope.
“How about we retire to my tent,” she proposed, “and you can sing for me?”
“Only if you promise to sing for me,” he offered with a sly smirk and a wink.
She felt her cheeks heat up but allowed herself to be led to her tent. She laid in the cot next to her love, and listened to his song.
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silent-of-spirit · 7 years
20 Questions
I was tagged by @5ftgarden. Thank you angel!
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Sarah
Nickname: Sairebear, Bubbles, Spirit
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′2″
Orientation: Pan as fuck.
Ethnicity: White
Favorite fruit: Peaches
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book series: The Inheritance Cycle
Favorite flower: Moonflower
Favorite scent: Sandalwood, leather, incense, dirt. (Pretty much any nice earthy smell.)
Favorite color: Midnight blue
Favorite animal: Foxes and Barn Owls ;)
Coffee, tea or cocoa: Tea, usually. Cocoa other times. Coffee, rarely. (It makes my tummy upset)
Average sleep hours: LOL WAT IS SLEP (<--- Garden said it best.)
Cat or dog person: Dog <3
Favorite fictional characters: Dorian, Cole, Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit), Samwise Gamgee (LotR), Daenarys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister (GoT), Azura (Elder Scrolls), Jaal Ama Darav (ME:A), First Arcanist Thalyssra, Ysera (WoW), (And I think I will stop there... too many.)
Favorite OCs! @5ftgarden‘s Lily Rutherford and Felicia Aeducan, @ladylike-foxes‘ Naele, @tel-abelas-mofo‘s Pangara Lavellan, @obliviousoso‘s Ollie, @ma-sulevin‘s Harea Mahariel, @thevikingwoman‘s Iwyn Lavellan. <33
Number of blankets you sleep with: Three. My sister described me as an ‘oven with the door open’ meaning I can’t stay warm for shit, but I am a furnace to everyone else.
Dream trip: Hobbiton
Blog created: Oh lawd idr
Number of followers: 234! And that’s after I blocked the porn bots. I feel so honored. =^.^=
I tag @thevikingwoman, @tel-abelas-mofo, @obliviousoso, @ladylike-foxes, @ma-sulevin, @inner-muse, @makelovenotbloodmagic, @bearlytolerable annnnnnnnd anyone else who would like to.
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retrowondergirl · 3 years
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Day 4 - Memories
Synopsis: Eamon recalls a time when he sorta met the soon to be Hero of Ferelden
Characters: Eamon Trevelyan | Tel Mahariel
Ever since Eamon recruited Sera, he can’t help but be nostalgic about the time when he used to be a Jenny. He remembers how much riches he gotten from them and the unusual people he met, but the one memory that still feels like yesterday was when he met the famed Grey Warden whose sacrifice saved everyone from the Fifth Blight. Eamon remembers the dorky fella when he came up to the door, without ushering a word, the elven lad handed the Jenny the painted box with a dumbass grin.
Eamon was only a teen then but he remembers how the Warden looked: Dalish tattoos, goofy grin, and a look of innocence, but the air around him was different it was like he experienced more pain than most people Eamon had encountered. He could tell that this Dalish elf suffered a whole lot but yet still smiled like nothing, a true hero, he thought. Eamon always thought that this guy was stronger than anyone he had met and what made it even better was that the same elf was the one who killed the Archdemon.
Eventually Eamon left the Red Jennies due to them trying to kill him because they found out he was a noble and he never regretted leaving either, but he was glad he was part of them because he got to (sorta) meet the greatest hero to exist in Thedas.
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retrowondergirl · 3 years
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This is my first time writing so apologies if it’s terrible. I also couldn’t think of anything yesterday so I just skipped it to this. This is a Twitter event which you can click here to either join or read others fics
Day 2 - Nug
Synopsis: Tel and his friends travel to Orzammar to use the treaties upon the dwarves to help them against the Blight but he meets an unusual creature that he has never met before.
