#Tes Iceberg
maxs-hot-takes · 8 months
When you and your reincarnation have completely different love interests
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cool-i-hateme · 3 months
Creo que nunca he tenido la oportunidad de decirte por qué me encantas tanto, el porqué me atraes de esta manera tan intensa, tan real o tal vez sí la he tenido, pero no la he aprovechado como debería. La realidad es que a veces es inexplicable porque tú significas tanto para mí que es casi imposible ponerlo en palabras, pero va, lo voy a intentar. 
Me gusta que eres crudo y que hablas sin rodeos, sin pelos en la lengua, que dices siempre las cosas como son; me gusta que aunque eres crudo, y tienes un carácter de la chingada, a mí siempre me tratas bien, me gusta que te preocupes por mí, que me llamas por nombres bonitos, me gusta tu personalidad, la forma en que sabes exactamente de qué hablo sin yo tener que explicártelo, y todo esto es apenas la punta del iceberg, porque aún ni siquiera he hablado de cómo me fascina tu voz, tu risa y tu sonrisa, la forma en que tienes los ojos achinados y tus cejas, pero, lo que más me encanta de ti, es que contigo puedo ser yo misma, sin miedo de que me juzgues, me gusta que me gustes tanto porque eso solo es prueba de que el amor en el que he creído desde niña es real.
Que me gustes de esta manera, me aterra porque me puedes destruir si así tú lo quisieras, pero yo te conozco tan bien que sé que jamás lo harías. ¿Sabes también qué me gusta de ti? que sin darte cuenta tú siempre mejoras mi día y me das la valentía que la mayor parte del tiempo me falta. 
No sé si vas a volver, no sé si ese fue nuestro adiós, de cualquier manera yo espero que tú sepas que, como te amo, no he amado a nadie, y que yo por ti haría cualquier cosa, Andrés. 
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reverieact · 1 month
¡Atención! Si gustan pueden especificar al inicio de cada uno de los starters en qué locación se encuentran, para ayudar a sus compañeres ubicarse. Sin embargo, esta vez no será obligatorio.
"¿Qué impresión te dieron esos nuevos profesores?"
"Marcel parece estar analizando cada movimiento que hacemos, ¿no te sientes observado?"
"Tengo la sensación de que estas evaluaciones no serán tan simples como dicen."
"Espero que Adrian esté soltero."
"¿Crees que CENFI realmente mejorará nuestras habilidades o solo están aquí para juzgarnos?"
"Hay algo en esos tres que no termina de encajar."
"¡Ay! ¡Por fin gente competente dándonos clases!"
"¿No te parece raro que ninguno de nuestros profesores nos advirtiera sobre esta visita?"
"¿Crees que nos estén comparando con otras academias de Europa?"
"Bueno, si fallamos en las evaluaciones, siempre podemos decir que estábamos practicando el arte del despiste."
"Celeste me da la misma calidez que un iceberg… ¡pero qué iceberg tan elegante!"
"Si Marcel me sigue mirando así, le voy a preguntar qué somos."
"¿Crees que podamos sobornar a la CENFI con galletas? Solo para ver si tienen sentido del humor."
"¿Has notado que el café de la máquina es cada día peor o soy solo yo?"
"Hoy en el gimnasio encontré una nota anónima en mi casillero."
"La nueva máquina expendedora tiene un sistema más complicado que algunos de nuestros casos."
"Creo que mis ánimos se quedaron en las vacaciones."
"Parece que alguien ha decidido reorganizar la biblioteca otra vez; nunca encuentro lo que busco."
"Me crucé con un gato negro en los jardines esta mañana; quizás sea un presagio."
"¿No te hace sentir extrañe la ausencia de Piers en todo esto?"
"Me pregunto qué caso nos pondrán el viernes, ¿o serán casos?"
"Primera vez que no tenemos que levantarnos a las 4 de la mañana para empezar a trabajar."
"Tengo más sueño que ganas de vivir."
"No entiendo por qué todes debemos hacer el general físico, me duelen las piernas."
"¡Casi perdí el bus de acercamientos!"
"No sé qué comeré hoy, hay tantas opciones."
"Creo que me fue fatal en el examen."
"Creo que me fue bien en el examen."
"Estudié hasta tarde, ¿se me nota mucho?"
"Me perdí en la biblioteca hace un rato, no encontraba la salida, los de las cámaras de seguridad debieron reírse un montón."
"Me cansé sólo mirando desde las gradas a los que estaban en la zona de entrenamiento."
"Me acabo de pegar una siesta que ¡Dios!"
"¿Quiere jugar una partida?"
"¿Y si practicamos algunos tiros? ¿Qué puede salir mal?"
"¿Juguemos una partida de futbolito?"
"Siento que los profesores me estaban juzgando mientras me evaluaban."
"Algo me huele mal aquí y no creo que sea la gente del gimnasio."
"¿No te parece extraño todo esto?"
"¿Cómo te ha ido en las evaluaciones?"
"Me están empezando a persuadir de no evaluarme nada, ¡son buenos en esto!"
"Me duelen músculos que no sabía que tenía."
"Me cohibe más Olivier que los nuevos profesores."
"¿Crees que Celeste quiera darme su número?"
"Crystal está más linda, severa y malvada que nunca."
"¿Te enteraste que Seoyeon con Samuel tuvieron algo? Ahora no puedo dejar de pensarlo cuando los veos."
"¿Hasta que hora podemos quedarnos aquí?"
"Ay, lo que necesitaba, un poco de pasto y aire fresco."
"¿No estás cansade?"
"Siento que 100% fue peor el entrenamiento en la granja, ¿te acuerdas?"
