dollimusprime · 6 months
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I saw a photo challenge on Instagram (bjdradio had some posts on it) and this week was themed around enjoying the spring blooms!
Yeah well it started snowing.
So instead of everyone enjoying the spring blooms, I've got everyone deciding whether to stay in their spring clothes or haul out the winter gear again!
[ID: A photo of dolls sitting around a large wooden box full of clothes, near a balcony's sliding door. Orchid and Tian Ni are closest to the camera; Orchid is covered in a knit blanket and is holding onto it while Tian Ni tries to haul it over her legs, which are left bare under her short skirt. Ara is sitting against the box, legs crossed at the ankle, hands in his pockets, watching the aforementioned scuffle. Nova is sitting behind Orchid and Tian Ni, holding floral overalls in one hand and a cardigan in another. She's looking towards the cardigan. Fiadh is digging in the box. Behind them all, Thalassus gazes out the window, arms crossed. End ID.]
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delphicgreen · 4 months
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Riolu egg
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thalassicbeast · 1 year
i missed thalassus' one year birthday... 4/12... im sorry mr squit
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chocolatechipkraken · 2 months
Artfight Mass Attack starring @dimetrodone's character Belette!
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BV0aA9L1sw
Original Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shk7qcvqDOo
Original Meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0SfH3ywTxY
Also featuring: (below the cut)
@dimetrodone's character Thuban
EatingTuna's character Cheese
Strike's character Stryker
@dead-fawn's character Latte
Toasterwitch's character Cinder
Adeanthepurpledragon's character Nights
ThatTrafficCone's character Tarby
@raynavan's character Wryn
@kaisumisucreations' character Dolligan
DarkSoulRi's character Magira
Zaber_Suzume's character Zaber Suzume
@tenderperil's character Swallowtail
Frobblefoster's character Sandy
@pookabagi's character Berry
@craske's character Leafer
@thereeseling's character The Reeseling
@an-actual-attack-helicopter's character Ghosty McGhostface
@dragontamerkiwi's character Dantalion
@rosephonite's character Noodle
@jabberwick's character Greenteeth Jack
Saphheeviart's character Thalassus
@green-torsos's character Nanners
Vergil_Sai's character Shrimpy
@uproariousscarecrow's character Gidget
Yolgein's character Mikael
@scopnotes's character Oská
BONUS: Drawings of all the individual dragons
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
Here comes another platonic AU I was interested in Percy's future children and how they would deal with the bi-racial culture that combining Percy's marriage with any yandere would bring upon the children
Percy is loved for being herself and that means she can indulge in her human culture without any problems because the gods find her values ​​and beliefs adorable but any children she has will not have that same privilege
Any child independent of his father will be raised as a God and if he is expected to behave like a worthy God, it would be totally confusing for the child to see people loving his mother for her humanity only to criticize and punish that child whenever he shows any hint of resemblance to his own mother
I definitely see Percy teaching and reproducing little traditions and values ​​that she herself learned from her mother to her children, the yanderes would let this continue because seeing Percy acting so happy and excited warms their hearts
It would be so difficult for the children because literally all the gods around him would be criticizing humanity and its customs while at the same time idolizing their mother who is the definition of humanity, the children would be criticized for having 25% human blood ( which is ironic because Percy is 50% human and NOBODY cares about that), the gods make children feel inadequate because they have human traits (maybe they don't even realize they do it, maybe they treat it as something more fragile and dumb, like they accidentally underestimate and infantilize children) while also adoring their mother for the same reason
An example: no one cares that Percy is a disaster at mathematics, this has become another of her charms but that would be the opposite with her children, it would be shameful if any of them were incapable of performing basic operations (Beelzebub is a scientist so I imagine he would be livid if his own son couldn't calculate a mathematical operation) definitely human traits would take the blame, everyone would talk about how human blood made them inferior to the other gods and again no one will blame Percy, everyone they blamed poor Sally
Imagine that for years this feeling of shame, comparison, insufficiency and anger builds up inside the boys until one day all these feelings explode while Percy was just trying to recreate a human tradition that she did with her mother (baking blue cookies) until that Makarios and Kyrr just explode saying that they don't care about her stupid human traditions and that they don't care about her inferior human mother and that they disown her as a grandmother and that she is ashamed of having human blood and that they hate her for being half -human, Thalassus and Luke even try to calm the situation but in the end they admit that they also hate her human side (they don't really hate her, they just said it in the heat of the moment)
