#Tfw you wanna be productive so bad
triona-tribblescore · 11 months
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Tired sketch of Donnie being :(((
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ITS OK THO HE WAS JUST EEPY, the silly lil guy
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 10 months
TFW your anxiety is so high you can barely function beyond getting outta bed.
I wanna finish my current quilt project so I can start on the next one. I have a dr appointment on Thursday that will make walking excruciatingly painful for several days thereafter. Sewing will not be doable because my feet will be in too much pain.
DO NOT SEND ADVICE!!!! I have been dealing with this every two weeks for nearly two months. Your advice WILL NOT HELP so keep that shit to yourself.
If you wanna help, as in meaningful help that does make a difference and won't make me angry or distressed, here's an option.
What has me stressed tf out?
Finances - we are single income household because I'm Disabled. I receive $877/month. Once a month, not weekly. Any other money I bring in is via donations or selling my quilts. This makes saving money extremely difficult, especially with the false scarcity creating bullshit price inflation.
Sleeping alone - our mattress cause my husband excruciating pain. He has been sleeping on a sofa since January because of this. I wake up in pain as well, but not as bad as what he's had to deal with. I also cannot sleep on a sofa because it's SO MUCH WORSE. Sleeping alone means my husband will not be able to feel when I'm seizing in my sleep nor will he be able to pull me out of the seizure because he's in another room, totally unaware. Baby monitors will not work because I make no sound aside from pushing all the air outta my lungs and grunting. My risk of SUDEP is extremely high because of this.
Saving for a new mattress - the money we had saved had to be used for bills and groceries. Currently the mattress we want/need is 75% off, putting it at $805. We cannot afford a monthly payment because we're still paying off vet bills and our water heater (the other one broke because it was 20 years old).
See the dilemma?
All I need and want right now is for people to buy the things I've made. I even made a coupon code, SLEEPCOMFY. It's gonna reduce how much I receive, but something is better than nothing right now.
On top of this, I have chronic medical fuckery that is finally being addressed. I couldn't do the two weak heart monitor thing though, because of my allergic reaction to the adhesive. They gave me hypoallergenic electrodes, but they still gave me a rash. It took only a few hours for thr itching to start, and 36 hours before I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Yeah, I developed hives. There is no other way to see what my heart is doing as I go about my day. This will make determining if i have POTS extremely difficult.
Then there's the other issue I've been dealing with for more than three years now, and has me extremely stressed, resentful, and angry. No, I will nor share wtf it is other than this: if someone says to get a specific product but the store doesn't have it, do not substitute it with something else. If the product has changed, call or text the person who sent you to buy the thing. Don't assume and then get upset because when shit goes sideways. I'm still dealing with this fuckery!!!
Good parts of my day? It's cloudy, humidity is up, and it's below 80 F; these will help control the wildfires. The air isn't as smoky, but I still can't breathe if I open any windows. The housenis stuffy, especially the bedroom. My husband started using a prescription pain med yesterday, one safe for folks without a gall bladder and is diabetes-friendly. He woke up feeling much better than he has in months. I made a necessary phone call and scheduled an appointment that is very much needed.
0 notes
adhdeancas · 3 years
My work for @transnaturalweek day one: TFW!
TFW have a bad dysphoria day, and they do some self-care.
Sam throws down a paper bag in front of Dean. “What’s this?” 
Cas sniffs and looks at him. “It smells like hamburgers.”
Sam rolls her eyes and taps her nose. “Bingo.”
“I’m good.” Dean shifts his jaw around and pulls the blanket up higher over his chest. Sam sighs at him. 
“When was the last time you ate?” He looks at her bitchily. “No, don’t answer that. It was lunch yesterday, and it was a lunchable. Like you’re seven years old.”
“Fuck you, lunchables are good.”
“Lunchables are mediocre and disappointing.”
“Fuck you! Dessert pizza lunchables have never let me down!” Dean turns the volume up pointedly. Sam stays standing for another long moment. All of them are silent, Dean still trying to watch the TV but only out of spite and Cas paying closer attention to the sibling drama.