"¿Cuánto tiempo queda para volver a la Academia?"
"Quiero comer algo, ¿vamos?"
"Estaban deliciosas las hamburguesas, me pediría cinco más, pero aún quedan clases."
"Podría dormir toda la vida aquí."
"Mira, ahí hay un lugar vacío, vamos."
"Adrian tiene cara de que me va a destruir en cualquier momento."
"¿No extrañas las vacaciones?"
"¿Qué hiciste en tu tiempo libre?"
"Dormí en el camino y no estoy segure si babee el asiento."
"¡Mira, qué lindo pajarito!"
"Tengo curiosidad de ir a la habitación con luces, ¿qué pasa si una me da?"
"¿Viste los sacos con peso? Qué pesadilla."
"Levanté varios sacos con peso, me siento renovade."
"Estuve practicando equilibrio y me caí, ¿se ve muy mal?"
"Se me pasó el día en la biblioteca, casi llegué tarde a un examen."
"¿Crees que nos suban o nos bajen los puntajes?"
"¿Qué pasa si fallo en el examen?"
"Por ahora no ha sido nada del otro mundo, ¿qué tal te ha ido a ti?"
"Escucho una queja más y mataré a alguien."
"¿No es raro que puedan seguir todo como siempre con lo de Piers?"
"Genevieve estaba como molesta hoy en clases, ¿o fue idea mía?"
"Max estaba extraño en clases."
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rosssesposts · 1 year
Arguments…with a twist?
Ight so this finna be a pain in the ass cause I’m finna have to switch from the Spanish translator to this cause ion speak the damn language so y’all work with me 😭 also this is a make of my last post in case y’all dunno where this came from 👍🏽
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POV: You and Miguel having an argument infront of Miles and you both forget he speaks Spanish to(hope this not trash man imma cry 😭)
Warning: cursing, lots of dirty talk in the mix,implied smut but not too much,fluff after argument, reader being a brat(🌚)
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“¡Maldito Miguel! ¿Por qué tienes que ser tan terco?”( Damnit Miguel! Why do you have to be so stubborn!) Y/n shouted at Miguel. Miguel had been on Y/n’s ass all week about her being careless on missions and doing risky stuff. He cared too much for her to let her keep doing stuff like this. So he put his foot down and told her she wasn’t allowed on missions anymore. “Cariño, amor de mi vida, por favor entiende, estás poniendo demasiado en riesgo tu vida para mi gusto y ya no la tendré más.”(Sweetheart, Love of my life, please understand, you are putting your life at risk too much for my liking and I wont have it anymore.)
Miguel had tried to reason with her so many times and has been so soft spoken with her, trying not to outburst at her in any way possible. He needed her to understand how much she meant to him. “Mi amor, te aseguro que estoy bien y puedo cuidarme solo, te preocupas demasiado. Sabes que puedo cuidar de mí mismo.”(My love I assure you, I am fine and can take care of myself you worry too much. You know I can take care of myself.) Y/n understand Miguel’s concerns, but you were more than capable of handling yourself and you knew that HE knew that. You saw the scowl on Miguel’s face starting to form but slowly go down as he was trying not to snap at you. “T/n, por última vez, no más misiones y eso es definitivo, ahora deja de discutir conmigo.” (Y/n, for the last time, no more missions and that is final, now stop arguing with me.) Miguel said sternly sick of the debating with you, looking at you with a serious face. You sat there with a mad expression on your face about to lash out at him but you take a deep breathe and relax.
“Eres un maldito bruto, Miguel. ¡Por qué tienes que ser tan idiota!(You are suching a fucking brute, Miguel. Why must you be such a asshole!) And that was it. The tip of the iceberg. Miguel’s eyes flashed red and pinned you to the wall in the blink of an eye. You gasped in fear and looked up to Miguel seeing his eyes glowing a bloody red in anger. You sat there waiting for him to yell at you or say anything at that. “Pequeña puta malcriada”(You bratty little whore) He spat at you with anger and a bit of lust in his voice. Your eyes widen and breathe hitched and started to get a bit scared. “todo lo que trato de hacer es proteger a mi dulce T/n y ¿qué obtengo a cambio, eh? Ella comienza a actuar como la pequeña puta malcriada que es...”(all i try to do is protect my sweet Y/n and what do i get in return, huh? She starts acting like the bratty little cock whore she is...) Miguel spoke out breathing out with Y/n still pinned. You sat there flustered, not knowing what to do or say. You stood there between your lover and the wall embarrassed and shamed. “Tal vez, debería darle lo que quiere, ¿eh? Que la engañen y la follen como la pequeña mocosa que es para poder recordar a quién pertenece, hm, ¿no te gustaría ese amor?”(Maybe, I should give her what she wants hm? To be dicked down and fucked out like the little brat she is so she can remeber who she belongs to, hm? Wouldnt you like that sweetheart?) Miguel spoke looking down at you. You just tilted your head down embarrassed not knowing what to do. Miguel grabbed you face making you look at him, his eyes no longer red. He looked at your face red and flushed and he….chuckled. You had a confused look on your face. “Awww amor, ¿dónde está todo ese ladrido que tenías? No sabía que solo se necesitaba eso para hacerte desmoronarte, cariño.” (Awww love, wheres all that bark you had? Didn’t know it only took that to make you crumble sweetheart.) Miguel chuckles in your face, while you look at him with a pouty red face. “Listen mi vida(my life), I know I’m hard on you, but I love you, you know that.” Miguel says moving his hand to your cheek. “And if something were to happen to you, I…” He starts to tear up. You grab his hand on your cheek and squeeze it looking up at him, “shhh amor, está bien. estás atrapado conmigo, te guste o no. Y siento que soy descuidado en nuestras salidas. Prometo tener más cuidado, o me quedaré aquí como dijiste hasta que sientas que estoy listo...”(shhh amor, its ok. your stuck with me whether you like it or not, and im sorry that im careless on our outings. I promise to be more careful, or ill just stay here like you said til you feel like im ready...)
