#That scar is such an important part and they just.. don't go ham on it
ruskyart · 7 months
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The scar bothered me.
Just a bit more above and below and maybe just get rid of the eyebrow and it would be a lot better.
(Doodle cause the moment i saw it, i just had to see.. cause honestly.. why is everyone always so afraid to show proper scarring)
Give the man a scar that actually makes us understand how brutal his dad was. I mean it is leagues better than whatever the damn movie had done, but it just.. That is such a weird problem in so many movies and series, as if he wouldn't look just as friggin good. Even more distinct.
I wish for a live action movie that isn't afraid to show us the messy side of being alive in all its beauty when they adapt characters who are actually scared.
Lil rant over, just. Yeah.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs, Part VII): Scars and Hearts, Dining and Dashing
We're back, let's go!
**Note**: Editing later, brb.
Bob is deterred from further work instructions by his workers' "we got it all done" even if they don't know what it was they got all done. It's time to clock out, let them live.
The new enclosure's done-- Sydney gets a new cage, woo.
Some guy named Fennington is going to do the speech and apparently that's mock worthy. Forgot who that was, maybe old man at the party (in Part I) or one of the boardroom guys (in Part II?)
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"Elizabeth would love that, huh?" Charlie quips.
"She would've loved this."
"You did it."
"Took me long enough."
Love how Bonnie Hunt sets aside time for characters to celebrate each other-- the restaurant, the bowling alley, and now the construction completion. It makes this world feel homey, lived in.
Charlie picks up that Grace is playing at something; but he thinks it's long-term teasing rather than her being scar-shy. To be fair, no one but she and her family (and Megan-Bonnie and her husband-- who are practically family anyway) know about the scar thing.
The mock turtle soup line DOES play into this but not directly as Charlie asserts: "This is a game that all women play just to reel us in."
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And that could be true-- for the women Charlie surrounds himself with, who want to play rather than settle down. But Grace isn't like that; but he doesn't know she's not like that. And he's worried about how hard Bob has fallen for her, especially how quickly.
"Well, it's working."
"You are so sad."
Bob calls Charlie Sammie Sosa-- brb, gotta research him because the kids went HAM and chased his pal across the park. ...'Kay, so he was a Chicago White Sox player big enough to be on a baseball card. That explains that, though I'm outta the baseball card loop (and baseball.)
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Megan-Bonnie still insists that Grace tell him about the heart surgery; and is adoring of her chaotic, salt-of-the-earth Joe man.
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Bob's getting prepped for "the talk" Grace promised-- which includes messing up the microwave over and over to make popcorn.
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He does know how to make popcorn, guys.
He does.
He says so while grabbing the popcorn back out to rip off the plastic wrapper he'd forgotten to take off.
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He brought up the writeup on his wife's tribute coming up.
The magic fingers worked: the popcorn will now pop once the safety guidelines have been followed. A miracle.
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I guess affectionately slapping your dog off the couch is the next order of importance. I mean, he's a dog who likes it, so that's kind of tempting.
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Enclosure talk time. Bob's proud and relieved and feels like a weight is off his back. And a bit of closure as well....
3/4 angst mark here we COME.
Grace understands and compliments him on his hard work.
"Yeah, but it's been worth it... to make Elizabeth's dream come true. At least I could do that for her."
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"I'm sure she's very proud of you."
That's such. an amazing compliment.
Unlocked: Bob will remember that.
"Thank you, Grace." DD, perfect line delivery: a breathy exhale more than a word. A sentiment instead of a sentence. Validation and understanding.
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Grace is saved by the bell (the microwave timer); and Bob reads the room, backing off and giving her space to recuperate.
And, of course, this is when Grace stumbles across the letter.
Her letter.
I knew this plot point was coming, here we go.
A furthering of the gag: Bob burns his hand on the hot popcorn... in a bowl?? Bob, you put the popped microwave packet in a bowl???? Are you okay--
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They're all burned and Bob's discouraged.
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Bob, what.
Bob's spraying the popcorn demons away. Please tell me that's-- IS THAT WINDEX.