“Look, I get it. We all feel like shit, alright? But laying here feeling like shit isn’t gonna make us feel better, so we can eat bad food and paint our nails and feel like shit.”
“Can we get drunk?” 
Cas furrows his brows. “Drinking is not a productive way to deal with emotional pain.” 
“Disagree.” Dean sits up and reaches for the burgers, and Sam figures that’s a good sign. She goes for the Walmart bag next and pulls out the fancy little self-manicure kits she got them. She would’ve gone for the frilly little robes too, because she knows they all love them, but on a bad dysphoria day, Dean won’t even look at the color pink, let alone wear a robe. “If you can’t think about your body long enough to feel bad about it, you don’t feel so bad.”
Cas unwraps his own burger and takes off the top bun, still perched on the edge of the couch cushion. He peels the pickles off and hands them to Dean, who piles them on his own burger without even asking. They’re a well oiled machine at this point. “Touché.”
Sam sighs. Now things are going back downhill. She kicks at Dean until he makes room for her on the couch and plops down. “Not you too, Cas. I thought we were on the same side here?”
Cas shrugs and pulls off his shirt before he keeps eating his food. That’s one of the differences between Cas and Sam and Dean; when Cas is dysphoric, he takes clothes off, versus the oversized three layers of clothing and blankets Dean and Sam have covered themselves in. “I like margaritas.”
Sam rolls their eyes. “How about milkshakes and Queer Eye?”
Cas snatches a milkshake from Sam, eying the color before looking back at them. “Strawberry? I like strawberry.”
“I know you do.”
Dean looks between them grumpily. “Do I get one too?”
Sam lets a small smile cross their face. “Chocolate for you. Butterscotch for me.” She sips hers smugly. 
“Can we watch something other than Queer Eye?” Dean asks, dipping a fry into his. 
“Are you sure? There’s that one with a trans guy, we could-”
“Sam.” Dean balls in on himself and sniffs. “I don’t wanna think about how we’re different right now okay? Even if it’s about how our differences are kumbaya or some shit, I just don’t wanna-”
“Ok, yeah, I get it.” She leans against her brother. “That’s not how kumbaya works though-”
“Shut up, bitch,”
“Cas, what do you wanna watch?”
Cas shrugs. “Madagascar.”
“Madagascar? Like, the animated movie about zoo animals?” Cas nods. Dean looks at Sam. They shrug back. “Okay, let’s move it movie it,” he laughs at the others’ groans and steals the remote from Sam so he can pull up Netflix.
Sam passes out the nail polish while they start the movie. Cas gets a dark blue and pink (He likes to alternate colors on every finger), Dean gets a classic black, and Sam goes with purple. Yes, they’re classic colors for each of them. And sometimes you need the classic comforts. 
“Cas, baby, isn’t that really fucking uncomfortable sitting like that?” Dean asks, his worry sneaking towards grumpiness. Cas looks back from his perch unhappily. He shrugs rather than answers, and Dean sighs. Cas doesn’t just get human dysphoria from him being trans or Jimmy being trans. He also gets Angel-brand dysphoria; he hates sitting against a couch because it reminds him of the state of his wings. “C’mere.”
Cas only hesitates for a moment before he climbs on Dean’s lap. It’s something they do sometimes, being up on Dean gives Cas beside and below him, like a buffer so he can think about it less. Dean hugs him from behind and puts his head on his shoulder so he can still watch the movie, and Cas holds his milkshake so he can still drink it. Sam scoffs at them. “You guys are ridiculous.”
“Sh, don’t get bitter just because your girlfriend is off being a big badass during pride.” Dean grabs Sam’s hand and her nail polish and starts in on it. He is the best nail polisher of them, considering he’s had the most practice. That, and the fact that he’s obsessively neat and has surprisingly steady hands. 
Sam glares but lets him do it. “Yeah, well, I still think it’s pretty homophobic of her. Transphobic, too, if you think about it.”
