#The Marriage Pact Clexa
talktomeinclexa · 7 months
The Marriage Pact
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by thirty-four. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
Chapter 5: Friends Get Married
“Are you ready, Lex? I told Mom and Dad we would be there by six. We should leave soon if we want to beat the traffic.”
Lexa sat on her bed, lost in thoughts as her fingers clenched around a small velvet box she had been holding on to for days.
“Hey, did you hear me?” Clarke asked as she entered her room.
Lexa blinked a few times before turning her attention toward the door and the woman leaning against its frame. She couldn’t believe that twenty-four hours later, they would be married. After twenty-seven years of uninterrupted friendship and six months of cohabiting, she would soon call Clarke her wife.
“Are you okay, babe?”
“Yes,” Lexa replied before the worry in Clarke’s voice turned into a deep furrow between her brows.
Her heart hammered against her ribs as she stood up and crossed the room under Clarke’s intrigued gaze. “I have something for you,” she explained in a voice softened by emotion. “Since we don’t have engagement rings…”
Drawing courage in the softness of Clarke’s eyes, she opened the box without shaking. Inside sat a white gold band ornamented with a sapphire the same deep blue as Clarke’s eyes in the evening sunlight. Simple and tasteful, like the woman it seemed to have been made for.
Clarke’s breath caught at the sight, and she reflexively covered her mouth with her hand. “Lex… It’s beautiful. You shouldn’t have.”
With a hand she hoped wasn’t clammy, Lexa took the ring and placed it on Clarke’s finger.
“Thanks,” Clarke whispered against Lexa’s lips before placing a sweet kiss on them that had both of them smile.
They had gotten more used to the gesture since moving in together, and although they remained a far cry from the heavy make-out of their teenage years, it didn’t feel weird anymore.
“You’re very welcome. It was Mom’s. She gave it to me for you when the time seemed right. And since it’s the last time we’ll be alone before the wedding, I thought…”
“Now I feel like I owe Dany a kiss,” Clarke said cheekily, and both chuckled at the thought. “Hey,” she added more softly. “Thank you. I’m one lucky girl.”
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
The Marriage Pact
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pV8Pcdy
by TalktomeinClexa
Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by 34. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
For Clexa Week 2023 - Day 1 - Childhood Friends
Words: 2117, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Clexa Week 2023
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Lexa's Mother (The 100), Abby Griffin, Jake Griffin, the usual Delinquents and Grounders
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Additional Tags: Clexaweek23, Clexaweek 2023, Day 1 - Childhood friends, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Marriage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pV8Pcdy
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talktomeinclexa · 6 months
The Marriage Pact
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by thirty-four. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
Chapter 6: Wives Grow Closer
“So, how’s married life treating you?” asked Raven.
Clarke took her slow sip of coffee, using the action to buy herself some thinking time. The café bustled with activity around them, and she didn’t particularly care for strangers hearing about her sex life—or lack thereof.
“Good. It’s great. It’s not that different from before. I already knew how it is to live with Lexa, and I love it.”
“Have you finally petted her kitty?”
“Octavia Marie Blake!” Clarke exclaimed, horrified when the young couple at the next table turned their faces toward them with a knowing look. “Do you kiss your baby with that mouth?”
“Yes, and don’t forget I’ve heard you say far worse. Anyway, I would say ‘Don’t change the subject’ but the bouncing knee, tight shoulders, and frown are answers enough. You and Lexa haven’t done the deed yet, have you?”
Clarke sighed long and low before leaning against the back of the sofa, her lips pursed in reluctant admittance. “No.”
“Seriously?” Raven’s eyebrows flirted with her hairline at the news. “You guys managed not to have sex in Paris and Rome? What’s wrong with you?”
“We explored a lot. There are so many beautiful places to visit and things to do… Not to mention the food. By the time we got back to our hotels, were ready to crash. And there was the ‘honeymoon pressure.’ It didn’t feel spontaneous.”
Octavia leaned closer, making an effort to keep her voice down so the entire population of Grounders didn’t hear how Clarke hadn’t had sex with her gorgeous wife yet. “Okay, I get that. But you’ve been back for two months. Was the deal?”
“I don’t know. We make out, enough that we were close to doing it a few times. But one of us always panics before we get there and hits the brakes.”
“Sounds… frustrating,” Raven dared with a grimace.
“You have no idea. And since we share a room now, it’s not like we can… Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to our next water bill.”
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talktomeinclexa · 9 months
The Marriage Pact
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by 34. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
Chapter 4: Adults Face Decisions
The Earth’s journey around the sun waited for no busy woman. One minute, Lexa was a young graduate student at Columbia, poring over law textbooks to forget her broken heart. The next, she was headed to Clarke’s apartment to celebrate her best friend’s birthday. Her 34th birthday.
Neither of them had mentioned the pact since college. Not even when Lexa turned 34 over the summer. They were intelligent, witty, attractive women. It stood to reason to assume that one, if not both, would be married before they reached the arbitrary milestone. Yet as the years passed, girlfriends—and, in Clarke’s case, boyfriends—came and went, but none made it to the altar.
A few had been around long enough for Lexa to wonder. Clarke and Finn were steady for two years before he couldn’t handle Clarke’s busy schedule as an intern. And Niylah was a kind, chill woman, exactly whom Clarke needed after that. It was a shame they eventually decided they worked better as friends.