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What's peak comedy about this is the scene's done in complete silence other than the kitchen banging and spritz sounds, perfectly cutting back and forth with Grace/Minnie's unraveling revelation upstairs.
Grace reads the paper, sees Elizabeth's death date, and starts making gruesome connections.
Yuuuuuuuuuuup, she just saw the letter.
Yuppity yupperoo.
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She books it, making up a babysitting excuse.
Bob tries to help put on Grace's coat even if she's already whipping it on herself. It's the little touches that, to me, are unintentionally hilarious and also really endearing.
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She's wheelin' outta there even if parts of her bike are breaking; and both of them are chattering-- she to avoid conversation, he to engage it.
Bob's as perplexed as any reasonable man would be. Maybe she smelled the popcorn upstairs, BOB.
He trails her out, maneuvering the bike down the steps and catching a few extra seconds with his gal pal. Bob is still chattering, wanting to lighten Grace's stress as much as possible.
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All his solutions and questions are brushed away as she zooms off.
He's smitten... but he's also thinkin'.
Survivor's guilt kicking in.
"What was God thinking??" got a chuckle out of me.
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Megan/Bonnie is all for transparency and honesty but can't say the complicated truth herself. Great characterization.
Joe walking in and knowing someone died and misinterpreting everything and wanting to fight Bob is both why Megan loves and wants to strangle him.
Megan blurts it out.
Joe: "He's not married? ...Oh, okay." That's good enough for him.
Joe's great.
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Grandpa is making plans for Grace to go alone to Rome since that's what she thinks will make it easier for Bob to process.
It's the day of reckoning.
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Bob pops in, greeting both of them cheerfully; and charmingly adds, "Hey Gracie, close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to open them."
Marty gives her some advice-- the strongest character gets the hardest challenges-- doing his best to uplift her by twisting lemons into lemonade.
Bob got her a new bike because her other one was a bunch of busted bolts. Ooooooooh, isn't that always how it goes in movies? Make it just that gut-punch a hair tougher, why don't ya?
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A touched and pained cry-- I like it, Minnie Driver, I like it a lot.
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Bob even made a trumpet noise to celebrate.
Bob I'm sorry I ever doubted you if our journey led up to this trumpet noise.
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Those chipmunk cheeks of happiness won't last, Bob. Enjoy your mood while you may.
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"You okay? I was worried about you last night."
"I'm going away."
"I'm going away."
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Minnie/Grace reveals what she didn't have the courage to tell him sooner, leading up to her admittance of surgery last year.
Bob's radar fears are up; but he has no idea what's coming. (But WE do, heheheh.) His posture is slightly turtled back: stomach tucked in, shoulders hunched, preparing for the worst (nice acting chops)--
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but EXPLODES forward in relief at the heart transplant news.
He flings out the quickest joke he can think of that's farthest away from his true fears: "I thought you were gonna say you were a man or something." Which is the least detached way of expressing unbearable relief.
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Then he immediately jumps back like Minnie/Grace feared he would: "Am I hurting you??" His face then cycles from worry to panic to lessening anxiety ("You're okay now?") to saturating, processing relief ("You're fine. You're healed."); and, finally, to mild but reasonable reproof ("You could have told me that....")
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Apparently, Tumblr's decided I've had too much fun and is making me cut off there.
Will continue as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading~
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
revelation ch26, part two of three.
tl;dr of this post:
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last time we left off, gunter had just accused of corrin (and azura) being the traitors.
corrin, reeling from the betrayal, finally realizes it was him all along.
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title drop ~
(it would be ironic if this is the one time that word was mentioned. if i can find a .txt doc of the whole EN script like i have with the tellius games, i'll search for that.)
gunter-wise, it's amazing how the script can pack in so much menaced contempt.
i know treehouse dropped the ball (hahaha, ball geddit-/shot) with a lot of fates script, but they did gunter amazingly well when they needed to.