“And your other girlfriend?”
She rolls her eyes. “She’s a busy fucking woman, thank you very much.”
“Right, right, dating a girl boss.”
“Technically, a queen.” Cas corrects. 
“Mhm,” Sam allows herself to get a little smug.
“Look at us, just a bunch of queens watching an animated zoo movie and not getting drunk in our rapidly approaching middle age.”
“Hear hear!” Sam bumps the styrofoam of her cup against the two cups Cas is holding. And they watch their movie. “Happy pride, assholes,”
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Rewatching Syren
The little mermaid is my favourite ondertale episode
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What kind of dystopia do these poor Parisians live in where stuff like this is happening even when there aren’t akuma attacks going on??? ignore Pocahontas in the corner okay that’s just the Disney Channel thing, the sequel sucks anyway
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Uh just a warning. So, I know in these rewatching ml posts I always harp on about Kimax this, Kimax that, Kimax Kimax Kimax. But the truth is that after 2 seconds of seeing Ondine onscreen I already wanted her to marry Kim so be prepared for me screeching over Kimdine a lot in this thing okay, I am TRASH and I’m not even sorry about it
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How much do you wanna bet Kim has broken every single one of these rules multiple times
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I love Ondine so much too, she’s basically buff freckly Ariel and she’s so cute oh my god freckles for days
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Okay so the sign’s in a bunch of different languages and I’m 99% sure Kim has ignored it many, many times
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He didn’t put his goggles on when he went underwater, and actually neither of their swimming caps cover all their hair ugh they’re both disasters, I love them
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She’s BLUSHING and everything how does Kim not notice this??? He’s all like “oh that boy you like must be so dumb lol” well yeah Kim, yeah HE IS
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Can I gush for a second about Ondine’s design?? They actually made her look like a swimmer, like with big shoulders and arms everything, and she’s fairly tall, and she’s got freckles everywhere (at least 40 on her face alone, I counted) and thick eyebrows and it all just makes her super GORGEOUS like yes can we get more character designs like these please?? (And KIM OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU you’ve got it bad and you don’t even realize skdjfhksjdhkj)
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Oh btw Ondine’s bracelet is 023 and Kim’s is 024, in case you wanted some useless information
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we, as a fandom, are sleeping on the fact that Kim can stick his toe in his ear and that Ondine thinks it’s cute and this is actually a canon thing that is canon
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He even passes her the notebook with his feet?? Sometimes I wonder what she sees in him but then I remember I want to adopt him so like, there must be something
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Reason #3274598347 why Kimdine are a great couple: they really must trust each other a hell of a lot considering they literally have a game where they spill their secrets to each other, like, they’re already close friends and know so much about each other and oh okay I may be using this rewatching post to just gush about my fav underrated canon otp oops
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He still likes Chloé at this point? Really?? Really??? (And he’s just gonna casually leave the pool before knowing for sure that the animal attack is over? I guess he just expects to be able to outrun those panthers huh)
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In the English dub at this point he literally calls her a “little mermaid”, huh maybe that Pocahontas icon in the corner isn’t totally irrelevant after all (also he implies this is nowhere near the first time Ondine has tried to confess her feelings, so basically Kim can join Adrien in the “she’s just a friend” club)
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That eyeliner
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Grumpy Chat gives me life okay, it’s so funny to me for some reason
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Uh... it’s not just me who thinks Rena looks really, really pale, is it?
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Alya just straight-up flirts with Ladybug, she’s not even being subtle
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The lifeguard doesn’t even wait a second when Syren turns up, he just starts running, what a mood
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MARKOV IS BACK!!! MY LIL ROBOT BABY!!! And Max too, I’m always glad to see him
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I genuinely want to watch Mecha Monkey vs Cyber Shark 3 though
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Kim’s hair really Did That
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Question: did Markov need a ticket?
