#The Beach Scene
kalechip247 · 3 months
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🎶So this is love mmm, so this is loveee🎶
🎶so this is what makes life divineeee🎶
i wanna throw up they’re so in love
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(here’s an unblurred version)
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thequeenwechoose · 4 months
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House of the Dragon Countdown to Season 2
Day 8: Favorite Episode
1x07 Driftmark
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
my mom (mind you, she's a very conservative Christian woman) watched TGM for the first time last night and when The Beach Scene started, we got to THE part
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and she turned to me and very quietly and seriously said, "rewind it."
she's so mf real for that
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
The Beach Scene
I mean, we’ve all discussed it a million times, a million ways. We’ve theorized what it mean for Peeta, and what it meant for Katniss. 
People have written fanfic from Peeta’s POV and Finnick’s POV of that scene. 
But peeps. has anyone ever discussed or written a fic about Haymitch’s live reaction to watching Katniss and Peeta’s beach kiss??? 
Was he like, FINALLY!!!! bittersweetly happy for them? 
or more like 
OH GOD MY EYES?? Dear ODDS MAKE IT STAWP ya’ll are the closest thing I will ever have to children!!! I need to wash my brain!
or??? Third reaction? 
I’ve always been curious on what his response would have been. 
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missathlete31 · 2 years
Same energy 🔥🔥🔥🥵🔥🔥🔥
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sheyri · 4 months
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Little Jespar Mitumial Andery Dal'Varek tre Moreste sitting next to his biography.
He has one braincell. Hopefully enough to keep him away from sandy intercourse in the future.
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riickgrimes · 1 year
i know we’ll get conrad’s pov in s3 but personally i would have loved it in this ep
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
Currently daydreaming about Bradley Bradshaw glistening on the beach in those fucking jorts.
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thevisualvamp · 1 year
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Have a seat
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I’m gone to write a fic about Nick and Charlie wanting stay in that moment at the beach forever because in that moment they were free to be themselves without worry of who would judge them
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bluehome91 · 3 months
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An odd question for you, but on tv Poldark S2E9 when Ross and Dem argue about Eliz in the beach scene when she comes back from the party, she asks him "do you not want her?" he says "no", then "sometimes" but is cut off by her. What do you think he was going to say? Something like "I still or will always love her" or "I can't let her go" or the like. This always bothered me how ambiguous it was scripted and the confusing double negative=positive wording. What are your thoughts?
So this is one of the most colossally stupid (and memorably so) things Ross says. And it is very disappointing to viewers who don’t want to see Demelza hurt more. I decided to go back and watch the scene again and also to read the scripts, since this exchange doesn’t happen in the book. 
First of all, the scene happened right after Ross rides by Trenwith and pauses long enough for Elizabeth to see him but then doesn't call upon her. It seems to suggest in one way or another he has begun to make up his mind (thus the “if you could bide a while– have a little patience. This thing will play itself out – sooner or later...” line.)
Also when he he looks down the cliff at Demelza walking along the beach, his expression is of genuine care and concern, with just a flicker of tenderness.
Okay, so back to the line you question. I think when Ross replies “No! - I don’t know – that is – yes, sometimes...”  he is adamant he wants to convince Demelza of that because he wants to make things right. Then she gives him a prodding look and he knows he cannot lie to her. I also got the sense that while this comes out as an idiotic thing to say, it actually reveals something about Ross and Demelza’s connection. They were closer to one another than to anyone else–or had been until this thing happened. And this exchange comes from that intimacy. Demelza knows the truth and helps him to see it. And ultimately that is needed for a full reconciliation.
But I suspect Ross doesn’t think in that moment that he will always love Elizabeth or that he can’t let her go because he hasn’t really made sense of it all yet. And he only ever does because Demelza insists on a truthful reckoning (remember her later line "I'd have you be honest, Ross...").
Below is Debbie Horsfield's script, my annotations are in bold. Thanks for asking–this was fun!
Episode 8, Scene 65 
Demelza continues her walk through the surf. She feels numb, cold. Now, as she looks up she sees Ross coming towards her. Her expression changes from coldness to brittle brightness.