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remember what I said about ellipses being important?
i can't get over at how surprisingly smooth he sounds here. he's no cackling villain (yet), and plays at the ice king shockingly well.
personally i think the whole scarlet flower closed plot hole thing is really fucking silly and ironically has 0 bearing on his characterization so we're skipping that. tl;dr corrin proves to everyone it is gunter who's the betrayer because he's lying about the flower, moving on, we got hot!possessed gunter to get to, chop chop
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for the first time, she's starting to convince everyone. gunter knows he's screwed in terms of maintaining that mask.
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camera angle changes in a pretty stark declaration of loyalties.
man, i do love that shot. like, it gets the changing tides across so well, but there's a real bittersweet tinge to how he's well and truly alone and alienated all of his possible allies.
uh oh here we g-
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what the fuck
(there is an awful part of me that -for all that this is quietly despairing for him- loves that he does, in a real twisted way, have fun going full evil ham. gunter's always had a warped sense of humor. old men do love their theatrics, i've always thought them the worst drama queens of all.)
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okay, back to seriousness.
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this line confused the fuck out of me the first time, but i've already written a wall of meta about it here.
the tl;dr:
to gunter - the biggest thing with this line is that everyone who Has Power (eg, the titles) always uses it to hurt people he cares about, either ordering him to be that weapon, or ordering others. every worst memory that he has - garon trying to/force him to drink the dragon’s blood, grieving at the devastation of his village/wife/children, the concubine wars of nohr that he had a front row seat to, the loss of his own soldiers after trying and failing to protect them (“war and me go way back”, etc), failing to protect corrin after mind wipes, hell throw in Anankos forcibly using divine power to take his mind as the last but greatest indignity … no wonder that’s what finally breaks him – not him as a possessed, dead husk, but him as the living man, that always-was traitor who loved as much as he lost.
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(ouff ... this is poignantly true, especially in light of that line in the crystal pelucid artbook, where garon force-fed him the dragon's blood and gave him his scar.
it literally, truly, for corrin, has been the whole time.)
you know the actual painful thing?
he still cares.
he's answering her questions patiently in -- i guarantee you -- in an eerily similar tone how he used to mentor her.
(yes, nintendo had to make his motivations at least halfway obvious, but they could have taken a much, much shorter monolouge route of text to do it, like sumeragi, not this exquisitely emotionally painful question-and-answer format that is literally their language of affection)
how fucked up is that man
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..... whoaboy, slow down there satan
(i can't be the only one to read some distinctly maliciously sexual undertones to that last one, right. right?)
okay so some of these lines totter right on that razor edge of 'so hammy they're fucking hilarious' (the fucking 'i don't like you' like a snotty 5 year old lmao) and 'that is textually horny dude' and 'OW THE IMPLICATIONS......' sometimes hitting all three at once.
that first one is probably due to treehouse whuffing that line as it feels like a translation flub there. if you were asking me to reword it, I'd do something like
Gunter: I've always hated you... Gunter: You have always been so insufferably naive towards everyone. Gunter: Too bad. It will be my great pleasure tearing every last bit of innocence away from you.
ime that fits his speech patterns a touch better, still gets the point across, and still keeps that iddy as hell undertone without it being obnoxious.
but let's take the most charitable/most interesting to characterization angle. we can meme later.
remember what I said in the very last post about gunter resenting the hell out of corrin's earnest belief in everyone? called it.
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called it, called it, fucking called it.
okay, so fun fact, i've been double checking most of these lines through various JP translations. That "look on your face/( お前のことが気に入らなかったからだ。)" line? also had some pretty iddy undertones. there's not a non-awkward english translation but it's straight up complimenting on how corrin's despair looks so-o~ good on her~~
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...............honestly dude, cosigned.
it's a little funny to imagine that despite all the tension this is the one moment he's like '......really? fucking really? i taught her to be smarter than this....'
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interesting, so he too, is aware of the difference in "possession levels" of the others versus whatever he's got going here.
note that corrin deliberately uses the word "manipulated" and gunter just assumes she meant "puppet". corrin's getting those differences, and ironically she's far more accurate than his take.
fun fact: he uses "this body" to refer to himself a lot. one translator who did the My Room romantic lines in Conquest noted he does the same thing there.
