#That's when the wish fulfillment venue just gets snapped to hell
astrxlfinale · 3 months
17 with fanon because I know the tea is going to be 15/10 ☕
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And a good morning to you there agent of chaos! I see you're immediately going for the fun pitchfork topic.
Aight! Let's break it down then. Exactly how do I angle myself with fanon?
I think my best approach (as it has a lot of on blog examples of my feelings) is how horribly misrepresented the genuine canon material is within fandom space (which often echoes obnoxiously). The classic of moniker 'if its in my hands its my world', in my opinion, just serving as an excuse for being callous. Now I'm not going to say anything about the creators of these trends, for that's just a starting spark, it's when the evolution of this trend falls into the hands of actual fan space itself that the story switches up.
Where the headcanon is taken as gospel that has to be abided by, you can only be recognized when you respect that, that right here, I believe will always serve as my core as to why I can never fully stand it. Since to be frank, in the name of the many more emotionally charged avenues 'such as XYZ character being a person's comfort character', this is where we're tearing far from the medium of storytelling/creation and having this be a confirmation or preening act to the emotions of these said fans. The lack of respectful boundary, and in fact, this is the form of behavior that gets aggressive is where it goes to high hell.
It's taken as an attack on the 'feel good' element experienced, which can range from new works, to constant confirmation by seeing folks mindfully/mindlessly come to agree.
So what ideas are people supposed to have on the authentic content as an outsider coming in? As someone who find themselves getting increasingly well versed in the contents of a series? In my mind it just becomes a road to high hell.
The series/mediums these characters come from can speak for themselves. I believe a lot more attention should be fashioned on that facet.
Now if you want me to just get plain old salty on this. LMAO. As it stands for being one of the most emotionally charged aspects for a series fanbase, shipping has singlehandedly been a PLAGUE and I can not be moved on that. As much as I adore it myself, the scale of agendas, outright attacks, harassment to actual workers of their favorites (such as VAs), and the wealth of these experiences have been a festering mark.
It's mainly how it's personal, respect is some unknown factor, and ultimately people are very willing to become some online terror to others nonsensically in the name of this act. I'm tooooooo old (I say as a 31 yr old) and tired to even remotely amuse this. Let people work to their rhythm, respect that, and find better outlets for the pettier emotions that can stem from this.
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14, 70 and john and rog. because this would literally fulfill all my dreams
bodyguard/locked in a room au
“you’re an idiot,” john sighed, reaching up to pinch at his nose. “how do you forget the password to your own safe room?”
roger shrugged, his grin slow and easy in the pale light. if john didn’t want to throttle him so much, he’d have found it almost attractive. 
“in my defense,” drawled roger. “i’ve never used it before.”
“no,” agreed john with a snort. “you just decide to give it a try on a whim.”
in roger’s defense, it wasn’t a bad panic room; john had honestly seen worse. in all his years of body-guarding the rich and famous-- which, if you’d told him five years ago he’d be the strategic bodyguard for the roger taylor, he’d have laughed in your face-- he’d seen panic rooms that were really just closets with locks, an attic room with zero air flow, and a basement room that had a broken window. this room was large, airy, and decorated. frankly, it looked ridiculously lovely, almost relaxing. there were worse places to hide out in from murderous fans.
to be clear, john was not the muscles. no, that was reserved for a mountain of a man named dirk. dirk was the brawn and john the brain, as freddie lovingly put it his first day on the job. dirk was there to protect roger should one of his millions of fans try to rip him apart in order to claim a souvenir of former boyband member turned successful solo artist roger. john was there to make sure that there was never even a reason for dirk to have to step in. 
in his first six months of service alone, john managed to stop two assault attempts, thirteen stalkers, twenty-six break ins, and five rather unfortunate cases of stolen identity. he rewired rogers mansion top to bottom, spent weeks pouring over the data of each hotel and venue he’d preformed at, and had thoroughly vetted each and every person roger could or would ever come across. he had plans a-through-z for protecting roger.
he just had none when it came to protecting roger himself.
for all that roger was beautiful and kind, sensual and talented, he was also the biggest idiot john had ever met. roger was the kind of person to 100% walk into a trap thinking it was kosher; john had lost track of how many times roger had actually walked towards a fan practically frothing at the mouth with little regard to his own safety. he left doors unlocked, he threw last minute parties with hundreds of guests that john hadn’t vetted, and he locked himself in the very panic room he’d had installed himself. 
