#That wholeheartedly DOES enjoy killing people as opposed to that fact being limited to when his power has gone out of control
liethrasir · 3 years
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Headcanon Free-for-all
@electricea​ asked; “ which three traits define your muse? (Silas?) “
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The three traits that most largely define Silas are easily his self-destructiveness, deceitfulness, and his cruelness. 
The former two are pretty easy to see in the way he is and the way he does things; he regularly drinks extremely large amounts of alcohol-- and I don’t mean the likes of beer or low proof things, I mean the likes of 190/189 proof Everclear-- and smokes entire packs of cigarettes that are at least at the strength level of unfiltered American Spirit cigarettes, on top of allowing himself to regularly tank fatal injuries (for a clear example being an event between Silas and Amarok, when the later decided to pick a fight and he allowed the spear Amarok is armed with to pierce him) and doing other stuff that would otherwise cripple a normal human. And then there is the fact that he has an arsenal of different facades that he can throw up for just about any situation or task that he may have set his mind on dealing with at any point in time, all of which are VERY different from his true personality at this point. Though most people don’t actually ever get to figure that out.
The last of the three is a bit different-- mainly because its not something he actively sets out to do, at least most of the time. Those who actually get to see his real personality at this point typically get hit with a dose of it, though in some sort of irony, there are times where it’s a veiled attempt at actual kindness. The large bulk of it comes from when he actually gets into combat with someone and... that is not pretty. A lot of his moves inflict a very slow and painful demise to those unlucky enough to get hit with them, and while that probably makes it seem like those are the worst ones, it’s actually some of his moves that inflict a swift death that are the cruel ones. I won’t go in depth on any of those here, due to the fact that I’m not entirely sure what people are comfortable seeing on dash and god knows things get very unpleasant with what he can do; I will say though, that it does NOT fall into the realm of being sadistic, because he doesn’t enjoy what he does.
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cxramel-cat · 5 years
POSSESSION - chapter 09
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Chapt. 01 ◾ Chapt. 02 ◾ Chapt. 03 ◾ Chapt. 04 ◾ Chapt. 05 ◾ Chapt. 06 ◾ Chapt. 07 ◾ Chapt. 08
Other links: AO3 | Wattpad 
( INJUSTICE: GOD AMONG US VERSE ) 「one minute   one life change   one decision   one action 」 ────────── ❝ Why? ❞
The question wavered through Kal’s mind. He threw away the corpse he was holding. His attention settled on the boy who had witnessed his every action. His original plan was to kill the young Bruce Wayne from existing in the future. Joe Chill was making Kal’s job easier. The man was going to do the dirty work for him.
He could change things back, to the way they were supposed to be. No deaths. No betrayal. No Batman.
"Do I have to?"
It wasn't a question. It was a demand.
Kal had a brow raised. His arms folded over his chest. His eyes threatened Diana to try and oppose him. Diana sighed at the crankiness of her lover. He had been absent at most of the meetings, spending more time with his little human. People around them had been starting to question him. Especially ever since the whole incident between Damian and Kal.
Everyone knew a fight would break out. Anything related to Bruce was enough to make Damian angry. The fact that his father's younger self was living in the same building as him— it was more than enough to set off a huge fight between Damian and Kal.
However much they quarrelled, however much Damian questioned , nobody had expected Kal to hurt Damian. The Kryptonian's emotions hadn't been stable since he'd lost his wife. Still, he'd never crossed the line and hurt someone innocent before— especially his own companions.
The first time he'd hurt Hal, everyone had accepted it without questioning much since they'd all agreed. The fact was that the Yellow Lantern had taken a step too far in his treatment of a child. He'd injured an innocent for his own pride.
But Damian was like a son towards Kal. The boy might be arrogant, he might be difficult at certain times, but Kal had never physically hurt him. They didn't know what had moved Kal to hurt a child he viewed as his son, but despite not knowing they could feel that something was changing within their leader.
"Yes, you have to." Diana's reply was final. Her tone was stern, giving no space for discussion. "Your absence has caused our soldiers to start doubting you. With the recent incidents - including Hal's broken arm and Damian's injured state, our companions are starting to wonder if you are even serious with your promise of Order. The least you should do by now, to gain back everyone's trust, is to attend the meeting."
He gave out a sigh — clearly unhappy with the decision Diana had made. "Fine," he said. "But for three days? Can't we finish the deal in one day?"
