#That Ambrosius want it or not
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She didn't say "children".
She said "common children".
English is not my first language so I didn't know if I was overinterpreting and that it was something that was actually said in English. But apparently no, it’s a deliberate choice. So let's overinterpret.
Let's leave aside the fact that she criticizes Tood and Ambrosius at the same level while the latter only defends himself against idiotic attacks and arguments (you can argue he should have been calmer but everyone was against him, not just Todd, and he has a few problems with his boyfriend).
First of all, it’s not the first time she hears something like that, like when Tood mocked Ballister (in a really classy way) at the beginning of a very important ceremony or when he complained about Ambrosius and his "lavender smell". She clearly heard that, but she didn’t say anything. She could have : bullying someone or imitating and insulting another of being a "dork" and having a good smell (?) are way more childish behaviors. At least for the second case, she could have at least frowned (Todd said this literally in front of her from a distance of a meter).
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(Yes she looks like she ate a lemon but she looks like that throughout the whole scene, not just for Todd)
So the problem has never been how they act but how they don't act. They are currently not acting in ways that she deems useful but are instead wasting time. (And she is definitely only complaining about Ambrosius and Todd, not the other knights who joined the latter in accusing the former of nonsense. Alone against everyone, Ambrosius is not the problem, much less the one who started it)
I put it there, but when did the nobles (apart from Ambrosius who is not only an exception but is also obliged to appear impeccable) show themselves to be more distinguished than the commoners? Without wanting to defend them, when we see commoners acting in a despicable way, it is largely because they are being lied to and manipulated. The knights have no reason to harass Ballister - Ambrosius doesn't - and seeing as the squire is a fan, he's probably not the only one. It doesn't take a genius to know that you shouldn't harass people, no matter the situation.
Do we have a scene with a knight like with this woman in the subway who gives a coin to a musician? Todd when he's on the wall in honor of Nimona? OK, but that's after the ENTIRE kingdom has learned their lesson (meaning it's not just him and that's exceptional) and having been a huge asshole for the entire movie.
Also, the knights and the Director, when have they really been around a commoner? Who is the only commoner they know? Ballister. Ballister who most represents the values that the Institute and the knights are supposed to embody. He's the best of them (1st in his class), he's courageous, kind, intelligent (he built his arm on his own), competent (he infiltrated the Institute several times without being detected), strong (the fight of 2 against all) and he sincerely wants to protect the Kingdom. He is also much more polite (he is the only one to have thanked the squire).
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Are you trying to seduce me gay boy?
As far as I know, he was always very courteous to everyone, especially to the Director. Her only real reference to commoners is a hard-working, competent and polite man. (The only time he was "wild" was when he attacked a wooden mannequin before entering the Institute. But he was a child, and it didn't exceed the level of violence of Todd, an adult.)
The Director uses commoners as an insult, when overall, commoners act much more distinguished than nobles.
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bemp0 · 6 months
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Disco wall
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mimi-croissant · 1 year
I’m thinking and I honestly kinda love what they did with Ambrosius’ first impression. He really does seem like a kind of stereotypical stuck up jock jerk, mostly because that’s the cliche when characters are literally endorsing sports drinks. We see him and think oh, the golden boy. AND especially since he was introduced right after Ballister, the underdog.
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But then the next scene we see him be GOOFY, he’s impersonating the news reporters and trying to make his friend laugh and feel better. And then you’d think oh, he’s actually not a bad guy, he’s silly!
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But right after that you see the SOFTER side of him, where he completely melts and says “they’re gonna love you. Like I do” and it’s like oh. He’s so SWEET.
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And we keep getting that side, when he’s helping his BOYFRIEND with his armor, where he gets super overprotective of Bal, when he winks and does his WOO and we see him from Bal’s eyes, and he looks so FOND, and when he cheers for Bal with such fierce pride and it’s just !!
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It also just brings up his persona/how he acts in public vs in private with people he TRUSTS (get it haha trust)
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jack-the-fool · 1 year
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yaaasssssssssssss · 1 year
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dont mind me… just leaving this here…
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mothbonezart · 1 year
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here’s a mini Goldenheart comic because these two have been on my mind recently
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shmunter · 1 year
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got mermaids on my mind
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tio-trile · 1 year
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Came up with the headcanon with my friend that Todd is the only person from the Institute who has caught them together but it didn't matter after all
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sennamaticart · 1 year
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The Nimona film was so so good! I loved the comic when I was younger so it was so neat getting to see it come to the big screen!