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Look at Kim in the background being sad that Chloé didn’t show up omg
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Tfw the guy you like is so oblivious that you cry enough to flood an actual city
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I’m actually really proud of Marinette, she’s been put into such a tough situation where she wants to tell Chat Noir the truth but isn’t allowed, and she’s trying to do something to change that because she trusts him and understands his frustration
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Mmmmm cronchy
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This lil elephant decor got me thinking, how cool would an elephant miraculous be?
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This poor boy is just sitting alone being emo when he’s attacked by the floods
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I’m not Plagg or anything but that stuff genuinely sounds really good okay
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My little brother’s reaction to Plagg hyperventilating into a sock was “big mood” and honestly? Tea
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CLASSMATES!!! Nino getting a slight amount of screentime!! Good stuff
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What’s Max up to? “Psst Markov, do you think Kim will ever love me?” He looks sad okay I wanna give him a hug
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Ah yes, my favourite companies, “Cinema Productions” and “Film Studio”
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Alya clinging onto Nino!!!
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An interesting thing is that while Syren is one of the nicest (if not THE nicest) akuma villains, I’m pretty sure she has the highest death toll by far. Tidal waves and mass flash-flooding in a major city?? Thousands and thousands of people have gotta be dead and you know it, like imagine if she’d accidentally killed Kim too, that would have been awkward
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Marinette and Alya being heroes and making sure everyone got out okay omg, they’re heroes even without the mask
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There really are not many survivors up on these rooftops, are there...
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Kim is just on another level of Iconic entirely??? Paris is flooded with his future bae’s tears and he puts on a swimming cap and goggles (which he doesn’t use) and immediately leaps into the water, and then tells Markov (who is a tiny robot and allergic to water) to learn to swim like a frog, what even goes through his brain
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*dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN*
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“KIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!” Here is the mandatory Kimax part of the rewatching post -- Max is so worried for Kim??? He’s the first one to react and the only one to like, properly react??? Ugh my multishipper heart
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The fact that Alix went to look means either she does at least slightly care about Kim, or she’s just super hyped to watch him drown, and I’m not sure which is funnier tbh she’s so fake though unlike Alya she just stands there not even trying to look
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Me trying to row anything, ever
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Alix has one single line in the entire episode and as usual, it’s the BEST line
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*physically restrains myself from making a Shape of Water reference because it’s been done so many times by now*
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My small brother laughs a lot at this scene because he says it reminds him of the time Chat Noir put a bowl on Prince Ali’s head and now I can’t unsee it
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This hurts me in my soul okay, she wants to tell him but she caaaaaan’t
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Huh, Fu managed to get a lot of stuff up on the roof with him, how’d he have time for that?
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Lemme just cover my nonexistent ears for a sec
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The best thing about this scene is that all the jokes Marinette tells aren’t even funny, I’m honestly cackling with laughter
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Also?? These new costumes??? I love them holy moly
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Fu has cobra venom... bro... listen I researched that stuff for a certain fic and uh you don’t want that stuff lying around, trust me, it is NOT A PLEASANT WAY TO GO
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I know my first reaction to this should not be laughter, but it’s just so funny seeing Adrien being bratty for once okay this is g r e a t, ah yes Paris being FLOODED and UNDER ATTACK is a very good time to take off your ring
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Heartfelt Plagg!!! I love him
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So uh... if Kim is Syren’s prince... does that make him... Prince Kim... AHEM ANYWAYS that throne she made for him is so cute and I can’t believe he doesn’t even care that he got kidnapped by an akuma villain ‘cause hey, it’s a hot shredded mermaid therefore Kim’s a scalie and it’s CANON