"Kal." She took a step towards him. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist. Her eyes gazed into his. "You seem extremely distressed recently. Not only does this meeting prove your claims to the others, you could consider these three days as a relief from taking care of Bruce. You've been caring for the boy every day. You must be tired." She leaned forward, pressing a kiss on his cheek. "Consider this as a short break for you. Maybe it will allow you to think more clearly. Please?"
A sense of hesitation glinted in his eyes when she moved forward to kiss him. However, Kal did not push Diana away. He felt odd. He felt insecure for an unknown reason. He was confused by his own thoughts. He loved Lois, his wife. But did he hold the same feeling towards Diana?
Or Bruce? Is that why he'd dreamed of the vigilante in his sleep?
He wanted to neutralize those toxic thoughts.
It was just so confusing and perplexing, Kal felt as if his head would explode.
He nodded stiffly. Diana seemed to be contented at his agreement. He hesitated, but his promised arrival to the meeting of Atlantians was more than enough for her.
"Well then, I will let Aquaman know about this." With that, Diana left his office. He was being left alone in the small space of the room. However, he didn't felt troubled about it. In fact, the silence was good. He found he preferred it suddenly, needed the silence to clear of his thoughts.
Perhaps she's right. Maybe I have been too tired and emotional recently. It would certainly explain why he would have such an insane dream. With that in mind, he decided to forget about the confusing feelings and his wet dream of Batman. Just like Diana said, he could take this meeting as a break from all of his chores.
Maybe, what he needed right now the most wasn't a child, but a lover to enjoy his time with.
All the same, Kal couldn't bring himself to smile at the thought.
There weren't many items he needed to prepare to leave, except for the plan of finding a babysitter for Bruce. Despite the fact that he knew Bruce was the most comfortable when he was with Alfred, Kal couldn't trust the man easily. He had limited the butler's visits with Bruce, and whenever they did meet, he made sure he was around to watch the human's every movement. So far, there was nothing Alfred had tried to do, aside from spending good quality parenting time with the child.
Thus, Kal needed to have someone he trusted to keep an eye on Bruce and Alfred, to make sure the man didn't try anything funny while he wasn't around. His choices were limited. There were only a few members of the Regime who he trusted wholeheartedly --- and Hal had already broken his trust by leaving Bruce alone in a dark room all by himself.
As he thought deeply, Kal noticed a little girl trip and fall. He was about to go down and help her when Flash arrived.
"Are you alright?" Barry's tone was gentle as he helped the girl back to her feet. Tears were brimming in the girl's eyes as she whimpered. Her knees were scraped from the fall. "Hey, don't cry." Barry cupped the girl's cheeks, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. "Give me a second." In an instant, the speedster was out of sight. Within seconds, the man was back with a first-aid kit. He brought the girl to the nearest bench as he started to treat her wounds.
Kal watched with interest. Barry was gentle with his movement as he carefully helped the child to clean her wound. And once he pasted a bandaid on the girl's scrapes, he went to the ice cream stall nearby and brought back a two-scoop cone for the girl.
In just a few minutes, the child was back on her feet, tears dried up and pain forgotten. She thanked the speedster for his help and treat before she jogged away, the ice cream cone held in her hand as a smile spread wide over her lips.
The sight made Kal wonder yet again. Why wouldn't people understand the sacrifices he had made and the effort he had given in hope for a perfect, harmless world for everyone? There were children in certain countries who had lost their smiles at a young age and struggled to live every day. With his power, Kal had cleared off all the criminals and promised a safe environment for the younger generation. So why wouldn't people see what he had done for them?
"Is there something I could help you with, Big Guy?" Once the child was out of their sight, Barry glanced over his shoulder at the figure who slowly landed down behind him.
"I'm heading off to Atlantis with Diana for a few days. I needed a babysitter for Bruce. I was thinking that maybe you could take the job." His tone was sincere. However, Barry was visibly shocked at his request. The speedster hesitated for a moment, likely remembering how Hal had gotten a broken arm during the last task of babysitting Bruce. Technically Hal dug up the troubles himself by scaring Bruce and angering Kal. Barry's nervousness betrayed how unprepared he was to meet the consequences if he would not be a good babysitter. Kal hoped he would be.
"I know the last incident that happened was because of the grudge Hal held towards Batman." As if noticing Barry's dilemma, Kal assured him. "This time, I would like to acquire you . And only you. I knew you were good with kids, Barry. And you don't seem like the type who would hold a grudge towards someone --- especially not a child. So what do you say?"