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that, even as somewhat unintentionally/a stretch that is, feels powerfully poignant and bittersweet here.
in light of the titles thing up above (points), i think it's worth noting that he's still referring to himself in a weirdly humble way, yeah?
gunter is a man that I've always gotten the feeling that's become the mask, just a little. he's hated serving garon/nohr. he's hated serving corrin as well.
but he would not have survived garon's court for thirty years had he defied them so openly again. he's, frankly, been broken a little in the repetition; shit's almost automatic to him.
it's the other side of the coin. he hates royals so much, so much -- and he still can't help but keep those subtle automatic patterns separating himself as "lesser".
i also think it's very interesting the line right afterwards, he's deliberately blurring that line of anankos' possession.
it's almost like he doesn't want to be viewed charitably. he'd rather go down with the ship with anankos, he'd rather go down fighting down to the bitter end, holding his resentments and grudges.
grief, as we'll find out later, is a very potent blinding pain there.
(i tackle a shit ton of this in the fic and y'all are just gonna have to trust meeee the payoff's worth it there)
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corrin, sweetheart, easier said than done.
it slides right into the pre-battle prep screen right afterwards, so we'll tackle the brutally feelsy second half in a bit ~
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tsukkismoonlight · 2 years
Hi! May I request a TR match up (:
Sag sun, sag moon, sag leo
Intp, 6w5
male preference, I'm 25! (:
My dream job would honestly just be a stay at home mom/housewife. If they don't want kids, I want to at least have cats
Appearance: i'm plus size. I'm learning to love my body. Also always hiding all the scars on my body from eczema  by wearing cardigans and long skirts.
Hobbies: reading, watching anime, embroidery, writing hand written letters, lots of naps
Likes: the cold, head pats, collecting trinkets, cats, hydrangeas
Colors: pastel orange, tbh most hydrangeas colors
Fav foods: doriyaki, hotpot, sushi, ham&cheese croissants, curry pan
Dislikes: spaghetti, things that slither scare me, neglected, unfaithfulness, inefficiency
The most important thing traits for my soulmate is their ability to make me feel secure. I can easily go to hell and back for someone as long as I feel secure with them. I'm also loyal to a fault.
Thank you!
You glance at the clock nearby, noting how late it is. Despite that, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you find yourself opening the letter…
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Hello !!! You absolutely may have one !! And my top favorite color is also a pastel orange!! Specifically like a sunset orange (and i also really don't like spaghetti??? I think i had it too much as a kid :p )
Anywhooo, if i were to match you up…id give you…
Ken Ryuguji!!!
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Some hcs for you
▪︎your first meeting was probably, definitely chaotic, i mean, Draken spends most of his time just looking after Mikey, and we all know how that goes
▪︎so imagine this:
▪︎you've taken a trip to the pet store with a friend, wanting to pick up some new toys and more food for your cats
▪︎now imagine this next
▪︎a few isles over, Mikey is asking the poor employee to hold one of the snakes, all the while convincing Draken that Mikey absolutely needs one as a pet
▪︎i'd like to think that somehow, said slithering animal gets out of Mikey's hand and is now sneaking around the store.
▪︎Your friend would spot it first, and try to warn you as carefully as possible
▪︎but the little guy makes his way towards your shoes, and as soon as you feel a little nudge, well, you're paralyzed with fear, trying and failing to get any words out
▪︎now, when you see the towering form that is Ken Ryuguji, suddenly appear as he bends down to gently pick up the animal, you are stunned for a few reasons
▪︎the first being just how easily he had done that, as if the reptile in his hands wasn't so grossly terrifying
▪︎the second being, that this man was heavenly looking, even as he passed the snake to the employee, and scolded Mikey for not being careful
▪︎From then on, you happened to run into Draken fairly often, eventually growing to become friends
▪︎you wrote him a lot of your famous handwritten letters, often times sliding in some pressed flowers, or little stickers you found that reminded you of him
▪︎not that he ever let the others see these, and face their jokes, but he keeps every single letter in his top drawer, and he reads them whenever he feels down
▪︎skip to current times, you live together, practically already married in the way that all of your shared friends would say you two argue like an old married couple
▪︎most of the arguments are over small things, such as who's turn it is to clean the litter box, or that Draken needs to stop being so picky with his food, and to stop ruining his clothes because you can't keep patching them up
▪︎you threaten to embroider cute little designs on his stuff, knowing full and well that he has his own little appearance to uphold
▪︎oh and for these hcs, Draken and the others ??? Their gang lives are strictly like, idk competitive sports or gaming or something, we don't need any danger here
▪︎especially because i think that Draken would want kids, and he'd want to keep his family safe, so if he was in a gang like Toman or whichever, he wouldn't be having kids
▪︎but he loves the idea of them so much, though he only ever tells you that. He wants to come home to little footsteps and tiny voices calling for him
▪︎and of course, his favorite part about it is coming home to his lovely wife, knowing that he has everything he could ever want.
