#The 33rd Team
wiersema1 · 5 months
Chicago Bears 2024 NFL Draft Preview
The 2024 NFL Draft starts on Thursday night. Here's our Chicago Bears preview with our top 9 mock draft, as well as all four Bears selections.
Chicago Bears 2024 NFL Draft Preview 2024 NFL Draft – Detroit, MI Round 1 (Thursday, April 25, 7pm), Rounds 2-3 (Friday, April 26, 6pm), Rounds 4-7 (Saturday, April 27, 11am) ‘The Writing Is On the Wall’ Has the ‘writing on the wall’ ever been more clear than this year’s #1 overall draft pick? I think we all knew the #1 pick over a year ago, maybe all the way back to the 2022 college season,…
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piink-rose · 3 months
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some recent art ♡
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melachanart · 3 months
Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog !
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Fanart by @melachanart
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pyrabluearts · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Sonic!
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Quick sketch for Sonic's 33rd Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Sonic!
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cloudyjp · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Sonic!🎉🌀🦔
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robinfrinjs · 7 months
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Always There, Women in Motorsport: The fast women of la belle époque
Women's history in motorsport is rich, and that has always been the case. Most of these stories however aren’t well known and aren’t spoken about enough. Women have always been in motorsport and always will be.
Three French women, Hélène van Zuylen, Camille du Gast, and Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart are some of the fastest women from France’s La Belle Epoque (circa 1880-1914).
In 1898 Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart (1847-1933) (also known as the Duchess of Uzes) became the first woman in France to obtain her driver’s license. While getting out of the car she announced with delight that woman had just overcome a new barrier. Not long after she also became the first to be caught speeding for which she had to pay a five franc fine.
in 1926 she founded the first female Automobile Club, L'Automobile Club féminin de France (ACFF)
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The Duchess of Uzes in 1927
Hélène van Zuylen (pictured on the cover image) was a French author but also the first woman to compete in an international auto race. Baron Etienne van Zuylen, her husband, was the President of the Automobile Club de France
She entered the 1898 Paris–Amsterdam–Paris using the nickname Snail, while her husband used the nickname Escargot. She successfully competed the trail and entered the Paris-Berlin race in 1901 but was stopped by technical failure.
That year Hélène, a lesbian, would meet Renée Vivien with whom she would have an affair. Vivien's letters to a confidant revealed that she considered herself married to Hélène. Most of Vivien's work is dedicated to "H.L.C.B.," the initials of Zuylen's first names.
Just over a decade before she died, Hélène van Zuylen created the Renée Vivien Prize, Honoring the woman she loved and intending to give encouragement to female writers.
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Hélène van Zuylen - Nouvelle Revue internationale illustrée, December 1908
Camille du Gast (1868-1942) finished 33rd (19th in class) out of 122 participants in the 1901 Paris-Berlin race. Du Gast, achieved the results despite driving her husband's 20CV Panhard-Levassor which was not designed for racing. She had to start the race in last because she was a woman. The race did mark 2 female competitors with du Gast and van Zuylen. She loved several extreme sports such as mountaineering, parachuting and frencing.
In 1902 she competed in the Paris-Vienna race and also wanted to compete in the New York-San Francisco but was refused entry because she was a woman.
In 1903 she would start the Paris-Madrid race. Which she would enter with a proper racing car, a works 5.7-litre de Dietrich car. It was a chaotic race with 207 competitors which unfortunately saw several deaths. Camille started in 29th and gained 9 positions in the first 120 km. She had climbed up to P8 before stopping to give medical aid to a fellow driver, Phil Stead (also driving a de Dietrich) involved in a near-fatal crash.
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Camille du Gast in her 30 hp De Dietrich with starting number 29 during the 1903 Paris-Madrid Race
Later one of the leading drivers at that time, Charles Jarrot said that if Camille had not stopped Stead likely would have died. After an ambulance arrived she continued the race eventually finishing 44th or 45th in the shortened race.
The French government would stop the race at Bordeaux, as over half of the field (275 cars) had either crashed or retired and several drivers and spectators had died.
Open road racing was banned, so in 1904 Camille wanted to participate in the French elimination trial for the Gordon Bennett races, as the Benz factory team offered du Gast a race seat. But the Autosport Club France (ACF) banned women from racing. Du Gast published a letter in protest but the ban was defended as the ACF could not risk a woman getting injured or killed in a racing event.
Because of this she ventured to boat racing. One of those races was caught by a big storm which saw most competitors either abandon their ship or they sank. She was rescued and later declared the winner of that race.
Eventually she had to put a halt to her adventurous life when she survived an assassination attempt by her daughter. Nothing was ever the same for her after that. From that point she devoted herself to animals. She would serve as president of the 'French Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'
NEXT UP > More female racing drivers from the early 1900s
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moonlitstoriess · 13 days
The Hidden Legacy- A Ruhn Danaan x Rhysands sister series
Chapter 3: Unseen Threads
Summary: Rhysand’s sister, Seraphis, long thought dead, was taken by the Asteri/Valgs, her memories erased and turned into a ruthless killer loyal to their cause. After Bryce kills the Asteri, Seraphis seeks vengeance on her and everyone else involved. As she hunts them down, Rhysand and the Inner Circle discover the shocking truth: she’s alive, and now their enemy.
See masterlist
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Kynesis: The instinctual drive to pursue or chase something; a primal urge to follow.
The auxiliary headquarters had never felt heavier.
Ruhn sat in the large leather chair at his desk, staring at the holo-screen in front of him. Reports, data, and communications blinked in and out, but nothing held his attention for long. A strange sense of unease had been creeping in all day, something gnawing at the back of his mind.
He leaned back, rubbing the bridge of his nose as his thoughts wandered. Things had been too calm lately, too quiet. After everything that had happened with their circle, peace felt more like a temporary pause than a lasting reality.
The sharp buzz of his commlink interrupted his thoughts, and Ruhn glanced down at it. A message flashed on the screen from Flynn, short and urgent: “Get to the briefing room. Now.”
Ruhn’s gut twisted. Something was wrong. He stood up from his chair and quickly crossed the office, weaving through the busy corridors of the auxiliary headquarters. The sharp scent of cleaning supplies mixed with the distinct hum of tech filled the air as he moved with purpose. His steps quickened, the adrenaline already starting to kick in.
When he pushed open the doors to the briefing room, he found Flynn, Declan, and the rest of the auxiliary team already gathered. Flynn’s face was tight with worry, his usual easygoing demeanor replaced by a serious expression.
“What’s going on?” Ruhn asked, feeling the tension in the room as soon as he stepped in.
Flynn glanced up, his jaw set. “We’ve got a situation. Fires—multiple, across the city. They started around the same time, and they’re spreading fast. The 33rd is stretched thin dealing with them, and we’re being called in to assist.”
Ruhn’s heart skipped a beat. Fires? That wasn’t unusual in a city this size, but… multiple? “Do we know the source?”
Declan shook his head, fingers already flying across the holo-screen to pull up maps and reports. “Not yet, but something about this doesn’t sit right. It’s too coordinated, too… sudden.”
Ruhn frowned, a familiar heaviness settling in his chest. Coordinated chaos. His mind flashed to Bryce—she’d want to get involved, no question about it. But his thoughts quickly returned to the task at hand.
“Okay, let’s move,” Ruhn ordered, pulling himself into the role of leader. “Where’s the worst hit?”
Declan brought up a map of the city, areas marked in red where the fires had erupted. “East sector, near the industrial zone. The flames are spreading toward the residential areas, and people are starting to evacuate.”
“Shit,” Ruhn muttered under his breath. “Get the gear. We’re heading there first.”
Flynn clapped him on the shoulder. “We’ve got your back.”