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dkettchen · 1 year
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I'm just sAYING-
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Nimona headcanons I wrote instead of sleeping
Sometimes the boys forget that Nimona isn’t human 
Like they’re used to the shifting into animals aspect of Nimona because she does it as often as she breathes
But sometimes she’ll do some really creepy shit like make her arms longer to reach something when she’s too lazy to get up
One time they shifted just their neck to be like an owl so they could turn their head 180 degrees instead of just turning around cause that was “too boring” 
Or he’ll mimic people’s voices without realizing it 
Sometimes he’ll tell a story and suddenly he’s using Bal’s voice 
The first time she did this Bal searched the whole house cause he was convinced that Todd has snuck in
Or she’ll grow an extra arm to hold more shit and they take a moment to realize “oh yeah we adopted a little weirdo” 
They get used to it after a while and the arguments surrounding it are always funny because both the boys will complain and say “I don’t sound like that” and they have to be told “No love you do you really do” 
You know those videos of babies reacting to their parents shaving their facial hair or putting on glasses 
That’s Nimona's reaction every single time the boys change their appearance even the smallest bit they cant shave or wear their reading glasses because if they do he freaks out 
Talking some “help me Nemesis I heard bosses voice but I can’t find him” while Bal was standing right in front of them 
It was the first time he shaved his face in years and he’s never doing it again 
Mostly cause Ambrosius kept telling him he looked like a teenager and it was freaking him out 
I feel like Bal and Ambrosius are those kinds of people who will tell people about the little injuries but neglect the big ones 
Like Bal mentioned that he thinks he sprained his ankle during the fight at the institute but he won’t mention that he’s pretty sure he got a concussion 
(I’m bout to wrap this man in bubble wrap and give him a helmet because wtf) 
Ambrosius will complain the whole day about the fact that he has a paper cut
But will completely neglect to inform his doctors “Oh yeah I can’t move my left arm higher than my waist without pain and I can’t see that well out of my left eye or hear that well out of my left ear do you think that’ll be a problem?” 
It isn’t until Nimona makes an off handed comment about how this super weird that the laser did basically nothing to him that he told both of them
They literally dragged him to the ER because “Who thinks those symptoms are normal Nemesis what is wrong in that pretty little head of yours!!” 
When Bal tells Nimona she’s being a bit of a hypocrite (cause who refers to an arrow as a splinter?) she turns to him and says “I know you’re not saying something Mr. Human battering ram” 
It took literally everything in Ambrosius not to break down laughing
After that she forces them to have frequent checkups with the doctor because these dorks wouldn’t go otherwise
Honestly I'm fully convinced that some people in the kingdom don't know who Nimona is and are constantly confused why they let this little weirdo follow them around 
And finally the curiosity will eat away at them and they’ll finally ask 
Sometimes the boys will give some “normal” answers like “Oh that’s Nimona” and they won’t elaborate at all
Sometimes they’ll give funnier answers like “Oh that’s a raccoon we found in the garage who turned into a person one day” “I don’t know they just showed up in our living room” and their personal best “You see her too?” 
And their favorite that they only started using a couple of years down the line “Oh that’s our kid”
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after rewatching nimona four times since its release (because yes, this movie is just that good), i caught a few little details that just make the whole experience so much better. so, incoming SPOILER ALERT, don’t read this if you haven’t watched the movie yet. speaking of, why the fuck haven’t you?? go watch the movie (and read the comic while you’re at it, some sites offer it for free), then come back and enjoy.
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1. When the Squire gives Ballister his sword, he clearly realizes something’s wrong with it. He’s trained with it for so long that he knew that something was off just by holding it. This detail is something you wouldn’t pay much attention to when you first watch the film, but it’s there to make you realize something is a little off, especially when the Squire attempts to show him the video, but it also has plausible deniability so you could chalk it up to being something else (ie. the Squire wanting a picture with Ballister).
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2. This sneaky line from this sneaky bitch.
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3. Nimona tells us exactly how the movie ends. (Sorta. In a sense. The phoenix rises from the ashes and overthrows the government.)