Miguel looks at you with teary eyes and smiles. He leans in and kisses you on the forehead and leans his against yours. “Amor(Love),if you can promise me you will be more careful….” He pleaded. You smile softly. “I promise cariño(Dear)…I love you.” Y/n softly speaks. “I love you to, Y/n”
(Meanwhile with Miles sitting there):
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adverbio · 4 months
eu te amei nos dias escuros e nos dias de sol e em todas as estações que me lembravam o quanto o seu coração era frio por ter construído esse iceberg entre a gente e eu com um fósforo torcendo pra que pudesse derreter de pouquinho em pouquinho, que nem quando eu comecei a gostar de você e quando percebi tudo aqui já era você… te amei nas horas que sempre passaram devagar e quando eu fui forçada a aprender exatas para contar o tempo e ver que ele sempre foi o nosso maior rival. eu te odiei por invadir os meus sonhos e me acender com um fogo de 280 graus e me fazer cachoeira.
eu a detestei por me fazer te amar até quando te odiava e quando meus olhos viraram tsunamis de ti.
esse livro poderia ser sobre natureza; mas é sobre você.
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nouvellelune97 · 7 months
Me has enseñado bien.
De la calidez de un buenos días, de la pasión y el entusiasmo por contarte una anécdota o de enviarte una foto de lo más profundo de mi simpatía, tú decidiste echar un iceberg, del más gigantesco y frío del que dispusiste para enfriar todo.
Si no fuera suficiente, cubriste con barro todo aquello para llenarme de tus ideas, de tus pensamientos y de tus vivencias, como si decidieras arbitrariamente que eran más importantes que las mías.
Fingías con un ´´Cuéntame todo, tanto lo malo, como lo bueno, que te escucharé´´ para luego dejar la puerta abierta y esperar pacientemente que este ratón cayera en la trampa. Encerrada así me dejaste, para volver al ruedo e iniciar tu incansable monologo que, arbitrariamente, decidiste que sería más interesante que el mío.
Culpa mía fue. Te di demasiado cuando migajas cubrían mis palmas y dedos. Es que eras mas interesante, quizá. Más adulto, más maduro, mas experimentado. El alfa de esta conversación, tan intermitente, fantasmal, como tantas veces, fría y seca.
Dicen por ahí que me amas, pero, ¿Así es? Porque de ser cierto, es el más horrible y penoso de los sentimientos.
Eres tan frío que me volviste igual de fría. Me convertí en ti.
Y no, no me siento orgullosa. Porque no soy así, pero me has enseñado bien, demasiado bien.
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lensdeer · 1 year
No I can't fucking be normal about the Morrowind intro
After you start the game, Jiub says he "heard [the guards] say you've reached Morrowind", but in the cutscene Azura says they took you out of the Imperial City Prison "first by carriage and now by boat", so what the fuck sort of route did you take that the people driving the boat set sail from somewhere outside Morrowind and only "reached" it near Seyda Neen.
I'm extremely autistic about The Elder Scrolls lore, so I have obsessed about this issue for years: Jiub clearly meant you reached "Vvardenfell" the island within "Morrowind" the Province. I get it; from a marketing point of view, it makes sense to namedrop the name in the game's box right as you start playing, but bear with me here (why they didn't name the game "TES III: Vvardenfell" instead still escapes me; Daggerfall isn't named "High Rock" or "Hammerfell" anyways, so it doesn't have to be a province name! "TES II: Iliac Bay" would've been a significantly worse if more accurate name for that one anyways, but I digress).
With the beautiful amount of care Morrowind's team of writers put into even the most mundane details of the game's lore this detail has always struck me as weird, and since TES canon has an in-universe explanation for even the most minor gameplay mechanics like Oblivion not having levitation spells, I can't stop fucking thinking about it.
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See, it's pretty easy to see that this is the optimal/fastest (and therefore most likely) route the guards used to move you from the Imperial City Prison to Seyda Neen:
Out of the Prison through the Imperial City itself, over Lake Rumare through the Talos Bridge, around the Red Ring Road and then the Blue Road, maybe stopping for the night in Cheydinhal, entering Morrowind through some frontier pass in the Velothi Mountains, traveling through the Stonefalls region for a bit, and finally boarding a ship on Old Ebonheart to take you to Seyda Neen.
In this case, you entered Morrowind WAY before even getting on the ship! It makes absolutely no sense that they would say you "reached Morrowind" if you traveled through this, the only sensible route.
So what the hell kind of route did they take you through?
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If, for some reason, the guards didn't want you to set foot in Morrowind-The-Province until Seyda Neen and Seyda Neen only, they would've had to have taken you through a laughably inefficient route:
It starts the same as the previous route, but they would've had to split off the Blue Road before reaching Cheydinhal, crossed the significantly colder and more dangerous Jerall Mountains to enter Skyrim somewhere around Riften (rest stop?), wasted a bunch of time navigating through The Rift and Eastmarch, boarded a ship on Windhelm, navigated through icebergs in the Sea of Ghosts, and wasted a even more time navigating all the way through the Inner Sea to get to Seyda Neen (why not drop you off at Gnisis or somewhere else in north Vvardenfell at that point?).
If you were being taken to Morrowind with any degree of urgency it makes absolutely no sense to waste this much time and resources navigating through Skyrim's significantly less hospitable geography. And, even then, wouldn't the guards have said you "reached Morrowind" around the time the ship went into the Inner Sea anyways???