“la croix?” asked roger, shoving a can in john’s face. pamplemousse, his favorite. “i know you can’t drink while on the job.” 
“thanks,” grunted john, taking the can and rolling it between his hands. it was chilled, still wet with condensation. he didn’t know why roger had it to begin with; roger hated grapefruit with a burning passion. once, while ridiculously hungover, he’d chucked half of one across the room, pelting his assistant, crystal, in the face. 
“pretzels? goldfish? or would you like a cup of easy mac?” roger offered, pulling back the sliding door to reveal a pantry full of food designed for children. “i had crystal stock up a month ago with nonperishables.” 
“all of those are perishable.” 
roger frowned, staring at the boxes in defeat. “even the gummy sharks? aw, man, those are my favorite!” 
sometimes, john questioned his life choices. especially when it came to roger. roger, whom john had been sleeping with for the past three months. what had started as a drunken mistake celebrating the end of roger’s world-wide tour had turned into something uncomfortably more.
even his stupid childlike obsession with gummy snacks made john’s stomach flip, and not in a disgusted way. john didn’t just want to fuck him, he wanted to hold his hand and kiss his forehead and fall asleep curled around him. he wanted to be domestic and cute and stupid together. 
but he couldn’t. 
part of his job meant sacrificing everything for roger; he needed to be unbiased and not distracted. what would happen if he missed something vital because roger was shirtless? or, could he ever forgive himself if roger were to get hurt under his watch? 
he’d have to end what they had, and soon.
“i need a pick me up. is the la croix not doing it for you? i can make you a coffee,” roger offered, pulling out a nespresso and frothing wand. “cafe con leche?” 
“what the actual fuck,” said john, suddenly taking in his surroundings. “this isn’t a panic room, this is a goddamn bunker, isn’t it? only, instead of guns and shit, you’ve filled it with scooby-do gummies and a keg.” 
roger brightened. “they make scooby-do gummies?” lifting his apple watch to his mouth, he cleared his throat before; “siri, remind me to ask phoebe to buy me scooby-do gummies.” 
john watched in dismay as his watch lit up before repeating: “alright, your majesty, i will remind you to ask phoebe to buy you scooby-do gummies.” 
“why am i in love with you?” 
john had meant for that to be nothing more than a thought, something fleeting that he could later suppress in the middle of the night when no one was around. instead, he said it aloud. like a fucking idiot.
“excuse me?” squeaked roger, eyes wide and bright. “you’re in love with me?” 
not for the first time since meeting roger, john wanted to kill him and then himself. 
“no,” snapped john, turning away and stabbing angrily at the control pad. “i didn’t say that.” 
“you did! you said you love me!”
“no, i loathe you. i loathe you and this stupid panic room, and the fact that you don’t know your own password, and--” 
“you love me!” roger crowed, coming closer.
“dirk!” john bellowed, slamming his fist on the titanium steel door. “dirk, get us out of here!”
“you love me, you want to marry me,” roger sang obnoxiously, pressing the whole length of his body against john. “tell me, deaks, do you write ‘mr. john taylor’ on your notebook? cuz i write mr. roger deacon on mine, and i think it has a nicer ring to it.” 
john had been hired to protect roger, which arguably meant that if anyone got to murder him, it would be him. he said as much.
roger pouted, eyes wide and lips full. “but if you murder me, how can we honeymoon in bali?” 
the sad part was that if john wasn’t so wounded over the fact that roger was mocking him brutally for his feelings, he’d find the look attractive. 
“fuck off,” john snarled, shoving roger back and away from him with far too much force for it to be anything but serious. startled, roger allowed himself to be shoved, collapsing in a heap onto one of the oversized beanbag chairs he unnecessarily had placed in the room. “you think this is funny? huh? you think this is a joke? we’re locked in here and you can’t stop being an asshole for one fucking second! fuck you, roger, fuck you to hell and back, you washed up piece of shit!” 
“i wish i never took this job! i wish i’d never met you! i wish you knew the fucking password so this nightmare could end, and--” 
“oh-eight-one-nine-nineteen-ninety-one,” said roger in one long breath, staring up at john, stricken. 
john paused, squinting. “what?” 
“the password,” roger repeated. “oh-eight-one-nine-nineteen-ninety-one.” 
“is that my birthday?” asked john after a beat, the wind going out of his sails. “you set your safe-room password to my birthday? wait, you remember it?” 
roger blushed, looking away. “you said it couldn’t be my birthday, but that it had to be something important. something i wouldn’t forget.” 