Characters: Tel Mahariel | Alistair Therin | Morrigan | Leliana Nightingale | Wynne | Bel the Mabari |
After saving the Circle from the demons, Tel and his team travel to Orzammar to have the dwarves join their cause in stopping the Blight. “Have you ever been to or atleast been near the Frostback Mountains?” Alistair asks with worried eyes. “Uh, no? To be honest Ali, I’ve never been to anywhere. The forest is all I know.” Tel has never heard of anything called the Frostback Mountains. He has heard of mountains but Alistair makes this one seem special to him. “What’s it like? It sounds cold.” Alistair chuckles at his statement. “Yes, it is. It’s very cold and also dangerous, so we’ll need to be very careful.” Tel laughs at the warning since he has just freed the Circle from demons. He thought what possibly could be worse than demons? Tel looks at Alistair with confidence and reassures Alistair “You worry too much, Ali.” Tel gave him the biggest smile “You’re right, I mean you just defeated big scary demons so what a little cold could do to you?” Alistair chuckled but he was still worried. The Wardens and their companions get ready for the freezing temperatures of the mountains and set off
Once they got to the mountains, they saw the entrance of Orzammar. Tel and Alistair look at it with awe, Leliana and Wynne chuckle at the two lads and Morrigan, well she just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. They had trouble at the gates but due to what them being Grey Wardens, the group were able to get in. As they enter they see two dwarven groups fighting each other. Tel wondered who they are and why are they fighting, and ask a nearby dwarf. The dwarf tells him that the king was murdered and those two were fighting for the throne. Tel was confused but the dwarf had already left before he could ask for more, then turns to Alistair looking at him with curiosity. Alistair knew exactly what he was gonna ask and explained to him about why there isn’t a king yet and tells him where they need to go next. Tel found it interesting since this stuff isn’t really in his clan. Satisfied, Tel marches through the Commons
As Tel goes through what appears to him to be a market, he sees a weird pink creature making squeaking sounds. Tel stares at the creature trying to understand what it is. Before Alistair can tell him what the creature is, Tel shouts at his companions, “IT’S A NAKED RABBIT! Where are your clothes little guy?” Everyone were at shock and couldn’t help but laugh to what Tel just said. Bel, the mabari hound, just looked at Tel with great confusion. Tel started to look everywhere for the “rabbit’s clothes” until Wynne stopped him. “Tel, it is born like this.” He was starting to get confused at what Wynne was saying. She chuckles at his expression “It isn’t a naked rabbit” Morrigan tried to intervene the conversation but Alistair made sure she didn’t. “This creature is called a Nug.” “What’s that?” Tel asks. Wynne sighs and points to what Tel believes to be a naked rabbit. She then explains what they are and what they do and her description made them sound very similar to a rabbit to him, a very lazy one. “So, it is a lazy naked rabbit but it’s called a Nug?” Tel says to Wynne “I guess my description would make it seem like that to you but yes they are called Nugs and they usually live down here.” “Because it’s warm and they have no clothes.” Tel says with such confidence “Thank you Wynne” he smiles to her and gives a pat on the shoulder. He then picks up the nug and brings it with him showing the creature to his companions telling them what the creature is. “I’m gonna bring it with us and we’ll save the world together, right Duncan?” As he cuddles with the nug. Alistair couldn’t help but notice the name Tel gave the nug and Alistair proceeds to pet the nug “That is right Duncan. We’ll save the world.” After they were done, the group heads off to Orzammar’s Diamond Quarters.
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5ftgarden · 7 years
@lumidee-mahariel replied to your post “tel-abelas-mofo: thema-sal-shiral: It has been decided by...”
I don't get it. Why Egg-beating?
*puts on glasses*
Lesson time!
“Beating off” is another term for male masturbation. Bald men are oftencalled “egg heads”. So, if you have Solas cracking out one by himself, possibly to the thought of a beautiful elf maiden, it could be termed... 
Egg beating
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silent-of-spirit · 8 years
9 People you would like to get to know better:
I was tagged by @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf, @tel-abelas-mofo, @galadrieljones, @leanarutherford, and @roguelioness! (Holy cannoli guys, thank you! I didn’t know so many people wanted to know me better >.<)
Relationship status: Single as a pringle but having fun <3
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick! I nearly never wear lipstick unless it’s a black tie event.
Last music I listened to: Uhhh what just came on my playlist is ‘Gravity’ by Sara Bareilles so, that.
Top 3 shows: Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Outlander.
Top 3 Characters: I’m gonna choose Top 3 DAI characters to make this easier, so... Iron Bull, Cole, Dorian.
Top 3 ships: Also gonna go with top three DAI here for ease. Iron Bull x Liahra Lavellan (OTP!!!!), Solas x Aluriel Ivara, Cullen x Venalya Mahariel.
I think everyone and their mother has been tagged at this point so, uh, if you haven’t been tagged, PLEASE CONSIDER THIS A TAG! Let me know if you did it so I can please see and learn more about you <333333333
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