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So he’s all like “I’ve never seen a siren at the pool before??” which means that 1. He doesn’t realize she’s an akuma villain, he just genuinely thinks she’s a siren who actually lives in Paris, and 2. he knows what a siren is and doesn’t put 2+2 together that this particular siren has chosen him as prey and is luring him into staying underwater with her forever
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I legit think about this scene every single day. The writers were probably like “okay so we need a mermaid episode, which kid in the class would be most likely to be seduced by a m-- KIM. IT WOULD BE KIM.” He’s just realized this freckly fish is Ondine and that she’s in love with him and just... hhhh I have a lot of feels it’s like 1am okay
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He wants to be a merman so that he can swim fast, that’s so Kim of him I’m in tears omg, Syren doesn’t even care she’s just being a creepy fish with 100 freckles on her face (I counted) tempting him into staying with her at whatever cost
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Asjdhskdjhfksjd he KNOWS she’s an akuma villain and still wants to kiss her?? Well to be fair Ondine’s evil yandere mersona is very pretty and Kim never really uses his brain for thinking, so... yeah
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“Okay so I want to kiss u but I also wanna watch this movie DO U SEE MY DILEMMA” I love his reasoning so much
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My exact reaction on seeing Ladybug’s new outfit
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Look how happy she is to see Chatfish in his new costume!! Bless them both tbh, I’m a lil sad we didn’t get to see Aqua-Plagg though, how amazing would that have been
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Kim geeking out over their costumes is not only such a mood but also it’s adorable and oh shoot I ship him with Ladybug too, I have too many Kim ships I swear
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HE LOOKS SO SAD WHEN HE’S TALKING ABOUT HOW ONDINE GOT AKUMATIZED?? I’m like 99% sure at this point he’s realized he likes her too and probably feels so bad about unknowingly causing her to be upset enough to get akumatized omg my HEART okay I should stop endlessly gushing over Kimdine now shouldn’t I
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“You wanna know my secret???” Okay wait, was he... was he about to stick his toe in his ear in front of Ladybug
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Oooh do French numberplates actually do this thing? like, have numbers on top of each other like that? That’s pretty interesting
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I work at a doctor’s surgery and I can tell you now, even Master Fu’s handwriting is more legible than half the stuff I have to decipher written by those darn doctors
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I wonder what would happen if Tom actually ate one of those
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You gotta love how unsubtle that Frozer foreshadowing is
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For the first time in the episode, she’s actually wearing her goggles!
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The fact that he asks her out?? Using their secrets game?? Is just so sweet?? They just care about each other so much look at them?? Ugh just get married already you freaking scalie disaster jocks
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I know Nathalie’s sorting out a schedule but it kiiiinda looks like she’s playing Tetris lol
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On the one hand Gabe yelling at Nooroo makes me want to punch him, but on the other hand he’s literally asking outright how to become a mermaid
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THERE’S AQUA-PLAGG!! YES!!! I know this end card was more cringey originally and they changed it, but it’s still cringey ngl
(And idk where else to put this but fun fact: there’s a Septimus Heap book called Syren and it’s rly good, it doesn’t have any fishybugs and chatfish in it but it’s good)
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tumblunni · 6 years
Hhhh bunni legs pain accomplishment day
Tfw u only get paid 4 days before christmas and have to rush everything aaaa
It was bad enough today so i'm so glad i got it done before it got even more busy!
Misc boring essentials i bought for myself: new phone charger cos broken, new trousers cos i spilt hair bleach on my only two pairs, new shoes cos my left shoe literally snapped in half down the middle like wtf even happened there, cheap pink hair dye from a discount store cos i wanna try different colours but in a thrifty way
First off SO MANY pc and xbox 360 games from Every Charity Shop In Cardiff, St Mellons, Rumney and Llanrumney. My sis has been trying to find some games to play but was like 'dont worry about it i can just wait til the charity shop gets something good'. So i thought i'd get some stocking stuffers via all the charity shops on my side of town. By our powers combined we will blitz the entire vale of glamorgan's discount gaming scene!!! I found SO MANY good stuff for £1/£2/£3 like holy shit i love when charity shops dont know the proper price for shit XD
speaking of which i also found a WEBCAM for £2! If its that cheap it probanly isnt great but itd still be fun to play around with! :D and the same store also had an old vintage G1 My Little Pony coffee mug in excellent condition. Oh god the nostalgia! My support worker gave me a lift to llanrumney so i had to awkwardly explain why i had an armful of weird 80s mugs and big teary eyes!