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A lock screen for you ! Its a little plain, but i didnt wanna crowd it up, but i think it looks really pretty !!
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Thank you so so much for joining in on this event! I had a lot of fun with this one, so I really hope you like it!!! I also hope that your day or night goes amazing !!
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digitalfairyyy · 3 years
Never Letting You Out Of My Sight
Summary: Fighting for the butcher army has its pros and its cons
Warnings: angst with some fluff sprinkled in, mentions of blood, hinted past abuse, choking, flinching
Pronouns: genderneutral
Note: I might write another part to this but who knows
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Art by Jessica Oyhenart
The stars twinkled in the sky while you stood at your chest, organizing your supplies, pictures of ham and bacon hanging on the walls reminding you of the task at hand; to kill Technoblade. To get revenge for what happened to L'Manberg. You were no more than a nurse for the butcher army, and sometimes a guard, that's currently what you were doing. You had been given the task to watch Phil while the others go find Techno.
Glancing over at where Phil was sitting on house arrest, you picked up a shiny red apple from the chest and made your way to Phil's house. With a quiet knock, Phil was at the door staring at you. You held out the apple to him while he stared at you as if you were insane.
"Take this as my apology to what the Butcher army did to your home, I know an apple isn't a great payment for all the damages but you seemed hungry so," Phil's wings folded back behind him as he reached for the apple in your palm. He thanked you for the apple as he took a bite out of it, "I've never seen Quackity like this, I knew he wanted Techno to pay but not like this."
Philza's eyes narrowed looking at you, "so why are you helping him? Quackity doesn't deserve anything, he's a psychopath. You can find a better friend than that, mate."
You stiffled a laugh with your sleeve making Philza cock his eyebrow at you, "oh sorry, just reminds me of something that an old... friend of mine used to say."
"You stopped yourself before you said friend, what's up with that mate?" Phil questioned, finishing the apple and tossing it behind him into the garbage.
"Just hurts to remember that's all," you didn't want to admit the truth, besides it had been so long, he probably forgot all about you at this point, "it's been so long, you think he even remembers me? It's been such a long time."
"Hey cheer up mate," Philza wrapped one of his wings around you, "here I'll make a deal with you. Help me out of here and save Techno and I'll help reunite you and this friend of yours."
Your eyes widened, nervousness hiding behind your eyes as you felt compelled to agree. Phil smiled at you looking around his chest before pulling out a creeper and a skeleton head, tossing you the skeleton head.
"How are you supposed to leave with those?" Philza looked down at his feet where you were pointing. The iron boots keeping him on house arrest keeping him in place.
"Thinking still about that," Philza looked back at the you, his eyes showing concentration but also worry, "at least Techno knows, I got one of my crows to send him a letter. It's gonna take them a while to get all the way to him, he has time to prepare himself." Phil smiled to himself staring at the creeper head, "we're gonna fucking tail them. I know where Techno lives, with or without a compass, I know."
"But the boots."
Phil let out a breath looking at you, "not like there's a tracker in them, they just can't know I left the house. We can hide in plain sight."
It was about a few hours long of a journey making your way through the snow, the skeleton head proving to be quite the annoyance as you and Phil hid in the bushes staring at Techno's house where the group had formed. They seemed to be arguing with a ghost who kept switching from going inside and outside.