Maybe in the heat of their anger, Thalassus and Luke even ask if they are really bastards, if it's true that the nobleman from Atlântica really isn't their father (a bit like that scene in House of the Dragons where the eldest sons Rhaenyra asks if the rumors are true and she just remains silent without being able to answer), the younger brothers are horrified (they have always heard that only dishonored women and prostitutes have children outside of marriage, and that a woman's greatest sin is cheat on your husband) then they scream and insult her   Percy would first be shocked and then she would be deeply hurt, it would be an underlying pain worse than any injury she had ever received on any mission (and she would know a lot about painful injuries), she loves her mother very much and always misses her but like her now she's probably dead, the only way to revive those good ones would be to pass those beloved traditions on to her own children (since all the other gods despise anything remotely human), to know that the only beings she can share her own culture with in truth, despising everything she loves would be extremely painful, and I won't even describe the pain of a mother when she hears her child scream that he hates her
And she was also insulted for something that wasn't even in her control, she never chose to sleep with the yanderes, she was simply forced (eventually she came to love the yanderes and their children but that doesn't erase the abuse she suffered), Hearing her beloved children saying they feel ashamed and disgusted with her for something she didn't even have the power to change (she didn't choose to marry the nobleman in the same way she didn't choose to get pregnant by yanderes) simply DESTROYED her heart
I just remembered that there is a syndrome called "Broken Heart Syndrome" it is extremely rare, going through extremely stressful situations such as the loss of a loved one or hearing great negative news makes the heart beat so hard and so quickly it causes symptoms of a heart attack and sometimes can even be fatal, after hearing everything he heard, Percy's heart LITERALLY breaks (let's imagine that Percy inherited this genetic syndrome from one of Sally's ancestors), she spits blood from her mouth (just like in wmmap, I like to be dramatic) and just falls to the ground like a merionet that has had its strings cut
The children despair and scream for help, the yanderes arrive desperately in the kitchen trying to understand what happened, Percy is cured by the joint efforts of Beelzebub and Apollo, he is placed on absolute rest, the children go to her room to apologize Percy, like a good mother, accepts the apology but when the children look into her eyes they notice that her eyes are dull and have lost that happy glow, after that many things change
Percy is depressed, she has stopped all human traditions, she has lost her appetite and not even blue food attracts her, she just lies in bed staring silently at the ceiling, Poseidon is so desperate that he offers her fatty food but she doesn't show it interest, he tried to take her to New York but even that didn't cheer her up, the romantic yanderes are desperately trying to cheer her up and her children are feeling very guilty and ashamed
Now more than ever Percy feels suffocated in his supposed home so she asks to stay at Uncle Adamas' house for a while, Poseidon doesn't like the idea but considering it's the first time she's spoken in days he lets her, since Percy left In the Palace the atmosphere is tense, the children, feeling guilty, go to land to get some human gift for their mother in an attempt to improve her mood and it is while they are on the nearby beach that they see something shocking: The nobleman from Atlântica lovingly kissing a pregnant woman
(I'm going to stop here because this post was very long but I'm going to write part 2, I had sent you a post almost similar to this one by mistake, that post was the draft of this one and I ended up sending it by mistake because I got confused with Google translate 🤣🤣🤣)
since you stated here that percy is still 50% human and her kids are all 25%, does this mean percy is still a demigod in this AU? like, she hasn't ascended so she's still aging, can die later, etc? or is she already dead and a spirit in valhalla? OR is it that she gave birth to the kids first, and THEN ascended??? ORRRRR is it just that she's still a demigod, but they found a way to make her immortal without turning her into a god?
when the kids are still young, the yanderes wouldn't be that harsh cuz... you know, they're kids (except for poseidon, he's gonna always be hard on them smh). but it's when they grow up is the problem.
anubis and apollo would be mostly okay (sorta) with their kids having some human-like traits, mostly because it reminds them of percy and it's further proof of their love for their kid to have some of percy's beliefs.
but it really depends on the yandere and the human trait. baking, cooking, and eating would be okay for pretty much everyone but poseidon, but on things like academics, most of them would be pretty.... speciest? idk if that's the right word for this, but yeah 💀 OR just being physically weak or getting tired, yeah most would look down on them for things like that 💀💀
but percy's heartbreaking from her kids.... omg. honestly, beelzebub and loki would go ballistic on their kids if they found out they were the cause of this, ESPECIALLY beelie who has no issue hurting his kid if need be 💀
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that man fucking lost his mind LMAOOOOO
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shentheauthor · 2 years
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This is my oc, his name is Caspian. Caspian Thalassus. His name is “sea sea,” I love him
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unblot · 4 years
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@thalassus​​:   "you’re planning something. you’ve got that i’m-planning-something look.” / you know damn well
      ❛    MY I’M-PLANNING-SOMETHING LOOK?     ❜  there’s a mild hint of amusement as his gaze shifts over to the taller boy. azul is unfamiliar with this particular brand of open curiosity. he does not care for the invasiveness of it all but he hasn’t deemed percy much of a threat yet to be overly concerned over the question itself. he’s mostly amused that the other is brave enough to question him considering his position of power. 