The drive to the site felt longer than it should have. Silence filled the vehicle, a tension building in the air. Flynn sat in the front seat, his eyes hard as he stared out the window, while Declan tapped away on his tech, scanning the updates coming in.
Ruhn’s mind raced. Fires didn’t just start on their own—not like this. His gut told him this wasn’t some accident, but deliberate. Calculated. And that thought chilled him to the bone.
When they arrived, the scene that unfolded before them was pure chaos.
Thick clouds of black smoke rose from the burning buildings, ash drifting through the air like snowflakes. People were scattered in the streets, some running, others shouting, trying to help. The acrid smell of burning wood and metal filled his lungs as they stepped out of the vehicle, the heat from the flames palpable even from a distance.
“This is bad,” Flynn muttered, his usual bravado gone.
“Yeah,” Ruhn replied, eyes scanning the horizon. The flames licked higher, threatening to devour everything in their path. There was no way this was an accident.
Grabbing his commlink, Ruhn relayed orders to the team. “Declan, check in with the 33rd. We need to know where the fire started. Flynn, help with crowd control, get these people out of here. I’ll head toward the fire and see what I can do.”
The team sprang into action. Declan immediately began communicating with the Legion while Flynn and a few others started directing civilians to safety.
As Ruhn moved toward the heart of the blaze, a knot formed in his stomach. He had no idea who or what was behind this, but he could sense that it was only the beginning.
He jogged through the thick smoke, his eyes scanning the surroundings as the heat intensified. The closer he got to the source of the fire, the clearer it became that this was no random accident.
He caught sight of the firefighters battling the flames. Their powerful hoses blasted streams of water at the burning structures, but the fire seemed almost alive, resisting every attempt to extinguish it. The heat was suffocating, and the acrid stench of burning debris clawed at his throat.
Ruhn’s commlink buzzed in his ear. “Ruhn,” Declan’s voice crackled through. “I’ve got something. The fires—they’re too spread out to be natural. This was deliberate. Coordinated. They started in different locations at the same time.”
Ruhn cursed under his breath. “Any idea who’s behind it?”
“Nothing solid yet. But I’ve got people running intel.”
As Declan spoke, Ruhn’s attention shifted to something strange. His sharp eyes caught sight of the blackened ground in a nearby alleyway. The pattern of the scorch marks—it didn’t make sense. It wasn’t random.
His gut churned. There was something about the way the flames moved, the unnatural shapes they left behind. Magic? He squinted closer at the scorch marks. They almost looked like symbols, curling and twisting in ways that set his instincts on edge.
Before he could inspect further, a loud crack erupted from a nearby building. The wooden beams supporting the structure had given way, sending burning debris crashing to the ground.
“Ruhn! Get back!” Flynn’s voice shouted from somewhere behind him, but it was too late. The flames surged forward, and the ground trembled as the building collapsed in on itself.
Ruhn’s shadows reacted on instinct, swirling up from deep inside him, wrapping him in a cocoon of protection as burning embers rained down. For a moment, all he could see was fire, the world around him consumed by chaos.
And then… silence.
The collapse was over, the building reduced to smoldering ruins.
Ruhn pushed his shadows back down, scanning the scene. The alleyway was now blocked off by a pile of debris, but something told him he had seen something important—something he needed to understand.
He tapped his commlink again. “Flynn, Declan. Pull back to my location. We need to regroup.”
“On it,” Flynn responded, his voice tight.
As Ruhn stepped away from the scene, his thoughts spiraled. The fire, the symbols, the coordinated attack—it was all connected, but he couldn’t put his finger on how. Not yet.
Back at the auxiliary headquarters, hours had passed, but the weight of the fires hung over the entire team. The blazes were under control, but the damage had already been done. As Ruhn and his team gathered around the central table, Declan projected a map of the city, highlighting the areas most affected.
“So far, no one’s claimed responsibility for the attacks,” Flynn said, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. “But with how perfectly this was executed, it’s no small-time player.”
Ruhn nodded, his mind replaying the strange symbols he’d seen earlier. Something nagged at him, something familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
“What about Bryce?” Declan asked. “She’s going to want to know what’s going on.”
“She knows,” Ruhn said, a grim smile tugging at his lips. “But we’ve got this for now. I don’t want her involved unless it gets worse.”
Declan shot him a knowing look but said nothing. Bryce never stayed out of anything for long, especially if there was danger involved.
Flynn glanced at the map again, his brow furrowed. “You think this is just the beginning?”
Ruhn didn’t answer immediately. He didn’t need to. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation—everyone in the room could feel it.
Finally, Ruhn spoke, his voice low. “Yeah. I think something bigger is coming.”
The meeting stretched late into the night as the auxiliary poured over every detail of the fires, trying to connect the dots. Maps covered the walls, and reports streamed in from all over the city. Each new piece of information only added to the growing unease in the room.
Ruhn’s mind was preoccupied, trying to make sense of the situation. The fires were too widespread, too organized to be random. The tension in the air was thick, but no one had any solid answers yet.
Flynn stood at the head of the room, pointing to a map pinned to the wall. “These aren’t random spots. Whoever did this, they knew the city. They hit places that would draw the most attention.”
“But why fires?” Declan asked, sitting across from Ruhn, flipping through the reports. “There are quicker ways to cause chaos.”
Ruhn tapped his fingers on the table, staring at the map. “It’s not just about the chaos. It feels like… a distraction. But from what?”
As if on cue, the door to the meeting room swung open, and one of their lieutenants rushed in, breathless and grim. “New intel just came in,” he said, catching everyone’s attention. “We’ve got witnesses from one of the fire sites.”
Ruhn’s attention sharpened. “Go on.”
The lieutenant stepped further into the room, his voice tense. “They said they saw someone. Couldn't identify who it is. Cloaked, moving through the crowd before the fires started.”
Ruhn exchanged a look with Flynn and Declan. A cloaked woman, in the middle of the chaos? His instincts flared with suspicion. “A cloaked figure?” he asked, his voice calm but laced with curiosity. “Did they get any details?”
The lieutenant shook his head. “Not much. Whoever it is, they kept to the shadows, and no one got a clear look at his or her face. But they were seen near more than one of the fire sites.”
Flynn rubbed his jaw. “So, either they are setting them or this individual knows something.”
“Either way,” Declan added, “they are involved.”
Ruhn felt a ripple of unease at the thought. There was no telling who this figure was or what their role in all this could be. But their presence at multiple fire sites wasn’t a coincidence.
“Find more witnesses,” Ruhn said, standing up. “We need to know more about them. Anything. I want to know where he or she went after the fires started, too.”
The lieutenant nodded and rushed out, leaving the group in a heavy silence.
Flynn let out a slow breath. “A cloaked figure and random fires? This sounds like the start of a bad story.”
Ruhn didn’t respond. His mind was turning over the details, trying to piece it all together. Who was this person? And what was he or she trying to accomplish?
For now, the answers eluded him, but something told him this wasn’t the last they’d hear of him or her.
The clock on the wall was ticking past 2 a.m., but Ruhn and his team were still going strong. The auxiliary office was quieter now, most of the lower-level members having gone home or taken over watch shifts, but the core group remained.
Ruhn stood in front of a large tactical map on the wall, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he stared at the red markers indicating each fire site. His mind churned with frustration—the fires had been extinguished hours ago, but the mystery remained unsolved.
Flynn, sitting across the table from him, pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is getting us nowhere. We’ve got a handful of burnt buildings, a few witness statements that don’t tell us much, and the appearance of some figure who slipped away before anyone could ID them.”
Declan was at his usual spot, typing away furiously at his computer, running search after search. “I’m pulling what I can from street cams and security footage, but we still don’t have a clear image of them. There’s too much interference and not enough data to go on.”