“....so you chose my birthday?” 
roger shrugged, chewing his lip. “I guess....i guess i might love you too? i mean, i bought you twelve cases of pamplemousse la croix because it’s your favorite drink, and i also got the velveeta mac and cheese because you once said you liked the liquid cheese better than the powder, and i made phoebe teach me how to make cafe con leche because it was all you drank in spain and the south american leg of the tour. also, i might have paid dirk to take the day off so i could accidentally get us locked in the safe-room because i know you feel uncomfortable having sex in the house where anyone could walk in on us.”
john blinked, taken aback.
“but if you want to go,” sighed roger. “that’s okay.”
“oh,” said john. then, “studies show that then package the powdered cheese comes in contains phthalate which can lower your body’s production of testosterone.” 
“that’s what you took away from that?” roger all but screeched. “I just told you i loved you and you’re talking about mac and cheese?”
“you started it!” 
“i take it back, get out of my safe room!”
“no!” shouted john. “you locked me in here! i’m staying-- take off your pants!” 
“okay,” said roger, complying. “but we’re gonna talk about this after i blow you.” 
“fine!” shouted john.
on second thought, maybe it wasn’t such a terrible job, after all. 
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Secret Studies ch.20 -Hell Cave
The Elementalist au
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 2939
Warnings: Violence
First they hid their relationship. Now they have to fight for it.
Master List (Catch up here)
 There is only going to be one, maybe two more chapters to this series. Thank you all for sticking with me :)
 Also, a special shout-out to
@dancetothestoriesinyoursoul and @drakewalkerfantasy for the brainstorming assistance!!
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Oriana’s heart was pounding, ready to jump out. She was standing completely still, unable to move a muscle in her tense body, the goosebumps travelling all over her, and she audibly gulped, unable to look away. Everything in her screamed to run, to disappear, but she stood still, frozen in place. It became difficult to breath, difficult to stand, and she could feel how her body started to fall, getting closer to the floor. It seemed hours had passed since she stood there, looking into the merciless eyes of Mrs. Harrington, unable to fight back, when in fact it was only seconds that flew by until she hit the floor with a thud.
  Beckett’s eyes widened, watching his fiancé hitting the floor. His heart dropping to the pit of his stomach, but he knows she is not ready to give up, and neither is he. He immediately went to step out from behind the column, but Shreya stopped, mouthing the words “NOT YET”.
He listened to his mother cackle coldly. “You really are quite the fighter, Jessica. I would have expected…”
“MY NAME IS ORIANA!!!! YOU KNOW THIS!!!!” Oriana shouted, starting to get up before being knocked down again by an invisible force.
“Your name is irrelevant! Haven’t you learned your lesson yet? Why do you still fight? I was positive you were finished last time, you weren’t even moving, your blood spilling all over the floor. I could barely detect your heartbeat. After ridding that ridiculous protection spell my son attached to you, I honestly have no idea how you managed to survive. My accomplice was unable to inform me. You do know Griffin Langley, yes? He has been quite helpful to my cause.”
With a snap of her fingers, Griffin suddenly reappeared, looking frightened.
Oriana gasped, and Beckett felt his blood boiling. He couldn’t believe Griffin ruined things yet again. He sold them out. His fists clenched, his knuckles white.
“Griffin? How could you do this? How could you do this to us, again??” Oriana cried.
Griffin shook his head vehemently. “I didn’t…” But then his body went rigid, as though frozen into a statue. Unable to move, unable to speak, only able to watch the events unfold before him.
“Foolish child. You really expect me to believe Griffin sent you here all by himself? He’s not clever enough to think of that. No, this has my son written all over it. BECKETT!” Mrs. Harrington barked. “Show yourself this moment!”
Pausing, Beckett nods slowly to Shreya, giving her a signal to stay there. Taking a deep breath, he came from behind the column, revealing himself to his mother.
“My only son, going behind my back and disgracing the Harrington name by frolicking about with the likes of her. She is nothing. No one! And Harrington is a respectable name. I will not allow either of you to ruin this!”
“Mother, how could…”
“Enough!” She flung him across the room and he groaned as his back hit a wall.
“NO!” Screamed Oriana, trying to stand up and get to Beckett, her eyes wide with fear. “Why are you doing this? What have I done to you to make you hate me so much?” She could feel the hot tears stinging her eyes, but she’s too stubborn to let them run down her face. She turns to Beckett, watching him struggling to stand up before falling back on the floor, groaning.
