theawkwardaquarian · 4 years
Planet Retrogrades 101
What is retrograde in Astrology?  A retrograde (or an rx) occurs when a planet appears to be moving in a different direction than its normal course. The planet itself does not actually change its pattern or direction, though. It only looks this way; it’s an optical illusion.  How does this affect us? When a planet appears to be moving backwards, we interpret this as the planet going inward or moving back through its experiences. For us, this can mean when a planet is in retrograde, it is time for us to slow down, back up, and spend time reflecting on our choices and our circumstances relating to what the retrograde planet represents. This can often lead to things from the past being brought into the present, causing us to face our estranged friends and ex lovers, as well as our mistakes, achievements, memories, and life choices. In Mercury’s case, we can experience issues in communication, technology, and travel because we are being called to stand still and relax, in Venus, relationship issues can occur if you have been involving yourself with the wrong people and have been denying this, and so on. Though we are called to reflect, we must refrain from actually living in the past. This is where problems can arise when a retrograde is happening, especially if it is in Mercury because we will feel the need to communicate with people from our past. What if I have planets in retrograde in my natal chart? How will a transit retrograde affect me? The same interpretation applies. The retrograde planet’s energies are turned inward. Your particular retrograde planets will be intensely felt but you will have difficulty expressing your planet’s natural energies and the traits of the sign it occupies. This can manifest as introversion, shyness, awkwardness, delays, or denial in the individual with the planet retrograde. During a transit retrograde in the same planet a person has a natal retrograde, the natal retrograde individual will be less likely to act upon the energies because they are used to them. It can however provide growth to natal retrogrades who have not yet overcome their restrictions. Below is a list of each planet’s energies and how they are affecting during a retrograde. Mercury deals with: Communication, Thinking, Planning, Organizing, Travel Transit Mercury Retrograde: miscommunication, misunderstandings, reflecting on career/education, issues with technology, plans failing or experiencing delays, vehicular issues, travel delays/setbacks, nervousness, insomnia Natal Mercury Retrograde: over-thinking, different method of thinking often misunderstood in educational/professional settings, difficulty focusing, reviewing their words before saying/writing them, social awkwardness, quirky sense of humor Venus deals with: Creativity, Comfort, Love, Romance, Relationships (Platonic or Romantic), Style, Fashion Transit Venus Retrograde: reflecting on relationships and lifestyle choices, seeing the truth in your romantic partners and friends, past relationships surfacing, focusing on your indulging habits and how to fix them, exploring and understanding your feelings, wants, and desires Natal Venus Retrograde: intense feelings, serious and passionate about love, unique/taboo interests and fashion, extremely aware of physical appearance, can be insecure and shy until they develop/mature, secrecy surrounding their comforts and desires, high standards for themselves and others, deep fears of rejection and loss Mars deals with: Desire, Passion, Assertion, Anger, Aggression Transit Mars Retrograde: delays and setbacks involving new projects, re-visiting unfinished projects, frustration, irritability, pent up energies and emotions, restlessness, obstacles, reflecting on your anger, passion, and rage, learning to let the delays happen to see what they mean for you or how they can serve you Natal Mars Retrograde: problems with standing up for yourself and others, issues with assertion and aggression, avoiding competition and confrontation, steady pace when working or doing projects, expressing bursts of passion and anger rather than the energy flowing Jupiter deals with: Higher Knowledge, Freedom, Philosophy, Luck, Religion, Spirituality  Transit Jupiter Retrograde: changes in politics and social issues, re-evaluating beliefs and morals, research, seeking the truth, delays relating to travel, reflecting on spirituality, purifying the soul and body, can cause some people to behave impulsively in areas that they need growth and maturity in to help them realize this (food, spending, etc) Natal Jupiter Retrograde: unusual or unconventional beliefs and morals, different perspective than those in their family or community, prefers to learn and gain experience on their own than be taught by others, intolerant beliefs relating to karma and luck, will experience a pattern of karmic situations and relationships to help them overcome their retrograde Saturn deals with: Limitations, Karma, Restrictions, Authority, Discipline Transit Saturn Retrograde: understanding and reflecting on your insecurities and limitations, issues with authority, karma for your previous actions (good or bad depending on you), recognizing negative habits and thought patterns, government receiving karma and restrictions Natal Saturn Retrograde: irrational guilt and fear, holding themselves to high standards, lack of authority or discipline in childhood (usually from the father figure), feels nervous when following directions, standards, and regulations from authority or responsibilities, overworks themselves Uranus deals with: Individuality, Technology, Society, Unpredictability, Humanitarianism Transit Uranus Retrograde: personality changes - introverts become expressive, extroverts retreat within themselves, heightened intuition, awakenings resulting in change and rebellion in society, fears and worries brought to the