Ruhn sighed heavily, his eyes still glued to the map. There was no denying the fires had been deliberate—too well-timed, too precise. And that mysterious figure from earlier still lingered in the back of his mind. But who was this person? And why did he or she set them? The feeling that something darker was in motion gnawed at him.
Flynn leaned back in his chair. “We’ve been at this for hours, man. We’re not gonna make sense of this tonight.”
Ruhn clenched his jaw, knowing Flynn was right. The tension in his body had reached a breaking point. “Alright,” he muttered, pushing away from the map. “We’ll regroup in the morning. But keep the patrols tight. If this is the beginning of something bigger, I want eyes everywhere.”
Flynn nodded, and Declan gave a tired wave as he continued working. But Ruhn couldn’t shake the feeling that this was far from over.
The city was unnaturally quiet as Ruhn stepped out of the auxiliary building. The early hours before dawn always had an eerie stillness to them, but tonight it felt more oppressive, like the calm before a storm. The fires had been dealt with, yet something about them gnawed at the edges of his thoughts.
Ruhn zipped up his jacket against the cold breeze, his breath visible in the cool air as he began the short walk back to his apartment. The empty streets of the city felt like a stark contrast to the chaotic mess they had dealt with earlier, but there was no comfort in the silence.
He replayed the night’s events in his mind, searching for some clue he might’ve missed, something that would explain the sudden, calculated attacks. The mysterious figure Flynn mentioned was the biggest anomaly. No one had managed to get a good look at them, and they had slipped away so cleanly it was like they hadn’t been there at all.
Whoever they were, they weren't just a passerby.
As he neared his apartment, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing a message from Bryce.
Bryce: Heard about the fires. You good?
Ruhn frowned, glancing up at the quiet city around him. Bryce would no doubt dig into this just as he was, but for now, he didn’t want her getting mixed up in things before he had more information.
Ruhn: Yeah, handling it. Will update you in the morning.
He slid his phone back into his pocket and headed inside, mind still churning. Something about the unidentified individual, the fires, the precision of it all—it was all too well-planned. Too clean. He needed to figure out who was behind it, and fast.
But for now, he’d try to sleep, knowing the morning would bring more questions than answers.
The next day came far too quickly. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a faint glow on the apartment walls. Ruhn groaned as he sat up, still feeling the weight of the previous night’s work heavy on his shoulders.
He rolled out of bed, quickly getting dressed and heading out. They needed to reconvene and figure out their next move.
The city was already buzzing with activity by the time Ruhn and his team stepped outside the auxiliary headquarters in search of more signs. The fires had left a mark on the city’s landscape, and Ruhn felt the weight of the responsibility to ensure everything was under control.
He and his team—Flynn, Declan, Alex and Damon—were scouring the streets, questioning pedestrians and assessing the damage. The reports of destruction were dire, and Ruhn’s focus was to gather every bit of information that could help them piece together the events of the night before.
As they moved down a street, Ruhn noticed a small café on the corner. The place seemed to be a hub of conversation, and he figured it might be a good spot to gather more intel. He directed his team to keep an eye on the street while he approached the café, hoping to pick up any additional details from the patrons.
Just as he was about to enter the café, a woman burst through the door, moving with an urgency that caught his attention. Her hurried pace and the way she tried to avoid eye contact made something in Ruhn’s gut twist with unease.
He briefly locked eyes with her, but her face was partially obscured by the hood of her shirt. The moment was too fleeting for him to make out any distinct features before she turned sharply and hurried away.
Instinctively, Ruhn’s gaze followed her. He signaled to his team to follow. There was something about her behavior that didn’t sit right with him.
The woman moved quickly, weaving through the streets with purpose. Ruhn and his team kept a discreet distance, their steps synchronized with hers. As she darted into an alleyway, Ruhn urged his team to stay close.
In the narrow confines of the alley, Ruhn saw her stumbling and dropping something on the ground. He caught sight of a small, intricate pendant before she could recover it. Without thinking, he reached out and gripped her arm, intending to stop her.
As his fingers closed around her arm, a strange sensation coursed through him—a fleeting pulse of energy that sent a shiver up his spine. It was brief, almost like an electric current, but enough to make him pause. The woman’s startled reaction confirmed that the feeling wasn’t one-sided.
“Stop!” Ruhn commanded, his voice sharp with authority and urgency. The intensity of the moment heightened his awareness, making his heart pound.
But before he could fully grasp her, she wrenched free, slipping away into the shadows. Ruhn watched as she disappeared around a corner, his grip still tingling with the sensation of her touch.
He quickly picked up the pendant she had dropped, examining its elaborate design. It seemed out of place, adding another layer of mystery to the situation.
Ruhn turned to his team, determination etched on his face. “Keep searching. We need to find out who she is and why she was running.”
As his team resumed their search, Ruhn’s thoughts raced. The strange sensation from the woman’s touch lingered in his mind, along with the pendant’s peculiar design. He knew there was a deeper connection to the chaos that needed to be uncovered. The city might be recovering, but for Ruhn, the mystery was just beginning.
He looked back down at the pendant in his hands. Intricate patterns were etched into it's surface--familiar, yet completely alien. As his thumb traced the designs, something flickered in his memory, like the whisper of an old story he couldn't quite remember.
"What the hell is this?" he muttered to himself, turning the pendant over in his hand.
Flynn and Declan caught up to him then, their faces marked with confusion.
"Did you lose her?" Flynn asked, glancing down the alley where she had disappeared.
"She slipped away," Ruhn replied, his voice edged with frustration. "But not before she dropped this." He held up the pendant, watching as his friends' expressions shifted from curiosity to concern.
"That's not local," Declan said immediately, his sharp eyes studying the pendant. "I've seen a lot of old artifacts in the archives--this doesn't match anything we've come across."
Flynn frowned, his gaze flicking between the pendant and Ruhn "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking we need answers," Ruhn replied, pocketing the pendant. "Whatever that thing is...it's connected to her. And I don't think she's just some random personpassing through the city."
Bryce's voice crackled through their comms. "What's going on? You guys are off the grid."
Ruhn pressed the device to his ear, his mind still buzzing. "We might've stumbled onto something bigger than we thought."
"Bigger how?" Bryce sounded intrigued, though there was a hint of weariness in her tone--likely from dealing with the fallout of the night's attack.
"I'll explain later. We're heading back."
Three hours later, back at the apartment, the entire group gathered in the lounge--Bryce, Hunt, Ithan, Baxian and Ruhn. The atmosphere was tense, everyone still on edge from the attack the previous night.
Ruhn set the pendant down on the coffee table, the strange silver gleaming under the lights.
"This is what she dropped," Ruhn began, his voice steady but his mind still racing. "I don't know who she is, but I'm sure as hell that she's not from around here.And this pendant, it's tied to something. Something big."
Bryce leaned in, her fingers brushing over the intricate design. "This looks old. Like really old." Her brow furrowed "I've never seen anything like this, and I've come across a lot of ancient shit."
Hunt crossed his arms, his wings twitching slightly. "Do you think she's involved with the attack? Coordinating something behind the scenes?"
"I don't know," Ruhn admitted. "But whatever she's up to, she is not someone we should underestimate."
Baxian leaned against his chair. "I will let Isaiah know of this new discovery."
Bryce exchanged a glance with her mate before looking back at Ruhn. "We need to find out what this symbol means. I'll reach out to some people, see if they know anything."
Ruhn rubbed his temples as the group fell into a thoughtful silence, the pendant lying on the coffee table between them, gleaming in the low light of the apartment. Bryce paced back and forth, deep in thought, while Ithan leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his eyes occasionally flicking towards the mysterious object.
“None of this makes any sense,” Bryce finally muttered. “If this pendant is as old as it looks, why was it dropped during last night’s attack? And why now?”
