#That's all i gotta say
themistymountainscold · 8 months
Imagine if Frenchie had been the one to walk in on Izzy shirtless with the candles
he'd totally trip over his own two feet 'cause he'd totally get distracted by izzy's chest, even if by this point he's seen it many times.
also izzy would not get to do any of his "basic's" frenchie's got other ideas.
stede walks in and immediately walks out.
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katelynnwrites · 2 months
Well, Korbin has screwed up. No one is going to look at her the same again
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aftermoved · 3 months
i love my oc's. :)
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boobpancakes · 5 months
ok but my mom had untreated bipolar disorder and was extremely abusive towards me and i would never take it out on another bipolar person ever it's not hard to realize everyone's experiences are unique
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tronuskip666 · 1 year
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StepRadDad again, sue me again.
I dare you.
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slipmeinyourpocket · 5 months
me if I was a detective
Yuriser and yuriser
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Wind: whose your fave?
Player: Wolfie
Wild: and after him?
Player: hmm Wolfie
Hyrule: I -
Player: did I fucking stutter?
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Hey, hey, hey, let's be fr for a moment...
Underverse Error is RADIATING faggot energy
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pinolitas · 7 months
there's a new necromanced toji figure and I think he looks so silly in gym shoes. imagine ur resurrected from the dead and they put you in the lamest fit ever
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gracegrove · 11 months
Dacre is a sturdy boy.
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
An introverts /socially awkard/capricorn's rant about Alex Turner's interview habits & how relatable they can be
People complain about how stressful it is to watch Alex's interviews and I get that - the awkward silence is a lot sometimes but like... It's so reassuring to me to see this man whose art I am a fan of and being able to relate to the way he handles himself in social situations?
It validates me so much.
I'm a pattern-lover, so of course I love to search for some correlations like - maybe it's a capricorn thing! Or an introvert thing! Because we've got those in common. Logically I'm aware though that 90% of it is probably just randomly having this one thing be similar in our lives.
Either way - I feel like I understand him in those interviews so well. That sleepy-gazing-into-the distance way he gets when someone takes their turn to answer. The losing his train of thought, long silences when he searches for the perfect words. Lord - that is me.
I can't stand not expressing my thoughts in the best, most specific way I possibly can - which is why I can never write short posts (hate that about myself. And this post is a great example!). But suddenly when it comes to talking I seem to lose the ability to find any correct words and just stumble upon sentences and lose my train of thought on the way.
I actually admire him for taking the time & not seeming too stressed about the silence it causes - because if I could that's what I'd do. But I stress too much and end up cutting the silence off with any random thought I have and then hating myself for it.
Preparing answers isn't really a solution either - because... It just doesn't seem genuine? Also if interviews/social situations like that are something he doesn't really enjoy or even stresses about I totally get not wanting to put more time and thought into than he absolutely has to.
I rember there was a time in my life where I practically rehearsed any possible scenario of public presentations and answers to questions I could get - just to not be caught off guard.
But then I started a job that required me to be in these type of situations more often. And I hated those moments so much - I would decide not to think about it until the very last minute. I told myself 'it'll be fine, I'll wing it'. And I'd show up and force myself to seem much more chilled out than I felt - hands in pockets, acting calm to the point of actually feeling sleepy. Getting distracted easily - a sort of dissociation honestly.
My interpretations of the reasons Alex is acting these ways may be completely off - but that's not really the point. We may not share the reasons, I do however share the end point of seeming like an Alex Turner-type when having to speak even semi-publicly. And the the conclusion is that I'm happy to have someone I respect sharing a maybe not-so-desirable trait. It makes it much easier to accept that about myself.
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Preacher rhett 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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kim, you fucking dork
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softshuji · 2 years
Izana is so hot
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jammielambie · 1 year
He better get to see those penguins.  
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Okay but stereotypical angel vs demon steggy au where once best friends and lovers/friends with benefits Steve and Peggy are now enemies.
Peggy who realized as she hit adulthood that she was the daughter of a demon and Steve that he was the son of an angel, are now destined to kill each other.
They tried to hide their other sides of them for so long, as their teenage friendship blossomed into love, as they went to college together, but everything took a turn for the worse when their other sides were exposed before graduation night.
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