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      HIS EXPRESSION DOES NOT SHIFT at the other’s prompting, his composure unfaltering as he pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. ❛    why, jackson this is merely my resting face.    ❜  this statement is both the truth & a lie. this is azul’s default expression but there is no denying that he is planning something. however the dorm head is always planning something at sometime. percy will understand that soon enough. ❛    but lets say i was planning something. i would advise you to mind your own business unless it concerns you.    ❜  there’s a saccharine sweetness in his final words, a thinly veiled warning that should percy toe a line he shouldn’t cross, azul will be there with an iron grip to put him back in his place. 
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blotspare · 4 years
whats up depiglio
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“Is that a slur.”
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stoiicist · 4 years
“ i missed you, you know? ”
misc sentences
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“ it’s been too long. “ and there’s an almost awkward moment between them, mostly instigated by reyna who’s still standing like a roman praetor: straight-backed and uptight, in contrast to percy whose form always seems relaxed and easygoing. she can feel that weird bit of energy between them, friends who don’t quite know how to greet each other yet. 
and as reyna only hesitates slightly to go in for a one-armed side hug, percy meets her with what she thinks was supposed to be a handshake before he realizes what’s happening. seeing her start to pull away, percy laughs and immediately wraps a hand around her shoulder, hugging her so fiercely she almost loses balance. reyna’s still smiling as they let go. “ yeah, i missed you too. “
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dollimusprime · 6 months
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Spring redressing time! We'll see how much longer everyone can fit on one shelf! Everyone's been redressed and the artificial hair gang had their hair brushed. I swear I brushed it.
And yeah I know the bottom especially is overexposed, but it's hard to get both very dark-skinned dolls and dolls with straight-up white on them properly exposed in the same shot, IME.
I swear Orchid is in the picture, she's lounging on a fireplace I thrifted! But it's behind everyone, oops.
[ID: Jaxx's doll crew, dressed for spring, sitting on the top shelf of a blue cabinet. Left to right, there's:
Back row:
Fiadh wearing a dropped-waist dress with short sleeves, a pleated skirt, and a tie around the waist, all brown floral fabric, along with white-orange-green handknit socks and tan shoes.
Monday wearing a white t-shirt, an oversize bomber jacket with skeleton and rose decals, denim shorts, thigh-high socks with leg bones, and checkered black sneakers.
Thalassus wearing a grey sweater, black pleather leggings, and black buckle shoes.
Megu wearing a cable-front purple knit shirt and a short blue skirt with white stripes and pink roses that has sage green bloomers under it, the bloomers have white, blue, purple, pink, then white again ribbons around the legs, and white cross-strap mary janes.
Ara wearing a forest green knit shirt with cables on the sides and sleeves, white overalls with blue stars and a tie across the front, and brown shoes.
Front row:
Suha wearing a long-sleeved shirt with thin blue and white stripes and pastel blue PJ pants with white hearts.
Tian Ni wearing pink sunglasses, a pastel pink blouse, a black bowtie with pink polka dots, a blue and white striped pleated skirt, lace socks, and pink mary janes.
Clover wearing a white blouse with a round collar and a jumper skirt made of thin crinkly white fabric with purple and yellow flowers, it has purple ribbon straps.
Nikki without her eyepatch, wearing a holo cat collar with a bell, an oversized white t-shirt, a satiny pink pleated skirt with a bow and lace on the front, and over-the-knee socks with a corset print up the length and roses ringing the top.
Nova wearing a rosy pink shirt with loose elbow-length sleeves, a long honeycomb-pattern skirt with white buttons up the front, and blue tie sandals that are way too big for her.
End ID.]
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delphicgreen · 5 months
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titanslayer · 4 years
‘ i never felt young. ’ / this is so fucking sad. hate myself for sending it
/ hozy, hozier, hoziest.
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      he’s not going to ask about — gods, what was his name, gabe?  he’s not going to ask how young percy was when all that mess started, but he wants to say, i know, i understand, i get it.  feeling young ought to take a mind back to safer times, because happiness is easier when all is safe and secure.  it hits him abruptly, sometimes, how young they all were when life took a sudden tilt into a nosedive, and how all the danger and uncertainty robbed them of a childhood.  percy had, if his camp adventures were anything to go by, never been fully safe, never really been allowed to be a regular kid.  neither had he; it was jarring to hear someone else say it out loud.  at a loss for words, jason simply reaches over and pulls percy into a one armed hug.
      when it felt right to joke again, he’d tell percy that they had so many things they missed out on to catch up with, and they’d better start with tamagotchis.  right now, though, he’d just hold on for a bit.