“You don’t belong here. You did not grow up around magic, your parents are dead. You’re an orphan, and orphans have no place at Penderghast.”
Oriana gaped at her. “Well, excuse my parents for dying. I see how inconvenient that must be for you.”
“HA! For having such a high academic standing, you are truly ignorant. Your parents’ death was of no inconvenience to me. And why must I repeat myself? I already explained this to you.”
“You’ve told us nothing.” Beckett spat, finally reaching Oriana’s side.
Mrs. Harrington’s eyebrows rose. “Nothing? I have explained everything to this…this heathen.” She gestured at Oriana, who was shaking her head.
“No. You didn’t.”
Beckett’s mother looked between the two young lovers before bursting into hollow laughter. “Oh. Ohhhh, oh this is truly priceless. You can’t remember the last attack, can you?”
Oriana swallowed as the woman in front of her smiled menacingly. “Allow me to refresh your memory then.”
With a flick of her wrist, Oriana was on the floor and bound again, unable to move against the hot stone beneath her. Beckett frantically tried removing the invisible ties to no avail.
“I have to admit, my son, I was extremely impressed with your protection spell. You made your mother proud. For once.” She snarled.
Beckett’s glared at her. “You choose now to finally be proud of one of my accomplishments?”
“It was a brief flash of pride. I’m disappointed you’re squandering away such power on someone as useless as her.”
“She is not…”
“Stop talking back to your mother.” She snapped. “Do I need to bind you as well?”
“Beck, stop.” Oriana told him quietly.
“Do not ever address my son as ‘Beck.’ This is not a brothel.”
“Tell me, then.” Oriana looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but disdain.
“Your mother. Your trashy, know it all, good for nothing mother. And the man that fell in love with her. Ha! Not even a man. Just a boy ruled by hormones. Much like my son is, at this very moment. This school as changed so much. The admissions are so very lax now, the professors lacking in every category. It’s a pity what has happened here.”
“Seems fine to me.” Beckett muttered under his breath.
“What does my birth mother have to do with anything?” Oriana asked, shooting Beckett a Look.
“Your parents attended college here. Did you know? Your father and I knew each other our entire lives. We were destined to be together.” A far away look appeared in Mrs. Harrington’s eyes. “We were supposed to be together. We were high school sweethearts, that turned into college lovers. That is, until your mother showed up. One day she just strolled onto the campus and laid her sights on my Jonathan.”
Oriana couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All of this, stemming from an event that happened so long ago, and by a woman she never even knew.
Beckett watched a deep scowl form on his mother’s face. “I never understood how he fell for Theia so quickly. She was talented, no question, she took my spot at the top of the class within weeks. As soon as she reached the top, Jonathan left me, and immediately began dating her. She bewitched him. Just as you have bewitched my son. Being a whore must run in the family.”
Oriana’s eyes flashed in anger. “So, you pin the sins of the mother onto the child? Does that mean Beckett should be held accountable for your actions?”
Oriana screamed as a deep gash appeared in her wrist, blood flowing freely.
“Moth…AUUGGHH!!!” Beckett cursed loudly, doubling over in his own pain. “Why?” He gasped breathlessly.
“Because you have defied me one too many times! And for this trash?? I thought I would never hear the Miller name again. But now here she is, strolling onto the campus and replacing you at the top of the class, just as her mother did years ago. The difference is, I knew what Theia was back then, and I know what Oriana is now. The Miller name will not destroy my legacy again!”
A bloodcurdling scream rang throughout the cave as multiple wounds appeared on Oriana’s body, as though she were being slashed by an invisible force repeatedly.
“STOP SCREAMING!” Mrs. Harrington bellowed, and a second later the screams were muffled, Oriana’s mouth closed shut, unable to open.
Beckett watched helplessly as his fiancé’s tears streamed down her face, matching the tears he could feel on his own. He needs to hurry, or all of this will be for nothing.
“Please stop.” He begged. “Your hurting her hurts me. I’ll do whatever you want, please”
His mother turned her cold gaze back to him. “As long as she lives, you will be in her grasp. I will not allow it. I should have finished Theia back then. I won’t make that mistake again.”
She turned her laser like focus back to Oriana, her eyes narrowing in hatred.
“Wait!” Beckett cried frantically. “Does she deserve to die? You claim to have attacked her multiple times, this whole year! You admit having attempted to murder her a week ago. But you left before she took her last breath. Will you leave her to die again? Alone? Here?”