“Maybe it was an accident,” Ithan suggested. “Whoever was running from you, Ruhn, wasn’t planning on being chased.”
Ruhn shook his head. “No. This wasn’t just some random person. There was something… familiar about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.” He hadn’t shared everything he felt during that brief contact—how a strange pulse of energy surged through him when he grabbed her arm. It had been… unsettling.
As the room fell into another tense silence, there was a knock on the door. Everyone froze, their gazes darting towards it.
“Expecting someone?” Ithan asked, already pushing off the wall.
Bryce frowned. “No.”
Ruhn rose, his hand instinctively going to the knife at his side as he approached the door. He glanced back at the group, Bryce nodding once to signal her readiness, her fingers twitching with power just beneath the surface.
Ruhn opened the door, revealing Flynn standing there, looking slightly out of breath. He wasn’t alone. Beside him was Declan, their expressions serious.
“Sorry to barge in,” Flynn started, walking into the apartment without being invited. “But we’ve got news, and it’s not good.”
Bryce crossed her arms. “What is it?”
Flynn exchanged a look with Declan before he spoke again. “One of our sources just reached out. They’ve been tracking unusual magical activity, and… well, we think we’ve found another connection to the attacks. Something about a powerful ward being broken last night.”
“A ward?” Ruhn asked, brow furrowing.
Flynn nodded. “Yeah, and it gets worse. They couldn’t pinpoint the exact location, but they’re sure it’s tied to that pendant.”
Ruhn’s gaze flicked back to the pendant on the table. The room seemed to grow colder, the air heavier with the weight of this new revelation.
“We need to get moving,” Flynn added. “Our source said this ward was ancient—something that hasn’t been touched in centuries.”
“Then whoever dropped this pendant wasn’t just fleeing the scene,” Declan said, his eyes scanning the group. “They were trying to hide something, maybe even protect themselves from being found.”
Bryce’s expression hardened. “Do we have any leads on where this ward was located?”
Flynn hesitated. “Not yet, but our source is working on it. We figured we’d regroup here and go from there.”
Ruhn’s mind was racing. The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that the woman he had chased was tied to all of this. And now this pendant wasn’t just some lost trinket; it was a piece of something much larger.
He looked over at Bryce. “We need to move quickly. If this ward was protecting something dangerous, we can’t let it get out of control.”
“Agreed,” Bryce said, glancing at the others. “We split up. Flynn, you and Declan go follow up with your source. Ithan, stay here and keep an eye on things. Hunt and Baxian, you go to the 33rd. See if they have any updates. Ruhn and I will check out the location where you found that woman.”
Ruhn nodded, but a chill crept up his spine. The feeling that something bigger was at play, something none of them were ready for, wouldn’t leave him. And as he grabbed his jacket and prepared to head back out into the streets, his mind wandered to the pendant once more.
What had been unleashed?
The streets outside were eerily quiet as they moved toward the alley, where the pendant had been found. Bryce’s eyes swept the surroundings, alert to any sign of danger. But Ruhn’s mind was elsewhere—on the woman who had dropped the pendant. She wasn’t just another enemy; she was something far more dangerous.
The air seemed to grow heavier as they approached the alley, the energy around them shifting. It was subtle at first—a slight flicker of movement, a ripple in the world around them, as if reality itself was bending under unseen pressure.
“This is where she was,” Ruhn murmured, his voice low as he stopped in front of the darkened alley. His grip tightened on the pendant in his pocket, a deep sense of unease settling over him.
Bryce looked at him, her brow furrowed. “Whatever we’re dealing with, it’s not just some random magic. This is something bigger.”
Ruhn nodded, but before he could respond, the very air around them seemed to still. The night grew unnaturally quiet, the world itself frozen in place. Bryce stopped mid-step, her expression frozen in time—her body unmoving, her breathing halted.
Everything stopped.
Ruhn felt a strange pressure weigh down on him, an invisible force binding him in place. His muscles refused to respond, his body stuck in a frozen position. It was as if time itself had ceased to exist, the world around him locked in a moment.
And then he saw her.
Out of the shimmering stillness, That woman stepped into view. Her cloak was gone, revealing her completely. She moved with an unhurried grace, her movements smooth and fluid, as if she alone controlled the flow of time.
Ruhn’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes met hers—an unnatural shade of violet, like molten amethyst glowing in the dim light of the alley. Her face was a vision of ethereal beauty, but not the kind that drew you in with warmth. No, her beauty was dangerous, sharp, like a blade designed to cut, to wound. Her high cheekbones, flawless skin, and the intense, almost otherworldly look in her eyes sent a shiver through him. And her ears...so she was a female, not a woman.
He’d seen plenty of powerful beings, creatures with ancient magic that thrummed in their veins, but there was something about her—something that went beyond mere beauty. She was unnatural, ethereal, and that only added to the power she exuded.
His heart thundered in his chest as he found himself unable to look away. Every detail seemed to sharpen, every second stretched as his mind struggled to process what was happening. He was stuck, time frozen, and yet in this moment, all that mattered was her.
And then she moved closer.
The female walked through the frozen world as if she owned it, her steps soft but deliberate. She didn’t rush, didn’t panic. She moved with the confidence of someone who knew she was untouchable. Ruhn’s gaze followed her, his mind a whirlwind of questions. Who is she? Why does she feel… different?
With each step, her beauty grew more haunting, her presence more overwhelming. And he noticed the smallest details—her long, dark hair framing her face, the way her eyes seemed to catch every bit of light, glinting with some hidden knowledge, some secret she carried that the world didn’t know.
When she finally reached him, her fingers lightly brushed his hand. The pendant, the one she had dropped, was still in his grasp. Her touch was cold, sending a sharp jolt up his arm, and his entire body felt like it had been set ablaze by that brief connection. It was as if her touch pulled something out of him, something primal, something deep.
She leaned in slightly, her gaze briefly flicking down to the pendant before locking back onto his. In the frozen stillness, their eyes locked again, and for a moment—just a moment—Ruhn swore he saw a flicker of something in her gaze. Recognition? Curiosity? He couldn’t tell.
But then she spoke, her voice a whisper, low and melodic, yet edged with danger. “This belongs to me.”
His breath hitched. There was something intimate in that moment, something that crawled under his skin and stayed there, gnawing at him. She took the pendant from his hand slowly, her fingers lingering just a fraction too long against his.
And then, with a single blink, she was gone.
Time resumed its flow, the world around him suddenly jolting back to life. Bryce gasped beside him, blinking rapidly as if shaking off a dream.
“Ruhn?” Bryce’s voice sounded distant, her eyes wide as she scanned the street.
But Ruhn couldn’t respond. His heart pounded in his chest, and his gaze was still locked on the spot where she had disappeared, the strange sensation of her touch still lingering on his skin.
“Who the hell was that?” Bryce muttered, scanning the area in confusion, her brow furrowed.
Ruhn didn’t answer immediately. His mind was still reeling, trying to process what had just happened. His pulse was still racing from the intensity of that moment, from the look in her eyes that had been so piercing, so knowing.
“Whoever she is… she’s not done with us,” Ruhn finally said, his voice low.
Bryce shot him a confused look, clearly not understanding the full weight of what had just occurred. But Ruhn felt it—deep in his bones. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
The pendant had been a symbol, a connection. But it wasn’t just about the object anymore. It was about her. Whoever she was, whatever power she wielded… it was only the beginning.
And something told Ruhn that the next time they met, it wouldn’t be so brief—or so one-sided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taglist: @annamariereads16 @tooexhaustedsstuff @a-frog-with-a-laptop @cassie-at-college-blog @itsinherited @anuttellaa
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gavisfanta · 8 months
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summary: 2023 supercopa and 2024 Supercopa for you and Gavi.
warnings: none
"We need you today."
