#I think Theo sees Sia as who he wishes he was
offsidekineticist · 11 months
If Theo has any thoughts to share💎💎💎
Oh, yes, Theo has thoughts. I feel kinda bad because I think this says more about Theo than it does about Sia...but I think, unless Sia went out of his way to be vulnerable, this is probably what Theo would think of him.
Sia is really great at...well...everything. I mean, we both use art to make our companions stronger, but I just yell at them and make them angry. He actually inspires people with his music. And he adapted to being crusade commander with such grace - he stepped into the role so smoothly, you know it never even crossed Galfrey's mind to send him a passive aggressive letter implying all his troops died because he was a showboating glory-hound. I mean, of course not - he's a good Knight-Commander, just by being himself. He didn't have to become someone or something else to do the job. He was already enough.
And he knows it, too! He's got this confidence - this swagger. Like, he walks into a room, and all eyes are on him, and he knows it. And he just eats it up! It doesn't throw him off or anything cuz he's Sia. Of course all eyes are on him. And then stuff goes wrong, and he just rolls with it and improvises and...it works! Somehow! Because he's Sia!
But....yeah. He...he's great, and...I mean...he does a lot of things that are kind of like what I do, so...it's really easy to tell he's really good at it. Like...really good at it. Yeah. And I....yeah. Yeah, Sia's great. Even if he is Andoren.
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morningcool · 7 years
Hurts - Desire (review) 'From B to M'
It’s been only 721 days waiting, and now it’s started all over again, we got the Desire. (Actually we can’t complain ‘cos we were patiently waiting 943 days for the Surrender, and 917 for the Exile) and the dynamic this time seems to be nicer. *kidding) For me, waiting is such an exciting journey itself, ‘cause musicians ain’t entertainers, they are ordinary people, you know. The thing about the good ones is that some of them have a blessing to hear music and a talent for bringing it to life. And here’s my traditional third review of an album we’ve all just received. With a little heart melting (hopefully) story as a bonus (in P.S.). Like Adam said in his letter, “during the last year(s) I have come to understand the true value” of a living the same time with Hurts. Their “importance in my life and the salvation” they offer me. And yes, being their “professional” fan is more than something I do for a “job”. (you should laugh here) So, here’s my private, a bit crazy and very subjective opinion. *winking
Anyway, no more words, let’s get down to music.
(Can’t not mention the release date of the first single, please, listen ‘The Beautiful Ones’ by Prince, before tasting the whole album, not only ‘cause of the date, but because of the mood or technique and even a points of view Prince brought from his universe into our world. You might feel it too. HE’S “THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME.” OUR HERO.)
“Beautiful Ones” – first Hurts statement. Which reminded me of a John Lennon’s mankind hymn, called ‘Imagine’. The song raised a theme of a musician responsibility to talk about the societal aspects of life. Which actually is quite a good thing to do. Unexpected, loud but I guess an important step forward. I can remember my first reaction was: “Hey, it’s such a pop song”. I mean they did it before, but this one is something new, with the mood of Sia’s songs (she’s gorgeous for me). And that’s what I love about Hurts promo releasing songs. With the first song they’re always knocking you down, so you could see a new horizons when you’ll rise up on your feet again. (Of course it will only happen if you really love music, you’re open minded, you’re able to accept the changes and have a wondering heart.) I should also admit that I completely understand how it feels like to be an outsider, guess all Hurts fans do. That’s why we all found “peace” in a Hurts Family escaping quite a hopeless place called modern life. And I’m absolutely happy that the guys staying in the best Hurts tradition where the lyrics contrasted to music. Which seems so festive. I like the opened beat and that soft cross-over from the first verse to the chorus with a sound of fingers snapping (for me that sound like a calling card of the whole album), amazing. And that guitar solo (my little reminder of a great Prince loss) which finally celebrates Adam’s abilities. I can already hear it live and it turns me inside out.
“Ready To Go” – an unexpected love from a first listening. Second piece of a puzzle we were waiting for so long that almost despaired to get it, aren’t we? I already wrote: “Perfect ending of this summer! I couldn’t stop dancing, like I’m again 17 myself! Hurtsy, catchy, fresh! The melody feels a bit like a folk one or even a bit jazz-y (or should I better say blues-y), that is so sweet and saucy at the same time, and those claps and fingers snapping in the final bridge (which feels like a 100% gospel choir thing) makes it so alive. And it’s a girlish story and she has a character. Oh, delight!” The first impression is still working for me. And I already heard it live, I must say it reminded me of ‘Lights’ with it’s energy. The lyrics that exacerbating a life taste that’s what I call iconic pop music. Bring me a fire extinguisher, please.