“Her body will turn to ash by the lava. This is actually a perfect location. I should thank you, Beckett, for providing us with this venue. Perhaps it will give you some comfort to know that this time, I will not leave before her heart stops beating. I will ensure she no longer breathes. I will ensure there is no body to ever be found. To be honest, last week I was quite careless, leaving her in the library like that. I should have planned better. When Griffin told me she was in Hell Cave, I immediately knew it was your idea. Just know that I’m doing all of this for you. For us. Once Oriana has disappeared, I will set up a dinner with you and Victoria again. You will court her. Eventually, I’m sure you’ll come to love her, as I came to love your father, and our social status will never dwindle. It is a perfect match between the two of you. She is smart, but not too smart. She’s quite pretty, you’ll enjoy looking at her. And she’s more than willing to provide you full access to her body to use however you wish.”
Nausea coursed through Beckett’s veins, causing his stomach to hurdle. “You think that after watching my fiancé die, I will touch another girl?”
“Of course, I do. Men have primal needs. She’ll fulfill all of your fantasies. You like whores so much, treat her like one. Do whatever you wish. If you’re angry, abuse her. I really don’t care. But you will be together. It has already been promised.”
Oriana’s muffled screaming had subsided, and a smirk appeared on his mother’s face. “I guess someone no longer has the energy to cry.”
With another flick of her wrist, Oriana was finally able to open her mouth again, but only whimpers came out. She was pale, her eyelids heavy.
“Don’t think I didn’t catch that you called her your fiancé, either. You may as well stop calling her that, now. She’s almost gone.”
“You really do plan to kill her.” Beckett said sadly. “I don’t even know who you are. The mother I know would never have done this. You’ve always been strict, always been cold. But you love me, I know you do. You should want what’s best for me.”
For a brief moment, he saw his mother’s eyes soften. “I do want what’s best for you. And what’s best for this family. This is why Oriana must die. My killing her will ensure our legacy continues. It will ensure the best bloodlines. Say your goodbye.”
Beckett shut his eyes a brief second. They did it. They have everything they need. Taking a deep breath, he re-opened his eyes and looked directly into his mother’s.
“You’re right. It is time to say goodbye. But, not to Oriana. To you.” He heard the soft click of the video camera as Zephyr pressed the red button. Shreya stepped out from her hiding space, and bound Mrs. Harrington’s wrists together.
“What is this?” She gasped. She turned back to Beckett, leveling him with her gaze. His hands flew to his head as it felt like it was being pounded. He sank down onto the stone, still clutching his head, when he heard the faint whisper.
He tore his eyes away from his mother and turned to face Oriana. His eyes went wide with the realization that she probably didn’t have much time left before falling unconscious. Trying to ignore the throbbing pain he was feeling, he crawled over to her, his hands traveling as he healed her wounds slowly.
“I need help.” He groaned, and Zeph appeared at his side a moment later, joining in the healing.
As they worked, a bright flash appeared, and everyone was back in the thief stadium. Magical police were swarming the area, and Shreya was momentarily distracted by the commotion. The bonds containing Mrs. Harrington faltered, and with a loud shriek she launched herself at them.
Beckett watched in horror at a trail of blood starting to form across his lover’s neck. “Oh my god, stop!!!” He shouted, his hands pressed to the bleeding wound. “Ori, stay with me!! Don’t give up!”
At that precise moment, he could feel a shift in his surroundings. Paramedics were now attending Oriana’s lacerations, and his own head was no longer stinging. Shreya and Zeph gently pulling him away, so the medical personnel could take over. Finally letting himself look around, he saw his mother in a magical holding cell, unable to use her powers. Sheer emotion crashed through him, and a single tear trickled down his cheek as he made his way to his mother’s cage.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry it came to this. If you could’ve just been happy for me. If you could have seen past your hatred…I know you would have loved her. She’s so amazing. I’m your only son, why didn’t you trust me to make my own decisions and forge my own life?”
“You are no longer my son.” She responded curtly, and Beckett’s hand went over his heart, as though it had been pierced, as he took an involuntary step back.
“How can you…”
“I don’t have a son.” She repeated chillingly, and Beckett felt a shiver run down his spine. Feeling numb, he turned away, his feet carrying him to a somewhat quiet area of the field. Collapsing on the ground, he allowed himself to feel all the hurt and anguish he’d pent up inside while trying to stay strong for Oriana. He buried his face in his hands, breathing in and out, letting hot tears flow freely from his eyes where no one could see them.
