#That is certainly a tribute to party thor
thorst · 3 years
Nanosmutmo 23: Quiet
From Chimerrobang’s Nanosmutmo Challenge • Earth 202 • Mature: sexytimes strongly implied •
Panting, their faces mirrored expressions of tired contentment, Thor and Carol rolled apart, though their hands stayed linked between them. Thor ran the fingers of his other hand through his long, golden hair while Carol rolled onto her side, broad smile on her face. The last rumbles of thunder murmured through the skies above, and even now the day grew brighter again. Carol raised an eyebrow as she walked her fingers playfully along Thor's chest.
"Do you ever- and please know," she clarified, leaning in to kiss him, "I'm not asking 'cause I wish you were any different-" she kissed him again for good measure, and Thor's hand moved from his hair to hers, his hand warm and comforting and very large, "but do you always, ah..."
"Boom?" Thor chuckled helpfully, one eyebrow raised in playful question.
"Boom," Carol agreed with a kiss. "Like I said, I like it, your storms. I'm just wondering if the god of thunder is ever quiet." She nipped his lip with a soft laugh, and scooted closer to him on the bed.
"Of course," Thor murmured against her lips. "I can be very quiet, if I wish." He moved his head back just a little, so he could look at her more easily, even as their bodies pressed together once again.
"In fact, before I met you," He trailed off for a moment, then smiled brightly at her. "My other lovers have not been as, ah-"
"Durable?" Carol interjected, thinking of how intense the lightning occasionally grew.
"Durable," he agreed. "I have to concentrate on more than one thing though, then. So while it is quiet, it is not as good." He laughed and kissed her deeply. "Perhaps that is not for me to judge?"
Carol scrunched up her nose and laughed. "Why wouldn't it be?"
It was Thor's turn to make an incredulous expression, though his was more about the eyes and the cant of his mouth than hers. "Because I cannot say for certain how you feel?"
"Wait, you meant for me? I thought you meant for you."
Thor just laughed and pulled her closer, nuzzling her nose with his before giving her one of those kisses that she never failed to feel right down to her toes. She often wondered if they might be a little bit magic. She supposed they probably were. "My concern is for you. It's always good for me."
"You're a real catch, Odinson." Pulling him on top of her, Carol rocked her hips against his with a sultry laugh. "Let me be the judge, then."
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