Xavi pets Gavis shoulder as he walks past him, Gavi inhales sharply while he follows the others out onto the field.
Today was the Supercopa final Barcelona against Real Madrid. Barcelona was prepared, and so were you, looking at Gavi proudly from the stands.
As he looked towards you, you couldn't help but smile, he just had to give his best today. And soon he also proved that he is able to.
In the 33rd minute Gavi scored with an assist from Lewandowski, you jumped up and cheered for him in excitement as you watched him celebrate with his teammates. In the 45th minute he assisted Lewandowski the second goal for Barcelona.
You stood up immediately, clapping while wearing a huge grin on your face.
After halftime Lewandowski then assisted Pedri to Barcelonas third goal. You jumped up again, celebrating as the crowd has gone wild.
After the game has ended Barcelona got handed the trophy and you looked at Gavi proudly.
After that you were also allowed to go to the field and you immediately ran into Gavis arms.
"I'm so proud of you!" You said loudly and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Thank you for being here for me." Gavi smiled as he didn't even want to let you go at that point.
Everything around you eas just filled with pure happiness, Barcelonas players and their families celebrating the win of another trophy. It felt like this was the perfect moment from the movies.
You then smiled as you kissed Gavi on the lips and then pulled away again.
"We needed you today."
Pedri says throught the phone, his voice sounded so hurt that Gavi didn't even want to listen to him.
"I'll be back soon." Gavi mumbled into the phone and you put your hand on his tight and ran circles into his flesh with your thumb.
You two were watching the Clasico from the couch since Gavi didn't want to travel all the way to Saudi Arabia.
"It was horrible," Pedri said again and Gavi looked down on your hand on his leg, he put his hand over yours and squeezed it gently.
"I can imagine, it wasn't entirely fair too, hm?" Gavi asks.
"Yeah, cant tell me shit, that wasn't a penalty." Pedris voice changed to anger and for a second you zoned out.
Gavi has told you before the game that they were going to lose, as much as he hated to admit it, the team just wasn't at the level it should be for a clasico.
"Gavi I'll call you later, Xavi wants to talk to us." Pedri then pulled you out of your thoughts again.
"Okay, bye." Gavi mumbled and pushed the red button on the phone screen.
You looked up at him with a sad face as turned off his phone and put it down next to himself.
"I should have been there." Gavi threw his head back as he covered his face with his hand.
"It's not your fault." You patted his leg and looked at him mess up his hair, he looked cute like that and that made you smile softly.
"I hate injuries." Gavi noticed, he took your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours as you watched the commentators go on about how amazing Real Madrid played.
Gavi and you stared at the tv for a couple of minutes, Gavi only got angrier with every word those people said.
"Real Madrid did really humble Barcelona today, losing 4-1 in a final isn't easy on them." One of the two men said and Gavi gritted his testh together.
"Well the absence of Gavi, Ter Stegen, Cancelo and other players was visible, I feel like Xavi couldn't find the right balance." the other man said and then he nodded his head.
"Vinicius Junior would have probably gone past them." The first man laughed and Gavi was boiling with anger right now.
How did they dare to talk about him like that. If he would have been there the outcome of the game would have been diffrent.
Gavi also noticed that ever since he was gone, things just didn't work out like they used to. That not only gave him confidence but a motivation to recover faster.
His only worry was that, what if he will never be as good as he used to be. He didn't want to risk being injured again, he didn't want to end up like Pedri.
As he focused on the television again he couldn't listen to those people anymore.
"Can you turn off this shit please?" Gavi asked, raising his voice a bit, you nodded your head while walking over to the coffee table and grabbing the remote. You pressed the red button and then turned around to Gavi again.
"Do you want to go to bed?" You asked. You sensed that he was feeling low, of course he was, seeing his own team get beaten 4-1 in a finale wasn't easy, it wasn't easy for you either.
In response he just nodded his head, you walked over to him and handed him his crutches.
He walked up the stairs while you walked behind him, he was slow but faster than a month ago, that meant process.
As you two got ready for bed and you finally slipped under the covers next to him he turned to look at you.
"Thank you for being here for me." Gavi whispered as he pushed a strand of hair out of your face and caressed your cheek with his thumb.
"Where did that come from?" You asked, a bit confused to why he told you that now.
"Well you were with me when I won that throphy, and you stayed when I lost that throphy and was at home because of an injury." Gavi explained snd you couldn't help but smile as you leaned closer to him and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips.
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spiritofrainbursts · 3 months
I Still Fall for You (Like Suns do for Skies)
Cerulean Pouring in from your eyes
Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful I feel so small But so alive
Like watching the Earthrise
> Earthrise by Starset
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“Sh-shadow...Shadow was the comet and I...I was always the sun."
> Sonic from I Still Fall for You (Like Suns do for Skies), a @sthbigbang 2024 exclusive fanfic by @sweetredbeans
Additional content by @encodedkismet
and the spectacular @superemeralds
Backdrops created by yours truly @spiritofrainbursts
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Happy Pride Month and have a wonderful 33rd Sonicversary to one and all from yours truly, Rayne! 🌈💖 I'll post an update as well as provide my full thoughts on my teams works momentarily. As for everyone else who participated I look forward to checking our your work when I can ☺️
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wordsbyrian · 1 year
Comeback Day - Alexia x Reader
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Summary: This is the fic that I said I would write instead of the angst because Alexia made her return to the field.
A/N: Honestly, I'm just glad I finished this.
Today is the day.
10 months ago, 303 days to be exact, your girlfriend tore her ACL and was forced to stop playing football while she recovered. And today, she would be making her return to the pitch.
Even though she isn’t starting, everyone knows it will come eventually. And there’s no better day for it to come than today.
The day when your team could clinch the league title for the 4th straight year. At home in front of a sold-out Johan.
It will be perfect.
The only thing that would make it more perfect is if you were able to be on the field with her. And while you would technically be available off the bench, you and Jonatan had agreed that after being on the wrong end of a few hard tackles during the Chelsea game, it was better if you were only used in case of an emergency today.
So it’s the bench at El Johan for you, alongside your other teammates who would be sitting the majority of this one out.
Unfortunately for them, this means that they have to sit and deal with all the energy rolling off you in huge waves.
And Aitana in particular isn’t handling it very well.
“For the love of god,” she practically shouts, using her hand to stop your shaking leg, “Will you cut it out?”
“I can’t help it,” you whine, your right leg immediately picking up where the left one left off.
“How do you even have so much energy,” Irene asks, sending the midfielder a glare. “And even though Aitana was being mean, I really need you to stop with the leg.”
“I almost always have this much energy on the bench,” you tell them, “Besides I didn’t really warm up today because Coach told me not to bother.”
“It’s true,” Asisat says from in front of you all, “You guys just never notice because all 3 of you are rarely on the bench at the same time. Normally, I’d tell you that she’ll calm down eventually but she probably won’t.”
Asisat’s words catch the attention of your girlfriend who had been having her own conversation with Mapi.
“Estas bien cariño,” she asks, turning to face you, eyes softening slightly from the focus she always gets when near the pitch.
“Si, Ale, estoy bien.”
You can tell she doesn’t believe you but there isn’t time for her to question you on your half-truth because El Cant begins to play as the starting lineups make their way onto the pitch.
Luckily, your extra nerves all but disappear once the game gets underway. You’re left with your normal ones though, the ones you have from being a control freak in a way that has to be genetic.
That being said, you spend most of the game on the edge of your seat.
In the 10th minute, when Bruna collides with Huelva’s goalkeeper, Mersnik, clutching her head, you’re the first to your feet, wringing your hands when the ref doesn’t immediately stop play. You only start breathing again when your young teammate is back on her feet.