Obviously, there was no space to bargain. Kal was giving him the look, which pressured him to agree on what the Kryptonian wanted. With a sigh, Barry nodded his head.
"Fine. I'll do my best, Superman."
"When are you coming home?"
It was a surprise how quickly Bruce viewed the small space of Kal's room as his home. While Kal was glad at how easily Bruce was getting used to his life now, he felt guilty for trapping the child in such a small room. It almost felt like Bruce was a prisoner. However, it wasn't as if he could easily reveal Bruce's identity to the world. Nor did Kal trust anyone not to hurt Bruce if he allowed the boy to wander around. Maybe he would bring the child out someday. Maybe. Someday.
"I will be back as soon as possible."
The grip on his cape tightened. Kal looked over his shoulder. Bruce was biting on his lips. He stared at Kal like a broken puppy. It was obvious the child didn't like the thoughts of him not being around for three days. He appreciated the boy's desire to be with him. However, he couldn't look straight into Bruce's eyes without remembering the dream he had the night before.
He almost felt disgusted at himself by the mere thought of it.
"Be a good boy to Barry, okay?" He squatted down and hugged Bruce tightly. The boy returned his hug. Tiny fingers grasped onto his cape tightly. Bruce didn't want to let Kal go. However, he still forced himself to nod his head as he finally let go of his grip on Kal.
Kal held Bruce in his arms. He gently tossed the boy into the air, causing a light giggle to escape through Bruce's chest before he was back in his grasp. Then, he kissed Bruce on his forehead before he placed the child in Flash's arms.
"I expect you to take good care of Bruce these three days, Barry "
Kal turned on his heel and began walking away. Barry looked at the retreating figure before he looked at the boy in his arms. Bruce was watching Kal as he disappeared from view. A whimper left the child, but Barry patted him on his back.
Hopefully, a younger Bruce was going to be nothing like the boy's older self.
The first day was long and full of things to do. Thus, it was only natural to have bedtime earlier, since Bruce looked like he was about to pass out as he drew another picture with the crayons. The child let out a strained yawn as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. Barry watched, a small smile spreading across his face before he stood up from his chair and headed over to the little sleepyhead.
"I think it's about time you get to bed." He bent over, tenderly running his fingers through the boy's hair. Bruce glanced up, his eyelids drooping heavy with tiredness.
"Not sleepy." Bruce shook his head even as he turned back to his artwork.
Barry sighed. He had expected some amount of resistance. Kneeling down to Bruce's level, he spoke. "But Bruce, you can hardly keep your head up." He pointed as he placed a hand on the boy's back and rubbed soothing circles.
"I can still... wait," Bruce said as he sat up straight, only to slowly relax back into his slumped position, yawning once more.
Barry shook his head at Bruce's defiance before scooping the kid into his arms and setting him on his lap. It seemed to take the child some amount of time to register what had happened. Once he did, they were already on the bed.
"No! I'm not tired!" Bruce stated indignantly, fidgeting in the man's grasp as he tried to escape. Of course, it was a feeble endeavour and Barry barely had to hold up his end of the fight.
"Silly boy, you're absolutely exhausted. Let's go to bed." He entered the bedroom and set Bruce down on the king-sized bed -- it was already dressed in sheet and prepared for any necessities he might need at night.
"Have to wait..." Bruce announced from the bed, trying to scoot to the end and climb off. Barry caught him before he could fall and plopped the little boy right back.
"No, Bruce. It's time for bed. Let's change you in to your pajamas and get under the sheets. You need to sleep." Barry said in a stern tone. His patience was running thin as the evening wore on.
"No, wait! I have to wait!" Bruce said with a pout of frustration.
"Wait for what? What do we need to wait for?" Barry asked, wondering if getting an answer from him would put the kid to sleep faster.
"I have to wait for Kal. I don't want to sleep without him by my side."
Barry paused. He finally realized what was going on. Since Bruce was only seven, the little boy probably never had a proper sleepover before. Not to mention, after the tragic deaths of his parents, he had been living with the existence of Superman next to him. Kal-El was his emotional support. He obviously missed the adult, which made the task of luring him to sleep very difficult.
"Bruce," Barry started calmly. He gingerly laid a few fingers on the child's cheeks and tenderly tracing lines along his smooth skin. "You remember that Kal has something very important he has to do right now? He can't be here now. But he wants you to be a good boy until he gets back, alright?" He tried his best to make his voice appeared soft and compassionate as possible. However, the news was painful to hear and as soon as he finished the explanation, tears gathered at the corner of Bruce's eyes.