surface, issues with technology and social media (technological complications, people acting strangely online, etc) Natal Uranus Retrograde: fear of change and expressing eccentricities, hides their unique qualities, random bursts of rebellion from pent up energy and restlessness, disciplined self-expression, confusion or disgust with technology and societal improvements Neptune deals with: Spirituality, Sacrifices, Dreams, Illusions, Creativity, Intuition Transit Neptune Retrograde: strange and vivid dreams, clarity on confusing situations, illusions exposed, harsh realities to what was once romanticized, reflection on fears and anxieties that come from the exposed reality, painful memories being realized and faced, experiencing conspiracies and slander Natal Neptune Retrograde: private, hides their creativity, spirituality, and compassion, feels uncomfortable with their intuitive abilities, denies their psychic senses, fears that fantasizing and dreaming too much will only bring disappointment, denial of prophetic dreams, empathy, and clairvoyance Pluto deals with: ‘Death’, Transformation, Change, Rebirth, Renewal, Darkness Transit Pluto Retrograde: reflection on your personal power and your relationship with change, realizing what is causing you pain, suffering, and toxicity, destroying bad habits and relationships, creating a new path, fated events and patterns forcing you to see what needs change Natal Pluto Retrograde: strong fears of being controlled or manipulated making the individual private and on high alert, keeps fears and secrets to themselves, fearing change and letting go of people/things, picky about who they associate with, what information they give out, and what they do
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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I just gave my daughter Lillian her first tarot deck, and she’s *almost* as excited as I am. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-A7zjATk8/?igshid=2o4q90a3asnv
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
This week: 4 of Swords and Knight of Wands
I feel like I can speak for all of us when I say we are stressed with what’s going on in the world; there never seems to be any substantially great news that gives us hope. You’re tired, right? Tired of working and not making ends meet, tired of fighting against injustices, tired of hearing of our earth burn...
The Four of Swords is telling us to take a break for a minute. We are doing our best and we deserve a moment of inner peace. Rest and practice self-care or you can’t be that passionate, vigilant Knight of Wands ready for action. This doesn’t mean call in to work this week (unless you need it 😉❤️) or stay silent amongst racism and inequity. Sleep with your sword under your bed if you have to stay ready, but put on your own oxygen mask first.
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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I made a youthberry tea blend. 
Apple, Orange, Mango, Pineapple, Hibiscus, Rose Petals, White Tea, Blackberry, Blueberry and Raspberry. 
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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When your husband defaces the marriage page of your grimoire… 🤨🤨🤨
(Don’t worry, it’s dry erase on a page protector 😉)
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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Trying to meditate in the hospital is a lot harder than I thought it would be... https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzLs2_AXJR/?igshid=kballb57b7xu
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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Recharge your energy and take advantage of #beltane Yeah... You know what I mean 😏😏😉 https://www.instagram.com/aquariuscrowley/p/Bw7FI8aFlgr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hbwyivd7rswz
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
☁️clouds in witchcraft☁️
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now, i’m by no means a weather witch, but using all aspects of the earth is really important to me in my craft. i’ve always been fascinated by clouds on a scientific level, but the significance of them in my witchcraft is quite high, too. i’m even making my own divination system based off of clouds! so, these are my general, personal correspondences for any type of magic.
stratus - hazy, featureless, low-level drizzle clouds - hidden truths, unclear motives. secrets
altostratus - mid-altitude, uniform grey-bluish sheet - strength, stability, prosperity
cirrostratus - high-altitude, thin, wispy, fragmented - beginnings, renewal, wishes
nimbostratus - mid-level, thick, dark formless layer - power, abundance
cumulus - flat-based, puffy - childishness, joy
altocumulus - similar to cirrocumulus but bigger and darker - comfort, safety
cirrocumulus - small, high, patchy. often in rows - dreams, intuition, future thinking
stratocumulus - low-altitude, larger elements than altocumulus, darker - protection, courage, wisdom
cirrus - many altitudes, thin, wispy strands - freedom, travel, adventure
cumulonimbus - intense vertical clouds, rain and storm producing - turmoil, difficult times, change
personally, i use clouds in sigil making (using minimalist depictions or meteorological symbols), divination (more on this soon!), visualisation, and spells where i want my intent to manifest in a productive way. i hope you can use these correspondences, and i’d love to see how you do!
if you’d like to support me and my blog, and would like a cheap tarot reading, tarot or rune bag, cute patches or custom sigils, please click here! i run this etsy as my only source of income, so it’s the only way i can pay rent and bills. thankyou dears~
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
My Spoonie Sigils 2.0
Tumblr won’t let me edit my own posts so I had to make a new version!