You laugh at the look on Jana’s face when she gets her yellow in the 33rd.
Then when Laia smashes one into the net in the 39th, you spring to your feet so fast you almost launch yourself into Mapi, who took a moment to realize that the ball had even crossed the line.
By the time halftime comes you’re mostly calmed down, although now all your energy is being put into ruffling Laia’s hair as you make your way back to the locker room.
“Lia,” you tell her, not releasing the headlock you have her in, “If you keep that up Jona is gonna make you play up front with me.”
“I don’t want that,” Laia says, trying to escape your grasp.
“I can see it now, me, you, and Caro, running up top. Of course, you’d be the CF in this scenario but I think it’d be an easy switch for you.”
The two of you continue in this manner as you make your way down the hallway, your teammates laughing as they pass by tapping Laia on the shoulder.
Inside the locker room, the first 5 minutes are spent discussing what you saw as a team and how those on the field could take advantage of Huelva's mistakes. You spend the next 5 with Salma and Bruna advising them on how they can better expose Huelva’s backline, especially Carolina and Romero.
At the 10-minute mark, Jonatan comes in and gives a tactics talk. It’s largely a repeat of what he said at the start of the game but you know it’s important for the younger players to be reminded of the game plan, lest they lose sight of the goal. 
So you hang back with Mapi, whispering jokes until both Jona and Alexia send you glares immediately shutting you up.
When the break is over, you hang back hoping to be able to speak with Alexia who has a habit of being the last one out.
It works.
“Alexia,” you say, grabbing her by the hand when she doesn’t immediately turn to face you. “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Right now,” she asks, confusion obvious on her face. “We have to go back out.”
“It won’t take long, I promise.”
“Take a deep breath,” you tell her.
“A deep breath, mi amor, I need you to take one before you make your head explode.”
Your girlfriend continues to stare at you skeptically but eventually, she does what you ask, taking a shaky breath, holding it, and then letting it out.
Then she does it again, surprising you when she grips your hand tightly, releasing it in time with her breath.
“Better, right,” you say, not asking her. When you get a nod in response, you lean forward pressing a kiss to her hairline, and speak again. “T’estimo, you can do this. Now, let’s go, I’m pretty sure we’ve got a trophy to win, Capitana.”
You punctuate your words with another kiss on her forehead before taking a step away from her and beginning to make your way out of the locker room.
“Hey,” she calls after you, continuing when you stop, “I love you too.”
Once the two of you make it back out to the bench you get a glare from multiple members of the training staff, and some teasing from your teammates who immediately quiet down when you both send them glares of your own.
The second half of the game is very similar to the first in that your team continues to control the pace of the game.
Then in the 63rd minute, you watch as Ingrid sends in a square pass over to Jana who takes one touch before shooting on goal. And it’s a powerful shot too, one that rockets into the upper right corner and past the keeper.
Seeing this, you shoot to your feet so fast that you nearly fall directly into Mapi again. Only this time you’re stopped because Irene manages to grab you by the back of your shirt.
The most entertaining part of the half is easily the way the crowd cheers anytime Alexia moves to warm up.
They only get louder when she begins receiving tactical instruction from a member of the staff.
Then when the time finally comes, when the fourth official holds up her sign in the 74th minute indicating that #6 Pina will leave the field so that #11 Putellas can come on. Well, it gets so loud that for a moment you think you’re in Camp Nou instead of El Johan.
It’s amazing.
The final 16 minutes of the game are some of the best you’ve ever seen while sitting on the bench, though that might be the bias from being able to see the woman you love return to doing what she loves.
The goal by Asisat in the 89th is just the icing on the cake.
When the final whistle blows, the stadium explodes with noise again, and you and the rest of your teammates rush to join the 11 on the pitch.
The thing about winning your fourth straight league title is that it feels just as good as winning the first one. In fact, it probably feels better than winning the first one.
And just like with every post-game celebration, it all seems to be a blur.
You remember Alexia carrying the trophy onto the field.
You definitely remember her singing, never thought you'd see that outside of her apartment much less in front of a sold-out Johan.
Then there was Mapi walking off with someone’s son under her arm and Pina forcing you to carry her piggyback style up and down the field in front of the fans.
It isn’t until you’re at team dinner that the adrenaline begins to wear off, for you at least.
The rest of your teammates, especially the younger ones, however, are still pretty hyped up.
It makes you feel a little bad for the wait staff since they have to deal with a bunch of rowdy footballers.
Currently, you’re sitting next to Alexia, her hand on your thigh, while you listen to Bruna and Jana tell you some very complicated story about what they did on your most recent day off.
“Then the guy tries to claim that he can get us into the VIP section, so we follow him over there, wanting to see him embarrass himself,” Bruna says, pausing so Jana can continue the story.
“Yea, so we follow him over,” Jana repeats, gesturing wildly. “And guess who we see sitting there looking like the life of the party? None other than Pina and Patri.”
“And Patri’s girlfriend and her friends.”
“Yea! So we get to the ropes and Pina looks up and starts freaking out. Meanwhile, he’s trying and failing to convince the security dude to let him in.”
“Then Pin comes rushing over,” Bruna cuts back in, “Still freaking out and she ushers us in, leaving him standing there mouth gaping.”
You’re sure the look on your face is comical as you sit there stunned.
After a few seconds, you manage to get it together enough to ask, “Did he think you two were sisters?”
Now it’s their turn to pause for a moment but eventually, both nod making you burst out in laughter.
“Why are you laughing so hard,” Bruna asks, making you laugh impossibly harder, gaining the attention of a few of those around you. “It’s not that funny!”
By the time you stop laughing the whole team is staring at you.
Alexia has taken her hand off your thigh and placid it on your back, you having hunched yourself over in the process.
Trying to catch your breath, you can hear Mapi asking who broke you from one side of the table and Paños making a smart-ass comment on the other.
“Y/N asked if a guy at the club thought Bruna and I were sisters and when we said yes, she just started laughing,” Jana says.
A couple of your teammates laugh at the explanation, mostly the older ones. The younger ones are too busy being confused. 
“Ah, pobrecitas,” your girlfriend says, “he was trying to get both of you to sleep with him.”
Hearing Alexia say it plainly like that sets you off again.
Unfortunately, Jana and Bruna don’t find it as funny as you do and they both sit there with horrified expressions that make you place your forehead back onto the table.
Your bout of laughter is cut short when you hear Ale speaking again.
“Ignore this bufona,” she says, “It’s happened to me and Alba more than a couple of times.”
You don’t get an answer.
Later that night, after dinner, and once you and Alexia have returned to your apartment and have gotten ready for bed, you feel completely relaxed for the first time in days.
So relaxed, that when Alexia crawls into bed beside you, you immediately roll into her side and bury your face in the crook of her neck.
Just as you begin to drift off, the process being sped up by the feeling of Ale’s fingers running up and down your spine, you hear her whisper your name.
“Y/N/N, amor, are you awake?”
“Que pasa,” you ask, speaking directly into her neck.
“Thank you. For earlier. I really needed it.”
Her voice is soft like she doesn’t want to admit that she was nervous earlier, so you sit up to look her in the eyes.
“Hey,” you say, “Me and you, this is forever. So, I’m always going to do whatever I can to have your back. Besides, I might have needed that moment a little more than you did.”
“Well, you’re always a bit anxious in general.”
“I think I controlled it pretty well today.”
“You didn’t,” Alexia says, pulling you back down. “Aitana almost killed you but everything turned out fine.”
“Well, I wanted everything to go perfectly for you, mi reina, so I couldn’t help but be nervous.”
Now that your face is back to being in its preferred nighttime hiding place, you can feel the way her neck immediately heats up.
