#beckett harrington
the-unconquered-queen · 11 months
+Intrigue🔥 this, +Desire🔥 that. Back in MY day, LIs would prepare bulleted lists of reasons why y'all should make it official
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dist4nt-shores · 1 year
choices as random text posts i have saved part 2!! (again beneath the cut because i’m nice :) )
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blades crew
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mal volari
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every choices mc & their forced li
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foreign affairs
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beckett harrington
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atlas from the elementalists
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zoey and the queen b mc
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kieran from the cursed heart
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desire and decorum mc
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renza fierro from the royal masquerade
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jake mckenzie
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continually messing up during a fight scene
part one | part two | part three
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bombomangooo · 2 months
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storyofmychoices · 8 months
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Tuneless Wonders
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC) Book: The Elementalists Word Count: >600 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings, all the fluff Prompts: @choicesjanuary2024 aurora (borealis); @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma shows Beckett that the tuneless world has magic of its own.
It has been FAR too long since I've commissioned art of these two. So I am very excited to have been able to commission this piece by the ever talented ArtByAinna (IG) to kick off our TE @choicesbookclub
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The vibrant hues of the aurora borealis painted the sky in a mesmerizing dance of celestial colors. Beckett and Emma found themselves at a secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of their friends. The ethereal lights shimmered overhead, casting a magical glow upon the landscape.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Emma teased, lacing her fingers with his as she rested her head on his shoulder. “The tuneless world has its own magic.”
Beckett couldn’t help but be captivated by the enchanting display painting the sky. “Wow,” the only word he could manage slipped quietly from his lips, his gaze fixed on the celestial wonder above.
Emma’s eyes sparkled with a blend of awe and admiration. “Nature's magic is unparalleled. Earth has her own set of spells that she blesses us with."
A surge of appreciation for a magic he had never considered before washed over him. Beckett had read of this natural event in books, of course, but he never imagined them quite like this. In his readings, it was simple. It was science, just a bit of chemistry—an interaction of particles, solar wind, and the Earth’s magnetic field—nothing special. Yet, the reality of what he thought nothing of, now, left him breathless.
Emma’s words continued to resonate with him as he stood entranced. He couldn’t deny the magnificent enchantment surrounding them. He slowly breathed in the cold air, letting it fill his lungs, the moment overwhelming him in the best way. As he exhaled, Beckett attempted to let go of the complexities of magical academia he had spent his life mastering, allowing room for this new appreciation for the tuneless wonders he never would have understood without her.
“It’s breathtaking,” he whispered, his words of reverence drifting from his lips in wisps of warmth against the cold air.
Emma’s gaze met his cool, grey eyes, which shimmered with the colors of the heavens. “Perhaps nature’s magic is the truest form. No spells, no textbooks—just the raw, untamed beauty of the world. Maybe that’s where it all started. Maybe this and other examples of Earth’s magic is the origin of all other magick we know.”
“Thank you.” His fingers brushed tenderly across her cheek as he cradled her face.
“For what?” She smiled softly.
“For sharing this with me—” he began, his gaze drifting once more to the beautiful dance above them. "—for convincing me that there are wonders and magic I still don't understand—" His words were quieter now, “—and... for being smarter than me.”
“What was that?” Emma’s brow quirked with mischief. "I couldn’t quite hear you—"
“You heard me well enough.”
She considered it for a moment. “I think I heard you say I was smarter than you—the one and only, Beckett Harrington. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She rested the back of her hand against his forehead.
He shook his head. “You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Well, if you want me to stop, you know what you have to do.” She grabbed the lapel of his navy peacoat, pulling him closer, their noses brushing together.
His freckled cheeks flushed at her gesture. “You’re impossible.” Beckett’s words were lost as he closed the gap between them. As their lips met, the warmth of her kiss seeped deep into him, a radiant glow that warmed him inside and out, like the gentle embrace of the soothing sun on a cold winters day.
The celestial lights above bore witness to their kiss, a moment of pure magic that rivaled the magic of this world and the magick of their studies.
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I haven't written Beckett in... I honestly don't know how long 2, maybe 3??? years!?! I hope that our Book Club replay of TE will inspire some more Beckett and Emma stories. So far, I really only ever wrote them in my Detention Series.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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pridebicons · 6 months
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choices pride icons
decided to make bi icons of my fav love interests from various choices books. in order: ethan ramsey (open heart), michael harrison (high school story), beckett harrington (the elementalists), trystan thorne (crimes of passion), kieran (the cursed heart), channing lowe (alpha), garrett (dirty little secrets), chris (america’s most eligible), & james (hot shot)
like/rb if using + credit
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mvalentine · 5 months
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luna mckinley & beckett harrington, the elementalists.
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dwiankus · 2 years
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That i know, which are
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corgi-cthuwu · 1 year
It's just one of those days
I'm in my delulu era
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How do you ask someone out? (ft. The Elementalists version)
The template for the meme can be found here
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agattthaa · 1 year
Look me in my eyes and tell me this isn't a Beckett Harrington behavior
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It doesn't pass a day where I don't miss him
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 11 months
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The way this game never fails to boost my ego
10 Random Favorite Screenshots from The Elementalists
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radical-ghostface · 8 months
Okay, so I'm not sure how many people in the Hogwarts Legacy fandom also indulge in an app called Choices (most specifically The Elementalists) but to those of you who are familiar, am I the only person who noticed huge similarities between Beckett Harrington and Ominis Gaunt?