These are designed to supplement medication, medical care, and professional treatment. You do not have my permission to use these as a sole alternative for those methods. Please be responsible with your health. 
Dispel unwanted high energy
I have enough energy to complete tasks
Work doesn’t drain my energy so quickly
I get extra energy throughout the day
I have enough spoons to get through the day
I have enough spoons
I have the energy and motivation to take a shower
I am motivated; I go on
I have energy and motivation
I have the power to do
I find the will to keep going
My muscles are relaxed
Bye-bye back stiffness
Ease my neck pain
Ease my lower back and hip pain
My back is relaxed and free from pain
Ease my joint pain
My headache goes away
Ease my morning headaches
Ease my migraine
Ease my chest pains
Ease the pain and fatigue of EDS
Ease my fibromyalgia
My arthritis is manageable
My pain is manageable
I am able to walk (with minimal pain)
I find moments of peace from my pain
I fall asleep easily
I sleep soundly for my desired length of time
My chronic pain does not affect my sleep
I have minimal IBS symptoms
Ease my stomach ache/pains
I eat a healthy amount of nourishing food
Soothe my sore throat
Breathe easy
My blood sugars balance
My legs are steady
My focus will not falter
My joints are stable
I avoid dislocations and subluxations
Boost my immune system
Ease the unbearable itchiness/my body does not itch
I tune out my tinnitus
My injuries heal
I heal quickly
I recover swiftly from illness
Mental illness:
I can leave my home comfortably
My mental illnesses do not hinder me
Ease the anger I experience related to mental illness
My anxiety does not control me
My anxiety does not stop or limit me when speaking with others
Ease my panic attacks
My trauma does not hold me back
Brainfog begone
My mind is clear
My mind is quiet
I am grounded, and in control of my emotions + reactions
I keep rational state of mind
Balance my bipolar disorder
I can harness all hypomanic energy
OCD does not interfere with my day
My ROCD will subside
My depression will dissipate
I resist the urge to pick my skin
I keep from picking
I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes
I do not disassociate
I am verbal
I combat sensory overload and avoid meltdowns
My hypersensitivity is manageable
I combat inertia
My body manages intensive treatment
My shots are not painful
People are patient with my disability
People are patient with my dietary restrictions
Others understand and accept my illness
I attract money (without having to work)
I am able to manage my pain at work
I am able to clean and organize without pain
I have the strength to do my physiotherapy exercises
My hospital visit is productive and successful
My doctor’s appointment goes smoothly and yields helpful results
My doctors listen to and believe me
I learn to accept my illness
DONATIONS - “What is a spoonie?” [X] - Spoonie specific sigils ALWAYS open + ALWAYS free!
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
Witchy Song Suggestions
Hello Family! I am with you today to speak about some of the songs which I listen to when I am trying to manifest. I may suggest some *Some of these songs may fall into more than one category.* Feel free to add songs!