“People Like Us” – a new Hurts-brand flag wave. From the first note it feels to be inspired with an arabian music, isn’t it? (weirdness, here you are) And then that guitar sound and a lovely personal beautiful story. Like a snapshot from the sweet memories we all have in a corner of our minds. (Can you hear fingers snapping?) And again that “arabian” chorus exhilarating, (slightly reminding of a desert heat or is it just a heat of a somebody’s body hugging you under the sheets). It’s a mix of two different worlds european and asian culture in one piece of art, that completing each other into the whole brand new experimental Hurts sound. I found it brilliant, when the story comes and flows over to the chorus I’m drowning in the feelings. And I’m literally having a goosebumps through the whole body. Can you see these cute happy faces? Can you imagine the fire dancing in the man’s eyes, his straight and hungry gaze. And that guitar reef that tells his own story, complementing the lyrics line in the chorus. Mind Blowing. If they wrote that song on a final period of the album! I wanna say: keep working on new music, we can wait for the tour. (kidding) We’re so lucky they get a chance to release it on that album.
“Something I Need To Know” – a Heavy artillery. He is an open target, so shoot! It’s such a openhearted personal story. So vivid, that you can almost saw them. Which is a bit embarrassing on one hand ‘cause it feels like you’re looking into someone else’s life, but on the other, what if those strangers you’re looking at is actually you and your lover. The lyrics – a heartbreaker. Haven’t we all saw that look of someone else’s eyes. “There’s so much words we’re not saying”. Who the f*ck didn’t call you right back? Who treated you like that? Who else had the desire to take the sword on these bridge? But who we’re to judge her. But sorry girl, he might be anyone even paranoid, but you’ve got no right to cause him pain, it’s all coming back. There’s so much onerous pain and fatigue, and a heartrending call for help to cut the knot, between the lines of the lyrics. And the sound is so classical Hurts and so soothing in a way, but also a bit rebellious. Yes, it’s a pure art.
“Thinking Of You” – a youthful amorous mood. Hey boy, you’re daydreaming honey. “Get down” - can you hear your mum’s voice from below? (kidding) Such a light bright story of the most naive life period when you’re falling in love. Lyricly it reminds me of an absolutely 100% Prince’s inspiration. Even with the sound of the line “Whatever I do, I’m thinking about you” in an intro or in an outro. This song takes me back to those childish amorousness that infatuated a young head. Aren’t we all turning back kids when love knocks us off our legs. I’m glad they got a chance to bring light-heartedness into their work. This playful mood seem to be very similar to a Hurts addicted fans. (And, yeah, you might hear a fingers snapping here too). And I love the guitar part, and what is it in a final part, seems like it’s a kind of a reverse or something?
“Wherever You Go” – a heavy dependence. If someone in 2011 would tell me Hurts gonna write such a song I would be the one to burst of laugh and say: “you’re might be crazy”. This huge pop song, reminds me of a reggie tricks. Can you seriously sit on your chair listening to it. I’m instantly dancing. (and yes, fingers snapping) Is it even indian motives in the end of a first chorus. These a bit dubstep blotches, with the echoing effects, interesting aren’t they? Chorus is an absolute killer, with those high notes. He’ll be the one! This song is something quite special. And that extinguished introduction! And the lyrics of course! Do you know that (like once in ‘Some Kind Of Heaven’) the poetry can be totally readdressed to the band. (well, I do it) Being alone, imagine how hard the feeling of loneliness is pressing on a personal view. I mean, when you’re such a handsome men. It’s even harder to find the right words to explain your position (feelings) to the one who you’re interested in. Look what a gorgeously graceful and light form has this look. I think it’s amazing. A perfect piece of art!