Thing is, that's literally the only other justifiable option. If they didn't want you to touch Morrowind OR Skyrim before getting dropped off at Seyda Neen, the only remaining option is the even more stupid Plan C:
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Maybe they wanted to take you for the scenic route! The Nerevarine prophecy can get fulfilled fucking whenever, who cares:
Go down the Green Road through Bravil and board a ship in Leyawiin (maybe the Khajiit heard you're Azura(h)'s champion and let you through the Tenmar Jungle so you board it in Senchal instead?), and strap the FUCK in for the voyage of a lifetime through the Nepal Sea and sail the Padomaic Ocean aaaaaaaaall the fucking way around Black Marsh and mainland Morrowind, dodge a couple icebergs in the Sea of Ghosts, and navigate the Inner Sea to finally get to Seyda Neen (because fuck Tel Mora, Vivec and Ebonheart; we're determined here), like, at this point multiple years after leaving the Imperial City. Hope you packed enough provisions, because these guys are determined to not "reach Morrowind" until the Bitter Coast!
Alternatively: at this point, why didn't they just commit to the bit and just get some weirdo at the Arcane University to teleport you directly to Vvardenfell?
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Condense multiple days of travel into a quick afternoon stroll through the Imperial City! Maybe the guards can do some shopping, watch a quick match in the Arena or chill for a bit in the Arboretum on their way back from dropping you off. Why not. Perfection.
Anyways. I like Morrowind, and I obsess over this topic every time I think about it. Hope I passed on my brainworms to y'all.
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caostalgia · 2 years
Cuando tus ojos chocaron con los míos lo supe,
Mi corazón había dejado de pertenecerme,
Cuando por primera vez tomaste mi mano y dijiste “Hola”,
Juré que un ángel había bajado del cielo a saludarme.
Sé que probablemente ya es tarde,
Mi intención nunca fue lastimarte,
Lo sé, me fui como los cobardes,
Sin decir adiós, sin un por que,
Dejándote con dudas sin resolver,
Y terminaste por odiarme,
Prometo en este poema tratar de explicarte,
Aunque me tome una vida entera que llegues a perdonarme.
Me enamore de ti,
Aquello no era algo fácil de decir,
Justo cuando iba a abrirte mi corazón
Vi como mi mejor amigo te beso,
Tomaste su mano y fue ahí cuando lo ví
Tus ojos brillaron,
Con una sonrisa triste susurre al viento “por cobarde me han ganado”.
Esa misma tarde decidí que lo mejor era alejarme,
Hacer que me odiaras me hacía sentir menos culpable,
Si algún día llegas a leer esto,
Espero que me perdones,
Te juro que quise evitarlo,
Pero cuando me di cuenta ya era muy tarde,
Ojala el universo me permita volver a verte aunque sea de lejos cruzando la calle.
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What happens if you give a religious studies major and a creative writing major access to the elder scrolls metaplot? And they're both pathologic fans?
An out of context iceberg of myself and @sethos-diceking 's TES canon we've been working at for the past three months with no regard for what the games themselves actually imply. Have fun trying to untangle this one! I need to get more art commissioned of all three of those main characters soon.
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Alt text: An iceberg image meme, descending into the ocean through 8 layers.
Layer 1: The dragonborn is a dunmer (Dalhyr). The hero of Kvatch is a khajiit (Sunbeam). The nereverine is a dunmer (Servas). "In canon" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Skyrim takes place 100 years earlier (this is in red, signifying it's a rewrite as opposed to possible). Sunbeam and Martin were lovers. Servas is Nerevar. Sunbeam and Servas were childhood friends. Dalhyr cured his vampirism.
Layer 2: Sunbeam was written over with an imperial hero in historical texts. Dalhyr is a direct descendant of Voryn Dagoth. Tim's argonian lore (rewrite). Sunbeam is a demigod. Deranged 3am AUs (flying guar bus of death). Vehk got very drunk and doesn't remember writing the sermons.
Layer 3: Where the tribunal's souls went. Sunbeam was blessed by Kyne, not Khenarthi. Sotha Sil brought back Dagoth Ur. The Mad Sun Cat and the Dragon Eating It's Tail (the world ends). Pelinal Whitestrake was blessed by Akatosh, not shor. The mythic dawn only recently resurfaced (rewrite). "The aedra do not care for the mer".
Layer 4: Nerevar resurrected Voryn (correctly) after the events of Morrowind. The hero that replaced Sunbeam was the guildmaster of the fighter's guild, and later mantled sheogorath. Tim's maormer lore (rewrite). Nerevar is Lorkhan.
Layer 5: The thalmor's ultimate plan is to become the aedra's favored children. Nerevar was testing the tribunal with godhood, they failed. The Mad Sun Cat is not Sheogorath.
Layer 6: Lorkhan planned everything, and the daedra know. The three faces of Lorkhan are Nerevar, Shor, and the Hist. Sunbeam went unwillingly into godhood and that is what turned him into the Mad Sun Cat. The tribunal almost accidentally mantled the aedra. 3 is the sacred number, everything comes in 3s.
Layer 7: The aelyids are the aldmer. Elves = daedric, men = aedric, beastfolk = magna ge. The dunmer translation for daedra is correct.
Layer 8: Elves are from Tamriel, Aldmeris never existed. Vehk knows this is a videogame (in very small text, at the very bottom).
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dudd-ie · 8 months
PARTE 1-(au rocmate en relacion)
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[cuando idate llego a la isla iceberg...]
[él intercambio miradas con una solitaria osa polar que lo observaba desde una colina]
Idate:("hmmn? estoy teniendo alucinaciones?")