“Mr. Harrington?” A voice eventually called from behind him. “Beckett Harrington?”
“Yes.” He replied sullenly. “That’s me.”
“I’m Chief Anderson. I’m afraid I need your statement.”
“You have the recording.” Beckett’s voice cracked,
“I know this is difficult. It sounds like you and Ms Miller have had quite the year. The way she described the events your mother confessed to on the tape, it’s a miracle that…”
“Wait.” Beckett cut in. “Oriana? You were able to speak to her?”
The man in front of him grinned. “Yes. She’s looking good as new.” He nodded over to where Oriana was now sitting up, conversing with Zeph and Shreya. Beckett looked back at the man in uniform.
“Sir, if I may…can we do this after…”
“Of course. Go.”
Beckett bolted to his true love’s side. “Ori!”
“Beck!” She cried out happily as he dove into her arms.
“Oh, Ori.” He began kissing her frantically before she let out a laugh and pushed him gently away.
“We did it.” She told him, cupping his face in her hands. “We really did it! We’re free of this!”
He smiled widely, before it slowly fell away as he watched his mother being led away, her head still held high.
“I love you.” Oriana’s voice drifted into his hearing.
He squeezed her hands. “I love you too. And Shreya, Zeph…thank you. We couldn’t have pulled it off without you.”
“This was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life!” Zeph exclaimed. “Spying on people is so much fun, I definitely see more of this happening in the future…”
He trailed off seeing the expressions on his friends faces. “I mean as an investigator! In the future! I’m so sorry about your mom!”
Beckett gave him a halfhearted smile and a small nod but didn’t say a word. Now that the danger was over and their lives were safe, he was becoming overwhelmed with sadness over everything his mother had done, and the fact that it was his idea that put her behind bars.
“Guys?” A quiet voice approached. The friends looked up and saw Griffin, accompanied by another officer. “I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for all of this. I should have seen the monster she was becoming…the monster I was becoming. I…I just need you to know that I didn’t tell her anything about this. I was really trying to help.”
The group stared at him a beat before Oriana finally broke the silence. “We know. Thank you.”
As he walked away with the officer, Beckett turned back to Oriana. “I still have to give my statement. But I don’t want to leave you.”
She gave him a soft kiss. “I’m not going anywhere. Just get it over with so we can all go home.”
Sighing, he turned around. “Chief Anderson? I’m ready now.”
He nodded. “Come on over here, son.”
Beckett felt like he was stabbed in the heart with those words, as he slowly went to tell the tale of how his own mother tried to murder the love of his life and didn’t even care if he was hurt in the process.
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  @annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @thequeenofcronuts @drakewalkerfantasy @friedherringclodthing @alesana45 @mfackenthal
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@feartheendlesssummer @emichelle
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-great-conjunction-jupiter-saturn-grounding-energy-for-lift-off/
The Great Conjunction, Jupiter/Saturn: GROUNDING ENERGY FOR LIFT-OFF
The Great Conjunction, Jupiter/Saturn: GROUNDING ENERGY FOR LIFT-OFF
By Ann Kreilkamp
  Note: Hold on to your hats, this is a long post!
Please keep in mind that this turbulent year’s finale will occur on Winter Solstice, December 21, the holiest day of the year, which will just so happen to feature what is known as a Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, at, guess what? 0° Aquarius!
Yes, I’d say that if we have been waiting all these decades for the Age of Aquarius to begin, it will finally ignite! But, a note of caution: electric Aquarius ramps up to warp speed only after death/rebirth Pluto itself also moves into Aquarius, in 2024. Between 2021 and 2024, expect a see-sawing between old and new: vertical, control-obsessed New World Order hierarchy vs. horizontal decentralized permacultural networking; the 1% (Capricorn) versus the 99% (Aquarius); doing things in old, stuck ways, versus using our imagination to explore and invent entirely new (and, paradoxically, ancient) ways of being and doing on planet Earth and out to the Great Beyond. For if any sign indicates space exploration, it’s Aquarius.
When studying the Great Conjunction of 1603, Joannes Kepler. thought that the Star of Bethlehem might be the occurrence of a Great Conjunction, which occurred in 7 BC.
(If so, I imagine the Star of Bethlehem included a conjunction of Mars, or maybe Venus for a short while, to give that bright spot in the sky extra punch for the Three Wise Men.)