“It was perfect, best day ever,” she says, kissing your head much like you did to her earlier.
You just hum in response and a moment later you feel her fingers resume their path trailing up and down your back, lulling you to sleep.
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ofthin · 2 months
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MEDUSA are a four member girl group consisting of members Choi Gain, Son Jiyeon, Yu Chaerin and Hirono Ikumi, better known by her stage name, Hero. The group was put together by Valentine Records in 2018, when fourteen trainees were selected from a pool of fifty to be sorted into three debut teams. Dubbed Debut Team B, the five girls to be selected for the girl group prepared alongside their to-be brother groups Tarot and Sour Candy for two years. Medusa were second to make their debut in late 2020, following several delays necessitated by the abrupt departure of former member Zhang Shiyu, who was unceremoniously dropped by Valentine after being photographed on several dates with fellow trainee Jung Jumin just days after the announcement of their planned debut date. Despite their rocky beginnings, the group debuted to a level of success that even the lofty Valentine Records hadn't expected. With their debut single Paint The Town skyrocketing up the charts, Medusa quickly earned the highest selling debut under the company, and broke many other records, cementing them as monster rookies straight out of the gate.
Medusa are known for their high budget, cinematic music videos. Their visual media depicts the girls in the role of superheroes (though this could be through a number of different lenses; from comic books to morning cartoons, blockbuster movies to magical girl anime, etc.) Medusa's sound is often described as chaotic and cool, characterised by a slick production and often a playful delivery. Medusa's music tends to centre empowerment and explore the subject of gender. This, alongside the members' own values, has made them a common target of antifeminist groups; resulting in an influx of negative articles and rumours spreading about the girls throughout their career. Since the villain figures of the Medusa's hero themed videos are typically male, the backlash of Medusa's (corporately inoffensive) female empowerment message became so ridiculous that the group were accused of 'inciting violence against men.' Though it's unconfirmed that it was in relation to the article, the same day it was posted member Choi Gain tweeted; 'this is the happiest day of my life.' The hate train reached it's peak in 2022, when their song Trash was banned from broadcast due to 'derogatory language.' The song, which encourages a third party to dump their unfaithful boyfriend, was taken out of context, and misrepresented as 'man-hating' by certain online communities, exacerbating the hate thrown Medusa's way. The song was not altered or resubmitted for approval, and promotions for the track were cut from a full music show run to a few fanmeetings. Unconfirmed rumours spread online that the Trash era was 'cancelled' because the girls refused to censors it's lyrics in order to appeal the ban. This is widely regarded as fake today, but it does align with the group's activity suddenly slowing to a crawl, which some believe to be Valentine' idea of a punishment. (What record label would be stupid enough to keep money out of their own pockets just out of spite? Well. Valentine Records.) No news of Medusa's comeback was given throughout the majority of 2023 until the final quarter of the year. Though November saw the release of their first full album, Made You Look!, which achieved critical acclaim and won the group Best Album at the 33rd Seoul Music Awards, promotion and rollout for the record was nowhere near as in depth as those for Sour Candy or Tarot's first full lengths. Despite the success of the album, the conclusion of it's promotions ushered in another period of inactivity for the group, with only very recent reports confirming work on their next record was underway.
While Valentine's lazy management of a group with such selling power is baffling to most, Medusa have still amassed a huge, vocal fanbase off the back of their talent, musical quality, and tenacity in the face of constant scrutiny. However, no matter how many charts they top, or awards they win, there's no hiding from the unsurmountable expectations on their shoulders to uphold the legacy set by the legendary girl groups to have come out of Valentine Records before them. Living up to those expectations, however, would probably seem a little less Sisyphean for the girls of Medusa if the man who'd benefit most from them reaching the top would quit kicking them back down the mountain again.
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CHOI GAIN. leader, main vocalist, lead dancer. SON JIYEON. main dancer, vocalist. YU CHAERIN. lead vocalist, lead rapper, visual. HIRONO IKUMI 'HERO'. main rapper, maknae.
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PAINT THE TOWN. (Digital Single, 2020) Title: PAINT THE TOWN. GORGONEION. (Mini Album, 2021) Title: YAH-HO!, PINK VENOM. RISING ACTION. (Mini Album, 2021) Title: NARCISSISTIC. TRASH. (Digital Single, 2022) Title: TRASH. MADE YOU LOOK! (Mini Album, 2023) Title: MIDAS TOUCH, MADE YOU LOOK!
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gamewarsstudios · 3 months
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Sonic The Hedgehog - 33rd Anniversary
33 years of Sonic The Hedgehog! I decided for something a bit more unique, so I drew Sonic’s notable (imo) animated appearances.
The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (1993)
Sonic The Hedgehog SatAM (1993)
Sonic The Hedgehog OVA (1996)
Sonic Underground (1999)
Sonic X (2003)
Sonic Boom (2014)
Sonic Mania: Adventures (2018)
Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive (2019)
Let’s Meet Sonic - OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes (2019)
Sonic Colours: Rise of the Wisps (2021)
Sonic Prime (2022)
I hope you enjoy and stay safe. Bye!
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futbol16 · 2 years
The other Williamson •  Leah Williamson
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Request: "Can we please have a Leah x younger sister, where she’s kinda been living in Leah’s shadow and she feels like its never enough 🥺 On her birthday they have an important day so Leah, her family and most of the girls unintentionally forgot her special day. However, they don’t find out until she gets badly injured on the pitch and in the ambulance Leah is with her of course not leaving her sisters side they ask for her date of birth and it all comes crashing down for Leah. Keira and Lucy were also with her in the ambulance and they all try to console Leah, Keira feelings horrible as well since Y/N had been her best friend since U-11’s"
Word count: 1,8k
Growing up as Y/n Williamson was awesome. You got a cool older sister, a sweet younger brother and the three of you could play football together growing up.
Being Y/N Williamson had been awesome until it no longer was. Because Y/n Williamson was just the little sister of Leah Williamson, captain Leah Williamson. The 25 year old that captained England to the Euro’s and won the tournament. Ever since then, being Y/n Williamson hadn’t been too awesome.
Although you had been one of the top goal scorers for England, even before the Euro’s, it wasn’t the same as captaining the team to Europe’s biggest tournament. And people made sure to let you know that. It wasn’t like you didn’t know, Y/N would come second and Y/N would rarely get asked about anything else that’s not her sister in interviews.
You knew the routine by now.
 You thought maybe it would be different today, on your day. 22 years ago was when you first saw the light of the day, November the 15th. Leah had always gone all out for your birthdays, claiming that she had to be the best sister and what better way to prove that to you than spoiling you on your birthday? 
However, that didn’t seem to be the case this year. You woke up alone, your roommate had already gone down for breakfast and even as you entered the cafeteria no one even spared a glance at you. It was weird seeing as most of the time everyone would be buzzing on a teammate’s birthday, but you chalked it up to it being a matchday, an important matchday against Norway.
You sat next to Keira in silence, she had been your closest friend growing up despite her and Leah being closer in age. Your best friend was focused on the match ahead and didn’t even look up from her plate. Nothing different there, maybe you were just making up things.
But as you turn on your phone and see no messages, you start to get more confused. Usually your mum or Jacob would be the first people to wish you a happy birthday, but nothing. You shrugged at it, they were probably still sleeping…at 9am on a Tuesday.
Later as you sit in the locker room you start questioning yourself. Did they forget? Or maybe they’re just too focused on the match? Yeah, that’s definitely it.
“Hey, what’s the date today?” Georgia is the one asking the question and for a second you look up, curious as to what was going to happen next. 
“The 15th mate, already forgot?” Your sister asks with a chuckle.
“Oh alright then. Thought my flight back was on the 15th but I guess nothing too important today.” the girl chuckles with a shake of her head. 