Idate:("¿los osos polares siempre fueron tan Lindos?")
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["¡fue amor a primera vista!" penso él.]
[y desde aquel dia comenzó a perseguirla a todas partes con el objetivo de darle su corazón.]
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[pero,su amor por ella era tan grande y tan intenso...]
Rocma:"urg...tú de nuevo...."
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[la osa polar a duras penas podía soportar la magnitud de su asfixiante afecto]
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[la personalidad de la orca se caracterizaba por ser muy arrogante, egoista y violenta.]
Idate:("¿por que estas tan herida? solo queria darte un abrazo")
[no era extraño que fuera tan torpe y brusco en sus intentos por conquistar el corazón de aquella fría mujer oso]
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Rocma:"eres un imbecil desagradable"
Idate:"y tú eres muy bonita y suave♥︎"
[como a idate le gustaba la suavidad de rocma tanto como su rudeza, él quería hacerla suya sin importar que]
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[la orca era demasiado fuerte como para que la osa pudiera deshacerse de él, entonces ella no tuvo mas opción que aguantarlo.]
Idate:"oye! shirokuma-chan, mirame... te amo!♥︎"
[ambos vivían en una constante lucha donde él trataba seducirla y ella seguía rechazandolo.]
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[entonces, cierto día ella finalmente tuvo una epifania.]
Rocma:("si esa orca me ama tanto entonces haría cualquier cosa por mi ¿verdad?")
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[mientras mas lo pensaba mas se daba cuenta del poder que tenía sobre esa orca.]
[quizás si le daba la atención que queria entonces ella podia usarlo en su benefício también]
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["pese a la actitud malumorada de rocma,ella enrealidad estaba dispuesta a negociar con idate si eso garantizaba la paz en su isla."]
Rocma:("si no puedo alejar a ese hombre, entonces tratare de controlarlo para evitar que haga mas daño")
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sinfonia-relativa · 1 year
Mi amor puede ser intenso como el mismo fuego , pero si sopla el viento de la indiferencia se apaga y sus brasas ya no arderán si no que te quemara la pura y real frialdad de mi ausencia, mi amor puede ser cálido y brindarte calor , ese de la pasión o en un abrazo de consuelo cuando lo necesites , pero si no le pones leña se apagará y se volverá un iceberg y en ese frío aquel amor ardiente morirá. Luego no digas que no te advertí que algunos fuegos por más intensos que sean se pueden extinguir y tornarse en un frío invierno. No existen términos tibios en mi corazón, siento o no siento, amo o no amo... me he cansado de la tibieza de la inestabilidad de algunos que piensan que con un día de ponerle leña al fuego de mi amor es suficiente para que arda siempre.
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rockintapper · 5 months
the um
te sec2ond one, the thi3rd one
ok so basically i say whar i think about rhythm heavem chatacters. starting with Tengoku brcuase why nawt
readmore ebcuase this posr long as hell!!!!! please work this time
karate joe: hi kasper the he <3 i wana hug him,
hair vegetables: what Thr fcuk
sarge: idk. attention march
squadmates: petar
air batter AIRBATTERR 💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
space umpire: perpetual smiler
the clappy trio: your sequel stinks!!!! /sillay i love your wigs
sneaky spirits: get bow and arrow'd l plud ratio /j
samurai steve: hi sage hes really cool actual6 #chilling
yokai (the thingies the samurai slices): pe uliar little cratures. up to no good
rats: thr cheese
ms. whiskers: THE FIRST CAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: hes vibing ong. why do you hsve an endless game
thr viruses: leav that litlle guy alone >:(!!!!!!!
yellow organism (sick beats): little guye :) dj yelo
the donpans: theyre all dating your honor
yagura-chan: spiteful luttle child i love her. may she grow up and pan
mahou tsukai: hi rocket The WIZARB!!!! magic autism
ojou-chan: flowers autism
the monster (wizard's waltz): STOP EATING MY PLANTS
pengiuns (showtime): yhe dillays i love them they deerve the worl
monkey (showtime): i just read about him. gonna make him explode now
rabbit: boing boing boing boing boing b
tram and pauline/poline: hi cheese THE FOXES the foxes ever hth foxes ever the
space gramps: i widh he was my grangpa 💔 /j
space dancers: pa-pa-pa-PUNCH! put some respect on my boys plea
q maou: AAGH. AAH. AAHHG. AG
contestant: hi 56 hes. hes jist like me frfr /hj
play-yan: hi sunny i really liek. his uh level. minigame. wharever it s called its like. really calming. unless im Going for a Perfect!
mini chounin (power caligraphy): the dancing dancers
akai mono (polyrhythm): i uh. i dont have anything about these thangs. what
urakata aki to ki (bouncy road): my children. i love them. i would Kill for th
spheroids (bouncy road): you have a page? on the rh wiki? what?