DEMELZA: Ross! How kind of you to come and meet me! Did you have a pleasant time at Trenwith?
ROSS: I told you – I went to Truro to meet Richard Tonkin.  I don't lie to you, Demelza. When I go to Elizabeth, I will tell you.
[the following exchange in bold does not happen in the final edit of the scene]
D: Oh, but does that not unfairly constrain you? To have to inform your wife every time you go to see your mistress?
R: Tell me when you're done, then we can speak.
D: No, Ross. you tell me when you have done!
They face each other, Demelza with blazing hostility, Ross with frustration that she’s willfully misunderstanding him.
R: It was never my intention to go to Trenwith.
D: Whatever you say, Ross. Do what you will. Go and live with her if you wish.
She begins to walk away, through the surf. Ross follows her.
R: It's quite possible that her marriage will still go ahead.
D: No doubt you did your best to prevent it.
R: No doubt I did.
D: Does she love George, then?
R: No, she does not.
She steals a glance at him–and in that moment she realizes that she is not the only one in torment. But ultimately it gives her scant consolation. [the scene was not edited to show her glance, so we don’t see her sensing his torment. Also the line isn't really delivered to show his torment]
R (cont’d): Demelza, I cannot blame you for your anger. But if you could bide a while– have a little patience.
D: Patience?
R: This thing will play itself out – sooner or later –
D: Will it? Oh, I see. So you wish me to sit an’ twiddle my thumbs till you decide whether or not you want me?
R: It's not a question of wanting you. It's a question of not – wanting her.
D: Do you want her?
R: No! - I don’t know – that is – yes, sometimes – but – [final edit of scene has no “but”]
D: I’m not content to be second best.
R: Have I asked you to be?
D: Have you not made me so?
R: Why am I still here, Demelza? Why d’you suppose I’m still here?
D: I don't know, Ross. Why are you still here? Because Elizabeth can’t make up her mind?
R: No!
D: Because Elizabeth won’t have you? Because she knows George is the better bet?
Ross is seething now. So is Demelza. Again they stand and face each other, both implacable. [Ross doesn't come across as seething in the final edit. Just frustrated that she still isn’t listening to him]. Then:
R: I came here with good news. To tell you that Blewitt can repay the money I lent him.
He waits for her to comment. She doesn’t.
R (cont’d): We can reopen Grace.
Demelza keeps walking and doesn't answer.
R (cont’d): You’re spoiling your dress, Demelza!
But Demelza keeps walking. Ross follows her. He knows he’s handled things badly. Again, if only he knew how to put them right.
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alisia1506 · 1 year
"I wish this would go on forever" 💙💙 by AlisiaArt
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Glen is just making sure withe those pretty pics we won't forget about the beaches scene
Honey, that scene lives rent-free in my head, but thanks for the reminder
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turquoisebindle · 7 months
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🌞 Sunshine state for an afternoon 🌞
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HOTD 1x07: Rhaenyra x Daemon - Beach Scene
“- Laenor has been restless for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse. I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances.  - You have more to lose.  - Yes, well, that has been my lot since my father named me heir. We did try... to conceive a child. We performed our duty as best we could. But to not avail. There was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere. If felt good to be desired.  - I understand Ser Harwin was quite...devoted to you.  - Should’ve forbidden Ser Harwin from returning to the Riverlands. Harren’s curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the Conquest.  - That’s a ghost story, one Ser Otto and the Queen would gladly exploit.  - I do not believe Alicent capable of cold murder.  - Each of us is capable of depravity. And more than you would believe.  - I believe it of you.  - If you’re accusing me of some depravity, you’ll need to be more specific.  - I’ve been alone. You abandoned me. - I spared you. You were a child. - Yes. Yes, I was a child. And look at what my life became without you. Droll tragedy.  - And I wonder what you think of mine by comparison?  - I know little of it. Did you love her? - We were happy enough.  - Well, that in itself is a great achievement. I am sorry. - Don’t be.  - I am at least allowed to mourn my losses.    Rhaenyra.  - I’m no longer a child. I want you.
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