Speaking of vintage, i found this new vintage toys and games shop in cardiff called Galactic Attic! The name hooked me in and then they actually DID have pokemon inside! As well as all sorts of stuff ranging from 40s to 90s, wow! There was even a lil pile of old 90s gaming magazines in the corner, covered up by a bunch of boxes. I'm glad i noticed them! I got the announcemt issues for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum in a weird old pokemon fan magazine that i loved as a kid. Im kinda sad that nowadays we just have one official magazine fpr each console and not the wild madness of amateaur journalists failing horribly to get news from japan. Shame they didnt have Beckett Pokemon cos that one was infamous fot drawing its own terrible interpretations of pokemon sprites to avoid copyright. And speaking of terrible, they even had bootleg pokemon!! I talked to the cashier and he was like "you know those are fake right" and i was like "yeah its so nostalgic thats why i want em" and he was like "lol yeah they actually sell pretty well so i'm not mad my supplier ripped me off". It was a pretty good and awesomely terrible fake at the same time? There was this exact replica of some japanese display stand for the product and then the actual pokeball toys looked perfect BUT the mini pokemon inside were.. Really not. I am so damn happy with the surprise inside my one, surprise inside has never been more accurate! I can't take a picture now cos my phone is charging but REGICHEETO. Just..just imagine that, and whatever you're imagining it is probably worse. I love it so fuckin much. Also less hilariously there were some bootleg mini pika plushies with actually (as far as i can tell) their own unique design? They have cute lil winter scarves and an art style that reminds me of the Magical Pokemon Adventure manga. A really cute and good bootleg that i would have loved to see as a real product! The only way you can even tell its a bootleg is because there's no marking on the tail. I dunno, maybe if i still have some brown fabric in the cupboard i could fix it? Or maybe its unique tail makes it even more special! I mean there's Cosplay Pikachu with its double tail marking so maybe this is her cousin Accessory Pikachu with no markings? He just likes wearing scarfs and hats and stuff. OMG HE'S THE POKEMON GO EVENT PIKACHU!!!!!!
Along the miscness of finding a few things for myself, i also found: cute lil pokemon pencilcase, kingdom hearts blind bag, cheap copy of Fruits Basket volume 1 cos the new remake is coming out soon and i wanna Get Hype! The KH blind bag was really weird cos i didnt know they now have an entirely different set as well as the keychains i bought before. Its kind of a shame the art style doesnt match cos vexen is only in the keychains, alas! But i do really love these ones! Theyre apparantly made by funko pop but dont have the art style AT ALL, they just look like really accurate versions of the characters in mini form. Its kinda like the 'distance animation' style in steven universe? (Incidentally they also do SU ones but they missed the opportunitu to actually use the distance style, lol) I got a Sora in his kh2 outfit and i'm decently happy with that, its not one i really wanted but its not a bad one either. But i think now i've tried the fun of surprise once i'll just buy the actual ones i want off ebay later. They have roxas in his organization outfit! With a happy smile!!!
Oh oh and then EVEN MORE XBOX GAMES OF THE WILD THRIFT STORE VOID! i managed to find the whole fable series, two assassins creeds, saints row, gta, some misc shooter games and racers that she wanted but i dont know much about, mass effect 2 and ff13. I think maybe one or two others cos i cant fully remember right now. Theyre all in separate bags strewn across the room and my shoulders feel like death so i'll sort through them later.
Aaaand i wrote up like 14 paragraphs more but tumblr didnt save my draft fpr some fuckin reason and now im way too tired to do it again
Briefer summary:
* had a huge horrible panic attack getting stuck in a skyscraper shopping centre clothes place full of screaming and every perfume smell and WHY DO I HAVE TO NAVIGATE THIS HELL MAZE TO FIND THE ESCALATOR and seriously i was my most primal animalistic self and i went full fight or flight on this bitch
* had a lovely time visiting Cool Shop Grandma and rambled the story of how i met her and how we became friends but hhh too tired to rewrite. But anyway today i gave her a christmas pikachu plush as thanks for everything and cos her shop is moving on to its next location soon. She got really teary and gave me a big hug! She's gonna be at a comic con in march so i hope i'm able to go to that and see her again.