ninja and the lord (ninja no shison/ninja bodyguard): augh
toss boys: hi ninety The toss bous. they hehheeh3he hugs ao-kun
yuka: YIPPR YIPEEE YIPEE YIPEEEE YIPEEEOEIRIRJ HI T YUKAIEJEBE ^_^ totally isnt dating a tall tapper shes totally not dating a tall ta /lie
giraffe: dont fucking look at me like that
kanojo: ypure in good hands. mostly. (cant get the fast part of ninja reincarnate)
waru mono (ninja reincarnate): w,,ario?? w
cosmic girl: Rude™ (/hc). may also be the commander in amrching oerders 2,
cosmic dancers: space dancers HATE THEM! /silly
MAN-K: mN i lovr him hes so cool dud e whaha
biribiriuo (night walk 2): STOP ELECTROCUTING PLAY YAN 💔💔💔💔
usamimi maki sensei: i love the face she makes whe n i press a button too earlu/late. may also be cosmic girl
space rabbits: ive seen you in waroiware.... pets yu
buta-san (tengoku remix 7): pigy :]
barista: i hc his voice is jasmine wright's from the rh iceberg
people at the café: only (canon) black person in the entire series helooo
neko machine: meow. meow. meow.meow owah owah mah? mah? o-mah? m
honse machien: wha,
love-san: suki (cheering)
mr. upbeat: hi tomano tucking him in giving him a goodnight kiss and a glass of milk <3
mannequin; i wonder what game yoyll be in the futue
anata: hi 56 i love his goofy ass smile go girl give us everything
drum girls: wait whered they come fro
samurai drummer: no way. it Tsunk
samurai drummer's band: i did not know you existed hello??
oba-chan: protect. protect. protect.
pwner: Kill. Kill. Kill Kill. Kill. Kill. Ki
producer: who tf are you? what? wait lemme rrad about yo7 furst
im back. music autism
ok thats all the characters in rhythm tengok!!! thanks for Did yiu read all of tjis? zamn!! congrats dude /gn
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Hay veces que se siente bonito querer a alguien que no te quiere y no porque uno sea amante de los icebergs simplemente porque la sensación nos vuelve más reales.
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occhietti · 11 months
Ogni vita è una specie di iceberg narrativo di cui gli altri scorgono solo la parte visibile, mentre tre quarti se ne stanno nascosti sotto il pelo dell’acqua e non se ne accorge mai nessuno, a volte non te ne accorgi nemmeno tu.
Ma è proprio la parte che sta sotto a sostenere e orientare tutto il resto, come la chiglia di una nave.
L’importante è non credere nemmeno per un istante che quel che vedono gli altri, nel bene o nel male, sia tutto quel che sei, e non credere che quel che invece gli altri non vedono valga meno, soltanto perché non lo vedono.
Non è importante se nessuno lo vede, o se lo vedono in pochi, tu quella parte rispettala, difendila, sentila, proprio come l’aria che ti entra nei polmoni ogni giorno, ogni secondo, che nessuno vede nemmeno quella, così come non vedranno mai il tuo stomaco, o il tuo fegato, o i battiti del cuore, mentre sono proprio questi a tenerti in vita.
- Matteo Bussola - da "La vita fino a te"
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Chapter 216: Bath reveals to us what exactly the “Bath” is and how Sukuna plans to use it to drag Megumi down further into the murky depths of his own conscious. This scene is soaked in Jungian symbolism, as Megumi’s control over the body (his consciousness) is superseded by Sukuna who take complete control of him. Sukuna  and Megumi fighting over control of their own body greatly resembles Jung’s idea of the “Persona” and the “Shadow”, and is highly symbolic of Megumi’s personal arc as well. Which I will now detail under the cut. 
1. Still Waters Run Deep
For a brief overview of Jung’s ideas, both Jung and Freud theorized the psyche (consciousness) was made up of three components. Freud’s iceberg theory of the unconscious likened the mind to an iceberg, as the most important part of the mind is what you cannot see. 
Similiar to Freud, Jung divided the mind into three areas. While Freud named these unconscious, preconscious, and conscious, Jung divided the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. 
Briefly, the Persona is the topmost layer of the psyche presented to the world 
 “A kind of mask, designed on one hand to make a definite impression on others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual. (Jung, Two essays on Analytical Psychology). 
WHhhle the persona is what one thinks as well as others think one is” the shadow is 
“that hidden, repressed, for the most part inferior and guilt-kladen personality whos’s untimate ramification reach back into the realm of our animal acestors. (Collected works of C.G. Jung Volume 9) 
Finally, the Collective unconscious the deepest layer of the mind sometimes referred to as the “objective psyche”, refers to the idea that a segment of the deepest unconscious mind is genetically inherited and common to all human beings. The collective unconscious is made up of knowledge, instincts, and imagery that every human is born with. 
He posited because of this collective unconscious, there are recurring motifs and symbols he termed “archetypes” which appear in mythologies from different cultures around the world. This was his reason why two cultures who never had any contact with each other, could have myths with similiar stories. One of his greatest examples of this was the “flood myth” which recurs in many cultures, such as the biblical account and the flood in the epic of Gilgamesh. 
This is where I tie it back to Jujutsu Kaisen and Sukuna’s “bath” because for Jung, water was the most common symbol of the unconscious. 
“THe lake in the valley is the unconscious, which lies, as it were, underneath the consciousness, so that it is often referred to as the “subconscious”, usually with the perjorative connotation of an inferior consciousness. 
Water is the “valley spirit”, the water dragon of Tao, whose nature resebles wayer - a yang embraced in the yin. 
Psychologically, therefore, water means spirit that has become unconscious. 
So the dream of the theologian is quite right in telling him that down by the water, he could experience the working of the living spirit like amiracle of healing in the pool of Bethesda. 
The descent into the depths always seems to preced the ascent  (Collected works of C.G. Jung Volume 9)
Above Jung references collective mythologies from different cultures to make his point, Taoism, the concept of Yin and Yang, and the pool of Bethesda from the New Testament where Jesus miraculously healed a paralyzed man. Rather than describe it as an inferior consciousness he likens it to the other half of the mind, the yang to the higher mind’s yin. 
Obviously, Jujutsu Kaisen is making use of water symbolism as well, Sukuna is soaking Megumi to push him down deeper in his mind. This chapter is literally showing us Megumi’s “Descent into the depths.” 