Than you saw him, Techno standing on his porch staring down at the butcher army and the ghost. He looked the same as he always did, a few new scars but nothing too noticeable. He still wore the robe you had made him, it brought a smile to your face seeing how regal he still looked wearing it.
The ghost seemed to notice you and Phil, waving over at you two while Phil tried to silently signal him to stop. Phil tapping on your shoulder to move to a less visible spot while you two easedropped on the conversation. The ghost continued to float over to you two, waving at Phil and giving him a piece of stake while Phil stayed silent.
Techno started to sprint in your direction as Quackity caught him explaining that he had to come with them.
"Techno isn't allowed in L'Manberg?" the ghost said with a quiet cry, apart of you felt bad for him, he seemed so confused and not able to understand the severity of the scene right now.
It was silent.
"I choose blood!" Techno yelled as he smashed potions onto the ground, making it difficult for you and Phil to see the action. All you could hear was Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo's screams while Quackity was trying to get a hold of the situation.
"Big Q do something! Big Q!!" Tubbo yelled, blocking Techno's axe with his shield being an inch from his face, "Big Q!"
"Stop!" Quackity yelled, he was riding what seemed to be a horse. You remembered that horse, it was the same horse that Techno used to go riding with you on. Carl you remembered his name was, the most important thing in the world to Techno was that horse.
Techno looked away from where he had Tubbo trapped, his eyes widening seeing Quackity holding Carl, "get away from that horse Quackity!"
"Drop everything, or I will kill this horse right in front of you," Quackity's eyes narrowed. Techno seemed conflicted before he dropped his axe, his armor, his robe, and his crown, allowing Fundy and Tubbo to restrain him.
Phil grabbed your arm pulling you with him, "come on, we have to get there before they do."
Sitting in the seats like you were told to do when they returned, you waited for Technoblade's execution. The cage open for Techno's place and the anvil waiting to be dropped. Carl was tied to the fence by the dock while you watched Techno be shoved into the cage.
"When I hit that lever over there it is gonna drop and that anvil up there will kill you," Quackity explained while Techno looked up at the anvil hanging above him.
Tubbo made his way over to his stand where he would read Techno's rights before the execution. Tubbo fixed the mic to his height before speaking, "Technoblade has robbed our country of everything that made it special, everything that defined what it was. He stepped in when he shouldn't have. He created chaos, he ruined the government-"
Suddenly an enderpearl was thrown and Punz had appeared smashing potions on the ground before attacking. He dropped tnt on the ground that was quickly picked up before he started to attack the butcher army. You ran out of your spot towards Phil's house which had been boarded up once more.
"Technoblade," the ghost smiled looking up at the piglin hybrid, a blue sheep following him, "I've named him Friend."
"Hello Ghostbur," Techno said in his usual monotone voice, grabbing onto the bars of the cage, "that's fantastic Ghostbur, I'm about to die Ghostbur."
"Fuck it fuck it I'm pulling this lever," Quackity ran over to where the lever was, Techno understandable being confused as he tried to escape the cage. Phil pulling out his bow to try to stop them before Quackity pulled the lever.
It was like slow motion, your back was pressed against Phil's boarded up door as you watched the anvil fall. Techno staring up at the anvil that was coming closer and closer to crushing him. Ghostbur looking confused of the situation, not able to understand. Phil looking away not able to bare staring at his friend die.
But than he didn't...
Instead he jumped ontop of the anvil and out of the cage. Running over to Carl and jumping onto the horse's back riding away.
You weren't sure what you were supposed to say. You were sitting in front of Quackity stitching up his face while he sat in silence, occasionally tensing up in pain from the needle piercing his skin. You sort of blamed yourself for what happened to Quackity even though it was Techno's pickaxe that did this.
It was a deep cut too, you knew his right eye would never work again from how it had glossed over into a pure white and Quackity had mentioned his vision going blurry in that eye. Once you were done stitching it up, Quackity looked up at you, "so when did you plan to tell me?"
"Tell you what?" you questioned standing up and putting your stuff away, sorting your potions. You really hoped Quackity wasn't hinting at what you think he was.
