#Thank you Darya! πŸ’œ
satari-raine Β· 6 months
Hi Satie!! 10 / 19 / 22 for the asks hehe
10. Something that made you cry this year?
stares at Sleep Token with red-rimmed and puffy eyes
No, I mean. Certainly their music overall and the last leg of their tour (and Wembley) got to me - not ashamed to admit I cried both out of sadness and happiness at seeing how that specific show went. Honestly, I could probably ramble about personal emotions or connections I've felt with their music, but I don't know if I could be eloquent enough (or interesting enough) to go on that much.
Aside from that, there's been several moments especially towards the end of the year where friends have shared funny videos or I've found some on my own time, and I genuinely love the internet for that - for making me laugh so hard I cry. People and their senses of humor are so endearing sometime, I just want to throw awards at them for their talent.
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Answered here, but I can certainly add more! I want to start drawing again, and I want to try to make it a daily or weekly practice. Seeing so many amazing artists on here - and being lucky enough to call some of them mutuals or friends - has been a genuine delight, and certainly inspirational. That, and I miss it. Used to draw so much as a child throughout my teenage years and I lost both it and the little talent I had with it due to pursuing writing and being busy with school.
Long-winded way of saying: more creative stuff in the new year, hopefully!
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
Hmm, I haven't traveled much at all due to having to be frugal, to summarize that briefly, but I did get to go out-of-state to a convention where I had to speak at a conference. While there, there was a really nice music shop me and the people I was with visited, and I picked up a book of poetry there by one of the shop owners. (Of course, the English major is going to get a poetry book at a music story, the irony.) Not sure if it was my favorite place, but it was certainly memorable! I really do need to travel more.
Oh, I got to try Caribbean food for the first time while I was there which included a whole deep-tried tilapia, which was an experience? Especially with the bones. Not sure what was funnier, me playing Operation as I ate or my friends and coworkers being all surprised about the entire thing. Super delicious, though.
(As an aside, adding taking more pictures to my "plans for next year" thing. My camera roll is mostly my cats and books my professors showed me.)
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prettyiwa Β· 10 months
🌹🌹🌹 a litte bouquet
Ah, a little bouquet! I love it!~
"I don't care about half of Japan. I don't want half of Japan." "Oh?" He doesn't like the sound of that oh, doesn't like the way it makes him feel, like you've forgotten his interest in you, forgotten the way he still pursues you. "I only want you."
(miyuki/reader, cross this boundary)
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a-s-levynn Β· 3 months
I just saw that your gorgeous-gorgeous Espera piece got shared by the ladies! Congrats, Levynn! πŸ’ I was smiling into my breakfast, I'm so happy that they saw it! It's one of my (many) favorite artworks of yours. Hope you have a lovely day! πŸ’œπŸ«‚
Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you like it!
It is one of my favourites i've done, because how the hood turned out but also because it was one of the firsts where i was able to draw a hand looking actually good?
And i'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. I've been just talking about this with Darya, that sometimes i feel kind of like an impostor with my shittly little pencils while most people do these intricate colourful and digital pieces.
Don't get me wrong, i know my drawings look good, otherwise i would not share them (i'm just highly critical of myself also confidence issues).
But because of my medium and the size of the pieces, sometimes i feel like as if i'm not putting in effort (which is untrue but tell that to the brainworms). So the fact that they shared it, not only on the espera page, but two of them on their individual pages' as well -2 months after it was originally posted- is just insanity to me.
Also very fucking humbling because i feel more of a tiny little critter in the corner than ever before, who just got glanced towards for a second by incredibly inspiring people and it feels like i even gotten a thumbs up. T~Tβ™₯
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moonchild-in-blue Β· 4 months
Hello Darya!! I would like to offer you this bouquet:
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cauliflower (the moon, also: water magic)(I tried to find a pretty cauliflower for you! I was honestly half disappointed half amused that one of the only options for the moon was a vegetable), blue flag iris (creativity, also: inspiration), primrose (kindness, also: gentleness, belonging)
Your creativity and love of the moon is an inspiration. Your kindness never ceases to amaze me. Happy belated Valentine's πŸ’™
Kay!!! My floriography friend!!! I love this so so so much πŸ₯Ί also lmao cauliflower for the moon?? That's so funny πŸ˜‚
I absolutely LOVE this bouquet, it's so so wonderful πŸ’™πŸ’ Of course I had to reply in the same manner~~ Happy Belated Valentine's 🌷
Freesia - lasting friendship -> I hope we can be friends for a long long time. You're a delight to be around and I'm so thankful we've met πŸ’œ
White Carnation - sweet and lovely -> this is how I see you. Sweet, kind, and so so lovely, both inside and out!
Eglantine (Sweet Briar Rose) - i wound to heal -> this one was a bit of a wild card. I knew I wanted something with an edge, something that could capture the more intense side of you. On the description of this flower, it's mentioned eglantines are often associated with pleasure and pain together. I thought it was so fitting with you!
Also they are quite present in Shakespeare's writing, and of course in Sleeping Beauty. Also!! There is this. You're probably already familiar with it, as I know you really like these painting time period, but in case you're not, well, there you go.
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prettyiwa Β· 10 months
LITTLE* i saw the typo as i pressed the button. another 🌹. (no pressure to be from the same wip or also, to answer at all if this is absurd)
Ah, no!!! I hate when you notice it after you sent it or you notice it after they've answered! It always makes me want to crawl under a rock
(I went with earlier in the same WIP) (plus extra lines because. reasons. lmao)
The problem lies in the fact that you aren't his. Regardless of what possessive language he may use concerning you, you aren't his girlfriend. This twisting in his gut is of his own creation, but he'll steal away whatever moments with you he can.
(miyuki/reader, cross this boundary)
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