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goldear · 5 years
ur icon here is so pretty i wanna :( i *smooch*
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but is it as cute as YOU ? i dont think so!
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timecall · 5 years
“don’t i get a kiss for luck? it’s kind of a tradition, right?”
speaking of kisses unprompted // ALWAYS ACCEPTING. 
Byleth feels like it’s becoming a habit of hers to being forced into situations—or sometimes forcing her way into situations, or stumbling into those situations. She doesn’t know if it’s her, or fate, or maybe both considering she has a weirdly powerful green-haired girl present in her mind, but all she knows is that she saw Percy on his way out of the monastery with far more equipment than he would necessarily need for a stop by the town. She’d managed to catch up to him quickly enough, though he seemed reluctant to really tell her anything ( likely because he knew there was no way to convince her not to go with him upon hearing what was going on ), and she doesn’t know the specifics of the whole ordeal but she doesn’t have to; all she knows is that some people want to harm Percy, and that’s all she needs to know in order to help. Her Sunday plans are pretty set, now.                        ( as ... well as some of the others’, because it’s seriously impossible to sneak off anywhere at this monastery it seems.                                                 not that she’s super against it, she supposes. )             It’s all and all a normal fight until Percy tries to convince her to let him go to the commander himself—personally, alone. It’s not like she doesn’t understand why ( she is barging on his business, after all ), but ... she’s allowed to worry, right? And somehow it must’ve shown on her face ( or maybe he’s just gotten good at reading her? ), because that’s when he seems to toss out his half-smile and odd request.                                     A real charmer, this one is.             “... I don’t know what traditions you’ve started,” and there’s almost a smile that shows up as she gestures with her arm for him to head off in whatever direction he was planning ( under her watch, of course ).                                                 “But that one will have to wait until ... later.” 
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
by four main yanderes I mean: Hades, Beelzebub, Loki and Apollo
OHHHHH ok ok
poseidon: solon (greek for "wise" LMAO i just thought it'd be funny cuz i've seen those tiktoks of ppl realizing their parent named them after an ex, their first love, etc. in this case, since percy obviously won't name her kid 'anthonius', a name meaning 'wise/wisdom' is the closest)
hades: thalassus (greek for "the one of the sea", it's the name of a sea monster from rune scape lol 😭)
beelzebub: luke (LMAOOOOO YEAH IM SORRY. obviously, in arsenic blues i'm going with show!luke instead of book!luke, so percy would have a better but angstier bond with luke, not romantic ofc, but she really saw him as a friend. also, just imagine beel finding out percy named their kid after the guy who tried to kill her multiple times, became the host of KRONOS, and started a war that traumatized her 😂😂😂😂😂 she'd just be like "babe... it's complicated 🥺" beel: "HE RUINED YOUR LIFE?????")
apollo: makarios (greek for "blessed; happy; fortunate; privileged", the perfect name for a perpollo baby tbh)
loki: anthonius (what, it's norwegian too 😂), baldur LMAO JK, kyrr (old norse for "gentle; kind; peaceful", percy just wants her son to be NOTHING LIKE LOKI okay? you can't blame her 😭. also the name is pronounced like "shira")
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ivashkovcharma · 5 years
"oh, morning. hope you don’t mind me borrowing your shirt ––” (he got ice cream on his and had to change) :(
@thalassus // percy.
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“hey, no biggie just-” he started without even looking - but then he turned back and his emerald eyes slowly blinked, focused but unfocused, like he’d just seen an apparition.
a thin smile graced his lips after he gave percy a once over. “looks good on you. you can even keep it if you like.” a pause, and then he blinks again, grinning. “i dumped your shirt in the hamper - the laundry lady comes in on mondays - so i’ll just give it back once it’s washed.”
adrian turned and leaned against the counter for a bit, the top of his own pajamas hung open, the only thing on him beside his silk boxers. his clothes weren’t any better with the messy ice cream disaster from last night. “at least we’ve established that you CAN party - just with the right kind of tunes.” he said with a playfully pensive look and a soft chuckle.
“i’ll just tidy up and fix us something to eat. i hope you’re okay with chicken nuggets.” he then sauntered over towards percy to quickly muss his hair, and for a second his senses were filled with the hint of strawberry ice cream scent now blended with the salty ocean air that percy usually carried around him. for a second, he wanted to just get on with it and kiss him senseless, but instead adrian grabbed the crockery behind percy to wash up and asked, “did you sleep okay?”
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