"About you and Technoblade..." Quackity's eyes narrowed at you when you froze, your fingers tapping on your table, "how you two used to be old buddy buddies? How you helped Philza escape? How you're only helping me because you think I'm gonna hurt Tubbo or Ranboo? Maybe how you fucking love Techno?!" By this point, Quackity had stood up and was right in front of you, you gulping seeing the anger showing in Quackity's eye. It reminded you how Schlatt used to treat you when you worked for him.
"Quackity I--"
"I bet you're so fucking happy to see me like this huh?" Quackity's hand flew its way to your throat, crushing your throat under his hand, "in fucking pain, only having one good eye left, huh? Was this all some kind of joke to you? Did I ever truly mean anything to you because I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe my friendship meant nothing? Bet your fucking terrified now."
You gasped for air, trying to push on Quackity's chest to get him to let go feeling yourself lose consiousness.
"I wish Schlatt fucking killed you in the van," Quackity let go of you pushing you down onto the ground, "get out of L'Manberg, I don't want to see your face in this town again or I will not hesitate to execute you and I won't fail this time at it either."
"But my stuff," you said once you regained air in your lungs.
"Not your stuff anymore, you're on your fucking own now," Quackity opened the door, "you have 10 minutes, I better not see your face again."
With nowhere else to go, you decided to say hello to an old friend. You were absolutely freezing out here with absolutely nothing to defend yourself. You could only hope that he would want to see you or even remember you and all the times you two shared in the past. You felt like you were gonna turn into ice if you were outside for any longer as you knocked on the door.
But the door never opened and eventually you fell asleep, curled up on the porch by the door. You were slipping in and out of consiousness, you'd end up asleep for a few minutes than out again, falling asleep seemed to be the only thing that kept you warm.
Waking back up, you felt your vision be blurry and your head starting to spin. You couldn't even feel your limbs trying to hold onto your shaking cold body as you slowly felt yourself lose consiousness again.
In your frozen state, you felt a pair of arms pick you up, "it's okay I got you, come on come on, you're gonna be okay." You felt something heavy be wrapped around you and heard the door be opened, "come on, we need a fire. Y/N will freeze to death."
"We need to get them warm," you heard the ghost you had seen before say with the sound of a sheep being heard in response.
You felt yourself be dropped gently onto the ground in front of a fireplace, feeling the soft feel of wool curling up behind you along with the heavy robe.
"Will they be okay Techno?" Ghostbur asked the piglin hybrid who was staring down at you. Why had you come all the way out here? Especially at night and during a storm? That was practically a death sentence. He had no clue what would have happened and what he would have done if he was just a few minutes late, "Techno?"
"Go to bed Ghostbur," Techno said kneeling down onto the floor where you were in front of the fireplace curled up in Friend's wool.
"But ghosts don't sleep."
"Just give me some time alone, go play with Steve," Techno was trying to make up any kind of excuse he could to get a few minutes alone to himself to think. Ghostbur understood that he was not wanted right now and sadly nodded moving to outside where Steve was to give the bear company.
Techno looked down at you, his hand hesitantly going to your hair brushing the few strands you had in front of your face out of the way. He had missed you but knew that the separation was for your own safety but now he wasn't so sure being separated was the safest choice now.
Techno's eyes narrowed in curiosity looking at your neck, it'd almost seemed to be bruised as his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't want to assume anything so he decided to ask when you would wake as he smiles to himself, "I am not gonna lose you again."
You woke up warm and feeling safe, a feeling you hadn't felt for a very long time. Your eyes fluttered open to seeing a blue sheep curled up against you and a polar bear on your other side, his head resting in your lap. The fire place in front of you was still burning brightly as you heard the sound of humming coming from the other room. You pulled yourself off the ground waking up the blue sheep who let out a baa following you.
You entered the other room where the humming was coming from and you were tackled in a hug by the ghost you had met. He smiled clinging to you.
"You're alive! You're alive! I don't even know you but you're alive!" Ghostbur laughed clinging onto you. You laughed hugging the ghost back. You looked over at the corner of the room over Ghostbur's shoulder noticing Techno sitting at a table, a book in his hands and glasses on the bridge of his nose, his tusks peaking out of his lips like usual.