Shadows, and Water have always been a recurring symbolism for Megumi, though. Beginning with early on, Sukuna suggests to Megumi the real strength of the “Ten Shadows” technique is not the Shikigami he summons but the fact he uses his shadows as a medium.
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It becomes apparent early on Megumi has what is easily the greatest technique in his clan, and yet he doesn’t utilize it properly nor does he realize its full potential. Megumi’s strength comes from his shadows, but Megumi does not even seem to be aware of his full potential. 
When Gojo suggests that a Zen’in Clan Ten Shadows user defeated a Six-Eyes user in the past Megumi denies the fact he could ever be stronger than Gojo. When Megumi remembers Gojo’s lecture on how quick he is to give up and sacrifice himself in a fight, rather than “swinging for the fences” look what his newly formed domain expansion resembles. 
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His domain expansion “brings forth the deepest shadows” and when he uses it, it looks and moves like water. Megumi’s greatest power comes in utilizing his shadow, and yet paradoxically he is Megumi is a highly repressed individual character who always ignores and looks away from his shadow. 
"Still waters run deep” is a phrase often used to describe the Jungian Shadow. Megumi is so much more than what he appears on the surface, you step forward in the water expecting it to be shallow and then you sink down into an ocean. This is because Megumi’s most common tactic is to suppress and hide his true feelings about things in any kind of stressful situation rather than dealing with him. 
However, his eyes that were as deep as the night that peeped out from the bottom of a deep ditch became even more lifeless.
Fushiguro tried once more to switch off his self-awareness.
Numbness was the safety feature of life. If he did not think of a way to protect his spirit, it would not be strange if a curse was born.
In a wy, what Sukuna is doing right now is an extreme form of what Megumi always does. Megumi feels very helpless and out of control of his own life. His parents abandoned him. He didn’t want to be a sorcerer but was forced into it by a situation out of his control. When he did decide to become a sorcerer to stop Tsumiki from going to the Zen’in, he couldn’t protect her and Tsumiki was attacked by a curse despite Megumi being someone whose job it is to exorcise curses he was completely useless in that scenario. 
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Part of the reason Megumi was tricked so easily into losing possession of his body to Sukuna, is because Megumi has so little regard for his health and well-being. Yuji warned him multiple times that Sukuna was planning something for him, but Megumi didn’t even think about the danger to himself if he kept Yuji close. Megumi is someone who actively refuses to take control of his own life, and therefore, Sukuna takes it away from him. 
However, Sukuna’s attempts to take control of Megumi’s body may not have completely succeeded. Just like there is no yin without the yang, there is no persona without the shadow. A person’s mind isn’t one or the other, it’s both. 
The shadow isn’t the “true self” it’s merely the hidden self. Persona matters in identity too. As Kurt Vonnegut said, “We are what we pretend to be.” 
Sukuna immediately decides to target and kill Tsumiki’s body, because the bath did not work in completely submerging Megumi’s soul. 
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As stated above, the descent into the depths always seems to precede the ascent. 
It’s revealed the same chapter that Megumi’s body was taken over, that Megumi always had the potential to be a vessel just like Yuji did, which is why Sukuna needed to break his mind first before he tried to take control because there was always a possibility that Megumi could take his body back and seal Sukuna within rather than giving up control. 
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The descent into the depths always seems to precede the ascent, in a way this is what Megumi needs to do. It’s always what he’s needed. He needs to plumb the depths of his shadows, and then crawl out of those murky depths and back to the surface. Megumi needs to self-actualize and self-reflect as a human being rather than trying to keep everything in the dark because that’s the first step to taking control of his own life. Fighting back for control of his own body, is just Megumi facing his inner demons because he is literally fighting his inner demons in the form of Sukuna. 
To further tie in this idea let me quote @theanimepsychologist
Also I know I sound like a broken record but Jacob’s Ladder is a HELL of a rabbit hole. It’s not just Urizen, it’s the implication of Jacob going through hell and then going up the ladder. Makes me wonder if Megumi will follow that since some of the current symbolism is totally about going into the unconscious where he’s having to face evil (Sukuna, the bath).
Remember, Jacob’s ladder is the technique that Hana / Angel tried to use to exorcise / reach Megumi and it seemed to be working until Sukuna tricked her. 
If Sukuna manages to kill Yorozu / Tsumiki and that is a big if, I believe even Megumi can come back from that. Because Megumi has always tried living for the sake of others, doing things for Tsumiki or Yuji’s sake, when what he really needs to do is live for his own sake. 
2. The Collective Unconscious
So, the Jungian symbolism associated with Sukuna baffled me for a long time. Originally, I thought Sukuna was supposed to be Yuji’s shadow because he lives deep within Yuji, he resembles him almost exactly (even Sukuna’s true four-armed form resembles him) he can take control of his body when Yuji’s willpower and consciousness wanes. However, when he switched bodies with Megumi in a way none of us saw coming that seemed to disprove that idea. 
Then, was he supposed to be Megumi’s shadow all along? In the same way, Sukuna was only ever interested in Megumi and was always planning to take Megumi’s body from him, does that mean he was meant to reflect Megumi’s suppressed side? 
However, after thinking about it I’ve come to a different conclusion. He’s not the shadow for Yuji, or Megumi, he’s both of their shadows. Rather, he represents the third part of the psyche buried deep within us, the collective unconscious. 
The collective unconscious is shared by all of humanity, populated by instincts we are born with and contains the symbols that occur throughout all of mythology. Similarly, Sukuna himself is not only “Ryomen Sukuna” someone who is regarded as a myth in the story itself but turns out to be a real person. He’s also “the disgraced one” the enemy of “angel” a character who is clearly drawing from Jewish and Christian mythology. (The Jacob’s Ladder is from the Torah, whereas jewish and christian mythologies have wildly different ideas of satan, and “disgraced one” seems to have a resemblance to Milton’s depiction of Lucifer). 