“Chaperone” – a complete heartbreaker. So touching. Once again, such a new theme in the lyrics, I found it so vulnerable and susceptible. Have we ever heard something like that before? No, absolutely not. And it’s such a beauty, that the song comprises the piano part, which replaced bass line and everything else. The idea of such an apparent ease reminded me of a Prince’s ‘When Doves Cry’ where there is just drums and piano like a weird sound, but in this one on the contrary. And those fingers snapping (*winking) diluting “сomputer blue” Theo’s voice, an amazingly fresh and alive decision. The song seem to be clearly laid out on a direct frets. From the first seconds it reminded me of a Francis and the Lights manner of making music. Which I find quite interesting, ‘cause Theo was the one who introduced Francis to me. (Find his song called ‘Friend’ if you’re still haven’t heard it.) And the outro, it’s like a japanese wind brief. Does he means, he’s deleting the message from an answering machine or is it a reversed “desire” little trick? (If so, I feel like I won a little undeclared game) And that wind instrument like an icing on the cake! The thing is that, I bet lots of us can only wish somebody could ever cared of us even a half of that way.
“Boyfriend” – a shameless trick. Dirty is such a well-worn word. But this story is so frank and straight that disarms from the first beat. I can remember my amazement when I first heard ‘Sandman’ - so same emotion here. Delight, such an experiment. An exciting subject, a bright sketch of a non-verbal chat encapsulated in a literally tangible alive musical masterpiece. Is it actually Hurts? Yes, 1000% in a playful mood. A Vapors of an alcohol, saturday night out and you’re witnessing this yourself. (Aaand a fingers snapping, and claps) Love a rare drum sticks hits. The guitar is singing as if it was a duet. And all you can answer is: Yes, man I get it. (While thinking: You know your power.) *Impressive claim. Can you hear “Kiss” by Prince? (winking)
“Walk Away” – an amazing offer. Such a bitter confession wrapped in a colorful cellophane. Hurts-y thing in one hand but on the other reminded me of an African music or even an american musical scene (with a group of dancing teenagers). Don’t know why, crazy mind, I warned you. But I’m still wondering whether I ever wanted to be a heroine of such a contrast. I mean you’ve been in relationship, broke up. And then become a girl from such a bright carefree and even a bit celebrative mood of the song about your quite dramatic experience. Honestly, I really don’t think so. Listening to the whole song over and over I was asking myself, why all these people are joyfully dancing in my head ? What are they celebrating, but then I realised that the girl is free now. She’ll find a better guy. And to make her leaving easier it’s justified to let her go with a smile on his face. So she’ll save him in her memory as a happy man, even if it’s not true. Anyway, it’s a great experiment. Distracted from such an eclectic contrast, music seems to be very interesting, fresh and multilayered. Classical fingers snapping, curious receptions with backing vocals in the outro when they’re mixed with something echoing, such a warm sound that immerses me in a very nice atmosphere, so I can finally relax and let a girl in my mind set herself free. (To write the impression about this song was the hardest part, hope it wasn’t so hard to read, if so, I’m really sorry, next one should be easier. A shy smile.)
“Wait Up” – a new intimacy. An intro actually blew my mind (can you see we’re falling through the thick of a London clouds and then floating over the narrow streets, approaching to the scene of events, beautiful, isn’t it?) and then here we’re it’s a classical 4 in the morning. I feel a huge hole instead of my heart because of the lyrics. So honest so woeful oh, heartbreaking. The hero is a slave of his instincts. Such an amazing bluesy music, with a crying on a backing vocal. I can already see this composition in a terribly sad movie scene, ‘cause the story is so vivid. Is it actually a heroine from a ‘Wings’ video? This song seem to be one of the saddest Hurts songs ever. The irony of this song is also in a thing that it comes after ‘Walk Away’. The Hurts story about Beauty and the Beast. And the scariest thing about him is that he eats himself alive while doing these meanness. His remorse unscrew your hands girl, but are you sure you have that big heart to accept him with such a defect? Is your unrequited love enough to heal him, ‘cause he doesn’t seem to strive for this. Are you still waiting for him? Listening to this song made not only my head ache, but even my hair feeling a nagging pain. *I got dizzy
“Spotlight” – a slowly spinning disco ball discarding a solar bunnies on a velvet nightclub walls. Is this the type of a heroine that ruins our hero from the previous song? She caught his attention and he wants to play tonight. Tons of an alcohol and the night is turning from a dancing show into a spectacle under dark curtains. He’ll regret it in a taxi cab only, now he’s a Superman. (Am I actually turned into a grumpy old lady? Seems so, excuse me *giggling) I love the musical paсe of the song.It reminded me of a spinning vinyl record or something. And the reverse trick is so catchy. The attractive light sound of the song is so relaxing and I like it. But there was no fingers snapping, why? (smiling) But wait a minute is there a clapping sounds? (winking) I wanna watch how Theo does a dancing moves while singing this song, do you?