Love/Romance Magick:
Wonderful by Lianne La Havas
Serial Killer by Lana Del Rey
Lovefool by The Cardigans
Little Numbers by BOY
Love by Lana Del Rey
Romanitcise by Chelea
A Dream by Rachmaninoff - Sung by Dawn Upshaw
Morgen by Strauss - Sung by Barbara Bonney
Hey Now by London Grammar
Like I Can (Cover) by Jordan Smith
Golden Slumbers (cover) by Jennifer Hudson
Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding
Warm on a Cold Night by Honne
River Flows in You by Yiruma
L’heure Exquise by Hahn - Sung by Susan Graham
The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson
Giant Steps by John Coltrane
Red Arrow by Gem Club
Blue Skies by Ella Fitzgerald 
Long Time Ago by Trad/Copland - Sung by Nathan Gunn
Chi Il Bel Sogno from La Rondine by Puccini - Sung by Renee Fleming
Claire de Lune by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Che Gelida Manina from La Boheme by Puccini - performed by Vittorio Grigolo or Luciano Pavarotti 
Sex Magick:
Is It a Crime by Sade
I Put a Spell on You by Nina Simone
Teeth by Lady Gaga
All Night by Beyonce
Hey Now by London Grammar
Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Hummingbird Heartbeat by Katy Perry
Pillowtalk by Zayn
Do What U Want by Lady Gaga
Off to the Races by Lana Del Rey
Money Magick:
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Coca Cola by Beth Hart
Digital Witness by St. Vincent
6 Inch by Beyonce
Money Honey by Lady Gaga
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by Lady Gaga
National Anthem by Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey
Luck Magick:
Tokyo by Lianne La Havas
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
Evergreen by Yebba
Right Place, Wrong Time by Dr. John
No Roots by Alice Merton
When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing by Lana Del Rey
Nagual by Trifolia 
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae
La fille aux cheveux de lin by Debussy - perormed by Xavier de Maistre
Venus by Lady Gaga
L’heure Exquise by Hahn - sung by Susan Graham
Unstoppable by Lianne La Havas
Radio by Lana Del Rey
Bel Air by Lana Del Rey
Breaking my Heart by Lana Del Rey
Paradise Circus by Massive Attack 
Work Song by Hozier
Summer Bummer by Lana Del Rey
In My Feelings by Lana Del Rey
Brother Sparrow by Agnes Obel
Wallflower by Agnes Obel
Avenue by Agnes Obel
Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac (good cover by Karen Elson)
Up in Flames by Ruelle
Body Electric by Lana Del Rey
Circle the Drain by Katy Perry
No Roots by Alice Merton
Hit Me Like a Man by The Pretty Reckless 
Backfire by Lana Del Rey
Goodnight Moon by Shivaree
Baneful Magick (Curses and such):
Paradise Circus by Massive Attack
Wallflower by Agnes Obel
Strange Fruit sung by Nina Simone
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Power and Control by Marina and the Diamonds
Teen Idol by Marina and the Diamonds
Kill of the Night by Gin Wigmore
The Rake’s Song by The Decemberists
Humans by Sevdaliza 
No Rest for the Wicked by Lykke Li
Killing Moon by Roman Remains
Bones by Ms Mr
Limbs by Widdowspeak
Yubaba (Spirited Away Score) by Joe Hisaishi
The Raven by Alan Parsons Project
Neverland by Sisters of Mercy
Countdown by John Coltrane 
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfuly
Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde
You Know that I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse
Power Gathering: 
Death Defying Acts by Angus & Julia Stone
Django Jane by Janelle Monae
The Curse by Agnes Obel
Superpower by Beyonce
Spectrum (Song and Album) by Florence + The Machine
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Four by Miles Davis
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Retrograde by James Blake
Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
With You In My Head by UNKLE
Out Alive by Ke$ha
Ninth Gate: Vocalise performed by Diana Damrau
Sunrise by Yeasayer
Castle by Halsey
Breath of Life by Florence + the Machine
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Who You Are sung by Jordan Smith
Stevie’s Dream by Janelle Monae
Hunger by Florence + the Machine
Life Goes On by Fergie
Wonderland by Haley Reinhart 
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Alive by Sia
Unbreakable Smile by Tori Kelly
Arabesque No. 1 in E Major by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Im Here from the Color Purple 
Death Defying Acts by Angus & Julia Stone
Icarus by White Hinterland 
Love Drought by Beyonce
Twice by Little Dragon (Lianne La Havas also does a beautiful cover)
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Cranes in the Sky by Solange 
So Much More Than This by Grace Vanderwaal
Arabesque No. 1 in E Major by Debussy
La fille aux cheveux de lin by Debussy
Safe & Sound by Capital Cities
Florets by Grace VanderWaal
Sarajevo by Max Richter
Alive by Sia
Ständchen  D.957 by Schubert - Performed by Evgeny Kissin
C’est L’extase Langoureuse by Debussy - Sung By Elly Ameling
The Fire by Kina Grannis
The Bird by Duke - Sung by James Taylor
Arabesque No. 1 in E Majoy by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Fashion! (Artpop) by Lady Gaga
***Flawless by Beyonce
Bodak Yellow by Cardi B
Raining Men by The Water Girls
Sugar Pill by Kovacs
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds
Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves by Aretha Franklin
Land of Lola from Kinky Boots
Sex Is In the Heel from Kinky Boots
Screwed by Janelle Monae
I like that by Janelle Monae
Bad by Michael Jackson
Check it Out by Will.i.am & Nicki Minaj
Happiness/Just Good Vibes:
Blood (Album) by Lianne La Havas
Blue Skies by Ella Fitzgerald (or anything she sings)
Origami by Capital Cities
Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Beddingfield
Rumors (Album) by Fleetwood Mac
Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy
Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing (cover) by Tori Kelly
Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac
Happy by Pharrell 
Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man
Let’s Get Together by Beth Hart
Arabesque No. 1 in E Majoy by Debussy - Performed by Xavier de Maistre
Tightrope by Janelle Monae
I hope y’all find this useful! Feel Free to add songs! Also, email me at [email protected] for any questions, follow my YouTube @ Mojo Magick for some Magickal content, and Be Blessed! 