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Which means Sukuna as a character draws symbols from both eastern and western mythologies. This is where Jung’s ideas also differ from Freud, he believed that people have a “collective unconscious” which influences them rather than just a “personal unconscious.” 
Not only is Sukuna a sorcerer, he is “The Greatest Sorcerer”, he’s “The Honored One” (throw Buddhism into the mix with the polytheistic legend of who Ryomen Sukuna was). Sukuna was the peak of sorcery in the Heian era, and also the sorcerer all other sorcerers are compared to. A lot of the sorcerers of the past like Yorozu and Hajime agreed to the culling game, just for the chance of fighting Sukuna. Yuji even says “I almost forgot these guys are and will always be curses.” 
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Curses come from the collective pent up negative feelings of humanity, they are human emotions given physical form, they are born from the collective unconscious and Sukuna is the truest example of a curse there is. He is also an advocate for people living as selfishly as possible. He is pure instinct. He has a giant mouth on his stomach. The one and only servant he tolerates is a chef who is good at cooking them food. He’s a walking appetite who consumes everything including human flesh. His technique is based on cooking. His inner domain is on top of a massive stretch of water. 
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Sukuna isn’t just a product fo the ocean of the collective unconscious, he is the ocean. 
My good friend @theanimepsychologist, the Jung to my Freud (this is a joke I don’t believe in Freud’s theories) also pointed out to me that 
Psychologist: But at the same time it sort of fits with my own suspicions that sukuna is mara. he has his own agency but he exploits and corrupts because of the character's inner evil. we shall see Spooky:  What is Mara exactly?? Psychologist:  Mara = Satan. something about Buddha sitting under the boddhi tree and when he's about to reach enlightenment, Mara is like "hey what's up dude, but you could have all of these amazing hedonistic pleasures if you hang out with me"
Sukuna is someone who encourages every character to turn their back on enlightenment and live more hedonistically like he does, he scolds Jogo for relying on others instead of just focusing on getting stronger by himself, he quite literally takes control of Yuji and Megumi’s bodies to do evil things (slaughtering people in Shibuya, and now his attempts to kill Tusmiki) and makes them feel physically guilty for allowing him to take their bodies. 
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The whole purpose of the bath is to be near evil. 
So, there you go my idea of what Sukuna is in Jungian Terms. He’s not the shadow of Megumi or Yuji, but the collective shadow of every sorcerer. By being the ideal of sorcerers. He’s not just based on the myth of Ryomen Sukuna, he’s a recurring myth in several different mythologies. He’s not human, he doesn’t want to be human, he’s like a living calamity, the truest curse there is. 
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
It's me again with a new idea, just imagine, a reader who ABSOLUTELY accidentally finds all the zones of the SCP…. Just watch: Some Fund employee: SHOOT THIS MONSTER, WE HAVE TO CATCH HIM Also, a reader who accidentally went to the wrong place: mister, I'm sorry, you don't know where the restroom is here?? Foundation employee: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL WHO Reader: I was passing by and decided to see what was going on here. Oh, and that thing also ate those two guys. Foundation Employee:WHAT- Reader: so where's the bathroom here?????
The reader simply appears in any zone of the Fund in some abnormal way. And it's also simple..
Reader: Good morning Dr. Glas: Good morning! stop...Then he turns around to find the reader, but he's not there, my God… the reader probably understands that something is wrong here, especially when he enters some camera with the number 682-
By the way, I recently drew your Demon!the reader along with his character…. Your demon!reader is so good!!! If I ever get up the courage, I could show haha
PLEASE SHOW !!! THATS SO AWESOME ANON AAA im so glad people like my work that muchj grikjagl
✦ Your anomaly is weird. You don't even notice it happens when it does, nor you are able to control it.
✦ For some reason it really has a strong bond with the SCP Foundation and it's personnel.
✦ Once you were drinking a smoothie, walking around and out of nowhere the scenary changed, you were on some white halls of some odd building.
✦ You said hello to a few people that looked at you like you grew 3 heads, and then you were back in the streets.
✦ Or when you were paying for a coffee, and when you turned around someone almost puts a bullet through your head, this person was yelling at you saying why te fuck are you there, you were confused.
✦ Until you turned around again and you saw a big ass monster, you didn't even have to run tho! you were now in your house.
✦ That would happen a lot, and the Foundation was going nuts. They couldn't contain you because you don't stay that long and they don't know if you are doing it at will or not.
✦ One day you met Clef, the guy was eating some gummy worms and you swear he was wearing the silliest set of clothing, a cowboy hat, a hawaiian shirt, bright pink booty shorts, white socks and pink crocs. It hurted to look at.
✦ "Hey! You must be that person that comes in and out" He said, mouth full of candy.
✦ You two talked for a bit, he told you to go and get him more candy because his 'ass was banned from the cafeteria after he got those'.
✦ When you opened the door and steped out of the room, you were face to face with a giant,,, thing.
✦ It was swimming in acid and it looked at you like it wanted you death, so naturally you started looking for a way out.
✦ Doesn't matter, because now you are in another office, your confusion being enought to keep you from crying. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME"
✦ Kondraki looked at you weirdly. "How did you got here? Yknow what, doesn't matter. Care to take these to Bright? I need him to sign some shit."
✦ You took them but before you could say anything, you guessed it, you were in some weird ass place again.
✦ And that's how you got your 'Dr. Reader' title, because in that place that shit is free to have, I don't think fucking Iceberg qualifies as a Dr.
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