There it is, confirmed. Your best friends have totally forgotten that it’s your birthday. Ouch.
Heading out for warmups before the match, you pass by Anthony, one of the media guys and you smile at him politely.
“Big day, no Y/N?” he asks, camera in his hand recording you. 
“Yeah yeah, big one.” you answer rather confused as to what he was hinting at.
“Happy birthday Y/N! Number 22.” he cheers and you laugh at his antic, although surprised that he knew. 
“Thank you, see you later Antonio!” you wave at him.
“The name’s Anthony.” he laughs at you.
The match had been intense with almost equal possession of the ball, though your team had been off to a great start as you assisted Rachel to a goal in the 33rd minute.
The girls thought it would stay that way, and it did, for a good bit. Until you went down in the 79th minute of the match. A rough tackle that ended with you groaning into the grass beneath you, arm cradled close to your chest and a heavy pounding in your head.
With you on the ground and no one to match the speed of the Norwegians, Frida Manuum scores in the 80th minute, equalizing. 
Yet it’s the least of Leah’s concern as she kneels next to you, closely followed by Keira kneeling on your other side. The two girls try to get you to turn on your back, but as you make no move to do so, they gently turn you over themselves.
The first thing you hear is your sister’s gasp, the first thing you see though is the face Keira makes as she looks down at your arm. Mhmm, so this was more than just an ‘I fell on it and it’s bruising’ kind of hurt. 
Your sister starts talking and you’re trying so hard to focus, to only focus on her even as the medical team arrives and places you on a stretcher, but it’s no use because suddenly, or actually rather slowly the world around you turns black. 
“She’s down!” one of the medic yells frantically, it was never good if a player fell unconscious after a tackle. Your team can barely blink before you’re lifted off the field and into the back of an ambulance standing at the side of the pitch. 
Leah’s heart is beating out of her chest, she has no clue what to do. She wants to go with you, not leave her little sister alone in pain, but she also had a match to play, a match with 10 more minutes left on the clock.
Keira’s shouting breaks her out of her thoughts and she follows the girl as she pulls her along to where Sarina stands with one of the Ambulance people. They’re both ordered to go with you in the Ambulance, Lucy following the two.
The team would be fine, they had a bunch of new players waiting to make their debut. The three of them had more important things to do though.
They sit in the back of the ambulance, next to where you’re laying. It’s a bit stuffed with all three of them sitting there and the EMT guy as well. You’ve got a mask on your face, breathing in some painkillers.
“Y/N Williamson, right?” he asks them, the three nod.
“Female, 21…date of birth?” he asks, looking up from his clipboard.
“November 15th, 2000.” Leah answers instantly, hand resting on the forearm of your good arm.
“Ahh, so 22 years old then? Not the best birthday I suppose.” the man chuckles humorlessly. Leah’s head snaps at him, mouth parted slightly.
No, no this couldn’t be it, it wasn’t your birthday today. There’s simply no way she could have forgotten. She looks at the other two and her heart breaks as Lucy nods in confirmation.
She had forgotten her little sister's birthday. 
Head in her hands, she stares at your face, disappointed in herself and sorry for you.
“Leah, we all forgot. It’s okay, she’ll understand.” Lucy tries to comfort her, but it’s no use.
“Yeah but I’m her sister, I should know!” she replies, frustratedly smacking her knee. She's so glad the EMT guy decides to stay out of this. Lucy is taken aback a bit, but she recovers quickly.
“Oh god, I completely ignored her today too.” Keira mumbles sadly, reaching out to stroke her thumb over your forehead. You had been her best friend since you were 7. Well you were 7 and she was 9, the two of you in the U-11 team. That’s where you first met, it’s where the two of you had become the best of friends, going strong ever since. Keira doesn’t think she’s ever felt as bad as she does now.
The rest of the ride to the hospital is spent in silence, the two women closest to you sitting with frowns on their faces as Lucy attempts to console the two as best as she can.
They sit in the waiting room as your arm is put into a cast and you get something for your head. Leah hasn’t said a word since the nurses have taken you away, she has sat in complete silence for the past hour. Elbows on her knees, chin resting on her fist and that aggressive furrow of her eyebrows apparent on her face. 
Keira shoots up from her seat in surprise when you walk out alone, blue cast on your right arm and kept in a sling. She’s quick to pull you into a tight hug, muttering apologies to you, only feeling worse when you keep reassuring her that it was okay. 
“Kei, it’s fine, I promise.” you tell her sincerely as you hold onto her.
“How can I make it up to you?” a tiny smile makes its way onto your face, knowing she won’t give up.
“Chicken nuggets?” the two of you laugh before you’re embraced by Lucy. You find comfort in the older woman’s neck.
“You better have my autograph on that by tonight!” she jokes referring to your cast, and you’re glad you get to laugh after the events of the day.
Leah is standing behind them, unsure what to do as she questions whether you’d be too upset with her. All those thoughts vanish though as you walk towards her with a silly smile.
“Blue’s my favorite color so I begged them to get me that one, they had to take it from a baby.” you giggle as you tell her the story but you soon stop as you realize she’s not laughing with you. “Lee?”
She clenches her jaw, eyes watering. 
“Gosh Y/N, I’m so sorry.” she starts rambling, something you’ve gotten very used to over the years of growing up together, but you stop her from continuing. 
“I know, Leah. It happens -”
“But it shouldn’t!” she cuts you off, that scowl she wore in the ambulance reappearing. You take her by the hand.
“And it never has before, you were just too focused on the match today. It is okay, Lee.” you nod at her, relieved when she nods back, pulling you into her. You eventually part as you realize you still haven’t moved from the hospital waiting room and you’d very much like to leave this facility as soon as possible.
“So how about those chicken nuggets? I could eat some right now.” you comment as the four of you walk out the door, the other three laughing at the grin you have.
Being Leah Williamson’s sister might not always be too awesome with the media,, but you would be fine as long as you had your big sister with you. To her, you’d always be the number 1 Williamson.
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seansilv25 · 3 months
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Happy 33rd birthday to the Blue Blur!
And for this occasion, I have brought out my take on an idea that a good few people have already thought about before: "What if Metal Sonic was organic?" (Plus a few slight redesigns of Mighty and Ray)
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As for the story and lore of how this happened, the current idea is that Tails reverse-engineered one of the Robot Generators and Metal fell into one, turning him into this new organic form. He'd stick around with Eggman for a while before running away (after finding out how the doctor wiped his memory post-Heroes), eventually crashing in front of and being "adopted" by Mighty and Ray. Despite initially loathing them, he would come to appreciate the two, forming their own crew of Team Odyssey and him taking up the name "Neo the Hedgehog" as a reflection of his new life. (Oh, and he also gets a big love of anything s'more flavored).
Someday in the future, I'll eventually expand upon all this into its own fanfic. But not for a while, because A) I'm still busy with Resonance, and B) I have a different Sonic What If I want to do first (I'm not saying what it is because as far as I know, no one else has thought about it)
But either way, as I said at the top, happy birthday Sonic!
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loveforuchiha · 4 months
All the times teenage Sasuke smiled in Shippuden (15/16/17 years old) (part IV):
26th smile: Sasuke avenges his brother by killing Danzō
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27th smile: Sasuke sacrifices Karin to kill Danzō
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28th smile: Sasuke smiles because Danzō tries to escape
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29th smile: Sasuke smiles when he meets Kakashi again
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30th smile: Sasuke laughs
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31st smile: Sasuke smiles because Kakashi thinks he can kill him
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32nd smile: Sasuke says that Kakashi should end up just like the third Hokage
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33rd smile: Sasuke smiles because Kakashi still believes in him
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34th smile: Sasuke believes that team 7 no longer exists
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