Mojo Magick
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
Moons of the Year
Every month has a full Moon. Ancient people assigned different names for the Moons of each month. Different cultures gave the Moon different titles to express what the Moon meant to them in the given month. Some of the Moon names make common sense, while other may make no sense at all unless you know the logic behind it.
Common name: Wolf Moon
Uncommon name: Chaste Moon - calls for cleansing and renewal as the new year begins; it is a time for starting over, washing away the past, and fresh beginnings.
Common name: Ice Moon
Uncommon name: Hunger Moon - Winter’s supplies depleted, the yearning for spring is a hunger of the soul as well as the belly.
Common name: Storm Moon
Uncommon name: Worm Moon - The thawing of the earth brings a renewal of life as the earthworms break the soil and emerge from the damp earth in the moonlight.
Common name: Hare Moon
Uncommon name: Milk Moon - The birth of animals, domestic and wild, brings forth the mother’s milk, the life-giver, and first food of man and beast.
Common name: Mead Moon
Uncommon name: Dyad Moon - The Moon of the month of Gemini, this period honors twins and the sacred marriage of the god and goddess, bringing two into one.
Common name: Hay Moon
Uncommon name: Wort Moon - Wort being an ancient word for herbs, it is the Moon for gathering of herbs, replenishing the stores of medicinal plants, and drying them in the heat of summer for the long winter to come.
Common name: Corn Moon
Uncommon name: Dispute Moon - The earth mother gives birth to bountiful harvest; with full bellies and hope for continuation, we settle our disputes and put away old anger as we look forward to the long, peaceful winter to come.
Common name: Harvest Moon
Uncommon name: Vine Moon - the Celtic Moon of exhilaration, driven by forces of work to obtain completion- of the harvest, the wine making, and insight for the future.
Common name: Blood Moon (a time of hunting)
Uncommon name: Shedding Moon - the Moon where the deer shed their antlers and begin the rut- the compelling drive to create new life that supersedes the death of winter.
Common name: Snow Moon
Uncommon name: Tree Moon - The Celtic tree months of the Reed and the Elder tree overlap with the reed representing the Moon of silence, inner workings, and strength and the elder representing the Moon of completion; the days shorten as the end of the years draws near.
Common name: Cold Moon
Uncommon name: Oak Moon - Sacred tree of the ancients, strong enough to withstand the harshest winter, renewal of the new year, straddling the old, dark year and the new light year two worlds, as the oak tree’s roots are in the dark earth and its branches are in the sky.
Source: Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
Hi Richtor! Can you please put links to sites or post to gems (quartz,crystals,stones),essential oils, and herbs's meanings? Please i need them but I want trustworthy info!😆 have a good day!
Remember to always fact check your sources - compare them to two or three others, and information that repeats can be assumed to be “correct.” Remember, also, that personal correspondences are very important. Go with what feels right to you.