What’s important here, is that Great Conjunctions of  Jupiter and Saturn, the two planets that function as a bridge between the individualized consciousness (short cycled planets, including Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) and the planets of the collective unconscious (Uranus, Neptune Pluto and beyond), concern the manifestation of goals, plans, structures (Saturn) that are granted extra oomph (Jupiter) during each 20 year period.
And when did the last Great Conjunction begin? May 2000. We are only a few weeks from a 20 year anniversary during this month of June 2020. And what sign was it in then? Taurus, the most earthy earth sign, fixed, security-oriented, stable, and stubborn as hell. If there is any single sign that correlates with the natural world, it is Taurus.
And how far have we come in manifesting the Taurus expression? Another way of asking that question: how far has permaculture spread and grounded itself into millions of tiny projects during these last 20 years?
More personal: how attuned are we to our own bodies, and to the Earth herself?
I sense that the recent Covid-19 phenomenon showed us just how far we are from truly fulfilling the Taurus mission of the last Great Conjunction. For most people seem to have fallen for the psy-op of FEAR — fearing both death (a natural part of the life cycle) and fearing their very own bodies! And yet, the plandemic also helped many who were formerly oblivious to realize that we do need to connect more to the natural world. How many gardens were started during the months when we weren’t supposed to leave home? How many people now realize that local food is a top priority when supply chains can snap at any minute?
Though I don’t have any articles at my fingertips, I have noticed that more and more industrial farming methods are being criticized, even by Big Ag -oriented universities like Purdue!
Even so, I do sense that most of us did not utilize this 20 year cycle to fulfill its grounding mission and so, when the next cycle begins in December, will have lost a valuable opportunity. Meanwhile,  hold that thought.
Back up to a few days ago, when, in my ongoing Recapitulation Project (to find, retype if necessary, and eventually archive on-line the entire corpus of my writing life over the past 40 years), entry #332 into my Excel spread sheet happened to be an essay called “Grounding for Lift-Off” that I published as one of a quarterly series of newsletters called Celestial Navigtions sent to astrological clients via snail mail on a subscription basis.
And guess when that essay was composed? May 2o00, during the last Great Conjunction, when Jupiter/Saturn were in Taurus. I include a selection from that essay below.
For me personally, that conjunction was extremely significant, since my own personal Moon happens to be situated at the exact same degree as that Great Conjunction: 23° Taurus.
It was during that conjunction in May 2000 that I realized I had to leave Jackson Hole. After 18 years in that magnificent wild land, I recognized that the energy there was so electric that I couldn’t energetically drive my own personal root into the ground. What that meant, I didn’t know — not then. But I told my husband Jeff, and two years later, one Mars cycle later, we moved.
If you have any planets or other important points at or near 23° of  the fixed signs —Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius — I suggest you do what I did, review what you’ve been up to since May 2000. What overall long-term project, goal, attitude, expression, etc. was initiated then and followed through over these past 20 years. Whatever it was, this will serve as the foundation for what lies ahead, starting at the next Great Conjunction at 0° Aquarius, on December 21, this year.
I suggest you do this because I did this, and was utterly astonished at the result. Ommigoddess! This little Green Acres Permaculture Village, where I now make my very grounded, stable, earth-centered home, was the result! Here are two pics from this morning.
First, the original Overhill house, where we moved when husband Jeff wanted to leave Jackson Hole for law school at Indiana University, and then died six months later, leaving me with a legacy, that I first used to create a screened porch (to say hello to neighbors passing by) and then gradually ploughed into the ongoing emergent creation of what has transformed into this little permacultural paradise on earth.
When did this very Taurean manifestation begin to fulfill itself? in 2010, with permaculture workshops to transform the lawn of the house next door, which I had just purchased. When did that commence astrologically? At the opposition between Jupiter and Saturn in this Great Conjunction cycle!
Here’s the main garden now, which feeds nine people in our three village homes plus surplus to neighbors and friends. Keep in mind that this little paradise exists smack in the middle of a suburb that looks like any other suburb, i.e., lots of grass.
Now what’s remarkable about this recent find, of the May 2000  essay called “Grounding for Liftoff,” is that retyping it spurred me to look at what I have done for the past 20 years! Whew!
Here’s a selection from that old essay. I head it up with a photo of one of our current cats, Tiger, who just happened, this morning for the first time, after a very active night hunting, to punk himself down on my desk.