"Morning," Techno said with his usual monotone voice marking the page in his book and take his glasses off. Ghostbur let go of you as you made your way over to the table sitting down, Techno's robe still over your shoulders, "you look very nice in my robe I must say."
"Thank you for saving my life," Techno nodded sliding a plate of potatoes over to you as you stiffled a laugh, "you still obsessed with potatoes huh?"
"Eh," Techno shrugged as Ghostbur skipped outside with Friend following him. Techno watched the door close, finally knowing Ghostbur was out of earshot he looked at you in all seriousness, "who put their hands on you."
You were caught off guard by Techno's question, looking at him, his eyes scanning your entire face trying to read your emotions, "no one, I just had a run in with some mobs, that's all."
"Oh so you're trying to tell me that a creeper grabbed you by the throat as such a rough grip to bruise? Come on Y/N, I've known you for how long and you think I'll fall for something like that?" it was obvious you couldn't just lie to Techno but at the same time, lying would cause less blood shed, "besides you wouldn't just run out of L'Manberg like that and almost have yourself killed if everything was fine, just spit it out."
"Why do you want to know so badly?"
"Because the person that I love just comes to my house out of nowhere after completely disappearing for a long time and almost dies at my door step and then I find bruises on their neck like someone had strangled them?!" Techno yelled catching you off guard. You had never seen Techno so mad at you before, sure you two had arguments in the past but this was different, he never raised his voice at you before.
Techno raised his hand to run his hand through his hair to calm himself down, however when you flinched seeing his hand go up, he froze. His hands dropping to his sides as he got up from the table and grabbed his axe before walking out the door.
You looked down at your hands, you didn't mean to flinch, it just happened, you didn't mean to scare him like that. You sighed dropping your face into your hands as you silently cried into your hands feeling Steve lay his head on your lap looking up at you.
"I gotta go boy," you scratched behind Steve's ear as you got off the chair, Steve following behind you as you went to the door, "no you have to stay here boy." Opening the door, you closed it before Steve could come out as you watched the bear jump up and look through the window of the door as you walked out.
The snow crunched under your feet as you started to walk away. You were meant to be alone. You thought coming back to Techno would make things better but all you did was make him think that you were scared of him.
You kept walking till you noticed less and less snow and noticed you were in a flower field. Your tears started to drop more as you looked at the flowers, it reminded you of the times you and Techno would spend in the flower fields together. You would sit in the grass picking flowers for different decor and dyes while Techno would tell stories of Greek mythology or his war stories. It didn't matter how many times you heard the same story, you loved to hear them everytime.
"Thought you might have wandered off to here," you vision snapped turning around to see Techno. He was just wearing his white button up, the first three button undone, his hair in a new braid. You remembered that you were the one that always braided his hair until you taught him to.
"Tech, I'm sorry-"
"Hush," Techno held up his hand moving over to you, his body towering over yours, "just tell me, please."
You looked down at the ground as Techno sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you into his chest. You clung to his body as you felt the tears starting to well in your eyes, "it was Quackity. He found out about us and then he attacked me after I helped him treat that scar you gave him."
You felt Techno tense, "I wish I could kill that duck. I can't believe he'd put his hands on you like that."
"It's not the first time," you sighed out, hiding your face in Techno's chest. Techno asked you what you meant as you bit your lip, "during the L'Manberg war for independence, Dream had grabbed me when the van exploded and held me hostage for a few weeks until I got saved after L'Manberg became independant. Than I ended up working for Schlatt for a while when Wilbur and Tommy were exiled, I guess they never told you. Schlatt treated both me, Niki, and Quackity awfully, he taxed Niki till she was bankrupt, he would yell and shame Quackity, and then he'd grab me. It was worse when he found out I had opened the gates for Wilbur to get in Manberg, he almost killed me in a drunk rage inside the van. Than well, you know Quackity."
Techno sighed, "Y/N look at me."
You shook your head hiding your face in Techno's chest until he grabbed your chin making you look up at him.
"I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
"I love you," you held onto Techno's hand as he smiled pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you too."
Thank you for reading. Please show your support since it really helps me out :)
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