“Hold On To Me” – a personal drama. Every line of the lyrics tightens the rope around my neck stronger and stronger. Listening to this song for the first time let all the air left my lungs. How do they affect me that way? Actually I have no words to talk about the song and feel like there’s no need. Can you hear a sax singing with Theo? Melting heart moment, so cosy, sending shivers from tip to toe. And the final note with the voice only. Brilliant story. A true emotional waterfall. (curtain, sorry, I can’t)
“Magnificent” – the truth. A perfect celebration of a true feelings. The absolutely anthemic song! It’s sparkling because of an inner light, amazing! And it starts with a classical piano, gorgeous. And then the pace changes, it’s a guitar time (with a bit funny phase with a “Ouuu” backing) and then back to the piano and the strings, lovely, isn’t it? That’s how a musical escape looks like. It might be a friend, lover or a fan story between the lines which I find quite exciting. Don’t know why, but for me this song contains a little associations with a country style in some parts. Maybe because of the vocal manner. (my eccentricity is back, giggling) But when the outro piano part is back it seems to me like a best gospel thing. And all I want is to make the sound louder and dissolve in it’s bright glow. Overwhelming experience.
If you’re still here, reading, you’ve just amazed me. Such a long boring story might lulled you in the middle. (smiling) Anyway thank you for your attention.
Look how lively the album is because of the multiplicity of fingers snapping and clapping and some other natural sounds. Yes, I love the ‘Desire’, hope you’ll find a place in your heart to cherish it, like I already do.
It’s a huge risky step forward and I found it as a part of an amazing journey guys are sharing with us. And I’m ready to continue our common path and can’t wait to hear some new stuff live. I bet it would be brilliant. The album is none of I expected but it’s everything I needed. Hope you found something dear in my crazy thoughts.
And as my own odd tradition says it’s time to bring my personal Hurts oath back. Now I can prolong my oath for the third time: ‘To be your faithful fan in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to respect you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and inspire you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you from this day forward until the day when your fifth album will be released. Hutcherson.’
P.S.: Promised bonus.
I must say that I was blessed to be the one of a few happy fans who took part in the pre listening one week ago. And also an unhappy one to be taking part in 4 silly competitions to get a chance. (Sorry, my optimistic side is back and I’ll continue.) I can’t tell how unexpected it all happened, how joyful and delighted I was. Sitting in a very cosy little room, which was a tiny cinema hall for 30-36 places only. Almost dying of anticipation, and Hurts videos on the screen were torturing the nerves. (By the way, all Hurts music video was made to watch it like that on a big screen, like one big movie, amazing experience.) But when the music finally hitted me I fall in a rabbit hole and was spiraling out of control for eternity. Until the moment music stopped and the doors were opened. Theo and Adam entered the room.
Should I say it was unexpected or should I say it was a surprise? Do you know what? I was frozen in a complete shock, sliding down my chair. I haven’t heard what Theo was saying all I was capable to do at that moment was to catch his gaze and I did it. He was just looking back. And it stopped the time. He started climbing up the stairs, where I was sitting with the word “I’ll try to give a hug to all of you”. There were ladies who came up to him and I was just sitting and staring. He rose to my place hugging people but still looking at me, and then not stopping the gaze he spread his arm wide open and said: “Come on, come here” And he hugged me, and I was like a kid, a mom and a lover in one moment. Felt like home, felt like I’ve been loved and cherished. We were standing like that I was drown in emotions, I bet he felt himself weird and uneasy, ‘cause he was holding stranger in his arms. And I’m ok with it. (Sorry, tears. (few minutes later) I’m back.) And then one thought hit my mind: he must be extremely terrified to share their album with the fans for the first time. And I whispered into his ear: “You did an amazing work”. And I saw a joy in his eyes and some kind of relief. Then said that I’ve been a fan for more than 7 years and some other silly stuff. Later I shared a quite special moment with Adam. He ruins my walls and my heart every time I met him. But unfortunately, an unexpected moments like these, are turning fans mind into a jelly. And you not always have a strength to overcome your emotions to free your mind and say the things you really want to or should say to when you get a chance to see them face to face. The only thing I must add is that I got a chance to say one, but I feel like satisfying, phrase to Theo. When they were ready to go away I was speaking to him again and turned our conversation back to the record. It felt like I was drawing the conclusion of our meeting, so among other things I said that: “Despite the fact the album sounds very modern it’s a classical pop album, it’s an absolutely timeless pop album”. That was it, Theo was shining with a huge smile from ear to ear and answered: “That’s all I wanted to hear, really”. And they were gone. (A curtain)
If you’re still alive, you can also read my Exile and Surrender reviews, they are much shorter (giggling).