BTW: the essay itself segues back and forth between Taurus and Aquarius, the new energy we will be experiencing even more powerfully in the coming 20 years. I focused on Aquarius along with Taurus then, because the two outer planets Neptune and Uranus were then transiting through Aquarius. And look how much digital acceleration we have had to undergo since the year 2000? Truly, given what’s coming up, we simply must ground and center ourselves if we don’t wish to be electrocuted and/or turned into AI transhumans by the upcoming intense Aquarian energies.
So get those permaculture paradises flourishing folks! And if you haven’t begun yet, there’s still time. Simply begin. One step at a time. Center yourself enough to attract what you need.
Here goes, the finale of that old essay. I include a link to the entire composition as a pdf below.
I speak here from a decidedly Taurus point of view. If my concentration on this subject seems extreme, it reflects the fact that May’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction took place exactly on my natal 23° Taurus Moon. Nevertheless, given the current triumphant spreading of malignant narcissistic and short-sighted values, I feel that a continued emphasis on the original natural earthy values of Taurus is needed to heal a culture that is so heady, so preoccupied with communication and transportation technologies, so bent on bloating the individual ego through money, status, things, and gambling of all kinds, including the stock market.
And I am Sagittarian, one who has for most of my life pretty much ignored my Taurus Moon. As I tried and failed not to ignore my young sons, and then, in 1972, when they were five and seven, abandoned them to the care of their narcissistic father. This most unnatural and wrenching decision shut my emotional body down. I talk about our problems as a culture because they have been my problems too. And, being Sagittarian, I both speak my truth and generalize.
In this essay, I speak from the perspective of one who has only recently — during the period spanning the two rare Taurus meetings of May 2000 — moved down into my body and pretty much stayed there. At the end of that month, during the week surrounding the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction,  I experienced the peculiar paradoxical expansion/contraction evoked by those two planets, operating together. One day I would be Saturn, feeling low, depressed, leaden, worried and frustrated about time and my goals and needing to figure everything out right now! The next day, inexplicably, I would wake up as Jupiter — expansive, optimistic, full of faith and gratitude —  for all my blessings, knowing that everything will work out perfectly in a benevolent universe which holds me in her hand like a precious child. As the days went on, these polarized moods alternated in more rapid succession, until finally they came to rest within me as an integrated circuit.
The end result, the final conclusion that I reached during this period was a recognition that I have no roots into the Earth, and that whereas I didn’t need them before, I do now. Moreover, I sense that I cannot put real roots down here, in dramatic, spectacular, rocky and extreme Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I entered this valley 18 years ago, and I thank the gorgeous wild land for confronting me to heal my addictions, and plunging me into my work. Now I long for what I thought I would never need: a closeness to children and grandchildren, a soft and gentle, more forgiving land, one which can support a more “ordinary” life.
Kneeling there in my garden during May 2000, my bare knees feeling the damp prickly ground, morning sun warming my back like a lover, I worked the mulched soil with bare hands, ears attuned to the trickle of the tiny creek, skin sensing the breeze lift individual hairs.
Ever since last August’s fixed cross solar eclipse I have been descending deeper into my own body, settling into the natural world as never before. I thank my teacher for this, who arrived in late September, at our doorstep. He was a tiny kitten then, born during that fixed cross eclipse. Now Lukas is an alert, sleek, graceful hunter and explorer of his wild territory. Through his eyes and ears and nose and skin I have been initiated into the wonders of this tiny plot of land around our yurt. He has led me to appreciate weeds as they brush against bare legs; to marvel at water skippers as they scamper across the current, each delicate leg’s placement subtly disturbing water’s surface tension. Lukas has guided me to see which trees have branches close to the ground, which do not; which one’s are close enough to leap from one to the other. I too now quiver to the choirs of birds, the slight rustle of mice, the dark s pot of spider, of buzzing bee or fly. Everything that moves is his delight and mine, the subject of intense concentration. His body and mind are one, centered deeply into the moment, moving according to internal rhythms rather than external controls. He teaches me to expand and contract in the present, and to still myself into the dreamtime where I hear my name being called. Above all, he teaches me to center into my own body as a sovereign being, beholden to no one, sensitive to my entire environment, expressive of all that is my nature as it pulses into creation.
P.S. For me, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius will occur directly opposite the midpoint of my Jupiter/Pluto in Cancer/Leo. What does that portend? I have no idea. Trust. Love. Allow the universe to breathe through me as this Great Conjunction Taurus cycle completes. Only then will the world open. Only then will we learn what is in store for us next.
I remember my own long term motto: FOLLOW YOUR NATURE, AND NATURE TAKES CARE OF YOU.
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