Between graduating with excellent grades that secured her an internship in a prestigious firm and passing the bar on her first try, Lexa had had a decent number of women between her sheets as well. But after what happened with Costia, she was careful with her heart and kept the most vulnerable part of her protected behind high walls. The part no one except her family and Clarke could reach. In the end, her girlfriends grew tired of trying and left.
Lexa might not have been consciously sabotaging her recent relationships per se, but she had stopped fighting the strange self-fulfilling prophecy. And always with good reasons.
Callie’s family was insane and hated Lexa. No sensible person wanted in-laws who constantly seemed to want to recruit you for their cult.
And Echo… Well, for starters, none of Lexa’s colleagues and acquaintances would take Lexa seriously if she married someone named after an acoustic phenomenon. Not to mention the woman, although gorgeous and smart, had come with her own set of challenges. And often disappeared without an explanation, leading Clarke to assume she was a spy. Or had a double life. Either way, she was hardly wife material.
But as she drove closer to Clarke’s new apartment back in Polis, Lexa couldn’t help but wonder. Would Clarke make a good wife?
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talktomeinclexa · 1 year
The Marriage Pact
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by 34. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
Chapter 3: Students Need Comfort
Lexa brought the mug to her lips without removing her eyes from the textbook open in front of her. Focused as she was, her mind barely registered how the mint tea — her favorite flavor midst her extensive collection — had turned lukewarm as she sipped it reflexively.
She had spent her Saturday afternoon reviewing, stuck in her single room on the fourth floor of the university building. While other students got ready to go out and party, Lexa took in paragraph after paragraph of American Politics, her noise-canceling headphones muffing out most of the hubbub.
When her phone vibrated next to her, making the table tremble, her first instinct was to ignore it and focus on Edling’s theory. Her good resolution lasted until she noticed her best friend’s name blinking on the screen over a smiley picture of Clarke taken the summer before.
“Hi, Clarke.”
Clarke’s tone lacked its usual chirpiness. Instead, a long sigh followed by a sniffle on the other side of the line had Lexa immediately sit straighter on her chair and frown.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Dad. He had a car accident.”
Images flashed before Lexa’s eyes, each more terrifying than the previous one. Jake driving and getting T-boned by another vehicle. His car rolling over endlessly and leaving fragments of metal and glass in its wake. Jake, trapped between the seat and the wheel, taking his last breath…
“Oh, God. How is he?”
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talktomeinclexa · 1 year
The Marriage Pact
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
Status: WIP
Summary: Two childhood best friends swear to marry each other if they are still single by 34. As the years pass and no one else seems good enough, the deadline approaches. Will they go through with it? Can one marry their best friend and truly be happy?
Chapter 2: Teenagers Get Confused
The music projected by the subwoofers made the windows of Jasper’s house tremble, announcing the party within a two-hundred-yard radius.
“Jeez,” Lexa said with an amused smirk at the sight of the other teenagers singing and dancing in the front and backyard. “I hope Mr. and Mrs. Jordan are on good terms with their neighbors. It would be a shame if the police came to shut it all down before we get to party.”
Clarke shrugged, her hand already on the front door handle. “Jasp said it’s cool. They are mostly old and a bit hard of hearing. Plus, his parents invite them to barbecues and whatnot regularly, so we should be fine.”
“I can’t believe they let Jasp have a party. Don’t they know him at all?”
Everybody would agree Jasper was a sweetheart with his heart on his sleeve. One of those humans who had to have been a labrador in their past life. Unfortunately, he also retained some of their puppy overexcitement and mischief. A school year wasn’t a school year at Arkadia without him and Monty — his best friend and the other school’s official cinnamon roll — being sent to the principal’s office over a prank.
“I guess they would rather we all party here and stay over than hear about someone getting into an accident on the way back. And don’t forget he roped us all into cleaning tomorrow.”
“Still, I wish my mom were that lax.”
Clarke offered her best friend a sympathetic smile as they zigzagged through the people standing in the living room. Since the divorce seven years before and Drogo’s return to Europe, Dani had raised Lexa alone. And although she trusted Lexa and gave her a fair amount of freedom, as long as her grades didn’t slip, Dani would always be stricter than the Jordans. But then, most parents were, Clarke’s included.
“I know what you mean. I had to bargain with Mom for hours before she let me come. Remind me to buy Dad his favorite cake the next time we go to the mall, by the way. To be honest, I’m surprised Dani allowed you to go to a party knowing there aren’t any adults around.”
Lexa offered Clarke a red cup before grabbing one for herself from the kitchen counter. “Cheers. Honestly, she tried to see if Anya would tag along and keep an eye on us first. But I survived three weeks in Europe with Dad without getting in trouble. And she knows many people drink alcohol below 18 there.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me about those three weeks. It was the longest summer ever without you. Next time, I’ll hide in your suitcase.”
Clarke leaned against Lexa’s side, a pout firmly in place. She was glad her friend had a good relationship with her father. Despite the ocean separating them, Drogo made sure to keep in touch with his only child and often video called and texted. Of course, when he invited her to spend part of the summer with him, Lexa went. But selfishly, Clarke had wished time would move faster — a heresy during the holidays. Nothing was the same without her best friend by her side, and she carried a Lexa-shaped hole in her heart until her return.
“Hey, you know I missed you too.” Lexa wrapped one arm around Clarke’s shoulders and pulled her closer. Between Clarke’s heels and her flats, the size difference wasn’t in her favor, and instead of the kisses she loved to leave on Clarke’s forehead, she placed a peck on her cheek before nuzzling her hair. “I’ll bring you along next time; I promise. Dad won’t mind. He loves you too.”
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