#The Cund house
simm-mouse · 1 year
House update!
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I've been decorating three rooms because I took a break from the kitchen for a bit. I started working on the living room, and the dining room
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This is the floorplan view of the house
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The outside has also been decorated a bit, but I've been mainly focusing on the inside. Once I get all the rooms done I'll work on the outside of the house
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I wish you could see the sleep deprived captions I put on these low quality photos, but i have a $106 laptop and a pirated copy of ts2 so this is as good as it gets…
anyways context :
The cund man broke into one of my other family's houses and started dancing... he does not know anyone in that house.
i made pascal paint my dog so i could display her throughout strangetown, he painted her sideways
the lady with the braids is the cund's wife (or fiance at the time), angelina, and her hampter, BIGMAN, died.
no context needed, circe beaker can make babies float
another one of my sims really enjoying motherhood
angelina giving nervous a judgy look, idk why bc they are best friends and get action from the same bloodline
another no context needed, there are 0 boundaries in the curious house
I told Pascal to kiss Nervous when other people were around and he was pissed… this was shortly followed by the no boundaries photo
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txwitchery · 7 years
Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm
This comes from a tenth-century text of herbal remedies called the Lacnunga, written in a combination of Latin and Old English. This spell is meant to heal a person from infection, rabid dog bites, or poison and utilizes nine herbs: mugwort, plantain, cress, nettle, betony, chamomile, crabapple, chervil, and fennel.
Gemyne ðu, mucgwyrt,     hwæt þu ameldodest, Remember, Mugwort,      what you revealed, hwæt þu renadest      æt regenmelde. what you established     at the mighty proclamation Una þu hattest,     yldost wyrta. 'Una' you are called,     oldest of herbs. Ðu miht wið III     and wið XXX, you may avail against 3     and against 30, þu miht wiþ attre     and wið onflyge,  you may avail against poison     and against contagion, þu miht wiþ þa{m} laþan     ðe geond lond færð. you may avail against the loathsome one     who travels through the land. Ond þu, wegbrade,     wyrta modor, And, you, Waybread [Plantain],     mother of herbs, eastan op{e}no,     innan mihtigu; open to the east,     mighty within; ofer ð{e} cræt{u} curran,     ofer ð{e} cwene reodan, carts rolled over you,     women rode over you, ofer ð{e} bryde bryodedon,     ofer ð{e} fearras fnærdon.  over you brides cried out,     bulls snorted over you. Eallum þu þon wiðstonde     and wiðstunedest; All you withstood then,     and were crushed; swa ðu wiðstonde      attre and onflyge So you withstand     poison and contagion and þæm laðan     þe geond lond fereð. and the loathsome one     who travels through the land. Stune hætte þeos wyrt,     heo on stane geweox; Cress [?] this herb is called,     it grew on a stone; stond heo wið attre,     stunað heo wærce.  it stands against poison,     it attacks against pain. Stiðe heo hatte,     wiðstunað heo attre, Nettle [?] it is called,     it attacks against poison, wreceð heo wraðan,     weorpeð ut attor. it expels malignant things,     casts out poison. Þis is seo wyrt     seo wiþ wyrm gefeaht, This is the herb     that fought against the serpent, þeos mæg wið attre,     heo mæg wið onflyge, this avails against poison,     it avails against contagion, heo mæg wið ða{m} laþan     ðe geond lond fereþ.  it avails against the loathsome one     who travels through the land. Fleoh þu nu, attorlaðe,     seo læsse ða maran, Now, you, Attorlothe [Betony], put to flight     the lesser the greater, seo mare þa læssan,     oððæt him beigra bot sy. the greater the lesser,     until the cure for both be with him. Gemyne þu, mægðe,     hwæt þu ameldodest, Remember, Chamomile,     what you revealed, hwæt ðu geændadest     æt Alorforda; what you brought to an end     at Alorford; þæt næfre for gefloge     feorh ne gesealde  that never because of infection     should he give up his life syþðan him mon mægðan     to mete gegyrede. after Chamomile for him     was prepared for food. Þis is seo wyrt     ðe wergulu hatte; This is the herb     called Crab-Apple [?] ðas onsænde seolh     ofer sæs hrygc a seal sent this forth     across the sea's spine ondan attres     oþres to bote. for the harm of poison     of some other as a remedy. Ðas VIIII {m}agon     wið nygon attrum.  These 9 have strength     against nine poison. Wyrm com snican,     toslat he {m}an; A worm came creeping,     he tore a man in two ða genam Woden     VIIII wuldortanas, then Woden took     9 Glory-Twigs, sloh ða þa næddran,     þæt heo on VIIII tofleah. struck the adder then,     that it flew apart into 9 (bits). Þær geændade     æppel and attor, There brought about     the apple and poison, þæt heo næfre ne wolde     on hus bugan.  that she [the adder] would never     enter a house. Fille and finule,     felamihtigu twa, Chervil and Fennel,     two of much might, þa wyrte gesceop     witig drihten, these herbs shaped     the wise Lord, halig on heofonum,     þa he hongode; holy in the heavens,     when He hung; sette and sænde     on VII worulde He established (them) and sent (them)     into the 7 worlds, earmum and eadigum     eallum to bote.  for the poor and the rich,     a remedy for all. Stond heo wið wærce,     stunað heo wið attre, it stands against pain,     it fights against poison, seo mæg wið III     and wið XXX, it avails against 3     and against 30, wið <feondes> hond     and wið freab{r}egde, against foe's hand     and against noble scheming, wið malscrunge     m{a}nra wihta. against enchantment     of vile creatures. Nu magon þas VIIII wyrta     wið nygon wuldorgeflogegum,  Now these 9 herbs have strength     against nine who have fled from glory, wið VIIII attrum     and wið nygon onflygnum, against 9 poisons     and against nine contagions, wið ðy readan attre,     wið ð{y} ru{t}an attre, against the red poison,     against the dark poison, wið ðy hwitan attre,     wið ðy {hæwe}nan attre, against the white poison,     against the pale blue poison, wið ðy geolwan attre,     wið ðy grenan attre, against the yellow poison,     against the green poison, wið ðy wonnan attre,     wið ðy wedenan attre,  against the dusky poison,     against the dark blue poison, wið ðy brunan attre,     wið ðy basewan attre, against the brown poison,     against the purple poison, wið wyrmgeblæd,     wið wætergeblæd, against worm-blister,     against water-blister, wið þorngeblæd,     wið þystelgeblæd, against thorn-blister,     against thistle-blister, wið ysgeblæd,     wið attorgeblæd, against the ice-blister,     against the poison-blister, gif ænig attor cume     eastan fleogan  if any poison comes     flying from the east, oððe ænig norðan    cume or any from the north     comes, oððe ænig westan    ofer werðeode. or any from the west     over the the tribe of men. Crist stod ofer a{dl}e    ængan cundes. Christ stood over sickness     of a cruel kind. Ic ana wat    ea rinnende I alone know     the running rivers þær þa nygon nædran    <nean> behealdað;  there the nine adders     they enclose; motan ealle weoda nu    wyrtum aspringan, all weeds now must     spring up as herbs, sæs toslupan,    eal sealt wæter, the seas slip apart,     all salt water, ðonne ic þis attor    of ðe geblawe. while I this poison     blow from you.