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4. You can see Nimona sneaking into the jail where Ballister is being kept.
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5. Mini Ballister and Ambrosius! I think a few others have pointed this out before, but I only noticed it upon my second rewatch. (A little surprised younger Ambrosius didn’t have the Asian bob. That’s like a right of passage.)
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6. Nimona’s train backstory versus her flashback.
7. During Nimona’s nightmare on the couch, she turns into a wolf, and then a cat. In her flashback, as the villagers attack her, she turns into a cat and then a wolf. It could be because having her turn into anything else would be too big for the couch, but if this is intentional, then it means Nimona was having a nightmare of that day.
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8. This. Visually, the sparks are sorta similar, and in both instances, Ballister has lost something irreplaceable. I think this one might be a reach and may not be intentional, but my mind connected the two scenes and wouldn’t let go, so.
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Honorable mention: the gay and trans flags above Ballister and Nimona respectively in that one scene. iykyk. I didn’t add it because 1. I think many other people have brought it up and 2. the mobile app is limiting me to 10 images. Anyway, I love this movie and its comic SO much and I’m so glad that it made it to our screens from the box of scrapped movies that could have been great if people (namely, executives) gave them a chance. There is so much love, care, and passion put into this movie, and you can really sense that this was made for its audience and its author, for its story and not only for the money it could make. This movie is metal as fuck, so GO STREAM IT!!
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milfhandholder · 1 year
Anyway watch Nimona if you like:
Old men yaoi
Explicit trans allegory
Reluctant father figure who accidentally adopts a scruffy child
Heart warming queer film
Old men angsting over one another
When you can see a creator's writing style develop alongside their life experiences and their stories reflect that
Edit: putting this here but y'all do realize the "old men yaoi" is a joke from Nimonatwt right 😭 put those damn torches down
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mirnightghost · 1 year
Hey, be quiet. They deserve some rest~
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Okay, I've been planning on drawing this picture for a week now, so yes, here it is-
I forced myself at first, because it's hard to draw something like that when your friends are rude to you...so-
There are three people to thank: ND Stevenson (obviously), @/mellon_Soup for the reference, and Jay Herrans, because if it weren't for his musical, which I listened to again, I'd be wallowing in self-hatred for being weak. But songs about the Greek gods and the adventures of the Odyssey help to calm, you know-
Still feel tension in fandoms, but as Aceas told me, I can just throw things out here, and just watch the rest (which is already progress yay) Yes?
Okay, time to prepare for artfight (as late as always)
OH AND, it's very apt to say that this may be the last day of the month of pride, but this does not mean that you are not valid and cannot be proud of who you are all year :)
It was a fun month of pride, thank you all-
See ya~
(Upd: fuck I FORGOT TO SAY I think they are asexuals and the relationship here is platonic And- AND I DO NOT RECEIVE DOING HEADCONS ON ASEXUSAL CHARACTERS IS NOW A CREDO)
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cuterefaction · 2 months
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Thinking about Nimona again; 100% sure Ballister would get her a Blåhaj for bad nights :)
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palskippah · 27 days
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Nimona and Goldenheart from the comic my beloveds :'''v
There's some other drawings I have made under the cut!
I liked these drawings the most of the ones I've made asjks I love both these men
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You know that scene in Princess Mononoke? pipipi
(Translation) Ballister: I'll cut off your throat. That's the only way you'll shut up. Ambrosius: You charm me / I love you > Let me tell you that in English it just doesn't have the same vibe that me encantas has pipipi 😭 English why do you keep failing me. The literal translation would be you charm me but i intended it as an I love the way you are ;;
I'm so normal about them
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The sillies
(Se comen = eating each other. In Chile is said, I don't know if in other countries too 🧍) (I love this expression because it's saying that they're kissing with tongue and looking like they're trying to eat the other's lips askjdk)
ALSO, my friend had let me borrow her tablet to draw in a screen and it was very cool :y I drew this guy, I love him. He's like a Disney princess but fucked in the head, also I forgot I drew the sword by his hip, but imagine that it's behind his legs or maybe it's a dagger sdjksj
I had wanted to draw Ballister too but I spent too long on Ambrosius bc drawing on a tablet with screen is different pipipi
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