Crystals and Gems
[A - Z Crystal & Mineral Information] *
[A to Z Crystal Meanings] *
[A to Z Crystal Meanings] *
[Beginner Crystals]
[Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals] *
[Crystal and Gemstone Correspondence Masterpost]
[Crystal, Stone and Gem Master Post]
[Crystal Meanings] *
[Crystal Prescriptions]
[Crystal Uses]
[Crystalpedia] *
[Crystals and Colors]
[Crystals, Gems & Metals] *
[Crystals/Stones and Their Physical and Mental Powers]
[Essential Crystal List]
[Gemstone Guide]
[Gemstone Meanings and Properties] *
[Gemstone Properties] *
[Gemstone Properties] *
[List of Stones and Crystals]
[Metaphysical Guide to the Healing Properties of Crystals] *
[Metaphysical Properties] *
[Planets & Minerals/Crystals]
[Properties of 14 Common Crystals]
[Stones, Minerals, Metals, and Crystals] *
[Ways to Use Crystals]
Crystal Safety and PSAs
[Crystal Safety]
[Crystals That Are Not Suitable for Placing in Water / Making Gem Water]
[List of Crystals and How NOT to Charge Them]
[Mineral and Crystal Safety and Care Masterpost]
[Stones and Crystals You Shouldn’t Cleanse in Salt Water]
[Stones That Are Unsafe For Ingesting or Water]
Other Crystal Information
[Charging & Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleaning, Clearing and Programming Your Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals]
[Cleansing Crystals Methods]
[Crash Course on Fake Stones / Misrepresentations]
[Crystal/Stone Cleansing Methods]
[Crystal and Stone Cuts]
[Crystal Tip: Color Correspondences]
[How To Cleanse/Charge Crystals]
[Identifying Crystal Properties By Color]
[10 Different Crystal Shapes and How to Use Them]
[Using a Wine Glass to Cleanse Crystals]
Essential Oils / Aromatherapy
[ABC of Carrier Oils]
[Aromatherapy, Memory, & Magick]
[Carrier and Vegetable Oils]
[Casting Spells Using Oils]
Distillation of Essential Oils: [Part 01]; [Part 02]
[Essential Oil Correspondences] *
[Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Basics]
[Essential Oils and Their Magickal Properties] *
[Essential Oils List and Benefits] *
[Essential Oils Masterpost]
Essential Oils Masterpost: [Part 01]; [Part 02]
[Essential Oils Uses Chart] *
[Good Essential Oil Combinations]
[The Language of Aromatherapy]
[List of Essential Oils’ Correspondences]
[Magickal Uses for Essential Oils]
[Meditating With Essential Oils]
[New to Essential Oils? Here’s How to Get Started]
[Ritual Witchcraft Oils] *
[Spiritual And Magical Properties Of Essential Oils] *
Essential Oil Safety and PSAs
[Essential Oil Safety]
[Essential Oil Safety]
[Essential Oils are Awesome Witchcraft Components! They Can Also Fucking Hurt You]
[Exploring Aromatherapy: Safety Information] *
[Oil Safety]
[Risks and Uses of Essential Oils] *
[Using Essential Oils] *
[Correspondences for Herbs] *
[Darkest of Lights Herbal Series]
[Herb & Oil Correspondences] *
[Herb Keyword Correspondences] *
[Herbal and Plant Listing By Purpose]
[Herbal Chart By Use and How to Use Them]
[Herbal Correspondences]
[Herbal Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick] *
[Herbal Index] *
[Herbal Magickal Correspondences] *
[Herblore] (tw: music autoplay)
[Herbs] (a very long and thorough list)
[Herbs and Their Uses]
[Herbs by Name & Property] *
[Herbs/Food/Plants by Purpose]
[Herbs in Magic]
[Magickal Properties of Herbs]
[Magickal Properties of Herbs, Roots, Barks, Flowers & Resins] *
[My Correspondence References]
[Plant and Herb Properties by Name Masterpost]
[Top Ten Magical Herbs]
[Ultimate List of Herbs/Plants]
Herb Safety and PSAs
[Common Toxic Herbs and their Effects]
[Herbs NOT to Be Used During Pregnancy]
[List of Poisonous Herbs]
[A Note on Herbal Remedies]
[Witchy 101: Herbal Safety & Hormones]
Other Herb Information
[A Basic Glossary of Herbalism Techniques]
[Common Substitutions In Witchcraft - Herbs and Oils]
[Drying Herbs in Your Oven]
[Harvesting Herbs]
[Herbal Code for Strange Ingredients]
[Herbal Substitutes]
[Herbal Substitutes for Magick]
[Herbs and Gardening 101: Drying]
[Herbs for Spells: Grocery Store vs. Home Grown vs. Edible Wilds] (tw: gif)
[How To: Dry Herbs]
[Plant Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing]
[Some Alternatives to Lavender]
* = external link / resource
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theawkwardaquarian · 5 years