The nine herbs must be worked into a powder and mixed with soap and the juice of an apple. Make a paste of water and ash, boil the fennel in that paste and warm it with the mixture of nine herbs to make a salve for the injured person. Sing the above charm on each of the herbs three times as you prepare them, and on the apple also, and sing into the mouth, both ears, and the wound of the person before the salve is put on.
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simm-mouse · 1 year
I have finished the house
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I didn't know what to make of that little small room. That was right next to Vid's private bathroom so I made it a guest room. It's the only one in the house that doesn't have a plant(Well, a live one), because a certain someone can accidentally kill plants by touching them
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If you would like to download this house, this is my profile. Just be sure to check off "includes mods" because I did have some CC in there, but most of it should contain game items
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simm-mouse · 1 year
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Last post for the night, I finished the main bathroom. I made it a little too big, so I added a platform for the tub. I'm pretty proud of it. I'm planning on working on the kitchen tomorrow, so I'll make this into parts because now I'm looking at it, and I won't be able to show all of it in one post because of the photo limit. I do have part one, which is Violet's room. I have it linked right here:
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simm-mouse · 1 year
That's right, two in one day
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Here's a rough mini comic for y'all!
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simm-mouse · 1 year
I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining.....
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Mobs so icy
Wonder why they kill me, I'm just mining
In water, I just fell in a hole
Now I'm crying
Every server I go on, yeah, it's inspiring
I'm just mining⛏️
I forgot to add these yesterday. They're also work doodles from monday
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simm-mouse · 1 year
I gotta go to work soon, but I only finished one room so far. I'll get back to working on it later when I get home. You might have to click on the pictures for better quality
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It's Violet's room. That's right, I'm making the cund a house. It's not perfect because I'm a bit rusty on making houses. But I really do like Violet's room. Her room can be really messy, so Vidcund makes her clean her room often. Which she gets annoyed with, so what if all of her school papers, books, and clothes are on the floor? She'll pick them up later
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I took a screenshot of them in the room talking. Very cute moment with a father and his green daughter
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simm-mouse · 2 years
So technically Vidcund having an alien baby is canon as it is scripted that it's a 100% success rate of him being abducted. I got my guy abducted, and he had a baby girl named Violet. I see this name being common for a daughter of Vidcund, but it's so cute. Him naming his child after his favorite flower is adorable
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She's definitely a Vidkid, but her personality and interests are different from her father. The only things they have in common is being shy, and having interests in health and travel.
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With her personality I think that she would not immediately open up how she feels about gardening and other stuff Vidcund likes. She would do these because she likes to spend time with her dad, and doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Until later on, but this comes as a surprise to him so he doesn't take it well at first
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He'll get over it after a little while. They may not have a lot in common, but they do love each other
She's actually around Lilibet's age. She was born a couple days after Lilibet popped into existence. Never said anything about this till now because I don't really talk about Vidcund. Other than talking about him fist fighting people and him somehow falling in love with one of my sims, I talk about him the last out of the Curious brothers. I should though, because A lot of stuff has happened to him. After he had his daughter, his obsession with Circe faded, he actually hates her now. He's friends with Loki, though I don't consider this a good thing. Fell in love and married my sim, yes there's a Mrs. CUND in my game now. Now he moved into a new house with his wife and daughter, and has two more kids. There were two reasons why I didn't really talk about his marriage and beyond that. The first was because that was weird having a sim of mine dating a pre-made. I mean I know it's common but I don't know. I feel it's weird sharing that stuff. I mean they're cute together, I don't know if anyone's really interested in that. I also prefer him to be alone, I feel like after a while he would be fine being on his own with a child. So I don't consider it canon in my version. I don't know if anyone's interested. I might talk about it in another post
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simm-mouse · 1 year
Meanwhile, at the Cund house
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Hey, it's not like Vid is enjoying this either. I wanted to try editing some screenshots to see if I can make it look like a scene from a sim storytelling post. Poor Vidcund has to explain to his daughter Violet the bird and the bees. Even though he'd rather not have this conversation, he feels like it's time for her to know. Both of them really don't want to be talking about this right now, and are abashed
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