"But..." Bruce began, only to be interrupted by a hiccup as tears trickled down his cheeks. A knot twisted in Barry's heart and he pulled the child into his embrace, leaning his head against Barry's chest. He stroked Bruce's hair in comfort.
"Bruce, he is doing something very important right now. He won't be able to come back tonight. But you know, he misses you just as much as you do. I am sure he will be back soon. Hasn't he promised you?" He reassured vaguely, hoping the next night wouldn't be as heartbreaking for Bruce. The child clutched his tiny fists against Barry's shirt, sobbing quietly.
"He has to... he always comes back to say goodnight to me. He always reads me stories before I sleep and we make a pinky promise that he won't disappear before I wake up. He has to be here—" The little boy mumbled, sniffling meekly and burying his head deeper into the fabric. Barry lightly stroked his hair a few more times, humming a soft tune before separating the child from himself. He ran each of his thumbs underneath the child's eyes, catching the tears before they had a chance to fall.
"He can't be here tonight. But this is why I am here with you. Tonight, I will take his place of protecting you in your dreams. I promise that I won't disappear before you wake up. You can hold onto my pinky to make sure I don't walk away at night." Barry smoothed back Bruce's unruly hair, placing a kiss on his forehead, then traced his thumbs under tired eyes once more. "And when he is back, you have to give him a great big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Just to make sure he won't disappear again. Okay?" he continued with a smile, brushing his nose against Bruce's before using his fingers to tickle his belly.
The sobbing had slowly faded away, being replaced with light giggle at the ticklish feeling on his skin. He tried to wriggle out of Barry's hold, smiling as if he hadn't been crying a moment ago. Barry leaned forward to blow a raspberry on the child's belly. Bruce laughed as he attempted to struggle --- only to end up losing as Barry tickled him into submission.
He heard the cries. Kal reminded himself to push off the thoughts of Bruce in his mind. However, he still couldn't stop himself from listening to the child's moments. His laughter, his light giggles --- Kal made sure he didn't miss any of those. Which is why, upon hearing a sob from the boy, Kal had to force himself to stay in his seat instead of rushing out of Atlantis and back to Bruce.
'I have to wait for Kal.' The mere words were heartbreaking. He almost regretted his decision to come to this negotiation. There was nothing they had to negotiate about this. All Arthur needed to do was subjugate himself and his kingdom to the Regime and everything would be done. Kal shouldn't be here, listening to details he could care less about at this moment. Not even the glorious meal in front of him could brighten up his mood.
He just wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to Bruce. He wanted to collect his boy in his arms and tell him everything was okay and he was there with him. But no, he had to stay here underwater with a bunch of people who were obviously displeased with his existence
Once their dinner was finished, Diana and Kal were escorted to their room. Kal's brows furrowed at the sight of a room with only one bed presented to him and Diana. While he knew his relationship with Wonder Woman was publicly known, somehow the thought of sharing a bed with the Amazonian just didn't feel right at this moment. However, the servant who escorted them didn't seem to notice his displeasure, as she left without another word.
Diana excused herself to the bathroom. She batted her eyes at him, her hands slid past his biceps as she suggestively asked Kal to join her in the shower. He denied her with a tight smile, giving the reason of wanting to lay on the bed for a while before he went to join her.
Now, he sat on the corner of the bed. He had taken off his cape and folded it neatly before placing it on the nightstand. His boots were pulled off, setting down next to the nightstand. He didn't know what he was supposed to expect tonight. Well, maybe he had expected what to happen. And this was probably why he agreed to come to this negotiation.
He wanted to spend some alone time with Diana. He just felt like he had to prove to himself that he could still be a man. Especially after that dream about Batman giving him a blowjob.
Oh God, that dream.
He had almost forgotten about it. However, it surged back in his mind. That might have been his main reason for agreeing to Diana's request so easily. Kal needed to prove to himself that he was still a sexually healthy and heterosexual male. He had agreed on coming here and expected to share some intimate moments with Diana, just to prove to himself that he was straight. If it wasn't due to the dream, he probably would have never come here, feeling awkward and insecure to do anything.
Was it all just to prove to himself? Was it selfish and vulgar? Why did the dream bother him so much?
"Damn it..." He covered his eyes with his palm, giving out a groan. "What is wrong with me?"
To be continued.
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