They even LOOK the damn same istg
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Tell me this isn't some shit Ominis would say 💀
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storyofmychoices · 1 month
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 Detention VII.V: A Brush of Magic
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC) Book: The Elementalists (early in book one) Word Count: ~ 700 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings (grumpy/sunshine) A/N: This is part of my Detention series at the beginning of TE1 and my Stolen Moments: brushing hair back series.
Synopsis: Emma tracks down a particularly mischievous book, while Beckett gets caught in their path.
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Emma's brow knitted together in determination, her gaze narrowing on a particular mischievous edition of The Enchanted Pixie Scrolls. She tiptoed through the stacks, trying to hide in the shadows. No matter how quiet or how stealthy she was, the book swooped and twirled in the air, taunting her at every turn. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought there were actual pixies inside, laughing at her dismay. The thought lingered a moment as she considered it...it couldn't be, could it?
She shook her head, turning her attention back to her quest. It didn't really matter. The end result was the same; she needed to reshelve that book before she could leave detention for the day. Her gaze swept over the space. "Now, where did you go?"
Airy giggles floated behind her, the corner of the hard cover poking her in the back. She spun quickly, lunging toward the book. Her fingers brushed against the book's cool leather spine, but it fluttered away. "Get back here!"
She dodged left and right, avoiding other books and students, tracking the elusive book through the library. A playful smirk pulled at her lips. She shouldn't. It probably wouldn't even work... but what if it did?
Too late to turn back now.
With careful consideration, she leaped forward, a quick spell slipping from her lips as the floating books in the aisle came together, creating something resembling floating stairs. She tried not to waste time thinking about Beckett's horror if he saw her stepping on books. He was already wound so tight it might push him too far.
Each book shifted under her weight, her stride wobling under the uneven stairs; however, she was too far committed to give up now.
She lept up one more level, then jumped forward, extending her arm just as the book attempted to flit away again. "Oh, no, you don't!" This time her efforts were rewarded, and her hand clasped around the hard front cover of the book. Emma's added weight caused the book to drop...fast. Emma struggled to hold onto the book as it fought to be free. She quickly mumbled a spell, the air swirling around them, slowing but not stopping their descent.
"Watch it!" Beckett growled, trying to step to the side, but it was too late.
Emma and the book landed with a thud right on top of one Becket Harrington, his now trademark grumpy scowl growing.
"I got the book!" Emma declared proudly, lying across his ches. Her bright eyes filled with her accomplihsment as her gaze met his, not noticing how close they were.
"Good for you."
"Oh, don't pretend you're not at least a little bit impressed."
"You seem to be congratulating yourself sufficiently already."
Emma rolled her eyes as she eased herself off of him. "You don't need to say it. Your cute flushing freckled cheeks tell me all I need to know."
Despite his protest, the color only grew deeper at her words.
Emma ran her hand over his broad shoulders and chest, smoothing his blazer as he stood beside her. "There, all better. Not a hair out of—" Her words paused as she noticed a stray strand of his brown hair hanging over his forehead. Her fingers gathered the offending lock, brushing it back over his head. His hair was softer than she expected. Her fingers lingered, raking gingerly through his silky hair.
His eyes closed as he leaned into her touch. The frown on his face softened, giving way to something she might even consider a smile. The pair drifted closer, their faces only a breath away.
"Emma," her name slipped from his lips as his eyes met hers. He leaned forward, closing the gap until something smacked against their chests.
The book, still clutched in Emma's free hand, flapped between them, breaking the moment.
Beckett cleared his throat. "We should get that back where it belongs before—"
Emma cut him off before he could continue his thought. "—before you break your no-kissing rule and have to admit you like me." Her brow rose playfully.
She expected him to protest, his ears reddening, betraying his words, but he didn't. He paused before her. His cool grey eyes filled with rare openness. With careful precision, his long fingers gathered a loose curl of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Just returning the favor."
Without another word, he turned. "This way," he directed, leading them to where the book belonged.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little bit of silliness! 💖
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choicesbookclub · 6 months
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The Elementalists 2 Mini Book Club
I kinda feel bad abandoning The Elementalists completely because I know there were a few people who were looking forward to it so I've come up with an idea for a mini book club.
Choices is currently hosting a binge reading event that will continue through April 4, so if you are looking to play TE2 and earn some rewards, the next 4 days are perfect for that.
I'm keeping the book club open a week through April 8 which is the day of the Total Solar Eclipse (of which, 🤞 I will be traveling to see the totality!) and that event kinda felt fitting to close this book club.
Basically read at your own pace over the next week. Tag @choicesbookclub and #choices book club in whatever content you want related to TE2 (screenshots, fics, art, songs, moodboards, etc) and I will reblog it!
I am not planning to do any chapter specific questions or polls however, should I have time to throw some random polls up throughout the week I will.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. This was a quick last minute thought and I hope that some people will enjoy this mini book club!
Meet our TE MCs:
If you have a profile page for your MC, feel free to send it to me so I can add it to our directory.
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harringtonshoe · 8 days
guys this isnt a joke anymore i need the elemenalists back idk what’s happening to me..
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mvalentine · 5 months
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they are so incredibly cute together that it actually makes me want to gag a little <33
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