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2019: A Little Less Bitchin’, a Lot More Witchin’ I did the Year Ahead Spread today and I’m feeling pretty good about it. Honestly, this year 1. Overview of this year: 10 of Wands 2. How to harvest inner power: 2 of Cups 3. Financial outlook: page of Wands 4. Love outlook: Page of Cups 5. Family and Friends outlook: Ace of Swords 6. Spiritual Outlook: Queen of Cups 7. January-March: 3 of Cups 8. April-June: VII Chariot 9. July-September: II The High Priestess 10. October-December : 10 of Cups 11. Biggest Obstacle: Ace of Wands 12. How to overcome that obstacle: XIX The Sun 13. Overview of the year: Knight of Cups Guys, I’m looking forward to this next year. I hope you are, too. Last year threw us way too many curveball lemons and bad hands. BUT this year, we need to work on building relationships that support and encourage us to reach higher levels of intuition and spiritual growth. Don’t forget to focus on your financial wealth, though. Now is a good enough time as any to look for ways to make money. Monetize your passions and creativity. For those in love, don’t stop looking for new ways to strengthen your relationship. For those looking for love, explore other avenues to meet people. Open up right away about your passions. Don’t be afraid to be you. Find breakthroughs in your relationships with family and friends. Let it strengthen you or teach you to let go of negative people. It’s allowed. Help others, be compassionate. Judge less and understand more. Early next year, allow yourself to celebrate even your smallest of victories and get in the habit of using your willpower and practice determination. Pay attention to your subconscious mind more often. Never feel silly or let yourself get belittled for showing your bliss. You might find it hard to find the motivation this coming year to make it a productive one, but don’t procrastinate or hesitate to take action when it’s needed. Take care of your responsibilities doubly and do not ignore opportunities, and if you’re having trouble getting yourself in gear alone, connect to people who will hold you accountable. Looks like this year is going to be full of love, opportunity, and creativity! https://www.instagram.com/p/BsACjBuFw2Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16a0zidv1t8t5
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theawkwardaquarian · 6 years
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wake me up when december ends . . . . . #monthlytarot #tarot #witchy #witchesofinstagram #witchesoftumblr #death #deathcard #steampunktarot #steampunk https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq51p_4lxQl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2dey82e6tmu0
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theawkwardaquarian · 6 years
More One Word Spells
Divimaggior - To heighten divination abilities (taken from the words divination and maggiore)
Deterlopeso - To gain determination to lose weight (taken from the words determination, lose, and peso)
Passindietro - To gain back your passions (taken from the words passion and indietro
Innamoqui - To attract a lover (taken from the words innamorato and qui)
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theawkwardaquarian · 6 years
Crystals that are NOT suitable for placing in water / making gem water
This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. :)
Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water
Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water
Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic
Azurite: Harmful
Azurite-Malachite: Harmful
Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful
Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Calomel: Possibly hazardous to health
Cerussite: Toxic
Chalcanthite: Harmful; easily soluble in water
Cinnabar: Very toxic!
Cinnabar-Opal: The cinnabar stored in the opal is toxic
Crocoite: Toxic 
Cuprite: Harmful
Durangite: Potentially toxic
Eclipse Stone: Limestone with orpiment, toxic
Eilat Stone: Harmful
Erythrite: Potentially toxic
Fiedlerite: Toxic
Fluorite, Antozonite variety: Potentially harmful
Galenite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water
Gaspeite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Greenockite: Toxic
Halite: Not toxic in small quantities, but dissolves easily in water
Iron-nickel Meteorite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Jamesonite: Potentially toxic
Lemon Chrysoprase: Potentially harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Lopezite: Very toxic! Hazardous even through skin contact
Malachite: Harmful
Millerite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Minium: Toxic
Nickeline: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact
Olivenite: Potentially toxic
Orpiment: Toxic
Proustite: Potentially toxic
Psilomelane and Pyrolusite: Harmful
Pyromorphite: Potentially toxic
Rauenthalite: Toxic
Realgar: Toxic. Store in dark, securely locked place.
Scorodite: Potentially toxic
Sphaerocobaltite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact
Stibnite: Harmful
Tetrahedrite: Potentially harmful
Ulexite: Non toxic but slightly soluble in warm water
Valentinite and Senarmontite: Harmful
Vanadinite: Toxic
Wulfentie: Potentially toxic
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theawkwardaquarian · 6 years
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This week: remember to always give back the love you take, and remember that no love is lost. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoF-J7qHP3-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1neavuiwkyslb
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