#Tenryu Hamanako Railroad
bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 11 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 西気賀駅の駅舎は国の登録有形文化財なんだそうです。駅員さんが切符を切っていた場所の木枠がいい感じです。 @Nishi-Kiga station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 西気賀駅)
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Japanese Train Station Featured in Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Changes Its Names to Be in Line With Anime Film
Be warned, this news article contains pretty massive spoilers for Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon a Time, including locations, characters, and of course, story. You have been warned.
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    A train station situated in Shizuoka prefecture has changed its signing on the platform to recreate the feeling of the post-apocalyptic village seen in Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon a Time. Tenryu-Futamata Station and its surrounding area were the basis of Village-3, a commune set up by WILLIE to help the survivors of the impact and feed the crew helping fight NERV. The train station was featured prominently due to its aesthetic wheelhouse and location close to where the in-universe Tokyo-3 was. 
  Because of this, the real-life Tenryu-Futamata Station today changed all of its 21 signboards to "Daisanmura", the Japanese name for Village-3. The collaboration was spearheaded by an "Eva fan" who works for Tenryu Hamanako Railroad, who asked Khara for permission to use the name. They said that they're "glad that the station is now officially recognized as Village-3 and that the fun can be shared with fans all over the country." 
  Both Tenryu-Futamata Station and its wheelhouse are Registered Tangible Cultural Properties of Japan for Heritage of Industrial Modernization, which just aids in its aesthetics. Note that two train stations were featured in Evangelion 3.0+1.0, this is the first one seen in the film.
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  Photo via The Chunichi Shimbun
  The collaboration is set to be held until September 26, giving Evangelion fans enough time to go down and check it out.
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  The railyard as seen in Evangelion 3.0+1.0
  For international fans of the film, Evangelion 3.0+1.01: Thrice Upon a Time will stream on Amazon Prime Video in 240 countries, including Japan, with English subtitles and dubbed from August 13.
  Source: The Chunichi Shimbun
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Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
By: Daryl Harding
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paraisovocaloid · 3 years
Tsuina-chan x Tenhama Head Mark Resultados del concurso del Concurso de Ilustración
Tsuina-chan x Tenhama Head Mark Resultados del concurso del Concurso de Ilustración
Para aquellos de ustedes que asocian el nombre Tenryu Hamanako Railroad (“Tenhama”) y el sintetizador vocal Otomachi Una, ¡no se equivocarán! Pero como mencionamos en nuestro anuncio de esta competencia en mayo, ¡ahora es el turno de la VOICEROID Tsuina-chan de adornar el frente de uno de los trenes locales en el área! El concurso en cuestión era el llamado “head mark illustration contest”, en…
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 10 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 西気賀駅は列車の行き違いができるちょっと広い駅。 @Nishi-Kiga station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 西気賀駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 9 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 更に移動して寸座駅。菜の花かな? @Sunza station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 寸座駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 8 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 浜名湖佐久米駅の待合室。外では生徒が廃品回収をしてました。 @Hamanako-Sakume station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 浜名湖佐久米駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 7 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 少し移動して浜名湖佐久米駅。この傘は置き傘?忘れ物? @Hamanako-Sakume station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 浜名湖佐久米駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 6 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: ちょっと向こうにトンネルが見えました。 @Higashi-Tsuzuki station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 東都筑駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 都筑駅のプラットホーム。線路内に草が生えているなんて結構好きです。 @Tsuzuki station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 都筑駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 4 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 少し移動して都筑駅。いい感じの古さです。 @Tsuzuki station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 都筑駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 3 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 桜は1週間遅かったなあ。満開だったら最高だったろうに・・・。 @Ona station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 尾奈駅)
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bonguri · 5 months
20240413 Tenhama Line 2 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 最初の天浜線の駅は尾奈駅。トイレがうなぎの魚籠。 @Ona station, Hamana ward, Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka pref. (静岡県浜松市浜名区 尾奈駅)
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paraisovocaloid · 3 years
El Concurso de Ilustración de la Marca Principal de Tsuina-chan x Tenhama ya está en Marcha
El Concurso de Ilustración de la Marca Principal de Tsuina-chan x Tenhama ya está en Marcha
Cuando uno piensa en Tenryu Hamanako Railroad (en adelante “Tenhama”) y colaboraciones de sintetizadores de voz, naturalmente se piensa en Otomachi Una y su rica historia de colaboraciones con el ferrocarril . ¡Pero ahora, un nuevo concurso de colaboración está en marcha con Tsuina-chan! ¡El concurso desafía a los fanáticos a crear una nueva marca en la cabeza con el tema de Tsuina-chan para los…
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paraisovocaloid · 5 years
¡Evento Otomachi Una's "Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una walk ♪" está programado para el 1 de marzo!
¡Evento Otomachi Una's "Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una walk ♪" está programado para el 1 de marzo!
El primero de marzo del 2020, el acertadamente titulado evento “Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una walk ♪” se llevará a cabo, ¡y definitivamente parece divertido! Como se indicó en nuestro primer artículo del evento, ¡este es el último proyecto de colaboración entre Una y el Tenryu Hamanako Railroad Company!
Funciona como un tipo de búsqueda del tesoro / caminata por el sendero, donde sigue una ruta de…
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paraisovocaloid · 5 years
Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una Walk♪ Anunciado
Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una Walk♪ Anunciado
¡Un tweet de la cuenta oficial de de Otomachi Una reveló algunas noticias emocionantes para aquellos que estarán en Hamamatsu el próximo mes de marzo!
https://twitter.com/otomachiuna/status/1207639555764916224 Detalles Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una Walk♪
¡El tweet anuncia el evento Hamamatsu! Otomachi! Una Walk♪, el último proyecto de colaboración entre Una y Tenryu Hamanako Railroad Company
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