#That Theo can't help but compare himself to Sia
offsidekineticist · 1 year
If Theo has any thoughts to share💎💎💎
Oh, yes, Theo has thoughts. I feel kinda bad because I think this says more about Theo than it does about Sia...but I think, unless Sia went out of his way to be vulnerable, this is probably what Theo would think of him.
Sia is really great at...well...everything. I mean, we both use art to make our companions stronger, but I just yell at them and make them angry. He actually inspires people with his music. And he adapted to being crusade commander with such grace - he stepped into the role so smoothly, you know it never even crossed Galfrey's mind to send him a passive aggressive letter implying all his troops died because he was a showboating glory-hound. I mean, of course not - he's a good Knight-Commander, just by being himself. He didn't have to become someone or something else to do the job. He was already enough.
And he knows it, too! He's got this confidence - this swagger. Like, he walks into a room, and all eyes are on him, and he knows it. And he just eats it up! It doesn't throw him off or anything cuz he's Sia. Of course all eyes are on him. And then stuff goes wrong, and he just rolls with it and improvises and...it works! Somehow! Because he's Sia!
But....yeah. He...he's great, and...I mean...he does a lot of things that are kind of like what I do, so...it's really easy to tell he's really good at it. Like...really good at it. Yeah. And I....yeah. Yeah, Sia's great. Even if he is Andoren.
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