* went on a wild goose chase looking for harry potter merchandise and eventually found a gold plated replica of the movie prop version of the time turner and HELL YES my sis will love it!
* rambled about several market stalls that were cool but i can make a separate post about that in the morning when i find their contact details to advertise them
* got a plushie delibird and decided to take selfies with it everywhere to try and fight my social anxiety somehow. We went to a neat lil restaurant and had cheesy fries and a coke float!
* asked for a refund on an item for the first time ever and im proud of myself
* went off on a mystery bus trip to buy a preowned 3ds and pokemon games from a lady in an online preowned stuff facebook group and it didnt go horribly and i am glad! She was really nice and i witnessed A Good And Smart Parenting Moment and man it healed my heart and i wish i'd been raised that way. Again i'll probably ramble about the details later when im less tired, it really touched my heart seriously! And now i have MANY GIFTS FOR SIS!
* in total i was out present shopping from 9am to 8pm and i clicked my shoulder out of its socket for a split second from.all the heavy bags. Now im in a lot of aches and i need a sleeps
The End
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 4 years
tfw you’re still like lowgrade depressed, but you’re also lowkey in a semi productive mood/plan to be productive/have productive stuff lined up and/or easy access to. So like you want to do a bunch of things but you also don’t want to do anything, but also don’t know if  you have time to properly enjoy whatever you would do bc you have stuff lined up for later that is also good/need to do. 
Also unrelated, but went back into a talkative mood again which is lowkey bad bc no one likes me when i’m like that, and i’m super annoying, but i’m also extra impulsive/reckless when i’m like that so less filter bc i want to talk about all the things. But also still in a semi-isolation mood so its like confusing, bc like a call or something is too much (but also i sometimes want to??) but its also like i wanna do other stuff. But then also with being talkative/wanting to talk its just going to eventually send me back into a depressed/sad/lonely mood, bc no one who i’m comfortable talking to about literally anything lmao. 
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#doesn't mean i don't still annoy them by trying to talk to them about random stuff lol#But then i just feel bad bc they clearly aren't interested whatsoever or care or just don't like it#Or they don't have the appropriate level of engagement/to listening ratio that my mind just arbitrarily sets up to troll me#Also its this kind of mood where i just like info dump and am just too rude and suck at conversation#Or doing whatever other thing i'm supposed to be doing or reciprocating like in a good social relationship#like listening to the other person or doing what they want to do#But then I just end up forcing myself to because i feel bad about it and that's the like proper thing to do#but then i just get even more lonely/resentful bc no one ever wants to do the same thing as me or talk about it/listen to it lol#Also its not like i can't tell when someone is disinterested or is just listening to be polite#so i just already know i'm annoying them but for whatever reason can't seem to stop a lot of the time#Or i just go in the other extreme and shut up about everything and don't talk to anyone about anything or say anything whatsoever#idk man i'm trolled bc my brain is filled with too many things rn#Like i want to do art bc art supplies just got in the mail and i wanna test them#But i also want to maybe continue filling out the therapy sheet bc therapy is tomorrow#But also even though i have food i can't seem to bring myself to eat it bc no interest whatsoever#Or just want to do so many other things#Like i both plan to work out and take a bath today but i don't really know exactly how that will work out scheduling wise#and i also know i'm probably going to just get depressed again today so feel like i should factor that in too#like i already have negative plans for bath time (Nothing serious don't worry)#Idk man i'm just all over the place and want to do too many things like animal crossing or watching youtube but also not at the same time#Also need to refill all the water bowls and probably check mail box  bc another package and idk if my mom will
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