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lordofassgard · 7 years
this masterlist is uploaded everytime i post something new
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gif credits to softjeon
min yoongi/suga
✻ same mistakes
         →  almost a year after you broke up with your ex-boyfriend, you find out that he’s a mess. so for old time’s sake you decide to meet up with him. what you find isn’t exactly what you wanted to see
         → non idol! au, angst
✻ habit
         →  after feeling that you were taken for granted by your boyfriend, you leave to go on a world tour. when yoongi realizes what he’s done, he tries to get you back.
         → angst, fluff
kim namjoon/rm
✻ five times || part ii
        →  five times you wished you never met namjoon
        → non idol!au, bad boy!au, angst
park jimin
✻ saudade || part ii
       →  you left to follow your dreams and came back to follow your heart
       → non idol!au, angst
✻ efflorescence
      →   you preferred pain because you never knew warmth
      →  non idol!au, soulmate!au, angst, fluff
kim taehyung/v
✻ the box
         →  taehyung finds out he made the biggest mistake of his life when he let you go
         → non idol!au, angst
✻ daisies
         → daisies used to be your favorite flower...until you started throwing them up
         → non idol!au, hanahaki disease!au, angst
✻ spaces between us
        →  there are only a few things taehyung knows in life. his name, where he was born, that he’s in love with you and that he’s terrible at expressing his feelings
        → non idol!au, angst, fluff
jeon jungkook
✻ dead
        → based on dead by madison beer
           a toxic relationship with jungkook and the aftermath
        → non idol!au, angst
✻ friend zone
       →   you’re stuck in the friend zone again and again
       → non idol!au, angst, fluff
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gif credits to twinmoles
mark tuan
✻ play pretend || part ii || part iii
          → you fooled around with him and you were okay with it...until you weren’t
          → non idol!au, tattoo artist!au, angst
park jinyoung
✻ home
         → home isn’t exactly a place with four walls and a roof. to you, jinyoung was home but what happens when you’re left homeless?
         → non idol!au, arranged marriage!au, run away bride!au ???, angst, fluff
✻ white lilies
        → the worst people aren’t the ones who walk the streets at night or the ones who steal. sometimes the worst people are the ones around you, with a normal life who are safely tucked into their beds after dark. and sometimes, we fall in love with them
        → non idol!au, professor!au, serial killer!au
choi youngjae
✻ youngblood
       → he gave and you took but sometimes the tables turn
          inspired by “youngblood” by 5sos
       → non idol!au, angst
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nakamoto yuta
✻ a week of forgetting you
        → we’re hurt and we move on. but sometimes, the ones who hurt us want us back
        → non idol!au, angst
✻ muse
       →  the campus’ favorite art student seems to have a soft spot for you. and apparently you’re the only one that doesn’t know about it
       → non idol!au, fluff
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gif credits to pledis17
yoon jeonghan
✻ out of love
         →  it’s okay to fall out of love, but it’s not okay to be a coward about it
         → non idol!au, angst
xu minghao
✻ silent heart
        →  minghao was so in love with you that he didn’t know what to do with himself
        → non idol!au, angst
teen wolf
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im not sure who this gif belongs to
theo raeken
✻ evil || part ii
          → the reader is stiles’ twin sister and doesn’t think theo is evil. that is until weird things start to happen she finally understands what her brother meant all along
          → angst, a little bit of fluff
✻ dusk ‘till dawn
          → based on dusk ‘till dawn by zayn ft. sia
            two broken messes end up safety-pinning each other’s souls back together
          → fluff, angst
derek hale
✻ hurt people || part ii
          →  derek and the reader are both hurt by their past and rely on each other to heal. Until one day he just leaves. what happens three years later when he comes back in the middle of war?
          → angst
✻ derek as a father
          → what i think derek would be as a father
          → fluff
stiles stilinski
✻ when you’re in love
          →   you comfort stiles after donovan’s death
          → angst
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im also not sure who this gif belongs to
steve rogers/captain america
✻ nightmare
        → in which you comfort steve after a nightmare
        → angst, fluff
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